コード例 #1
ファイル: EntityDataManager.cs プロジェクト: damard/Unity
    //                      CONSTRUCTORS
    public EntityDataManager( string gameType, string marking, LVCGame.UnitForceType force )
        this.lvcUnityAmbassador = LVCUnityAmbassador.GetInstance();
        this.lvcClient = lvcUnityAmbassador.GetLVCClient();

        // initialise the entity data container which will hold salient details about
        // the entity state which we want to send in LVC updates
        entityData = new LVCGame.EntityData();
        entityData.id = new LVCGame.EntityID();
        entityData.physics = new LVCGame.EntityPhysics();
        entityData.properties = new LVCGame.EntityProperties();
        entityData.properties.force = force;

        // assign a unique ID number to this entity
        entityData.id.instance = lvcUnityAmbassador.GetNextEntityID();

        // initialise types and markings
        entityData.id.gameType = gameType;
        entityData.id.marking = marking;

        lvcGameState = LVCGameState.UNINTIALISED;
コード例 #2
ファイル: BasicLVCEntity.cs プロジェクト: damard/Unity
    private static readonly Color DAMAGE_100 = new Color(0.1F,0.1F,0.1F,1); // 100% damage - charcoal grey

    #endregion Fields

    #region Methods

    //////////////////////////////// LVC Game Related Methods //////////////////////////////////
    public void FireWeapon( string lvcMunitionType, UnityEngine.Vector3 origin, UnityEngine.Vector3 velocity,
							uint quantity, uint rate, 
						    LVCGame.WarHeadType warhead, 
							LVCGame.FuseType fuse,
							long targetId
        entityDataManager.FireWeapon( lvcMunitionType, origin, velocity,
                                      quantity, rate,
                                      warhead, fuse,
コード例 #3
ファイル: EntityDataManager.cs プロジェクト: damard/Unity
  * Set the stance type of the entity
  * @param stanceType the stance of the entity
 public void SetStance( LVCGame.StanceType stanceType )
     lock( this )
         this.entityData.properties.stance = stanceType;
コード例 #4
ファイル: EntityDataManager.cs プロジェクト: damard/Unity
  * Set the primary weapon posture of the entity
  * @param primaryWeaponPosture the primary weapon posture of the entity
 public void SetPrimaryWeaponPosture( LVCGame.WeaponPostureType primaryWeaponPosture )
     lock( this )
         this.entityData.properties.prWeaponPosture = primaryWeaponPosture;
コード例 #5
ファイル: EntityDataManager.cs プロジェクト: damard/Unity
     * Causes an weapon fire notification to be sent into the LVC Game world. If
     * Create() has not yet been called, or Destroy() has been called, this will
     * have no effect.
     * @param lvcMunitionType the LVC Game munition type name
     * @param origin the location from which the munition originated
     * @param velocity the velocity of the munition
     * @param quantity (optional) the number of rounds fired in this "burst" (if unspecified, 1 is used)
     * @param rate (optional) the rate of fire in rounds per minute
     * @param warhead (optional) the DIS warhead type of the fired munition
     * @param fuse (optional) the DIS fuse type of the fired munition
     * @param targetId (optional) the ID of the entity targeted by this munition fire
    public void FireWeapon( string lvcMunitionType, UnityEngine.Vector3 origin, UnityEngine.Vector3 velocity,
							uint quantity, uint rate, 
						    LVCGame.WarHeadType warhead, 
							LVCGame.FuseType fuse,
							long targetId
        lock( this )
            if( lvcGameState == LVCGameState.CREATED )
                LVCGame.FireWeaponData fireWeaponData = lvcUnityAmbassador.MakeFireWeaponData(
                    lvcMunitionType, origin, velocity,
                    quantity, rate,
                    warhead, fuse,

                this.lvcClient.FireWeapon( ref fireWeaponData );
コード例 #6
ファイル: LVCExtraUpdateHandler.cs プロジェクト: damard/Unity
 //                   STATIC VARIABLES
 //                   INSTANCE VARIABLES
 //                      CONSTRUCTORS
 //                    INSTANCE METHODS
  * Handle update event data
  * @param entityData the LVC update data information
  * @param gO the Unity GameObject representation of the updated entity
 public abstract void HandleExtra( LVCGame.EntityData entityData, GameObject gO );
コード例 #7
ファイル: LVCUtils.cs プロジェクト: damard/Unity
  * Convert an LVC Game Vector3 into a Unity Engine Vector 3, correcting for the swapping
  * of the Y and Z axes between the coordinate systems
  *        AXIS (+ve): | LVC | UNITY
  *        ------------+-----+-------
  *        NORTH       |  X  |   X
  *        EAST        |  Y  |   Z
  *        UP          |  Z  |   Y
  * @param LVCv3 the LVC Game Vector3 to convert
  * @return the equivalent Unity Engine Vector3, with corrected axes (Y and Z axes swapped)
 public static UnityEngine.Vector3 LVCGameCoords_to_UnityCoords( LVCGame.Vector3 LVCv3 )
     return new UnityEngine.Vector3( (float)LVCv3.x, (float)LVCv3.z, (float)LVCv3.y );
     //                                                           ^====SWAPPED====^
コード例 #8
ファイル: LVCUtils.cs プロジェクト: damard/Unity
  * A utility method to convert a latitude/longitude/altitude position representaion
  * to a local tangent plane representation. Uses the world origin obtained from the
  * LVC configuration as the primary reference point for the conversion.
  * @param lla the latitude/longitude/altitude position to convert. latitude and longitude
  *        are expected to be in radians, altitude is in meters.
  * @return the local tangent plane coordinates in meters. The axes are as follows:
  *        AXIS (+ve): | LVC
  *        ------------+-----
  *        NORTH       |  X
  *        EAST        |  Y
  *        UP          |  Z
 public static LVCGame.Vector3 llaToLtp( LVCGame.Vector3 lla )
     return LVCGame.LVCCoordinates.llaToLtp( ref v3zero, ref lla );
コード例 #9
ファイル: LVCUtils.cs プロジェクト: damard/Unity
  * A utility function to create a string using an LVC EntityData struct to display the salient
  * details of an entity's state
  * @param ed the entity data struct to create the string representation from
  * @return the formatted string
 public static string DisplayFormatted( LVCGame.EntityData ed )
     return "("+ed.id.instance+") "+ed.id.gameType+"["+ed.id.marking+"]"+
                                    DisplayFormatted(ed.physics.position, "")+
                                    DisplayAsDegrees(ed.physics.orientation)+" "+
                                    DisplayAsMs(ed.physics.worldVelocity)+" "+
                                    DisplayAsMs2(ed.physics.worldAcceleration)+" "+
                                    DisplayAsDegreesPerSecond(ed.physics.bodyAngularVelocity)+" "+
コード例 #10
ファイル: LVCUtils.cs プロジェクト: damard/Unity
  * A utility function to create a string using an LVC Vector3 to display the values of the 3 axes
  * with unit formatting. This is used for logging purposes.
  * @param v3 the LVC Vector3 containing the acceleration values for each axis
  * @param the suffix to display after each value
  * @return the formatted string
 public static string DisplayFormatted( LVCGame.Vector3 v3, string suffix )
     return "("+v3.x.ToString("f5")+suffix+", "+v3.y.ToString("f5")+suffix+", "+v3.z.ToString("f5")+suffix+")";
コード例 #11
ファイル: LVCUtils.cs プロジェクト: damard/Unity
  * A utility function to create a string using an LVC Vector3 to display the values of the 3 axes
  * as metres per second squared (acceleration). This is used for logging purposes.
  * @param v3 the LVC Vector3 containing the acceleration values for each axis
  * @return the formatted string
 public static string DisplayAsMs2( LVCGame.Vector3 v3 )
     return DisplayFormatted( v3,"m/s\u00B2" );
コード例 #12
ファイル: LVCUtils.cs プロジェクト: damard/Unity
  * A utility function to create a string using an LVC Vector3 to display the values of the 3 axes
  * as d*m's" (degrees, minutes, seconds). This is used for logging purposes.
  * @param v3 the LVC Vector3 containing the acceleration values for each axis
  * @return the formatted string
 public static string DisplayAsDMS( LVCGame.Vector3 v3 )
     return "("+RadiansToDMS(v3.x, 2)+", "+RadiansToDMS(v3.y, 2)+", "+RadiansToDMS(v3.z,2)+")";
コード例 #13
ファイル: LVCUtils.cs プロジェクト: damard/Unity
  * A utility function to create a string using an LVC Vector3 to display the values of the 3 axes
  * as decimal degrees. This is used for logging purposes.
  * @param v3 the LVC Vector3 containing the acceleration values for each axis
  * @return the formatted string
 public static string DisplayAsDegreesPerSecond( LVCGame.Vector3 v3 )
     string suffix = "\u00B0/s";
     return "("+Radians2Degrees(v3.x).ToString("f2")+suffix+", "+Radians2Degrees(v3.y).ToString("f2")+suffix+", "+Radians2Degrees(v3.z).ToString("f2")+suffix+")";
コード例 #14
ファイル: LVCUtils.cs プロジェクト: damard/Unity
  * A utility function to transfer the values from one LVC Vector3 into another LVC Vector3.
  * @param source the LVCGame.Vector3 instance which is the source of the values from the source
  * @param target the LVCGame.Vector3 instance which is to receive the values
 public static void TransferValues( LVCGame.Vector3 source, ref LVCGame.Vector3 target )
     target.x = source.x;
     target.y = source.y;
     target.z = source.z;
コード例 #15
ファイル: LVCUtils.cs プロジェクト: damard/Unity
  * A utility function to transfer the values from an LVC Vector3 into a UnityEngine Vector3.
  * @param source the LVCGame.Vector3 instance which is the source of values from the source
  * @param target the UnityEngine.Vector3 instance which is to receive the values
 public static void TransferValues( LVCGame.Vector3 source, ref UnityEngine.Vector3 target )
     target.x = (float)source.x;
     target.y = (float)source.y;
     target.z = (float)source.z;
コード例 #16
ファイル: LVCUtils.cs プロジェクト: damard/Unity
     * A utility function to determine if a munition is an air munition from its EntityData.
     * It will return true if, and only if the entity is...
     *      - a muniotion, *and*
     *      - its (munition) domain is anti-air
     * Note that the primarty purpose of this method is to determine whether the munition is
     * a suitable candidate for ground clamping position processing (i.e., clamp the detonation
     * to the ground).
     * @param entityData the LVCGame.EntityData instance
     * @return true if the entity is an air munition.
    public static bool IsAirMunition( LVCGame.EntityData entityData )
        string[] disEnumParts = entityData.id.lvcType.Split(' ');

        if( disEnumParts.Length < ((int)DIS_FIELD_INDEX.DOMAIN+1))
            return false;

        int kind = StringToInt( disEnumParts[(int)DIS_FIELD_INDEX.KIND], 0 );
        if( kind == (int)DIS_KIND.MUNITION )
            int domain = StringToInt( disEnumParts[(int)DIS_FIELD_INDEX.DOMAIN], ((int)DIS_DOMAIN.OTHER) );
            return domain == (int)DIS_MUNITION_DOMAIN.ANTI_AIR;
        return false;
コード例 #17
ファイル: LVCUtils.cs プロジェクト: damard/Unity
     * A utility function to determine if an entity is a land entity from its EntityData.
     * It will return true if, and only if the entity is...
     *      - a lifeform or platform, *and*
     *      - its domain is land
     * Note that the primarty purpose of this method is to determine whether an entity is
     * a suitable candidate for ground clamping position processing.
     * @param entityData the LVCGame.EntityData instance
     * @return true if the entity is a land entity.
    public static bool IsLandEntity( LVCGame.EntityData entityData )
        string[] disEnumParts = entityData.id.lvcType.Split(' ');

        if( disEnumParts.Length < ((int)DIS_FIELD_INDEX.DOMAIN+1))
            return false;

        int kind = StringToInt( disEnumParts[(int)DIS_FIELD_INDEX.KIND], 0 );
        if( kind == (int)DIS_KIND.LIFE_FORM || kind == (int)DIS_KIND.PLATFORM )
            int domain = StringToInt( disEnumParts[(int)DIS_FIELD_INDEX.DOMAIN], ((int)DIS_DOMAIN.OTHER) );
            return domain == (int)DIS_DOMAIN.LAND;
        return false;
コード例 #18
ファイル: LVCUtils.cs プロジェクト: damard/Unity
  * A utility function to create a string using an LVC FireWeaponData struct to display the salient
  * details
  * @param fwd the fire weapon data struct to create the string representation from
  * @return the formatted string
 public static string DisplayFormatted( LVCGame.FireWeaponData fwd )
     return fwd.descriptor.quantity+" rounds of "+fwd.targeting.munitionType+" from position "+
            DisplayFormatted(LVCUtils.llaToLtp(fwd.targeting.position), "")+", velocity "+
コード例 #19
ファイル: LVCUtils.cs プロジェクト: damard/Unity
  * A utility method to convert a local tangent plane position representaion to a
  * latitude/longitude/altitude representation. Uses the world origin obtained from the
  * LVC configuration as the primary reference point for the conversion.
  * @param the local tangent plane coordinates in meters. The axes are as follows:
  *        AXIS (+ve): | LVC
  *        ------------+-----
  *        NORTH       |  X
  *        EAST        |  Y
  *        UP          |  Z
  * @return lla the latitude/longitude/altitude position to convert. latitude and longitude
  *         are in radians, altitude is in meters.
 public static LVCGame.Vector3 ltpToLla( LVCGame.Vector3 ltp )
     return LVCGame.LVCCoordinates.ltpToLla( ref v3zero, ref ltp );
コード例 #20
ファイル: LVCUtils.cs プロジェクト: damard/Unity
  * A utility function to create a string using an LVC FireWeaponData struct to display the salient
  * details
  * @param fwd the fire weapon data struct to create the string representation from
  * @return the formatted string
 public static string DisplayFormatted( LVCGame.DetonateMunitionData dmd )
     return dmd.descriptor.quantity+" rounds of "+dmd.targeting.munitionType+" at position "+
            DisplayFormatted(LVCUtils.llaToLtp(dmd.targeting.position), "");
コード例 #21
ファイル: LVCUtils.cs プロジェクト: damard/Unity
     * Convert a LVC Game Vector 3 orientation into a Unity Engine Quaternion, correcting for
     * the different interpretations of rotation axes between the systems
     *       AXIS (+ve): | LVC | UNITY
     *       ------------+-----+-------
     *       YAW         |  X  |   Y
     *       PITCH       |  Y  |   Z
     *       ROLL        |  Z  |  -X
     * @param orientation the LVC Game Vector3 to convert
     * @return the equivalent Unity Engine Quaternion, with corrected axes
    public static UnityEngine.Quaternion LVCGameOrientation_to_UnityOrientation( LVCGame.Vector3 orientation )
        float yaw   =  (float)orientation.x;
        float pitch =  (float)orientation.y;
        float roll  = -(float)orientation.z;

        float cY = Mathf.Cos(yaw / 2);
        float cP = Mathf.Cos(pitch / 2);
        float cR = Mathf.Cos(roll / 2);
        float sY = Mathf.Sin(yaw / 2);
        float sP = Mathf.Sin(pitch / 2);
        float sR = Mathf.Sin(roll / 2);

        float w = (cY*cP*cR) - (sY*sP*sR);
        float x = (sY*sP*cR) + (cY*cP*sR);
        float y = (sY*cP*cR) + (cY*sP*sR);
        float z = (cY*sP*cR) - (sY*cP*sR);

        UnityEngine.Quaternion result = new UnityEngine.Quaternion();
        result.w = w;
        result.x = z;
        result.y = y;
        result.z = x;

        return result;
コード例 #22
ファイル: LVCUtils.cs プロジェクト: damard/Unity
  * A utility function to create a string using an LVC EntityData struct to display the salient
  * details of an entity's state
  * @param ed the entity data struct to create the string representation from
  * @return the formatted string
 public static string DisplayFormatted( LVCGame.UTMCoordinate utm )
     return ""+System.Math.Abs(lvcWorldOriginUTM.easting)+(lvcWorldOriginUTM.easting<0?"W":"E")+" "
              +System.Math.Abs(lvcWorldOriginUTM.northing)+(lvcWorldOriginUTM.northing<0?"S":"N")+" "
              +lvcWorldOriginUTM.altitude+"m "
              +"Z"+lvcWorldOriginUTM.zone+" "
コード例 #23
ファイル: EntityDataManager.cs プロジェクト: damard/Unity
     * Causes an munition detonation notification to be sent into the LVC Game
     * world. If Create() has not yet been called, or Destroy() has been called,
     * this will have no effect.
     * @param lvcMunitionType the LVC Game munition type name
     * @param position the location at which the detonation occurs
     * @param velocity the velocity of the munition - this is the "approach vector" of the munition
     *        as viewed from the detonation location
     * @param quantity (optional) the number of rounds fired in this "burst" (if unspecified, 1 is used)
     * @param rate (optional) the rate of fire in rounds per minute
     * @param warhead (optional) the DIS warhead type of the detonated munition
     * @param fuse (optional) the DIS fuse type of the detonated munition
     * @param detonation (optional) the DIS detonation type of the detonated munition
     * @param targetId (optional) the ID of the entity targeted by this detonated
     * @param relativePosition (optional) the relative position of the detonation to the target
    public void DetonateMunition( string lvcMunitionType, UnityEngine.Vector3 position, UnityEngine.Vector3 velocity,
								  uint quantity, uint rate, 
						    	  LVCGame.WarHeadType warhead, 
								  LVCGame.FuseType fuse,
								  LVCGame.DetonationType detonation,
								  long targetId,
								  UnityEngine.Vector3 relativePosition
        lock( this )
            if( lvcGameState == LVCGameState.CREATED )
                LVCGame.DetonateMunitionData detonateMunitionData = lvcUnityAmbassador.MakeDetonateMunitionData(
                    lvcMunitionType, position, velocity,
                    quantity, rate,
                    warhead, fuse,

                this.lvcClient.DetonateMunition( ref detonateMunitionData );
コード例 #24
ファイル: LVCUtils.cs プロジェクト: damard/Unity
     * A utility function to obtain the DIS 'country' of an entity from its EntityData
     * @param entityData the LVCGame.EntityData instance
     * @return the DIS country value
    public static int GetDisCountry( LVCGame.EntityData entityData )
        string[] disEnumParts = entityData.id.lvcType.Split(' ');

        if( disEnumParts.Length < ((int)DIS_FIELD_INDEX.COUNTRY+1))
            return 0;

        return StringToInt( disEnumParts[(int)DIS_FIELD_INDEX.COUNTRY], 0 );
コード例 #25
ファイル: EntityDataManager.cs プロジェクト: damard/Unity
  * Set the unit force type of the entity
  * @param unitForceType the force of the entity
 public void SetForce( LVCGame.UnitForceType unitForceType )
     lock( this )
         this.entityData.properties.force = unitForceType;
コード例 #26
ファイル: LVCUtils.cs プロジェクト: damard/Unity
     * A utility function to obtain the DIS 'domain' of an entity from its EntityData
     * @param entityData the LVCGame.EntityData instance
     * @return the DIS domain value
    public static int GetDisDomain( LVCGame.EntityData entityData )
        string[] disEnumParts = entityData.id.lvcType.Split(' ');

        if( disEnumParts.Length < ((int)DIS_FIELD_INDEX.DOMAIN+1))
            return 0;

        return StringToInt( disEnumParts[(int)DIS_FIELD_INDEX.DOMAIN], ((int)DIS_DOMAIN.OTHER) );
コード例 #27
ファイル: EntityDataManager.cs プロジェクト: damard/Unity
  * Set the secondary weapon posture of the entity
  * @param secondaryWeaponPosture the secondary weapon posture of the entity
 public void SetSecondaryWeaponPosture( LVCGame.WeaponPostureType secondaryWeaponPosture )
     lock( this )
         this.entityData.properties.sndWeaponPosture = secondaryWeaponPosture;
コード例 #28
ファイル: LVCUtils.cs プロジェクト: damard/Unity
  * A utility function to obtain the DIS enumeration of an entity from its EntityData
  * @param entityData the LVCGame.EntityData instance
  * @return the DIS enumeration values as an integer array of 7 values
 public static int[] GetDisEnumeration( LVCGame.EntityData entityData )
     int[] result = new int[7];
     string[] disEnumParts = entityData.id.lvcType.Split(' ');
     for(int i=0;i<disEnumParts.Length;i++)
         result[i] = StringToInt( disEnumParts[i], 0 );
     return result;
コード例 #29
ファイル: LVCUtils.cs プロジェクト: damard/Unity
     * A utility function to obtain the DIS 'kind' of an entity from its EntityData
     * @param entityData the LVCGame.EntityData instance
     * @return the DIS kind value
    public static int GetDisKind( LVCGame.EntityData entityData )
        string[] disEnumParts = entityData.id.lvcType.Split(' ');

        if( disEnumParts.Length < ((int)DIS_FIELD_INDEX.KIND+1))
            return 0;

        return StringToInt( disEnumParts[(int)DIS_FIELD_INDEX.KIND], ((int)DIS_KIND.OTHER) );
コード例 #30
ファイル: LVCExtraFireHandler.cs プロジェクト: damard/Unity
 //                   STATIC VARIABLES
 //                   INSTANCE VARIABLES
 //                      CONSTRUCTORS
 //                    INSTANCE METHODS
  * Handle fire weapon event data
  * @param fireWeaponData the LVC weapon fire data information
  * @param gO the Unity GameObject representation of the firing entity
 public abstract void HandleFire( LVCGame.FireWeaponData fireWeaponData, GameObject gO );