public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { if (context.Request != null&&context.Request["Code"]!=null) { string strCode = context.Request["Code"].ToString(); LabMS.BLL.InstrumentAndConsumables binstrument = new LabMS.BLL.InstrumentAndConsumables(); List<LabMS.Model.InstrumentAndConsumables> listInstrument = new List<LabMS.Model.InstrumentAndConsumables>(); ExtendBLL.Dictionary eDictionary = new ExtendBLL.Dictionary(); List<Model.Dictionary> listCClass = new List<LabMS.Model.Dictionary>(); listInstrument = binstrument.GetModelList("Numbers = '" + strCode+"'"); if (listInstrument.Count < 0) { return; } listCClass = eDictionary.GetModelList("Code='" + listInstrument[0].Status + "'"); if (listCClass.Count < 0) { return; } context.Response.ContentType = "application/json"; context.Response.Write("{result: '" +listCClass[0].Name+ "'}"); } }
protected void savedata(string status) { if (tbInstrumentName.Text.Trim() == "") { LabMS.Common.JShelper.JSAlert(Page, "err", "仪器不可以为空!"); return; } if (tbApplyer.Text.Trim() == "") { LabMS.Common.JShelper.JSAlert(Page, "err", "申请人不可以为空!"); return; } BLL.GoodsMaintain binstrument = new LabMS.BLL.GoodsMaintain(); Model.GoodsMaintain instrment = new LabMS.Model.GoodsMaintain(); instrment.Numbers = tbInstrumentNum.Text; instrment.Name = tbInstrumentName.Text; instrment.AssetManagers = tbManager.Text.Trim(); instrment.Tel = tbTelNum.Text; instrment.StorageSites = tbLocation.Text; //ddlStockLocation.SelectedValue; instrment.LabName = ddlLab.SelectedValue; instrment.Guarantee = isInTime.SelectedValue; instrment.Applicant = tbApplyer.Text.Trim(); instrment.ReportedTime = DateTime.Parse( tbReportTime.Text); instrment.Describe = tbDescription.Text; instrment.Status = status.ToString().Trim(); BLL.InstrumentAndConsumables bins = new LabMS.BLL.InstrumentAndConsumables(); Model.InstrumentAndConsumables ins = (bins.GetModelList(" Numbers="+tbInstrumentNum.Text.Trim()))[0]; ins.PresentSituation = status; int i = Convert.ToInt32(ins.Quantity); i--; ins.Quantity = i; try { bins.Update(ins); } catch (Exception e) { LabMS.Common.JShelper.JSAlert(Page, "err", "添加失败1"); return; } try { binstrument.Add(instrment); } catch (Exception ee) { LabMS.Common.JShelper.JSAlert(Page, "err", "添加失败2"+ee.Message); return; } LabMS.Common.JShelper.JSAlertAndRedirect(Page, "err", "添加成功", "lowdamagereport.aspx"); }
public void bind(string strCode, string strLocation, string strCondition) { LabMS.BLL.InstrumentAndConsumables bconsum = new LabMS.BLL.InstrumentAndConsumables(); if (strCondition.Trim().Equals("")) { strCondition = ""; } else { strCondition = " and " + strCondition; } string strWhere = " Type = '" + strCode + "'and SpaceLocation= '" + strLocation + "' and Quantity>0 " + strCondition + " order by ID desc "; if (strLocation.Equals("@ALL@")) { strWhere = " Type = '" + strCode + "'and Quantity>0 " + strCondition + " order by ID desc "; } List<LabMS.Model.InstrumentAndConsumables> listmconsum = bconsum.GetModelList(strWhere); GridView1.DataSource = listmconsum; GridView1.DataBind(); }
private void savedata(string status) { BLL.GoodsMaintain bgoodsmaintain = new LabMS.BLL.GoodsMaintain(); Model.GoodsMaintain goodsmaintain = bgoodsmaintain.GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(strID.Text)); goodsmaintain.MCo = tbRepairGroup.Text; goodsmaintain.MLinkman = tbTransfer.Text.Trim(); goodsmaintain.MPhone = tbPhoneNum.Text; goodsmaintain.MComment = tbComments.Text; if (!tbRepairTime.Text.Trim().Equals("")) { goodsmaintain.MDate = DateTime.Parse(tbRepairTime.Text); } goodsmaintain.LabName = ddlLab.SelectedValue; goodsmaintain.AssetManagers = tbManager.Text; goodsmaintain.Tel = tbTelNum.Text; goodsmaintain.Guarantee = tbIsInTime.SelectedValue; goodsmaintain.Applicant = tbApplyer.Text.Trim(); goodsmaintain.Describe = tbDescription.Text; goodsmaintain.Status = status; goodsmaintain.AcceptanceViews = tbAcceptanceViews.Text; BLL.InstrumentAndConsumables biac = new LabMS.BLL.InstrumentAndConsumables(); Model.InstrumentAndConsumables iac; if (biac.GetModelList(" Numbers=" + tbinstrumentNum.Text.Trim()).Count != 0) { iac = biac.GetModelList(" Numbers=" + tbinstrumentNum.Text.Trim())[0]; try { bgoodsmaintain.Update(goodsmaintain); } catch (Exception e) { Common.JShelper.JSAlert(Page, "Err", status + "失败"); return; } iac.Status = status; if (status == "正常") { int i = Convert.ToInt32(iac.Quantity); i++; iac.Quantity = i; } biac.Update(iac); Common.JShelper.JSAlertAndRedirect(Page, "Err", status + "成功", "lowconformlist.aspx"); } else { Common.JShelper.JSAlert(Page, "Err", status + "失败"); return; } }
void bind(LabMS.Model.RecipientsApp recipientsApp) { Comment.Text = Common.codehelper.Decode(recipientsApp.AppComment); tbUserNub.Text = recipientsApp.AppNub; tbCNub.Text = recipientsApp.ClassNumber; List<LabMS.Model.InstrumentAndConsumables> mconsum = new List<LabMS.Model.InstrumentAndConsumables>(); LabMS.BLL.InstrumentAndConsumables bconsum = new LabMS.BLL.InstrumentAndConsumables(); mconsum = bconsum.GetModelList("Numbers='" + recipientsApp.ClassNumber + "'"); if (mconsum.Count == 0) { Common.JShelper.JSAlert(Page, "err", "数据错误,请删除此条记录!"); return; } try { lbAllNub.Text = mconsum[0].Quantity.Value.ToString(); } catch { } LabMS.BLL.Lab blab = new LabMS.BLL.Lab(); List<LabMS.Model.Lab> mLab = new List<LabMS.Model.Lab>(); mLab = blab.GetModelList("Lab_Code='" + recipientsApp.Laboratory + "'"); if (mLab.Count > 0) { tbLabName.Text = mLab[0].Lab_Name; } tbLabCode.Value = recipientsApp.Laboratory; lbCName.Text = recipientsApp.Name; try { tbRecipientsDate.Text = recipientsApp.RecipientTime.Value.ToShortDateString(); } catch { } lbTypeNub.Text = recipientsApp.Words; }
protected void btnApp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { lbErr.Visible = false; Button btn = (Button)sender; string strAudit = ""; string strAlert = ""; if (btn.ID == "btnCancelApp") { strAudit = "0"; strAlert = "撤销申请成功!"; } if (btn.ID == "btnApp") { strAudit = "1"; strAlert = "申请成功,请等待审核!"; } if (btn.ID == "tbnCheck") { strAudit = "3"; strAlert = "审核成功!"; LabMS.BLL.RecipientsApp brapp = new LabMS.BLL.RecipientsApp(); LabMS.Model.RecipientsApp mrecipeintsapp = new LabMS.Model.RecipientsApp(); try { mrecipeintsapp = brapp.GetModel(long.Parse(tbID.Text)); } catch (Exception ex) { lbErr.Text = ex.Message; lbErr.Visible = true; return; } if (mrecipeintsapp == null) { Common.JShelper.JSAlert(Page, "err","数据错误,请删除此条记录!"); return; } List<LabMS.Model.InstrumentAndConsumables> mconsum = new List<LabMS.Model.InstrumentAndConsumables>(); LabMS.BLL.InstrumentAndConsumables bconsum = new LabMS.BLL.InstrumentAndConsumables(); mconsum = bconsum.GetModelList("Numbers='" + mrecipeintsapp.ClassNumber + "'"); if (mconsum.Count == 0) { Common.JShelper.JSAlert(Page, "err", "数据错误,请删除此条记录!"); return; } decimal iQuantityRecipients = 0; decimal.TryParse(mrecipeintsapp.AppNub, out iQuantityRecipients); if (iQuantityRecipients > mconsum[0].Quantity) { Common.JShelper.JSAlert(Page, "err", "库存不足!"); return; } else { if (mrecipeintsapp.Type == "xiaohaopin") { LabMS.Model.SuppliesRecipients model = new LabMS.Model.SuppliesRecipients(); model.Arrow = mrecipeintsapp.Arrow; model.Comment = "通过申请借出!"; model.EncodedTime = mrecipeintsapp.RecipientTime; model.EncodedWarehouse = mrecipeintsapp.EncodedWarehouse; model.Laboratory = mrecipeintsapp.Laboratory; model.Name = mrecipeintsapp.Name; model.Numbers = mrecipeintsapp.ClassNumber; model.OperatDate = DateTime.Today; model.Operator = "sys";//用户 model.QuantityRecipients = mrecipeintsapp.AppNub; model.Recipients = mrecipeintsapp.MRecipients; model.Words = mrecipeintsapp.Words; ExtendBLL.SuppliesRecipients EbSRecipient = new ExtendBLL.SuppliesRecipients(); try { EbSRecipient.ExtendAdd(model, (decimal)mconsum[0].Quantity); } catch (Exception ex) { lbErr.Visible = true; lbErr.Text = ex.Message.ToString(); return; } } else { ExtendBLL.Recipients brecipients = new ExtendBLL.Recipients(); Model.Recipients recipients = new LabMS.Model.Recipients(); recipients.BorrowedState = "良好"; recipients.Comment = "通过申请借出!"; recipients.EncodedTime = mrecipeintsapp.RecipientTime; recipients.MRecipients = mrecipeintsapp.MRecipients; recipients.Name = mrecipeintsapp.Name; recipients.Numbers = mrecipeintsapp.ClassNumber; recipients.OperatDate = DateTime.Today; recipients.Operator = ""; recipients.Type = mrecipeintsapp.Type; try { brecipients.ExtendAdd(recipients); } catch (Exception ex) { lbErr.Visible = true; lbErr.Text = ex.Message.ToString(); return; } } } } if (btn.ID == "tbnUnChek") { strAudit = "2"; strAlert = "审核成功!"; } ExtendBLL.RecipientsApp extendrapp = new ExtendBLL.RecipientsApp(); string strID = tbID.Text; try { if (btn.ID == "btnApp" || btn.ID == "btnCancelApp") { extendrapp.UpdateStatus(strAudit, strID); } else { string strChecker = UserRealName;//用户名 string strCheckContent = VerifyComment.Text.Trim(); extendrapp.SetCheck(strAudit, strID, DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString(), strChecker, strCheckContent); } } catch (Exception ex) { lbErr.Text = ex.Message; lbErr.Visible = true; return; } if (tbEType.Text != "") { Common.JShelper.JSAlertAndRedirect(Page, "success", strAlert, "recipientappperview.aspx?ID=" + tbID.Text + "&Type=" + tbEType.Text); } else { Common.JShelper.JSAlertAndRedirect(Page, "success", strAlert, "recipientappperview.aspx?ID=" + tbID.Text); } }