private void Awake() { lodGroup = GetComponent <LODGroup>(); //LOD[] lods = new LOD[] { lodGroup.GetLODs()[0] }; //lodGroup.SetLODs(lods); lodGroup.ForceLOD(1); }
static int ForceLOD(IntPtr L) { LuaScriptMgr.CheckArgsCount(L, 2); LODGroup obj = LuaScriptMgr.GetNetObject <LODGroup>(L, 1); int arg0 = (int)LuaScriptMgr.GetNumber(L, 2); obj.ForceLOD(arg0); return(0); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { LODGroup lod = gameObject.GetOrCreateComponent <LODGroup>(); if (Application.isMobilePlatform) { lod.ForceLOD(lod.lodCount - 1); } }
void OnGUI() { if (GUILayout.Button("Enable / Disable")) { group.enabled = !group.enabled; } if (GUILayout.Button("Default")) { group.ForceLOD(-1); } if (GUILayout.Button("Force 0")) { group.ForceLOD(0); } if (GUILayout.Button("Force 1")) { group.ForceLOD(1); } if (GUILayout.Button("Force 2")) { group.ForceLOD(2); } if (GUILayout.Button("Force 3")) { group.ForceLOD(3); } if (GUILayout.Button("Force 4")) { group.ForceLOD(4); } if (GUILayout.Button("Force 5")) { group.ForceLOD(5); } if (GUILayout.Button("Force 6")) { group.ForceLOD(6); } }
private int CollapseReal(Vector3 origin) { if (base.transform.parent && base.transform.parent.parent) { LODGroup component = base.transform.parent.parent.GetComponent <LODGroup>(); if (component) { component.ForceLOD(0); } } int num = 0; foreach (Renderer renderer in (!this._destroyTarget) ? base.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>() : this._destroyTarget.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>()) { GameObject gameObject = renderer.gameObject; if (gameObject.activeInHierarchy) { Transform transform = renderer.transform; transform.parent = null; gameObject.layer = this._detachedLayer; CapsuleCollider capsuleCollider = gameObject.AddComponent <CapsuleCollider>(); capsuleCollider.radius = 0.1f; capsuleCollider.height = 1f; capsuleCollider.direction = 2; Rigidbody rigidbody = gameObject.AddComponent <Rigidbody>(); if (rigidbody) { rigidbody.AddForce(((transform.position - origin).normalized + Vector3.up) * 2f, ForceMode.Impulse); rigidbody.AddRelativeTorque(Vector3.up * 2f, ForceMode.Impulse); if (gameObject.CompareTag("Log")) { num++; } } destroyAfter destroyAfter = gameObject.AddComponent <destroyAfter>(); destroyAfter.destroyTime = 2f; } } if (this._dustPrefab) { UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate <GameObject>(this._dustPrefab, base.transform.position, base.transform.rotation); } UnityEngine.Object.Destroy((!this._destroyTarget) ? base.gameObject : this._destroyTarget); return(num); }
public static int ForceLOD(IntPtr l) { int result; try { LODGroup lodgroup = (LODGroup)LuaObject.checkSelf(l); int index; LuaObject.checkType(l, 2, out index); lodgroup.ForceLOD(index); LuaObject.pushValue(l, true); result = 1; } catch (Exception e) { result = LuaObject.error(l, e); } return(result); }
//*************************************************************************************** //Bone rotations, model modification and stick to the terrain void LateUpdate() { spineYaw = Mathf.Clamp(spineYaw, -16.0F, 16.0F); spinePitch = Mathf.Clamp(spinePitch, -9.0F, 9.0F); balance = Mathf.Lerp(balance, -ang * 4, 0.05f); spineRoll = spineYaw * spinePitch / 24; //Spine/neck/head rotations Spine0.transform.rotation *= Quaternion.Euler(-spinePitch, spineRoll, -spineYaw + balance); Spine1.transform.rotation *= Quaternion.Euler(-spinePitch, spineRoll, -spineYaw + balance); Spine2.transform.rotation *= Quaternion.Euler(-spinePitch, spineRoll, -spineYaw + balance); Spine3.transform.rotation *= Quaternion.Euler(-spinePitch, spineRoll, -spineYaw + balance); Spine4.transform.rotation *= Quaternion.Euler(-spinePitch, spineRoll, -spineYaw + balance); Spine5.transform.rotation *= Quaternion.Euler(-spinePitch, spineRoll, -spineYaw + balance); Neck0.transform.rotation *= Quaternion.Euler(-spinePitch, spineRoll, -spineYaw + balance); Neck1.transform.rotation *= Quaternion.Euler(-spinePitch, spineRoll, -spineYaw + balance); Neck2.transform.rotation *= Quaternion.Euler(-spinePitch, spineRoll, -spineYaw + balance); Neck3.transform.rotation *= Quaternion.Euler(-spinePitch, spineRoll, -spineYaw + balance); Head.transform.rotation *= Quaternion.Euler(-spinePitch, spineRoll, -spineYaw + balance); //Tail rotations Tail0.transform.rotation *= Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, -balance); Tail1.transform.rotation *= Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, -balance); Tail2.transform.rotation *= Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, -balance); Tail3.transform.rotation *= Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, -balance); Tail4.transform.rotation *= Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, -balance); Tail5.transform.rotation *= Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, -balance); Tail6.transform.rotation *= Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, -balance); Tail7.transform.rotation *= Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, -balance); Tail8.transform.rotation *= Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, -balance); //Arms balance Arm1.transform.rotation *= Quaternion.Euler(spinePitch * 8, 0, 0); Arm2.transform.rotation *= Quaternion.Euler(0, spinePitch * 8, 0); //Disable collision and freeze position if (anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("Comp|SleepLoop") || anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("Comp|Sleep+") || anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("Comp|Sleep-") || anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("Comp|Die")) { rg.isKinematic = true; } else { rg.isKinematic = false; } rg.velocity =; rg.freezeRotation = true; //Stick and slip on terrain RaycastHit hit; int terrainlayer = 1 << 8; //terrain layer only if (anim.GetInteger("Idle") != 100 && Physics.Raycast(transform.position + transform.up, -transform.up, out hit, Mathf.Infinity, terrainlayer)) { //jump, disable stick to the terrain if (!anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("Comp|StandJumpUp") && !anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("Comp|RunJumpUp") && !anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("Comp|JumpLoop") && !anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("Comp|JumpLoopAttack")) { transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, Mathf.Lerp(transform.position.y, hit.point.y, 0.25f), transform.position.z); } //is on ground ? if (Mathf.Round(transform.position.y * 10 - hit.point.y * 10) <= 0) { anim.SetBool("Onground", true); transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(transform.rotation, Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.Cross(transform.right, hit.normal), hit.normal), 0.1f); } else { anim.SetBool("Onground", false); transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(transform.rotation, Quaternion.Euler(0, transform.eulerAngles.y, 0), 0.1f); } //slip on sloped terrain and avoid float xs = 0, zs = 0; if (Mathf.DeltaAngle(transform.eulerAngles.x, 0.0f) > 25.0f || Mathf.DeltaAngle(transform.eulerAngles.x, 0.0f) < -25.0f || Mathf.DeltaAngle(transform.eulerAngles.z, 0.0f) > 25.0f || Mathf.DeltaAngle(transform.eulerAngles.z, 0.0f) < -25.0f) { xs = Mathf.Lerp(xs, -Mathf.DeltaAngle(transform.eulerAngles.x, 0.0f) / 10, 0.01f); zs = Mathf.Lerp(zs, Mathf.DeltaAngle(transform.eulerAngles.z, 0.0f) / 10, 0.01f); if (zs > 0) { ang = Mathf.Lerp(ang, 2.0f, 0.05f); } else { ang = Mathf.Lerp(ang, -2.0f, 0.05f); } transform.Translate(zs, 0, xs); } } //In game switch skin and lod foreach (SkinnedMeshRenderer element in rend) { if (element.isVisible) { infos = element.sharedMesh.triangles.Length / 3 + " triangles"; } element.materials[0].mainTexture = skin[BodySkin.GetHashCode()]; element.materials[1].mainTexture = eyes[EyesSkin.GetHashCode()]; lods.ForceLOD(LodLevel.GetHashCode()); } //Rescale model transform.localScale = new Vector3(scale, scale, scale); //Mass based on scale rg.mass = 4.0f / 0.5f * scale; }
void OnGUI() { //Skin selection if (GUI.Button(new Rect(5, 40, 40, 20), "Skin")) { if (skinselect != 2) { skinselect++; } else { skinselect = 0; } rend[0].material.mainTexture = skin[skinselect]; rend[1].material.mainTexture = skin[skinselect]; rend[2].material.mainTexture = skin[skinselect]; } //Eyes skin selection if (GUI.Button(new Rect(50, 40, 40, 20), "Eyes")) { if (eyeselect != 15) { eyeselect++; } else { eyeselect = 0; } rend[0].materials[1].mainTexture = eyes[eyeselect]; rend[1].materials[1].mainTexture = eyes[eyeselect]; rend[2].materials[1].mainTexture = eyes[eyeselect]; } //Get mesh infos if (rend[0].isVisible) { infos = rend[0].sharedMesh.triangles.Length / 3 + " triangles"; } else if (rend[1].isVisible) { infos = rend[1].sharedMesh.triangles.Length / 3 + " triangles"; } else if (rend[2].isVisible) { infos = rend[2].sharedMesh.triangles.Length / 3 + " triangles"; } //Lod mesh selection switch (lodselect) { case 0: if (GUI.Button(new Rect(5, 100, 190, 30), "LOD_Auto -> " + infos)) { lods.ForceLOD(0); lodselect = 1; } break; case 1: if (GUI.Button(new Rect(5, 100, 190, 30), "LOD_0 -> " + infos)) { lods.ForceLOD(1); lodselect = 2; } break; case 2: if (GUI.Button(new Rect(5, 100, 190, 30), "LOD_1 -> " + infos)) { lods.ForceLOD(2); lodselect = 3; } break; case 3: if (GUI.Button(new Rect(5, 100, 190, 30), "LOD_2 -> " + infos)) { lods.ForceLOD(-1); lodselect = 0; } break; } GUI.Box(new Rect(0, 170, 200, 380), "Help"); GUI.Label(new Rect(5, 200, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Middle Mouse = Camera/Zoom"); GUI.Label(new Rect(5, 220, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Right Mouse = Spine move"); GUI.Label(new Rect(5, 240, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Left Mouse = Attack"); GUI.Label(new Rect(5, 260, Screen.width, Screen.height), "W,A,S,D = Moves"); GUI.Label(new Rect(5, 280, Screen.width, Screen.height), "LeftShift = Run"); GUI.Label(new Rect(5, 300, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Space = Jump"); GUI.Label(new Rect(5, 320, Screen.width, Screen.height), "E = Growl"); GUI.Label(new Rect(5, 340, Screen.width, Screen.height), "num 1 = IdleA"); GUI.Label(new Rect(5, 360, Screen.width, Screen.height), "num 2 = IdleB"); GUI.Label(new Rect(5, 380, Screen.width, Screen.height), "num 3 = IdleC"); GUI.Label(new Rect(5, 400, Screen.width, Screen.height), "num 4 = Eat"); GUI.Label(new Rect(5, 420, Screen.width, Screen.height), "num 5 = Drink"); GUI.Label(new Rect(5, 440, Screen.width, Screen.height), "num 6 = Sleep"); GUI.Label(new Rect(5, 460, Screen.width, Screen.height), "num 7 = Die"); }
void OnGUI() { switch (skinselect) { case 0: if (GUI.Button(new Rect(5, 40, 80, 20), "Skin A")) { rend[0].material.mainTexture = skin[1]; rend[1].material.mainTexture = skin[1]; rend[2].material.mainTexture = skin[1]; skinselect = 1; } break; case 1: if (GUI.Button(new Rect(5, 40, 80, 20), "Skin B")) { rend[0].material.mainTexture = skin[2]; rend[1].material.mainTexture = skin[2]; rend[2].material.mainTexture = skin[2]; skinselect = 2; } break; case 2: if (GUI.Button(new Rect(5, 40, 80, 20), "Skin C")) { rend[0].material.mainTexture = skin[0]; rend[1].material.mainTexture = skin[0]; rend[2].material.mainTexture = skin[0]; skinselect = 0; } break; } if (rend[0].isVisible) { infos = rend[0].sharedMesh.triangles.Length / 3 + " triangles"; } else if (rend[1].isVisible) { infos = rend[1].sharedMesh.triangles.Length / 3 + " triangles"; } else if (rend[2].isVisible) { infos = rend[2].sharedMesh.triangles.Length / 3 + " triangles"; } switch (lodselect) { case 0: if (GUI.Button(new Rect(5, 100, 190, 30), "LOD_Auto -> " + infos)) { lods.ForceLOD(0); lodselect = 1; } break; case 1: if (GUI.Button(new Rect(5, 100, 190, 30), "LOD_0 -> " + infos)) { lods.ForceLOD(1); lodselect = 2; } break; case 2: if (GUI.Button(new Rect(5, 100, 190, 30), "LOD_1 -> " + infos)) { lods.ForceLOD(2); lodselect = 3; } break; case 3: if (GUI.Button(new Rect(5, 100, 190, 30), "LOD_2 -> " + infos)) { lods.ForceLOD(-1); lodselect = 0; } break; } GUI.Box(new Rect(0, 170, 200, 380), "Help"); GUI.Label(new Rect(5, 200, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Middle Mouse = Camera/Zoom"); GUI.Label(new Rect(5, 220, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Right Mouse = Spine move"); GUI.Label(new Rect(5, 240, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Left Mouse = Rise"); GUI.Label(new Rect(5, 260, Screen.width, Screen.height), "W,A,S,D = Moves"); GUI.Label(new Rect(5, 280, Screen.width, Screen.height), "LeftShift = Run"); GUI.Label(new Rect(5, 300, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Space = Steps"); GUI.Label(new Rect(5, 320, Screen.width, Screen.height), "E = Call"); GUI.Label(new Rect(5, 340, Screen.width, Screen.height), "num 1 = IdleA"); GUI.Label(new Rect(5, 360, Screen.width, Screen.height), "num 2 = IdleB"); GUI.Label(new Rect(5, 380, Screen.width, Screen.height), "num 3 = Eat"); GUI.Label(new Rect(5, 400, Screen.width, Screen.height), "num 4 = Drink"); GUI.Label(new Rect(5, 420, Screen.width, Screen.height), "num 5 = Sit/Sleep"); GUI.Label(new Rect(5, 440, Screen.width, Screen.height), "num 6 = Die"); }
public static Texture2D GenerateBillboardNew(GameObject prefab, int width, int height, int gridSizeX, int gridSizeY, Shader replacementShader, Color backgroundColor, Material minPostfilter, LODLevel billboardSourceLODLevel, Quaternion rotationOffset, bool generateAo, bool recalculateNormals, float normalBlendFactor) { #if UNITY_EDITOR bool fog = RenderSettings.fog; Unsupported.SetRenderSettingsUseFogNoDirty(false); #endif Vector3 renderPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); const int invisibleLayer = 31; // used for instance and camera cull // atlas size var w = width * gridSizeX; var h = height * gridSizeY; var result = new Texture2D(w, h); var frameBuffer = new RenderTexture(width, height, 24); var filteredFrameBuffer = new RenderTexture(width, height, 24); var camGo = new GameObject("TempCamera"); var cam = camGo.AddComponent <Camera>(); //if (generateAo) //{ // ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusion ao = camGo.AddComponent<ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusion>(); // ao.m_Radius = 0.874f; // ao.m_SampleCount = ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusion.SSAOSamples.High; // ao.m_OcclusionIntensity = 4; // ao.m_Blur = 4; // ao.m_Downsampling = 6; // ao.m_OcclusionAttenuation = 2; // ao.m_MinZ = 0.0001f; //} cam.clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.Color; backgroundColor.a = 0; cam.backgroundColor = backgroundColor; cam.renderingPath = RenderingPath.Forward; if (replacementShader != null) { cam.SetReplacementShader(replacementShader, ""); } //cam.renderingPath = RenderingPath.DeferredShading; //cam.gameObject.AddComponent<ReadSpecularOcclusion>(); var go = Instantiate(prefab, renderPosition, rotationOffset); if (recalculateNormals) { RecalculateMeshNormals(go, normalBlendFactor); } go.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave; LODGroup lodGroup = go.GetComponent <LODGroup>(); if (lodGroup) { if (lodGroup.fadeMode == LODFadeMode.SpeedTree) { lodGroup.ForceLOD((int)billboardSourceLODLevel); } } //MeshFilter meshFilter = go.GetComponent<MeshFilter>(); //RecalculateMeshNormals(meshFilter.mesh,0); var children = go.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>(); foreach (var t in children) { t.gameObject.layer = invisibleLayer; } var bounds = CalculateBounds(go); float yOffset = FindLowestMeshYposition(go); cam.cullingMask = 1 << invisibleLayer; cam.orthographic = true; //var boundsSize = Mathf.Max(bounds.extents.x, bounds.extents.y, bounds.extents.z) * 2; var boundsSize = Mathf.Max(bounds.extents.x, bounds.extents.y, bounds.extents.z); cam.orthographicSize = boundsSize; cam.nearClipPlane = -boundsSize * 2; cam.farClipPlane = boundsSize * 2; //cam.renderingPath = RenderingPath.DeferredShading; //float aspect = (float) width/(float)height; //float orthographicSize = boundsSize; //cam.projectionMatrix = Matrix4x4.Ortho(-orthographicSize * aspect, orthographicSize * aspect, -orthographicSize, orthographicSize, 0, cam.farClipPlane); cam.targetTexture = frameBuffer; cam.transform.position = renderPosition + new Vector3(0, bounds.extents.y - yOffset / 2, 0); // + yOffset/2 var xAngleStep = 360f / gridSizeY / 4; var yAngleStep = 360f / gridSizeX; minPostfilter.SetInt("_UseGammaCorrection", 0); #if UNITY_EDITOR #if UNITY_2018_1_OR_NEWER #else if (PlayerSettings.colorSpace == ColorSpace.Linear) { minPostfilter.SetInt("_UseGammaCorrection", 1); } #endif #endif for (int i = 0; i < gridSizeX; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < gridSizeY; j++) { cam.transform.rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(yAngleStep * i, Vector3.up) * Quaternion.AngleAxis(xAngleStep * j, Vector3.right); cam.Render(); = filteredFrameBuffer; Graphics.Blit(frameBuffer, minPostfilter); result.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, frameBuffer.width, frameBuffer.height), i * width, j * height); = null; } } DestroyImmediate(go); DestroyImmediate(camGo); result.Apply(); #if UNITY_EDITOR Unsupported.SetRenderSettingsUseFogNoDirty(fog); #endif return(result); }
public override GameObject GetGameObject() { // Instantiate root prefab GameObject prefab = GameObject.Instantiate(Resources.Load <GameObject>("Submarine/Build/Aquarium")); = this.ClassID; // Get sub objects GameObject model = prefab.FindChild("model"); GameObject bubbles = prefab.FindChild("Bubbles"); GameObject xBubbles = bubbles.FindChild("xBubbles"); GameObject storage = prefab.FindChild("StorageRoot"); GameObject collider = prefab.FindChild("Collider"); GameObject coral = model.FindChild("Coral"); GameObject coral1 = coral.FindChild("coral_reef_grass_11"); GameObject coral2 = coral.FindChild("coral_reef_grass_10"); GameObject coral3 = coral.FindChild("coral_reef_grass_09"); GameObject coral4 = coral.FindChild("coral_reef_grass_07"); GameObject coral5 = coral.FindChild("coral_reef_plant_middle_03"); GameObject coral6 = coral.FindChild("coral_reef_small_deco_15_red"); GameObject coral7 = coral.FindChild("coral_reef_grass_03_04"); GameObject coral8 = coral.FindChild("coral_reef_small_deco_14"); GameObject coral9 = coral.FindChild("coral_reef_grass_03_03"); GameObject coral10 = coral.FindChild("coral_reef_grass_03_02"); GameObject coral11 = coral.FindChild("Coral_reef_purple_fan"); GameObject aquariumAnim2 = model.FindChild("Aquarium_animation2"); GameObject aquariumAnim2Root = aquariumAnim2.FindChild("root"); GameObject aquariumAnim2Geo = aquariumAnim2.FindChild("Aquarium_geo"); GameObject aquariumAnim2GeoAquarium = aquariumAnim2Geo.FindChild("Aquarium"); GameObject aquariumAnim2GeoAquariumGlass = aquariumAnim2Geo.FindChild("Aquarium_glass"); GameObject aquariumAnim2Fish1 = aquariumAnim2Root.FindChild("fish1"); GameObject aquariumAnim2Fish2 = aquariumAnim2Root.FindChild("fish2"); GameObject aquariumAnim2Fish3 = aquariumAnim2Root.FindChild("fish3"); GameObject aquariumAnim2Fish4 = aquariumAnim2Root.FindChild("fish4"); GameObject aquariumAnim2Attach4 = aquariumAnim2Fish4.FindChild("fish_attach4"); GameObject aquariumAnim1 = model.FindChild("Aquarium_animation"); GameObject aquariumAnim1Root = aquariumAnim1.FindChild("root"); GameObject aquariumAnim1Geo = aquariumAnim1.FindChild("Aquarium_geo"); GameObject aquariumAnim1GeoAquarium = aquariumAnim1Geo.FindChild("Aquarium"); GameObject aquariumAnim1GeoAquariumGlass = aquariumAnim1Geo.FindChild("Aquarium_glass"); GameObject aquariumAnim1Fish1 = aquariumAnim1Root.FindChild("fish1"); GameObject aquariumAnim1Fish2 = aquariumAnim1Root.FindChild("fish2"); GameObject aquariumAnim1Fish3 = aquariumAnim1Root.FindChild("fish3"); GameObject aquariumAnim1Fish4 = aquariumAnim1Root.FindChild("fish4"); // Load resources #if BELOWZERO GameObject greenCoral = Resources.Load <GameObject>("WorldEntities/flora/shared/coral_reef_small_deco_13"); GameObject blueCoral = Resources.Load <GameObject>("WorldEntities/flora/unused/Coral_reef_blue_coral_tubes"); GameObject brownCoral = Resources.Load <GameObject>("WorldEntities/flora/shared/coral_reef_brown_coral_tubes_02_01"); GameObject brownCoral1 = Resources.Load <GameObject>("WorldEntities/flora/shared/coral_reef_brown_coral_tubes_02_03"); #else GameObject greenCoral = Resources.Load <GameObject>("WorldEntities/Doodads/Coral_reef/coral_reef_small_deco_13"); GameObject blueCoral = Resources.Load <GameObject>("WorldEntities/Doodads/Coral_reef/Coral_reef_blue_coral_tubes"); GameObject brownCoral = Resources.Load <GameObject>("WorldEntities/Doodads/Coral_reef/coral_reef_brown_coral_tubes_02_01"); GameObject brownCoral1 = Resources.Load <GameObject>("WorldEntities/Doodads/Coral_reef/coral_reef_brown_coral_tubes_02_03"); #endif // Setup green coral if (greenCoral != null) { GameObject iGreenCoral = GameObject.Instantiate(greenCoral); = "SmallDeco13"; iGreenCoral.transform.parent = coral.transform; iGreenCoral.transform.localScale *= 0.179f; iGreenCoral.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(iGreenCoral.transform.localPosition.x, iGreenCoral.transform.localPosition.y + 0.17f, iGreenCoral.transform.localPosition.z - 0.635f); GameObject.DestroyImmediate(iGreenCoral.GetComponent <LargeWorldEntity>()); GameObject.DestroyImmediate(iGreenCoral.GetComponent <PrefabIdentifier>()); } // Setup blue coral if (blueCoral != null) { coral9.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().enabled = false; GameObject iBlueCoral = GameObject.Instantiate(blueCoral); = "BlueCoralTubes1"; iBlueCoral.transform.parent = coral.transform; iBlueCoral.transform.localPosition =; iBlueCoral.transform.localScale *= 0.31f; iBlueCoral.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(iBlueCoral.transform.localPosition.x + 0.22f, iBlueCoral.transform.localPosition.y + 0.16f, iBlueCoral.transform.localPosition.z - 0.77f); var lwe = iBlueCoral.GetComponent <LargeWorldEntity>(); if (lwe != null) { GameObject.DestroyImmediate(lwe); } var lmi = iBlueCoral.GetComponent <LiveMixin>(); if (lmi != null) { GameObject.DestroyImmediate(lmi); } var pid = iBlueCoral.GetComponent <PrefabIdentifier>(); if (pid != null) { GameObject.DestroyImmediate(pid); } var blueCoralModel = iBlueCoral.FindChild("Coral_reef_blue_coral_tubes"); var blueCoralAnim = blueCoralModel.GetComponent <Animator>(); var blueCoralBase = blueCoralModel.FindChild("base1"); var blueCoralGeos = blueCoralModel.FindChild("geos"); LODGroup lodBlueCoral = iBlueCoral.GetComponent <LODGroup>(); lodBlueCoral.ForceLOD(0); LOD[] lods = lodBlueCoral.GetLODs(); lodBlueCoral.SetLODs(new LOD[] { lods[0] }); lodBlueCoral.ForceLOD(0); lodBlueCoral.size = 3.0f; } // Setup brown coral 2 if (brownCoral != null) { GameObject iBrownCoral = GameObject.Instantiate(brownCoral); = "BrownCoralTubes2"; iBrownCoral.transform.parent = coral.transform; iBrownCoral.transform.localPosition =; iBrownCoral.transform.localScale *= 0.3f; iBrownCoral.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(iBrownCoral.transform.localPosition.x + 0.249f, iBrownCoral.transform.localPosition.y + 0.17f, iBrownCoral.transform.localPosition.z - 0.26f); iBrownCoral.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(iBrownCoral.transform.localEulerAngles.x, iBrownCoral.transform.localEulerAngles.y + 15f, iBrownCoral.transform.localEulerAngles.z); var lwe = iBrownCoral.GetComponent <LargeWorldEntity>(); if (lwe != null) { GameObject.DestroyImmediate(lwe); } var rbo = iBrownCoral.GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); if (rbo != null) { GameObject.DestroyImmediate(rbo); } var lmi = iBrownCoral.GetComponent <LiveMixin>(); if (lmi != null) { GameObject.DestroyImmediate(lmi); } var pid = iBrownCoral.GetComponent <PrefabIdentifier>(); if (pid != null) { GameObject.DestroyImmediate(pid); } var bco = iBrownCoral.GetComponentInChildren <BoxCollider>(); if (bco != null) { GameObject.DestroyImmediate(bco); } // Scale models iBrownCoral.FindChild("coral_reef_brown_coral_tubes_02_01").transform.localScale *= 0.4f; iBrownCoral.FindChild("coral_reef_brown_coral_tubes_02_01_LOD1").transform.localScale *= 0.4f; iBrownCoral.FindChild("coral_reef_brown_coral_tubes_02_01_LOD2").transform.localScale *= 0.4f; iBrownCoral.FindChild("coral_reef_brown_coral_tubes_02_01_LOD3").transform.localScale *= 0.4f; var lodBrownCoral = iBrownCoral.GetComponent <LODGroup>(); lodBrownCoral.ForceLOD(0); LOD[] lods = lodBrownCoral.GetLODs(); lodBrownCoral.SetLODs(new LOD[] { lods[0] }); lodBrownCoral.ForceLOD(0); lodBrownCoral.size = 3.0f; } // Setup brown coral 2 bis if (brownCoral != null) { GameObject iBrownCoralB = GameObject.Instantiate(brownCoral); = "BrownCoralTubes2"; iBrownCoralB.transform.parent = coral.transform; iBrownCoralB.transform.localPosition =; iBrownCoralB.transform.localScale *= 0.3f; iBrownCoralB.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(iBrownCoralB.transform.localPosition.x - 0.18f, iBrownCoralB.transform.localPosition.y + 0.055f, iBrownCoralB.transform.localPosition.z - 0.115f); iBrownCoralB.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(iBrownCoralB.transform.localEulerAngles.x, iBrownCoralB.transform.localEulerAngles.y - 105.0f, iBrownCoralB.transform.localEulerAngles.z + 15.0f); var lwe = iBrownCoralB.GetComponent <LargeWorldEntity>(); if (lwe != null) { GameObject.DestroyImmediate(lwe); } var rbo = iBrownCoralB.GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); if (rbo != null) { GameObject.DestroyImmediate(rbo); } var lmi = iBrownCoralB.GetComponent <LiveMixin>(); if (lmi != null) { GameObject.DestroyImmediate(lmi); } var pid = iBrownCoralB.GetComponent <PrefabIdentifier>(); if (pid != null) { GameObject.DestroyImmediate(pid); } var bco = iBrownCoralB.GetComponentInChildren <BoxCollider>(); if (bco != null) { GameObject.DestroyImmediate(bco); } // Scale models iBrownCoralB.FindChild("coral_reef_brown_coral_tubes_02_01").transform.localScale *= 0.4f; iBrownCoralB.FindChild("coral_reef_brown_coral_tubes_02_01_LOD1").transform.localScale *= 0.4f; iBrownCoralB.FindChild("coral_reef_brown_coral_tubes_02_01_LOD2").transform.localScale *= 0.4f; iBrownCoralB.FindChild("coral_reef_brown_coral_tubes_02_01_LOD3").transform.localScale *= 0.4f; var lodBrownCoral = iBrownCoralB.GetComponent <LODGroup>(); lodBrownCoral.ForceLOD(0); LOD[] lods = lodBrownCoral.GetLODs(); lodBrownCoral.SetLODs(new LOD[] { lods[0] }); lodBrownCoral.ForceLOD(0); lodBrownCoral.size = 3.0f; iBrownCoralB.transform.localScale *= 1.4f; } // Setup brown coral 1 if (brownCoral1 != null) { GameObject iBrownCoral1 = GameObject.Instantiate(brownCoral1); = "BrownCoralTubes2"; iBrownCoral1.transform.parent = coral.transform; iBrownCoral1.transform.localPosition =; iBrownCoral1.transform.localScale *= 0.4f; iBrownCoral1.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(iBrownCoral1.transform.localPosition.x - 0.08f, iBrownCoral1.transform.localPosition.y + 0.055f, iBrownCoral1.transform.localPosition.z - 0.1144f); iBrownCoral1.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(iBrownCoral1.transform.localEulerAngles.x, iBrownCoral1.transform.localEulerAngles.y - 30.0f, iBrownCoral1.transform.localEulerAngles.z); var lwe = iBrownCoral1.GetComponent <LargeWorldEntity>(); if (lwe != null) { GameObject.DestroyImmediate(lwe); } var rbo = iBrownCoral1.GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); if (rbo != null) { GameObject.DestroyImmediate(rbo); } var lmi = iBrownCoral1.GetComponent <LiveMixin>(); if (lmi != null) { GameObject.DestroyImmediate(lmi); } var pid = iBrownCoral1.GetComponent <PrefabIdentifier>(); if (pid != null) { GameObject.DestroyImmediate(pid); } var bco = iBrownCoral1.GetComponentInChildren <BoxCollider>(); if (bco != null) { GameObject.DestroyImmediate(bco); } // Scale models iBrownCoral1.FindChild("coral_reef_brown_coral_tubes_02_03").transform.localScale *= 0.4f; iBrownCoral1.FindChild("coral_reef_brown_coral_tubes_02_03_LOD1").transform.localScale *= 0.4f; iBrownCoral1.FindChild("coral_reef_brown_coral_tubes_02_03_LOD2").transform.localScale *= 0.4f; iBrownCoral1.FindChild("coral_reef_brown_coral_tubes_02_03_LOD3").transform.localScale *= 0.4f; // Adjust LOD var lodBrownCoral = iBrownCoral1.GetComponent <LODGroup>(); if (lodBrownCoral != null) { lodBrownCoral.ForceLOD(0); LOD[] lods = lodBrownCoral.GetLODs(); lodBrownCoral.SetLODs(new LOD[] { lods[0] }); lodBrownCoral.ForceLOD(0); lodBrownCoral.size = 3.0f; } } // Adjust corals coral1.SetActive(false); // petite fougere jaune (gauche) coral2.SetActive(false); // grande fougere jaune 1 (droite) coral3.SetActive(false); // grande fougere jaune 2 (droite) coral4.SetActive(false); // grande fougere jaune 3 (droite) coral5.SetActive(false); // grande plante rose (centre gauche) coral6.SetActive(false); // corail rouge foncé a petit points blanc (droite) coral7.SetActive(false); // plante rose (droite) coral8.SetActive(false); // corail bleu foncé a pointes en spirales et bout rouge (gauche) coral9.SetActive(false); // plante rose (centre gauche) coral10.SetActive(true); // plante rose (centre gauche) coral11.SetActive(true); // algue en courone bleu/violet foncée (centre gauche) coral.transform.localScale *= 0.6f; coral10.transform.localScale *= 0.5f; coral10.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(coral10.transform.localPosition.x + 0.10f, coral10.transform.localPosition.y - 0.17f, coral10.transform.localPosition.z - 0.43f); coral11.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(coral11.transform.localPosition.x - 0.2f, coral11.transform.localPosition.y - 0.23f, coral11.transform.localPosition.z); // Adjust aquarium aquariumAnim2Geo.transform.localScale = new Vector3(aquariumAnim2Geo.transform.localScale.x * (1.0f / 0.239f), aquariumAnim2Geo.transform.localScale.y * (1.0f / 0.24f), aquariumAnim2Geo.transform.localScale.z * (1.0f / 0.239f)); aquariumAnim1Geo.transform.localScale = new Vector3(aquariumAnim1Geo.transform.localScale.x * (1.0f / 0.239f), aquariumAnim1Geo.transform.localScale.y * (1.0f / 0.24f), aquariumAnim1Geo.transform.localScale.z * (1.0f / 0.239f)); aquariumAnim2Geo.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(aquariumAnim2Geo.transform.localPosition.x, aquariumAnim2Geo.transform.localPosition.y - (0.20f * (1.0f / 0.24f)), aquariumAnim2Geo.transform.localPosition.z); aquariumAnim1Geo.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(aquariumAnim1Geo.transform.localPosition.x, aquariumAnim1Geo.transform.localPosition.y - (0.20f * (1.0f / 0.24f)), aquariumAnim1Geo.transform.localPosition.z); aquariumAnim2Geo.transform.localScale = new Vector3(aquariumAnim2Geo.transform.localScale.x * 0.50f, aquariumAnim2Geo.transform.localScale.y * 0.285f, aquariumAnim2Geo.transform.localScale.z * 0.16f); aquariumAnim1Geo.transform.localScale = new Vector3(aquariumAnim1Geo.transform.localScale.x * 0.50f, aquariumAnim1Geo.transform.localScale.y * 0.285f, aquariumAnim1Geo.transform.localScale.z * 0.16f); aquariumAnim2Geo.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(aquariumAnim2Geo.transform.localPosition.x, aquariumAnim2Geo.transform.localPosition.y, aquariumAnim2Geo.transform.localPosition.z + (0.145f * (1.0f / 0.239f))); aquariumAnim1Geo.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(aquariumAnim1Geo.transform.localPosition.x, aquariumAnim1Geo.transform.localPosition.y, aquariumAnim1Geo.transform.localPosition.z + (0.145f * (1.0f / 0.239f))); aquariumAnim2GeoAquarium.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(aquariumAnim2GeoAquarium.transform.localPosition.x, aquariumAnim2GeoAquarium.transform.localPosition.y, aquariumAnim2GeoAquarium.transform.localPosition.z - ((0.145f * 2.0f) * (1.0f / 0.16f))); aquariumAnim1GeoAquarium.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(aquariumAnim1GeoAquarium.transform.localPosition.x, aquariumAnim1GeoAquarium.transform.localPosition.y, aquariumAnim1GeoAquarium.transform.localPosition.z - ((0.145f * 2.0f) * (1.0f / 0.16f))); // Adjust fish aquariumAnim2Attach4.transform.localScale = new Vector3(aquariumAnim2Attach4.transform.localScale.x * 2.2f, aquariumAnim2Attach4.transform.localScale.y * 2.2f, aquariumAnim2Attach4.transform.localScale.z * 2.2f); // Adjust animators Animator anim = aquariumAnim1.GetComponent <Animator>(); anim.transform.localScale = new Vector3(anim.transform.localScale.x * 0.239f, anim.transform.localScale.y * 0.24f, anim.transform.localScale.z * 0.239f); anim.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(anim.transform.localPosition.x + 0.145f, anim.transform.localPosition.y + 0.20f, anim.transform.localPosition.z); Animator anim2 = aquariumAnim2.GetComponent <Animator>(); anim2.transform.localScale = new Vector3(anim2.transform.localScale.x * 0.239f, anim2.transform.localScale.y * 0.24f, anim2.transform.localScale.z * 0.239f); anim2.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(anim2.transform.localPosition.x + 0.145f, anim2.transform.localPosition.y + 0.20f, anim2.transform.localPosition.z); // Adjust bubbles bubbles.transform.localScale = new Vector3(bubbles.transform.localScale.x * 0.07f, bubbles.transform.localScale.y * 0.07f, bubbles.transform.localScale.z * 0.07f); xBubbles.transform.localScale = new Vector3(xBubbles.transform.localScale.x * 0.07f, xBubbles.transform.localScale.y * 0.07f, xBubbles.transform.localScale.z * 0.07f); xBubbles.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(xBubbles.transform.localPosition.x + 4.0f, xBubbles.transform.localPosition.y + 1.0f, xBubbles.transform.localPosition.z); var ps = xBubbles.GetComponent <ParticleSystem>(); var psr = xBubbles.GetComponent <ParticleSystemRenderer>(); #pragma warning disable CS0618 ps.startSize *= 0.5f; ps.startLifetime *= 0.18f; ps.startSpeed = 0f; ps.emissionRate = 6f; ps.maxParticles = 5; ps.playbackSpeed *= 0.4f; #pragma warning restore CS0618 psr.lengthScale *= 0.35f; psr.maxParticleSize *= 0.35f; foreach (Transform tr in xBubbles.transform) { tr.localPosition = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f); psr = tr.GetComponent <ParticleSystemRenderer>(); if ("xDots", true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) { ps = tr.GetComponent <ParticleSystem>(); #pragma warning disable CS0618 ps.startSize *= 0.3f; ps.startLifetime *= 0.11f; ps.startSpeed = 0.3f; ps.emissionRate = 3f; ps.maxParticles = 6; ps.playbackSpeed *= 0.5f; #pragma warning restore CS0618 psr.lengthScale *= 0.11f; psr.maxParticleSize *= 0.11f; } else if ("xLateralBubbles", true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) { psr.enabled = false; } } // Adjust prefab identifier var prefabId = prefab.GetComponent <PrefabIdentifier>(); prefabId.ClassId = this.ClassID; // Adjust tech tag var techTag = prefab.GetComponent <TechTag>(); techTag.type = this.TechType; // Adjust contructable Constructable constructable = prefab.GetComponent <Constructable>(); constructable.allowedInBase = true; constructable.allowedInSub = true; constructable.allowedOutside = true; constructable.allowedOnCeiling = false; constructable.allowedOnGround = true; constructable.allowedOnConstructables = true; #if BELOWZERO constructable.allowedUnderwater = true; #endif constructable.controlModelState = true; constructable.deconstructionAllowed = true; constructable.rotationEnabled = true; //constructable.model = model; constructable.techType = this.TechType; constructable.enabled = true; // Adjust constructable bounds ConstructableBounds bounds = prefab.GetComponent <ConstructableBounds>(); bounds.bounds = new OrientedBounds(new Vector3((bounds.bounds.position.x * 0.16f) + (0.145f * 2.0f), bounds.bounds.position.y * 0.285f, bounds.bounds.position.z * 0.5f), bounds.bounds.rotation, new Vector3(bounds.bounds.extents.x * 0.16f, bounds.bounds.extents.y * 0.285f, bounds.bounds.extents.z * 0.5f)); // Adjust collider BoxCollider c = collider.GetComponent <BoxCollider>(); c.size = new Vector3(c.size.x * 0.16f, c.size.y * 0.285f, c.size.z * 0.5f); = new Vector3(( * 0.16f) + (0.145f * 2.0f), * 0.285f, * 0.5f); // Adjust aquarium var aquarium = prefab.GetComponent <Aquarium>(); aquarium.storageContainer.width = 1; aquarium.storageContainer.height = 1; aquarium.trackObjects = new GameObject[] { aquariumAnim2Attach4 }; // Adjust rendering var sas = prefab.GetComponents <SkyApplier>(); List <Renderer> rendsA = new List <Renderer>(); List <Renderer> rendsB = new List <Renderer>(); int i = 0; foreach (SkyApplier sa in sas) { foreach (Renderer rend in sa.renderers) { if (string.Compare(, "Aquarium", true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) != 0) { if (ConfigSwitcher.GlowingAquariumGlass && string.Compare(, "Aquarium_glass", true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0) { foreach (Material mat in rend.materials) { mat.EnableKeyword("MARMO_EMISSION"); mat.EnableKeyword("MARMO_GLOW"); mat.SetFloat("_SpecInt", 16f); mat.SetFloat("_EnableGlow", 1); mat.SetColor("_GlowColor", new Color(0.79f, 0.9785799f, 1.0f, 0.08f)); mat.SetFloat("_GlowStrength", 0.18f); } } if (i == 0) { rendsA.Add(rend); } else { rendsB.Add(rend); } } } i++; } sas[0].renderers = rendsA.ToArray(); sas[1].renderers = rendsB.ToArray(); Renderer[] tmpRends = prefab.GetAllComponentsInChildren <Renderer>(); List <Renderer> rends = new List <Renderer>(); foreach (Renderer tmpRend in tmpRends) { if (string.Compare(, "Aquarium", true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0) { rends.Add(tmpRend); } } var fixedSa = prefab.AddComponent <SkyApplier>(); fixedSa.anchorSky = Skies.Auto; fixedSa.dynamic = true; fixedSa.renderers = rends.ToArray(); fixedSa.updaterIndex = 0; // Adjust bubbles LOD var lodBubbles = bubbles.GetComponent <LODGroup>(); lodBubbles.size *= (1.0f / 0.07f); // Remove unwanted elements GameObject.DestroyImmediate(aquariumAnim2Fish1); GameObject.DestroyImmediate(aquariumAnim2Fish2); GameObject.DestroyImmediate(aquariumAnim2Fish3); GameObject.DestroyImmediate(aquariumAnim1Fish1); GameObject.DestroyImmediate(aquariumAnim1Fish2); GameObject.DestroyImmediate(aquariumAnim1Fish3); GameObject.DestroyImmediate(aquariumAnim1Fish4); // Adjust prefab position foreach (Transform tr in prefab.transform) { tr.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(tr.transform.localPosition.x - 0.29f, tr.transform.localPosition.y, tr.transform.localPosition.z); } return(prefab); }
public static Texture2D GenerateBillboardNew(GameObject prefab, int width, int height, int gridSizeX, int gridSizeY, Shader replacementShader, Color backgroundColor, Material minPostfilter, int billboardLodIndex, Quaternion rotationOffset) { #if UNITY_EDITOR bool fog = RenderSettings.fog; Unsupported.SetRenderSettingsUseFogNoDirty(false); #endif Vector3 renderPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); const int invisibleLayer = 31; // used for instance and camera cull // atlas size var w = width * gridSizeX; var h = height * gridSizeY; var result = new Texture2D(w, h); var frameBuffer = new RenderTexture(width, height, 24); var filteredFrameBuffer = new RenderTexture(width, height, 24); var camGo = new GameObject("TempCamera"); var cam = camGo.AddComponent <Camera>(); cam.clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.Color; backgroundColor.a = 0; cam.backgroundColor = backgroundColor; cam.renderingPath = RenderingPath.Forward; if (replacementShader != null) { cam.SetReplacementShader(replacementShader, ""); } var go = Instantiate(prefab, renderPosition, rotationOffset); go.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave; LODGroup lodGroup = go.GetComponent <LODGroup>(); if (lodGroup) { if (lodGroup.fadeMode == LODFadeMode.SpeedTree) { int lodGroupIndex = 0; switch (billboardLodIndex) { case 0: lodGroupIndex = 2; break; case 1: lodGroupIndex = 1; break; } lodGroup.ForceLOD(lodGroupIndex); } } //MeshFilter meshFilter = go.GetComponent<MeshFilter>(); //RecalculateMeshNormals(meshFilter.mesh,0); var children = go.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>(); foreach (var t in children) { t.gameObject.layer = invisibleLayer; } var bounds = CalculateBounds(go); float yOffset = FindLowestMeshYposition(go); cam.cullingMask = 1 << invisibleLayer; cam.orthographic = true; //var boundsSize = Mathf.Max(bounds.extents.x, bounds.extents.y, bounds.extents.z) * 2; var boundsSize = Mathf.Max(bounds.extents.x, bounds.extents.y, bounds.extents.z); cam.orthographicSize = boundsSize; cam.nearClipPlane = -boundsSize * 2; cam.farClipPlane = boundsSize * 2; cam.targetTexture = frameBuffer; cam.transform.position = renderPosition + new Vector3(0, bounds.extents.y - yOffset / 2, 0); // + yOffset/2 var xAngleStep = 360f / gridSizeY / 4; var yAngleStep = 360f / gridSizeX; minPostfilter.SetInt("_UseGammaCorrection", 0); #if UNITY_EDITOR #if UNITY_2018_1_OR_NEWER #else if (PlayerSettings.colorSpace == ColorSpace.Linear) { minPostfilter.SetInt("_UseGammaCorrection", 1); } #endif #endif for (int i = 0; i < gridSizeX; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < gridSizeY; j++) { cam.transform.rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(yAngleStep * i, Vector3.up) * Quaternion.AngleAxis(xAngleStep * j, Vector3.right); cam.Render(); = filteredFrameBuffer; Graphics.Blit(frameBuffer, minPostfilter); result.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, frameBuffer.width, frameBuffer.height), i * width, j * height); = null; } } DestroyImmediate(go); DestroyImmediate(camGo); result.Apply(); #if UNITY_EDITOR Unsupported.SetRenderSettingsUseFogNoDirty(fog); #endif return(result); }