public static Quest TutorialLeatherQuest() { var quest = new Quest() { Name = "Get Equipped!", Description = "<div class='questColor'><p>Loot the goblin camp, there is 6 pieces of leather armour hidden here that you can use.</p>" + "<ul><li>Leather Helmet</li>" + "<li>Leather vest</li>" + "<li>Leather sleeves</li>" + "<li>Leather gloves</li>" + "<li>Leather leggings</li>" + "<li>Leather boots</li></ul>" + "<p>You will need to look and examine to find all these items.</p></div>", RewardXp = 500, RewardGold = 20, Type = Quest.QuestType.FindItem, QuestItem = new List <Item.Item>() { LeatherHead.LeatherHelmet(), LeatherBody.LeatherVest(), LeatherLegs.LeatherLeggings(), LeatherArms.LeatherSleeves(), LeatherFeet.LeatherBoots(), LeatherHands.LeatherGloves() }, RewardDialog = new DialogTree() { Message = "A curved dagger appears in your inventory...test" }, RewardItem = DaggerBasic.BronzeCurvedDagger() }; return(quest); }
public static PlayerSetup.Player GoblinWarrior() { var leatherVest = LeatherBody.LeatherVest(); leatherVest.location = Item.Item.ItemLocation.Worn; var rustedSword = ShortSwordBasic.RustedShortSword(); rustedSword.location = Item.Item.ItemLocation.Wield; rustedSword.stats = new Stats() { damMax = 12, damMin = 2, damRoll = 1, minUsageLevel = 1, worth = 1 }; var WeakGoblin = new PlayerSetup.Player { NPCId = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = "A goblin warrior", NPCLongName = "A strong goblin snarls at you", KnownByName = true, Type = PlayerSetup.Player.PlayerTypes.Mob, Description = "A strong goblin", Strength = 20, Dexterity = 13, Constitution = 12, Intelligence = 4, Wisdom = 5, Charisma = 2, MaxHitPoints = 100, HitPoints = 100, Level = 5, Aggro = true, Status = PlayerSetup.Player.PlayerStatus.Standing, Skills = new List <Skill>(), Inventory = new ItemContainer() { leatherVest, rustedSword }, Equipment = new Equipment() { Body =, Wielded = }, Trainer = false, DialogueTree = new List <DialogTree>(), Dialogue = new List <Responses>(), Quest = new List <Quest>() }; return(WeakGoblin); }
public static PlayerSetup.Player WeakGoblin() { var leatherVest = LeatherBody.LeatherVest(); leatherVest.location = Item.Item.ItemLocation.Worn; var rustedSword = ShortSwordBasic.RustedShortSword(); rustedSword.location = Item.Item.ItemLocation.Wield; var shield = ShieldBasic.WoodenShield(); shield.location = Item.Item.ItemLocation.Worn; var WeakGoblin = new PlayerSetup.Player { NPCId = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = "A skinny hunched Goblin", NPCLongName = "A skinny hunched goblin snarls at you", KnownByName = true, Type = PlayerSetup.Player.PlayerTypes.Mob, Description = "A weak goblin", Strength = 25, Dexterity = 25, Constitution = 30, Intelligence = 30, Wisdom = 30, Charisma = 30, MaxHitPoints = 7, HitPoints = 7, Level = 1, Status = PlayerSetup.Player.PlayerStatus.Standing, Skills = new List <Skill>() { ShortBlades.ShortBladesAb() }, Inventory = new ItemContainer() { leatherVest, rustedSword, shield }, Equipment = new Equipment() { Body =, Wielded =, Shield = }, Trainer = false, DialogueTree = new List <DialogTree>(), Dialogue = new List <Responses>(), Quest = new List <Quest>() }; return(WeakGoblin); }
public void SetUp() { var vest = LeatherBody.LeatherVest(); vestName =; var sword = ShortSwordBasic.RustedShortSword(); swordName =; container.Add(vest); container.Add(sword); container.Add(sword); }
public static Quest TutorialLeatherQuest() { var quest = new Quest() { Name = "This goblin camp may have some useful items that may help you.", Description = "<div class='questColor'>" + "<p>To find them, here are some things that you need to know:</p>" + "<ul><li>Kill <target> - example: kill goblin.</li></ul>" + "<p>After the fight you will want to check the corpse for items:</p>" + "<ul><li>look in <item> - example: look in corpse. To list items on the corpse.</li>" + "<li>get <item> corpse - example: get sword corpse. To get the sword from the corpse.</li></ul>" + "<p>Some items may be inside containers that need opening:</p>" + "<ul><li>open <container> - example: open chest. Will now allow to view items inside the chest when you look in to it.</li></ul>" + "<p>For hidden items you should read the room description carefully and examine objects you see in the description, doing so may reveal a hidden item.</p>" + "<ul><li>examine <keyword> - example: examine desk. May give you a more detailed description of what's on the table that's not shown in the room description.</li></ul>" + "<p>If you need help on commands use the help command to get a list of them. </p>" + "<p>Also you may with to <a href='' target='_blank'>join the discord community</a> and give your feedback. </p>" + "<p>ArchaicQuest is in development and your input and feedback will really help make this game better for everyone.</p>" + "<p>Good luck.</p></div>" , RewardXp = 500, RewardGold = 20, Type = Quest.QuestType.FindItem, QuestItem = new List <Item.Item>() { LeatherHead.LeatherHelmet(), LeatherBody.LeatherVest(), LeatherLegs.LeatherLeggings(), LeatherArms.LeatherSleeves(), LeatherFeet.LeatherBoots(), LeatherHands.LeatherGloves() }, RewardDialog = new DialogTree() { Message = "Well done, a curved dagger appears in your inventory." }, RewardItem = DaggerBasic.BronzeCurvedDagger() }; return(quest); }
public static Room.Room TutorialGoblinCampTentNorth() { var room = new Room.Room { region = "Tutorial", area = "Tutorial", areaId = 4, title = "A tent in the goblin camp", description = "<p>A small bed and wooden chest has been set up against the side of the tent, filling most of the space. A small cluttered desk sits on the other side leaving just about enough room to enter and leave.</p>", InstantRePop = true, //Defaults exits = new List <Exit>(), items = new List <Item.Item>(), mobs = new List <PlayerSetup.Player>(), terrain = Room.Room.Terrain.Field, keywords = new List <RoomObject>() { new RoomObject() { name = "gold coins" }, new RoomObject() { name = "small candle" }, new RoomObject() { name = "bread crumbs" } }, corpses = new List <PlayerSetup.Player>(), players = new List <PlayerSetup.Player>(), fighting = new List <string>(), clean = true, updateMessage = "A loud screech echos through the forest." }; var bed = new RoomObject { name = "Bed", look = "The bed is unmade and the sheets are covered in stains.", examine = "Under the pillow you see what looks like a pair of leather gloves poking out slightly." }; var desk = new RoomObject { name = "Desk", look = "Pieces of paper, gold coins and bread crumbs lay scattered across the desk. A small candle placed on top of what looks like a map illuminates the tent with an orange glow.", examine = "Pieces of paper, gold coins and bread crumbs lay scattered across the desk. A small candle placed on top of what looks like a map illuminates the tent with an orange glow.", }; var paper = new RoomObject { name = "paper", look = "You don't see anything worth taking except for what looks like a map.", examine = "You don't see anything worth taking except for what looks like a map." }; var map = "<pre>Hideout" + " o-o-o o-o-o-o\r\n" + " | | |\r\n" + " o-o o-o-x</pre>"; var HideoutMap = new RoomObject { name = "map", look = map, examine = map }; var mapToGoblinCave = new Item.Item { description = new Description() { look = "<pre>" + map + "<pre>", exam = "<pre>" + map + "<pre>", }, location = Item.Item.ItemLocation.Room, type = Item.Item.ItemType.note, name = "A basic map to a Goblin hideout", Weight = 0, equipable = false, isHiddenInRoom = true }; room.keywords.Add(HideoutMap); room.keywords.Add(paper); room.keywords.Add(desk); room.keywords.Add(bed); var west = new Exit { name = "South", area = "Tutorial", region = "Tutorial", areaId = 3, keywords = new List <string>(), hidden = false, locked = false, canLock = true, canOpen = true, open = true, doorName = null }; var chest = new Item.Item { name = "Basic looking wooden chest", stuck = true, type = Item.Item.ItemType.Container, open = false, canOpen = true, container = true, containerSize = 5, location = Item.Item.ItemLocation.Room, description = new Description() { exam = "A small poorly crafted wooden chest sits on the floor at the foot of the bed. There is no visible lock.", look = "A small poorly crafted wooden chest sits on the floor at the foot of the bed." }, keywords = new List <string>() { "Chest", "Wooden", "Wooden Chest" }, containerItems = new ItemContainer() { LeatherBody.LeatherVest() } }; var bedContainer = new Item.Item { name = "bed", stuck = true, type = Item.Item.ItemType.Container, open = true, canOpen = false, container = true, containerSize = 5, location = Item.Item.ItemLocation.Room, description = new Description(), keywords = new List <string>(), isHiddenInRoom = true, containerItems = new ItemContainer() { LeatherHands.LeatherGloves() } }; var deskContainer = new Item.Item { name = "desk", stuck = true, type = Item.Item.ItemType.Container, open = true, canOpen = false, container = true, containerSize = 5, location = Item.Item.ItemLocation.Room, description = new Description(), keywords = new List <string>(), isHiddenInRoom = true, containerItems = new ItemContainer() { LeatherLegs.LeatherLeggings() } }; deskContainer.containerItems.Add(mapToGoblinCave); deskContainer.containerItems.Add(new Item.Item() { name = "some gold coins", Gold = 5, count = 5, type = Item.Item.ItemType.Gold, location = Item.Item.ItemLocation.Room }); room.items.Add(chest); room.items.Add(bedContainer); room.items.Add(deskContainer); var goblin = Goblin.WeakGoblin(); goblin.Recall = new Recall() { Region = "Tutorial", Area = "Tutorial", AreaId = 4 }; room.mobs.Add(goblin); room.Emotes.Add("You hear a howl in the distance."); room.exits.Add(west); return(room); }