public static void LEDTVModel() { LEDTV led = new LEDTV(50, 2500.50F, 2, true, "Remote"); led.Size = 50; led.Price = 2500.50F; led.Ports = 2; led.Mountable = true; led.Remote = "Physical Remote and Smart App"; led.TVModel(); Console.WriteLine("the size is {0} inch\n the price is ${1}\n has {2} ports\nis mountable- {3}\n and also {4}", led.Size, led.Price, led.Ports, led.Mountable, led.Remote); }
public SamsungRemoteControl(LEDTV ledTv) : base(ledTv) { }
protected AbstractRemoteControl(LEDTV ledTv) { this.ledTv = ledTv; }
public SonyRemoteControl(LEDTV ledTv) : base(ledTv) { }
public void SetMemento(Memento memento) { ledTV = memento.ledTV; }
public Memento(LEDTV ledTV) { this.ledTV = ledTV; }
static void Main(string[] args) { List <Electronics> listOfElectronicDevices = new List <Electronics>(); LinkedList <Electronics> listOfDevicesInNetWork = new LinkedList <Electronics>(); LapTop acer = new LapTop("Acer", 500, 8, 2.1); listOfElectronicDevices.Add(acer); LapTop msi = new LapTop("MSI", 650, 16, 2.9); listOfElectronicDevices.Add(msi); Console.WriteLine(acer.laptop + " 1:\n" + acer.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(msi.laptop + " 2:\n" + msi.ToString()); Server intel = new Server("Intel", 200, 120, 8); listOfElectronicDevices.Add(intel); Server amd = new Server("AMD", 300, 140, 12); listOfElectronicDevices.Add(amd); Console.WriteLine(intel.server + " 1:\n" + intel.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(amd.server + " 2:\n" + amd.ToString()); PlasmTV samsung = new PlasmTV("Samsung", 300, 32, "1920x1080"); listOfElectronicDevices.Add(samsung); PlasmTV lg = new PlasmTV("LG", 500, 50, "3840x2160"); listOfElectronicDevices.Add(lg); Console.WriteLine(samsung.plazmTV + " 1:\n" + samsung.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(lg.plazmTV + " 2:\n" + lg.ToString()); LEDTV sharp = new LEDTV("Sharp", 350, 40, 60); listOfElectronicDevices.Add(sharp); LEDTV xiaomi = new LEDTV("Xiaomi", 700, 65, 75); listOfElectronicDevices.Add(xiaomi); Console.WriteLine(sharp.ledTV + " 1:\n" + sharp.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(xiaomi.ledTV + " 2:\n" + xiaomi.ToString()); PlayerDevice sony = new PlayerDevice("Sony", 350, "MP3, AVC"); listOfElectronicDevices.Add(sony); PlayerDevice panasonic = new PlayerDevice("Panasonic", 700, "MP3, Flac"); listOfElectronicDevices.Add(panasonic); Console.WriteLine(sony.player + " 1:\n" + sony.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(panasonic.player + " 2:\n" + panasonic.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(sony.GetGeneralPower()); Console.WriteLine(acer.GetGeneralMemory()); Generator generator = new Generator("Generator", 3000); Console.WriteLine(generator.GetAvailablePower()); Console.WriteLine(generator.GetAvailablePower()); generator.AllDevicesInNetWork(ref listOfDevicesInNetWork); MainProgram(listOfElectronicDevices, ref listOfDevicesInNetWork, generator); Console.ReadLine(); }