public void Delete(int categoryId) { Trace.Assert(Context.PersonId.HasValue && Context.SchoolLocalId.HasValue); DoUpdate(u => { var da = new LPGalleryCategoryDataAccess(u); var category = da.GetById(categoryId); EnsureInDeletePermission(category); da.Delete(categoryId); }); }
public LPGalleryCategory Edit(int categoryId, string name) { ValidateParams(name); using (var uow = Update()) { var da = new LPGalleryCategoryDataAccess(uow); if (da.Exists(name, categoryId)) { throw new ChalkableException("Category with such name already exists"); } var category = da.GetById(categoryId); EnsureModifyPermission(category); category.Name = name; da.Update(category); uow.Commit(); return(category); } }
public LPGalleryCategory Add(string name) { Trace.Assert(Context.PersonId.HasValue); ValidateParams(name); BaseSecurity.EnsureAdminOrTeacher(Context); var res = new LPGalleryCategory { Name = name, OwnerRef = Context.PersonId.Value }; using (var u = Update()) { var da = new LPGalleryCategoryDataAccess(u); if (da.Exists(name, null)) { throw new ChalkableException("Category with such name already exists"); } da.Insert(res); res = da.GetAll().Last(); u.Commit(); return(res); } }