コード例 #1
        // Examines the LUIS response for entities, namely a location for the weather forecast.
        // <returns>String containing the entities, if any.</returns>
        private LUISEntities ParseLuisForEntities(RecognizerResult recognizerResult)
            LUISEntities result = new LUISEntities();
            var          temp   = recognizerResult.Entities.First;

            // recognizerResult.Entities returns type JObject.
            foreach (var entity in recognizerResult.Entities)
                // use JsonConvert to convert entity.Value to a dynamic object.
                dynamic o = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <dynamic>(entity.Value.ToString());

                if (result.Location.Equals(string.Empty))
                    // Take the first entity
                    if (o.location != null)
                        // Grab first location entry
                        result.Location = o.location[0].text;

                        // Since it's a location, make sure first letter is capitalized
                        result.Location = result.Location.First().ToString().ToUpper() + result.Location.Substring(1);
                if (result.Condition.Equals(string.Empty))
                    // Take the first entity
                    if (o.condition != null)
                        result.Condition = o.condition[0].text;
                if (result.Sun.Equals(string.Empty))
                    // Take the first entity
                    if (o.sun != null)
                        result.Sun = o.sun[0].text;
                // If we found entities, they will be together in the same entry. Return those results.
                if (result.Sun.Equals(string.Empty) &&
                    result.Condition.Equals(string.Empty) &&
            // No entities found.
コード例 #2
        private JObject GetForecastInformation(string forecastType, LUISEntities entityFound)
            string forecastUrl = string.Empty;

            switch (forecastType)
            case DailyForecast:
                forecastUrl = "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q=" + entityFound.Location + "&APPID=" + openMapKey;

            case HourlyForecast:
                forecastUrl = "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast?q=" + entityFound.Location + "&APPID=" + openMapKey;

                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Invalid forecast type requested.");

コード例 #3
        // Finds the hourly forecast from provided forecast information.
        private string FindHourlyForecast(JObject json, LUISEntities entities)
            string hourlyForecastString  = $"Hourly weather forecasts for {entities.Location}.\n";
            string hourlyTempString      = "00.00";
            string hourlyConditionString = "cloudy";
            string hourlyTimeString      = string.Empty;
            string conditionString       = string.Empty;
            string conditionStart        = string.Empty;
            string condition             = entities.Condition;

            int counter = 0;

            if (condition != string.Empty)
                // Truncate string for grammar for precipitation
                condition = condition.Replace("ing", string.Empty);
                condition = condition.Replace("sunny", "sun");
                condition = condition.Replace("cloudy", "clouds");
                condition = condition.Replace("y", string.Empty);

            // LINQ query to get the list of hourly forecasts
            var hourlyForecast =
                from f in json["list"]
                select f;

            foreach (var forecast in hourlyForecast)
                // Get the temp and convert it.
                hourlyTempString = FindCurrentTemp(forecast as JObject);

                // Get the conditions.
                hourlyConditionString = FindCurrentConditions(forecast as JObject);

                // Get the current time from the forecast.
                DateTime start_time = (DateTime)forecast["dt_txt"];

                // Convert from UTC to local time.
                start_time = start_time.ToLocalTime();

                // Add 90 minutes to get to the middle of the interval.
                start_time      += new TimeSpan(1, 30, 0);
                hourlyTimeString = start_time.ToShortTimeString();

                if (!condition.Equals(string.Empty) &&
                    hourlyConditionString.Contains(condition) &&
                    conditionStart = hourlyTimeString + "\n";

                // Build the forecast string from information above and append it.
                hourlyForecastString = hourlyForecastString + "Forecast for: " + hourlyTimeString + ", Temperature: " + hourlyTempString + "F, " + hourlyConditionString + "\n";

                // Only give first 8, which is a full day.
                if (counter > 7)

            if (!condition.Equals(string.Empty))
                if (conditionStart.Equals(string.Empty))
                    conditionString = "There isn't any " + condition + " in the forecast for the next 24 hours!\n";
                    conditionString = "It looks like you will see " + condition + " by about " + conditionStart + "\n";

            return(conditionString + hourlyForecastString);
コード例 #4
        private async Task ProcessWeatherAsync(ITurnContext <IMessageActivity> turnContext, LuisResult luisResult, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // Get the state properties.
            var conversationStateAccessors = _conversationState.CreateProperty <ConversationData>(nameof(ConversationData));
            var conversationData           = await conversationStateAccessors.GetAsync(turnContext, () => new ConversationData());

            var userStateAccessors = _userState.CreateProperty <UserProfile>(nameof(UserProfile));
            var userProfile        = await userStateAccessors.GetAsync(turnContext, () => new UserProfile());

            await turnContext.SendActivityAsync(MessageFactory.Text($"Sending your request to Luis."), cancellationToken);

            openMapKey = _configuration["OpenWeatherMapKey"];
            conversationData.DispatchIntent = luisResult.TopScoringIntent.Intent;

            var results = await _botServices.Forecasts.RecognizeAsync(turnContext, cancellationToken);

            // Top intent tells us which cognitive service to use.
            var topIntent = results.GetTopScoringIntent();

            conversationData.LuisIntent = topIntent.intent;

            // uncomment to debug returned weather intents.
            // await turnContext.SendActivityAsync(MessageFactory.Text($"Forecasts intent returned {topIntent.intent}."), cancellationToken);

            // See if LUIS found and used an entity to determine user intent.
            LUISEntities entityFound = ParseLuisForEntities(results);

            // save all returned entities within conversationData
            conversationData.Location  = entityFound.Location;
            conversationData.Condition = entityFound.Condition;
            conversationData.Sun       = entityFound.Sun;

            if (entityFound.Location == string.Empty)
                if ((userProfile.Location != null) && (userProfile.Location != string.Empty))
                    entityFound.Location      = userProfile.Location;
                    conversationData.Location = userProfile.Location;
                    // Inform the user we found no location.
                    await turnContext.SendActivityAsync("Sorry, no location was provided for your request. Please add a phrase like 'in Redmond' to your weather question.");
                // Save the location this user asked about for later use as well.
                userProfile.Location = entityFound.Location;

            if (topIntent.intent != null && topIntent.intent != "None")
                string debugInfo = string.Empty; // $"==> LUIS Top Scoring Intent: { topIntent.Value.intent}, LUIS location entity: { entityFound.Location}, Score: { topIntent.Value.score}\n ";
                if (entityFound.Location != string.Empty && topIntent.intent == "Daily_Forecast")
                    // Use top intent and "entityFound" = location to call daily weather service here...
                    var jsonResult = GetForecastInformation(DailyForecast, entityFound);

                    var currentConditions = FindCurrentConditions(jsonResult);
                    var currentTemp       = FindCurrentTemp(jsonResult);
                    await turnContext.SendActivityAsync(debugInfo + $"Daily weather forecast for {entityFound.Location}.\n {currentConditions}, temperature: {currentTemp}F");
                else if (entityFound.Location != string.Empty && topIntent.intent == "Hourly_Forecast")
                    // Use top intent and "entityFound" = location to call hourly weather service here...
                    var jsonResult = GetForecastInformation(HourlyForecast, entityFound);

                    // Call FindHourlyForecast
                    var currentForecast = FindHourlyForecast(jsonResult, entityFound);
                    await turnContext.SendActivityAsync(debugInfo + currentForecast);
                else if (entityFound.Location != string.Empty && topIntent.intent == "When_Condition")
                    // Get forecast information
                    var jsonResult = GetForecastInformation(HourlyForecast, entityFound);

                    // Find when that condition is happening
                    var currentForecast = FindHourlyForecast(jsonResult, entityFound);
                    await turnContext.SendActivityAsync(debugInfo + currentForecast);
                else if (entityFound.Location != string.Empty && topIntent.intent == "When_Sun")
                    // Get forecast information
                    var jsonResult = GetForecastInformation(DailyForecast, entityFound);

                    var sunStatus = FindSunTime(jsonResult, entityFound.Sun);
                    await turnContext.SendActivityAsync($"Today in {entityFound.Location} the sun will " + sunStatus);
                else if (topIntent.intent == "User_Goodbye")
                    // Say goodbye.
                    await SignOutUser(turnContext);
                var msg = @"Try weather inputs like: 'Show me weather for Redmond.' or 'Will it rain in Redmond?'.";
                await turnContext.SendActivityAsync(msg);