private string GetScreenTitle() { var expired = LicenseExpirationChecker.HasLicenseExpired(licenseManager.CurrentLicense); if (licenseManager.CurrentLicense.IsCommercialLicense) { if (expired) { return(string.Format("ServiceInsight - License Expired")); } else { return(string.Format("ServiceInsight")); } } else { if (HasRemainingTrial) { return(string.Format("ServiceInsight - {0} day(s) left on your free trial", TrialDaysRemaining)); } else { return(string.Format("ServiceInsight - {0} Trial Expired", TrialTypeText)); } } }
private void Browse_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { using (var openDialog = new OpenFileDialog()) { openDialog.InitializeLifetimeService(); openDialog.Filter = "License files (*.xml)|*.xml|All files (*.*)|*.*"; openDialog.Title = "Select License file"; var dialogResult = StaThreadRunner.ShowDialogInSTA(() => { return(openDialog.ShowDialog()); }); if (dialogResult == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { var licenseText = NonLockingFileReader.ReadAllTextWithoutLocking(openDialog.FileName); try { LicenseVerifier.Verify(licenseText); var license = LicenseDeserializer.Deserialize(licenseText); if (LicenseExpirationChecker.HasLicenseExpired(license)) { var message = string.Format("The license you provided has expired.\r\nEither extend your trial or contact sales to obtain a new license. Or try a different file."); MessageBox.Show(this, message, "License expired", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Exclamation); return; } ResultingLicenseText = licenseText; Close(); } catch (Exception exception) { var message = string.Format("An error occurred when parsing the license.\r\nMessage: {0}\r\nThe exception details have been appended to your log.", exception.Message); MessageBox.Show(this, message, "Error parsing license", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } } } }
void PromptUserForLicenseIfTrialHasExpired() { if (!(Debugger.IsAttached && SystemInformation.UserInteractive)) { //We only prompt user if user is in debugging mode and we are running in interactive mode return; } bool createdNew; using (new Mutex(true, $"NServiceBus-{GitFlowVersion.MajorMinor}", out createdNew)) { if (!createdNew) { //Dialog already displaying for this software version by another process, so we just use the already assigned license. return; } if (license == null || LicenseExpirationChecker.HasLicenseExpired(license)) { var licenseProvidedByUser = LicenseExpiredFormDisplayer.PromptUserForLicense(license); if (licenseProvidedByUser != null) { license = licenseProvidedByUser; } } } }
internal static void InitializeLicense() { //only do this if not been configured by the fluent API if (licenseText == null) { licenseText = GetExistingLicense(); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(licenseText)) { license = GetTrialLicense(); return; } LicenseVerifier.Verify(licenseText); var foundLicense = LicenseDeserializer.Deserialize(licenseText); if (LicenseExpirationChecker.HasLicenseExpired(foundLicense)) { Logger.Fatal(" You can renew it at"); return; } if (foundLicense.UpgradeProtectionExpiration != null) { Logger.InfoFormat("UpgradeProtectionExpiration: {0}", foundLicense.UpgradeProtectionExpiration); } else { Logger.InfoFormat("Expires on {0}", foundLicense.ExpirationDate); } license = foundLicense; }
public void LoadLicense() { var dialog = _dialogManager.OpenFileDialog(new FileDialogModel { Filter = "License files (*.xml)|*.xml|All files (*.*)|*.*", FilterIndex = 1 }); var validLicense = false; if (dialog.Result.GetValueOrDefault(false)) { var licenseContent = ReadAllTextWithoutLocking(dialog.FileName); validLicense = licenseManager.TryInstallLicense(licenseContent); } if (validLicense && !LicenseExpirationChecker.HasLicenseExpired(licenseManager.CurrentLicense)) { TryClose(true); } else { //todo: Display error saying that the license was invalid } }
static ActiveLicense DetermineActiveLicense() { var activeLicense = new ActiveLicense { IsValid = false }; var licenseText = TryFindLicense(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(licenseText)) { Logger.Warn("No valid license could be found, falling back to trial license"); activeLicense.Details = License.TrialLicense(TrialStartDateStore.GetTrialStartDate()); } else { Exception validationFailure; if (!LicenseVerifier.TryVerify(licenseText, out validationFailure)) { Logger.WarnFormat("Found license was not valid: {0}", validationFailure); return(activeLicense); } var licenseDetails = LicenseDeserializer.Deserialize(licenseText); if (!licenseDetails.ValidForApplication("ServiceControl")) { Logger.WarnFormat("Found license was is not valid for ServiceControl. Valid apps: '{0}'", string.Join(",", licenseDetails.ValidApplications)); return(activeLicense); } activeLicense.Details = licenseDetails; } activeLicense.HasExpired = LicenseExpirationChecker.HasLicenseExpired(activeLicense.Details); if (activeLicense.HasExpired) { Logger.WarnFormat("Found license has expired"); } else { activeLicense.IsValid = true; } return(activeLicense); }
static Particular.Licensing.License GetTrialLicense() { var trialStartDate = TrialStartDateStore.GetTrialStartDate(); var trialLicense = Particular.Licensing.License.TrialLicense(trialStartDate); //Check trial is still valid if (LicenseExpirationChecker.HasLicenseExpired(trialLicense)) { Logger.WarnFormat("Trial for the Particular Service Platform has expired"); } else { var message = string.Format("Trial for Particular Service Platform is still active, trial expires on {0}. Configuring NServiceBus to run in trial mode.", trialLicense.ExpirationDate.Value.ToLocalTime().ToShortDateString()); Logger.Info(message); } return(trialLicense); }
static License GetTrialLicense() { var trialStartDate = TrialStartDateStore.GetTrialStartDate(); var trialLicense = License.TrialLicense(trialStartDate); //Check trial is still valid if (LicenseExpirationChecker.HasLicenseExpired(trialLicense)) { Logger.WarnFormat("Trial for the Particular Service Platform has expired"); } else { var message = $"Trial for Particular Service Platform is still active, trial expires on {trialLicense.ExpirationDate.Value.ToLocalTime().ToShortDateString()}."; Logger.Info(message); } return(trialLicense); }
internal void InitializeLicense(string licenseText) { //only do this if not been configured by the fluent API if (licenseText == null) { licenseText = GetExistingLicense(); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(licenseText)) { license = GetTrialLicense(); PromptUserForLicenseIfTrialHasExpired(); return; } LicenseVerifier.Verify(licenseText); var foundLicense = LicenseDeserializer.Deserialize(licenseText); if (LicenseExpirationChecker.HasLicenseExpired(foundLicense)) { // If the found license is a trial license then it is actually a extended trial license not a locally generated trial. // Set the property to indicate that it is an extended license as it's not set by the license generation if (foundLicense.IsTrialLicense) { foundLicense.IsExtendedTrial = true; PromptUserForLicenseIfTrialHasExpired(); return; } Logger.Fatal("Your license has expired! You can renew it at"); return; } if (foundLicense.UpgradeProtectionExpiration != null) { Logger.InfoFormat("License upgrade protection expires on: {0}", foundLicense.UpgradeProtectionExpiration); } else { Logger.InfoFormat("License expires on {0}", foundLicense.ExpirationDate); } license = foundLicense; }
public bool PromptUserForLicenseIfTrialHasExpired() { if (license == null || LicenseExpirationChecker.HasLicenseExpired(license)) { var trialExpiredDlg = new TrialExpired { CurrentLicense = license }; trialExpiredDlg.ShowDialog(); if (trialExpiredDlg.ResultingLicenseText == null) { return(false); } new RegistryLicenseStore() .StoreLicense(trialExpiredDlg.ResultingLicenseText); license = LicenseDeserializer.Deserialize(trialExpiredDlg.ResultingLicenseText); return(true); } return(true); }
void InitializeLicense() { //only do this if not been configured by the fluent API if (licenseText == null) { //look in the new platform locations if (!(new RegistryLicenseStore().TryReadLicense(out licenseText))) { //TODO: Check legacy locations for Service Matrix. if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(licenseText)) { license = GetTrialLicense(); return; } } } LicenseVerifier.Verify(licenseText); var foundLicense = LicenseDeserializer.Deserialize(licenseText); if (LicenseExpirationChecker.HasLicenseExpired(foundLicense)) { tracer.Error("You can renew it at"); return; } if (foundLicense.UpgradeProtectionExpiration != null) { tracer.Info(string.Format("UpgradeProtectionExpiration: {0}", foundLicense.UpgradeProtectionExpiration)); } else { tracer.Info(string.Format("Expires on {0}", foundLicense.ExpirationDate)); } license = foundLicense; }
License GetTrialLicense() { if (UserSidChecker.IsNotSystemSid()) { var trialStartDate = TrialStartDateStore.GetTrialStartDate(); var trialLicense = License.TrialLicense(trialStartDate); //Check trial is still valid if (LicenseExpirationChecker.HasLicenseExpired(trialLicense)) { tracer.Warn("Trial for the Particular Service Platform has expired"); } else { var message = string.Format("Trial for Particular Service Platform is still active, trial expires on {0}. Configuring NServiceBus to run in trial mode.", trialLicense.ExpirationDate.Value.ToShortDateString()); tracer.Info(message); } return(trialLicense); } tracer.Error("Could not access registry for the current user sid. Please ensure that the license has been properly installed."); return(null); }
void browseButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (var openDialog = new OpenFileDialog()) { openDialog.InitializeLifetimeService(); openDialog.Filter = "License files (*.xml)|*.xml|All files (*.*)|*.*"; openDialog.Title = "Select License file"; var dialogResult = StaThreadRunner.ShowDialogInSTA(openDialog.ShowDialog); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { var licenseText = NonLockingFileReader.ReadAllTextWithoutLocking(openDialog.FileName); try { LicenseVerifier.Verify(licenseText); var license = LicenseDeserializer.Deserialize(licenseText); if (LicenseExpirationChecker.HasLicenseExpired(license)) { var message = string.Format("The license you provided has expired, please select another file."); Logger.Warn(message); MessageBox.Show(this, message, "License expired", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return; } ResultingLicenseText = licenseText; Close(); } catch (Exception exception) { var message = string.Format("An error occurred when parsing the license.\r\nMessage: {0}\r\nThe exception details have been appended to your log.", exception.Message); Logger.Warn("Error parsing license", exception); MessageBox.Show(this, message, "Error parsing license", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } } }
public bool IsLicenseExpired() => LicenseExpirationChecker.HasLicenseExpired(CurrentLicense);
internal bool HasLicenseExpired() { return(license == null || LicenseExpirationChecker.HasLicenseExpired(license)); }
public bool IsLicenseExpired() { return(LicenseExpirationChecker.HasLicenseExpired(CurrentLicense)); }