public TileLightCullingPass(ComputeShader TileLightCullingCS) { renderPassEvent = RenderPassEvent.BeforeRenderingPrepasses; m_targetTileLightCullingCS = TileLightCullingCS; m_tileLightCullingCSID = m_targetTileLightCullingCS.FindKernel("CSMain"); int stride = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(LightData)) * 4; m_lightListBuffer = new ComputeBuffer((int)mc_maxLightCount, stride, ComputeBufferType.Default); m_targetTileLightCullingCS.SetBuffer( m_tileLightCullingCSID, "_Lights", m_lightListBuffer); m_currentLightIndexBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(1, 4, ComputeBufferType.Default); m_currentLightIndexBuffer.SetData(m_zeroLightIndexBuffer); m_targetTileLightCullingCS.SetBuffer( m_tileLightCullingCSID, "_CurrentIndex", m_currentLightIndexBuffer); //clear all lightData for (int i = 0; i < mc_maxLightCount; ++i) { m_lightsDatas[i] = new LightData(, 0,, 0,; } m_copyCameraDepthRTIdentifier = new RenderTargetIdentifier("_CopyCameraDepthRT"); }
public SpriteGeneratorBuilder ByLightData(LightData data) { this.lights = data; this.hasLights = true; return(this); }
private void SetupLight(RendererMetadata metadata, LightData data) { var light = data.Light; if (material != null) { Matrix view = metadata.Get <Matrix>("view").Value; Vector3 direction = light.Direction; Vector3.TransformNormal(ref direction, ref view, out direction); var shadowsEnabled = light.ShadowResolution > 0; material.Parameters["Direction"].SetValue(direction); material.Parameters["Colour"].SetValue(light.Colour); material.Parameters["EnableShadows"].SetValue(shadowsEnabled); if (shadowsEnabled) { material.Parameters["ShadowProjection"].SetValue(metadata.Get <Matrix>("inverseview").Value *data.View *data.Projection); material.Parameters["ShadowMapSize"].SetValue(new Vector2(light.ShadowResolution, light.ShadowResolution)); material.Parameters["ShadowMap"].SetValue(data.ShadowMap); material.Parameters["LightFarClip"].SetValue(data.FarClip); material.Parameters["LightNearPlane"].SetValue(data.NearClip); } } }
private static void InitLightsMop() { LightData.Load(@"DBFilesClient\LightData.dbc"); LightParams.Load(@"DBFilesClient\LightParams.dbc"); ZoneLight.Load(@"DBFilesClient\ZoneLight.dbc"); ZoneLightPoint.Load(@"DBFilesClient\ZoneLightPoint.dbc"); }
private static void ValidateLightData(LightData data) { data.BlinkInterval.Should().Be(126); data.BlinkPattern.Should().Be("10011"); data.BulbHaloHeight.Should().Be(28.298f); data.BulbModulateVsAdd.Should().Be(0.9723f); data.Center.X.Should().Be(450.7777f); data.Center.Y.Should().Be(109.552f); data.Color.Red.Should().Be(151); data.Color.Green.Should().Be(221); data.Color.Blue.Should().Be(34); data.Color2.Red.Should().Be(235); data.Color2.Green.Should().Be(50); data.Color2.Blue.Should().Be(193); data.DepthBias.Should().Be(0.0012f); data.DragPoints.Length.Should().Be(8); data.FadeSpeedDown.Should().Be(0.223f); data.FadeSpeedUp.Should().Be(0.265f); data.FalloffPower.Should().Be(2.021f); data.Intensity.Should().Be(1.293f); data.IsBackglass.Should().Be(false); data.IsBulbLight.Should().Be(true); data.IsImageMode.Should().Be(false); data.IsRoundLight.Should().Be(false); data.MeshRadius.Should().Be(20.231f); data.OffImage.Should().Be("smiley"); data.ShowBulbMesh.Should().Be(false); data.ShowReflectionOnBall.Should().Be(true); data.State.Should().Be(LightStatus.LightStateOff); data.Surface.Should().Be(""); data.TransmissionScale.Should().Be(0.5916f); }
/// <summary> /// Devuelve la luz mas cercana a la posicion especificada /// </summary> private LightData getClosestLight(TGCVector3 pos, LightData ignore1, LightData ignore2) { var minDist = float.MaxValue; LightData minLight = null; foreach (var light in lights) { //Ignorar las luces indicadas if (ignore1 != null && light.Equals(ignore1)) { continue; } if (ignore2 != null && light.Equals(ignore2)) { continue; } var distSq = TGCVector3.LengthSq(pos - light.pos); if (distSq < minDist) { minDist = distSq; minLight = light; } } return(minLight); }
private static void ValidateLightData(LightData data) { Assert.Equal(126, data.BlinkInterval); Assert.Equal("10011", data.BlinkPattern); Assert.Equal(28.298f, data.BulbHaloHeight); Assert.Equal(0.9723f, data.BulbModulateVsAdd); Assert.Equal(450.7777f, data.Center.X); Assert.Equal(109.552f, data.Center.Y); Assert.Equal(151, data.Color.Red); Assert.Equal(221, data.Color.Green); Assert.Equal(34, data.Color.Blue); Assert.Equal(235, data.Color2.Red); Assert.Equal(50, data.Color2.Green); Assert.Equal(193, data.Color2.Blue); Assert.Equal(0.0012f, data.DepthBias); Assert.Equal(8, data.DragPoints.Length); Assert.Equal(0.223f, data.FadeSpeedDown); Assert.Equal(0.265f, data.FadeSpeedUp); Assert.Equal(2.021f, data.FalloffPower); Assert.Equal(1.293f, data.Intensity); Assert.Equal(false, data.IsBackglass); Assert.Equal(true, data.IsBulbLight); Assert.Equal(false, data.IsImageMode); Assert.Equal(false, data.IsRoundLight); Assert.Equal(20.231f, data.MeshRadius); Assert.Equal("smiley", data.OffImage); Assert.Equal(false, data.ShowBulbMesh); Assert.Equal(true, data.ShowReflectionOnBall); Assert.Equal(LightStatus.LightStateOff, data.State); Assert.Equal("", data.Surface); Assert.Equal(0.5916f, data.TransmissionScale); }
//============================================================================================= /** * @brief Updates the axis aligned bounding boxes of all registered lights. * *********************************************************************************************/ private void _UpdateBounds() { int count = m_lights.Count; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { LightData data = m_lights[i]; if (data.LightType == EFogVolumeLightType.None) { continue; } switch (data.LightType) { case EFogVolumeLightType.None: { break; } case EFogVolumeLightType.PointLight: { data.Bounds = new Bounds(data.Transform.position, * data.Light.range * m_pointLightCullSizeMultiplier); break; } case EFogVolumeLightType.SpotLight: { Vector3 center = data.Transform.position + data.Transform.forward * data.Light.range * 0.5f; data.Bounds = new Bounds(center, * data.Light.range * m_pointLightCullSizeMultiplier * 1.25f); break; } case EFogVolumeLightType.FogVolumePointLight: { data.Bounds = new Bounds(data.Transform.position, * data.FogVolumeLight.Range * m_pointLightCullSizeMultiplier); break; } case EFogVolumeLightType.FogVolumeSpotLight: { Vector3 center = data.Transform.position + data.Transform.forward * data.FogVolumeLight.Range * 0.5f; data.Bounds = new Bounds(center, * data.FogVolumeLight.Range * m_pointLightCullSizeMultiplier * 1.25f); break; } } } }
public override void ProcessFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info, object playerData) { m_trackBinding = playerData as Light; if (m_trackBinding == null) { return; } if (!m_isFirstFrameProcess) { m_isFirstFrameProcess = true; m_defaultRange = m_trackBinding.range; m_defaultColor = m_trackBinding.color; m_defaultIntensity = m_trackBinding.intensity; m_defaultRotation = m_trackBinding.transform.rotation; } int inputCount = playable.GetInputCount(); float blendRange = 0; Color blendColor = Color.clear; float blendIntensity = 0; Quaternion blendRotation = Quaternion.identity; float totalWeight = 0; float greatestWeight = 0; int currentInputs = 0; for (int i = 0; i < inputCount; i++) { ScriptPlayable <LightData> playableInput = (ScriptPlayable <LightData>)playable.GetInput(i); LightData input = playableInput.GetBehaviour(); float inputWeight = playable.GetInputWeight(i); blendRange += input.range * inputWeight; blendColor += input.color * inputWeight; blendIntensity += input.intensity * inputWeight; if (input.lookTarget != null && inputWeight > 0) { blendRotation *= Quaternion.LookRotation((input.lookTarget.position - m_trackBinding.transform.position) * inputWeight); } totalWeight += inputWeight; if (inputWeight > greatestWeight) { greatestWeight = inputWeight; } if (!Mathf.Approximately(inputWeight, 0f)) { currentInputs++; } } m_trackBinding.range = blendRange + m_defaultRange * (1 - totalWeight); m_trackBinding.color = blendColor + m_defaultColor * (1 - totalWeight); m_trackBinding.intensity = blendIntensity + m_defaultIntensity * (1 - totalWeight); m_trackBinding.transform.rotation = blendRotation; }
static void MapColorGradient(OscMessage message, Light light, LightData lightdata) { float val = message.GetFloat(0); val = Unicom.Utility.MapValue(val, lightdata.inputRange.x, lightdata.inputRange.y, lightdata.outputRange.x, lightdata.outputRange.y); // Mathf.Clamp(val, 0.0f, 1.0f); light.color = lightdata.colorGradient.Evaluate(val); }
static void MapColorVec3(OscMessage message, Light light, LightData lightdata) { float r = message.GetFloat(0); float g = message.GetFloat(1); float b = message.GetFloat(2); light.color = new Color(r, g, b); }
static void MapIntensity(OscMessage message, Light light, LightData lightdata) { float val = message.GetFloat(0); val = Unicom.Utility.MapValue(val, lightdata.inputRange.x, lightdata.inputRange.y, lightdata.outputRange.x, lightdata.outputRange.y); // Mathf.Clamp(val, 0.0f, 1.0f); light.intensity = val; }
private void NumericByte_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { NumericUpDown n = sender as NumericUpDown; LightData.Get(mCurrentLight).Set(Convert.ToString(n.Tag), Convert.ToByte(n.Value)); UpdateEditor(); }
public override void Init() { //Cargar escenario, pero inicialmente solo hacemos el parser, para separar los objetos que son solo luces y no meshes var scenePath = MediaDir + "Escenario\\EscenarioLuces-TgcScene.xml"; var mediaPath = MediaDir + "Escenario\\"; var parser = new TgcSceneParser(); var sceneData = parser.parseSceneFromString(File.ReadAllText(scenePath)); //Separar modelos reales de las luces, segun layer "Lights" lights = new List <LightData>(); var realMeshData = new List <TgcMeshData>(); for (var i = 0; i < sceneData.meshesData.Length; i++) { var meshData = sceneData.meshesData[i]; //Es una luz, no cargar mesh, solo importan sus datos if (meshData.layerName == "Lights") { //Guardar datos de luz var light = new LightData(); light.color = Color.FromArgb((int)meshData.color[0], (int)meshData.color[1], (int)meshData.color[2]); light.aabb = new TgcBoundingAxisAlignBox(TgcParserUtils.float3ArrayToVector3(meshData.pMin), TgcParserUtils.float3ArrayToVector3(meshData.pMax)); light.pos = light.aabb.calculateBoxCenter(); lights.Add(light); } //Es un mesh real, agregar a array definitivo else { realMeshData.Add(meshData); } } //Reemplazar array original de meshData de sceneData por el definitivo sceneData.meshesData = realMeshData.ToArray(); //Ahora si cargar meshes reales var loader = new TgcSceneLoader(); scene = loader.loadScene(sceneData, mediaPath); //Camara en 1ra persona Camara = new TgcFpsCamera(new Vector3(-20, 80, 450), 400f, 300f, Input); //Modifiers para variables de luz Modifiers.addBoolean("lightEnable", "lightEnable", true); Modifiers.addFloat("lightIntensity", 0, 150, 20); Modifiers.addFloat("lightAttenuation", 0.1f, 2, 0.3f); Modifiers.addFloat("specularEx", 0, 20, 9f); //Modifiers para material Modifiers.addColor("mEmissive", Color.Black); Modifiers.addColor("mAmbient", Color.White); Modifiers.addColor("mDiffuse", Color.White); Modifiers.addColor("mSpecular", Color.White); }
/// <summary> /// Default constructor /// </summary> public Primitive() { Flexible = new FlexibleData(); Light = new LightData(); LightMap = new LightImage(); Sculpt = new SculptData(); PrimData = new ConstructionData(); PhysicsProps = new PhysicsProperties(); }
void SetupMainLightConstants(CommandBuffer cmd, ref LightData lightData) { Vector4 lightPos, lightColor, lightAttenuation, lightSpotDir, lightOcclusionChannel; InitializeLightConstants(lightData.visibleLights, lightData.mainLightIndex, out lightPos, out lightColor, out lightAttenuation, out lightSpotDir, out lightOcclusionChannel); cmd.SetGlobalVector(LightConstantBuffer._MainLightPosition, lightPos); cmd.SetGlobalVector(LightConstantBuffer._MainLightColor, lightColor); }
// Factory method that generates a playable based on this asset public override Playable CreatePlayable(PlayableGraph graph, GameObject go) { var playable = ScriptPlayable <LightData> .Create(graph, templete); LightData clone = playable.GetBehaviour(); clone.lookTarget = lookTarget.Resolve(graph.GetResolver()); return(playable); }
private void DrawLightData(LightData lightData) { EditorGUILayout.Separator(); lightData.Pitch = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Pitch", lightData.Pitch); lightData.Yaw = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Yaw", lightData.Yaw); lightData.Intensity = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Intensity", lightData.Intensity); lightData.Color = EditorGUILayout.ColorField("Color", lightData.Color); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { m_lightDatas = new LightData[m_lightList.Length]; for (var i = 0; i < m_lightList.Length; i++) { LightData _d = new LightData(); m_lightDatas[i] = _d; } }
void SetupMainLightConstants(CommandBuffer cmd, ref LightData lightData) { Vector4 lightPos, lightColor; InitializeLightConstants(lightData.visibleLights, lightData.mainLightIndex, out lightPos, out lightColor); cmd.SetGlobalVector(LightConstantBuffer._MainLightPosition, lightPos); cmd.SetGlobalVector(LightConstantBuffer._MainLightColor, lightColor); }
public LightList(BinaryReader bin) { light_count = bin.ReadUInt32(); light = new LightData[light_count]; for (int i = 0; i < light_count; i++) { light[i] = new LightData(bin); } Array.Sort(light); }
public LightAttribEditor(string areaLightName) { InitializeComponent(); List <string> areaNames = LightData.GetNames(); areaNames.ForEach(n => lightsList.Items.Add(n)); lightsList.SelectedIndex = areaNames.IndexOf(areaLightName); }
public void Setup(ScriptableRenderContext context, ref LightData lightData) { CommandBuffer cmd = CommandBufferPool.Get(k_SetupLightConstants); SetupMainLightConstants(cmd, ref lightData); SetupAdditionalLightConstants(cmd); context.ExecuteCommandBuffer(cmd); CommandBufferPool.Release(cmd); }
RendererConfiguration GetRendererSettings(ref LightData lightData) { RendererConfiguration settings = RendererConfiguration.PerObjectReflectionProbes | RendererConfiguration.PerObjectLightmaps | RendererConfiguration.PerObjectLightProbe; if (lightData.totalAdditionalLightsCount > 0) { settings |= RendererConfiguration.PerObjectLightIndices8; } return(settings); }
public override void Add(SpotLight behaviour) { var data = new LightData() { Light = behaviour }; lights.Add(data); base.Add(behaviour); }
public VoxelLight GetVoxelLightIncludingNeighbors(Coords c) { if (AreLocalCoordsInBounds(c)) { return(LightData.GetVoxelLight(c)); } else { return(Volume?.GetVoxelLight(LocalToVolumeCoords(c)) ?? VoxelLight.NULL); } }
public void SetLightStrobeSpeed(float value) { LightData data = (LightData)GetSelectedExtension(PStrings.light); if (data == null) { return; } data.strobeSpeed = value; }
public void DrawLMap(GraphicsDevice gd, LightData light, Matrix projection, Matrix lightTransform) { if (ShapeDirty) { RegenRoof(gd); ShapeDirty = false; StyleDirty = false; } else if (StyleDirty) { RemeshRoof(gd); StyleDirty = false; } var s = Matrix.Identity; s.M22 = 0; s.M33 = 0; s.M23 = 1; s.M32 = 1; for (int i = light.Level; i < Drawgroups.Length; i++) { Effect.Parameters["Level"].SetValue((float)i + 1); if (Drawgroups[i] != null) { var dg = Drawgroups[i]; if (dg.NumPrimitives == 0) { continue; } Effect.Parameters["UseTexture"].SetValue(false); Effect.Parameters["Projection"].SetValue(projection); var view = Matrix.Identity; Effect.Parameters["View"].SetValue(view); var worldmat = Matrix.CreateScale(1 / 3f, 0, 1 / 3f) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(0, 1f * (i - (light.Level - 1)), 0) * s * lightTransform; Effect.Parameters["World"].SetValue(worldmat); Effect.Parameters["DiffuseColor"].SetValue(new Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1) * (float)(4 - (i - (light.Level))) / 5f); gd.SetVertexBuffer(dg.VertexBuffer); gd.Indices = dg.IndexBuffer; Effect.CurrentTechnique = Effect.Techniques["DrawLMap"]; foreach (var pass in Effect.CurrentTechnique.Passes) { pass.Apply(); gd.DrawIndexedPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleList, 0, 0, dg.NumPrimitives); } } } }
public void SetLightFlickerBias(float value) { LightData data = (LightData)GetSelectedExtension(PStrings.light); if (data == null) { return; } data.flickerBias = value; }
void Awake() { if (instance != null && instance != this) { Destroy(gameObject); } else { instance = this; } }
public override void RenderEffect(InstanceID id, EffectInfo.SpawnArea area, Vector3 velocity, float acceleration, float magnitude, float timeDelta, RenderManager.CameraInfo cameraInfo) { var pos = area.m_matrix.MultiplyPoint(; if ((pos - Camera.main.transform.position).sqrMagnitude > 1000.0f) { return; } var dir = area.m_matrix.MultiplyVector(Vector3.forward); // Log.Warning(dir.ToString()); pos += Vector3.up * 8.0f; pos += dir*5.0f; id.Index = (uint)UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 256); LightData data = new LightData(id, pos, new Color(1.0f, 0.827f, 0.471f), 0.6f, 32.0f, 10.0f); data.m_type = LightType.Spot; data.m_spotAngle = 60.0f; data.m_rotation = Quaternion.Euler(90, 0, 0); Singleton<RenderManager>.instance.DrawLight(data); }
public override void init() { Device d3dDevice = GuiController.Instance.D3dDevice; //Cargar textura de CubeMap para Environment Map, fijo para todos los meshes cubeMap = TextureLoader.FromCubeFile(d3dDevice, GuiController.Instance.ExamplesMediaDir + "Shaders\\"); //Cargar Shader personalizado de EnvironmentMap effect = TgcShaders.loadEffect(GuiController.Instance.ExamplesMediaDir + "Shaders\\EnvironmentMap.fx"); //Cargar escenario, pero inicialmente solo hacemos el parser, para separar los objetos que son solo luces y no meshes string scenePath = GuiController.Instance.ExamplesDir + "Lights\\NormalMapRoom\\NormalMapRoom-TgcScene.xml"; string mediaPath = GuiController.Instance.ExamplesDir + "Lights\\NormalMapRoom\\"; TgcSceneParser parser = new TgcSceneParser(); TgcSceneData sceneData = parser.parseSceneFromString(File.ReadAllText(scenePath)); //Separar modelos reales de las luces, segun layer "Lights" lights = new List<LightData>(); List<TgcMeshData> realMeshData = new List<TgcMeshData>(); for (int i = 0; i < sceneData.meshesData.Length; i++) { TgcMeshData meshData = sceneData.meshesData[i]; //Es una luz, no cargar mesh, solo importan sus datos if (meshData.layerName == "Lights") { //Guardar datos de luz LightData light = new LightData(); light.color = Color.FromArgb((int)meshData.color[0], (int)meshData.color[1], (int)meshData.color[2]); light.aabb = new TgcBoundingBox(TgcParserUtils.float3ArrayToVector3(meshData.pMin), TgcParserUtils.float3ArrayToVector3(meshData.pMax)); light.pos = light.aabb.calculateBoxCenter(); lights.Add(light); } //Es un mesh real, agregar a array definitivo else { realMeshData.Add(meshData); } } //Reemplazar array original de meshData de sceneData por el definitivo sceneData.meshesData = realMeshData.ToArray(); //Ahora si cargar meshes reales TgcSceneLoader loader = new TgcSceneLoader(); TgcScene scene = loader.loadScene(sceneData, mediaPath); //Separar meshes con bumpMapping de los comunes bumpMeshes = new List<TgcMeshBumpMapping>(); commonMeshes = new List<TgcMesh>(); foreach (TgcMesh mesh in scene.Meshes) { //Mesh con BumpMapping if (mesh.Layer == "BumpMap") { //Por convencion de este ejemplo el NormalMap se llama igual que el DiffuseMap (y cada mesh tiene una sola) string path = mesh.DiffuseMaps[0].FilePath; string[] split = path.Split('.'); path = split[0] + "_NormalMap.png"; //Convertir TgcMesh a TgcMeshBumpMapping TgcTexture normalMap = TgcTexture.createTexture(path); TgcTexture[] normalMapArray = new TgcTexture[] { normalMap }; TgcMeshBumpMapping bumpMesh = TgcMeshBumpMapping.fromTgcMesh(mesh, normalMapArray); bumpMesh.Effect = effect; bumpMesh.Technique = "EnvironmentMapTechnique"; bumpMeshes.Add(bumpMesh); //Liberar original mesh.dispose(); } //Mesh normal else { commonMeshes.Add(mesh); } } //Camara en 1ra persona GuiController.Instance.FpsCamera.Enable = true; GuiController.Instance.FpsCamera.setCamera(new Vector3(0, 50, 100), new Vector3(0, 50, -1)); //Modifiers GuiController.Instance.Modifiers.addBoolean("lightEnable", "lightEnable", true); GuiController.Instance.Modifiers.addFloat("reflection", 0, 1, 0.2f); GuiController.Instance.Modifiers.addFloat("bumpiness", 0, 2, 1f); GuiController.Instance.Modifiers.addFloat("lightIntensity", 0, 150, 20); GuiController.Instance.Modifiers.addFloat("lightAttenuation", 0.1f, 2, 0.3f); GuiController.Instance.Modifiers.addFloat("specularEx", 0, 20, 9f); GuiController.Instance.Modifiers.addColor("mEmissive", Color.Black); GuiController.Instance.Modifiers.addColor("mAmbient", Color.White); GuiController.Instance.Modifiers.addColor("mDiffuse", Color.White); GuiController.Instance.Modifiers.addColor("mSpecular", Color.White); }
private void CaptureLoop() { try { //Get Light Setup Plugin ILightSetupPlugin lightSetupPlugin = CurrentProfile.LightSetupPlugin; Stopwatch timer = Stopwatch.StartNew(); long lastTicks = 0; double waitTicks = 1.0 / CurrentProfile.CaptureFrequency; double freq = 1.0 / Stopwatch.Frequency; LightData newLightData = new LightData(_nextLightData); while (Active) { lastTicks = timer.ElapsedTicks; //Get screen segments IDictionary<Light, PixelReader> ledSources = CurrentProfile.CapturePlugin.Capture(lightSetupPlugin); newLightData.Time = timer.ElapsedTicks; try { //Extract Colours from segments int i = 0; foreach (var keyValue in ledSources) { newLightData[i] = CurrentProfile.ColourExtractionPlugin.Extract(keyValue.Key, keyValue.Value); i++; } } finally { //Dispose of screen segments foreach (var keyValue in ledSources) keyValue.Value.Dispose(); //Dispose of whole screen CurrentProfile.CapturePlugin.ReleaseCapture(); } //Run any Post Process Plugins foreach (var postProcessPlugin in CurrentProfile.PostProcessPlugins) { (postProcessPlugin as IPostProcessPlugin).Process(lightSetupPlugin.Lights, newLightData); } // Thread safe swap of new light data into _nextLightData lock (sync) { var t = _nextLightData; _nextLightData = newLightData; newLightData = t; } // Throttle Capture Frequency while ((timer.ElapsedTicks - lastTicks) * freq < waitTicks) { Task.Delay(5); } // Update capture FPS counter _captureLoopFPS.Tick(); } } catch (Exception e) { lock (sync) { Active = false; AfterglowRuntime.Logger.Error(e, "Afterglow Runtime - Capture Loop"); } } finally { // Allow plugins to clean up CurrentProfile.CapturePlugins.ForEach(cp => cp.Stop()); CurrentProfile.PostProcessPlugins.ForEach(pp => pp.Stop()); } }
public void Output(List<Core.Light> leds, LightData data) { //Debug.WriteLine("DebugOutput LEDs:"); //Debug.WriteLine("LED count: {0}", leds.Count); }
internal int SetExtraParamsFromBytes(byte[] data, int pos) { int i = pos; int totalLength = 1; if (data.Length == 0 || pos >= data.Length) return 0; try { byte extraParamCount = data[i++]; for (int k = 0; k < extraParamCount; k++) { ExtraParamType type = (ExtraParamType)Helpers.BytesToUInt16(data, i); i += 2; uint paramLength = Helpers.BytesToUIntBig(data, i); i += 4; if (type == ExtraParamType.Flexible) Flexible = new FlexibleData(data, i); else if (type == ExtraParamType.Light) Light = new LightData(data, i); else if (type == ExtraParamType.Sculpt) Sculpt = new SculptData(data, i); i += (int)paramLength; totalLength += (int)paramLength + 6; } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } return totalLength; }
private void OutputLoop() { try { //Get Light Setup Plugin ILightSetupPlugin lightSetupPlugin = CurrentProfile.LightSetupPlugin; Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch(); double waitTicks = 1.0 / CurrentProfile.OutputFrequency; double freq = 1.0 / Stopwatch.Frequency; long lastUpdate = 0; // Initialise temporary lightData LightData lightData = new LightData(lightSetupPlugin.Lights.Count); while (Active) { timer.Restart(); // If available, replace _currentLightData with _nextLightData lock (sync) { if (lastUpdate < _nextLightData.Time) { var t = lightData; lightData = _nextLightData; _nextLightData = t; lastUpdate = lightData.Time; } } if (lightData != null) { // Run pre-output plugins CurrentProfile.PreOutputPlugins.ToList().ForEach(po => po.PreOutput(lightSetupPlugin.Lights, lightData)); //Run Output Plugin(s) CurrentProfile.OutputPlugins.ToList().ForEach(o => o.Output(lightSetupPlugin.Lights, lightData)); } // Copy the last frame to _prevLightData lock(previousSync) { Buffer.BlockCopy(lightData.ColourData, 0, _prevLightData.ColourData, 0, lightData.ColourData.Length); } // Throttle Output Frequency while (timer.ElapsedTicks * freq < waitTicks) { Task.Delay(5); } _outputLoopFPS.Tick(); } } catch (Exception e) { lock (sync) { Active = false; AfterglowRuntime.Logger.Error(e, "Afterglow Runtime - Output Loop"); } } finally { // Allow plugins to clean up CurrentProfile.PreOutputPlugins.ForEach(po => po.Stop()); CurrentProfile.OutputPlugins.ForEach(o => o.Stop()); } }
public BlendHueData(GroupID gID, LightID lID, LightData fromData, LightData toData, float transitionTime) { _gID = gID; _lID = lID; _fromData = fromData; _toData = toData; _transitionTime = transitionTime; _timeStamp = Time.time; }
//Create a light mesh object. Cram as much lights as you can into the LightData array. If there are too many lights for one GameObject, it will //automatically be split into multiple objects. public static GameObject[] CreateLights(string name, LightData[] lightData, Material material) { int transformAmount = lightData.Length; int lightsInThisBatch; //The triangle limit is 21844 (65534 vertices) per mesh, so split the objects up if needed. int meshAmount = (int)Mathf.Ceil(transformAmount / (float)maxTriangleAmount); GameObject[] lightObjects = new GameObject[meshAmount]; //Get the remainder. int remainder = (int)(transformAmount % (float)maxTriangleAmount); //Loop through the mesh batches. for(int l = 0; l < meshAmount; l++){ //Get the amount of lights in this mesh batch. if(meshAmount == 1){ lightsInThisBatch = transformAmount; } else{ //Last mesh batch. if(l == (meshAmount - 1)){ if(remainder == 0){ lightsInThisBatch = maxTriangleAmount; } else{ lightsInThisBatch = remainder; } } else{ lightsInThisBatch = maxTriangleAmount; } } int vertexCount = lightsInThisBatch * 3; Vector4[] corners = new Vector4[vertexCount]; Vector2[] uvs = new Vector2[vertexCount]; Vector4[] triangleCorners = new Vector4[3]; Vector2[] triangleUvs = new Vector2[3]; bool directional = false; bool omnidirectional = false; bool strobe = false; bool papi = false; Vector3 normal =; Vector3 right =; Vector3 up =; //Create temporary arrays. Vector3[] centers = new Vector3[vertexCount]; Vector3[] normals = new Vector3[vertexCount]; int[] triangles = new int[vertexCount]; int[] indices = new int[vertexCount]; //What is stored in here, depends on the shader. Vector2[] uv3Channel = new Vector2[vertexCount]; Vector2[] uv2Channel = new Vector2[vertexCount]; Vector2[] uv4Channel = new Vector2[vertexCount]; Color[] colorChannel = new Color[vertexCount]; if("Directional")){ directional = true; } if("Omnidirectional")){ omnidirectional = true; } if("Strobe")){ strobe = true; } if("PAPI")){ papi = true; } //Loop through all the lights and set them up. for(int i = 0; i < lightsInThisBatch; i++){ int e = i * 3; int e1 = e + 1; int e2 = e + 2; int index = (l * maxTriangleAmount) + i; //Generate a triangle which fits over a quad. GenerateTriangle(out triangleCorners, out triangleUvs, lightData[index].size, Quaternion.identity); centers[e] = lightData[index].position; centers[e1] = lightData[index].position; centers[e2] = lightData[index].position; //Get the rotation vectors. normal = -Math3d.GetForwardVector(lightData[index].rotation); right = Math3d.GetRightVector(lightData[index].rotation); up = Math3d.GetUpVector(lightData[index].rotation); //Store the scale offset in the w component of the triangle corner. triangleCorners[0] = new Vector4(triangleCorners[0].x, triangleCorners[0].y, triangleCorners[0].z, lightData[index].size); triangleCorners[1] = new Vector4(triangleCorners[1].x, triangleCorners[1].y, triangleCorners[1].z, lightData[index].size); triangleCorners[2] = new Vector4(triangleCorners[2].x, triangleCorners[2].y, triangleCorners[2].z, lightData[index].size); corners[e] = triangleCorners[0]; corners[e1] = triangleCorners[1]; corners[e2] = triangleCorners[2]; uvs[e] = triangleUvs[0]; uvs[e1] = triangleUvs[1]; uvs[e2] = triangleUvs[2]; normals[e] = normal; normals[e1] = normal; normals[e2] = normal; if(papi){ uv2Channel[e] = right; uv2Channel[e1] = right; uv2Channel[e2] = right; uv3Channel[e] = up; uv3Channel[e1] = up; uv3Channel[e2] = up; //Compose the z vector. Vector2 zVector = new Vector2(right.z, up.z); uv4Channel[e] = zVector; uv4Channel[e1] = zVector; uv4Channel[e2] = zVector; } if(directional){ //Create the back color. Vector2 RG = new Vector2(lightData[index].backColor.r, lightData[index].backColor.g); Vector2 BA = new Vector2(lightData[index].backColor.b, lightData[index].backColor.a); uv2Channel[e] = RG; uv2Channel[e1] = RG; uv2Channel[e2] = RG; uv3Channel[e] = BA; uv3Channel[e1] = BA; uv3Channel[e2] = BA; } if(omnidirectional){ //Create the back color. Vector2 RG = new Vector2(lightData[index].backColor.r, lightData[index].backColor.g); uv2Channel[e] = RG; uv2Channel[e1] = RG; uv2Channel[e2] = RG; uv3Channel[e] = up; uv3Channel[e1] = up; uv3Channel[e2] = up; //Compose the z vector. The x component is used for the blue component of the back color. Vector2 zVector = new Vector2(lightData[index].backColor.b, up.z); uv4Channel[e] = zVector; uv4Channel[e1] = zVector; uv4Channel[e2] = zVector; } if(strobe){ //Store the light and group id in the color channel. Color id = new Color(lightData[index].strobeID, lightData[index].strobeGroupID, 0, 0); colorChannel[e] = id; colorChannel[e1] = id; colorChannel[e2] = id; } if(directional || omnidirectional){ //Create the front color. Note that the light brightness value is stored in the alpha channel. Color frontColor = new Color(lightData[index].frontColor.r, lightData[index].frontColor.g, lightData[index].frontColor.b, lightData[index].brightness); colorChannel[e] = frontColor; colorChannel[e1] = frontColor; colorChannel[e2] = frontColor; } triangles[e] = e; triangles[e1] = e1; triangles[e2] = e2; indices[e] = e; indices[e1] = e1; indices[e2] = e2; } //Create a new gameObject. GameObject lightObject = new GameObject(name + " " + l); lightObjects[l] = lightObject; //Add the required components to the game object. MeshFilter meshFilter = lightObject.AddComponent<MeshFilter>(); MeshRenderer meshRenderer = lightObject.AddComponent<MeshRenderer>(); //Create a new mesh. meshFilter.sharedMesh = new Mesh(); //Apply the mesh properties meshFilter.sharedMesh.vertices = centers; meshFilter.sharedMesh.tangents = corners; //The mesh corner is stored in the tangent channel. The scale is stored in the w component. meshFilter.sharedMesh.normals = normals; meshFilter.sharedMesh.uv = uvs; meshFilter.sharedMesh.triangles = triangles; meshFilter.sharedMesh.colors = colorChannel; //Front color for directional lights. Alpha is the brightness reduction. //ID for strobe lights. meshFilter.sharedMesh.uv2 = uv2Channel; //RG(BA) back color for directional lights. //Rotation vector for omnidirectional lights and PAPIs. meshFilter.sharedMesh.uv3 = uv3Channel; //(RG)BA back color for directional lights. Alpha is for invisibility. //Rotation vector for omnidirectional lights and PAPIS. meshFilter.sharedMesh.uv4 = uv4Channel; //The UV channels only hold two floats, so use a third UV channel to store the Z components of the vectors. //Set the indices. meshFilter.sharedMesh.SetIndices(indices, MeshTopology.Triangles, 0); //Set the gameObject properties; meshRenderer.sharedMaterial = material; meshRenderer.shadowCastingMode = UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode.Off; meshRenderer.receiveShadows = false; meshRenderer.useLightProbes = false; meshRenderer.reflectionProbeUsage = UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeUsage.Off; } return lightObjects; }
public static LightData FromLLSD(LLSD llsd) { LightData light = new LightData(); if (llsd.Type == LLSDType.Map) { LLSDMap map = (LLSDMap)llsd; light.Color.FromLLSD(map["color"]); light.Intensity = (float)map["intensity"].AsReal(); light.Radius = (float)map["radius"].AsReal(); light.Cutoff = (float)map["cutoff"].AsReal(); light.Falloff = (float)map["falloff"].AsReal(); } return light; }
/// <summary> /// Devuelve la luz mas cercana a la posicion especificada /// </summary> private LightData getClosestLight(Vector3 pos, LightData ignore1, LightData ignore2) { float minDist = float.MaxValue; LightData minLight = null; foreach (LightData light in lights) { //Ignorar las luces indicadas if (ignore1 != null && light.Equals(ignore1)) continue; if (ignore2 != null && light.Equals(ignore2)) continue; float distSq = Vector3.LengthSq(pos - light.pos); if (distSq < minDist) { minDist = distSq; minLight = light; } } return minLight; }
/// <summary> /// Send the light information to the arduino /// </summary> /// <param name="lights"></param> public void Output(List<Core.Light> lights, LightData data) { if (_port != null && _port.IsOpen) { if (_serialData == null || _serialData.Length != lights.Count) { _serialData = new byte[6 + lights.Count * 3]; _serialData[0] = Convert.ToByte(this.MagicWord.ToCharArray(0, 1)[0]); // Magic word _serialData[1] = Convert.ToByte(this.MagicWord.ToCharArray(1, 1)[0]); _serialData[2] = Convert.ToByte(this.MagicWord.ToCharArray(2, 1)[0]); _serialData[3] = (byte)((lights.Count) >> 8); // LED count high byte _serialData[4] = (byte)((lights.Count) & 0xff); // LED count low byte _serialData[5] = (byte)(_serialData[3] ^ _serialData[4] ^ 0x55); // Checksum } int serialDataPos = 6; // Fast copy of data to serial buffer Buffer.BlockCopy(data.ColourData, 0, _serialData, serialDataPos, data.ColourData.Length); // Issue data to Arduino try { if (_port != null) { _port.Write(_serialData, 0, _serialData.Length); } } catch (Exception ex) { AfterglowRuntime.Logger.Error(ex, "Arduino Output - Output - Write to port error"); } } else { Start(); } }
/// <summary> /// Start running the current profile /// </summary> public void Start() { Stop(); Logger.Info("Starting..."); bool profileJustSet = false; if (this.CurrentProfile == null) { this.CurrentProfile = (from p in this.Setup.Profiles where p.Id == this.Setup.CurrentProfileId select p).FirstOrDefault(); profileJustSet = true; } if (this.CurrentProfile == null) { CurrentProfile = this.Setup.Profiles.FirstOrDefault(); profileJustSet = true; } if (CurrentProfile == null) { Logger.Error("No profile has been selected"); return; } else { //Reset current profile incase there has been any setting changes if (!profileJustSet) { this.CurrentProfile = (from p in this.Setup.Profiles where p.Id == this.CurrentProfile.Id select p).First(); } CurrentProfile.Validate(); if (!Active) { Active = true; // Prepare light data buffer _nextLightData = new LightData(CurrentProfile.LightSetupPlugin.Lights.Count); _prevLightData = new LightData(CurrentProfile.LightSetupPlugin.Lights.Count); ; // Start all plugins CurrentProfile.CapturePlugin.Start(); CurrentProfile.ColourExtractionPlugin.Start(); CurrentProfile.PostProcessPlugins.ToList().ForEach(p => p.Start()); CurrentProfile.PreOutputPlugins.ToList().ForEach(p => p.Start()); string errorMessage = String.Empty; int outputFailures = 0; List<IOutputPlugin> outputPluginsInError = new List<IOutputPlugin>(); foreach (IOutputPlugin outputPlugin in CurrentProfile.OutputPlugins) { if (!outputPlugin.TryStart()) { outputFailures++; outputPluginsInError.Add(outputPlugin); } } //If all output plugins are in error then stop if (outputFailures == CurrentProfile.OutputPlugins.Count()) { Stop(); } else { //Remove plugins in error and allow other plugins to continue to run outputPluginsInError.ForEach(o => this.CurrentProfile.OutputPlugins.Remove(o)); // Commence capture and output threads _captureLoopTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(CaptureLoop); _outputLoopTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(OutputLoop); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Thread safe retrieval of the previous frame's final adjusted light data /// </summary> /// <returns>A copy of the current light data (can be null if no light data)</returns> /// <remarks>Frequent calling of this method may have a performance impact due to thread synchronisation.</remarks> public LightData GetPreviousLightData() { lock (previousSync) { if (_prevLightData == null) return null; LightData data = new LightData(_prevLightData); return data; } }
public void Update() { if (_timeStamp > 0.0f) { float u = Mathf.Clamp01((Time.time - _timeStamp) / _transitionTime); LightData blendedData = new LightData(Color.Lerp(_fromData.LightColor, _toData.LightColor, u), Mathf.Lerp(_fromData.LightIntensity, _toData.LightIntensity, u)); EightNightsMgr.Instance.SendHueEvent(_gID, _lID, blendedData); if (Mathf.Approximately(u, 1.0f)) _timeStamp = -1.0f; } }
public void Process(List<Core.Light> lights, LightData data) { if (this.Brightness == 100 && this.RedSaturation == 100 && this.GreenSaturation == 100 && this.BlueSaturation == 100) return; for (var i = 0; i < data.Length; i++) { var lightColour = data[i]; double red = lightColour.R; double green = lightColour.G; double blue = lightColour.B; bool coloursChanged = false; // Apply Gamma first... // Ref: if (this.Gamma != 100) { red = this._gammaArray[(int) red]; green = this._gammaArray[(int) green]; blue = this._gammaArray[(int) blue]; coloursChanged = true; } //Change brightness second if (this.Brightness != 100) { double percent = Brightness / 100.00; red = red * percent; green = green * percent; blue = blue * percent; coloursChanged = true; } if (this.RedSaturation != 100) { double percent = RedSaturation / 100.00; red = red * percent; coloursChanged = true; } if (this.GreenSaturation != 100) { double percent = GreenSaturation / 100.00; green = green * percent; coloursChanged = true; } if (this.BlueSaturation != 100) { double percent = BlueSaturation / 100.00; blue = blue * percent; coloursChanged = true; } if (coloursChanged) { data[i] = Color.FromArgb((int)red, (int)green, (int)blue); } } }
public LightEventArgs(GroupID g, LightID l, LightTypes lt, LightData d) { Group = g; Light = l; LightType = lt; Data = d; }
public void SendHueEvent(GroupID gID, LightID lID, LightData newData) { if(OnLightChanged != null) OnLightChanged(this, new LightEventArgs(gID, lID, LightTypes.Hue, newData)); }
public LightEventArgs(EightNightsMgr.GroupID g, EightNightsMgr.LightID l, LightTypes lt, LightData d) { Group = g; Light = l; LightType = lt; Data = d; }
public override void init() { Device d3dDevice = GuiController.Instance.D3dDevice; //Cargar escenario, pero inicialmente solo hacemos el parser, para separar los objetos que son solo luces y no meshes string scenePath = GuiController.Instance.ExamplesDir + "Lights\\Escenario\\EscenarioLuces-TgcScene.xml"; string mediaPath = GuiController.Instance.ExamplesDir + "Lights\\Escenario\\"; TgcSceneParser parser = new TgcSceneParser(); TgcSceneData sceneData = parser.parseSceneFromString(File.ReadAllText(scenePath)); //Separar modelos reales de las luces, segun layer "Lights" lights = new List<LightData>(); List<TgcMeshData> realMeshData = new List<TgcMeshData>(); for (int i = 0; i < sceneData.meshesData.Length; i++) { TgcMeshData meshData = sceneData.meshesData[i]; //Es una luz, no cargar mesh, solo importan sus datos if (meshData.layerName == "Lights") { //Guardar datos de luz LightData light = new LightData(); light.color = Color.FromArgb((int)meshData.color[0], (int)meshData.color[1], (int)meshData.color[2]); light.aabb = new TgcBoundingBox(TgcParserUtils.float3ArrayToVector3(meshData.pMin), TgcParserUtils.float3ArrayToVector3(meshData.pMax)); light.pos = light.aabb.calculateBoxCenter(); lights.Add(light); } //Es un mesh real, agregar a array definitivo else { realMeshData.Add(meshData); } } //Reemplazar array original de meshData de sceneData por el definitivo sceneData.meshesData = realMeshData.ToArray(); //Ahora si cargar meshes reales TgcSceneLoader loader = new TgcSceneLoader(); scene = loader.loadScene(sceneData, mediaPath); //Camara en 1ra persona GuiController.Instance.FpsCamera.Enable = true; GuiController.Instance.FpsCamera.MovementSpeed = 400f; GuiController.Instance.FpsCamera.JumpSpeed = 300f; GuiController.Instance.FpsCamera.setCamera(new Vector3(-20, 80, 450), new Vector3(0, 80, 1)); //Modifiers para variables de luz GuiController.Instance.Modifiers.addBoolean("lightEnable", "lightEnable", true); GuiController.Instance.Modifiers.addFloat("lightIntensity", 0, 150, 20); GuiController.Instance.Modifiers.addFloat("lightAttenuation", 0.1f, 2, 0.3f); GuiController.Instance.Modifiers.addFloat("specularEx", 0, 20, 9f); //Modifiers para material GuiController.Instance.Modifiers.addColor("mEmissive", Color.Black); GuiController.Instance.Modifiers.addColor("mAmbient", Color.White); GuiController.Instance.Modifiers.addColor("mDiffuse", Color.White); GuiController.Instance.Modifiers.addColor("mSpecular", Color.White); }
void OnHueLightChanged(object sender, HueMessenger.HueEventArgs e) { if (OnLightChanged != null) { GroupID gID = GroupID.RiftGroup1; LightID lID = LightID.Light1; if (FindLight(e.LightID, LightTypes.Hue, ref gID, ref lID)) { LightData newData = new LightData(e.LightColor, e.LightFade); //simulate fades if (e.TransitionTime > 0.0) { LightData fromData = new LightData(e.PrevColor, e.PrevFade); BlendHueData newBlendData = new BlendHueData(gID, lID, fromData, newData, e.TransitionTime); foreach (BlendHueData h in _eventBlends) { if ((h.GetGroupID() == gID) && (h.GetLightID() == lID)) { _eventBlends.Remove(h); break; } } _eventBlends.Add(newBlendData); } else { SendHueEvent(gID, lID, newData); } } } }