public async Task <IActionResult> Mobile(string functionName) { var task = await Task.Run(async() => { dynamic d = null; string clientContentType; string clientAccept; string token = ""; int httpStatusCode = 404; int ResponseCode = -600; string ResponseMessage = "Truy vấn API thất bại"; string Data = ""; string taskReturn; d = GetConfig(); if (d == null) { ResponseCode = -99; ResponseMessage = "Lỗi file config API"; } else { if (d.Https.ToString() == "1" && !Request.IsHttps) { ResponseCode = -600; ResponseMessage = "Hệ thống yêu cầu SSL"; } else { if (Request.Method != "POST") { ResponseCode = -600; ResponseMessage = "Hệ thống yêu cầu phương thức POST"; } else { clientContentType = Request.Headers["Content-Type"]; clientAccept = Request.Headers["Accept"]; if (clientAccept.ToLower() != "application/json") { ResponseCode = -600; ResponseMessage = "Hệ thống yêu cầu Accept: application/json"; } else { if (clientContentType.ToLower() != "application/json") { ResponseCode = -600; ResponseMessage = "Hệ thống yêu cầu Content-Type: application/json"; } else { int i = 0; bool kt = false; while (i < d.config.Count && !kt) { if (d.config[i].clientId.ToString().ToUpper() == ClientID.ToUpper()) { kt = true; } i = i + 1; } if (kt) { i = i - 1; kt = false; string StoreName = ""; int j = 0; dynamic d1 = d.config[i].functionListName; while (j < d1.Count && !kt) { if (d1[j].FunctionName.ToString().ToUpper() == functionName.ToUpper()) { kt = true; } j = j + 1; } if (kt) { dynamic dRequest = null; StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(Request.Body); try { string content = await reader.ReadToEndAsync(); dRequest = JObject.Parse(content); } catch (Exception ex) { dRequest = null; } if (functionName.ToUpper() != "LOGIN") { token = Request.Headers["Authorization"]; if (token == null) { token = ""; } try { // Check token TokenDTO objToken; bool IsValid = TokenHelper.CheckToken(token, out objToken); // Thực hiện call nghiệp vụ với token nhận được if (!IsValid) { ResponseCode = -600; ResponseMessage = "Token không hợp lệ"; } else { // Điều hướng nghiệp vụ switch (functionName.ToLower()) { case "sendmail": string _SMTP = ""; int _Port = 587; bool _IsSSL = true; string _AccountName = "Nguyen Van A"; string _EmailReceipt = "*****@*****.**"; string _AccountUser = "******"; string _AccountPassword = "******"; string[] _EmailTo = { "*****@*****.**" }; string[] _EmailCC = { "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**" }; string[] _EmailBCC = { }; string _Subject = "Test mail"; string _Content = "Test content"; string[] _FileList = { }; Send_Mail send_Mail = new Send_Mail(_SMTP, _Port, _IsSSL, _AccountName, _EmailReceipt, _AccountUser, _AccountPassword, _EmailTo, _EmailCC, _EmailBCC, _Subject, _Content, _FileList); bool IsSended = await send_Mail.EmailSendingAsync(); if (IsSended) { ResponseCode = 1; ResponseMessage = string.Format("Gửi email từ API thành công"); Data = ""; httpStatusCode = 200; } else { ResponseCode = -600; ResponseMessage = string.Format("Gửi email từ API thất bại"); Data = ""; } break; default: // Create param store proceduce List <string> arStoreName = new List <string>(); Dictionary <string, object> paramObj = new Dictionary <string, object>(); arStoreName.Add(functionName.ToLower()); arStoreName.Add(StoreName.ToLower()); dynamic d2 = d1[j].ParamIn; for (var l = 0; l < d2.Count; l++) { string a = ""; string b = ""; a = d2[l].LocalName.ToString(); if (dRequest != null) { if (dRequest[d2[l].ParamName.ToString()] != null) { b = dRequest[d2[l].ParamName.ToString()].ToString(); } } // IsHidden = 1 if (d2[l].IsHidden.ToString() == "1") { // Username if ((a.ToUpper() == "P_USERNAME") && (objToken != null)) { b = objToken.Username; } } paramObj.Add(a, b); } d2 = d1[j].ParamOut; for (var l = 0; l < d2.Count; l++) { string a = ""; string b = ""; a = d2[l].LocalName.ToString(); b = d2[l].LocalValue.ToString(); paramObj.Add(a, b); } // Call store with Param break; } ResponseCode = 1; ResponseMessage = string.Format("Truy vấn API thành công"); Data = ""; httpStatusCode = 200; } } catch (Exception ex) { ResponseCode = -600; ResponseMessage = string.Format("Token không hợp lệ: {0}", ex.ToString()); } } else { // Thực hiện call Login if (dRequest == null) { ResponseCode = -600; ResponseMessage = "Hệ thống không nhận được request Data"; } else { try { bool isValid; switch (int.Parse(dRequest.Provider.ToString())) { case 2: // Login Email string smtp = ""; int port = 587; string Email = dRequest.UserName.ToString(); string UserPassword = dRequest.Password.ToString(); isValid = await Utils.EmailValidateAsync(smtp, port, Email, UserPassword); break; case 3: // Login LDAP Email = dRequest.UserName.ToString(); UserPassword = dRequest.Password.ToString(); string LdapURL = "LDAP://"; string LDAPDomain = ""; string LDAPBaseDN = "//ldap://"; LDAP m = new LDAP(LdapURL, LDAPDomain, LDAPBaseDN, 0, Email, UserPassword); // 0 - ContextType.Machine isValid = await m.ValidateUserAsync(); break; default: // Login bang store proceduce // Create param store proceduce List <string> arStoreName = new List <string>(); Dictionary <string, object> paramObj = new Dictionary <string, object>(); arStoreName.Add(functionName.ToLower()); arStoreName.Add(StoreName.ToLower()); dynamic d2 = d1[j].ParamIn; for (var l = 0; l < d2.Count; l++) { string a = ""; string b = ""; a = d2[l].LocalName.ToString(); if (dRequest != null) { if (dRequest[d2[l].ParamName.ToString()] != null) { b = dRequest[d2[l].ParamName.ToString()].ToString(); } } // Encrypt Password //if(a.ToUpper == "P_PASSWORD") //{ // using (encry = new EncryptData) // { // b = encry.EncryptString(b) // } //} paramObj.Add(a, b); } d2 = d1[j].ParamOut; for (var l = 0; l < d2.Count; l++) { string a = ""; string b = ""; a = d2[l].LocalName.ToString(); b = d2[l].LocalValue.ToString(); paramObj.Add(a, b); } // Call store with Param isValid = true; break; } if (!isValid) { ResponseCode = -600; ResponseMessage = "Login không thành công"; httpStatusCode = 200; } else { ResponseCode = 1; ResponseMessage = "Login thành công"; httpStatusCode = 200; token = TokenHelper.GenerateToken(dRequest["DeviceID"].ToString(), dRequest["UserName"].ToString()); Data = string.Format(",\"Token\":\"{0}\"", token); } } catch (Exception ex) { ResponseCode = -600; ResponseMessage = string.Format("Login không thành công {0}", ex.ToString()); } } } } else { ResponseCode = -600; ResponseMessage = "Hệ thống không tìm được nghiệp vụ: " + functionName; } } else { ResponseCode = -600; ResponseMessage = "Hệ thống không tìm được ClientID"; } } } } } } Utils.WriteLogAsync(string.Format("ResponseCode: {0}, ResponseMessage: {1}", ResponseCode, ResponseMessage)); taskReturn = httpStatusCode.ToString() + "^{\"Status\": " + ResponseCode + ", \"Message\": \"" + ResponseMessage + "\"" + Data + "}"; return(taskReturn); }); string[] a = task.Split(new string[] { "^" }, StringSplitOptions.None); int _StatusCode = int.Parse(a[0]); dynamic r = JObject.Parse(a[1]); if (_StatusCode == 200) { //return Json(a[1]); return(new ContentResult { Content = a[1], ContentType = "application/json" }); } else { return(StatusCode(_StatusCode)); } }