public void setWrcvr(LBMWildcardReceiver wrcvr) { _wrcvr = wrcvr; }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("LBM_LICENSE_FILENAME") == null && System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("LBM_LICENSE_INFO") == null) { SetEnvironmentVariable("LBM_LICENSE_FILENAME", "lbm_license.txt"); } LBM lbm = new LBM(); lbm.setLogger(new LBMLogging(logger)); int i; int n = args.Length; bool error = false; bool done = false; List <uint> channels = new List <uint>(); bool monitor_context = false; int monitor_context_ivl = 0; long dereg = 0; string application_id = null; int mon_format = LBMMonitor.FORMAT_CSV; int mon_transport = LBMMonitor.TRANSPORT_LBM; string mon_format_options = null; string mon_transport_options = null; const string OPTION_MONITOR_CTX = "--monitor-ctx"; const string OPTION_MONITOR_TRANSPORT = "--monitor-transport"; const string OPTION_MONITOR_TRANSPORT_OPTS = "--monitor-transport-opts"; const string OPTION_MONITOR_FORMAT = "--monitor-format"; const string OPTION_MONITOR_FORMAT_OPTS = "--monitor-format-opts"; const string OPTION_MONITOR_APPID = "--monitor-appid"; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { try { switch (args[i]) { case OPTION_MONITOR_APPID: if (++i >= n) { error = true; break; } application_id = args[i]; break; case OPTION_MONITOR_CTX: if (++i >= n) { error = true; break; } monitor_context = true; monitor_context_ivl = Convert.ToInt32(args[i]); break; case OPTION_MONITOR_FORMAT: if (++i >= n) { error = true; break; } if (args[i].ToLower().CompareTo("csv") == 0) { mon_format = LBMMonitor.FORMAT_CSV; } else { error = true; break; } break; case OPTION_MONITOR_TRANSPORT: if (++i >= n) { error = true; break; } if (args[i].ToLower().CompareTo("lbm") == 0) { mon_transport = LBMMonitor.TRANSPORT_LBM; } else if (args[i].ToLower().CompareTo("udp") == 0) { mon_transport = LBMMonitor.TRANSPORT_UDP; } else if (args[i].ToLower().CompareTo("lbmsnmp") == 0) { mon_transport = LBMMonitor.TRANSPORT_LBMSNMP; } else { error = true; break; } break; case OPTION_MONITOR_TRANSPORT_OPTS: if (++i >= n) { error = true; break; } mon_transport_options += args[i]; break; case OPTION_MONITOR_FORMAT_OPTS: if (++i >= n) { error = true; break; } mon_format_options += args[i]; break; case "-c": if (++i >= n) { error = true; break; } try { LBM.setConfiguration(args[i]); } catch (LBMException Ex) { System.Console.Error.WriteLine("lbmwrcv error: " + Ex.Message); error = true; } break; case "-E": end_on_eos = true; break; case "-D": dereg = 1; break; case "-h": print_help_exit(0); break; case "-q": eventq = true; break; case "-r": if (++i >= n) { error = true; break; } reap_msgs = Convert.ToInt32(args[i]); break; case "-s": print_stats_flag = true; break; case "-N": if (++i >= n) { error = true; break; } channels.Add(Convert.ToUInt32(args[i])); break; case "-v": verbose = true; break; default: if (args[i].StartsWith("-")) { error = true; } else { done = true; } break; } if (error || done) { break; } } catch (Exception e) { /* type conversion exception */ System.Console.Error.WriteLine("lbmwrcv: error\n" + e.Message + "\n"); print_help_exit(1); } } if (error || i >= n) { /* An error occurred processing the command line - print help and exit */ print_help_exit(1); } LBMWRcvSourceNotify srcNotify = new LBMWRcvSourceNotify(); LBMContextAttributes lbmContextAttributes = new LBMContextAttributes(); lbmContextAttributes.enableSourceNotification(); LBMContext ctx = new LBMContext(lbmContextAttributes); ctx.addSourceNotifyCallback(new LBMSourceNotification(srcNotify.sourceNotification)); LBMWildcardReceiverAttributes lbmWildcardReceiverAttributes = new LBMWildcardReceiverAttributes(); string pattern = args[i]; string pattern_type = lbmWildcardReceiverAttributes.getValue("pattern_type"); LBMWRcvTopicFilter topicFilter; if (pattern == "*" && (pattern_type.ToUpper() == "PCRE" || pattern_type.ToLower() == "regex")) { topicFilter = new LBMWRcvTopicFilter(); pattern_type = "appcb"; lbmWildcardReceiverAttributes.setValue("pattern_type", pattern_type); lbmWildcardReceiverAttributes.setPatternCallback(new LBMWildcardPatternCallback(topicFilter.comparePattern), null); } System.Console.Error.WriteLine("Creating wildcard receiver for pattern [" + pattern + "] - using pattern type: " + pattern_type); LBMWRcvReceiver wrcv = new LBMWRcvReceiver(verbose, end_on_eos); LBMWildcardReceiver lbmWildcardReceiver; LBMWRcvEventQueue evq = null; if (eventq) { System.Console.Error.WriteLine("Event queue in use"); evq = new LBMWRcvEventQueue(); lbmWildcardReceiver = new LBMWildcardReceiver(ctx, pattern, null, lbmWildcardReceiverAttributes, wrcv.onReceive, null, evq); ctx.enableImmediateMessageReceiver(evq); } else { System.Console.Error.WriteLine("No event queue"); lbmWildcardReceiver = new LBMWildcardReceiver(ctx, pattern, null, lbmWildcardReceiverAttributes, wrcv.onReceive, null); ctx.enableImmediateMessageReceiver(); } ctx.addImmediateMessageReceiver(new LBMImmediateMessageCallback(wrcv.onReceiveImmediate), null); wrcv.setWrcvr(lbmWildcardReceiver); wrcv.setDereg(dereg); if (channels.Count > 0) { System.Console.Error.Write("Subscribing to channels: "); foreach (uint channel in channels) { try { lbmWildcardReceiver.subscribeChannel(channel, wrcv.onReceive, null); System.Console.Error.Write("{0} ", channel); } catch (Exception e) { System.Console.Error.WriteLine(); System.Console.Error.WriteLine(e.Message); } } System.Console.Error.WriteLine(); } LBMMonitorSource lbmmonsrc = null; if (monitor_context) { lbmmonsrc = new LBMMonitorSource(mon_format, mon_format_options, mon_transport, mon_transport_options); lbmmonsrc.start(ctx, application_id, monitor_context_ivl); } System.Console.Out.Flush(); long start_time; long end_time; long last_lost = 0, lost_tmp = 0, lost = 0; bool have_stats; LBMReceiverStatistics stats = null; while (true) { start_time = System.DateTime.Now.Ticks; if (eventq) {; } else { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); } end_time = System.DateTime.Now.Ticks; have_stats = false; while (!have_stats) { try { stats = ctx.getReceiverStatistics(nstats); have_stats = true; } catch (LBMException ex) { /* Double the number of stats passed to the API to be retrieved */ /* Do so until we retrieve stats successfully or hit the max limit */ nstats *= 2; if (nstats > DEFAULT_MAX_NUM_SRCS) { System.Console.Error.WriteLine("Error getting receiver statistics: " + ex.Message); System.Environment.Exit(1); } /* have_stats is still false */ } } lost = 0; for (int stat = 0; stat < stats.size(); stat++) { lost += stats.lost(stat); } /* Account for loss in previous iteration */ lost_tmp = lost; if (last_lost <= lost) { lost -= last_lost; } else { lost = 0; } last_lost = lost_tmp; print_bw((end_time - start_time) / 10000, wrcv.msg_count, wrcv.byte_count, wrcv.unrec_count, lost, wrcv.burst_loss, wrcv.rx_msgs, wrcv.otr_msgs); wrcv.msg_count = 0; wrcv.byte_count = 0; wrcv.unrec_count = 0; wrcv.burst_loss = 0; wrcv.rx_msgs = 0; wrcv.otr_msgs = 0; if (print_stats_flag) { print_stats(stats, evq); } if (reap_msgs != 0 && wrcv.total_msg_count >= reap_msgs) { break; } } System.Console.Error.WriteLine("Quitting.... received " + wrcv.total_msg_count + " messages"); if (channels.Count > 0) { /* Unsubscribe from channels */ foreach (uint channel in channels) { lbmWildcardReceiver.unsubscribeChannel(channel); } } lbmWildcardReceiver.close(); ctx.close(); if (eventq) { evq.close(); } }
void Run(string[] args) { string cfgFile = "application.cfg"; string test = "1"; if (args.Length == 2) { cfgFile = args[0]; test = args[1]; } else if (args.Length == 1) { cfgFile = args[0]; } else if (args.Length != 0) { throw new TmonException("TmonExample: bad arg count (" + args.Length + ")"); } LBM lbm = new LBM(); lbm.setLogger(this.Logger); _timeOfDay = new TmonGetTimeOfDay(); LBM.setConfiguration(cfgFile); MyLog("Creating context."); // Context name must be alpha, numeric, underscore, hyphen. LBMContextAttributes ctxAttr = new LBMContextAttributes("tmon_example_ctx"); LBMContext ctx = new LBMContext(ctxAttr); MyLog("Creating topic monitor."); TmonContext tmonContext = new TmonContext(ctx); tmonContext.InitSender(); // I.e. this tmon context is for sending reports. MyLog("Creating wildcard rcv for '^.*2$' (will resolv, no msg)"); TmonReceiver tmonWRcv = tmonContext.ReceiverCreate(ReceiverType.Wildcard, "^.*2$"); LBMReceiverAttributes rcvAttr = new LBMReceiverAttributes("29west_tmon_context", "wc2"); rcvAttr.setSourceNotificationCallbacks(this.OnDeliveryControllerCreate, this.OnDeliveryControllerDelete, tmonWRcv); LBMWildcardReceiver wrcv = new LBMWildcardReceiver(ctx, "^.*2$", rcvAttr, null, this.OnReceive, null); MyLog("Creating rcv for 'src\\1' (will resolv, rcv msg)"); TmonReceiver tmonRcv1 = tmonContext.ReceiverCreate(ReceiverType.Regular, "src\\1"); rcvAttr = new LBMReceiverAttributes("29west_tmon_context", "src\\1"); rcvAttr.setSourceNotificationCallbacks(this.OnDeliveryControllerCreate, this.OnDeliveryControllerDelete, tmonRcv1); LBMReceiver rcv1 = new LBMReceiver(ctx, ctx.lookupTopic("src\\1", rcvAttr), this.OnReceive, null, null); MyLog("Creating rcv for 'src3' (will resolve, no msg)"); TmonReceiver tmonRcv3 = tmonContext.ReceiverCreate(ReceiverType.Regular, "src3"); rcvAttr = new LBMReceiverAttributes("29west_tmon_context", "src3"); rcvAttr.setSourceNotificationCallbacks(this.OnDeliveryControllerCreate, this.OnDeliveryControllerDelete, tmonRcv3); LBMReceiver rcv3 = new LBMReceiver(ctx, ctx.lookupTopic("src3", rcvAttr), this.OnReceive, null, null); MyLog("Creating rcv for 'srcx' (will not resolve)"); TmonReceiver tmonRcvx = tmonContext.ReceiverCreate(ReceiverType.Regular, "srcx"); rcvAttr = new LBMReceiverAttributes("29west_tmon_context", "srcx"); rcvAttr.setSourceNotificationCallbacks(this.OnDeliveryControllerCreate, this.OnDeliveryControllerDelete, tmonRcvx); LBMReceiver rcvx = new LBMReceiver(ctx, ctx.lookupTopic("srcx", rcvAttr), this.OnReceive, null, null); MyLog("Creating src for 'src\\1' (will resolve, send msg)"); TmonSource tmonSrc1 = tmonContext.SourceCreate("src\\1"); LBMSourceAttributes srcAttr = new LBMSourceAttributes("29west_tmon_context", "src\\1"); LBMSource src1 = ctx.createSource(ctx.allocTopic("src\\1", srcAttr)); Thread.Sleep(100); // Let receiver discover. MyLog("Creating src for 'src,2' (wildcard resolve, no msg)"); TmonSource tmonSrc2 = tmonContext.SourceCreate("src,2"); srcAttr = new LBMSourceAttributes("29west_tmon_context", "src,2"); LBMSource src2 = ctx.createSource(ctx.allocTopic("src,2", srcAttr)); Thread.Sleep(100); // Let receiver discover. MyLog("Creating src for 'src3' (will resolve, no msg)"); TmonSource tmonSrc3 = tmonContext.SourceCreate("src3"); srcAttr = new LBMSourceAttributes("29west_tmon_context", "src3"); LBMSource src3 = ctx.createSource(ctx.allocTopic("src3", srcAttr)); Thread.Sleep(100); // Let receiver discover. MyLog("Delete receiver for 'src,2' to get DC delete without BOS or EOS"); wrcv.close(); tmonWRcv.Close(); MyLog("Sleeping 6 for BOS triggered by TSNI for 'src\\1', 'src3'"); Thread.Sleep(6000); MyLog("Deleting rcv for 'src3' while src still up - should get DC delete without EOS"); rcv3.close(); tmonRcv3.Close(); string msg = "Hello!"; if (test.Equals("1")) { MyLog("Sending to 'src\\1'"); src1.send(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(msg), msg.Length, 0); MyLog("Wait for msg receive or EOS"); while (_messagesReceived == 0) { Thread.Sleep(1000); } } else if (test.Equals("2")) { MyLog("Sending 120 msgs to 'src\\1'"); for (int i = 0; i < 120; i++) { src1.send(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(msg), msg.Length, 0); } // for MyLog("lingering 10 sec"); Thread.Sleep(10000); } else { throw new TmonException("TmonExample: bad test number (" + test + ")"); } MyLog("Delete sources"); src1.close(); tmonSrc1.Close(); src2.close(); tmonSrc2.Close(); src3.close(); tmonSrc3.Close(); MyLog("Sleeping 6 sec for EOS and DC delete for 'src\\1'."); Thread.Sleep(6000); MyLog("Deleting rcvs for 'src\\1'"); rcv1.close(); tmonRcv1.Close(); MyLog("Generate rolling EOS on srcx"); LBM.setLbtrmSrcLossRate(100); TmonSource tmonSrcx = tmonContext.SourceCreate("srcx"); srcAttr = new LBMSourceAttributes("29west_tmon_context", "srcx"); LBMSource srcx = ctx.createSource(ctx.allocTopic("srcx", srcAttr)); srcx.send(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(msg), msg.Length, 0); // Start SMs going. Thread.Sleep(13750); // Wait 2.5 * RM activity timeouts. MyLog("Generate BOS on srcx and msg"); LBM.setLbtrmSrcLossRate(0); msg = "1"; srcx.send(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(msg), msg.Length, 0); // Trigger BOS. Thread.Sleep(100); MyLog("Generate unrecoverable loss on srcx"); LBM.setLbtrmSrcLossRate(100); msg = "2"; srcx.send(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(msg), msg.Length, 0); // Lost pkt. Thread.Sleep(100); LBM.setLbtrmSrcLossRate(0); msg = "3"; srcx.send(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(msg), msg.Length, 0); // gap. Thread.Sleep(200); // 2*nak gen ivl. msg = "4"; srcx.send(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(msg), msg.Length, 0); // push out loss event. Thread.Sleep(100); MyLog("Generate suppressed unrecoverable loss"); LBM.setLbtrmSrcLossRate(0); msg = "1"; srcx.send(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(msg), msg.Length, 0); // Trigger BOS. Thread.Sleep(100); LBM.setLbtrmSrcLossRate(100); msg = "2"; srcx.send(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(msg), msg.Length, 0); // Lost pkt. Thread.Sleep(100); LBM.setLbtrmSrcLossRate(0); msg = "3"; srcx.send(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(msg), msg.Length, 0); // gap. Thread.Sleep(200); // 2*nak gen ivl. msg = "4"; srcx.send(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(msg), msg.Length, 0); // push out loss event. Thread.Sleep(100); Thread.Sleep(10100); // Expire tmon's 10-second loss suppression. MyLog("Generate unrecoverable burst loss"); LBM.setLbtrmSrcLossRate(100); msg = "5"; srcx.send(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(msg), msg.Length, 0); // Lost pkt. msg = "6"; srcx.send(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(msg), msg.Length, 0); // Lost pkt. msg = "7"; srcx.send(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(msg), msg.Length, 0); // Lost pkt. msg = "8"; srcx.send(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(msg), msg.Length, 0); // Lost pkt. Thread.Sleep(100); LBM.setLbtrmSrcLossRate(0); msg = "9"; srcx.send(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(msg), msg.Length, 0); // gap. Thread.Sleep(200); // Wait for BURST. MyLog("Delete rcvx, srcx."); rcvx.close(); tmonRcvx.Close(); srcx.close(); tmonSrcx.Close(); MyLog("Deleting tmon_ctx."); tmonContext.Close(); MyLog("Deleting context."); ctx.close(); } // Run