コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle periodic sensor readings from the pxbrick
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="update"></param>
        private IEnumerator<ITask> NotificationHandler(brick.LegoSensorUpdate update)
            LegoResponseGetOutputState outputState = new LegoResponseGetOutputState(update.Body.CommandData);
            if (outputState.Success && _state.CurrentEncoderTimeStamp < outputState.TimeStamp)
                LogVerbose(LogGroups.Console, outputState.ToString());

                int reversePolaritySign = (_state.ReversePolarity) ? -1 : 1;


                LogVerbose(LogGroups.Console, string.Format("{0} Encoder: RPM {1} AvgPoll {2}",

                long newEncoderDegrees = outputState.EncoderCount * reversePolaritySign;
                long newResettableEncoderDegrees = outputState.ResettableCount * reversePolaritySign;
                bool encodersChanged = (_state.ResetableEncoderDegrees != newResettableEncoderDegrees);

                // Update the current encoder readings as soon as possible.
                _state.CurrentPower = ((double)(outputState.PowerSetPoint * reversePolaritySign)) / 100.0;
                _state.CurrentEncoderTimeStamp = outputState.TimeStamp;
                _state.CurrentEncoderDegrees = newEncoderDegrees;
                _state.ResetableEncoderDegrees = newResettableEncoderDegrees;

                if (encodersChanged)
                    // Prepare the encoder notification
                    pxencoder.UpdateTickCount tickNotification = new pxencoder.UpdateTickCount(
                        new pxencoder.UpdateTickCountRequest(outputState.TimeStamp, (int)newResettableEncoderDegrees));

                    SendNotification<pxencoder.UpdateTickCount>(_subMgrPort, tickNotification);

                // get a snapshot of the current state.
                MotorState currentState = _state.Clone();

                #region Simple PD Control

                if (currentState.TargetEncoderDegrees != 0)
                    double direction = Math.Sign(currentState.TargetPower);
                    double pwrtarget = currentState.TargetPower * direction;
                    double enctarget = currentState.TargetEncoderDegrees * direction;
                    double encoder = outputState.EncoderCount * direction;
                    double rpm = (double)currentState.CurrentMotorRpm * direction;
                    double msUntilNext = currentState.AvgEncoderPollingRateMs;

                    // negative remaining means we have passed the target.
                    double remaining = enctarget - encoder;

                    int goodEnough = (msUntilNext < 100) ? 5 : (msUntilNext < 300) ? 20 : 45;
                    bool targetReached = (remaining <= goodEnough);

                    LogVerbose(LogGroups.Console, string.Format("UpdateState: TargetPower {5} CurrentEncoder {0} {1}  Target {2}  done? {3}  RPM {4} AvgMs {6}",

                    // If a prior encoder target was active, signal that it is cancelled.
                    if (_targetEncoderPending && targetReached)
                        lock (_targetEncoderReachedPort)
                            if (_targetEncoderPending)
                                LogVerbose(LogGroups.Console, "Signal target is complete!");
                                _targetEncoderPending = false;

                    // How soon do we want to start slowing down?
                    // This is a factor of how fast and for how long the motor has been building up inertia.
                    double forwardLooking = (pwrtarget < 0.5) ? ((pwrtarget * 150.0) + 20) : ((pwrtarget * 200.0) + 20.0);
                    double degreesAtNextNotification = forwardLooking;
                    if (rpm != 0.0 && msUntilNext != 0.0)
                        // The distance in degrees we will travel at this rpm by the next encoder reading.
                        degreesAtNextNotification = (rpm * 360.0) * msUntilNext / 60000.0;

                    // We are not up-to-speed, wait a little longer before stopping
                    if (rpm < pwrtarget)
                        if (rpm > 0)
                            forwardLooking *= 0.7;

                        if (rpm < 0)
                            LogVerbose(LogGroups.Console, string.Format("Traveling in the wrong direction: Pwr {0} Enc {1} Tgt {2} RPM {3} Direction {4}  FwdLook: {5}  Remain: {6}",
                                pwrtarget, encoder, enctarget, rpm, direction, forwardLooking, remaining));
                            LogVerbose(LogGroups.Console, string.Format("Not up to speed: Pwr {0} Enc {1} Tgt {2} RPM {3} Direction {4}  FwdLook: {5}  Remain: {6}",
                                pwrtarget, encoder, enctarget, rpm, direction, forwardLooking, remaining));
                        LogVerbose(LogGroups.Console, string.Format("Targeting: Pwr {0} Enc {1} Tgt {2} RPM {3} Direction {4}  FwdLook: {5}  Remain: {6}",
                            pwrtarget, encoder, enctarget, rpm, direction, forwardLooking, remaining));

                    if (remaining < Math.Max(degreesAtNextNotification, forwardLooking)
                        || remaining < forwardLooking
                        || rpm <= 0)
                        LegoOutputMode outputMode = LegoOutputMode.MotorOn | LegoOutputMode.Regulated;
                        LegoRegulationMode regulationMode = LegoRegulationMode.Individual;
                        RunState powerAdjustment = RunState.Constant;
                        long tachoLimit = outputState.EncoderLimit;

                        int powerSetPoint = outputState.PowerSetPoint * (int)direction;
                        if (Math.Abs(remaining) < 5 && rpm == 0)
                            // If we are completely stopped,
                            // set the brake/coast and disengage active monitoring
                            // in the notification handler
                            _state.TargetEncoderDegrees = 0;
                            powerSetPoint = 0;
                            if (currentState.TargetStopState == MotorStopState.Brake)
                                outputMode |= LegoOutputMode.Brake;
                                regulationMode = LegoRegulationMode.Idle;
                                powerAdjustment = RunState.Idle;
                        else if ( remaining >= 0 &&
                            (    (remaining < 100 && powerSetPoint > 0 && rpm > 30)
                              || (remaining < goodEnough && rpm < 10)))
                            powerSetPoint = 0;

                            if (remaining < (pwrtarget / 2.0))
                                outputMode |= LegoOutputMode.Brake;
                        else if (forwardLooking < degreesAtNextNotification
                            && (rpm >= pwrtarget) /* and up-to-speed */)
                            // we need to stop before the next encoder reading
                            powerSetPoint = 0;
                            outputMode |= LegoOutputMode.Brake;
                            // The ms until we reach the point where forwardlooking rotations are remaining.
                            double msUntilWeShouldStop = (degreesAtNextNotification - forwardLooking) / ((rpm * 360.0) / 60000.0);
                            yield return Timeout(msUntilWeShouldStop);
                        else if (remaining < 0)
                            // Overshot, reverse direction
                            powerSetPoint = CalculateMaxMotorPower((long)-remaining, -currentState.TargetPower, rpm, degreesAtNextNotification) / 2;
                            powerSetPoint = CalculateMaxMotorPower((long)remaining, currentState.TargetPower, rpm, degreesAtNextNotification);

                        if (degreesAtNextNotification < remaining)
                            powerAdjustment = RunState.RampDown;

                        if ((powerSetPoint != outputState.PowerSetPoint)
                            || (outputState.Mode != outputMode)
                            || (rpm < pwrtarget))
                            LogVerbose(LogGroups.Console, string.Format("Target: {0}  Encoder: {1}  New Power: {2}",

                            #region Send an interim LEGO Motor command

                            LegoSetOutputState setOutputState = new LegoSetOutputState(currentState.MotorPort,
                                0, /* turn ratio */
                            setOutputState.RequireResponse = (rpm == 0.0);
                            LogVerbose(LogGroups.Console, setOutputState.ToString());

                            yield return Arbiter.Choice(_legoBrickPort.SendNxtCommand(setOutputState),
                                delegate(LegoResponse ok)
                                    if (ok.Success)
                                        LogVerbose(LogGroups.Console, "Moto Power was set");
                                        LogError(LogGroups.Console, "Moto Power Failed: " + ok.ErrorCode.ToString());
                                delegate(Fault fail)
                                    LogError(LogGroups.Console, "Moto Power Failed: " + fail.ToString());
                        LogVerbose(LogGroups.Console, string.Format("Remaining: {0}  Current Power: {1}  Forward Looking: {2}",


            yield break;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Internal Motor Rotation Handler
        /// Exclusive handler which controls all motor commands
        /// Responds to a flood of incoming motor commands by 
        /// only processing the newest command.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="setMotorPower"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public virtual IEnumerator<ITask> InternalMotorRotationHandler(SetMotorRotation setMotorPower)
                #region Check for a backlog of motor commands
                // Take a snapshot of the number of pending commands at the time
                // we entered this routine.
                // This will prevent a livelock which can occur if we try to
                // process the queue until it is empty, but the inbound queue
                // is growing faster than we are pulling off the queue.
                int pendingCommands = _internalMotorRotationPort.ItemCount;

                // If newer commands have been issued,
                // respond fault to the older command and
                // move to the newer one.
                SetMotorRotation newerRotationRequest;
                Fault faultNewerCommand = Fault.FromException(new InvalidOperationException("A newer motor command was received before this command was processed."));
                while (pendingCommands > 0)
                    if (_internalMotorRotationPort.Test(out newerRotationRequest))
                        setMotorPower = newerRotationRequest;

                // Get a snapshot of our state.
                MotorState currentState = _state.Clone();
                Fault faultResponse = null;

                int motorPower;
                long targetEncoderDegrees = 0;
                long targetRotationDegrees;
                CalculatePowerAndTargetDegrees(setMotorPower.Body, currentState.ReversePolarity,
                    out motorPower,
                    out targetRotationDegrees);

                #region Cancel any prior encoder target

                // If a prior encoder target was active,
                // signal that it is cancelled by a new Motor command.
                if (_targetEncoderPending)
                    lock (_targetEncoderReachedPort)
                        if (_targetEncoderPending)
                            LogVerbose(LogGroups.Console, string.Format("Cancel prior target! New TgtDegrees: {0}", targetRotationDegrees));
                            _targetEncoderPending = false;
                            _state.TargetEncoderDegrees = 0;
                            _state.CurrentEncoderTimeStamp = DateTime.Now;

                _state.TargetPower = setMotorPower.Body.TargetPower;

                if (_state.TargetPower == 0)
                    SendNotification<AllStop>(_subMgrPort, new AllStop(setMotorPower.Body.StopState));

                // If rotating for a specific number of rotations,
                // set up the extended transaction and get the most recent encoder reading.
                if (targetRotationDegrees != 0)

                    #region If encoder reading is old, update the encoder now.
                    if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(currentState.CurrentEncoderTimeStamp).TotalMilliseconds > 45)
                        LegoGetOutputState getEncoder = new LegoGetOutputState(currentState.MotorPort);
                        getEncoder.TryCount = 2;
                        yield return Arbiter.Choice(_legoBrickPort.SendNxtCommand(getEncoder),
                            delegate(LegoResponse legoResponse)
                                LegoResponseGetOutputState encoderResponse = legoResponse as LegoResponseGetOutputState;
                                if (encoderResponse == null) encoderResponse = new LegoResponseGetOutputState(legoResponse.CommandData);
                                if (encoderResponse.Success)
                                    int reversePolaritySign = (currentState.ReversePolarity) ? -1 : 1;
                                    _state.CurrentPower = ((double)(encoderResponse.PowerSetPoint * reversePolaritySign)) / 100.0;
                                    _state.CurrentEncoderTimeStamp = encoderResponse.TimeStamp;
                                    _state.CurrentEncoderDegrees = encoderResponse.EncoderCount * reversePolaritySign;
                                    _state.ResetableEncoderDegrees = encoderResponse.ResettableCount * reversePolaritySign;
                                    currentState = _state.Clone();
                                    LogError(LogGroups.Console, "Failed to set motor: " + legoResponse.ErrorCode.ToString());
                                    faultResponse = Fault.FromException(new InvalidOperationException(legoResponse.ErrorCode.ToString()));
                            delegate(Fault fault)
                                LogError(LogGroups.Console, fault.ToString());
                                faultResponse = fault;

                        if (faultResponse != null)
                            yield break;

                    // Calcuate a new target encoder which is based on the current encoder position.
                    targetEncoderDegrees = targetRotationDegrees + currentState.CurrentEncoderDegrees;

                    // A target of zero diables the PD control.  Make sure our result isn't 0.
                    if (targetEncoderDegrees == 0) targetEncoderDegrees++;

                    LogVerbose(LogGroups.Console, string.Format("*** Target Degrees {0} Encoder {1}", targetRotationDegrees, targetEncoderDegrees));
                    _state.TargetEncoderDegrees = targetEncoderDegrees;
                    _state.TargetStopState = setMotorPower.Body.StopState;
                    lock (_targetEncoderReachedPort)
                        _targetEncoderPending = true;
                    _state.TargetEncoderDegrees = 0;

                LogVerbose(LogGroups.Console, string.Format("{0} SetMotorPower: {1}  Encoder: {2}  AdjPwr: {3}  TgtRot: {4}  TgtEnc {5}",

                #region Set up the LEGO Motor Command

                // If we aren't polling, let the motor regulate it's own distance.
                int motorRotationLimit = 0;
                if (targetRotationDegrees != 0 && (currentState.PollingFrequencyMs <= 0 || currentState.PollingFrequencyMs > 100))
                    motorRotationLimit = (int)targetRotationDegrees;

                LegoRegulationMode regulationMode = LegoRegulationMode.Individual;
                LegoOutputMode outputMode = LegoOutputMode.MotorOn | LegoOutputMode.Regulated;
                RunState powerAdjustment = (setMotorPower.Body.RampUp && targetRotationDegrees != 0) ? RunState.RampUp : RunState.Constant;

                // Are we stopping?
                if (setMotorPower.Body.TargetPower == 0.0)
                    motorRotationLimit = 0;
                    switch (setMotorPower.Body.StopState)
                        case MotorStopState.Brake:
                            outputMode = LegoOutputMode.MotorOn | LegoOutputMode.Regulated | LegoOutputMode.Brake;
                            powerAdjustment = RunState.Constant;
                        case MotorStopState.Coast:
                            powerAdjustment = RunState.Idle;
                            regulationMode = LegoRegulationMode.Idle;

                // Set up the LEGO motor command
                LegoSetOutputState motorCmd = new LegoSetOutputState(
                    0,  /* Turn ratio */


                #region Send the LEGO Motor Command

                bool abort = false;
                LogVerbose(LogGroups.Console, motorCmd.ToString());
                yield return Arbiter.Choice(_legoBrickPort.SendNxtCommand(motorCmd),
                    delegate(LegoResponse response)
                        if (!response.Success)
                            LogError(LogGroups.Console, "Invalid SetMotorOutput " + response.ErrorCode.ToString());
                            abort = true;
                                    new InvalidOperationException(response.ErrorCode.ToString())));
                    delegate(Fault fault)
                        abort = true;
                        LogError(LogGroups.Console, "Fault in SetMotorOutput " + fault.ToString());


                if (abort)
                    yield break;

                // Send a notification that the power has been set.
                SendNotification<SetMotorRotation>(_subMgrPort, setMotorPower);

                // Wait for the target encoder to either be cancelled or reach its target.
                if (_targetEncoderPending)
                    LogVerbose(LogGroups.Console, "Waiting for motor to reach target...");

                    // Wait for the target encoder to either be cancelled or reached.
                    Activate(Arbiter.Receive<bool>(false, _targetEncoderReachedPort,
                        delegate(bool finished)
                            RespondToMotorPowerRequest(setMotorPower.ResponsePort, finished);
                    RespondToMotorPowerRequest(setMotorPower.ResponsePort, true);
                yield break;
                Activate(Arbiter.ReceiveWithIterator<SetMotorRotation>(false, _internalMotorRotationPort, InternalMotorRotationHandler));
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Exclusive Handler for updating RPM's
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="encoder"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private IEnumerator<ITask> CalculateRpmHandler(LegoResponseGetOutputState encoder)
                // Save the newest reading and increment our _rpmIndex.
                int ixNewest = _rpmIndex++;
                _rpmIndex %= _rpmEncoderList.Length;
                _rpmEncoderList[ixNewest] = encoder;

                // Do we have a full set of readings?
                if (_rpmEncoderList[_rpmIndex] != null)
                    double ms = _rpmEncoderList[ixNewest].TimeStamp.Subtract(_rpmEncoderList[_rpmIndex].TimeStamp).TotalMilliseconds;
                    double degreesTraveled = (double)(_rpmEncoderList[ixNewest].EncoderCount - _rpmEncoderList[_rpmIndex].EncoderCount);

                    // rpm = (degreesTraveled / 360) / ms * msPerMinute
                    _state.CurrentMotorRpm = (int)(degreesTraveled * 60000.0 / ms / 360.0);
                    _state.AvgEncoderPollingRateMs = ms / (double)(_rpmEncoderList.Length - 1);
                Activate(Arbiter.ReceiveWithIterator<LegoResponseGetOutputState>(false, _rpmCalcPort, CalculateRpmHandler));
            yield break;
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle periodic sensor readings from the pxbrick
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="update"></param>
        private IEnumerator<ITask> NotificationHandler(brick.LegoSensorUpdate update)
            DriveState currentState = _state.Clone();

            LegoResponseGetOutputState outputState = new LegoResponseGetOutputState(update.Body.CommandData);
            if (outputState.Success && _state.RuntimeStatistics.LeftEncoderTimeStamp < outputState.TimeStamp)
                LogVerbose(LogGroups.Console, outputState.ToString());

                int leftReversePolaritySign = (currentState.LeftWheel.ReversePolarity) ? -1 : 1;
                int rightReversePolaritySign = (currentState.LeftWheel.ReversePolarity) ? -1 : 1;

                double direction, enctarget, encoder, remaining;

                _state.TimeStamp = outputState.TimeStamp;

                if (currentState.LeftWheel.MotorPort == outputState.MotorPort
                    && currentState.RuntimeStatistics.LeftEncoderCurrent != (outputState.EncoderCount * leftReversePolaritySign))
                    if (currentState.LeftWheel.ReversePolarity)
                        outputState.EncoderCount *= -1;
                        outputState.BlockTachoCount *= -1;
                        outputState.ResettableCount *= -1;

                    currentState.RuntimeStatistics.LeftEncoderCurrent = outputState.EncoderCount;
                    _state.RuntimeStatistics.LeftEncoderCurrent = currentState.RuntimeStatistics.LeftEncoderCurrent;
                    _state.RuntimeStatistics.LeftEncoderTimeStamp = currentState.RuntimeStatistics.LeftEncoderTimeStamp = outputState.TimeStamp;

                    direction = Math.Sign(currentState.RuntimeStatistics.LeftPowerTarget);
                    enctarget = currentState.RuntimeStatistics.LeftEncoderTarget * direction;
                    encoder = outputState.EncoderCount * direction;
                    // negative remaining means we have passed the target.
                    remaining = enctarget - encoder;
                    if (enctarget != 0)
                        if (remaining <= 5 && _targetEncoderPending[LEFT])
                            _state.RuntimeStatistics.LeftPowerCurrent = 0.0;
                            _state.RuntimeStatistics.LeftPowerTarget = 0.0;

                            _targetEncoderPending[LEFT] = false;

                            if (_internalPendingDriveOperation == pxdrive.DriveRequestOperation.RotateDegrees)
                                _state.RuntimeStatistics.RightPowerCurrent = 0.0;
                                _state.RuntimeStatistics.RightPowerTarget = 0.0;

                                _targetEncoderPending[RIGHT] = false;

                if (currentState.RightWheel.MotorPort == outputState.MotorPort
                    && currentState.RuntimeStatistics.RightEncoderCurrent != (outputState.EncoderCount * ((currentState.RightWheel.ReversePolarity) ? -1 : 1)))
                    if (currentState.RightWheel.ReversePolarity)
                        outputState.EncoderCount *= -1;
                        outputState.BlockTachoCount *= -1;
                        outputState.ResettableCount *= -1;

                    currentState.RuntimeStatistics.RightEncoderCurrent = outputState.EncoderCount;
                    _state.RuntimeStatistics.RightEncoderCurrent = currentState.RuntimeStatistics.RightEncoderCurrent;
                    _state.RuntimeStatistics.RightEncoderTimeStamp = currentState.RuntimeStatistics.RightEncoderTimeStamp = outputState.TimeStamp;

                    direction = Math.Sign(currentState.RuntimeStatistics.RightPowerTarget);
                    enctarget = currentState.RuntimeStatistics.RightEncoderTarget * direction;
                    encoder = outputState.EncoderCount * direction;
                    // negative remaining means we have passed the target.
                    remaining = enctarget - encoder;
                    if (enctarget != 0)
                        if (remaining <= 5 && _targetEncoderPending[RIGHT])
                            _state.RuntimeStatistics.RightPowerCurrent = 0.0;
                            _state.RuntimeStatistics.RightPowerTarget = 0.0;

                            _targetEncoderPending[RIGHT] = false;

                            if (_internalPendingDriveOperation == pxdrive.DriveRequestOperation.RotateDegrees)
                                _state.RuntimeStatistics.LeftPowerCurrent = 0.0;
                                _state.RuntimeStatistics.LeftPowerTarget = 0.0;

                                _targetEncoderPending[LEFT] = false;


                // Send encoder notifications.
                SendNotification<DriveEncodersUpdate>(_subMgrPort, currentState.RuntimeStatistics);
            yield break;