private async Task ConnectTurnAsunc(int column = -1) { await Context.Message.DeleteAsync(); if (column < 1 || column > 7) { BotConfig conf = BotConfig.Load(); var gconf = conf.GetConfig(Context.Guild.Id); await MessageUtil.SendErrorAsync((Context.Channel as ITextChannel), "Incorrect Command Usage", $"Correct Usage: `{gconf.Prefix}c4 <column>` - Column must be 1 - 7", false); return; } if (!GameHandler.DoesGameExist(Context.Guild.Id, GameType.CONNECT)) { await MessageUtil.SendErrorAsync((Context.Channel as ITextChannel), "Connect4 Error", "There is not a game in this guild.", false); return; } ConnectGame game = (ConnectGame)GameHandler.GetGame(Context.Guild.Id, GameType.CONNECT); if (game == null) { await MessageUtil.SendErrorAsync((Context.Channel as ITextChannel), "Connect4 Error", "The game could not be found.", false); return; } if (game.Players[0] != Context.User.Id && game.Players[1] != Context.User.Id) { await MessageUtil.SendErrorAsync((Context.Channel as ITextChannel), "Connect4 Error", "You are not part of this game..."); return; } if (game.Players[game.Turn] != Context.User.Id) { await MessageUtil.SendErrorAsync((Context.Channel as ITextChannel), "Connect4 Error", "It is not your turn..."); return; } GameHandler.TakeTurn(Context.Guild.Id, GameType.CONNECT, Context.User.Id, column); ulong winner = GameHandler.CheckForWinner(Context.Guild.Id, GameType.CONNECT); bool draw = GameHandler.CheckForDraw(Context.Guild.Id, GameType.CONNECT); IMessage oldMsg = await Context.Channel.GetMessageAsync(game.RenderId); await oldMsg.DeleteAsync(); if (winner == 0L) { if (!draw) { var nextUp = await Context.Guild.GetUserAsync(game.Players[game.Turn]); string render = game.RenderGame(); var msg = await Context.Channel.SendFileAsync(render, $"**Connect 4**\n" + $"Next Up: {nextUp.Mention}\n" + $"`{CommandHandler.GetPrefix(Context.Guild.Id)}c4 <column>` to take your turn\n`{CommandHandler.GetPrefix(Context.Guild.Id)}c4 end` to end the game"); game.RenderId = msg.Id; } else { string render = game.RenderGame(); await Context.Channel.SendFileAsync(render, $"**Connect 4**\n" + $"DRAW ({(await Context.Guild.GetUserAsync(game.Players[0])).Mention} v {(await Context.Guild.GetUserAsync(game.Players[1])).Mention})"); if (ProfileDatabase.GetUser(game.Players[0]) != null) { ProfileDatabase.AddCurrency(game.Players[0], 100); } if (ProfileDatabase.GetUser(game.Players[1]) != null) { ProfileDatabase.AddCurrency(game.Players[1], 100); } GameHandler.EndGame(game); } } else { string render = game.RenderGame(); await Context.Channel.SendFileAsync(render, $"**Connect 4**\n" + $"Game Won by " + (await Context.Guild.GetUserAsync(winner)).Mention); var winwin = ProfileDatabase.GetUser(winner); if (winwin != null) { ProfileDatabase.AddCurrency(winner, 250); await LeaderboardDatabase.CheckAsync(winner, winwin.Name, "Connect 4"); await LeaderboardDatabase.AddScoreAsync(winner, "Connect 4"); } GameHandler.EndGame(game); } }
private async Task TicTacToeTurnAsync(int x = -1, int y = -1) { await Context.Message.DeleteAsync(); if (!GameHandler.DoesGameExist(Context.Guild.Id, GameType.TICTACTOE)) { await MessageUtil.SendErrorAsync((Context.Channel as ITextChannel), "TicTacToe Error", "No game could be found here..."); return; } TicTacToeGame game = (TicTacToeGame)GameHandler.GetGame(Context.Guild.Id, GameType.TICTACTOE); if (game == null) { await MessageUtil.SendErrorAsync((Context.Channel as ITextChannel), "TicTacToe Error", "No game could be found here..."); return; } if (game.Players[0] != Context.User.Id && game.Players[1] != Context.User.Id) { await MessageUtil.SendErrorAsync((Context.Channel as ITextChannel), "TicTacToe Error", "You are not part of this game..."); return; } if (game.Players[game.Turn] != Context.User.Id) { await MessageUtil.SendErrorAsync((Context.Channel as ITextChannel), "TicTacToe Error", "It is not your turn..."); return; } if (x <= 0 || y <= 0 || x > 3 || y > 3) { await MessageUtil.SendErrorAsync((Context.Channel as ITextChannel), "TicTacToe Error", "You need to choose and x and y between of 1, 2 or 3..."); return; } GameHandler.TakeTurn(Context.Guild.Id, GameType.TICTACTOE, Context.User.Id, x, y); ulong winner = GameHandler.CheckForWinner(Context.Guild.Id, GameType.TICTACTOE); if (winner == 0L) { var oldMsg = await Context.Channel.GetMessageAsync(game.RenderId); await oldMsg.DeleteAsync(); var nextUp = await Context.Guild.GetUserAsync(game.Players[game.Turn]); string render = game.RenderGame(); var msg = await Context.Channel.SendFileAsync(render, $"**TicTacToe**\n" + $"Next Up: {nextUp.Mention}\n" + $"`{CommandHandler.GetPrefix(Context.Guild.Id)}t <x> <y>` to take your turn\n`{CommandHandler.GetPrefix(Context.Guild.Id)}t end` to end the game"); game.RenderId = msg.Id; } else { IMessage msg = await Context.Channel.GetMessageAsync(game.RenderId); await msg.DeleteAsync(); string render = game.RenderGame(); await Context.Channel.SendFileAsync(render, $"**TicTacToe**\n" + $"Game Won by " + (await Context.Guild.GetUserAsync(winner)).Mention); var winwin = ProfileDatabase.GetUser(winner); if (winwin != null) { ProfileDatabase.AddCurrency(winner, 100); await LeaderboardDatabase.CheckAsync(winner, winwin.Name, "Tic Tac Toe"); await LeaderboardDatabase.AddScoreAsync(winner, "Tic Tac Toe"); } GameHandler.EndGame(game); } }