コード例 #1
        public void ExtractUiArtifacts(CompileTreeNode node, out IUiControl uiControl, out string label, out string iconhandle)
            foreach (PropertyCompileTreeNode n in node.DefaultProperties)
                if (n.Value is LayoutProducer)
                    LayoutProducer lp = (n.Value as LayoutProducer);
                    uiControl  = lp.UiControl;
                    label      = lp.label;
                    iconhandle = lp.iconhandle;


            throw new FormCompileException("No layout defined in the source file", node.XmlSourceNodeInformation);
コード例 #2
ファイル: PropertyAssigner.cs プロジェクト: jim116801/C1-CMS
        private static void SetPropertyOnProducer2(ElementCompileTreeNode element, string propertyName, PropertyCompileTreeNode property, CompileContext compileContext)
            if (property.Value is BaseFunctionRuntimeTreeNode && !(element.Producer is FunctionParameterProducer))
                property.Value = ((BaseFunctionRuntimeTreeNode)property.Value).GetValue();

            if (property.InclosingProducerName != "" &&
                element.XmlSourceNodeInformation.Name != property.InclosingProducerName)
                throw new FormCompileException(string.Format("The inclosing tag does not match the embedded property tag name {0}", propertyName), element, property);

            Type producerType = element.Producer.GetType();

            PropertyInfo propertyInfo = producerType.GetProperty(propertyName);

            if (propertyInfo == null)
                if (property.IsNamespaceDeclaration)
                    return;                                  // Ignore it
                throw new FormCompileException(string.Format("The producer {0} does not have property named {1}", producerType, propertyName), element, property);

            MethodInfo getMethodInfo = propertyInfo.GetGetMethod();

            if (null == getMethodInfo)
                throw new FormCompileException(string.Format("The producer {0} does not have a public get for the property named {1}", producerType, propertyName), element, property);

            bool isReadOrBindProduced = property.Value is BindProducer || property.Value is ReadProducer;

            if (!isReadOrBindProduced && typeof(IDictionary).IsAssignableFrom(getMethodInfo.ReturnType))
                if (property.Value == null)
                    throw new FormCompileException(string.Format("Can not assign null to {0} dictionary", propertyName), element, property);
                IDictionary dictionary = getMethodInfo.Invoke(element.Producer, null) as IDictionary;

                if (dictionary == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Property '{0}' on '{1}' has not been initialized.", propertyName, producerType));

                MethodInfo      dictionaryAddMethodInfo = dictionary.GetType().GetMethod("Add");
                ParameterInfo[] dictionaryAddParmInfo   = dictionaryAddMethodInfo.GetParameters();

                Type valueType = property.Value.GetType();

                if (property.Value is IDictionary)
                    IDictionary           values = (IDictionary)property.Value;
                    IDictionaryEnumerator dictionaryEnumerator = values.GetEnumerator();
                    while (dictionaryEnumerator.MoveNext())
                        dictionary.Add(dictionaryEnumerator.Key, dictionaryEnumerator.Value);
                    if (property.Value is DictionaryEntry)
                        var dictionaryEntry = (DictionaryEntry)property.Value;
                        dictionary.Add(dictionaryEntry.Key, dictionaryEntry.Value);
                        PropertyInfo valueKeyProperty   = valueType.GetProperty("Key");
                        PropertyInfo valueValueProperty = valueType.GetProperty("Value");
                        if (valueKeyProperty == null || valueValueProperty == null)
                            throw new FormCompileException(string.Format("The type {0} can not be assigned to the The parameter type {0} for the method 'Add' on the return type of the property {1} does not match the value type {2}", dictionaryAddParmInfo[0].ParameterType.ToString(), propertyName, property.Value.GetType()), element, property);

                        object dictionaryEntryKey   = valueKeyProperty.GetGetMethod().Invoke(property.Value, null);
                        object dictionaryEntryValue = valueValueProperty.GetGetMethod().Invoke(property.Value, null);
                        dictionary.Add(dictionaryEntryKey, dictionaryEntryValue);

            if (!isReadOrBindProduced && typeof(IList).IsAssignableFrom(getMethodInfo.ReturnType))
                IList list = getMethodInfo.Invoke(element.Producer, null) as IList;

                if (list == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Property '{0}' (an IList) on '{1}' has not been initialized.", propertyName, producerType));

                MethodInfo      listAddMethodInfo = list.GetType().GetMethod("Add");
                ParameterInfo[] listAddParmInfo   = listAddMethodInfo.GetParameters();

                if (property.Value is IList)
                    IList values = (IList)property.Value;
                    foreach (object value in values)
                        if (!listAddParmInfo[0].ParameterType.IsInstanceOfType(value))
                            throw new FormCompileException(string.Format(
                                                               "The parameter type {0} for the method 'Add' on the return type of the property {1} does not match the value type {2}",
                                                               listAddParmInfo[0].ParameterType, propertyName, property.Value.GetType()),
                                                           element, property);


                if (property.Value != null)
                    if (!listAddParmInfo[0].ParameterType.IsInstanceOfType(property.Value))
                        throw new FormCompileException(string.Format(
                                                           "The parameter type {0} for the method 'Add' on the return type of the property {1} does not match the value type {2}",
                                                           listAddParmInfo[0].ParameterType, propertyName, property.Value.GetType()),
                                                       element, property);



            // Binding values for function parameters
            if (property.Value is ReadProducer && typeof(IList <BaseRuntimeTreeNode>).IsAssignableFrom(getMethodInfo.ReturnType))
                IList list = getMethodInfo.Invoke(element.Producer, null) as IList;

                object bindingObject;

                string source = (property.Value as ReadProducer).source;

                if (source.Contains("."))
                    string[] parts = source.Split('.');

                    ResolvePropertyBinding(element, property, compileContext, parts[0], parts.Skip(1).ToArray(), out bindingObject);
                    Type bindingType;

                    ResolveBindingObject(element, property, compileContext, source, out bindingObject, out bindingType);

                list.Add(new ConstantObjectParameterRuntimeTreeNode("BindedValue", bindingObject));


            CheckForMultiblePropertyAdds(element, propertyName, property);

            MethodInfo setMethodInfo = propertyInfo.GetSetMethod();

            if (null == setMethodInfo)
                throw new FormCompileException(string.Format("The producer {0} does not have a public set for the property named {1}", producerType, propertyName), element, property);

            object parm;

            if (null != property.Value)
                if (property.Value is BindProducer)
                    object[] attributes = propertyInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(BindablePropertyAttribute), true);
                    if (attributes.Length == 0)
                        throw new FormCompileException(string.Format("The property {0} on the producer {1}, does not have a bind attribute specified", propertyName, producerType), element, property);

                    BindProducer bind   = (BindProducer)property.Value;
                    string       source = bind.source;

                    EvaluteBinding(element, source, property, compileContext, getMethodInfo, true);
                else if (property.Value is ReadProducer)
                    ReadProducer bind   = (ReadProducer)property.Value;
                    string       source = bind.source;

                    EvaluteBinding(element, source, property, compileContext, getMethodInfo, false);

            if (property.Value != null && getMethodInfo.ReturnType.IsInstanceOfType(property.Value))
                if (typeof(IEnumerable).IsAssignableFrom(getMethodInfo.ReturnType) && getMethodInfo.ReturnType != typeof(string) && property.Value is string && ((string)property.Value).Length > 0)
                    // common err in form: specify a string, where a binding was expected. Problem with IEnumerable: string is converted to char array - hardly the expected result
                    // this is not a critical, but helpful, check
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Unable to cast {0} value '{1}' to type '{2}'", property.Value.GetType().FullName, property.Value, getMethodInfo.ReturnType.FullName));

                parm = property.Value;
            else if (property.Value is BaseRuntimeTreeNode)
                if (!(element.Producer is IFunctionProducer))
                    // Handles C1 function in forms markup
                    BaseRuntimeTreeNode baseRuntimeTreeNode = property.Value as BaseRuntimeTreeNode;

                    object value = baseRuntimeTreeNode.GetValue();

                    parm = value;
                    parm = property.Value;
                parm = ValueTypeConverter.Convert(property.Value, getMethodInfo.ReturnType);

            if (element.Producer is LayoutProducer && propertyName == "UiControl")
                LayoutProducer layoutProducer = (LayoutProducer)element.Producer;

                if (layoutProducer.UiControl != null)
                    throw new FormCompileException(string.Format("Only one ui control is allow at the top level of the layout."), element, property);

            object[] parms = { parm };
            setMethodInfo.Invoke(element.Producer, parms);