protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { LiHyperLink.SetNameToCompare(Context, "settings"); LogViews.ActiveViewIndex = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["type"] ?? "1") - 1; Query q = Log.CreateQuery(); q.AndWhere(Log.Columns.Type, Request.QueryString["type"] ?? "1"); q.PageSize = 15; q.PageIndex = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["p"] ?? "1"); q.OrderByDesc(Log.Columns.CreatedOn); LogCollection logs = LogCollection.FetchByQuery(q); LogList.DataSource = logs; LogList.DataBind(); if (logs.Count > 0) { pager.Text = Util.Pager(q.PageIndex, q.PageSize, q.GetRecordCount(), null, Request.QueryString["type"] == null ? null : "?type=" + Request.QueryString["type"], "← Older Logs", "Newer Logs →"); ; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { LiHyperLink.SetNameToCompare(Context, "presentation"); Widget widget = Widgets.Fetch(new Guid(Request.QueryString["id"])); if (widget == null) { throw new Exception("The widget does not exist"); } if (!Graffiti.Core.Util.AreEqualIgnoreCase("Edit.aspx", widget.EditUrl)) { Response.Redirect(widget.EditUrl + "?id=" + Request.QueryString["id"]); } PageTitle.Text = widget.FormName; this.Page.Title = "Widget: " + widget.FormName; if (!IsPostBack) { FormRegion.Text = widget.BuildForm(); } else { FormRegion.Text = widget.BuildForm(Request.Form); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { LiHyperLink.SetNameToCompare(Context, "settings"); if (!IsPostBack) { SiteSettings settings = SiteSettings.Get(); chkUseExternalJQuery.Checked = settings.UseExternalJQuery; chkUseProxy.Checked = settings.UseProxyServer; txtProxyHost.Text = settings.ProxyHost; txtProxyPort.Text = settings.ProxyPort.ToString(); txtProxyUsername.Text = settings.ProxyUsername; txtProxyPassword.Text = settings.ProxyPassword; chkBypassProxyOnLocal.Checked = settings.ProxyBypassOnLocal; chkCacheViews.Checked = settings.CacheViews; txtDateFormat.Text = settings.DateFormat; txtTimeFormat.Text = settings.TimeFormat; chkFilterUncategorizedPostsFromLists.Checked = !settings.FilterUncategorizedPostsFromLists; chkIncludeChildPosts.Checked = settings.IncludeChildPosts; txtPageSize.Text = settings.PageSize.ToString(); chkGenerateFolders.Checked = settings.GenerateFolders; } string display = chkUseProxy.Checked ? "display: block; padding-left: 20px;" : "display: none; padding-left: 20px;"; proxySettings.Attributes.Add("style", display); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { LiHyperLink.SetNameToCompare(Context, "settings"); if (!IsPostBack) { CommentSettings settings = CommentSettings.Get(); EnableComments.Checked = settings.EnableCommentsDefault; CommentDays.Items.FindByValue(settings.CommentDays.ToString()).Selected = true; txtEmail.Text = settings.Email; txtSpamScore.Text = settings.SpamScore.ToString(); txtAkismetId.Text = settings.AkismetId; txtAkismetScore.Text = settings.AkismetScore.ToString(); chkUseAkismet.Checked = settings.UseAkismet; if (settings.CommentDays > 0 && String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.AkismetId)) { Message.Text = "We noticed you have enabled new comments, but have not added Akismet. Hopefully that is what you are doing right now, if not, please think about it."; Message.Type = StatusType.Warning; } } string display = chkUseAkismet.Checked ? "display: block; padding-left: 20px;" : "display: none; padding-left: 20px;"; akismetSettings.Attributes.Add("style", display); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { Util.CanWriteRedirect(Context); LiHyperLink.SetNameToCompare(Context, "settings"); } if (!IsPostBack) { //EnableHomeSort.Checked = SiteSettings.Get().UseCustomHomeList; Posts.Items.Clear(); DataBuddy.Query query = Post.CreateQuery(); query.AndWhere(Post.Columns.IsHome, true); query.OrderByAsc(Post.Columns.HomeSortOrder); string itemFormat = "<div style=\"border: solid 1px #999; padding: 4px;\"><strong>{0}</strong></div>"; foreach (Post p in PostCollection.FetchByQuery(query)) { Posts.Items.Add(new Telligent.Glow.OrderedListItem(string.Format(itemFormat, p.Title), p.Title, p.Id.ToString())); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { switch (_catalogType) { case CatalogType.Widgets: LiHyperLink.SetNameToCompare(Context, "presentation"); PageBreadcrumbs.SectionName = Breadcrumbs.Section.WidgetMarketplace; _itemTypeName = "Widget"; break; case CatalogType.Themes: LiHyperLink.SetNameToCompare(Context, "presentation"); PageBreadcrumbs.SectionName = Breadcrumbs.Section.ThemeMarketplace; _itemTypeName = "Theme"; break; case CatalogType.Plugins: LiHyperLink.SetNameToCompare(Context, "settings"); PageBreadcrumbs.SectionName = Breadcrumbs.Section.PluginMarketplace; _itemTypeName = "Plugin"; break; case CatalogType.All: Response.Redirect(new Urls().AdminMarketplaceHome); break; } SetControlVisibility(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { LiHyperLink.SetNameToCompare(Context, "presentation"); if (!IsPostBack) { AvailableWidgets.Items.Clear(); AvailableWidgets.Items.Add(new DropDownListItem("(Configure Widgets)", "")); foreach (WidgetDescription w in Widgets.GetAvailableWidgets()) { AvailableWidgets.Items.Add(new DropDownListItem(w.Name, w.Name, w.UniqueId)); } string widgetFormat = "<div style=\"border: solid 1px #999; padding: 4px;\"><b>{0}</b><div style=\"text-align:right;\"><a title=\"Edit Widget\" href=\"javascript:void();\" onclick=\"window.location=\'Edit.aspx?id={1}\'\">Edit</a> | <a title=\"Delete Widget\" href=\"javascript:void();\" onclick=\"javascript:deleteWidget('{1}'); return false;\">Delete</a></div></div>"; foreach (Widget w in Widgets.FetchByLocation(WidgetLocation.Queue)) { qbar.Items.Add(new OrderedListItem(string.Format(widgetFormat, w.Name, w.Id), w.Name, w.Id.ToString())); } foreach (Widget w in Widgets.FetchByLocation(WidgetLocation.Left)) { lbar.Items.Add(new OrderedListItem(string.Format(widgetFormat, w.Name, w.Id), w.Name, w.Id.ToString())); } foreach (Widget w in Widgets.FetchByLocation(WidgetLocation.Right)) { rbar.Items.Add(new OrderedListItem(string.Format(widgetFormat, w.Name, w.Id), w.Name, w.Id.ToString())); } switch (GetSideBarLayout()) { case "left": ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), "hidebar", "$('right-sidebar').hide();", true); break; case "right": ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), "hidebar", "$('left-sidebar').hide();", true); break; } string widgetSaved = Request.QueryString["ws"]; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(widgetSaved)) { Widget widget = Widgets.Fetch(new Guid(Request.QueryString["ws"])); if (widget == null) { throw new Exception("The widget does not exist"); } Message.Text = "The widget, <b>" + widget.Name + "</b> was updated."; Message.Type = StatusType.Success; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { LiHyperLink.SetNameToCompare(Context, "presentation"); if (!IsPostBack) { PageWidget widget = Widgets.Fetch(new Guid(Request.QueryString["id"])) as PageWidget; if (widget == null) { throw new Exception("The widget does not exist"); } BindData(widget); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { LiHyperLink.SetNameToCompare(Context, "settings"); EventDetails ed = Graffiti.Core.Events.GetEvent(Request.QueryString["t"]); PageTitle.Text = ed.Event.Name; Page.Title = "Plug-in: " + ed.Event.Name; if (!IsPostBack) { FormRegion.Text = ed.Event.BuildForm(); } else { FormRegion.Text = ed.Event.BuildForm(Request.Form); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { LiHyperLink.SetNameToCompare(Context, "settings"); if (!IsPostBack) { SiteSettings settings = SiteSettings.Get(); txtTitle.Text = Server.HtmlDecode(settings.Title); txtTagline.Text = Server.HtmlDecode(settings.TagLine); txtCopyright.Text = settings.CopyRight; txtFeedBurner.Text = settings.ExternalFeedUrl; txtStats.Text = settings.WebStatistics; txtHeader.Text = settings.Header; txtMetaScription.Text = Server.HtmlDecode(settings.MetaDescription ?? string.Empty); txtKeywords.Text = Server.HtmlDecode(settings.MetaKeywords ?? string.Empty); DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; // there are timezones which differ by 15 minutes for (double i = -24; i < 24; i = i + .25) { ListItem li = new ListItem(dt.AddHours(i).ToString("ddd, dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm"), i.ToString()); TimeOffSet.Items.Add(li); } ListItem liSelected = TimeOffSet.Items.FindByValue(settings.TimeZoneOffSet.ToString()); if (liSelected != null) { liSelected.Selected = true; } else { TimeOffSet.Items.FindByValue("0").Selected = true; } GraffitiLogo.Checked = settings.DisplayGraffitiLogo; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { LiHyperLink.SetNameToCompare(Context, "settings"); ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "set-fields", "toggleServerAuthFields()", true); if (!IsPostBack) { SiteSettings settings = SiteSettings.Get(); txtServerName.Text = settings.EmailServer; txtFrom.Text = settings.EmailFrom; RequiresAuthentication.Checked = settings.EmailServerRequiresAuthentication; UseSSL.Checked = settings.EmailRequiresSSL; txtPort.Text = settings.EmailPort.ToString(); if (RequiresAuthentication.Checked) { txtUser.Text = settings.EmailUser; txtPassword.Text = settings.EmailPassword; } PageTemplateToolboxContext ptc = new PageTemplateToolboxContext(); ptc.Put("comment", this); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { LiHyperLink.SetNameToCompare(Context, "presentation"); NavigationSettings settings = NavigationSettings.Get(); CategoryCollection cc = new CategoryController().GetTopLevelCachedCategories(); foreach (Category c in cc) { bool found = false; foreach (DynamicNavigationItem di in settings.SafeItems()) { if (di.NavigationType == DynamicNavigationType.Category && di.CategoryId == c.Id) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { the_Categories.Items.Add(new ListItem(c.Name, "Category-" + c.UniqueId)); } } Query q = Post.CreateQuery(); q.AndWhere(Post.Columns.CategoryId, CategoryController.UnCategorizedId); q.AndWhere(Post.Columns.IsDeleted, false); q.AndWhere(Post.Columns.Status, 1); PostCollection pc = new PostCollection(); pc.LoadAndCloseReader(q.ExecuteReader()); foreach (Post p in pc) { bool found = false; foreach (DynamicNavigationItem di in settings.SafeItems()) { if (di.NavigationType == DynamicNavigationType.Post && di.PostId == p.Id) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { the_Posts.Items.Add(new ListItem(p.Title, "Post-" + p.UniqueId)); } } // 0 - Title, 1 - Type, 2 - LID string itemFormat = "<div style=\"border: solid 1px #999; padding: 4px;\"><strong>{0} ({1})</strong><div style=\"text-align:right;\"><a title=\"Delete Link\" href=\"javascript:void();\" onclick=\"remove_Link( '{1}','{0}', '{2}'); return false;\">Delete</a></div></div>"; foreach (DynamicNavigationItem dni in settings.SafeItems()) { lbar.Items.Add( new OrderedListItem(string.Format(itemFormat, dni.Name, dni.NavigationType.ToString(), dni.Id), dni.Name, dni.NavigationType.ToString() + "-" + dni.Id.ToString())); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { LiHyperLink.SetNameToCompare(Context, "UserManagement"); IGraffitiUser currentUser = GraffitiUsers.Current; if (Request.QueryString["user"] != null) { if (!IsPostBack) { user = GraffitiUsers.GetUser(Request.QueryString["user"]); if (user == null) { throw new Exception("This user does not exist or cannot be edited."); } if (!GraffitiUsers.IsAdmin(currentUser) && user.Name != currentUser.Name) { throw new SecurityException("You do not have permission to edit this user"); } if (Request.QueryString["new"] != null && !IsPostBack) { Message.Text = "The user <strong>" + user.Name + "</strong> was created."; Message.Type = StatusType.Success; } PageText.Text = "Update " + user.ProperName + "'s profile."; AdminUserLinks.Visible = true; PasswordLink.NavigateUrl = string.Format("~/graffiti-admin/user-management/users/changepassword.aspx?user={0}", Request.QueryString["user"]); if (GraffitiUsers.CanRenameUsers && GraffitiUsers.IsAdmin(GraffitiUsers.Current)) { AdminUserLinksDelim.Visible = true; RenameLink.Visible = true; RenameLink.NavigateUrl = string.Format("javascript:Telligent_Modal.Open('RenameUser.aspx?user={0}', 400, 200, null);", Request.QueryString["user"]); } txtExistingUserName.Text = Server.HtmlDecode(user.Name); txtProperName.Text = Server.HtmlDecode(user.ProperName); txtExistingEmail.Text = user.Email; txtAvatar.Text = user.Avatar; Editor.Text = user.Bio; txtWebsite.Text = string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.WebSite) ? new Macros().FullUrl(new Urls().Home) : Server.HtmlEncode(user.WebSite); bool isAdmin = GraffitiUsers.IsUserInRole(GraffitiUsers.Current.Name, GraffitiUsers.AdminRole); role_section.Visible = isAdmin; AllRoles.Visible = isAdmin; if (!isAdmin) { Cancel_Edit.NavigateUrl = "~/graffiti-admin/"; } if (isAdmin) { RolePermissionsCollection rp = RolePermissionManager.GetRolePermissions(); RolePermissionsCollection newrp = new RolePermissionsCollection(); newrp.AddRange(rp); RolePermissions temp = newrp.Find(delegate(RolePermissions r) { return(r.RoleName == GraffitiUsers.EveryoneRole); }); if (temp != null) { newrp.Remove(temp); } newrp.Sort(delegate(RolePermissions rp1, RolePermissions rp2) { return(Comparer <string> .Default.Compare(rp1.RoleName, rp2.RoleName)); }); Roles.DataSource = newrp; Roles.DataBind(); foreach (string role in user.Roles) { if (role == GraffitiUsers.AdminRole) { chkAdmin.Checked = true; if (GraffitiUsers.Current.Name == user.Name) { chkAdmin.Enabled = false; } } } } } new_user_container.Visible = false; User_List.Visible = false; user_edit_form.Visible = true; } else { if (!GraffitiUsers.IsUserInRole(currentUser.Name, GraffitiUsers.AdminRole)) { Response.Redirect("?user="******"*"); User_List.DataSource = users; User_List.DataBind(); // filter out everyone if they are not a content publisher for licensing List <IGraffitiUser> filteredUsers = new List <IGraffitiUser>(); filteredUsers.AddRange(users); bool isEveryonePublisher = RolePermissionManager.IsEveryoneAContentPublisher(); if (!isEveryonePublisher) { foreach (IGraffitiUser user in users) { if (user.Roles != null && user.Roles[0] == GraffitiUsers.EveryoneRole) { filteredUsers.Remove(user); } } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { LiHyperLink.SetNameToCompare(Context, "settings"); _category = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["category"] ?? "-1"); if (Request.QueryString["id"] != null) { if (Request.QueryString["new"] != null) { if (!IsPostBack) { Message.Text = "Your field was successfully added."; Message.Type = StatusType.Success; } } if (!IsPostBack) { Cancel_Edit.NavigateUrl = "?category=" + _category.ToString(); Master.FindControl("SideBarRegion").Visible = false; CustomFormSettings csf = CustomFormSettings.Get(_category, false); CustomField cf = null; Guid g = new Guid(Request.QueryString["id"]); foreach (CustomField cfx in csf.Fields) { if (cfx.Id == g) { cf = cfx; break; } } if (cf != null) { FormViews.SetActiveView(EditFieldView); ExistingName.Text = cf.Name; ExistingDescription.Text = cf.Description; if (cf.FieldType == FieldType.CheckBox) { CheckboxRegion.Visible = true; ExistingCheckBox.Checked = cf.Checked; } else if (cf.FieldType == FieldType.List) { ListRegion.Visible = true; if (cf.ListOptions != null && cf.ListOptions.Count > 0) { foreach (ListItemFormElement li in cf.ListOptions) { ExistingListOptions.Text += (li.Text + "\n"); } } } } } } else { if (!IsPostBack) { Master.FindControl("SideBarRegion").Visible = true; if (_category != -1) { Category c = new Category(_category); lblCategory.Text = c.Name; } else { lblCategory.Text = "Global"; } LoadCategories(); LoadCustomFields(); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { LiHyperLink.SetNameToCompare(Context, "settings"); DeleteButton.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this file? This action cannot be undone!');"); string rootPath = Server.MapPath("~/"); string path = Request.QueryString["path"] ?? ""; if (!path.ToLower().StartsWith(basicFilesMediaPath) && !GraffitiUsers.IsAdmin(GraffitiUsers.Current)) { Response.Redirect(Request.Url.AbsolutePath + "?path=" + basicFilesMediaPath, true); } path = Path.Combine(rootPath, Util.NormalizePath(path)); string fileName = Request.QueryString["f"]; DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(path); if (!di.FullName.ToLower().StartsWith(rootPath.ToLower())) { Log.Error("FileBrowser", "A request was made to an invalid directory {0}. If this persists, you should contact your ISP", di.FullName); throw new Exception("Bad Path"); } SetBreadCrumbs(fileName); SetFolders(di, rootPath); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { FileViews.SetActiveView(FileLists); SetFileList(di); } else { FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(path, fileName)); if (!fi.Exists) { Log.Warn("FileBrowser", "A requested file {0} does not exist", fi.FullName); throw new Exception("File does not exist"); } if (!FileFilters.IsValidFile(fi.Name)) { Log.Error("FileBrowser", "A forbidden file {0} was requested by the FileBrowser. Access to view/edit this file has been denied.", fi.FullName); throw new Exception("File does not exist"); } if (Request.QueryString["edit"] != "true") { SetFileDetails(fi); } else { SetFileEdit(fi); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { LiHyperLink.SetNameToCompare(Context, "presentation"); this.DataBind(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { switch (_catalogType) { case CatalogType.Widgets: LiHyperLink.SetNameToCompare(Context, "presentation"); PageBreadcrumbs.SectionName = Breadcrumbs.Section.WidgetMarketplace; break; case CatalogType.Themes: LiHyperLink.SetNameToCompare(Context, "presentation"); PageBreadcrumbs.SectionName = Breadcrumbs.Section.ThemeMarketplace; break; case CatalogType.Plugins: LiHyperLink.SetNameToCompare(Context, "settings"); PageBreadcrumbs.SectionName = Breadcrumbs.Section.PluginMarketplace; break; case CatalogType.All: Response.Redirect(new Urls().AdminMarketplaceHome); break; } if (!IsPostBack) { try { CatalogInfo catalog = null; if (Marketplace.Catalogs.ContainsKey(_catalogType)) { catalog = Marketplace.Catalogs[_catalogType]; } MessageInfo messageInfo = null; if (catalog.Messages.Count > 0) { messageInfo = catalog.Messages[0]; } else if (Marketplace.Messages.Count > 0) { messageInfo = Marketplace.Messages[0]; } if (messageInfo != null) { MarketplaceMessage.Visible = true; MarketplaceMessage.Type = StatusType.Information; MarketplaceMessage.Text = messageInfo.Text; } categoryList.DataSource = catalog.Categories.Values; categoryList.DataBind(); itemList.DataSource = catalog.Items.Values; if (_categoryId > 0) { CategoryInfo category = catalog.Categories[_categoryId]; itemList.DataSource = category.Items.Values; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_creatorId)) { CreatorInfo creator = Marketplace.Creators[_creatorId]; itemList.DataSource = creator.GetItems(_catalogType).Values; } itemList.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { string messageText = "An unexpected error has occurred connecting to the marketplace. The <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Graffiti Marketplace</a> is where you can find new themes, widgets, and plugins. Please try again later."; if (ex is System.Security.SecurityException) { messageText = "Your security settings do not allow you to access the marketplace from within the Control Panel. To find new themes, widgets, and plugins, please visit the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Graffiti Marketplace</a>."; } Message.Type = StatusType.Error; Message.Text = messageText; Message.Visible = true; MarketplaceImage.Visible = true; PageBreadcrumbs.Visible = false; categoryList.Visible = false; itemList.Visible = false; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { LiHyperLink.SetNameToCompare(Context, "UserManagement"); string role = DecodeFromQS("role"); if (!Page.IsPostBack) { SetupTogglePermissionsScript(read, edit, publish, read, "read"); SetupTogglePermissionsScript(read, edit, publish, edit, "edit"); SetupTogglePermissionsScript(read, edit, publish, publish, "publish"); SetupTogglePermissionsScript(readRolePermission, editRolePermission, publishRolePermission, readRolePermission, "read"); SetupTogglePermissionsScript(readRolePermission, editRolePermission, publishRolePermission, editRolePermission, "edit"); SetupTogglePermissionsScript(readRolePermission, editRolePermission, publishRolePermission, publishRolePermission, "publish"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(role)) { RolePermissionsCollection rpc = RolePermissionManager.GetRolePermissions(); RolePermissions rp = rpc.Find( delegate(RolePermissions rper) { return(rper.RoleName.ToLower() == role.ToLower()); }); if (rp != null) { readRolePermission.Checked = rp.HasRead; editRolePermission.Checked = rp.HasEdit; publishRolePermission.Checked = rp.HasPublish; } } } if (role != null) { string encodedRoleName = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(role); if (!IsPostBack) { if (Request.QueryString["new"] != null) { Message.Text = string.Format("The role <strong>{0}</strong> was created.", encodedRoleName); Message.Type = StatusType.Success; } litExistingRoleName.Text = encodedRoleName; PageText.Text = "Update " + encodedRoleName; CategoryList.DataSource = new CategoryController().GetAllCachedCategories(); CategoryList.DataBind(); } new_role_container.Visible = false; Role_List.Visible = false; role_edit_form.Visible = true; } else { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { RolePermissionsCollection rps = RolePermissionManager.GetRolePermissions(); rps.Sort(delegate(RolePermissions rp1, RolePermissions rp2) { return(Comparer <string> .Default.Compare(rp1.RoleName, rp2.RoleName)); }); // move everyone to the top RolePermissionsCollection rpss = new RolePermissionsCollection(); foreach (RolePermissions rp in rps) { if (rp.RoleName == GraffitiUsers.EveryoneRole) { rpss.Insert(0, rp); } } foreach (RolePermissions rp in rps) { if (rp.RoleName != GraffitiUsers.EveryoneRole) { rpss.Add(rp); } } Role_List.DataSource = rpss; Role_List.DataBind(); if (Request.QueryString["roleSaved"] != null) { string roleSaved = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["roleSaved"]); Message.Text = string.Format("The role <strong>{0}</strong> was updated.", roleSaved); Message.Type = StatusType.Success; } } new_role_container.Visible = true; role_edit_form.Visible = false; Role_List.Visible = true; } }