void Start() { temp = speed; player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); lifes = player.GetComponent <Lifes>(); rb2d = this.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); }
public override void Create() { Lifes.Add(force); Lifes.Add(constrain); Forms.Add(verts); force._Create(); constrain._Create(); verts._Create(); force.BindPrimaryForm("_VertBuffer", verts); force.BindForm("_SkeletonBuffer", skeleton); force.BindAttribute("_NumVertsPerHair", "numVertsPerHair", skeleton); force.BindAttribute("_NumHairs", "numHairs", skeleton); force.BindAttribute("_VertsPerVert", "vertsPerVert", verts); constrain.BindPrimaryForm("_VertBuffer", verts); constrain.BindForm("_SkeletonBuffer", skeleton); constrain.BindAttribute("_NumVertsPerHair", "numVertsPerHair", skeleton); constrain.BindAttribute("_NumHairs", "numHairs", skeleton); constrain.BindAttribute("_VertsPerVert", "vertsPerVert", verts); constrain.BindAttribute("_Length", "armLength", this); }
// Use this for initialization public override void Create() { Lifes.Add(place); Lifes.Add(bodyTransfer); Forms.Add(skin.verts); Forms.Add(verts); Forms.Add(bodyVerts); Forms.Add(bodyTris); verts._Create(skin.verts); bodyVerts._Create(verts); bodyTris._Create(bodyVerts); place._Create(); bodyTransfer._Create(); place.BindPrimaryForm("_VertBuffer", verts); place.BindForm("_SkinnedBuffer", skin.verts); place.BindAttribute("_Whirlwind", "whirlwindState", this); place.BindAttribute("_WhirlwindSpeed", "whirlwindSpeed", this); bodyTransfer.BindAttribute("_CameraUp", "cameraUp", this); bodyTransfer.BindAttribute("_CameraLeft", "cameraLeft", this); bodyTransfer.BindAttribute("_Radius", "radius", this); bodyTransfer.BindPrimaryForm("_VertBuffer", bodyVerts); bodyTransfer.BindForm("_ParticleBuffer", verts); }
public override void Create() { /* * All of this info should be visualizable! */ Lifes.Add(FlowerTransfer); Forms.Add(FlowerVerts); Forms.Add(FlowerTriangles); FlowerTransfer._Create(); FlowerVerts._Create(); FlowerTriangles._Create(); body._Create(); FlowerTransfer.BindPrimaryForm("_VertBuffer", FlowerVerts); FlowerTransfer.BindForm("_HairBuffer", Hair); FlowerTransfer.BindAttribute("_NumVertsPerHair", "numVertsPerHair", Hair); FlowerTransfer.BindAttribute("_Size", "size", this); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { stillInWater = false; player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); movement = player.GetComponent <Movement>(); lifes = player.GetComponent <Lifes>(); }
private void Start() { enemyLifes = new Lifes(EnemyLifes); currentEnemy = spawnRandomEnemy(); MinigameManager.Events.OnDodged += HandleDodged; }
private void Fire(Tile t) { RemoveActionStats(); if (t.c_inTile != null) { Lifes c_life = t.c_inTile.GetComponent <Lifes>(); if (c_action.damage > 0) { c_life.GetHit(-c_action.damage, true); } if (c_action.heal > 0) { c_life.GetHit(c_action.heal, false); } if (c_action.rallPm > 0) { c_life.GetComponent <CharacterMove>().RemoveMovement(c_action.rallPm); } GameObject tmp = Instantiate(c_action.projectile, t.c_inTile.transform.position, c_action.projectile.transform.rotation); MainManager.Instance.DestroyItem(tmp, 3); } if (!ActionIsPossbile()) { ActionManager.Instance.CancelAllActions(); } }
/// <summary> /// Funkcja wywoływana przy ładowaniu okna /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void FormGame_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Wyświetlenie Nicku, liczby punktów oraz żyć gracza textBoxNick.Text = Nick; textBoxPoints.Text = Points.ToString(); textBoxPoints.Refresh(); textBoxLifes.Text = Lifes.ToString(); textBoxLifes.Refresh(); //Nowy obiekt meganegra gry ClassGameMenager game = new ClassGameMenager(this); //Deklaracja tablicy przechowującej mapę gry tile = new PictureBox[784]; //Odczyt przycisków z klawiatury this.KeyPreview = true; this.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(game.ReadKey); //Załadowanie mapy game.MapLoad(); MapDisplay(game.Map); //Deklaracja nowego wątku void NewThread() { game.PacmanSpawn(Nick); } //Utworzenie nowego wątku Thread thread = new Thread(NewThread); //Rozpoczęcie wątku thread.Start(); }
private void Start() { gameManager = GetComponentInParent <MinigameManager2>(); lifes = new Lifes(Lifes); subscribeToEvents(); }
/// <summary> /// ги исцртува преостанатите животи на играчот. /// </summary> /// <param name="g"></param> public void DrawLifeAndKilledEM(Graphics g) { g.DrawString(Lifes.ToString() + "X", font, brush, 880, 10); g.DrawImage(Properties.Resources.life, 950, -20); g.DrawImage(Properties.Resources.EMIcon, 10, 50); lblEMKilled.Text = CounterKilledEvilMinions.ToString(); }
public void Draw(float fElapsed) { if (PlayerState == PlayerState.Dead) { return; } var effect = Position.X < 400 ? SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally : SpriteEffects.None; Game.SpriteBatch.Draw(_playerTexture, Position, null, Color.White, 0.0f, _playerTexture.GetCenter(), DepthScale, effect, 0); Game.ShapeRenderer.DrawFilledRectangle((int)(Position.X - 20), (int)(Position.Y - (_playerTexture.Height / 2) * DepthScale - 8), 40, 8, Color.Black); var width = (int)(Energy / 100.0f * 40); var color = Energy >= 80 ? Color.Green : Energy >= 40 ? Color.Yellow : Color.Red; Game.ShapeRenderer.DrawFilledRectangle((int)(Position.X - 20), (int)(Position.Y - (_playerTexture.Height / 2) * DepthScale - 8), width, 8, color); Game.SpriteBatch.Draw(_tachotexture, new Vector2(0, 250), Color.White); Game.SpriteBatch.DrawString(_font, Lifes.ToString(), new Vector2(20, 320), Color.White); var size = _font.MeasureString(Points.ToString()); Game.SpriteBatch.DrawString(_font, Points.ToString(), (new Vector2(120, 386) - new Vector2(size.X, 0)).SnapToPixels(), Color.White); //Game.ShapeRenderer.DrawRectangle(Bounds, Color.Orange); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); playerLives = player.GetComponent<Lifes>(); playerContr = player.GetComponent<GirlController>(); Invoke("StopLevel", timeToBoss); }
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other) { if (other.gameObject.tag == "Player") { Lifes lifes = other.gameObject.GetComponent<Lifes>(); lifes.addlife(-damage); } }
void Update() { UpdateConstantData(); Positions.SetGlobal(); Lifes.SetGlobal(); Collisions.SetGlobal(); Polygons.UpdatePolygons(polygonColliders); }
/// <summary> /// Timer odpowiedzialny za odświeżanie wyświetlanych informacji /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> public void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { textBoxPoints.Text = Points.ToString(); textBoxLifes.Text = Lifes.ToString(); textBoxPoints.Refresh(); textBoxLifes.Refresh(); tableLayoutPanelMap.Refresh(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); playerLives = player.GetComponent <Lifes>(); playerContr = player.GetComponent <GirlController>(); Invoke("StopLevel", timeToBoss); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { StartCoroutine(WaitSeconds(3)); target = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); lifes = target.GetComponent <Lifes>(); moveDir = (target.transform.position - transform.position).normalized * speed; rb.velocity = new Vector2(moveDir.x, moveDir.y); }
public void StartGame() { if (gameState != GameState.Game) { canvasAnimator.SetTrigger("StartGame"); lifes = FindObjectOfType <Lifes>(); waveDisplay = FindObjectOfType <WaveDisplay>(); paused = false; gameState = GameState.Game; StartCoroutine(GameCycle()); } }
public void AddParticle(Vector2[] positions, float life) { var l = new float[positions.Length]; for (var i = 0; i < positions.Length; i++) { l[i] = life; } Velocities.Upload(header, new Vector2[positions.Length]); Positions.Upload(header, positions); Lifes.Upload(header, l); header = (header + positions.Length) % capacity; }
private void Push(Tile t) { Tile t_dest = tmp_tileMovementPrediction; if (t.c_inTile != null) { Lifes c_life = t.c_inTile.GetComponent <Lifes>(); c_life.PushTo(t_dest.transform.position); Fire(tmp_tileMovementPrediction); t.c_inTile = null; } }
public override void Create() { Lifes.Add(smooth); Forms.Add(smoothed); smooth._Create(); smoothed._Create(); smooth.BindPrimaryForm("_VertBuffer", smoothed); smooth.BindForm("_SkeletonBuffer", hair); smooth.BindAttribute("_NumVertsPerHair", "numVertsPerHair", hair); smooth.BindAttribute("_NumHairs", "numHairs", hair); smooth.BindAttribute("_SmoothNumVertsPerHair", "numVertsPerHair", smoothed); }
void FixedUpdate() { Constants.SetConstants(compute, Time.fixedDeltaTime); VelSimulation.Simulate(); Broadphase.FindBand(2f * constants.radius); for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { ParticleSolver.Solve(); WallSolver.Solve(); Velocities.ClampMagnitude(); } PosSimulation.Simulate(); BoundsChecker.Check(); Lifes.Simulate(); }
/// <summary> /// Zaktualizowanie danych dotyczących ilości punktów i żyć gracza zaczerpniętych z innego wątku /// </summary> /// <param name="pacman"></param> public void UpdateData(ClassPlayer pacman) { if (this.InvokeRequired) { this.Invoke(new Action <ClassPlayer>(UpdateData), pacman); } else { Points = pacman.Points; Lifes = pacman.Lifes; textBoxPoints.Text = Points.ToString(); textBoxPoints.Refresh(); textBoxLifes.Text = Lifes.ToString(); textBoxLifes.Refresh(); } }
// Use this for initialization public override void Create() { Lifes.Add(skin); Forms.Add(verts); Forms.Add(tris); Forms.Add(bones); skin._Create(); verts._Create(verts); tris._Create(tris); bones._Create(bones); skin.BindPrimaryForm("_VertBuffer", verts); skin.BindForm("_BoneBuffer", bones); }
void OnDestroy() { if (Positions != null) { Positions.Dispose(); } if (Velocities != null) { Velocities.Dispose(); } if (Lifes != null) { Lifes.Dispose(); } if (Constants != null) { Constants.Dispose(); } if (Walls != null) { Walls.Dispose(); } if (VelSimulation != null) { VelSimulation.Dispose(); } if (PosSimulation != null) { PosSimulation.Dispose(); } if (Broadphase != null) { Broadphase.Dispose(); } if (WallSolver != null) { WallSolver.Dispose(); } if (ParticleSolver != null) { ParticleSolver.Dispose(); } if (Combiner != null) { Combiner.Dispose(); } }
void OnDestroy() { if (Positions != null) { Positions.Dispose(); } if (Velocities != null) { Velocities.Dispose(); } if (Lifes != null) { Lifes.Dispose(); } if (Constants != null) { Constants.Dispose(); } if (Polygons != null) { Polygons.Dispose(); } if (VelSimulation != null) { VelSimulation.Dispose(); } if (PosSimulation != null) { PosSimulation.Dispose(); } if (Collisions != null) { Collisions.Dispose(); } if (PolygonSolver != null) { PolygonSolver.Dispose(); } if (ParticleSolver != null) { ParticleSolver.Dispose(); } if (Combiner != null) { Combiner.Dispose(); } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); lifes = player.GetComponent <Lifes>(); health = 2; invicible = false; GameObject[] hearts = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Hearts"); if (heart1 == null) { heart1 = hearts[0]; } if (heart2 == null) { heart2 = hearts[1]; } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); lifes = player.GetComponent <Lifes>(); rb2d = this.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); regularGravity = Physics2D.gravity; if (cc2d == null) { cc2d = GetComponent <CircleCollider2D>(); } if (mySprite == null) { mySprite = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); } gravityInWater = new Vector2(0, -3); timeLeftUnderwater = timeToBreath; }
private void timerLife_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { Seconds--; if (Seconds == 0) { Lifes -= 1; lblTime.Text = "TIME: " + Seconds.ToString(); lblLifes.Text = "LIFES: " + Lifes.ToString(); timerLife.Stop(); newGame(); } int y2 = random2.Next(-5, 5); eater1.Top += y2; int y3 = random2.Next(-3, 3); eater2.Left += y3; lblTime.Text = "TIME: " + Seconds.ToString(); lblLifes.Text = "LIFES: " + Lifes.ToString(); Invalidate(true); if (Lifes == 0) { timerLife.Stop(); GameOver formp = new GameOver(); DialogResult resultp = formp.ShowDialog(); if (resultp == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { } else { Application.Exit(); } } }
void FixedUpdate() { Constants.SetConstants(compute, constants.FixedDeltaTime); VelSimulation.Simulate(); if (particleCollisionEnabled) { Collisions.Detect(2f * constants.radius); } for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { PolygonSolver.Solve(); if (particleCollisionEnabled) { ParticleSolver.Solve(); } Velocities.ClampMagnitude(); } PosSimulation.Simulate(); BoundsChecker.Check(); Lifes.Simulate(); }
// Use this for initialization public override void Create() { Lifes.Add(intersect); Lifes.Add(place); Lifes.Add(bodyTransfer); Forms.Add(particles); Forms.Add(bodyVerts); Forms.Add(bodyTris); mesh = skin.gameObject.GetComponent <MeshFilter>(); particles._Create(skin.verts); bodyVerts._Create(particles); bodyTris._Create(bodyVerts); place._Create(); intersect._Create(); bodyTransfer._Create(); place.BindPrimaryForm("_VertBuffer", particles); place.BindForm("_SkinnedBuffer", skin.verts); place.BindAttribute("_Transform", "transformFloats", this); intersect.BindForm("_ParticleBuffer", particles); intersect.BindForm("_SkinnedVertBuffer", skin.verts); intersect.BindPrimaryForm("_SkinnedTriBuffer", skin.tris); intersect.BindAttribute("_RO", "RayOrigin", touch); intersect.BindAttribute("_RD", "RayDirection", touch); intersect.BindAttribute("_Transform", "transformFloats", this); bodyTransfer.BindAttribute("_CameraUp", "cameraUp", this); bodyTransfer.BindAttribute("_CameraLeft", "cameraLeft", this); bodyTransfer.BindAttribute("_Radius", "radius", this); bodyTransfer.BindPrimaryForm("_VertBuffer", bodyVerts); bodyTransfer.BindForm("_ParticleBuffer", particles); }