コード例 #1
        protected override void OnSuccesAction(MegaSDK api, MRequest request)
            Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>

                if (App.AppInformation.IsNewlyActivatedAccount)
                    var freePlan = new ProductBase
                        AccountType     = MAccountType.ACCOUNT_TYPE_FREE,
                        Name            = AppResources.AccountTypeFree,
                        ProductColor    = Color.FromArgb(255, 19, 224, 60),
                        ProductPathData = VisualResources.CrestFreeAccountPathData

                    App.AppInformation.IsNewlyActivatedAccount = false;

                int numberOfProducts = request.getPricing().getNumProducts();

                for (int i = 0; i < numberOfProducts; i++)
                    var accountType = (MAccountType)Enum.Parse(typeof(MAccountType),

                    var product = new Product
                        AccountType = accountType,
                        Amount      = request.getPricing().getAmount(i),
                        Currency    = request.getPricing().getCurrency(i),
                        GbStorage   = request.getPricing().getGBStorage(i),
                        GbTransfer  = request.getPricing().getGBTransfer(i),
                        Months      = request.getPricing().getMonths(i),
                        Handle      = request.getPricing().getHandle(i)

                    switch (accountType)
                    case MAccountType.ACCOUNT_TYPE_FREE:
                        product.Name            = AppResources.AccountTypeFree;
                        product.ProductPathData = VisualResources.CrestFreeAccountPathData;

                    case MAccountType.ACCOUNT_TYPE_LITE:
                        product.Name            = AppResources.AccountTypeLite;
                        product.ProductColor    = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 165, 0);
                        product.ProductPathData = VisualResources.CrestLiteAccountPathData;
                        product.IsNewOffer      = true;

                        // If Centili payment method is active, and product is LITE monthly include it into the product
                        if (_upgradeAccount.CentiliPaymentMethodAvailable && product.Months == 1)
                            var centiliPaymentMethod = new PaymentMethod
                                PaymentMethodType = MPaymentMethod.PAYMENT_METHOD_CENTILI,
                                Name = String.Format("Centili - " + UiResources.PhoneBill + " (" + UiResources.Punctual.ToLower() + ")"),
                                PaymentMethodPathData = VisualResources.PhoneBillingPathData

                        // If Fortumo payment method is active, and product is LITE monthly include it into the product
                        if (_upgradeAccount.FortumoPaymentMethodAvailable && product.Months == 1)
                            var fortumoPaymentMethod = new PaymentMethod
                                PaymentMethodType = MPaymentMethod.PAYMENT_METHOD_FORTUMO,
                                Name = String.Format("Fortumo - " + UiResources.PhoneBill + " (" + UiResources.Punctual.ToLower() + ")"),
                                PaymentMethodPathData = VisualResources.PhoneBillingPathData

                    case MAccountType.ACCOUNT_TYPE_PROI:
                        product.Name            = AppResources.AccountTypePro1;
                        product.ProductColor    = Color.FromArgb(255, 217, 0, 7);
                        product.ProductPathData = VisualResources.CrestProIAccountPathData;

                    case MAccountType.ACCOUNT_TYPE_PROII:
                        product.Name            = AppResources.AccountTypePro2;
                        product.ProductColor    = Color.FromArgb(255, 217, 0, 7);
                        product.ProductPathData = VisualResources.CrestProIIAccountPathData;

                    case MAccountType.ACCOUNT_TYPE_PROIII:
                        product.Name            = AppResources.AccountTypePro3;
                        product.ProductColor    = Color.FromArgb(255, 217, 0, 7);
                        product.ProductPathData = VisualResources.CrestProIIIAccountPathData;

                        product.ProductColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 217, 0, 7);

                    // If CC payment method is active, include it into the product
                    if (_upgradeAccount.CreditCardPaymentMethodAvailable)
                        var creditCardPaymentMethod = new PaymentMethod
                            PaymentMethodType = MPaymentMethod.PAYMENT_METHOD_CREDIT_CARD,
                            Name = String.Format(UiResources.CreditCard + " (" + UiResources.Recurring.ToLower() + ")"),
                            PaymentMethodPathData = VisualResources.CreditCardPathData

                    // If in-app payment method is active, include it into the product
                    if (_upgradeAccount.InAppPaymentMethodAvailable)
                        var inAppPaymentMethod = new PaymentMethod
                            PaymentMethodType = MPaymentMethod.PAYMENT_METHOD_WINDOWS_STORE,
                            Name = String.Format(UiResources.UI_InAppPurchase + " - " + UiResources.PhoneBill + " (" + UiResources.Punctual.ToLower() + ")"),
                            PaymentMethodPathData = VisualResources.PhoneBillingPathData


                    // Fill the Mocking IAP product listing with actual NEGA product id's

                    // Plans show only the information off the annualy plans
                    if (request.getPricing().getMonths(i) == 12)
                        var plan = new ProductBase
                            AccountType     = accountType,
                            Name            = product.Name,
                            Amount          = product.Amount,
                            Currency        = product.Currency,
                            GbStorage       = product.GbStorage,
                            GbTransfer      = product.GbTransfer / 12,
                            ProductPathData = product.ProductPathData,
                            ProductColor    = product.ProductColor,
                            IsNewOffer      = product.IsNewOffer


                        // Check if the user has a product/plan already purchased and fill the structure to show it
                        if (accountType == _accountDetails.AccountType && request.getPricing().getMonths(i) == 12)
                            _upgradeAccount.ProductPurchased            = product;
                            _upgradeAccount.ProductPurchased.GbTransfer = request.getPricing().getGBTransfer(i) / 12;
                            _upgradeAccount.ProductPurchased.IsNewOffer = false;
                            _upgradeAccount.ProductPurchased.Purchased  = true;