コード例 #1
        public ActionResult Letters(LetterModel letter)
            ClearAlerts("Alert Letters M", 3);

            // get the list of letters from Session
            List <LetterModel> letters = getLetters();

            // we'll need to validate the data
            if (letters.Exists(l => l.Name == letter.Name))
                Session.Add("Alert Letters M3", "Letter name is already used. Please change the letter name.");

            // we need the letter type id to create the letter
            List <LetterTypeModel> lettertypes = (List <LetterTypeModel>)Session["Letter Types"];
            int lettertypeid = lettertypes.Find(lt => lt.Name == letter.LetterType).Id;

            letter.Id = LetterProcessor.CreateLetter(letter.Name, (int)Session["Language"], lettertypeid, letter.Pronounciation, letter.Description);

            // lastly, we'll need to clear the values in the field
            ModelState.SetModelValue("Name", new ValueProviderResult("", "", ModelState["Name"].Value.Culture));
            ModelState.SetModelValue("Pronounciation", new ValueProviderResult("", "", ModelState["Pronounciation"].Value.Culture));
            ModelState.SetModelValue("Description", new ValueProviderResult("", "", ModelState["Description"].Value.Culture));

コード例 #2
        public ActionResult RemoveLetter(int id)
            // get the list of letters from Session
            List <LetterModel> letters = getLetters();

            letters.RemoveAt(letters.FindIndex(l => l.Id == id));


            return(RedirectToAction("Letters", "Language"));
コード例 #3
        private List <LetterModel> getLetters()
            List <LetterModel> letters = new List <LetterModel>();

            // the fail case for this method is if there is no selected language
            if (Session["Language"] == null)

            // check if Session already has a letters list
            if (Session["Letters"] != null)
                letters = (List <LetterModel>)Session["Letters"];
                // now, if the list isn't empty return it
                if (letters.Count != 0)

            // otherwise, Session does not have a letters list object, so we'll instead start checking the database
            // now load the letters from the database
            List <LetterDataModel> dmLetters = LetterProcessor.LoadLetters((int)Session["Language"]);

            foreach (LetterDataModel letter in dmLetters)
                letters.Add(new LetterModel
                    Id             = letter.Id,
                    Name           = letter.Name,
                    Pronounciation = letter.Pronounciation,
                    Description    = letter.Description

            // now make sure Session has letters list
            if (Session["Letters"] != null)
                Session["Letters"] = letters;
                Session.Add("Letters", letters);

コード例 #4
        // GET: Language
        public ActionResult Index()
            // this action result is more for redirecting properly
            // first we need to check if there's a user
            if (Session["User"] == null)
                // if there's no user, we'll need add an alert and also redirect to the login page
                Session.Add("No User", true);
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "User"));
            // now we need to check if a language has been selected
            if (Session["Language"] == null)
                // if there's no language, we'll need to add an alert and also redirect to the languages page
                Session.Add("No Language", true);
                return(RedirectToAction("Languages", "Language"));
            // so at this point, we know there's a user and language selected
            // we need to make several checks as the word maker doesn't work if we don't have letter types, letters, word patterns or classifications
            int languageid = Int32.Parse(Session["Language"].ToString());

            // check if there are any letter types
            if (LetterTypeProcessor.getLetterTypesCount(languageid) <= 0)
                return(RedirectToAction("LetterTypes", "Language"));
            // check if there are any letters
            if (LetterProcessor.getLettersCount(languageid) <= 0)
                return(RedirectToAction("Letters", "Language"));
            // check if there are any word patterns
            if (WordPatternProcessor.getWordPatternsCount(languageid) <= 0)
                return(RedirectToAction("WordPatterns", "Language"));
            // check if there are any classifications
            if (ClassificationProcessor.getClassificationsCount(languageid) <= 0)
                return(RedirectToAction("Classifications", "Language"));
            // otherwise, we'll just go the the words page
                return(RedirectToAction("Words", "Language"));
コード例 #5
        //  Action Result methods for Letter Views
        #region Letters
        public ActionResult Letters()
            ClearAlerts("Alert Letters M", 3);

            // the fail cases for this page is if there isn't a User or a language isn't selected - redirect to Index
            if (Session["User"] == null || Session["Language"] == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Language"));

            // we need the list of letter types - this is needed to create a letter as well
            List <LetterTypeModel> lettertypes = getLetterTypes();

            // another fail case is if there are no letter types - letters require a letter type
            if (lettertypes.Count == 0)
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Language"));
            List <string> slettertypes = new List <string>();

            foreach (LetterTypeModel lt in lettertypes)
            SelectList selectlettertypes = new SelectList(slettertypes);

            if (Session["Letter Types SelectList"] != null)
                Session["Letter Types SelectList"] = selectlettertypes;
                Session.Add("Letter Types SelectList", selectlettertypes);

            // we need the list of letters
            List <LetterModel> letters = getLetters();

            // check if the list has values - if so, we'll return the view
            if (letters.Count != 0)

            // at this point, we know there are letter types and there are no letters, so next we want to check if consonant and vowel exist as letter types
            if (lettertypes.Exists(lt => lt.Name == "Consonant") && lettertypes.Exists(lt => lt.Name == "Vowel"))
                int consonantid = lettertypes.Find(lt => lt.Name == "Consonant").Id;
                int vowelid     = lettertypes.Find(lt => lt.Name == "Vowel").Id;

                // create some letters to the database
                int languageid = (int)Session["Language"];
                LetterProcessor.CreateLetter("A", languageid, vowelid, "ae", "Vowel A");
                LetterProcessor.CreateLetter("E", languageid, vowelid, "ee", "Vowel E");
                LetterProcessor.CreateLetter("I", languageid, vowelid, "ai", "Vowel I");
                LetterProcessor.CreateLetter("O", languageid, vowelid, "ou", "Vowel O");
                LetterProcessor.CreateLetter("U", languageid, vowelid, "yu", "Vowel U");
                LetterProcessor.CreateLetter("B", languageid, consonantid, "b", "Consonant B");
                LetterProcessor.CreateLetter("C", languageid, consonantid, "c", "Consonant C");
                LetterProcessor.CreateLetter("D", languageid, consonantid, "d", "Consonant D");
                LetterProcessor.CreateLetter("F", languageid, consonantid, "f", "Consonant F");
                LetterProcessor.CreateLetter("G", languageid, consonantid, "g", "Consonant G");
                LetterProcessor.CreateLetter("H", languageid, consonantid, "h", "Consonant H");
                LetterProcessor.CreateLetter("J", languageid, consonantid, "j", "Consonant J");
                LetterProcessor.CreateLetter("L", languageid, consonantid, "l", "Consonant L");
                LetterProcessor.CreateLetter("M", languageid, consonantid, "m", "Consonant M");
                LetterProcessor.CreateLetter("N", languageid, consonantid, "n", "Consonant N");
                LetterProcessor.CreateLetter("P", languageid, consonantid, "p", "Consonant P");
                LetterProcessor.CreateLetter("R", languageid, consonantid, "r", "Consonant R");
                LetterProcessor.CreateLetter("S", languageid, consonantid, "s", "Consonant S");
                LetterProcessor.CreateLetter("T", languageid, consonantid, "t", "Consonant T");
                LetterProcessor.CreateLetter("V", languageid, consonantid, "v", "Consonant V");
                LetterProcessor.CreateLetter("W", languageid, consonantid, "w", "Consonant W");
                LetterProcessor.CreateLetter("Y", languageid, consonantid, "y", "Consonant Y");
                LetterProcessor.CreateLetter("Z", languageid, consonantid, "z", "Consonant Z");

                // now load the letters we just created - we do it this way so that we have the correct id
                List <LetterDataModel> dmLetters = LetterProcessor.LoadLetters(languageid);

                // now populate letters
                foreach (LetterDataModel letter in dmLetters)
                    letters.Add(new LetterModel
                        Id             = letter.Id,
                        Name           = letter.Name,
                        Pronounciation = letter.Pronounciation,
                        Description    = letter.Description

                // reassign letters to Session
                Session["Letters"] = letters;

                // lastly, add an alert
                Session.Add("Alert Letters M1", "Default letters have been added as vowels and consonants. Remove if unwanted.");
                Session.Add("Alert Letters M2", "You have no letters. Please create your own letters based on your letter types.");

            // return the view as a table of the letters - note that if we didn't have the consonant and vowel letter types, we're returning an empty list