コード例 #1
        public void Update()
            LaserFactory laserFactory = new LaserFactory(laserSpeed, laserWidth, laserHeight, numRows * numColumns);
            BombFactory  bombFactory  = new BombFactory(bombSpeed, bombWidth, bombHeight, numBombSlots);

            ScoreAndLife scoreAndLife = new ScoreAndLife(lives, laserFactory, bombFactory);
            Player       player       = new Player(screenWidth, screenHeight, playerSpeed, playerWidth, playerHeight, laserFactory, bombFactory, scoreAndLife, timerIntervalPlayerRespawn);
            Bunkers      bunkers      = new Bunkers(numBunkers, screenWidth, screenHeight, bunkerWidth, bunkerHeight, bunkerHealth, playerHeight, spaceBetweenBunkerAndPlayer);
            Mothership   mothership   = new Mothership(screenWidth, mothershipWidth, mothershipHeight, mothershipSpeed, mothershipPoints, timerIntervalMothership, mothershipSpacerFromTop);
            //int screenWidth = 100;
            //int alienWidth = 1;
            //int alienHeight = 2;
            //int alienSpeed = 1;
            //int spacer = 1;
            //int numRows = 1;
            //int rowLength = 1;
            //int playerHeight = 0;
            //Bunkers bunkers = new Bunkers(numBunkers, screenWidth, screenHeight, bunkerWidth, bunkerHeight, bunkerHealth, playerHeight, spaceBetweenBunkerAndPlayer);
            BombFactory bf = new BombFactory(0, 0, 0, 0);

            AlienSquad alienS = new AlienSquad(bunkers, bombFactory, laserFactory, player, mothership, scoreAndLife, numRows, numColumns, screenWidth, player.BoundingBox.Height, alienWidth, alienHeight, alienSpeed, spacer, bombFrequency, alienPointStart, alienPointDecrement, alienSpacerFromTop, speedIncrease, bombFrequencyIncrement, bombFrequencyMin);


            //Assert.AreEqual(,); //expected, actual
コード例 #2
        public void UpdateProjectiles_TouchTop()
            int          laserSpeed  = -5;
            int          laserWidth  = 1;
            int          laserHeight = 1;
            int          alienCount  = 5;
            LaserFactory laser       = new LaserFactory(laserSpeed, laserWidth, laserHeight, alienCount);

            int xLaser = laser.Laser.BoundingBox.X;
            int yLaser = laser.Laser.BoundingBox.Y;


            int xLaser1 = laser.Laser.BoundingBox.X;
            int yLaser1 = laser.Laser.BoundingBox.Y;


            Assert.AreEqual(0, xLaser); //expected, actual
            Assert.AreEqual(0, yLaser);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, xLaser1); //expected, actual
            Assert.AreEqual(0, yLaser1);
コード例 #3
        public PlayerController(Data data, InputModel inputModel,
                                PlayerModel playerModel, PauseModel pauseModel)
            _controllerList = new ControllerList();

            var cameraFactory = new CameraFactory(data.CameraData);
            var laserFactory  = new LaserFactory();

            var cameraModel = new CameraModel(cameraFactory);

            var moveController = new MoveController(inputModel.GetInputKeyboard(),
                                                    data.PlayerData, playerModel.Transform);

            var shootController = new ShootController(data.BulletData, playerModel, laserFactory);

            var cameraController = new CameraController(cameraModel, playerModel,
                                                        data.CameraData, pauseModel);

            var explosion = new Explosion(data.ExplosionData, playerModel);

            var abilityController = new AbilityController(inputModel, explosion);

コード例 #4
        public ScoreAndLife(int lives, LaserFactory laserFactory, BombFactory bombFactory)
            this.bombFactory  = bombFactory;
            this.laserFactory = laserFactory;
            this.lives        = lives;

            laserFactory.alienDeath      += OnAlienDeath;
            laserFactory.mothershipDeath += OnAlienDeath;
            gameOver += laserFactory.EndGame;
コード例 #5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string defFilePath = args[0];

            if (IsPathValid(defFilePath))
                    string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(defFilePath);

                    BoardFactory brdFactory = new BoardFactory();
                    Board        board      = brdFactory.BuildBoard(lines[0]);

                    RoomFactory rmFactory = new RoomFactory();
                    for (int w = 0; w <= board.Width - 1; w++)
                        for (int h = 0; h <= board.Height - 1; h++)
                            Room rm = rmFactory.BuildRoom(w, h);

                    MirrorFactory mrFactory = new MirrorFactory();
                    int           i         = 2;
                    string        line      = lines[i];
                    while (line != "-1")
                        Mirror mirror = mrFactory.BuildMirror(line);
                        line = lines[i];

                    LaserFactory laserFactory = new LaserFactory();
                    Laser        laser        = laserFactory.BuildLaser(lines[lines.Count() - 2]);

                    string exitConditions = board.FindExit(laser);

                    Console.WriteLine($" Dimensions of Board: {board.Width}, {board.Height}\n Laser Starting Position {laser.XLoc}, {laser.YLoc}\n Laser Exit is at {exitConditions}");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Error Occurred! Exception: {ex.Message} \nStackTrace\n: {ex.StackTrace}");
                Console.WriteLine("File is not found or is invalid. Please select a new file.");
コード例 #6
ファイル: Blaster.cs プロジェクト: TrollTier/Bullet-hell
    public void Fire()
        if (timeToCoolDown > 0)

        if (muzzle != null)
            muzzleCoolDown = coolDown / 2f;

        timeToCoolDown = coolDown;
コード例 #7
        public ShootController(BulletData bulletData, PlayerModel playerModel,
                               LaserFactory laserFactory)
            _data = bulletData;

            var ratio    = _data.BulletLifespan / _data.ShootCooldown;
            var poolSize = (int)Math.Ceiling(ratio);

            _bulletPool = new BulletPool(poolSize, _data, laserFactory);

            _playerModel     = playerModel;
            _barrelTransform = _playerModel.BarrelTransform;
            _audioSource     = _playerModel.AudioSource;

            _bulletLifespan = _data.BulletLifespan;
            _shootCooldown  = _data.ShootCooldown;
コード例 #8
        public void UpdateProjectiles_TouchMothership()
            int          laserSpeed  = -5;
            int          laserWidth  = 1;
            int          laserHeight = 1;
            int          alienCount  = 5;
            LaserFactory laser       = new LaserFactory(laserSpeed, laserWidth, laserHeight, alienCount);

            int        mothershipW = 10;
            int        screenW     = 20;
            int        speed       = 5; //should end up at 0
            Mothership ms          = new Mothership(screenW, mothershipW, mothershipHeight, speed, mothershipPoints, timerIntervalMothership, mothershipSpacerFromTop);


            int xMothership = ms.BoundingBox.X;
            int yMothership = ms.BoundingBox.Y;
            int xLaser      = laser.Laser.BoundingBox.X;
            int yLaser      = laser.Laser.BoundingBox.Y;


            int xMothership1 = ms.BoundingBox.X;
            int yMothership1 = ms.BoundingBox.Y;
            int xLaser1      = laser.Laser.BoundingBox.X;
            int yLaser1      = laser.Laser.BoundingBox.Y;

            Assert.AreEqual(0, xMothership); //expected, actual
            Assert.AreEqual(0, yMothership);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, xLaser);      //expected, actual
            Assert.AreEqual(0, yLaser);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, xMothership1); //expected, actual
            Assert.AreEqual(0, yMothership1);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, xLaser1);      //expected, actual
            Assert.AreEqual(0, yLaser1);
コード例 #9
        public void MoveLeft_EnoughSpace()
            int          playerW      = 10;
            int          screenW      = 20;
            int          speed        = 5; //should end up at 0
            LaserFactory laserFactory = new LaserFactory(laserSpeed, laserWidth, laserHeight, numRows * numColumns);
            BombFactory  bombFactory  = new BombFactory(bombSpeed, bombWidth, bombHeight, numBombSlots);

            // Create game objects
            ScoreAndLife scoreAndLife = new ScoreAndLife(lives, laserFactory, bombFactory);

            Player player = new Player(screenW, 100, speed, playerW, 2, laserFactory, bombFactory, scoreAndLife, timerIntervalPlayerRespawn);

            int x = player.BoundingBox.X;

            Assert.AreEqual(0, x); //expected, actual
コード例 #10
        public void UpdateProjectiles_TouchBunkers()
            int          laserSpeed  = -5;
            int          laserWidth  = 1;
            int          laserHeight = 1;
            int          alienCount  = 5;
            LaserFactory laser       = new LaserFactory(laserSpeed, laserWidth, laserHeight, alienCount);

            int     numBunkers   = 1;
            int     screenWidth  = 100;
            int     screenHeight = 100;
            int     bunkerWidth  = 5;
            int     bunkerHeight = 5;
            int     bunkerHealth = 3;
            int     playerHeight = 5;
            int     spaceBetweenBunkerAndPlayer = 1;
            Bunkers bunkers = new Bunkers(numBunkers, screenWidth, screenHeight, bunkerWidth, bunkerHeight, bunkerHealth, playerHeight, spaceBetweenBunkerAndPlayer);

            int xLaser = laser.Laser.BoundingBox.X;
            int yLaser = laser.Laser.BoundingBox.Y;


            int xLaser1 = laser.Laser.BoundingBox.X;
            int yLaser1 = laser.Laser.BoundingBox.Y;


            Assert.AreEqual(0, xLaser); //expected, actual
            Assert.AreEqual(0, yLaser);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, xLaser1); //expected, actual
            Assert.AreEqual(0, yLaser1);
コード例 #11
        public void UpdateProjectiles_TouchPlayer()
            int          bombSpeed    = 5;
            int          bombWidth    = 1;
            int          bombHeight   = 1;
            int          numBombSlots = 5;
            LaserFactory laserFactory = new LaserFactory(laserSpeed, laserWidth, laserHeight, numRows * numColumns);
            BombFactory  bombFactory  = new BombFactory(bombSpeed, bombWidth, bombHeight, numBombSlots);

            // Create game objects
            ScoreAndLife scoreAndLife = new ScoreAndLife(lives, laserFactory, bombFactory);
            Player       player       = new Player(screenWidth, screenHeight, playerSpeed, playerWidth, playerHeight, laserFactory, bombFactory, scoreAndLife, timerIntervalPlayerRespawn);
            BombFactory bomb = new BombFactory(bombSpeed, bombWidth, bombHeight, numBombSlots);

            //int playerW = 10;
            //int screenW = 20;
            //int speed = 5; //should end up at 0

            int xBomb = bomb.Bombs[0].BoundingBox.X;
            int yBomb = bomb.Bombs[0].BoundingBox.Y;


            int xBomb1 = bomb.Bombs[0].BoundingBox.X;
            int yBomb1 = bomb.Bombs[0].BoundingBox.Y;


            Assert.AreEqual(0, xBomb); //expected, actual
            Assert.AreEqual(0, yBomb);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, xBomb1); //expected, actual
            Assert.AreEqual(0, yBomb1);
コード例 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Allows the game to perform any initialization it needs to before starting to run.
        /// This is where it can query for any required services and load any non-graphic
        /// related content.  Calling base.Initialize will enumerate through any components
        /// and initialize them as well.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Initialize()
            // Create textures
            Texture2D textureAlien      = this.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"assets/bug");
            Texture2D textureBomb       = this.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"assets/bomb");
            Texture2D textureBunker     = this.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"assets/bunker");
            Texture2D textureLaser      = this.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"assets/laser");
            Texture2D textureMothership = this.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"assets/mothership");
            Texture2D texturePlayer     = this.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"assets/player");

            // Initialize variables
            alienHeight      = textureAlien.Height;
            alienWidth       = textureAlien.Width;
            bombHeight       = textureBomb.Height;
            bombWidth        = textureBomb.Width;
            bunkerHeight     = textureBunker.Height;
            bunkerWidth      = textureBunker.Width;
            laserHeight      = textureLaser.Height;
            laserWidth       = textureLaser.Width;
            mothershipHeight = textureMothership.Height;
            mothershipWidth  = textureMothership.Width;
            playerHeight     = texturePlayer.Height;
            playerWidth      = texturePlayer.Width;

            // Create factories
            laserFactory = new LaserFactory(laserSpeed, laserWidth, laserHeight, numRows * numColumns);
            bombFactory  = new BombFactory(bombSpeed, bombWidth, bombHeight, numBombSlots);

            // Create game objects
            scoreAndLife = new ScoreAndLife(lives, laserFactory, bombFactory);
            player       = new Player(screenWidth, screenHeight, playerSpeed, playerWidth, playerHeight, laserFactory, bombFactory, scoreAndLife, timerIntervalPlayerRespawn);
            bunkers      = new Bunkers(numBunkers, screenWidth, screenHeight, bunkerWidth, bunkerHeight, bunkerHealth, playerHeight, spaceBetweenBunkerAndPlayer);
            mothership   = new Mothership(screenWidth, mothershipWidth, mothershipHeight, mothershipSpeed, mothershipPoints, timerIntervalMothership, mothershipSpacerFromTop);
            alienSquad   = new AlienSquad(bunkers, bombFactory, laserFactory, player, mothership, scoreAndLife, numRows, numColumns, screenWidth, player.BoundingBox.Height, alienWidth, alienHeight, alienSpeed, spacer, bombFrequency, alienPointStart, alienPointsPerRow, alienSpacerFromTop, speedIncrease, bombFrequencyIncrement, bombFrequencyMin);

            // Create sprite objects
            laserSprite      = new LaserSprite(this, laserFactory.Laser, textureLaser);
            mothershipSprite = new MothershipSprite(this, mothership, player, textureMothership);
            playerSprite     = new PlayerSprite(this, player, texturePlayer);
            scoreSprite      = new ScoreSprite(this, scoreAndLife);

            for (var x = 0; x < alienSquad.Length; x++)
                Components.Add(new AlienSprite(this, (Alien)alienSquad[x], textureAlien));
            foreach (Bunker bunker in bunkers)
                Components.Add(new BunkerSprite(this, bunker, textureBunker));
            foreach (Projectile bomb in bombFactory.Bombs)
                Components.Add(new BombSprite(this, bomb, textureBomb));

            // Add components

            // Register objects
