void load_menuDevice() { DirectX.Capture.Filter f; int c; MenuItem m; if (this.capture != null) { this.capture.PreviewWindow = null; } Filter videoDevice = null; if (capture != null) { videoDevice = capture.VideoDevice; } mnuVideoDevices.MenuItems.Clear(); m = new MenuItem("(None)", new EventHandler(mnuVideoDevices_Click)); m.Checked = (videoDevice == null); mnuVideoDevices.MenuItems.Add(m); for (c = 0; c < filters.VideoInputDevices.Count; c++) { f = filters.VideoInputDevices[c]; m = new MenuItem(f.Name, new EventHandler(mnuVideoDevices_Click)); m.Checked = (videoDevice == f); mnuVideoDevices.MenuItems.Add(m); } //mnuVideoDevices.Enabled = (filters.VideoInputDevices.Count > 0); }
//linh private void f_Loadchinhanh() { LibMedi.AccessData m = new LibMedi.AccessData(); if (m.bQuanly_Theo_Chinhanh) { string s_ip_local = d.Maincode("Ip"); string s_database_local = d.Maincode("Database").ToLower(); DataSet dsChinhanh = d.get_data(" select id,ten,trungtam from " + d.user + ".dmchinhanh where ip='" + s_ip_local + "' and lower(database_local)='" + s_database_local + "' and port='" + d.Maincode("Post") + "' order by ten"); if (dsChinhanh.Tables[0].Select("trungtam=1").Length > 0 || dsChinhanh.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { dsChinhanh = d.get_data(" select id,ten from " + d.user + ".dmchinhanh order by ten"); } cbocn.DisplayMember = "ten"; cbocn.ValueMember = "id"; cbocn.DataSource = dsChinhanh.Tables[0]; if (cbocn.Items.Count == 1) { cbocn.SelectedIndex = 0; cbocn.Enabled = false; } } else { cbocn.SelectedIndex = -1; cbocn.Enabled = false; } }
public frmSoquanlyVaccin(LibMedi.AccessData _m) { InitializeComponent(); m = _m; lan.Read_Language_to_Xml(this.Name.ToString(), this); lan.Changelanguage_to_English(this.Name.ToString(), this); }
public frmDausinhton(LibMedi.AccessData _aac, string _s_makp, int _userid) { InitializeComponent(); base.acc = _aac; base.s_Makp = _s_makp; base.iuserid = _userid; base.Init(); }
public frmDausinhton(LibMedi.AccessData _acc, string _s_makp, string _s_mabn) { InitializeComponent(); base.acc = _acc; base.s_Makp = _s_makp; base.s_Mabn = _s_mabn; base.Init(); }
public frmChonvienphi(LibMedi.AccessData _m, DataTable _dtvp, string _mavp) { InitializeComponent(); m = _m; dtvp = _dtvp; s_mavp = _mavp; lan.Read_Language_to_Xml(this.Name.ToString(), this); lan.Changelanguage_to_English(this.Name.ToString(), this); }
public frmBBHuyVaccin(LibMedi.AccessData _m, int _userid, int _chinhanh) { InitializeComponent(); m = _m; i_userid = _userid; i_chinhanh = _chinhanh; lan.Read_Language_to_Xml(this.Name.ToString(), this); lan.Changelanguage_to_English(this.Name.ToString(), this); }
public frmPhanungsautiemchung(LibMedi.AccessData _m, string _mabn, string _hoten, string _tuoi, string _phai, string _diachi, decimal _id, int _userid) { InitializeComponent();// lan.Read_Language_to_Xml(this.Name.ToString(), this); lan.Changelanguage_to_English(this.Name.ToString(), this); m = _m; s_mabn = _mabn; s_tuoi = _tuoi; s_hoten = _hoten; s_phai = _phai; s_diachi = _diachi; d_id = _id; i_userid = _userid; }
public frmPhieutheodoitapVLTL(LibMedi.AccessData _m, string _mabn, string _hoten, string _tuoi, string _phai, string _diachi, string _dienthoai, string _chandoan, string _doituong, string _mabacsi, decimal _mavv, decimal _maql, int _userid, string _ngay, int _chinhanh) { InitializeComponent(); m = _m; s_mabn = _mabn; s_hoten = _hoten; s_tuoi = _tuoi; s_phai = _phai; s_diachi = _diachi; s_dienthoai = _dienthoai; s_chandoan = _chandoan; s_doituong = _doituong; s_mabs = _mabacsi; s_ngay = _ngay; d_mavaovien = _mavv; d_maql = _maql; i_userid = _userid; i_chinhanh = _chinhanh; lan.Read_Language_to_Xml(this.Name.ToString(), this); lan.Changelanguage_to_English(this.Name.ToString(), this); }
public frmPhieukhamck(LibMedi.AccessData _m, decimal _maql, string _hoten, string _benhvien, string _namsinh, string _tuoi, string _phai, string _diachi, string _bacsi, string _ngay, int _userid) { InitializeComponent(); d_maql = _maql; m = _m; hoten = _hoten; benhvien = _benhvien; namsinh = _namsinh; tuoi = _tuoi; phai = _phai; diachi = _diachi.Trim().Trim(','); bacsi = _bacsi; s_ngay = _ngay; i_userid = _userid; lan.Read_Language_to_Xml(this.Name.ToString(), this); lan.Changelanguage_to_English(this.Name.ToString(), this); }
public frmThongtinBLGD(LibMedi.AccessData _m, string _mabn, decimal _mavaovien, decimal _maql, string _mmyy, int _userid, string _ngay) { InitializeComponent(); m = _m; s_mabn = _mabn; d_mavaovien = _mavaovien; d_maql = _maql; s_mmyy = _mmyy; i_userid = _userid; s_ngay = _ngay; lan.Read_Language_to_Xml(this.Name.ToString(), this); lan.Changelanguage_to_English(this.Name.ToString(), this); }
public frmBienbanhoichancls(LibMedi.AccessData _m, string smabn, decimal lmavaovien, decimal lmaql, string sngay, DataSet dshc, int iuserid) { m = _m; s_mabn = smabn; l_mavaovien = lmavaovien; l_maql = lmaql; s_ngay = sngay; dshoichan = new DataSet(); dshoichan = dshc; s_user = _m.user; i_userid = iuserid; InitializeComponent(); }
public frmTiepdon(LibMedi.AccessData _acc, string _makp, string _hoten, int _userid, int _sohieu, int _loai, string _madoituong, int _khudieutri, int _chinhanh) { InitializeComponent(); base.acc = _acc; base.KhuDieuTri = _khudieutri; base.MaKhoaPhong = _makp; base.HoTenUser = _hoten; base.UserID = _userid; base.SoHieu = _sohieu; base.Loai = _loai; base.MaDoiTuong = _madoituong; base.init(); }
public frmYeucauhoadon(LibMedi.AccessData _m, string _mabn, string _tenbn, string _diachi, string _msthue, decimal _mavaovien, int _userid) { InitializeComponent(); s_mabn = _mabn; d_mavaovien = _mavaovien; i_userid = _userid; s_tenbn = _tenbn; s_diachi = _diachi; s_msthue = _msthue; m = _m; lan.Read_Language_to_Xml(this.Name.ToString(), this); lan.Changelanguage_to_English(this.Name.ToString(), this); }
public frmPttt_chandoan(LibMedi.AccessData _m, string _maicd, string _chandoan, int _userid, int _loai, DataTable _dt, DataTable _dticd) { InitializeComponent(); lan.Read_Language_to_Xml(this.Name.ToString(), this); lan.Changelanguage_to_English(this.Name.ToString(), this); m = _m; maicdCu = _maicd; chandoanCu = _chandoan; userid = _userid; loai = _loai; dt = _dt.Copy(); dtIcd10 = _dticd; }
public frmPhieusanglocBLGD(LibMedi.AccessData _m, string _mabn, string _hoten, decimal _mavaovien, decimal _maql, int _tuoi, string _lydokham, string _gioitinh, string _ngay, string _khoa, int _userid, string _thon, string _matt, string _maphuong, string _maqu) { InitializeComponent(); m = _m; s_thon = _thon; s_matt = _matt; s_maphuong = _maphuong; s_maqu = _maqu; d_maql = _maql; d_mavaovien = _mavaovien; s_mabn = _mabn; s_hoten = _hoten; s_lydokham = _lydokham; i_tuoi = _tuoi; s_gioitinh = _gioitinh; ngay = _ngay; i_userid = _userid; s_khoa = _khoa; lan.Read_Language_to_Xml(this.Name.ToString(), this); lan.Changelanguage_to_English(this.Name.ToString(), this); }
public frmDausinhton_pk(LibMedi.AccessData _acc, string _s_makp, decimal _l_maql, string _s_table, int _i_loaiba, string _s_mabn, decimal _d_mavaovien, string _ngay, string _mabs) { InitializeComponent(); base.Init(); base.acc = _acc; base.s_Makp = _s_makp; base.l_Maql = _l_maql; base.l_idkhoa = _l_maql; base.s_Table = _s_table; base.i_Loaiba = _i_loaiba; base.s_Mabn = _s_mabn; base.d_Mavaovien = _d_mavaovien; base.s_Ngay = _ngay; base.s_mabs = _mabs; s_table = _s_table; l_maql = _l_maql; i_loaiba = _i_loaiba; }
public frmChidinh_icd10(LibMedi.AccessData _m, DataTable _dtdichvu, string _icd10, string _mavp, string _ten, int _loai) { InitializeComponent(); m = _m; iLoai = _loai; s_ten = _ten; s_icd10 = _icd10; dtDichvu = _dtdichvu; s_mavp = _mavp; if (iLoai == 0) { this.Text = "Chỉ định CLS được dùng"; } else { this.Text = "Thuốc được dùng"; } lan.Read_Language_to_Xml(this.Name.ToString(), this); lan.Changelanguage_to_English(this.Name.ToString(), this); }
public static string get_file() { string m_file = ""; int ngonngu = 0; LibMedi.AccessData m = new LibMedi.AccessData(); ngonngu = int.Parse(m.Thongso("Ngonngu").ToString()); switch (ngonngu) { case 0: m_file = "MEDISOFTDESKTOP_vn"; break; case 1: m_file = "MEDISOFTDESKTOP_en"; break; case 2: m_file = "MEDISOFTDESKTOP_ot"; break; } return(m_file); }
public frmCauhinhOutput(LibMedi.AccessData acc) { InitializeComponent(); m = acc; }
public frmExportTivi(LibMedi.AccessData acc) { InitializeComponent(); this.m = acc; }
private void f_capnhat_db() { LibMedi.AccessData m = new LibMedi.AccessData(); m.f_capnhat_db_danhmuc("Vienphi.exe"); }
private void frmLogin_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { f_capnhat_db();// try { m = new LibMedi.AccessData(); groLogin.BringToFront(); groLicense.Visible = false; bool bQuanLyLicense = m.QuanLyLicense; if (bQuanLyLicense) { m.RegisterDateStart(); if (m.DaDangKiLicense == false) { string s_NgayHeThong = m.ngayhienhanh_server; DateTime dtNgayHeThong = m.StringToDate(s_NgayHeThong); string s_NgayBatDau = m.RegisterGetDateStart; DateTime dtNgayBatDau = m.StringToDate(s_NgayBatDau.Substring(0, 10)); TimeSpan tp = dtNgayHeThong - dtNgayBatDau; int i_SoNgayConLai = tp.Days; txtKey.Text = Medisoft2009.MACAddress.MedisoftMAC.KeyInfo; groLicense.Visible = true; groLicense.BringToFront(); bChuaDangKiLicense = true; if (i_SoNgayConLai <= 30) { lblLicense.Text = "Hệ thống chưa được đăng ký bản quyền sử dụng. " + "Hãy copy key bên dưới gởi cho quản trị hệ thống." + "\nBạn chỉ có " + (30 - i_SoNgayConLai).ToString() + " ngày dùng thử"; } else { lblLicense.Text = "Hệ thống chưa được đăng ký bản quyền sử dụng. " + "Hãy copy key bên dưới gởi cho quản trị hệ thống." + "\nBạn đã hết số ngày dùng thử"; butTiepTuc.Enabled = false; groLogin.Enabled = false; } } else { groLogin.Enabled = true; bChuaDangKiLicense = false; this.Width = 292; this.Height = 146; } } else { this.Width = 292; this.Height = 146; } try { bool update = m_v.bAutoupdate && m_v.Path_medisoft != ""; if (update) { string file = "Vienphi", path = m_v.Path_medisoft + "\\" + file + "\\bin\\debug"; if (!m_v.bUpdate(System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), path, file)) { m_v.writeXml("thongso", "version", "Version " + m_v.f_modify(m_v.file_exe(path, file))); m_v.writeXml("thongso", "file", file); m_userid_off = ""; Application.Exit(); string filerun = @m_v.path_medisofthis() + "\\version\\bin\\debug\\version.exe"; run f = new run(filerun); f.Launch(); } } } catch { } if (m_userid_off != "") { foreach (DataRow r in m_v.f_get_v_dlogin(m_userid_off, "", "", "", "").Tables[9].Rows) { txtUsername.Text = r["username"].ToString(); break; } } } catch { } //if (m_v.get_data("select * from medibv.thongso where id=-2").Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) // f_Check_License();///Dung license //else // f_Uncheck_License();//Khong dung license }
public frmTyleuudai_bhyt(LibMedi.AccessData _m) { InitializeComponent(); m = _m; }
public frmOutput(LibMedi.AccessData acc, string _ngay) { InitializeComponent(); s_ngay = _ngay; m = acc; }
public frmCauhinhTivi(LibMedi.AccessData acc) { InitializeComponent(); this.m = acc; }