コード例 #1
        public override IScanner GetScanner(IVsTextLines buffer)
            if (scanner == null)
                this.scanner = new LineScanner(LanguageSet.Acquire(LanguageOption.Extended).Grammar);

コード例 #2
        public override Microsoft.VisualStudio.Package.AuthoringScope ParseSource(ParseRequest req)
            Debug.Print("ParseSource at ({0}:{1}), reason {2}", req.Line, req.Col, req.Reason);
            Source source = (Source)this.GetSource(req.FileName);

            if (source.GetLineCount() > 0)
                switch (req.Reason)
                case ParseReason.Check:
                    Parser parser = LanguageSet.Acquire(source.option).Parser;

                    // This is where you perform your syntax highlighting.
                    // Parse entire source as given in req.Text.
                    // Store results in the AuthoringScope object.
                    ParseTree     tree;
                    ParseTreeNode root;
                    lock (lock_parser)
                        root = (tree = parser.Parse(req.Text, req.FileName)).Root;

                        AstNode node = null;
                        if (root != null)
                            if (req.FileName != "<Source>")
                                JoinUO.UOSL.Service.UOSLBase.ReCache(req.FileName, tree);

                            node = (AstNode)root.AstNode;
                        source.ParseResult = node;

                    // Used for brace matching.
                    TokenStack braces = parser.Context.OpenBraces;
                    foreach (Token brace in braces)
                        TextSpan openBrace = new TextSpan();
                        openBrace.iStartLine  = brace.Location.Line;
                        openBrace.iStartIndex = brace.Location.Column;
                        openBrace.iEndLine    = brace.Location.Line;
                        openBrace.iEndIndex   = openBrace.iStartIndex + brace.Length;

                        TextSpan closeBrace = new TextSpan();
                        if (brace.OtherBrace != null)       // Added check: this did not seem to be handled -=Derrick=-
                            closeBrace.iStartLine  = brace.OtherBrace.Location.Line;
                            closeBrace.iStartIndex = brace.OtherBrace.Location.Column;
                            closeBrace.iEndLine    = brace.OtherBrace.Location.Line;
                            closeBrace.iEndIndex   = closeBrace.iStartIndex + brace.OtherBrace.Length;

                            if (source.Braces == null)
                                source.Braces = new List <TextSpan[]>();
                            source.Braces.Add(new TextSpan[2] {
                                openBrace, closeBrace
                        else     // Added error message -=Derrick=-
                            req.Sink.AddError(req.FileName, string.Format("Unmatched opening brace '{0}'", brace.Text), openBrace, Severity.Error);

                    if (parser.Context.CurrentParseTree.ParserMessages.Count > 0)
                        foreach (ParserMessage error in parser.Context.CurrentParseTree.ParserMessages)
                            TextSpan span = new TextSpan();
                            int      line, col;
                            if (!(error is ExternalErrorMessage) || ((ExternalErrorMessage)error).FilePath == parser.Context.CurrentParseTree.FileName)
                                source.GetLineIndexOfPosition(error.Span.Location.Position, out line, out col);
                                span.iStartLine  = line;
                                span.iStartIndex = col;

                                source.GetLineIndexOfPosition(error.Span.EndPosition, out line, out col);
                                span.iEndLine  = Math.Max(span.iStartLine, line);
                                span.iEndIndex = Math.Max(span.iStartIndex, col);
                                span.iStartLine  = error.Span.Location.Line;
                                span.iStartIndex = error.Span.Location.Column;
                                span.iEndLine    = span.iStartLine;
                                span.iEndIndex   = span.iStartIndex;

                            Severity level = error.Level == ParserErrorLevel.Error ? Severity.Error : error.Level == ParserErrorLevel.Warning ? Severity.Warning : Severity.Hint;
                            if (error is ExternalErrorMessage)
                                req.Sink.AddError(((ExternalErrorMessage)error).FilePath, error.Message, span, level);
                                req.Sink.AddError(req.FileName, error.Message, span, level);

                case ParseReason.DisplayMemberList:
                    // Parse the line specified in req.Line for the two
                    // tokens just before req.Col to obtain the identifier
                    // and the member connector symbol.
                    // Examine existing parse tree for members of the identifer
                    // and return a list of members in your version of the
                    // Declarations class as stored in the AuthoringScope
                    // object.

                case ParseReason.MethodTip:
                    // Parse the line specified in req.Line for the token
                    // just before req.Col to obtain the name of the method
                    // being entered.
                    // Examine the existing parse tree for all method signatures
                    // with the same name and return a list of those signatures
                    // in your version of the Methods class as stored in the
                    // AuthoringScope object.

                case ParseReason.QuickInfo:

                case ParseReason.HighlightBraces:
                case ParseReason.MemberSelectAndHighlightBraces:
                case ParseReason.MatchBraces:
                    if (source.Braces != null)
                        foreach (TextSpan[] brace in source.Braces)
                            if (brace.Length == 2)
                                req.Sink.MatchPair(brace[0], brace[1], 1);
                            else if (brace.Length >= 3)
                                req.Sink.MatchTriple(brace[0], brace[1], brace[2], 1);
            AuthoringScope _scope = null;

            ScopeDict.TryGetValue(source, out _scope);

            if (_scope == null)
                _scope = ScopeDict[source] = new AuthoringScope(source, source.ParseResult);
            else if (source.ParseResult != null)
                _scope.LastParseResult = source.ParseResult;
