コード例 #1
 public List <Movimiento> GetFacturasByRangoFecha(int IdEmpresa, DateTime FechaIni, DateTime FechaFin)
         SiinErpContext    context = new SiinErpContext();
         List <Movimiento> Lista   = (from f in context.Movimientos.Where(x => x.IdEmpresa == IdEmpresa && x.FechaDoc >= FechaIni && x.FechaDoc <= FechaFin && x.CodModulo.Equals(Constantes.ModuloVentas) && x.Estado.Equals(Constantes.EstadoActivo))
                                      join c in context.Terceros on f.IdTercero equals c.IdTercero into LeftJoin
                                      from LJ in LeftJoin.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                      select new Movimiento()
             IdMovimiento = f.IdMovimiento,
             TipoDoc = f.TipoDoc,
             NumDoc = f.NumDoc,
             IdTercero = f.IdTercero,
             IdVendedor = f.IdVendedor,
             FechaDoc = f.FechaDoc,
             sFechaFormatted = f.FechaDoc.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"),
             ValorNeto = f.ValorNeto,
             IdDetAlmacen = f.IdDetAlmacen,
             NombreTercero = LJ != null ? LJ.NombreTercero : "",
     catch (Exception ex)
         errorBusiness.Create("GetFacturasByFecha", ex.Message, null);
コード例 #2
 public List <MovimientoFormaPago> GetMovimientoFormasPago(int IdMovimiento)
         SiinErpContext             context = new SiinErpContext();
         List <MovimientoFormaPago> Lista   = (from mfp in context.MovimientosFormasPagos.Where(x => x.IdMovimiento == IdMovimiento)
                                               join fp in context.TablasDetalles on mfp.IdDetFormaDePago equals fp.IdDetalle
                                               join cb in context.TablasDetalles on mfp.IdDetCuenta equals cb.IdDetalle into LeftJoin
                                               from LF in LeftJoin.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                               select new MovimientoFormaPago()
             IdMovFormaDePago = mfp.IdMovFormaDePago,
             IdMovimiento = mfp.IdMovimiento,
             IdDetFormaDePago = mfp.IdDetFormaDePago,
             Descripcion = fp.Descripcion,
             IdDetCuenta = mfp.IdDetCuenta,
             DescripcionCuenta = LF == null ? "" : LF.Descripcion,
             Valor = mfp.Valor,
             Orden = fp.Orden,
         }).OrderBy(x => x.Descripcion).OrderBy(x => x.Orden).ToList();
     catch (Exception ex)
コード例 #3
        public List <Movimiento> GetMovimientosByModificable(int IdEmp)
                SiinErpContext context = new SiinErpContext();

                List <Movimiento> Lista = (from tip in context.TiposDocumentos
                                           join mov in context.Movimientos.Where(x => x.IdEmpresa == IdEmp && x.CodModulo == Constantes.ModuloVentas && x.Estado.Equals(Constantes.EstadoActivo)) on tip.TipoDoc equals mov.TipoDoc
                                           join ter in context.Terceros on mov.IdTercero equals ter.IdTercero into LeftJoin
                                           from LJ in LeftJoin.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                           select new Movimiento()
                    IdMovimiento = mov.IdMovimiento,
                    TipoDoc = mov.TipoDoc,
                    NumDoc = mov.NumDoc,
                    FechaDoc = mov.FechaDoc,
                    ValorNeto = mov.ValorNeto,
                    Estado = mov.Estado,
                    IdTercero = mov.IdTercero,
                    IdVendedor = mov.IdVendedor,
                    IdDetAlmacen = mov.IdDetAlmacen,
                    NombreTercero = LJ != null ? LJ.NombreTercero : "",
                }).OrderByDescending(x => x.FechaDoc).ToList();
            catch (Exception ex)
                errorBusiness.Create("GetMovimientosByModificable", ex.Message, null);
コード例 #4
         * @ 初始化SQL命令,准备执行
         * */
        protected override bool InitSQLWithCmdText()
            if (TableName.IsNullOrEmpty())
                throw new ArgumentNullException("必须设置属性TableName的值,该值为查询的主表名称");

            if (LeftJoin.IsNotNullOrEmpty() && TableAlias.IsNullOrEmpty())
                throw new ArgumentNullException("当存在多表连接查询时,必须指定主表的别名,即属性TableAlias的值");

            if (Fields.IsNullOrEmpty())
                throw new ArgumentNullException("必须设置要查询的字段fields");

            string alias = string.Empty;

            if (TableAlias.IsNotNullOrEmpty())
                alias = string.Format("AS {0}", TableAlias);
            string whereString = GetCondition();

            SQLCmdText = string.Format(@"SELECT {0} FROM {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6}", Fields.ToJoin(), TableName, alias, LeftJoin, whereString, OrderBy, GroupBy);

            Succeed = true;
コード例 #5
        public void Throw_Exception_If_Left_Table_Is_Empty()
            HashMap <string> leftTable  = new HashMap <string>(1024);
            HashMap <string> rightTable = RightTable();

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() =>
                                              LeftJoin.Join(leftTable, rightTable));
コード例 #6
ファイル: RepeatTests.cs プロジェクト: ArikMackenburg/401Dsa
        public void Left_join_empty_tables()
            var table1 = new HashTable <string>(10);
            var table2 = new HashTable <string>(10);
            var join   = new LeftJoin(table1, table2);
            var result = join.LeftJoinTables();

コード例 #7
ファイル: RepeatTests.cs プロジェクト: ArikMackenburg/401Dsa
        public void Left_join_tables_left_joins_tables(string x)
            var table1 = new HashTable <string>(10);

            table1.Add("fond", "enamored");
            table1.Add("wrath", "anger");
            table1.Add("diligent", "employed");
            table1.Add("outfit", "garb");
            table1.Add("guide", "usher");
            var table2 = new HashTable <string>(10);

            table2.Add("fond", "averse");
            table2.Add("wrath", "delight");
            table2.Add("diligent", "idle");
            table2.Add("guide", "follow");
            table2.Add("flow", "jam");

            var join = new LeftJoin(table1, table2);

            var expect = new HashTable <List <string> >(10);

            expect.Add("fond", new List <string>()
                "enamored", "averse"
            expect.Add("wrath", new List <string>()
                "anger", "delight"
            expect.Add("diligent", new List <string>()
                "employed", "idle"
            expect.Add("outfit", new List <string>()
            expect.Add("guide", new List <string>()
                "usher", "follow"

            var result = join.LeftJoinTables();

            Assert.True(expect.TryFind(x, out var y));
            Assert.True(result.TryFind(x, out var z));

            //Assert.Equal(expect, result);
            Assert.Equal(y, z);
            Assert.Equal(expect[x], result[x]);
コード例 #8
ファイル: Sql.cs プロジェクト: DenisAloner/crane
            public LeftJoin LeftJoin(string table, Condition condition = null, string alias = null)
                var clause = new LeftJoin(table, alias);

                if (!_clauses.TryGetValue(typeof(LeftJoin), out var list))
                    list = new List <Clause>();
                    _clauses.Add(typeof(LeftJoin), list);
コード例 #9
        public void LeftJoin_can_left_join()
            // Arrange
            LeftJoin leftJoin = new LeftJoin();
            Dictionary <string, string> HT1 = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            Dictionary <string, string> HT2 = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            HT1.Add("fond", "enamored");
            HT1.Add("wrath", "anger");
            HT1.Add("diligent", "employed");
            HT1.Add("outfit", "garb");
            HT1.Add("guide", "usher");

            HT2.Add("fond", "averse");
            HT2.Add("wrath", "delight");
            HT2.Add("diligent", "idle");
            HT2.Add("guide", "follow");
            HT2.Add("flow", "jam"); //<- Not expected to be in result

            // Act
            List <string[]> result = leftJoin.LeftJoiner(HT1, HT2);

            // Assert
            // Expected: [["fond", "enamored", "averse"], ["wrath", "anger", "delight"], ["diligent", "employed", "idle"], ["outfit", "garb", null], ["guide", "usher", "follow"] , ["flow", null, "jam"]]
            List <string[]> expected = new List <string[]>();

            string[] expectedArray1 = new string[3] {
                "fond", "enamored", "averse"
            string[] expectedArray2 = new string[3] {
                "wrath", "anger", "delight"
            string[] expectedArray3 = new string[3] {
                "diligent", "employed", "idle"
            string[] expectedArray4 = new string[3] {
                "outfit", "garb", null
            string[] expectedArray5 = new string[3] {
                "guide", "usher", "follow"


            Assert.Equal(expected, result);
コード例 #10
        public void Successfully_Left_Join_The_Shared_Keys_Of_Two_HashMaps()
            HashMap <string>    leftTable  = LeftTable();
            HashMap <string>    rightTable = RightTable();
            List <ReturnObject> list       = LeftJoin.Join(leftTable, rightTable);
            List <string>       actual     = ObjectListToString(list);
            List <string>       expected   = new List <string>()
                "fond", "enamored", "averse", "wrath", "anger", "delight", "diligent",
                "employed", "idle", "outfit", "garb", null, "guide", "usher", "follow"

            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
コード例 #11
        private void runJoin(JoinSetting setting)
            List <Row> left  = helper.DataTable2List(dictDataTable[setting.LeftDTName]);
            List <Row> right = helper.DataTable2List(dictDataTable[setting.RightDTName]);

            List <JoinCondition> joinConditions = new List <JoinCondition>();

            foreach (string[] item in setting.JoinConditions)
                joinConditions.Add(new JoinCondition(item[0], item[1]));

            List <Mapping> mappings = new List <Mapping>();

            foreach (string[] item in setting.Mappings)
                mappings.Add(new Mapping(item[0], item[1], item[2], item[3]));

            BaseJoin join;

            switch (setting.Type)
            case "leftjoin":
                join = new LeftJoin();

            case "innerjoin":
                join = new InnerJoin();

                throw new NotImplementedException();

            join.Left(new GenericEnumerableOperation(left))
            .Right(new GenericEnumerableOperation(right));


            join.PrepareForExecution(new SingleThreadedPipelineExecuter());
            IEnumerable <Row> result = join.Execute(null);
            List <Row>        items  = new List <Row>(result);

            DataTable dtResult = helper.List2DataTable(items);

            dictDataTable.Add(setting.OutputName, dtResult);
コード例 #12
        public void WorksAsExpected()
            MyHashTable <object> tableOne = new MyHashTable <object>(20);
            MyHashTable <object> tableTwo = new MyHashTable <object>(20);

            tableOne.Add("fond", "enamored");
            tableOne.Add("wrath", "anger");
            tableOne.Add("diligent", "employed");
            tableOne.Add("outift", "garb");
            tableOne.Add("guide", "usher");
            tableTwo.Add("wrath", "delight");
            tableTwo.Add("diligent", "idle");
            tableTwo.Add("guide", "follow");
            tableTwo.Add("flow", "jam");
            tableTwo.Add("fond", "averse");
            LeftJoin LJ = new LeftJoin();

            LJ.MyLeftJoint(tableOne, tableTwo);
            Assert.Equal("poop", tableOne.Get("fond"));
コード例 #13
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
            MyHashTable <object> tableOne = new MyHashTable <object>(20);
            MyHashTable <object> tableTwo = new MyHashTable <object>(20);

            tableOne.Add("fond", "enamored");
            tableOne.Add("wrath", "anger");
            tableOne.Add("diligent", "employed");
            tableOne.Add("outift", "garb");
            tableOne.Add("guide", "usher");
            tableTwo.Add("wrath", "delight");
            tableTwo.Add("diligent", "idle");
            tableTwo.Add("guide", "follow");
            tableTwo.Add("flow", "jam");
            tableTwo.Add("fond", "averse");
            LeftJoin LJ = new LeftJoin();

            LJ.MyLeftJoint(tableOne, tableTwo);
コード例 #14
        public void CanLeftJoinTest()
            var synonyms = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                { "can", "able" },
                { "will", "compliant" },
                { "wet", "moist" }

            var antonyms = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                { "can", "cant" },
                { "wet", "dry" },
                { "rise", "fall" }

            string result = LeftJoin.PerformLeftJoin(synonyms, antonyms);

            Assert.Equal("[can, able, cant], \n[will, compliant, NULL], \n[wet, moist, dry]", result);
コード例 #15
ファイル: RepeatTests.cs プロジェクト: ArikMackenburg/401Dsa
        public void Test()
            var table1 = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            table1.Add("fond", "enamored");
            table1.Add("wrath", "anger");
            table1.Add("diligent", "employed");
            table1.Add("outfit", "garb");
            table1.Add("guide", "usher");
            var table2 = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            table2.Add("fond", "averse");
            table2.Add("wrath", "delight");
            table2.Add("diligent", "idle");
            table2.Add("guide", "follow");
            table2.Add("flow", "jam");
            var result3 = LeftJoin.LeftJoinList(table1, table2);

            List <string[]> expect = new List <string[]>();

            expect.Add(new string[3] {
                "fond", "enamored", "averse"
            expect.Add(new string[3] {
                "wrath", "anger", "delight"
            expect.Add(new string[3] {
                "diligent", "employed", "idle"
            expect.Add(new string[3] {
                "outfit", "garb", null
            expect.Add(new string[3] {
                "guide", "usher", "follow"

            Assert.Equal(expect, result3);
コード例 #16
        public void LeftJoin_can_left_join_single_key_value_pairs()
            // Arrange
            LeftJoin leftJoin = new LeftJoin();
            Dictionary <string, string> HT1 = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            Dictionary <string, string> HT2 = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            HT1.Add("key", "value1");
            HT2.Add("key", "value2");

            // Act
            List <string[]> result = leftJoin.LeftJoiner(HT1, HT2);

            // Assert
            List <string[]> expected = new List <string[]>();

            string[] expectedArray = new string[3] {
                "key", "value1", "value2"

            Assert.Equal(expected, result);
コード例 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a LEFT JOIN to the query
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="alias">The alias.</param>
        /// <param name="onCriteria">The on criteria.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
        /// alias is null or alias.table is null or empty.
        /// </exception>
        public SqlQuery LeftJoin(IAlias alias, ICriteria onCriteria)
            if (alias == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("alias");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(alias.Table))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("alias.table");

            var join = new LeftJoin(alias.Table, alias.Name, onCriteria);


            if (alias as IHaveJoins != null)
                AliasWithJoins[alias.Name] = alias as IHaveJoins;

コード例 #18
        public IEnumerable <object> ToList <TReturn>(Expression <Func <TEntity, TReturn> > expression)
            var code = expression.GetHashCode();

            if (SelectHandler == null)
                SelectHandler = SqlHandler.Select <TEntity>();
            var type = typeof(TReturn);

            if (!JoinExpressionMapping.Contains(code))
                var           nclass = NClass.DefaultDomain().Public();
                StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder();
                // 获取构造函数参数
                var arguments = ((NewExpression)expression.Body).Arguments;
                var members             = ((NewExpression)expression.Body).Members;
                var joinTypeFlagMapping = new Dictionary <Type, JoinTypeFlag>();
                for (int i = 0; i < arguments.Count; i++)
                    // 方法类型参数
                    if (arguments[i].NodeType == ExpressionType.Call)
                        var methodExpression    = (MethodCallExpression)arguments[i];
                        var methodDeclaringType = methodExpression.Method.DeclaringType;
                        if (methodDeclaringType.IsGenericType && methodDeclaringType.GetGenericTypeDefinition().Name.Contains("Join"))
                            var joinType = methodDeclaringType.GetGenericArguments()[0];
                            if (methodExpression.Arguments[0].NodeType == ExpressionType.Quote)
                                var quoteExpression = (UnaryExpression)methodExpression.Arguments[0];
                                if (quoteExpression.Operand.NodeType == ExpressionType.Lambda)
                                    var lambdaExpression = (LambdaExpression)quoteExpression.Operand;
                                    if (lambdaExpression.Body.NodeType == ExpressionType.MemberAccess)
                                        var memberExpression = (MemberExpression)lambdaExpression.Body;
                                        nclass.Property(item => item

                                        var definitionType = methodDeclaringType.GetGenericTypeDefinition();
                                        if (definitionType == typeof(InnerJoin <>))
                                            joinTypeFlagMapping[joinType] = JoinTypeFlag.Inner;
                                        else if (definitionType == typeof(LeftJoin <>))
                                            joinTypeFlagMapping[joinType] = JoinTypeFlag.Left;
                                        else if (definitionType == typeof(RightJoin <>))
                                            joinTypeFlagMapping[joinType] = JoinTypeFlag.Right;
                                        script.Append($".\"{memberExpression.Member.Name}\" AS \"{members[i].Name}\",");
                    else if (arguments[i].NodeType == ExpressionType.MemberAccess)
                        var memberExpression = (MemberExpression)arguments[i];
                        nclass.Property(item => item
                    //JoinObjectCache<ISelect<T>, TReturn>.GetObjects = NDelegate.RandomDomain().Func<ISelect<T>, object>(builder.ToString());
                if (script.Length > 1)
                    script.Length -= 1;
                    var joinScript = script.ToString();
                    JoinExpressionMapping = JoinExpressionMapping.Add(code);

                    var tempClass = nclass.GetType();
                    ProxyCaller <TEntity, TReturn> .Add(code, NDelegate
                                                        .DefaultDomain(item => item.LogSyntaxError())
                                                        .Func <ISelect <TEntity>, IEnumerable <object> >($"return arg.ToList<{tempClass.GetDevelopName()}>(\"{joinScript.Replace("\"","\\\"")}\");"));

                    var builder = new StringBuilder();
                    foreach (var item in joinTypeFlagMapping)
                        var    joinFieldCache = OrmNavigate <TEntity> .JoinScriptMapping[item.Key];
                        string joinAlias      = string.Empty;
                        switch (item.Value)
                        case JoinTypeFlag.Left:
                            joinAlias = LeftJoin.GetJoinScript(item.Key);

                        case JoinTypeFlag.Inner:
                            joinAlias = InnerJoin.GetJoinScript(item.Key);

                        case JoinTypeFlag.Right:
                            joinAlias = RightJoin.GetJoinScript(item.Key);

                        var joinFieldScript = $"\"{item.Key.Name}\" AS {joinAlias} ON a.\"{joinFieldCache.src}\" = {joinAlias}.\"{joinFieldCache.dst}\"";
                        builder.Append(joinFieldScript.Replace("\"", "\\\""));

                    //$"\"{typeof(TJoinEntity).Name}\" AS {InnerJoinHelper<TJoinEntity>.JoinAliasName} ON a.\"{srcFieldName}\" = {InnerJoinHelper<TJoinEntity>.JoinAliasName}.\"{destFieldName}\"")
                    JoinFiller <TEntity, TReturn> .Add(code, NDelegate
                                                       .Action <ISelect <TEntity> >(builder.ToString()));

            JoinFiller <TEntity, TReturn> .HandlerSelect(code, SelectHandler);

            return(ProxyCaller <TEntity, TReturn> .ToList(code, SelectHandler));
コード例 #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the Algebra representation of the Graph Pattern
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ISparqlAlgebra ToAlgebra()
            if (_isUnion)
                // If this Graph Pattern represents a UNION of Graph Patterns turn into a series of UNIONs
                ISparqlAlgebra union = new Union(_graphPatterns[0].ToAlgebra(), _graphPatterns[1].ToAlgebra());
                if (_graphPatterns.Count > 2)
                    for (int i = 2; i < _graphPatterns.Count; i++)
                        union = new Union(union, _graphPatterns[i].ToAlgebra());
                // Apply Inline Data
                if (HasInlineData)
                    union = Join.CreateJoin(union, new Bindings(_data));
                // If there's a FILTER apply it over the Union
                if (_isFiltered && (_filter != null || _unplacedFilters.Count > 0))
                    return(new Filter(union, Filter));

            // Terminal graph pattern
            if (_graphPatterns.Count == 0)
                // If there are no Child Graph Patterns then this is a BGP
                ISparqlAlgebra bgp = new Bgp(_triplePatterns);
                if (_unplacedAssignments.Count > 0)
                    // If we have any unplaced LETs these get Extended onto the BGP
                    foreach (IAssignmentPattern p in _unplacedAssignments)
                        bgp = new Extend(bgp, p.AssignExpression, p.VariableName);
                if (IsGraph)
                    bgp = Algebra.Graph.ApplyGraph(bgp, GraphSpecifier);
                else if (IsService)
                    bgp = new Service(GraphSpecifier, this, IsSilent);

                // Apply Inline Data
                if (HasInlineData)
                    bgp = Join.CreateJoin(bgp, new Bindings(_data));
                if (_isFiltered && (_filter != null || _unplacedFilters.Count > 0))
                    if (_isOptional && !(_isExists || _isNotExists))
                        // If we contain an unplaced FILTER and we're an OPTIONAL then the FILTER
                        // applies over the LEFT JOIN and will have been added elsewhere in the Algebra transform

                    // If we contain an unplaced FILTER and we're not an OPTIONAL the FILTER
                    // applies here
                    return(new Filter(bgp, Filter));
                // We're not filtered (or all FILTERs were placed in the BGP) so we're just a BGP

            // Create a basic BGP to start with
            ISparqlAlgebra complex = new Bgp();

            if (_triplePatterns.Count > 0)
                complex = new Bgp(_triplePatterns);

            // Apply Inline Data
            // If this Graph Pattern had child patterns before this Graph Pattern then we would
            // have broken the BGP and not added the Inline Data here so it's always safe to apply this here
            if (HasInlineData)
                complex = Join.CreateJoin(complex, new Bindings(_data));

            // Then Join each of the Graph Patterns as appropriate
            foreach (GraphPattern gp in _graphPatterns)
                if (gp.IsGraph)
                    // A GRAPH clause means a Join of the current pattern to a Graph clause
                    ISparqlAlgebra gpAlgebra = gp.ToAlgebra();
                    complex = Join.CreateJoin(complex, Algebra.Graph.ApplyGraph(gpAlgebra, gp.GraphSpecifier));
                else if (gp.IsOptional)
                    if (gp.IsExists || gp.IsNotExists)
                        // An EXISTS/NOT EXISTS means an Exists Join of the current pattern to the EXISTS/NOT EXISTS clause
                        complex = new ExistsJoin(complex, gp.ToAlgebra(), gp.IsExists);
                        // An OPTIONAL means a Left Join of the current pattern to the OPTIONAL clause
                        // with a possible FILTER applied over the LeftJoin
                        if (gp.IsFiltered && gp.Filter != null)
                            // If the OPTIONAL clause has an unplaced FILTER it applies over the Left Join
                            complex = new LeftJoin(complex, gp.ToAlgebra(), gp.Filter);
                            complex = new LeftJoin(complex, gp.ToAlgebra());
                else if (gp.IsMinus)
                    // Always introduce a Minus here even if the Minus is disjoint since during evaluation we'll choose
                    // not to execute it if it's disjoint
                    complex = new Minus(complex, gp.ToAlgebra());
                else if (gp.IsService)
                    complex = Join.CreateJoin(complex, new Service(gp.GraphSpecifier, gp, gp.IsSilent));
                    // Otherwise we just join the pattern to the existing pattern
                    complex = Join.CreateJoin(complex, gp.ToAlgebra());
            if (_unplacedAssignments.Count > 0)
                // Unplaced assignments get Extended over the algebra so far here
                // complex = Join.CreateJoin(complex, new Bgp(this._unplacedAssignments.OfType<ITriplePattern>()));
                foreach (IAssignmentPattern p in _unplacedAssignments)
                    complex = new Extend(complex, p.AssignExpression, p.VariableName);
            if (IsGraph)
                complex = Algebra.Graph.ApplyGraph(complex, GraphSpecifier);
            if (_isFiltered && (_filter != null || _unplacedFilters.Count > 0))
                if (_isOptional && !(_isExists || _isNotExists))
                    // If there's an unplaced FILTER and we're an OPTIONAL then the FILTER will
                    // apply over the LeftJoin and is applied elsewhere in the Algebra transform
                    if (_filter != null || _unplacedFilters.Count > 0)
                        // If there's an unplaced FILTER and we're not an OPTIONAL pattern we apply
                        // the FILTER here
                        return(new Filter(complex, Filter));
                // If no FILTER just return the transform
コード例 #20
 protected override void SetupJoinConditions()
コード例 #21
ファイル: MssqlReadPager.cs プロジェクト: jeason0813/dannylib
         * @ 初始化SQL命令,准备执行
         * */
        protected override bool InitSQLWithCmdText()
            if (TableName.IsNullOrEmpty())
                throw new ArgumentNullException("必须设置属性TableName的值,该值为查询的主表名称");

            if (LeftJoin.IsNotNullOrEmpty() && TableAlias.IsNullOrEmpty())
                throw new ArgumentNullException("当存在多表连接查询时,必须指定主表的别名,即属性TableAlias的值");

            if (Fields.IsNullOrEmpty())
                throw new ArgumentNullException("必须设置要查询的字段fields");

            if (PrimaryKey.IsNullOrEmpty())
                throw new ArgumentNullException("必须设置属性PrimaryKey的值为查询主表的主键名称");

            if (pageSize < 1)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("必须设置属性pageSize的值,且该值必须大于0");

            if (OrderBy.IsNullOrEmpty())
                throw new ArgumentNullException("必须调用SetOrderBy方法进行设置排序字段");

            string alias = string.Empty;
            string pk    = string.Empty;

            if (TableAlias.IsNotNullOrEmpty())
                alias = string.Format("AS {0}", TableAlias);
                pk    = string.Format("{0}.{1}", TableAlias, PrimaryKey);
                pk = PrimaryKey;
            string whereString   = GetCondition();
            string tempTableName = string.Format("{0}{1}", "A", Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"));
            // 如果没有条件,对全表进行统计行数
            string sysSql = string.Format(@"dbcc updateusage(0,{0}) with no_infomsgs
SELECT @DataCount =SUM (CASE WHEN (index_id < 2) THEN row_count ELSE 0 END) FROM sys.dm_db_partition_stats
 WHERE object_id = object_id('{0}')", TableName);
            // 按条件查询
            string mSql = string.Format(@"SELECT @DataCount=COUNT(1) FROM {0} {1} {2} {3}", TableName, alias, LeftJoin, whereString);

            SQLCmdText = string.Format(@"DECLARE @DataCount int
        SELECT {0},@DataCount as DataCount FROM {1} {2} 
            WHERE {12} IN 
                SELECT {4} FROM 
                        SELECT TOP {9} {12},ROW_NUMBER() OVER({5}) AS R_NO FROM {1} {2} {3} {6} {5}
                    ){11} WHERE R_NO BETWEEN {8} AND {10}
            ) {7} {5}", Fields.ToJoin(), TableName, alias, LeftJoin, PrimaryKey, OrderBy, whereString, GroupBy, pageIndex, pageSize, pageIndex * pageSize, tempTableName, pk, whereString.IsNullOrEmpty() ? sysSql : mSql);

            Succeed = true;
コード例 #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the Algebra representation of the Graph Pattern
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ISparqlAlgebra ToAlgebra()
            if (this._isUnion)
                //If this Graph Pattern represents a UNION of Graph Patterns turn into a series of UNIONs
                ISparqlAlgebra union = new Union(this._graphPatterns[0].ToAlgebra(), this._graphPatterns[1].ToAlgebra());
                if (this._graphPatterns.Count > 2)
                    for (int i = 2; i < this._graphPatterns.Count; i++)
                        union = new Union(union, this._graphPatterns[i].ToAlgebra());
                //If there's a FILTER apply it over the Union
                if (this._isFiltered && (this._filter != null || this._unplacedFilters.Count > 0))
                    return(new Filter(union, this.Filter));
            else if (this._graphPatterns.Count == 0)
                //If there are no Child Graph Patterns then this is a BGP
                ISparqlAlgebra bgp = new Bgp(this._triplePatterns);
                if (this._unplacedAssignments.Count > 0)
                    //If we have any unplaced LETs these get Joined onto the BGP
                    bgp = Join.CreateJoin(bgp, new Bgp(this._unplacedAssignments));
                if (this._isFiltered && (this._filter != null || this._unplacedFilters.Count > 0))
                    if (this._isOptional && !(this._isExists || this._isNotExists))
                        //If we contain an unplaced FILTER and we're an OPTIONAL then the FILTER
                        //applies over the LEFT JOIN and will have been added elsewhere in the Algebra transform
                        ISparqlAlgebra complex = bgp;

                        //If we contain an unplaced FILTER and we're not an OPTIONAL the FILTER
                        //applies here
                        return(new Filter(bgp, this.Filter));
                    //We're not filtered (or all FILTERs were placed in the BGP) so we're just a BGP
                //Create a basic BGP to start with
                ISparqlAlgebra complex = new Bgp();
                if (this._triplePatterns.Count > 0)
                    complex = new Bgp(this._triplePatterns);

                //Then Join each of the Graph Patterns as appropriate
                foreach (GraphPattern gp in this._graphPatterns)
                    if (gp.IsGraph)
                        //A GRAPH clause means a Join of the current pattern to a Graph clause
                        complex = Join.CreateJoin(complex, new Algebra.Graph(gp.ToAlgebra(), gp.GraphSpecifier));
                    else if (gp.IsOptional)
                        if (gp.IsExists || gp.IsNotExists)
                            //An EXISTS/NOT EXISTS means an Exists Join of the current pattern to the EXISTS/NOT EXISTS clause
                            complex = new ExistsJoin(complex, gp.ToAlgebra(), gp.IsExists);
                            //An OPTIONAL means a Left Join of the current pattern to the OPTIONAL clause
                            //with a possible FILTER applied over the LeftJoin
                            if (gp.IsFiltered && gp.Filter != null)
                                //If the OPTIONAL clause has an unplaced FILTER it applies over the Left Join
                                complex = new LeftJoin(complex, gp.ToAlgebra(), gp.Filter);
                                complex = new LeftJoin(complex, gp.ToAlgebra());
                    else if (gp.IsMinus)
                        //Always introduce a Minus here even if the Minus is disjoint since during evaluation we'll choose
                        //not to execute it if it's disjoint
                        complex = new Minus(complex, gp.ToAlgebra());
                    else if (gp.IsService)
                        complex = Join.CreateJoin(complex, new Service(gp.GraphSpecifier, gp, gp.IsSilent));
                        //Otherwise we just join the pattern to the existing pattern
                        complex = Join.CreateJoin(complex, gp.ToAlgebra());
                if (this._unplacedAssignments.Count > 0)
                    //Unplaced assignments get Joined as a BGP here
                    complex = Join.CreateJoin(complex, new Bgp(this._unplacedAssignments));
                if (this._isFiltered && (this._filter != null || this._unplacedFilters.Count > 0))
                    if (this._isOptional && !(this._isExists || this._isNotExists))
                        //If there's an unplaced FILTER and we're an OPTIONAL then the FILTER will
                        //apply over the LeftJoin and is applied elsewhere in the Algebra transform
                        if (this._filter != null || this._unplacedFilters.Count > 0)
                            //If there's an unplaced FILTER and we're not an OPTIONAL pattern we apply
                            //the FILTER here
                            return(new Filter(complex, this.Filter));
                    //If no FILTER just return the transform
コード例 #23
 protected override void SetupJoinConditions()
     .Left(_rel.Join.Select(j => j.LeftField).Select(f => f.Alias).ToArray())
     .Right(_rel.Join.Select(j => j.RightField).Select(f => f.Alias).ToArray());
コード例 #24
ファイル: LeviathanTests.cs プロジェクト: yuryk53/dotnetrdf
        public void SparqlBgpEvaluation()
            //Prepare the Store
            TripleStore store = new TripleStore();
            Graph       g     = new Graph();

            FileLoader.Load(g, "resources\\Turtle.ttl");

            SparqlQueryParser parser     = new SparqlQueryParser();
            SparqlQuery       q          = parser.ParseFromString(@"PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
SELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?o . ?s rdfs:label ?label}");
            Object            testResult = store.ExecuteQuery(q);

            ISparqlAlgebra testAlgebra = q.ToAlgebra();

            if (testResult is SparqlResultSet)
                SparqlResultSet rset = (SparqlResultSet)testResult;
                Console.WriteLine(rset.Count + " Results");
                foreach (SparqlResult r in rset)

            //Create some Triple Patterns
            TriplePattern t1 = new TriplePattern(new VariablePattern("?s"), new VariablePattern("?p"), new VariablePattern("?o"));
            TriplePattern t2 = new TriplePattern(new VariablePattern("?s"), new NodeMatchPattern(g.CreateUriNode("rdfs:label")), new VariablePattern("?label"));
            TriplePattern t3 = new TriplePattern(new VariablePattern("?x"), new VariablePattern("?y"), new VariablePattern("?z"));
            TriplePattern t4 = new TriplePattern(new VariablePattern("?s"), new NodeMatchPattern(g.CreateUriNode(":name")), new VariablePattern("?name"));

            //Build some BGPs
            Bgp selectNothing  = new Bgp();
            Bgp selectAll      = new Bgp(t1);
            Bgp selectLabelled = new Bgp(new List <ITriplePattern>()
                t1, t2
            Bgp selectAllDisjoint = new Bgp(new List <ITriplePattern>()
                t1, t3
            Bgp selectLabels = new Bgp(t2);
            Bgp selectNames  = new Bgp(t4);
            //LeftJoin selectOptionalNamed = new LeftJoin(selectAll, new Optional(selectNames));
            LeftJoin selectOptionalNamed = new LeftJoin(selectAll, selectNames);
            Union    selectAllUnion      = new Union(selectAll, selectAll);
            Union    selectAllUnion2     = new Union(selectAllUnion, selectAll);
            Filter   selectAllUriObjects = new Filter(selectAll, new UnaryExpressionFilter(new IsUriFunction(new VariableTerm("o"))));

            //Test out the BGPs
            //this.ShowMultiset(selectNothing.Evaluate(new SparqlEvaluationContext(null, store)));

            //Console.WriteLine("{?s ?p ?o}");
            //this.ShowMultiset(selectAll.Evaluate(new SparqlEvaluationContext(null, store)));

            //Console.WriteLine("{?s ?p ?o . ?s rdfs:label ?label}");
            //SparqlEvaluationContext context = new SparqlEvaluationContext(null, store);
            //SparqlResultSet lvnResult = new SparqlResultSet(context);

            //Console.WriteLine("{?s ?p ?o . ?x ?y ?z}");
            //this.ShowMultiset(selectAllDisjoint.Evaluate(new SparqlEvaluationContext(null, store)));

            //Console.WriteLine("{?s ?p ?o . OPTIONAL {?s :name ?name}}");
            //this.ShowMultiset(selectOptionalNamed.Evaluate(new SparqlEvaluationContext(null, store)));

            Console.WriteLine("{{?s ?p ?o} UNION {?s ?p ?o}}");
            this.ShowMultiset(selectAllUnion.Evaluate(new SparqlEvaluationContext(null, new InMemoryDataset(store))));

            Console.WriteLine("{{?s ?p ?o} UNION {?s ?p ?o} UNION {?s ?p ?o}}");
            this.ShowMultiset(selectAllUnion2.Evaluate(new SparqlEvaluationContext(null, new InMemoryDataset(store))));

            Console.WriteLine("{?s ?p ?o FILTER (ISURI(?o))}");
            this.ShowMultiset(selectAllUriObjects.Evaluate(new SparqlEvaluationContext(null, new InMemoryDataset(store))));
コード例 #25
        /// <summary>
        /// This function permits to get a ValueObject list by criteria in using SQL Raw.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// After tests, we have opted for SQL calls directly in the database.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="datasetId"></param>
        /// <param name="select"></param>
        /// <param name="where"></param>
        /// <param name="sort"></param>
        /// <param name="grouping"></param>
        /// <param name="page"></param>
        /// <param name="pageSize"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <IEnumerable <ValueObject> > Filter(
            string[] select,
            string[] where     = null,
            string[] sort_asc  = null,
            string[] sort_desc = null,
            bool grouping      = false,
            int?page           = null,
            int?pageSize       = null)
            // Initialize the entity
            DbSet <ValueObject> valueObjectEntity = UnitOfWork.GetDbContext()

            IEnumerable <ValueObject> valueObjects = valueObjectEntity
                                                     .Include(i => i.DataSet)

            SqlRawBuilder builder = new SqlRawBuilder();

            Field    fieldGroup = builder.Select.AddFieldGroup(select);
            LeftJoin leftJoin   = new LeftJoin();
            Table    table      = new Table();

            // Grouping or not
            if (grouping)
                leftJoin = fieldGroup
                           .AddField("InitialValue", FieldFormatEnum.Sum)
                           .AddField("CurrentValue", FieldFormatEnum.Sum)
                           .AddField("FutureValue", FieldFormatEnum.Sum)
                           .AddLeftJoin("ValueObject", "DataSetId", "DataSet", "Id");

                Having clause = leftJoin.AddGroupBy()

                BuildClause(clause, where);
                leftJoin = fieldGroup
                           .AddField("InitialValue", FieldFormatEnum.normal)
                           .AddField("CurrentValue", FieldFormatEnum.normal)
                           .AddField("FutureValue", FieldFormatEnum.normal)
                           .AddLeftJoin("ValueObject", "DataSetId", "DataSet", "Id");

                Where clause = leftJoin

                BuildClause(clause, where);

            // Sorting
            if (sort_desc != null && sort_desc.Length > 0)
                leftJoin.AddOrder(sort_desc, SortingEnum.Desc);
            else if (sort_asc != null && sort_asc.Length > 0)
                leftJoin.AddOrder(sort_asc, SortingEnum.Asc);

            // Execute the script
            valueObjects = await UnitOfWork.ValueObjectRepository.ExecuteReader(builder.GetSQL);

            // Paging the results
            if (page != null && page.Value > 0 && pageSize != null && pageSize.Value > 0)
                valueObjects = valueObjects.Skip(pageSize.Value * page.Value).Take(pageSize.Value);

            return(await Task.FromResult(valueObjects));
コード例 #26
 protected override void SetupJoinConditions()
     LeftJoin.Left("database", "objectid").Right("database", "objectid");
コード例 #27
ファイル: Reserva.cs プロジェクト: herbertmauadie/HSApi
        public List <DTOs.Empresa_Quartos> PesquisarQuartosSemReserva(string datas, int cdcidade, int cdbairro, string nomehotel, string hospedes, bool arcondicionado)
            List <DTOs.Empresa_Quartos> ResultadoFinal = new List <DTOs.Empresa_Quartos>();

                var      datasSplit = datas.Split(",");
                DateTime inicial    = DateTime.Parse(datasSplit[0].Substring(4, 11));
                DateTime final      = DateTime.Parse(datasSplit[1].Substring(4, 11));
                int      qtdhospede = Int32.Parse(hospedes);
                using (HSContext hs = new HSContext())
                    var ceps = hs.Logradouros
                               .Include(x => x.CdBairroNavigation)
                               .ThenInclude(x => x.CdCidadeNavigation)
                               .ThenInclude(x => x.CdUfNavigation)
                               .Where(x => x.CdBairroNavigation.CdCidade == cdcidade && cdbairro != 0 ? x.CdBairro == cdbairro : x.CdBairroNavigation.CdCidade == cdcidade)
                               .Select(x => x.NoLogradouroCep).ToList();

                    if (nomehotel == null)
                        nomehotel = "";

                    var retorno =
                            from quarto in hs.Tbquarto.Include(x => x.IdtipoquartoNavigation).ThenInclude(x => x.IdempresaNavigation)
                            join reserva in hs.Tbreserva on quarto.Idquarto equals reserva.Idquarto into LeftJoin
                            from left in LeftJoin.DefaultIfEmpty()

                            ((left.Datafinalizacao.HasValue || left == null)
                             (!left.Datafinalizacao.HasValue && left.Datasaida < inicial))

                            select new DTOs.Quarto()
                        hotel = quarto.IdtipoquartoNavigation.IdempresaNavigation.Nomeempresa,
                        nomeempresa =
                            quarto.IdtipoquartoNavigation.IdempresaNavigation.Nomeempresa + " - " + hs.Logradouros
                            .Include(x => x.CdBairroNavigation)
                            .ThenInclude(x => x.CdCidadeNavigation)
                            .First(x => x.NoLogradouroCep == quarto.IdtipoquartoNavigation.IdempresaNavigation.Cep).CdBairroNavigation.DsBairroNome.ToUpper(),
                        idquarto = quarto.Idquarto,
                        valor = quarto.IdtipoquartoNavigation.Valor.ToString(),
                        andar = quarto.Andar,
                        idtipoquarto = quarto.Idtipoquarto,
                        quarto = quarto.Quarto,
                        varanda = quarto.IdtipoquartoNavigation.Varanda,
                        arcondicionado = quarto.IdtipoquartoNavigation.Arcondicionado,
                        camacasal = quarto.IdtipoquartoNavigation.Camacasal,
                        camasolteiro = quarto.IdtipoquartoNavigation.Camasolteiro,
                        cep = quarto.IdtipoquartoNavigation.IdempresaNavigation.Cep,
                        status = quarto.Status.Value,
                        ventilador = quarto.IdtipoquartoNavigation.Ventilador,
                        idempresa = quarto.IdtipoquartoNavigation.Idempresa,
                        banheiroprivativo = quarto.IdtipoquartoNavigation.Banheiroprivativo,
                        tipoquarto = quarto.IdtipoquartoNavigation.Tipoquarto,
                        endereco = hs.Logradouros
                                   .Include(x => x.CdBairroNavigation)
                                   .ThenInclude(x => x.CdCidadeNavigation)
                                   .First(x => x.NoLogradouroCep == quarto.IdtipoquartoNavigation.IdempresaNavigation.Cep).DsLogradouroNome + " n° " + quarto.IdtipoquartoNavigation.IdempresaNavigation.Numero + " - Complemento " + quarto.IdtipoquartoNavigation.IdempresaNavigation.Complemente,
                        imagens = hs.Tbquartofoto.Where(x => x.Idquarto == quarto.Idquarto).Select(x => x.Imagem).ToList(),
                        foto = hs.Tbquartofoto.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Idquarto == quarto.Idquarto) == null ? "" : hs.Tbquartofoto.First(x => x.Idquarto == quarto.Idquarto).Imagem,
                        checkin = quarto.IdtipoquartoNavigation.IdempresaNavigation.Horachekin,
                        checkout = quarto.IdtipoquartoNavigation.IdempresaNavigation.Horacheckout,
                        qtdhospedes = quarto.IdtipoquartoNavigation.Totalpessoas,
                        banheira = quarto.IdtipoquartoNavigation.Banheira,
                        vistamar = quarto.IdtipoquartoNavigation.Vistamar,
                        vistapordosol = quarto.IdtipoquartoNavigation.Vistapordosol
                        .Distinct().Where(x => ceps.Contains(x.cep) && x.qtdhospedes == qtdhospede).ToList();

                    if (arcondicionado)
                        retorno = retorno.Where(x => x.arcondicionado == true).ToList();

                    if (nomehotel == "")
                        ResultadoFinal = (
                            from agru in retorno
                            group agru by new { agru.idempresa, agru.nomeempresa } into agrup
                            select new DTOs.Empresa_Quartos()
                            idempresa = agrup.Key.idempresa,
                            checkin = hs.Tbempresa.First(x => x.Idempresa == agrup.Key.idempresa).Horachekin,
                            checkout = hs.Tbempresa.First(x => x.Idempresa == agrup.Key.idempresa).Horacheckout,
                            nomeempresa = agrup.Key.nomeempresa,
                            maisbarato = retorno.Where(x => x.idempresa == agrup.Key.idempresa).Min(x => Decimal.Parse(x.valor.Replace(".", ","))),
                            tipoquartos = retorno
                                          .Where(x => x.idempresa == agrup.Key.idempresa)
                                          .Select(x => new DTOs.TipoQuarto()
                                tipoquarto = x.tipoquarto,
                                idtipoquarto = x.idtipoquarto,
                                valor = x.valor.ToString(),
                                varanda = x.varanda,
                                arcondicionado = x.arcondicionado,
                                camacasal = x.camacasal,
                                camasolteiro = x.camasolteiro,
                                ventilador = x.ventilador,
                                banheiroprivativo = x.banheira,
                                qtdhospedes = x.qtdhospedes,
                                banheira = x.banheira,
                                vistamar = x.vistamar,
                                vistapordosol = x.vistapordosol,
                                quartos = retorno.Where(ret => ret.idtipoquarto == x.idtipoquarto && ret.qtdhospedes == qtdhospede).OrderBy(ret => Decimal.Parse(ret.valor)).ToList()
                        ResultadoFinal = (
                            from agru in retorno
                            group agru by new { agru.idempresa, agru.nomeempresa } into agrup
                            select new DTOs.Empresa_Quartos()
                            idempresa = agrup.Key.idempresa,
                            nomeempresa = agrup.Key.nomeempresa,
                            checkin = hs.Tbempresa.First(x => x.Idempresa == agrup.Key.idempresa).Horachekin,
                            checkout = hs.Tbempresa.First(x => x.Idempresa == agrup.Key.idempresa).Horacheckout,
                            maisbarato = retorno.Where(x => x.idempresa == agrup.Key.idempresa).Min(x => Decimal.Parse(x.valor.Replace(".", ","))),
                            tipoquartos = retorno
                                          .Where(x => x.idempresa == agrup.Key.idempresa)
                                          .Select(x => new DTOs.TipoQuarto()
                                tipoquarto = x.tipoquarto,
                                idtipoquarto = x.idtipoquarto,
                                valor = x.valor.ToString(),
                                varanda = x.varanda,
                                arcondicionado = x.arcondicionado,
                                camacasal = x.camacasal,
                                camasolteiro = x.camasolteiro,
                                ventilador = x.ventilador,
                                banheiroprivativo = x.banheira,
                                qtdhospedes = x.qtdhospedes,
                                banheira = x.banheira,
                                vistamar = x.vistamar,
                                vistapordosol = x.vistapordosol,
                                quartos = retorno.Where(ret => ret.idtipoquarto == x.idtipoquarto && ret.qtdhospedes == qtdhospede).OrderBy(ret => Decimal.Parse(ret.valor)).ToList()

                    return(ResultadoFinal.OrderBy(x => x.maisbarato).ToList());
            catch (Exception ex)
                erros.Add("Os quartos para reserva não foram pesquisados. Ocorreu um erro.");