コード例 #1
ファイル: LevelGenerator.cs プロジェクト: Grochoci/Symbiosis
    private void GenerateInitalRooms(LevelGraph playerLevel, string player, int quadrant, int levelXOffset, int levelZOffset)
        int[] quadrantRooms;
        quadrantRooms = GetRoomExceptionsByQuadrant(quadrant);

        GenerateTutorialRooms(player, quadrantRooms);

        int skipRoom = quadrantRooms[1];

        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)
                int roomNumber = (i * size) + j;
                if (roomNumber != skipRoom)
                    int     xOffset      = j * 40 + levelXOffset;
                    int     zOffset      = i * 32 + levelZOffset;
                    Vector3 roomPosition = new Vector3(xOffset, 0, zOffset);

                    // Create room in scene hierarchy
                    string     roomSuffix = RandomRoomPrefab();
                    string     roomColor  = Regex.Match(roomSuffix, @"\D+").Groups[0].Value;
                    string     name       = "Room" + player + "-" + roomNumber;
                    GameObject newRoom    = GenerateRoom(roomSuffix, name, roomPosition, roomColor);

                    // Add room to graph
                    Node newRoomNode = AddGraphNode(playerLevel, newRoom, roomNumber, quadrantRooms, roomColor);

                    GenerateDoorsAndWalls(playerLevel, newRoomNode, newRoom.transform, player, roomNumber, roomColor, roomPosition, quadrantRooms);
コード例 #2
        public GDWorldMapScreen(MonoSAMGame game, GraphicsDeviceManager gdm, GraphBlueprint g, Guid?initialFocus) : base(game, gdm)
            Graph          = new LevelGraph(this);
            GraphBlueprint = g;

            Initialize(g, initialFocus);
コード例 #3
 public static Ghost Orange(LevelGraph graph) => new Ghost
     _graph         = graph,
     _targetPicker  = new OrangeGhostTargetPicker(),
     _color         = Color.Orange,
     _startPosition = new Vector2(13, 11),
     _homePosition  = new Vector2(0, 33),
コード例 #4
 public static Ghost Pink(LevelGraph graph) => new Ghost
     _graph         = graph,
     _targetPicker  = new PinkGhostTargetPicker(),
     _color         = Color.Pink,
     _startPosition = new Vector2(13, 11),
     _homePosition  = new Vector2(0, -2),
コード例 #5
 public static Ghost Blue(LevelGraph graph) => new Ghost
     _graph         = graph,
     _targetPicker  = new BlueGhostTargetPicker(),
     _color         = Color.Cyan,
     _startPosition = new Vector2(12, 11),
     _homePosition  = new Vector2(28, 33),
コード例 #6
 public static Ghost Red(LevelGraph graph) => new Ghost
     _graph         = graph,
     _targetPicker  = new RedGhostTargetPicker(),
     _color         = Color.Red,
     _startPosition = new Vector2(11, 11),
     _homePosition  = new Vector2(24, -2),
        private static void OpenWindow(LevelGraph levelGraph)
            var type   = Type.GetType("UnityEditor.GameView,UnityEditor");
            var window = EditorWindow.GetWindow <LevelGraphEditor>("Graph editor", type);

コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Setups default room shapes.
        /// These are used if a room does not have any room shapes assigned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mapDescription"></param>
        /// <param name="levelGraph"></param>
        protected void SetupDefaultRoomShapes(MapDescription <int> mapDescription, LevelGraph levelGraph)
            var roomDescriptions = GetRoomDescriptions(levelGraph.DefaultRoomTemplateSets, levelGraph.DefaultIndividualRoomTemplates).Distinct();

            foreach (var roomDescription in roomDescriptions)
コード例 #9
ファイル: ChunkGenerator.cs プロジェクト: tyoden/Runner
        /// <summary>
        /// Chunk generate method
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="prevChunk"></param>
        /// <param name="offset"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Chunk GenerateChunk(Chunk prevChunk = null, float offset = 0)
            var graph        = LevelGraph.Generate(width, length, prevChunk?.graph);
            var offsetVector = new Vector3(0, 0, offset);
            var objects      = GenerateCells(graph, levelConfig, levelObjectsPool, offsetVector);

            objects.AddRange(GenerateItems(graph, levelConfig, levelObjectsPool, offsetVector));
            return(new Chunk(graph, objects, offsetVector));
コード例 #10
ファイル: ChunkGenerator.cs プロジェクト: tyoden/Runner
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate chunk items by graph nodes
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graph"></param>
        /// <param name="levelConfig"></param>
        /// <param name="pool"></param>
        /// <param name="chunkPosition"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static List <LevelObject> GenerateItems(LevelGraph graph, LevelConfig levelConfig, LevelObjectsPool pool,
                                                        Vector3 chunkPosition)
            const int itemsCount       = 5;
            const int itemsCountOffset = 1;

            var levelObjects = new List <LevelObject>();
            var orderedItems = levelConfig.items.OrderBy(item => item.generateChance).ToArray();

            // Generate one items chain per graph row in random lane
            for (var y = 0; y < graph.length; y++)
                var xShuffle = Shuffle <int> .ToQueue(Enumerable.Range(0, graph.width));

                while (xShuffle.Count > 0)
                    var x    = xShuffle.Dequeue();
                    var node = graph.nodes.Get(x, y);
                    if (!node.passable)
                    var target = GetRandom(node.exits);

                    // Build smooth items "path" by Bezier curve
                    var offset = new Vector3(0, 0, 0.5f);
                    var a      = new Vector3(node.position.x, 0, node.position.y * LevelGraph.CellsPerNode) + offset;
                    var d      = new Vector3(target.x, 0, target.y * LevelGraph.CellsPerNode) + offset;
                    var middle = new Vector3(0, 0, d.z - a.z) * 0.5f;
                    var b      = a + middle;
                    var c      = d - middle;
                    var bezier = new Bezier(a, b, c, d);

                    // Place items on curve in some range
                    var from = Random.Range(0, itemsCountOffset + 1);
                    var to   = Random.Range(0, itemsCountOffset + 1) + itemsCount - itemsCountOffset;
                    for (var i = from; i < to; i++)
                        var chance          = Random.value;
                        var inChunkPosition = bezier.GetPoint(1f / itemsCount * i);
                        foreach (var itemConfig in orderedItems)
                            if (!itemConfig.CheckChance(chance))
                                                                      inChunkPosition, chunkPosition));
コード例 #11
ファイル: Chunk.cs プロジェクト: tyoden/Runner
        private const float CutDistance = -3; // todo remove from here

        public Chunk(LevelGraph graph, IEnumerable <LevelObject> chunkObjects, Vector3 worldPosition)
            this.graph         = graph;
            this.worldPosition = worldPosition;
            objects            = chunkObjects.ToList();
            foreach (var levelObject in objects)
コード例 #12
    public LevelMetadata GenerateLevel(int seed)
        LevelGraph levelGraph = new LevelGraph();

        levelGraph.GenerateGraph(preset.RoomCount, preset.CritPathLength, preset.MaxDoors, preset.Distribution);
        ProceduralLevel level = new ProceduralLevel(levelGraph, preset, true);

コード例 #13
 public async override void PostInitialisation(object info = null)
     if (LevelGraph != null)
         LevelGraph.InitPlot("Date", "Level", format: "dd-MMM", relative: false);
     if (MoneyGraph != null)
         MoneyGraph.InitPlot("Date", "Value", format: "dd-MMM", relative: false);
コード例 #14
    //Creates a visual representation of the level graph using a free tree algorithm
    //The positions are written to the node instances
    private void GenerateLevel(LevelGraph graph)
        FreeTreeVisualization freeTree = new FreeTreeVisualization(distance * 10f, graph.NodesCreated, graph.Rootnode);

        GenerateLevel(rootnode, null);

        if (isSeparate)
コード例 #15
    private void Generate()
        if (randomizeSeed)
            preset.Seed = Random.Range(0, 10000);
        levelGraph = new LevelGraph();
        levelGraph.GenerateGraph(preset.RoomCount, preset.CritPathLength, preset.MaxDoors, preset.Distribution);
        ProceduralLevel level = new ProceduralLevel(levelGraph, preset, debugInfo.SetStatic);

        //generatedObjects = level.GeneratedRooms;
コード例 #16
 private void InitializeGameLevelRoom()
     pathfinding = new LevelGraph((int)Size.Width, (int)Size.Height);
     for (int count = 0; count < pathfinding.Nodes.Length; count++)
         pathfinding.Nodes[count].Position = GetWorldCoordinates(pathfinding.Nodes[count].Position);
     for (int count = 0; count < SpawnPoints.Count; count++)
         SpawnPoints[count] = GetWorldCoordinates(SpawnPoints[count]);
     for (int count = 0; count < GoalPoints.Count; count++)
         GoalPoints[count] = GetWorldCoordinates(GoalPoints[count]);
コード例 #17
ファイル: LevelGenerator.cs プロジェクト: Grochoci/Symbiosis
    private void UpdateLevelUsingGraph(LevelGraph playerLevel, string player)
        // Replace doors that have been removed with walls
        foreach (Edge edge in playerLevel.RemovedDoorList)
            ReplaceDoorWithWall(player, edge);

        // Find all rooms with no doors attached and remove them;
        List <Node> isolatedRooms = playerLevel.GetIsolatedRooms();

        foreach (Node room in isolatedRooms)
コード例 #18
ファイル: LevelGenerator.cs プロジェクト: Grochoci/Symbiosis
    private Node AddGraphNode(LevelGraph playerLevel, GameObject newRoom, int roomNumber, int[] quadrantRooms, string roomColor)
        Node newRoomNode = new Node(newRoom, roomNumber, roomColor);

        if (roomNumber == quadrantRooms[4])
            // Tutorial Adjacent Room
            playerLevel.TutorialAdjRoom = newRoomNode;
        else if (roomNumber == quadrantRooms[2])
            // Switch Adjacent Room
            playerLevel.SwitchAdjRoom = newRoomNode;

        // All other core level rooms
コード例 #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Setups corridor room shapes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mapDescription"></param>
        /// <param name="levelGraph"></param>
        protected void SetupCorridorRoomShapes(MapDescription <int> mapDescription, LevelGraph levelGraph)
            var corridorLengths  = new List <int>();
            var roomDescriptions = GetRoomDescriptions(levelGraph.CorridorRoomTemplateSets, levelGraph.CorridorIndividualRoomTemplates).Distinct().ToList();

            if (roomDescriptions.Count == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("There must be at least 1 corridor room template if corridors are enabled.");

            foreach (var roomDescription in roomDescriptions)

                var corridorLength = RoomShapesLoader.GetCorridorLength(roomDescription);

            mapDescription.SetWithCorridors(true, corridorLengths.Distinct().ToList());
コード例 #20
ファイル: LevelGenerator.cs プロジェクト: Grochoci/Symbiosis
    private void SetAllDoorLightColors(LevelGraph playerLevel, string player)
        // Set tutorial room light
        GameObject tutorialRoom          = GameObject.Find("Room" + player + "TutorialExit");
        string     roomColor             = playerLevel.TutorialAdjRoom.RoomColor;
        int        tutorialAdjRoomNumber = playerLevel.TutorialAdjRoom.RoomNumber;
        string     doorName = "DoorWest";

        if (tutorialAdjRoomNumber == 0 || tutorialAdjRoomNumber == size * (size - 1))
            doorName = "DoorEast";
        ChangeDoorColor(tutorialRoom, doorName, roomColor);

        // Set switch room light
        GameObject switchRoom = GameObject.Find("Room100");

        roomColor = playerLevel.SwitchAdjRoom.RoomColor;
        int switchAdjRoomNumber = playerLevel.SwitchAdjRoom.RoomNumber;

        doorName = "DoorSwitchEnterLeft";
        if (switchAdjRoomNumber == 1 || switchAdjRoomNumber == size - 2)
            doorName = "DoorSwitchEnterRight";
        ChangeDoorColor(switchRoom, doorName, roomColor);

        // Set core dungeon lights
        foreach (Edge edge in playerLevel.DoorList)
            GameObject roomObject1 = edge.door1.RoomInside.RoomObject;
            GameObject roomObject2 = edge.door2.RoomInside.RoomObject;
            string     roomColor1  = edge.door1.RoomInside.RoomColor;
            string     roomColor2  = edge.door2.RoomInside.RoomColor;
            string     doorName1   = "Door" + edge.door1.Direction;
            string     doorName2   = "Door" + edge.door2.Direction;

            ChangeDoorColor(roomObject1, doorName1, roomColor2);
            ChangeDoorColor(roomObject2, doorName2, roomColor1);
コード例 #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize the window with a given level graph.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="levelGraph"></param>
        public void Initialize(LevelGraph levelGraph)
            LevelGraph          = levelGraph;
            CurrentState        = State.Idle;
            zoom                = LevelGraph.EditorData.Zoom;
            panOffset           = LevelGraph.EditorData.PanOffset;
            snapToGrid          = EditorPrefs.GetBool(EditorConstants.SnapToGridEditorPrefsKey, false);
            connectionStartNode = null;

            // Initialize room nodes
            roomNodes = new List <RoomNode>();
            foreach (var room in LevelGraph.Rooms)
                if (room != null)
                    Debug.LogError($"There is a null room in the level graph {levelGraph.name}. This should not happen.");

            // Initialize connection nodes
            connectionNodes = new List <ConnectionNode>();
            foreach (var connection in LevelGraph.Connections)
                if (connection != null)
                    Debug.LogError($"There is a null connection in the level graph {levelGraph.name}. This should not happen.");
コード例 #22
    public ProceduralLevel(LevelGraph graph, LevelGeneratorPreset preset, bool setIsStatic)
        //IMPORTANT, multiply with the door size. Doors require the chunk to be aligned on the grid on GENERATION time
        //Ensure, that chunks are on the grid, since the doors align to the grid regardless of the chunk position, which
        //Will result in shifted doorpositions on repositioning the chunks
        tmpChunkPos            = DoorDefinition.GlobalSize * -5000f;
        tmpChunkStep           = DoorDefinition.GlobalSize * -50f;
        isGenerating           = true;
        this.preset            = preset;
        this.hallwayTiling     = preset.HallwayTiling;
        this.distance          = preset.RoomDistance;
        this.rootnode          = graph.Rootnode;
        this.spacing           = preset.Spacing;
        this.isSeparate        = preset.IsSeparateRooms;
        this.hallwayMaterials  = preset.HallwayMaterials;
        this.helper            = new ChunkHelper(preset);
        this.debugData         = new DebugData();
        this.chunkInstantiator = ChunkInstantiator.Instance;
        this.hallwayMeta       = new List <HallwayMeta> ();
        this.positionMeta      = new List <RoomTransformation>();
        this.levelMetadata     = new LevelMetadata();
        this.setIsStatic       = setIsStatic;

        if (!isConstraintError)
        isGenerating = false;
コード例 #23
        private Embed createLevelEmbed(Character oldC, Character newC)
            var mChanged     = oldC.masteryLevel != newC.masteryLevel;
            var levelChanged = oldC.level != newC.level;

            var embed = new EmbedBuilder();

            embed.WithColor(222, 39, 0);
            embed.WithTitle($"{newC.name} leveled up!").WithCurrentTimestamp();
            embed.AddField("Name", newC.name, true);
            embed.AddField("Playtime", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(newC.age).ToString(@"d\d\ h\h\ m\m\ s\s"), true);
            embed.AddField("Gender", newC.gender, true);
            embed.AddField("Class", newC.profession, true);
            embed.AddField("Level", newC.level + (levelChanged ? $" (+{newC.level - oldC.level})" : ""), true);
            embed.AddField("Mastery-Level", newC.masteryLevel + (mChanged ? $" (+{newC.masteryLevel - oldC.masteryLevel})" : ""), true);
            embed.WithFooter(x => {
                x.Text    = "GW2Tracker";
                x.IconUrl = "https://1001019.v1.pressablecdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/GW2-Logo.jpg";


        public void Initialize()

            var roomToRoomNodes = new Dictionary <Room, RoomNode>();

            roomNodes = new List <RoomNode>();
            foreach (var data in Data.Rooms)
                var roomNode = CreateNode(data);
                roomToRoomNodes.Add(data, roomNode);

            connectionNodes = new List <ConnectionNode>();
            foreach (var data in Data.Connections)
                CreateConnection(data, roomToRoomNodes[data.From], roomToRoomNodes[data.To]);

            editorMode         = EditorMode.Drag;
            connectionFrom     = null;
            connectionProgress = null;
            StaticData         = Data;
コード例 #25
ファイル: ChunkGenerator.cs プロジェクト: tyoden/Runner
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate chunk cells by graph nodes
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graph"></param>
        /// <param name="levelConfig"></param>
        /// <param name="pool"></param>
        /// <param name="chunkPosition"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static List <LevelObject> GenerateCells(LevelGraph graph, LevelConfig levelConfig, LevelObjectsPool pool,
                                                        Vector3 chunkPosition)
            const int cellsPerNode   = LevelGraph.CellsPerNode;
            var       chunkLength    = graph.length * cellsPerNode;
            var       chunkWidth     = graph.width;
            var       obstaclePlaces = new List <Vector2Int>();

            // Fill grid by wall and floor random configs
            var cells = new Grid <CellConfig>(chunkWidth, chunkLength);

            for (var l = 0; l < graph.length; l++)
                for (var x = 0; x < graph.width; x++)
                    var node = graph.nodes.Get(x, l);
                    var end  = l * cellsPerNode + cellsPerNode;
                    if (node.passable)
                        var y           = l * cellsPerNode;
                        var coordinates = new Vector2Int(x, y);
                        // Store passable coordinate for placing some obstacle
                        for (; y < end; y++)
                            cells.Set(x, y, GetRandom(levelConfig.floors));
                        var y = l * cellsPerNode;
                        cells.Set(x, y, levelConfig.walls[Random.Range(0, levelConfig.walls.Length)]);
                        if (graph.nodes.TryGet(x, l + 1, out var nextNode) && !nextNode.passable)
                            for (; y < end; y++)
                                cells.Set(x, y, GetRandom(levelConfig.walls));
                            for (; y < end; y++)
                                cells.Set(x, y, GetRandom(levelConfig.floors));

            // Try to place random obstacle config in previously founded coordinates
            foreach (var coordinates in obstaclePlaces)
                var chance          = Random.value;
                var obstacleConfigs = Shuffle <CellConfig> .ToQueue(levelConfig.obstacles);

                while (obstacleConfigs.Count > 0)
                    var config = obstacleConfigs.Dequeue();
                    // Check if obstacle placement restrictions passed
                    if (!config.CheckPlacement(chance, coordinates, cells))
                    cells.Set(coordinates, config);

            // Setup instances
            var gameObjects = new List <LevelObject>(cells.items.Length);

            gameObjects.AddRange(cells.items.Select((t, i) =>
                                                                    ToVector3(cells.GetIndexCoordinates(i)), chunkPosition)));
コード例 #26
ファイル: LevelGraph.cs プロジェクト: jpiv/RouglelikeCardGame
 public void Awake()
     instance = this;
     // this.FillMap();
コード例 #27
	private Node AddGraphNode(LevelGraph playerLevel, GameObject newRoom, int roomNumber, int[] quadrantRooms, string roomColor) {
		Node newRoomNode = new Node(newRoom, roomNumber, roomColor);

		if (roomNumber == quadrantRooms[4]) {
			// Tutorial Adjacent Room
			playerLevel.TutorialAdjRoom = newRoomNode;
		} else if (roomNumber == quadrantRooms[2]) {
			// Switch Adjacent Room
			playerLevel.SwitchAdjRoom = newRoomNode;

		// All other core level rooms
		return newRoomNode;
コード例 #28
	private void GenerateInitalRooms(LevelGraph playerLevel, string player, int quadrant, int levelXOffset, int levelZOffset) {
		int[] quadrantRooms;
		quadrantRooms = GetRoomExceptionsByQuadrant(quadrant);

		GenerateTutorialRooms(player, quadrantRooms);

		int skipRoom = quadrantRooms[1];
		for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
			for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {

				int roomNumber = (i * size) + j;
				if (roomNumber != skipRoom) {

					int xOffset = j * 40 + levelXOffset;
					int zOffset = i * 32 + levelZOffset;
					Vector3 roomPosition = new Vector3(xOffset, 0, zOffset);

					// Create room in scene hierarchy 
					string roomSuffix = RandomRoomPrefab();
					string roomColor = Regex.Match(roomSuffix, @"\D+").Groups[0].Value;
					string name = "Room" + player + "-" + roomNumber;
					GameObject newRoom = GenerateRoom(roomSuffix, name, roomPosition, roomColor);

					// Add room to graph
					Node newRoomNode = AddGraphNode(playerLevel, newRoom, roomNumber, quadrantRooms, roomColor);
					GenerateDoorsAndWalls(playerLevel, newRoomNode, newRoom.transform, player, roomNumber, roomColor, roomPosition, quadrantRooms);
コード例 #29
 private void ClearWindow()
     LevelGraph = null;
コード例 #30
	private void UpdateLevelUsingGraph(LevelGraph playerLevel, string player) {
		// Replace doors that have been removed with walls
		foreach (Edge edge in playerLevel.RemovedDoorList) {
			ReplaceDoorWithWall(player, edge);

		// Find all rooms with no doors attached and remove them;
		List<Node> isolatedRooms = playerLevel.GetIsolatedRooms();
		foreach (Node room in isolatedRooms) {
コード例 #31
ファイル: LevelGenerator.cs プロジェクト: Grochoci/Symbiosis
    private void GenerateDoorsAndWalls(LevelGraph playerLevel, Node roomNode, Transform doorParent, string player, int roomNum, string roomColor, Vector3 offset, int[] quadrantRooms)
        const string switchRoomNumber = "100";

        int  quadrant = quadrantRooms[0];
        bool switchDoor, switchWall, tutorialDoor;

        switchDoor = switchWall = tutorialDoor = false;
        if (roomNum == quadrantRooms[2])
            switchDoor = true;
        else if (roomNum == quadrantRooms[3])
            switchWall = true;
        else if (roomNum == quadrantRooms[4])
            tutorialDoor = true;

        bool       spawnWall;
        GameObject newObj;

        foreach (string direction in directions)
            if (direction == "East")
                spawnWall = (roomNum % size == (size - 1)) && !switchDoor && !tutorialDoor;
            else if (direction == "West")
                spawnWall = (roomNum % size == 0) && !switchDoor && !tutorialDoor;
            else if (direction == "North")
                spawnWall = (roomNum >= (size * (size - 1))) || (switchWall && quadrant <= 1);
                spawnWall = (roomNum < size) || (switchWall && quadrant >= 2);

            newObj = GenerateDoorOrWall(direction, player, roomNum, roomColor, offset, spawnWall);

            if (direction == "East")
                if (switchDoor && (quadrant == 0 || quadrant == 2))
                    newObj.GetComponent <DoorController>().nextRoomNum = switchRoomNumber;
                    GameObject.Find("DoorSwitchEnterLeft").GetComponent <DoorController>().nextRoomNum = player + "-" + roomNum;
                else if (tutorialDoor && (quadrant == 1 || quadrant == 3))
                    newObj.GetComponent <DoorController>().nextRoomNum = player + "TutorialExit";
            else if (direction == "West")
                if (switchDoor && (quadrant == 1 || quadrant == 3))
                    newObj.GetComponent <DoorController>().nextRoomNum = switchRoomNumber;
                    GameObject.Find("DoorSwitchEnterRight").GetComponent <DoorController>().nextRoomNum = player + "-" + roomNum;
                else if (tutorialDoor && (quadrant == 0 || quadrant == 2))
                    newObj.GetComponent <DoorController>().nextRoomNum = player + "TutorialExit";

            // Add to graph
            if (!spawnWall)
                int connectingRoom = GetConnectingRoom(roomNum, direction);
                // Only add doors connected to rooms with a lower number (avoid duplicates)
                if (connectingRoom < roomNum)
                    Node adjacentNode = playerLevel.GetRoomByNumber(connectingRoom);

                    // Debug to make sure no null adjacent nodes are found
                    if (adjacentNode == null)
                        Debug.LogError(player + ": room #" + roomNode.RoomNumber + " returned NULL adjacent room node #" + connectingRoom);

                    Edge newEdge = new Edge(roomNode, direction, adjacentNode);
コード例 #32
ファイル: LevelGenerator.cs プロジェクト: Grochoci/Symbiosis
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        GameObject rootNode    = new GameObject("Root");
        GameObject roomsObject = new GameObject("Rooms");

        roomParent = roomsObject.transform;

        // Get level inputs - difficulty, size, and seed
        // maxDifficulty = LevelData.levelDifficulty;  // depreciated, may be used later..
        size = LevelData.levelSize;
        if (LevelData.randomLevel)
        seed = LevelData.levelSeed;
        Debug.Log("Using Seed: " + seed);
        pseudoRandom = new System.Random(seed);

        // Instantiate Room Prefabs and Room Colors Remaning Lists
        foreach (string color in colors)

        // Add the number and difficulty of each enemy color
        enemyTypeDifficulty.Add("Red", new int[] { 1, 2, 3 });
        enemyTypeDifficulty.Add("Green", new int[] { 1, 2, 4 });
        enemyTypeDifficulty.Add("Blue", new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 });

        // Randomize level positioning
        int rightSidePlayer = pseudoRandom.Next(2);
        int topHalfPlayer   = pseudoRandom.Next(2);

        // Generate gauntlet
        gauntletPosition = new Vector3((size - 1) * 40, 0, (size - 1) * 32);
        GenerateRoom("Gauntlet", "RoomGauntlet", gauntletPosition);

        string[] players = new string[] { "P1", "P2" };
        foreach (string player in players)
            // Quadrant: 0=bottom-left, 1=bottom-right, 2=top-left, 3=top-right
            int quadrant, xOffset, zOffset;
            quadrant = xOffset = zOffset = 0;

            bool shiftRight = (player == "P1" && rightSidePlayer == 0) || (player == "P2" && rightSidePlayer == 1);
            if (shiftRight)
                xOffset = (size - 1) * 40;
            bool shiftUp = (player == "P1" && topHalfPlayer == 0) || (player == "P2" && topHalfPlayer == 1);
            if (shiftUp)
                zOffset  = (size - 1) * 32;
                quadrant = quadrant + 2;

            // Instantiate individual player level's
            LevelGraph playerLevel;
            if (player == "P1")
                player1Level = new LevelGraph(player);
                playerLevel  = player1Level;
                player2Level = new LevelGraph(player);
                playerLevel  = player2Level;

            GenerateInitalRooms(playerLevel, player, quadrant, xOffset, zOffset);

        // Perform graph traversal algorithms on both player's level graphs
        foreach (string player in players)
            LevelGraph playerLevel;
            if (player == "P1")
                playerLevel = player1Level;
                playerLevel = player2Level;



            // Calculate each room's distance from the switch room and spawn enemies based on that

            // Do a final level update to remove all distant deadend room chains

            // Modify in-game model of level to what the graph structure represents
            UpdateLevelUsingGraph(playerLevel, player);

            int maxDistance = playerLevel.MaxDistance;
            foreach (Node roomNode in playerLevel.RoomList)
                string roomColor = roomNode.RoomObject.GetComponent <RoomController>().RoomColor;
                SpawnEnemies(roomNode, maxDistance, roomColor);

            SetAllDoorLightColors(playerLevel, player);

            // playerLevel.Print();

コード例 #33
	private void GenerateDoorsAndWalls(LevelGraph playerLevel, Node roomNode, Transform doorParent, string player, int roomNum, string roomColor, Vector3 offset, int[] quadrantRooms) {
		const string switchRoomNumber = "100";

		int quadrant = quadrantRooms[0];
		bool switchDoor, switchWall, tutorialDoor;
		switchDoor = switchWall = tutorialDoor = false;
		if (roomNum == quadrantRooms[2]) {
			switchDoor = true;
		} else if (roomNum == quadrantRooms[3]) {
			switchWall = true;
		} else if (roomNum == quadrantRooms[4]) {
			tutorialDoor = true;

		bool spawnWall;
		GameObject newObj;
		foreach (string direction in directions) {
			if (direction == "East") {
				spawnWall = (roomNum % size == (size - 1)) && !switchDoor && !tutorialDoor;
			} else if (direction == "West") {
				spawnWall = (roomNum % size == 0) && !switchDoor && !tutorialDoor;
			} else if (direction == "North") {
				spawnWall = (roomNum >= (size * (size - 1))) || (switchWall && quadrant <= 1);
			} else {
				spawnWall = (roomNum < size) || (switchWall && quadrant >= 2);

			newObj = GenerateDoorOrWall(direction, player, roomNum, roomColor, offset, spawnWall);

			if (direction == "East") {
				if (switchDoor && (quadrant == 0 || quadrant == 2)) {
					newObj.GetComponent<DoorController>().nextRoomNum = switchRoomNumber;
					GameObject.Find("DoorSwitchEnterLeft").GetComponent<DoorController>().nextRoomNum = player + "-" + roomNum;
				} else if (tutorialDoor && (quadrant == 1 || quadrant == 3)) {
					newObj.GetComponent<DoorController>().nextRoomNum = player + "TutorialExit";
			} else if (direction == "West") {
				if (switchDoor && (quadrant == 1 || quadrant == 3)) {
					newObj.GetComponent<DoorController>().nextRoomNum = switchRoomNumber;
					GameObject.Find("DoorSwitchEnterRight").GetComponent<DoorController>().nextRoomNum = player + "-" + roomNum;
				} else if (tutorialDoor && (quadrant == 0 || quadrant == 2)) {
					newObj.GetComponent<DoorController>().nextRoomNum = player + "TutorialExit";

			// Add to graph
			if (!spawnWall) {
				int connectingRoom = GetConnectingRoom(roomNum, direction);
				// Only add doors connected to rooms with a lower number (avoid duplicates)
				if (connectingRoom < roomNum) {
					Node adjacentNode = playerLevel.GetRoomByNumber(connectingRoom);

					// Debug to make sure no null adjacent nodes are found
					if (adjacentNode == null) {
						Debug.LogError(player + ": room #" + roomNode.RoomNumber + " returned NULL adjacent room node #" + connectingRoom);

					Edge newEdge = new Edge(roomNode, direction, adjacentNode);
コード例 #34
		public void CreateGraphAs3X2Grid()
			grid3X2 = new LevelGraph(3, 2);
コード例 #35
        protected async override void CheckForChange_Elapsed(object stateinfo)
                if (ChannelConfig.Any(x => (bool)x.Value[TRACKLEVEL]))
                    if (PastInformation.character == null)
                        PastInformation.character = await GetCharacterEndpoint(CharacterName, APIKey);

                        LevelGraph = new DatePlot($"{CharacterName.Replace(" ", "")}Level", "Date", "Level", "dd-MMM", false, true);
                        LevelGraph.AddValueSeperate("Level", PastInformation.character.level, relative: false);
                        LevelGraph.AddValueSeperate("M-Level", PastInformation.character.masteryLevel, relative: false);
                        await UpdateTracker();

                        Character pastInfo    = PastInformation.character;
                        Character currentInfo = await GetCharacterEndpoint(CharacterName, APIKey);

                        if (currentInfo.level != pastInfo.level || currentInfo.masteryLevel != pastInfo.masteryLevel)
                            LevelGraph.AddValueSeperate("Level", pastInfo.level, relative: false);
                            LevelGraph.AddValueSeperate("M-Level", pastInfo.masteryLevel, relative: false);
                            LevelGraph.AddValueSeperate("Level", currentInfo.level, relative: false);
                            LevelGraph.AddValueSeperate("M-Level", currentInfo.masteryLevel, relative: false);
                            foreach (var channel in ChannelConfig.Where(x => (bool)x.Value[TRACKLEVEL]))
                                await OnMajorChangeTracked(channel.Key, createLevelEmbed(pastInfo, currentInfo));

                            PastInformation.character = currentInfo;
                            await UpdateTracker();

                if (ChannelConfig.Any(x => (bool)x.Value[TRACKACHIEVEMENTS]))

                if (ChannelConfig.Any(x => (bool)x.Value[TRACKWEALTH]))
                    if (PastInformation.wallet == null)
                        PastInformation.wallet = (await GetWealth(APIKey)).FirstOrDefault();
                        MoneyGraph             = new DatePlot($"{CharacterName.Replace(" ", "")}Gold", "Date", "Gold", "dd-MMM", false);
                        MoneyGraph.AddValue("Gold", PastInformation.wallet.value, relative: false);
                        await UpdateTracker();

                        Wallet pastInfo    = PastInformation.wallet;
                        Wallet currentInfo = (await GetWealth(APIKey)).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (currentInfo.value != pastInfo.value)
                            MoneyGraph.AddValue("Gold", pastInfo.value, relative: false);
                            MoneyGraph.AddValue("Gold", currentInfo.value, relative: false);
                            foreach (var channel in ChannelConfig.Where(x => (bool)x.Value[TRACKWEALTH]))
                                await OnMajorChangeTracked(channel.Key, createWealthEmbed(pastInfo, currentInfo));

                            PastInformation.wallet = currentInfo;
                            await UpdateTracker();

                if (ChannelConfig.Any(x => (bool)x.Value[TRACKTPBUYS]))
                    if (PastInformation.buy == null)
                        PastInformation.buy = (await GetTPBuys(APIKey)).FirstOrDefault();
                        await UpdateTracker();

                        TPTransaction        pastInfo    = PastInformation.buy;
                        List <TPTransaction> currentInfo = (await GetTPBuys(APIKey)).TakeWhile(x => x.purchased > pastInfo.purchased).ToList();

                        foreach (var transaction in currentInfo)
                            foreach (var channel in ChannelConfig.Where(x => (bool)x.Value[TRACKTPBUYS]))
                                await OnMajorChangeTracked(channel.Key, await CreateTPBuyEmbed(transaction));

                        if (currentInfo.Count > 0)
                            PastInformation.buy = currentInfo.LastOrDefault();
                            await UpdateTracker();

                if (ChannelConfig.Any(x => (bool)x.Value[TRACKTPSELLS]))
                    if (PastInformation.sell == null)
                        PastInformation.sell = (await GetTPSells(APIKey)).FirstOrDefault();
                        await UpdateTracker();

                        TPTransaction        pastInfo    = PastInformation.sell;
                        List <TPTransaction> currentInfo = (await GetTPSells(APIKey)).TakeWhile(x => x.purchased > pastInfo.purchased).ToList();

                        foreach (var transaction in currentInfo)
                            foreach (var channel in ChannelConfig.Where(x => (bool)x.Value[TRACKTPSELLS]))
                                await OnMajorChangeTracked(channel.Key, await CreateTPSellEmbed(transaction));

                        if (currentInfo.Count > 0)
                            PastInformation.sell = currentInfo.LastOrDefault();
                            await UpdateTracker();

                if (ChannelConfig.Any(x => (bool)x.Value[TRACKTPDELIVERY]))
                    if (PastInformation.delivery == null)
                        PastInformation.delivery = await GetTPInbox(APIKey);
                        await UpdateTracker();

                        TPInbox pastInfo    = PastInformation.delivery;
                        TPInbox currentInfo = await GetTPInbox(APIKey);

                        if (currentInfo.items.Count != pastInfo.items.Count || currentInfo.coins != pastInfo.coins)
                            foreach (var channel in ChannelConfig.Where(x => (bool)x.Value[TRACKTPDELIVERY]))
                                await OnMajorChangeTracked(channel.Key, CreateTPInboxEmbed(pastInfo, currentInfo));

                            PastInformation.delivery = currentInfo;
                            await UpdateTracker();

                if (ChannelConfig.Any(x => (bool)x.Value[TRACKEQUIPMENT]))
            catch (Exception e)
                await Program.MopsLog(new LogMessage(LogSeverity.Error, "", $" error by {Name}", e));
コード例 #36
	private void SetAllDoorLightColors(LevelGraph playerLevel, string player) {
		// Set tutorial room light
		GameObject tutorialRoom = GameObject.Find("Room" + player + "TutorialExit");
		string roomColor = playerLevel.TutorialAdjRoom.RoomColor;
		int tutorialAdjRoomNumber = playerLevel.TutorialAdjRoom.RoomNumber;
		string doorName = "DoorWest";
		if (tutorialAdjRoomNumber == 0 || tutorialAdjRoomNumber == size * (size - 1)) {
			doorName = "DoorEast";
		ChangeDoorColor(tutorialRoom, doorName, roomColor);

		// Set switch room light
		GameObject switchRoom = GameObject.Find("Room100");
		roomColor = playerLevel.SwitchAdjRoom.RoomColor;
		int switchAdjRoomNumber = playerLevel.SwitchAdjRoom.RoomNumber;
		doorName = "DoorSwitchEnterLeft";
		if (switchAdjRoomNumber == 1 || switchAdjRoomNumber == size - 2) {
			doorName = "DoorSwitchEnterRight";
		ChangeDoorColor(switchRoom, doorName, roomColor);

		// Set core dungeon lights
		foreach (Edge edge in playerLevel.DoorList) {
			GameObject roomObject1 = edge.door1.RoomInside.RoomObject;
			GameObject roomObject2 = edge.door2.RoomInside.RoomObject;
			string roomColor1 = edge.door1.RoomInside.RoomColor;
			string roomColor2 = edge.door2.RoomInside.RoomColor;
			string doorName1 = "Door" + edge.door1.Direction;
			string doorName2 = "Door" + edge.door2.Direction;

			ChangeDoorColor(roomObject1, doorName1, roomColor2);
			ChangeDoorColor(roomObject2, doorName2, roomColor1);
コード例 #37
	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
		GameObject rootNode = new GameObject("Root");
		GameObject roomsObject = new GameObject("Rooms");
		roomParent = roomsObject.transform;

		// Get level inputs - difficulty, size, and seed
		// maxDifficulty = LevelData.levelDifficulty;  // depreciated, may be used later..
		size = LevelData.levelSize;
		if (LevelData.randomLevel) {
		seed = LevelData.levelSeed;
		Debug.Log("Using Seed: " + seed);
		pseudoRandom = new System.Random(seed);

		// Instantiate Room Prefabs and Room Colors Remaning Lists
		foreach (string color in colors) {

		// Add the number and difficulty of each enemy color
		enemyTypeDifficulty.Add("Red", new int[] {1, 2, 3});
		enemyTypeDifficulty.Add("Green", new int[] {1, 2, 4});
		enemyTypeDifficulty.Add("Blue", new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4});

		// Randomize level positioning
		int rightSidePlayer = pseudoRandom.Next(2);
		int topHalfPlayer = pseudoRandom.Next(2);

		// Generate gauntlet
		gauntletPosition = new Vector3((size - 1) * 40, 0, (size - 1) * 32);
		GenerateRoom("Gauntlet", "RoomGauntlet", gauntletPosition);

		string[] players = new string[] {"P1", "P2"};
		foreach (string player in players) {
			// Quadrant: 0=bottom-left, 1=bottom-right, 2=top-left, 3=top-right
			int quadrant, xOffset, zOffset;
			quadrant = xOffset = zOffset = 0;

			bool shiftRight = (player == "P1" && rightSidePlayer == 0) || (player == "P2" && rightSidePlayer == 1);
			if (shiftRight) {
				xOffset = (size - 1) * 40;
			bool shiftUp = (player == "P1" && topHalfPlayer == 0) || (player == "P2" && topHalfPlayer == 1);
			if (shiftUp) {
				zOffset = (size - 1) * 32;
				quadrant = quadrant + 2;

			// Instantiate individual player level's
			LevelGraph playerLevel;
			if (player == "P1") {
				player1Level = new LevelGraph(player);
				playerLevel = player1Level;
			} else {
				player2Level = new LevelGraph(player);
				playerLevel = player2Level;

 			GenerateInitalRooms(playerLevel, player, quadrant, xOffset, zOffset);

		// Perform graph traversal algorithms on both player's level graphs
		foreach (string player in players) {
			LevelGraph playerLevel;
			if (player == "P1") {
				playerLevel = player1Level;
			} else {
				playerLevel = player2Level;



			// Calculate each room's distance from the switch room and spawn enemies based on that

			// Do a final level update to remove all distant deadend room chains

			// Modify in-game model of level to what the graph structure represents
			UpdateLevelUsingGraph(playerLevel, player);

			int maxDistance = playerLevel.MaxDistance;
			foreach (Node roomNode in playerLevel.RoomList) {
				string roomColor = roomNode.RoomObject.GetComponent<RoomController>().RoomColor;
				SpawnEnemies(roomNode, maxDistance, roomColor);

			SetAllDoorLightColors(playerLevel, player);

			// playerLevel.Print();
