コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
/// Setup the form with existing criteria
/// </summary>
/// <param name="qc"></param>

        void Setup(
            QueryColumn qc)
            MetaTable mt = null;
            string    listName, mcName, tok, tok1, tok2, tok3, txt;
            int       i1;

            if (qc != null && qc.QueryTable != null)
                mt = qc.QueryTable.MetaTable;

            Text        = qc.ActiveLabel + " Criteria";
            Prompt.Text =
                "Choose one of the following " + qc.ActiveLabel + " criteria options.";

            Cid.Text            = "";
            CidListDisplay.Text = "";
            ListName.Text       = "";
            SavedListUo         = null;
            CidLo.Text          = "";
            CidHi.Text          = "";

            TempListName.Properties.Items.Clear();             // build dropdown of available temp list names
            foreach (TempCidList tl0 in SS.I.TempCidLists)
            TempListName.Text = "Current";

            Lex lex = new Lex();

            mcName = lex.GetUpper();               // metacolumn name
            if (Lex.Ne(mcName, qc.MetaColumnName)) // check if col name is first token
            {                                      // if not assume it's simply missing and that the operator is the first token
                mcName = qc.MetaColumnName;

            tok  = lex.GetUpper();            // operator
            tok1 = lex.GetUpper();            // following tokens */
            tok2 = lex.GetUpper();
            tok3 = lex.GetUpper();

            if (tok == "=" || tok == "")
                tok1       = CompoundId.Format(tok1, mt);
                Cid.Text   = tok1;
                EQ.Checked = true;

            else if (tok == "IN" && tok1.StartsWith("("))             // list saved with query only
                InList.Checked = true;

                CidListString = qc.Criteria;
                i1            = CidListString.IndexOf("(");      // just get the list itself if parenthesized
                if (i1 >= 0)
                    CidListString = CidListString.Substring(i1 + 1);
                if (CidListString.EndsWith(")"))
                    CidListString = CidListString.Substring(0, CidListString.Length - 1);


            else if (tok == "IN" && (Lex.Eq(Lex.RemoveAllQuotes(tok2), "CURRENT") ||
                                     Lex.StartsWith(tok2, UserObject.TempFolderNameQualified)))
            {             // temp list
                if (Lex.StartsWith(tok2, UserObject.TempFolderNameQualified))
                    tok2 = tok2.Substring(UserObject.TempFolderNameQualified.Length);
                TempListName.Text = tok2;
                TempList.Checked  = true;

            else if (tok == "IN")             // saved list
                SavedListUo = QueryEngine.ResolveCnListReference(tok2);
                if (SavedListUo != null)
                    listName = SavedListUo.Name;

                    listName = "Nonexistant list";                  // list deleted
                ListName.Text     = listName;
                SavedList.Checked = true;

            else if (tok == "BETWEEN")
                tok1            = CompoundId.Format(tok1);
                CidLo.Text      = tok1;
                tok3            = CompoundId.Format(tok3);
                CidHi.Text      = tok3;
                Between.Checked = true;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Process command line to create a user
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="commandLine"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public static string CreateUser(
            string commandLine)
            string tok, msg;

            Lex lex = new Lex();


            if (!Security.IsAdministrator(SS.I.UserName))
                return("You must be a Mobius administrator to create users");

            string userName    = lex.GetUpper();          // get user name
            bool   interactive = Lex.IsNullOrEmpty(userName);

            while (true)
                UserInfo ui = new UserInfo();

                int i1 = userName.IndexOf(@"\");
                if (i1 < 0)
                    i1 = userName.IndexOf(@"/"); // try forward slash
                if (i1 < 0)                      // domain not specified, default is AM
                    ui.UserName = userName;
                else if (i1 > 0)
                    ui.UserDomainName = userName.Substring(0, i1);
                    ui.UserName       = userName.Substring(i1 + 1);

                if (interactive)                 // prompt
                    DialogResult dr = CreateUserDialog.ShowDialog(ui, "Create User");
                    if (dr == DialogResult.Cancel)

                {                 // Syntax: CREATE USER [domain\]userid firstname [mi] lastname [emailAddress] [company] [site] [department]
                    ui.FirstName = Lex.CapitalizeFirstLetters(Lex.RemoveAllQuotes(lex.Get()));
                    tok          = Lex.CapitalizeFirstLetters(Lex.RemoveAllQuotes(lex.Get()));
                    if (tok.Length == 1)
                        ui.MiddleInitial = tok;
                    ui.LastName     = Lex.CapitalizeFirstLetters(Lex.RemoveAllQuotes(lex.Get()));
                    ui.EmailAddress = Lex.CapitalizeFirstLetters(Lex.RemoveAllQuotes(lex.Get()));
                    ui.Company      = Lex.CapitalizeFirstLetters(Lex.RemoveAllQuotes(lex.Get()));
                    ui.Site         = Lex.CapitalizeFirstLetters(Lex.RemoveAllQuotes(lex.Get()));
                    ui.Department   = Lex.CapitalizeFirstLetters(Lex.RemoveAllQuotes(lex.Get()));

                UserInfo existingUi = Security.ReadUserInfo(ui.UserName);

                    if (existingUi == null)
                        msg = "User successfully created";
                        msg = "User information updated";
                    msg += "\n\n" +
                           "User: "******"\n" +
                           "Domain: " + ui.UserDomainName + "\n" +
                           "First Name: " + ui.FirstName + "\n" +
                           "Middle Initial: " + ui.MiddleInitial + "\n" +
                           "Last Name: " + ui.LastName;
                catch (Exception ex) { msg = "User creation failed: " + ex.Message; }

                if (!interactive)

                userName = "";