public DateTime GetLastArchivalDate(IFileSystemUtil fileUtil) { if (!LastArchivalDate.Equals(DateTime.MinValue)) { return(LastArchivalDate); } if (!LastAcquiredFileDate.Equals(DateTime.MinValue)) { LastArchivalDate = LastAcquiredFileDate; return(LastArchivalDate); } var fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(SkylineFilePath); var pattern = fileName + "_\\d{4}_\\d{2}"; var regex = new Regex(pattern); var skylineFileDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(SkylineFilePath); // Look at any existing files to determine the last archival date // Look for shared zip files with file names like <skyline_file_name>_<yyyy>_<mm> var archiveFiles = fileUtil.GetSkyZipFiles(skylineFileDir) .Where(f => regex.IsMatch(Path.GetFileName(f) ?? string.Empty)) .OrderBy(filePath => fileUtil.LastWriteTime(filePath)) .ToList(); LastArchivalDate = archiveFiles.Any() ? fileUtil.LastWriteTime(archiveFiles.Last()) : DateTime.Today; return(LastArchivalDate); }
protected bool Equals(MainSettings other) { return(string.Equals(SkylineFilePath, other.SkylineFilePath) && string.Equals(FolderToWatch, other.FolderToWatch) && IncludeSubfolders == other.IncludeSubfolders && Equals(QcFileFilter, other.QcFileFilter) && ResultsWindow == other.ResultsWindow && string.Equals(InstrumentType, other.InstrumentType) && AcquisitionTime == other.AcquisitionTime && LastAcquiredFileDate.Equals(other.LastAcquiredFileDate)); }
public bool ReadLastAcquiredFileDate(IAutoQCLogger logger, IProcessControl processControl) { logger.Log("Getting the acquisition date on the newest file imported into the Skyline document.", 1, 0); var exeDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); if (exeDir == null) { logger.LogError("Cound not get path to the Skyline report file"); return(false); } var skyrFile = Path.Combine(exeDir, "FileAcquisitionTime.skyr"); var reportFile = Path.Combine(SkylineFileDir, "AcquisitionTimes.csv"); // Export a report from the given Skyline file var args = string.Format( @" --in=""{0}"" --report-conflict-resolution=overwrite --report-add=""{1}"" --report-name=""{2}"" --report-file=""{3}""", SkylineFilePath, skyrFile, "AcquisitionTimes", reportFile); var procInfo = new ProcessInfo(AutoQCForm.SkylineRunnerPath, AutoQCForm.SKYLINE_RUNNER, args, args); if (!processControl.RunProcess(procInfo)) { logger.LogError("Error getting the last acquired file date from the Skyline document."); return(false); } // Read the exported report to get the last AcquiredTime for imported results in the Skyline doucment. if (!File.Exists(reportFile)) { logger.LogError("Could not find report outout {0}", reportFile); return(false); } try { LastAcquiredFileDate = GetLastAcquiredFileDate(reportFile, logger); if (!LastAcquiredFileDate.Equals(DateTime.MinValue)) { logger.Log("The most recent acquisition date in the Skyline document is {0}", LastAcquiredFileDate); } else { logger.Log("The Skyline document does not have any imported results."); } } catch (IOException e) { logger.LogError("Exception reading file {0}. Exception details are: ", reportFile); logger.LogException(e); return(false); } return(true); }
public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked { var hashCode = (SkylineFilePath != null ? SkylineFilePath.GetHashCode() : 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (FolderToWatch != null ? FolderToWatch.GetHashCode() : 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ IncludeSubfolders.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (QcFileFilter != null ? QcFileFilter.GetHashCode() : 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ ResultsWindow; hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (InstrumentType != null ? InstrumentType.GetHashCode() : 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ AcquisitionTime; hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ LastAcquiredFileDate.GetHashCode(); return(hashCode); } }