public ArrayRecord(RecordInputStream in1) : base(in1) { _options = in1.ReadUShort(); _field3notUsed = in1.ReadInt(); int formulaTokenLen = in1.ReadUShort(); int totalFormulaLen = in1.Available(); _formula = LF.Utils.NPOI.SS.Formula.Formula.Read(formulaTokenLen, in1, totalFormulaLen); }
public void SetParsedExpression(Ptg[] ptgs) { field_8_parsed_expr = LF.Utils.NPOI.SS.Formula.Formula.Create(ptgs); }
/** * Constructs a Formula record and Sets its fields appropriately. * Note - id must be 0x06 (NOT 0x406 see MSKB #Q184647 for an * "explanation of this bug in the documentation) or an exception * will be throw upon validation * * @param in the RecordInputstream to Read the record from */ public FormulaRecord(RecordInputStream in1):base(in1) { long valueLongBits = in1.ReadLong(); field_5_options = in1.ReadShort(); specialCachedValue = SpecialCachedValue.Create(valueLongBits); if (specialCachedValue == null) { field_4_value = BitConverter.Int64BitsToDouble(valueLongBits); } field_6_zero = in1.ReadInt(); int field_7_expression_len = in1.ReadShort(); field_8_parsed_expr = LF.Utils.NPOI.SS.Formula.Formula.Read(field_7_expression_len, in1,in1.Available()); }
/* * Since the NaN support seems sketchy (different constants) we'll store and spit it out directly */ // fix warning CS0169 "never used": private byte[] value_data; // fix warning CS0169 "never used": private byte[] all_data; //if formula support is not enabled then //we'll just store/reSerialize /** Creates new FormulaRecord */ public FormulaRecord() { field_8_parsed_expr = LF.Utils.NPOI.SS.Formula.Formula.Create(Ptg.EMPTY_PTG_ARRAY); }
public ArrayRecord(LF.Utils.NPOI.SS.Formula.Formula formula, CellRangeAddress8Bit range):base(range) { _options = 0; //YK: Excel 2007 leaves this field unset _field3notUsed = 0; _formula = formula; }