コード例 #1
        LerpedWeightedIndex2DMap GetOrLoadLerpedLandformMap(IMapChunk mapchunk, int regionX, int regionZ)
            LerpedWeightedIndex2DMap map;

            // 1. Load?
            LandformMapByRegion.TryGetValue(regionZ * regionMapSize + regionX, out map);
            if (map != null)

            IntMap lmap = mapchunk.MapRegion.LandformMap;

            // 2. Create
            map             = LandformMapByRegion[regionZ * regionMapSize + regionX]
                            = new LerpedWeightedIndex2DMap(lmap.Data, lmap.Size, TerraGenConfig.landFormSmoothingRadius, lmap.TopLeftPadding, lmap.BottomRightPadding);

コード例 #2
        private void OnChunkColumnGen(IServerChunk[] chunks, int chunkX, int chunkZ, ITreeAttribute chunkGenParams = null)
            landforms = NoiseLandforms.landforms;
            IMapChunk mapchunk = chunks[0].MapChunk;

            int climateUpLeft;
            int climateUpRight;
            int climateBotLeft;
            int climateBotRight;

            IntMap climateMap      = chunks[0].MapChunk.MapRegion.ClimateMap;
            int    regionChunkSize = api.WorldManager.RegionSize / chunksize;
            float  fac             = (float)climateMap.InnerSize / regionChunkSize;
            int    rlX             = chunkX % regionChunkSize;
            int    rlZ             = chunkZ % regionChunkSize;

            climateUpLeft   = climateMap.GetUnpaddedInt((int)(rlX * fac), (int)(rlZ * fac));
            climateUpRight  = climateMap.GetUnpaddedInt((int)(rlX * fac + fac), (int)(rlZ * fac));
            climateBotLeft  = climateMap.GetUnpaddedInt((int)(rlX * fac), (int)(rlZ * fac + fac));
            climateBotRight = climateMap.GetUnpaddedInt((int)(rlX * fac + fac), (int)(rlZ * fac + fac));

            int freezingTemp = TerraGenConfig.DescaleTemperature(-17);

            IntMap landformMap = mapchunk.MapRegion.LandformMap;
            // Amount of pixels for each chunk (probably 1, 2, or 4) in the land form map
            float chunkPixelSize = landformMap.InnerSize / regionChunkSize;
            // Adjusted lerp for the noiseWidth
            float chunkPixelStep = chunkPixelSize / noiseWidth;
            // Start coordinates for the chunk in the region map
            float baseX = (chunkX % regionChunkSize) * chunkPixelSize;
            float baseZ = (chunkZ % regionChunkSize) * chunkPixelSize;

            LerpedWeightedIndex2DMap landLerpMap = GetOrLoadLerpedLandformMap(chunks[0].MapChunk, chunkX / regionChunkSize, chunkZ / regionChunkSize);

            // Terrain octaves
            double[] octNoiseX0, octNoiseX1, octNoiseX2, octNoiseX3;
            double[] octThX0, octThX1, octThX2, octThX3;

            // So it seems we have some kind of off-by-one error here?
            // When the slope of a mountain goes up (in positive z or x direction), particularly at large word heights (512+)
            // then the last blocks (again in postive x/z dir) are below of where they should be?
            // I have no idea why, but this offset seems to greatly mitigate the issue
            float weirdOffset = 0.25f;

            chunkPixelSize += weirdOffset;

            GetInterpolatedOctaves(landLerpMap[baseX, baseZ], out octNoiseX0, out octThX0);
            GetInterpolatedOctaves(landLerpMap[baseX + chunkPixelSize, baseZ], out octNoiseX1, out octThX1);
            GetInterpolatedOctaves(landLerpMap[baseX, baseZ + chunkPixelSize], out octNoiseX2, out octThX2);
            GetInterpolatedOctaves(landLerpMap[baseX + chunkPixelSize, baseZ + chunkPixelSize], out octNoiseX3, out octThX3);

            double[] terrainNoise3d = GetTerrainNoise3D(octNoiseX0, octNoiseX1, octNoiseX2, octNoiseX3, octThX0, octThX1, octThX2, octThX3, chunkX * noiseWidth, 0, chunkZ * noiseWidth);

            // Store heightmap in the map chunk
            ushort[] rainheightmap    = chunks[0].MapChunk.RainHeightMap;
            ushort[] terrainheightmap = chunks[0].MapChunk.WorldGenTerrainHeightMap;

            // Terrain thresholds
            double tnoiseY0;
            double tnoiseY1;
            double tnoiseY2;
            double tnoiseY3;
            double tnoiseGainY0;
            double tnoiseGainY1;
            double tnoiseGainY2;
            double tnoiseGainY3;

            double thNoiseX0;
            double thNoiseX1;
            double thNoiseGainX0;
            double thNoiseGainX1;
            double thNoiseGainZ0;
            double thNoiseZ0;

            float[] terrainThresholdsX0 = new float[api.WorldManager.MapSizeY];
            float[] terrainThresholdsX1 = new float[api.WorldManager.MapSizeY];
            float[] terrainThresholdsX2 = new float[api.WorldManager.MapSizeY];
            float[] terrainThresholdsX3 = new float[api.WorldManager.MapSizeY];

            for (int xN = 0; xN < noiseWidth; xN++)
                for (int zN = 0; zN < noiseWidth; zN++)
                    // Landform thresholds
                    LoadInterpolatedThresholds(landLerpMap[baseX + xN * chunkPixelStep, baseZ + zN * chunkPixelStep], terrainThresholdsX0);
                    LoadInterpolatedThresholds(landLerpMap[baseX + (xN + 1) * chunkPixelStep, baseZ + zN * chunkPixelStep], terrainThresholdsX1);
                    LoadInterpolatedThresholds(landLerpMap[baseX + xN * chunkPixelStep, baseZ + (zN + 1) * chunkPixelStep], terrainThresholdsX2);
                    LoadInterpolatedThresholds(landLerpMap[baseX + (xN + 1) * chunkPixelStep, baseZ + (zN + 1) * chunkPixelStep], terrainThresholdsX3);

                    for (int yN = 0; yN < noiseHeight; yN++)
                        // Terrain noise
                        tnoiseY0 = terrainNoise3d[NoiseIndex3d(xN, yN, zN)];
                        tnoiseY1 = terrainNoise3d[NoiseIndex3d(xN, yN, zN + 1)];
                        tnoiseY2 = terrainNoise3d[NoiseIndex3d(xN + 1, yN, zN)];
                        tnoiseY3 = terrainNoise3d[NoiseIndex3d(xN + 1, yN, zN + 1)];

                        tnoiseGainY0 = (terrainNoise3d[NoiseIndex3d(xN, yN + 1, zN)] - tnoiseY0) * lerpDeltaVert;
                        tnoiseGainY1 = (terrainNoise3d[NoiseIndex3d(xN, yN + 1, zN + 1)] - tnoiseY1) * lerpDeltaVert;
                        tnoiseGainY2 = (terrainNoise3d[NoiseIndex3d(xN + 1, yN + 1, zN)] - tnoiseY2) * lerpDeltaVert;
                        tnoiseGainY3 = (terrainNoise3d[NoiseIndex3d(xN + 1, yN + 1, zN + 1)] - tnoiseY3) * lerpDeltaVert;

                        for (int y = 0; y < lerpVer; y++)
                            int posY   = yN * lerpVer + y;
                            int chunkY = posY / chunksize;
                            int localY = posY % chunksize;

                            // For Terrain noise
                            double tnoiseX0 = tnoiseY0;
                            double tnoiseX1 = tnoiseY1;

                            double tnoiseGainX0 = (tnoiseY2 - tnoiseY0) * lerpDeltaHor;
                            double tnoiseGainX1 = (tnoiseY3 - tnoiseY1) * lerpDeltaHor;

                            // Landform thresholds lerp
                            thNoiseX0 = terrainThresholdsX0[posY];
                            thNoiseX1 = terrainThresholdsX2[posY];

                            thNoiseGainX0 = (terrainThresholdsX1[posY] - thNoiseX0) * lerpDeltaHor;
                            thNoiseGainX1 = (terrainThresholdsX3[posY] - thNoiseX1) * lerpDeltaHor;

                            for (int x = 0; x < lerpHor; x++)
                                // For terrain noise
                                double tnoiseZ0     = tnoiseX0;
                                double tnoiseGainZ0 = (tnoiseX1 - tnoiseX0) * lerpDeltaHor;

                                // Landform
                                thNoiseZ0     = thNoiseX0;
                                thNoiseGainZ0 = (thNoiseX1 - thNoiseX0) * lerpDeltaHor;

                                for (int z = 0; z < lerpHor; z++)
                                    int lX = xN * lerpHor + x;
                                    int lZ = zN * lerpHor + z;

                                    int mapIndex   = ChunkIndex2d(lX, lZ);
                                    int chunkIndex = ChunkIndex3d(lX, localY, lZ);

                                    chunks[chunkY].Blocks[chunkIndex] = 0;

                                    if (posY == 0)
                                        chunks[chunkY].Blocks[chunkIndex] = GlobalConfig.mantleBlockId;

                                    if (tnoiseZ0 > thNoiseZ0)
                                        terrainheightmap[mapIndex] = rainheightmap[mapIndex] = (ushort)Math.Max(rainheightmap[mapIndex], posY);

                                        chunks[chunkY].Blocks[chunkIndex] = GlobalConfig.defaultRockId;
                                        if (posY < TerraGenConfig.seaLevel)
                                            terrainheightmap[mapIndex] = rainheightmap[mapIndex] = (ushort)Math.Max(rainheightmap[mapIndex], posY);

                                            if (posY == TerraGenConfig.seaLevel - 1)
                                                int   temp    = (GameMath.BiLerpRgbColor(((float)lX) / chunksize, ((float)lZ) / chunksize, climateUpLeft, climateUpRight, climateBotLeft, climateBotRight) >> 16) & 0xff;
                                                float distort = (float)distort2dx.Noise(chunkX * chunksize + lX, chunkZ * chunksize + lZ) / 20f;
                                                float tempf   = TerraGenConfig.GetScaledAdjustedTemperatureFloat(temp, 0) + distort;

                                                // dominionsmod
                                                chunks[chunkY].Blocks[chunkIndex] = (tempf < -17) ? GlobalConfig.lakeIceBlockId : saltWater;
                                                // dominionsmod
                                                chunks[chunkY].Blocks[chunkIndex] = saltWater;
                                            chunks[chunkY].Blocks[chunkIndex] = 0;

                                    tnoiseZ0  += tnoiseGainZ0;
                                    thNoiseZ0 += thNoiseGainZ0;

                                tnoiseX0 += tnoiseGainX0;
                                tnoiseX1 += tnoiseGainX1;

                                thNoiseX0 += thNoiseGainX0;
                                thNoiseX1 += thNoiseGainX1;

                            tnoiseY0 += tnoiseGainY0;
                            tnoiseY1 += tnoiseGainY1;
                            tnoiseY2 += tnoiseGainY2;
                            tnoiseY3 += tnoiseGainY3;

            int ymax = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < rainheightmap.Length; i++)
                ymax = Math.Max(ymax, rainheightmap[i]);
            chunks[0].MapChunk.YMax = (ushort)ymax;