コード例 #1
        private void tmrPollLJ_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Read from each bicycle. Note that we want to do this in a single "GoOne" call for each labjack, otherwise things will
            // be much slower, since there'll be more USB requests. Because of this, we operate over each labjack individually, grouping
            // by handle.
            foreach (int thisLJHnd in bicycles.Select(x => x.labjackHandle))
                // Get bikes on this labjack. Note that we .ToArray because we must ensure ordering does not change before we .GetResult
                // later on.
                bicycle[] bikesToPoll = bicycles.Where(x => x.labjackHandle == thisLJHnd).ToArray();

                // and add a request for each
                foreach (bicycle thisBike in bikesToPoll)
                    // Specify negative channel as 32, which (on the U3) will select the special 0-3.6v range
                    LJUD.AddRequest(thisBike.labjackHandle, LJUD.IO.GET_AIN_DIFF, thisBike.FIOChannel, 0, 32, 0);

                // Now we can poll this LJ

                // and get our results, which are in the same order as the bikesToPoll array.
                foreach (bicycle thisBike in bikesToPoll)
                    double newVal = 0;
                    LJUD.GetResult(thisBike.labjackHandle, LJUD.IO.GET_AIN_DIFF, thisBike.FIOChannel, ref newVal);
コード例 #2
        //Function used to read and display the duty cycle from a timer.
        private void ReadDutyCycle(int handle, long timerNumber)
            double dblValue = 0;
            double highTime, lowTime, dutyCycle;
            double dummyDouble = 0;           // Satisfies method signatures but does not have any real purpose

            //Read from Timer.  We will go ahead and reset the timer (by writing
            //a value of 0) at the same time as the read.  This way if no new
            //edges occur (e.g. 0% or 100% duty cycle) the next read will return
            //the preset high/low times (0/65535 or 65535/0) rather than returning
            //the old values.
            LJUD.AddRequest(handle, LJUD.IO.GET_TIMER, (LJUD.CHANNEL)timerNumber, 0, 0, 0);
            LJUD.AddRequest(handle, LJUD.IO.PUT_TIMER_VALUE, (LJUD.CHANNEL)timerNumber, 0, 0, 0);
            LJUD.GetResult(handle, LJUD.IO.PUT_TIMER_VALUE, (LJUD.CHANNEL)timerNumber, ref dummyDouble);              //just to check for error
            LJUD.GetResult(handle, LJUD.IO.GET_TIMER, (LJUD.CHANNEL)timerNumber, ref dblValue);
            //High time is LSW
            highTime = (double)(((ulong)dblValue) % (65536));
            //Low time is MSW
            lowTime = (double)(((ulong)dblValue) / (65536));
            //Calculate the duty cycle percentage.
            dutyCycle = 100 * highTime / (highTime + lowTime);

            Console.Out.WriteLine("\nHigh clicks Timer{0:0.#} = {1:0.#}", timerNumber, highTime);
            Console.Out.WriteLine("Low clicks Timer{0:0.#} = {1:0.#}", timerNumber, lowTime);
            Console.Out.WriteLine("Duty cycle Timer{0:0.#} = {1:0.#}", timerNumber, dutyCycle);
コード例 #3
        public void performActions()
            double dblValue = 0;

            //Open the first found LabJack U3.
                u3 = new U3(LJUD.CONNECTION.USB, "0", true);                 // Connection through USB
            catch (LabJackUDException e)

                //Start by using the pin_configuration_reset IOType so that all
                //pin assignments are in the factory default condition.
                LJUD.ePut(u3.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PIN_CONFIGURATION_RESET, 0, 0, 0);

                //Set the Data line to FIO4, which is the default anyway.
                LJUD.ePut(u3.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.SHT_DATA_CHANNEL, 4, 0);

                //Set the Clock line to FIO5, which is the default anyway.
                LJUD.ePut(u3.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.SHT_CLOCK_CHANNEL, 5, 0);

                //Set FIO6 to output-high to provide power to the EI-1050.
                LJUD.ePut(u3.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_DIGITAL_BIT, (LJUD.CHANNEL) 6, 1, 0);
            catch (LabJackUDException e)

             * //Use this code if only a single EI-1050 is connected.
             * //	Connections for one probe:
             * //	Red (Power)         FIO6
             * //	Black (Ground)      GND
             * //	Green (Data)        FIO4
             * //	White (Clock)       FIO5
             * //	Brown (Enable)      FIO6
             * try
             * {
             *      //Now, an add/go/get block to get the temp & humidity at the same time.
             *      //Request a temperature reading from the EI-1050.
             *      LJUD.AddRequest (u3.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SHT_GET_READING, LJUD.CHANNEL.SHT_TEMP, 0, 0, 0);
             *      //Request a humidity reading from the EI-1050.
             *      LJUD.AddRequest (u3.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SHT_GET_READING, LJUD.CHANNEL.SHT_RH, 0, 0, 0);
             *      //Execute the requests.  Will take about 0.5 seconds with a USB high-high
             *      //or Ethernet connection, and about 1.5 seconds with a normal USB connection.
             *      LJUD.GoOne (u3.ljhandle);
             *      //Get the temperature reading.
             *      LJUD.GetResult (u3.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SHT_GET_READING, LJUD.CHANNEL.SHT_TEMP, ref dblValue);
             *      Console.Out.WriteLine("Temp Probe A = {0:0.###} deg K\n",dblValue);
             *      Console.Out.WriteLine("Temp Probe A = {0:0.###} deg C\n",(dblValue-273.15));
             *      Console.Out.WriteLine("Temp Probe A = {0:0.###} deg F\n",(((dblValue-273.15)*1.8)+32));
             *      //Get the humidity reading.
             *      LJUD.GetResult (u3.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SHT_GET_READING, LJUD.CHANNEL.SHT_RH, ref dblValue);
             *      Console.Out.WriteLine("RH Probe A = {0:0.###} percent\n\n",dblValue);
             * }
             * catch (LabJackUDException e)
             * {
             *      showErrorMessage(e);
             * }
             * //End of single probe code.

            //Use this code if two EI-1050 probes are connected.
            //	Connections for both probes:
            //	Red (Power)         FIO6
            //	Black (Ground)      GND
            //	Green (Data)        FIO4
            //	White (Clock)       FIO5
            //	Probe A:
            //	Brown (Enable)    FIO7
            //	Probe B:
            //	Brown (Enable)    DAC0

                //Set FIO7 to output-low to disable probe A.
                LJUD.ePut(u3.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_DIGITAL_BIT, (LJUD.CHANNEL) 7, 0, 0);

                //Set DAC0 to 0 volts to disable probe B.
                LJUD.ePut(u3.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_DAC, 0, 0.0, 0);

                //Set FIO7 to output-high to enable probe A.
                LJUD.ePut(u3.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_DIGITAL_BIT, (LJUD.CHANNEL) 7, 1, 0);

                //Now, an add/go/get block to get the temp & humidity at the same time.
                //Request a temperature reading from the EI-1050.
                LJUD.AddRequest(u3.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SHT_GET_READING, LJUD.CHANNEL.SHT_TEMP, 0, 0, 0);

                //Request a humidity reading from the EI-1050.
                LJUD.AddRequest(u3.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SHT_GET_READING, LJUD.CHANNEL.SHT_RH, 0, 0, 0);

                //Execute the requests.  Will take about 0.5 seconds with a USB high-high
                //or Ethernet connection, and about 1.5 seconds with a normal USB connection.

                //Get the temperature reading.
                LJUD.GetResult(u3.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SHT_GET_READING, LJUD.CHANNEL.SHT_TEMP, ref dblValue);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Temp Probe A = {0:0.###} deg K\n", dblValue);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Temp Probe A = {0:0.###} deg C\n", (dblValue - 273.15));
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Temp Probe A = {0:0.###} deg F\n", (((dblValue - 273.15) * 1.8) + 32));

                //Get the humidity reading.
                LJUD.GetResult(u3.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SHT_GET_READING, LJUD.CHANNEL.SHT_RH, ref dblValue);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("RH Probe A = {0:0.###} percent\n\n", dblValue);

                //Set FIO7 to output-low to disable probe A.
                LJUD.ePut(u3.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_DIGITAL_BIT, (LJUD.CHANNEL) 7, 0, 0);

                //Set DAC0 to 3.3 volts to enable probe B.
                LJUD.ePut(u3.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_DAC, 0, 3.3, 0);

                //Since the DACs on the U3 are slower than the communication speed,
                //we put a delay here to make sure the DAC has time to rise to 3.3 volts
                //before communicating with the EI-1050.
                Thread.Sleep(30);                  //Wait 30 ms.

                //Now, an add/go/get block to get the temp & humidity at the same time.
                //Request a temperature reading from the EI-1050.
                LJUD.AddRequest(u3.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SHT_GET_READING, LJUD.CHANNEL.SHT_TEMP, 0, 0, 0);

                //Request a humidity reading from the EI-1050.
                LJUD.AddRequest(u3.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SHT_GET_READING, LJUD.CHANNEL.SHT_RH, 0, 0, 0);

                //Execute the requests.  Will take about 0.5 seconds with a USB high-high
                //or Ethernet connection, and about 1.5 seconds with a normal USB connection.

                //Get the temperature reading.
                LJUD.GetResult(u3.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SHT_GET_READING, LJUD.CHANNEL.SHT_TEMP, ref dblValue);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Temp Probe B = {0:0.###} deg K\n", dblValue);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Temp Probe B = {0:0.###} deg C\n", (dblValue - 273.15));
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Temp Probe B = {0:0.###} deg F\n", (((dblValue - 273.15) * 1.8) + 32));

                //Get the humidity reading.
                LJUD.GetResult(u3.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SHT_GET_READING, LJUD.CHANNEL.SHT_RH, ref dblValue);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("RH Probe B = {0:0.###} percent\n\n", dblValue);

                //Set DAC0 to 0 volts to disable probe B.
                LJUD.ePut(u3.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_DAC, 0, 0.0, 0);

                //If we were going to loop and talk to probe A next, we would
                //want a delay here to make sure the DAC falls to 0 volts
                //before enabling probe A.
                Thread.Sleep(30);                  //Wait 30 ms.
            catch (LabJackUDException e)

            //End of dual probe code.

            Console.ReadLine();             // Pause for user
コード例 #4
        public void performActions()
            double dblValue = 0;

            // Open UE9
                ue9 = new UE9(LJUD.CONNECTION.USB, "0", true);                 // Connection through USB
                //ue9 = new UE9(LJUD.CONNECTION.ETHERNET, "", true); // Connection through ethernet
            catch (LabJackUDException e)

            //Use this code if only a single EI-1050 is connected.
            //	Connections for the probe:
            //	Red (Power)         FIO2
            //	Black (Ground)      GND
            //	Green (Data)        FIO0
            //	White (Clock)       FIO1
            //	Brown (Enable)      FIO2

                //Set the Data line to FIO0, which is the default anyway.
                LJUD.ePut(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SHT_DATA_CHANNEL, 0, 0, 0);

                //Set the Clock line to FIO1, which is the default anyway.
                LJUD.ePut(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SHT_CLOCK_CHANNEL, (LJUD.CHANNEL) 1, 0, 0);

                //Set FIO2 to output-high to provide power to the EI-1050s.
                LJUD.ePut(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_DIGITAL_BIT, (LJUD.CHANNEL) 2, 1, 0);

                //Now, an add/go/get block to get the temp & humidity at the same time.
                //Request a temperature reading from the EI-1050.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SHT_GET_READING, LJUD.CHANNEL.SHT_TEMP, 0, 0, 0);

                //Request a humidity reading from the EI-1050.
                LJUD.AddRequest(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SHT_GET_READING, LJUD.CHANNEL.SHT_RH, 0, 0, 0);

                //Execute the requests.  Will take about 0.5 seconds with a USB high-high
                //or Ethernet connection, and about 1.5 seconds with a normal USB connection.

                //Get the temperature reading.
                LJUD.GetResult(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SHT_GET_READING, LJUD.CHANNEL.SHT_TEMP, ref dblValue);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Temp Probe A = {0:0.###} deg K\n", dblValue);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Temp Probe A = {0:0.###} deg C\n", (dblValue - 273.15));
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Temp Probe A = {0:0.###} deg F\n", (((dblValue - 273.15) * 1.8) + 32));

                //Get the humidity reading.
                LJUD.GetResult(ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SHT_GET_READING, LJUD.CHANNEL.SHT_RH, ref dblValue);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("RH Probe A = {0:0.###} percent\n\n", dblValue);
            catch (LabJackUDException e)

            //End of single probe code.

             * //Use this code if two EI-1050 probes are connected.
             * //	Connections for both probes:
             * //	Red (Power)         FIO2
             * //	Black (Ground)      GND
             * //	Green (Data)        FIO0
             * //	White (Clock)       FIO1
             * //
             * //	Probe A:
             * //	Brown (Enable)    FIO3
             * //
             * //	Probe B:
             * //	Brown (Enable)    DAC0
             * try
             * {
             *      //Set FIO3 to output-low to disable probe A.
             *      LJUD.ePut (ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_DIGITAL_BIT, (LJUD.CHANNEL) 3, 0, 0);
             *      //Set DAC0 to 0 volts to disable probe B.
             *      LJUD.ePut (ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_DAC, (LJUD.CHANNEL) 0, 0.0, 0);
             *      //Set FIO3 to output-high to enable probe A.
             *      LJUD.ePut (ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_DIGITAL_BIT, (LJUD.CHANNEL) 3, 1, 0);
             *      //Now, an add/go/get block to get the temp & humidity at the same time.
             *      //Request a temperature reading from the EI-1050.
             *      LJUD.AddRequest (ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SHT_GET_READING, LJUD.CHANNEL.SHT_TEMP, 0, 0, 0);
             *      //Request a humidity reading from the EI-1050.
             *      LJUD.AddRequest (ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SHT_GET_READING, LJUD.CHANNEL.SHT_RH, 0, 0, 0);
             *      //Execute the requests.  Will take about 0.5 seconds with a USB high-high
             *      //or Ethernet connection, and about 1.5 seconds with a normal USB connection.
             *      LJUD.GoOne (ue9.ljhandle);
             *      //Get the temperature reading.
             *      LJUD.GetResult (ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SHT_GET_READING, LJUD.CHANNEL.SHT_TEMP, ref dblValue);
             *      Console.Out.WriteLine("Temp Probe A = {0:0.###} deg K\n",dblValue);
             *      Console.Out.WriteLine("Temp Probe A = {0:0.###} deg C\n",(dblValue-273.15));
             *      Console.Out.WriteLine("Temp Probe A = {0:0.###} deg F\n",(((dblValue-273.15)*1.8)+32));
             *      //Get the humidity reading.
             *      LJUD.GetResult (ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SHT_GET_READING, LJUD.CHANNEL.SHT_RH, ref dblValue);
             *      Console.Out.WriteLine("RH Probe A = {0:0.###} percent\n\n",dblValue);
             *      //Set FIO3 to output-low to disable probe A.
             *      LJUD.ePut (ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_DIGITAL_BIT, (LJUD.CHANNEL) 3, 0, 0);
             *      //Set DAC0 to 3.3 volts to enable probe B.
             *      LJUD.ePut (ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_DAC, 0, 3.3, 0);
             *      //Now, an add/go/get block to get the temp & humidity at the same time.
             *      //Request a temperature reading from the EI-1050.
             *      LJUD.AddRequest (ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SHT_GET_READING, LJUD.CHANNEL.SHT_TEMP, 0, 0, 0);
             *      //Request a humidity reading from the EI-1050.
             *      LJUD.AddRequest (ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SHT_GET_READING, LJUD.CHANNEL.SHT_RH, 0, 0, 0);
             *      //Execute the requests.  Will take about 0.5 seconds with a USB high-high
             *      //or Ethernet connection, and about 1.5 seconds with a normal USB connection.
             *      LJUD.GoOne (ue9.ljhandle);
             *      //Get the temperature reading.
             *      LJUD.GetResult (ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SHT_GET_READING, LJUD.CHANNEL.SHT_TEMP, ref dblValue);
             *      Console.Out.WriteLine("Temp Probe B = {0:0.###} deg K\n",dblValue);
             *      Console.Out.WriteLine("Temp Probe B = {0:0.###} deg C\n",(dblValue-273.15));
             *      Console.Out.WriteLine("Temp Probe B = {0:0.###} deg F\n",(((dblValue-273.15)*1.8)+32));
             *      //Get the humidity reading.
             *      LJUD.GetResult (ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SHT_GET_READING, LJUD.CHANNEL.SHT_RH, ref dblValue);
             *      Console.Out.WriteLine("RH Probe B = {0:0.###} percent\n\n",dblValue);
             *      //Set DAC0 to 0 volts to disable probe B.
             *      LJUD.ePut (ue9.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_DAC, 0, 0.0, 0);
             * }
             * catch (LabJackUDException e)
             * {
             *      showErrorMessage(e);
             * }
             * //End of dual probe code.

            Console.ReadLine();             // Pause for user
コード例 #5
        public void performActions()
            double dblValue = 0;

            //Open the first found LabJack U6.
                u6 = new U6(LJUD.CONNECTION.USB, "0", true);                 // Connection through USB

                //Set the Data line to FIO0
                LJUD.ePut(u6.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.SHT_DATA_CHANNEL, 0, 0);

                //Set the Clock line to FIO1
                LJUD.ePut(u6.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.SHT_CLOCK_CHANNEL, 1, 0);

                //Set FIO2 to output-high to provide power to the EI-1050.
                LJUD.ePut(u6.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_DIGITAL_BIT, (LJUD.CHANNEL) 2, 1, 0);
            catch (LabJackUDException e)
            //Use this code if only a single EI-1050 is connected.
            //	Connections for one probe:
            //	Red (Power)         FIO2
            //	Black (Ground)      GND
            //	Green (Data)        FIO0
            //	White (Clock)       FIO1
            //	Brown (Enable)      FIO2
                //Now, an add/go/get block to get the temp & humidity at the same time.
                //Request a temperature reading from the EI-1050.
                LJUD.AddRequest(u6.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SHT_GET_READING, LJUD.CHANNEL.SHT_TEMP, 0, 0, 0);

                //Request a humidity reading from the EI-1050.
                LJUD.AddRequest(u6.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SHT_GET_READING, LJUD.CHANNEL.SHT_RH, 0, 0, 0);

                //Execute the requests.  Will take about 0.5 seconds with a USB high-high
                //or Ethernet connection, and about 1.5 seconds with a normal USB connection.

                //Get the temperature reading.
                LJUD.GetResult(u6.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SHT_GET_READING, LJUD.CHANNEL.SHT_TEMP, ref dblValue);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Temp Probe A = {0:0.###} deg K\n", dblValue);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Temp Probe A = {0:0.###} deg C\n", (dblValue - 273.15));
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Temp Probe A = {0:0.###} deg F\n", (((dblValue - 273.15) * 1.8) + 32));

                //Get the humidity reading.
                LJUD.GetResult(u6.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SHT_GET_READING, LJUD.CHANNEL.SHT_RH, ref dblValue);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("RH Probe A = {0:0.###} percent\n\n", dblValue);
            catch (LabJackUDException e)

            //End of single probe code.

             * ///*
             * //Use this code if two EI-1050 probes are connected.
             * //	Connections for both probes:
             * //	Red (Power)         FIO2
             * //	Black (Ground)      GND
             * //	Green (Data)        FIO0
             * //	White (Clock)       FIO1
             * //
             * //	Probe A:
             * //	Brown (Enable)    FIO3
             * //
             * //	Probe B:
             * //	Brown (Enable)    DAC0
             * try
             * {
             *      //Set FIO3 to output-low to disable probe A.
             *      LJUD.ePut (u6.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_DIGITAL_BIT, (LJUD.CHANNEL)3, 0, 0);
             *      //Set DAC0 to 0 volts to disable probe B.
             *      LJUD.ePut (u6.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_DAC, 0, 0.0, 0);
             *      //Set FIO3 to output-high to enable probe A.
             *      LJUD.ePut (u6.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_DIGITAL_BIT, (LJUD.CHANNEL)3, 1, 0);
             *      //Now, an add/go/get block to get the temp & humidity at the same time.
             *      //Request a temperature reading from the EI-1050.
             *      LJUD.AddRequest (u6.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SHT_GET_READING, LJUD.CHANNEL.SHT_TEMP, 0, 0, 0);
             *      //Request a humidity reading from the EI-1050.
             *      LJUD.AddRequest (u6.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SHT_GET_READING, LJUD.CHANNEL.SHT_RH, 0, 0, 0);
             *      //Execute the requests.  Will take about 0.5 seconds with a USB high-high
             *      //or Ethernet connection, and about 1.5 seconds with a normal USB connection.
             *      LJUD.GoOne (u6.ljhandle);
             *      //Get the temperature reading.
             *      LJUD.GetResult (u6.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SHT_GET_READING, LJUD.CHANNEL.SHT_TEMP, ref dblValue);
             *      Console.Out.WriteLine("Temp Probe A = {0:0.###} deg K\n",dblValue);
             *      Console.Out.WriteLine("Temp Probe A = {0:0.###} deg C\n",(dblValue-273.15));
             *      Console.Out.WriteLine("Temp Probe A = {0:0.###} deg F\n",(((dblValue-273.15)*1.8)+32));
             *      //Get the humidity reading.
             *      LJUD.GetResult (u6.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SHT_GET_READING, LJUD.CHANNEL.SHT_RH, ref dblValue);
             *      Console.Out.WriteLine("RH Probe A = {0:0.###} percent\n\n",dblValue);
             *      //Set FIO3 to output-low to disable probe A.
             *      LJUD.ePut (u6.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_DIGITAL_BIT, (LJUD.CHANNEL)3, 0, 0);
             *      //Set DAC0 to 3.3 volts to enable probe B.
             *      LJUD.ePut (u6.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_DAC, 0, 3.3, 0);
             *      //Since the DACs on the U6 are slower than the communication speed,
             *      //we put a delay here to make sure the DAC has time to rise to 3.3 volts
             *      //before communicating with the EI-1050.
             *      Thread.Sleep(30);  //Wait 30 ms.
             *      //Now, an add/go/get block to get the temp & humidity at the same time.
             *      //Request a temperature reading from the EI-1050.
             *      LJUD.AddRequest (u6.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SHT_GET_READING, LJUD.CHANNEL.SHT_TEMP, 0, 0, 0);
             *      //Request a humidity reading from the EI-1050.
             *      LJUD.AddRequest (u6.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SHT_GET_READING, LJUD.CHANNEL.SHT_RH, 0, 0, 0);
             *      //Execute the requests.  Will take about 0.5 seconds with a USB high-high
             *      //or Ethernet connection, and about 1.5 seconds with a normal USB connection.
             *      LJUD.GoOne (u6.ljhandle);
             *      //Get the temperature reading.
             *      LJUD.GetResult (u6.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SHT_GET_READING, LJUD.CHANNEL.SHT_TEMP, ref dblValue);
             *      Console.Out.WriteLine("Temp Probe B = {0:0.###} deg K\n",dblValue);
             *      Console.Out.WriteLine("Temp Probe B = {0:0.###} deg C\n",(dblValue-273.15));
             *      Console.Out.WriteLine("Temp Probe B = {0:0.###} deg F\n",(((dblValue-273.15)*1.8)+32));
             *      //Get the humidity reading.
             *      LJUD.GetResult (u6.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.SHT_GET_READING, LJUD.CHANNEL.SHT_RH, ref dblValue);
             *      Console.Out.WriteLine("RH Probe B = {0:0.###} percent\n\n",dblValue);
             *      //Set DAC0 to 0 volts to disable probe B.
             *      LJUD.ePut (u6.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_DAC, 0, 0.0, 0);
             *      //If we were going to loop and talk to probe A next, we would
             *      //want a delay here to make sure the DAC falls to 0 volts
             *      //before enabling probe A.
             *      Thread.Sleep(30);  //Wait 30 ms.
             * }
             * catch (LabJackUDException e)
             * {
             *      showErrorMessage(e);
             * }
             * //End of dual probe code.
             * //*/

            Console.ReadLine();             // Pause for user
コード例 #6
        public void performActions()
            LJUD.IO      ioType      = 0;
            LJUD.CHANNEL channel     = 0;
            double       dblValue    = 0;
            double       dummyDouble = 0;
            int          dummyInt    = 0;

            double numI2CBytesToWrite;
            double numI2CBytesToRead;

            byte[] writeArray = new byte[128];
            byte[] readArray = new byte[128];
            long   i = 0;
            long   serialNumber = 0;
            double slopeDACA = 0, offsetDACA = 0, slopeDACB = 0, offsetDACB = 0;
            double writeACKS = 0, expectedACKS = 0;

            byte[] bytes;

            //Open the LabJack.
                device = new U3(LJUD.CONNECTION.USB, "0", true);                 // Connection through USB
            catch (LabJackUDException e)

            //Configure the I2C communication.
            //The address of the EEPROM on the LJTick-DAC is 0xA0.
            LJUD.AddRequest(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_ADDRESS_BYTE, 160, 0, 0);

            //SCL is FIO4
            LJUD.AddRequest(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_SCL_PIN_NUM, 4, 0, 0);

            //SDA is FIO5
            LJUD.AddRequest(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_SDA_PIN_NUM, 5, 0, 0);

            //See description of low-level I2C function.
            LJUD.AddRequest(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_OPTIONS, 0, 0, 0);

            //See description of low-level I2C function.  0 is max speed of about 130 kHz.
            LJUD.AddRequest(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_SPEED_ADJUST, 0, 0, 0);

            //Execute the requests on a single LabJack.

            //Get all the results just to check for errors.
            LJUD.GetFirstResult(device.ljhandle, ref ioType, ref channel, ref dblValue, ref dummyInt, ref dummyDouble);
            bool finished = false;

            while (!finished)
                try{ LJUD.GetNextResult(device.ljhandle, ref ioType, ref channel, ref dblValue, ref dummyInt, ref dummyDouble); }
                catch (LabJackUDException e)
                    if (e.LJUDError == LJUD.LJUDERROR.NO_MORE_DATA_AVAILABLE)
                        finished = true;

            //Initial read of EEPROM bytes 0-3 in the user memory area.
            //We need a single I2C transmission that writes the address and then reads
            //the data.  That is, there needs to be an ack after writing the address,
            //not a stop condition.  To accomplish this, we use Add/Go/Get to combine
            //the write and read into a single low-level call.
            numI2CBytesToWrite = 1;
            writeArray[0]      = 0;         //Memory address.  User area is 0-63.
            LJUD.AddRequest(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_WRITE, numI2CBytesToWrite, writeArray, 0);

            LJUD.AddRequest(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_GET_ACKS, 0, 0, 0);

            numI2CBytesToRead = 4;
            LJUD.AddRequest(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_READ, numI2CBytesToRead, readArray, 0);

            //Execute the requests.

            //Get the result of the write just to check for an error.
            LJUD.GetResult(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_WRITE, ref dummyDouble);

            //Get the write ACKs and compare to the expected value.  We expect bit 0 to be
            //the ACK of the last data byte progressing up to the ACK of the address
            //byte (data bytes only for Control firmware 1.43 and less).  So if n is the
            //number of data bytes, the ACKs value should be (2^(n+1))-1.
            LJUD.GetResult(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_GET_ACKS, ref writeACKS);
            expectedACKS = Math.Pow(2, numI2CBytesToWrite + 1) - 1;
            if (writeACKS != expectedACKS)
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Expected ACKs = {0:0}, Received ACKs = %0.f\n", expectedACKS, writeACKS);

            //When the GoOne processed the read request, the read data was put into the readArray buffer that
            //we passed, so this GetResult is also just to check for an error.
            LJUD.GetResult(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_READ, ref dummyDouble);

            //Display the first 4 elements.
            Console.Out.WriteLine("Read User Mem [0-3] = {0:0.#}, {1:0.#}, {2:0.#}, {3:0.#}\n", readArray[0], readArray[1], readArray[2], readArray[3]);

            //Write EEPROM bytes 0-3 in the user memory area, using the page write technique.  Note
            //that page writes are limited to 16 bytes max, and must be aligned with the 16-byte
            //page intervals.  For instance, if you start writing at address 14, you can only write
            //two bytes because byte 16 is the start of a new page.
            numI2CBytesToWrite = 5;
            writeArray[0]      = 0;         //Memory address.  User area is 0-63.

            //Create 4 new pseudo-random numbers to write.
            Random rand = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks);

            for (i = 1; i < 5; i++)
                writeArray[i] = (byte)(rand.NextDouble() * 255);

            LJUD.AddRequest(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_WRITE, numI2CBytesToWrite, writeArray, 0);

            LJUD.AddRequest(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_GET_ACKS, 0, 0, 0);

            //Execute the requests.

            //Get the result of the write just to check for an error.
            LJUD.GetResult(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_WRITE, ref dummyDouble);

            //Get the write ACKs and compare to the expected value.  We expect bit 0 to be
            //the ACK of the last data byte progressing up to the ACK of the address
            //byte (data bytes only for Control firmware 1.43 and less).  So if n is the
            //number of data bytes, the ACKs value should be (2^(n+1))-1.
            LJUD.GetResult(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_GET_ACKS, ref writeACKS);
            expectedACKS = Math.Pow(2, numI2CBytesToWrite + 1) - 1;
            if (writeACKS != expectedACKS)
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Expected ACKs = {0:0}, Received ACKs = %0.f\n", expectedACKS, writeACKS);

            //Delay to allow the EEPROM to complete the write cycle.  Datasheet says 1.5 ms max.

            Console.Out.WriteLine("Write User Mem [0-3] = {0:0.#}, {1:0.#}, {2:0.#}, {3:0.#}\n", writeArray[1], writeArray[2], writeArray[3], writeArray[4]);

            //Final read of EEPROM bytes 0-3 in the user memory area.
            //We need a single I2C transmission that writes the address and then reads
            //the data.  That is, there needs to be an ack after writing the address,
            //not a stop condition.  To accomplish this, we use Add/Go/Get to combine
            //the write and read into a single low-level call.
            numI2CBytesToWrite = 1;
            writeArray[0]      = 0;         //Memory address.  User area is 0-63.
            LJUD.AddRequest(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_WRITE, numI2CBytesToWrite, writeArray, 0);

            LJUD.AddRequest(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_GET_ACKS, 0, 0, 0);

            numI2CBytesToRead = 4;
            LJUD.AddRequest(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_READ, numI2CBytesToRead, readArray, 0);

            //Execute the requests.

            //Get the result of the write just to check for an error.
            LJUD.GetResult(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_WRITE, ref dummyDouble);

            //Get the write ACKs and compare to the expected value.  We expect bit 0 to be
            //the ACK of the last data byte progressing up to the ACK of the address
            //byte (data bytes only for Control firmware 1.43 and less).  So if n is the
            //number of data bytes, the ACKs value should be (2^(n+1))-1.
            LJUD.GetResult(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_GET_ACKS, ref writeACKS);
            expectedACKS = Math.Pow(2, numI2CBytesToWrite + 1) - 1;
            if (writeACKS != expectedACKS)
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Expected ACKs = {0:0}, Received ACKs = %0.f\n", expectedACKS, writeACKS);

            //When the GoOne processed the read request, the read data was put into the readArray buffer that
            //we passed, so this GetResult is also just to check for an error.
            LJUD.GetResult(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_READ, ref dummyDouble);

            //Display the first 4 elements.
            Console.Out.WriteLine("Read User Mem [0-3] = {0:0.#}, {1:0.#}, {2:0.#}, {3:0.#}\n\n", readArray[0], readArray[1], readArray[2], readArray[3]);

            //Read cal constants and serial number.
            //We need a single I2C transmission that writes the address and then reads
            //the data.  That is, there needs to be an ack after writing the address,
            //not a stop condition.  To accomplish this, we use Add/Go/Get to combine
            //the write and read into a single low-level call.
            //64-71   DACA Slope
            //72-79   DACA Offset
            //80-87   DACB Slope
            //88-95   DACB Offset
            //96-99   Serial Number
            numI2CBytesToWrite = 1;
            writeArray[0]      = 64;         //Memory address.  Cal constants start at 64.
            LJUD.AddRequest(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_WRITE, numI2CBytesToWrite, writeArray, 0);

            LJUD.AddRequest(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_GET_ACKS, 0, 0, 0);

            numI2CBytesToRead = 36;
            LJUD.AddRequest(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_READ, numI2CBytesToRead, readArray, 0);

            //Execute the requests.

            //Get the result of the write just to check for an error.
            LJUD.GetResult(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_WRITE, ref dummyDouble);

            //Get the write ACKs and compare to the expected value.  We expect bit 0 to be
            //the ACK of the last data byte progressing up to the ACK of the address
            //byte (data bytes only for Control firmware 1.43 and less).  So if n is the
            //number of data bytes, the ACKs value should be (2^(n+1))-1.
            LJUD.GetResult(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_GET_ACKS, ref writeACKS);
            expectedACKS = Math.Pow(2, numI2CBytesToWrite + 1) - 1;
            if (writeACKS != expectedACKS)
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Expected ACKs = {0:0}, Received ACKs = %0.f\n", expectedACKS, writeACKS);

            //When the GoOne processed the read request, the read data was put into the readArray buffer that
            //we passed, so this GetResult is also just to check for an error.
            LJUD.GetResult(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_READ, ref dummyDouble);

            //Convert fixed point values to floating point doubles.
            //double[] readArray;
            //readArray = (double[])(readArray);
            slopeDACA  = BitConverter.ToInt64(readArray, 0) / (double)4294967296;
            offsetDACA = BitConverter.ToInt64(readArray, 8) / (double)4294967296;
            slopeDACB  = BitConverter.ToInt64(readArray, 16) / (double)4294967296;
            offsetDACB = BitConverter.ToInt64(readArray, 24) / (double)4294967296;
            Console.Out.WriteLine("DACA Slope = {0:0.0} bits/volt\n", slopeDACA);
            Console.Out.WriteLine("DACA Offset = {0:0.0} bits\n", offsetDACA);
            Console.Out.WriteLine("DACB Slope = {0:0.0} bits/volt\n", slopeDACB);
            Console.Out.WriteLine("DACB Offset = {0:0.0} bits\n", offsetDACB);

            //Convert serial number bytes to long.
            serialNumber = (int)readArray[32] + ((int)readArray[33] << 8) + ((int)readArray[34] << 16) + ((int)readArray[35] << 24);
            Console.Out.WriteLine("Serial Number = {0:0.#}\n\n", serialNumber);

            //Update both DAC outputs.

            //Set the I2C address in the UD driver so that we not talk to the DAC chip.
            //The address of the DAC chip on the LJTick-DAC is 0x24.
            LJUD.ePut(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.PUT_CONFIG, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_ADDRESS_BYTE, 36, 0);

            ///Set DACA to 2.4 volts.
            numI2CBytesToWrite = 3;
            writeArray[0]      = 48;         //Write and update DACA.
            bytes         = BitConverter.GetBytes((long)((2.4 * slopeDACB) + offsetDACB) / 256);
            writeArray[1] = bytes[0];        //Upper byte of binary DAC value.
            writeArray[2] = bytes[1];        //Lower byte of binary DAC value.

            LJUD.AddRequest(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_WRITE, numI2CBytesToWrite, writeArray, 0);

            LJUD.AddRequest(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_GET_ACKS, 0, 0, 0);

            //Execute the requests.

            //Get the result of the write just to check for an error.
            LJUD.GetResult(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_WRITE, ref dummyDouble);

            //Get the write ACKs and compare to the expected value.  We expect bit 0 to be
            //the ACK of the last data byte progressing up to the ACK of the address
            //byte (data bytes only for Control firmware 1.43 and less).  So if n is the
            //number of data bytes, the ACKs value should be (2^(n+1))-1.
            LJUD.GetResult(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_GET_ACKS, ref writeACKS);
            expectedACKS = Math.Pow(2, numI2CBytesToWrite + 1) - 1;
            if (writeACKS != expectedACKS)
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Expected ACKs = {0:0}, Received ACKs = %0.f\n", expectedACKS, writeACKS);

            Console.Out.WriteLine("DACA set to 2.4 volts\n\n");

            //Set DACB to 1.5 volts.
            numI2CBytesToWrite = 3;
            writeArray[0]      = 49;         //Write and update DACB.
            bytes         = BitConverter.GetBytes((long)((1.5 * slopeDACB) + offsetDACB) / 256);
            writeArray[1] = bytes[0];        //Upper byte of binary DAC value.
            writeArray[2] = bytes[1];        //Lower byte of binary DAC value.

            LJUD.AddRequest(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_WRITE, numI2CBytesToWrite, writeArray, 0);

            LJUD.AddRequest(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_GET_ACKS, 0, 0, 0);

            //Execute the requests.

            //Get the result of the write just to check for an error.
            LJUD.GetResult(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_WRITE, ref dummyDouble);

            //Get the write ACKs and compare to the expected value.  We expect bit 0 to be
            //the ACK of the last data byte progressing up to the ACK of the address
            //byte (data bytes only for Control firmware 1.43 and less).  So if n is the
            //number of data bytes, the ACKs value should be (2^(n+1))-1.
            LJUD.GetResult(device.ljhandle, LJUD.IO.I2C_COMMUNICATION, LJUD.CHANNEL.I2C_GET_ACKS, ref writeACKS);
            expectedACKS = Math.Pow(2, numI2CBytesToWrite + 1) - 1;
            if (writeACKS != expectedACKS)
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Expected ACKs = {0:0}, Received ACKs = %0.f\n", expectedACKS, writeACKS);

            Console.Out.WriteLine("DACB set to 1.5 volts\n");

            Console.ReadLine();             // Pause for user	return;