コード例 #1
        public string GoOutAnnoucement()
            PureFact factJob = (PureFact)factsManager.GetByName("UserHasJob");

            bool userWorks = factJob.IsAnswered && this.IsYes(factJob.Value);

            var options = (new string[]
                           { "You should go out this evening with your friends.",
                             "Call somebody and go for a drink this evening.",
                             "Today is " + KorraModelHelper.DayOfWeek() + ". It is pizza day. You better have something to eat outside." //TODO: check if it evening, or lunch time

            if (userWorks)
                options.Add("Call some friends and go for a drink after work.");
                options.Add("Going to a bar after work sounds like a great idea");
                options.Add("Do you have plans for this evening after work? You better go out and have a drink at the local pub.");
                options.Add("Call some friends and go for a drink.");
                options.Add("Going to a bar this evening sounds like a great idea.");
                options.Add("Do you have plans for this evening? You better go out and have a drink at the local pub.");

            //choose a statement randomly
            string text = KorraModelHelper.GetChance(options.ToArray(), lastGoOutAnnouncementUsed);

            lastGoOutAnnouncementUsed = text;

コード例 #2
        public string MovieAnnouncement(Movie movie)
            string type      = ((movie.IsTvSeries) ? "TV series" : "movie");
            string movieName = movie.Text;

            string text = KorraModelHelper.GetChance(new string[] {
                "How about this " + type + " " + movieName + "? I recommend it.",                                                              //1
                "I have a new " + type + " suggestion for you. It is called : " + movieName + ". You should try it.",                          //2
                (KorraModelHelper.GetChance(3) ? "Do you feel bored? " : "") + "I recommend you to watch the " + type + " " + movieName + ".", //3
                "Time for something interesting to watch. Try this one: " + movieName + ".",                                                   //4
                "You are going to like this " + type + ": " + movieName + ". I highly recommend it."                                           //5

            if (KorraModelHelper.GetChance(3))
                text += " Its score on the Internet movie database is high.";

            if (KorraModelHelper.GetChance(5))
                text += " It is really good. You will thank me later.";

            if (KorraModelHelper.GetChance(10))
                text += " It is one of my favorite.";

コード例 #3
        public string SayHello()
            PureFact numberOfStarts    = (PureFact)factsManager.GetByName("SystemStartsCount");
            int      numberOfStartsInt = Convert.ToInt32(numberOfStarts.Value);

            string text = "";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(factsManager.GetValueByName("UserName"))) //we know how the user's name
                text = KorraModelHelper.GetChance(new string[] { "Hi", "Hello", "Hey", });

                if (KorraModelHelper.GetChance(3) && numberOfStartsInt > 1 && (text == "Hi" || text == "Hello")) //again version
                    text += " again";

                text += " " + factsManager.GetValueByName("UserName");
            else //we do NOT know how the user's name
                if (KorraModelHelper.GetChance(3) && numberOfStartsInt > 1)
                    text = KorraModelHelper.GetChance(new string[] { "Hi again", "Hello again", }); //again version
                    text = KorraModelHelper.GetChance(new string[] { "Hi", "Hello", "Hey", "Hello there", "Hey buddy" });
コード例 #4
        public string ChangeClothesAnnouncement()
            string text = KorraModelHelper.GetChance(new string[] { "I am going to change my clothes. I feel better like this.", "Time for another outfit.", "Time for some change!", "I am in a mood to change my outfit." }, lastClothesAnnouncementUsed);

            lastClothesAnnouncementUsed = text;
コード例 #5
 private void DisablePlayMusicAftertInitialGreeting(ref List <CommItem> list, ItemManager[] managers)
     if (list.Count > 0 &&
         list[0].IsGreeting && //to make sure it is the start of the session
         list[1].Category == ActionsEnum.MakeSuggestion &&
         list[1].SubCategory == SuggestionsEnum.ListenToSong)
         KorraModelHelper.RemoveInteraction(ref list, 1, managers);
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">is the answer to question: UserRelationshipFirstStep</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string ProcessNationality(string value, out bool isValid, out string faceExpr)
            bool validNationality = KorraModelHelper.CheckValidNationality(value);

            isValid  = true;
            faceExpr = "";

            bool validCountryName = false;

            if (!validNationality)
                validCountryName = KorraModelHelper.CheckValidCountryName(value);

            string[] uk = { "uk", "english", "scot", "welsh", "irish", "scottish", "united kingdom", "british" };
            string[] sc = { "zerg", "protoss", "terran" };
            string[] st = { "vulcan", "romulan", "klingon", "borg" };

            if (!validNationality && !validCountryName && !uk.Contains(value.ToLower()) && !sc.Contains(value.ToLower()))
                //FlagsShared.RequestSurpriseExpression = true;
                faceExpr = FaceExp.SurpriseOnStartTalking;
                isValid  = false;
                return("Sorry, I could not understand your nationality.");

                if (value.ToLower() == "french" || value.ToLower() == "france")
                    return("Hands down, best wines and cheese.");
                else if (value.ToLower() == "american" || value.ToLower() == "us" || value.ToLower() == "usa")
                    return("<prosody pitch=\"+0%\">Yeah, the problem with political jokes is that <break time=\"800ms\"/>they get elected.</prosody>"); //maybe it should be in jokes list
                else if (value.ToLower() == "canadian" || value.ToLower() == "canada")
                    return("<prosody pitch=\"+0%\">What do you call a sophisticated American?<break time=\"900ms\"/> A canadian.</prosody>"); //maybe it should be in jokes list
                else if (uk.Contains(value.ToLower()))
                    return("<prosody pitch=\"+0%\">What does the Loch Ness monster eat?<break time=\"900ms\"/> Fish and ships.</prosody>"); //maybe it should be in jokes list
                else if (sc.Contains(value.ToLower()))
                    return("<prosody pitch=\"+0%\">Oh. A Starcraft fan. <break time=\"500ms\"/>Shields up, weapons online!</prosody>"); //maybe it should be in jokes list
                else if (st.Contains(value.ToLower()))
                    return("<prosody pitch=\"+0%\">Oh. A Star Trek fan. <break time=\"500ms\"/>Resistance is futile</prosody>"); //maybe it should be in jokes list
コード例 #7
 private string AddCallByName(string originalText, string username)
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(username) && (KorraModelHelper.GetChance(3))) //33% chance to use the name
         return(KorraModelHelper.FirstCharToUpper(username) + ", " + KorraModelHelper.FirstCharToLower(originalText));
コード例 #8
 public string ExitQuestion()
     if (KorraModelHelper.GetChance(2))
         return("You want to go?");
         return("You need to go?");
コード例 #9
        public string ILookGood() //currently not used
            string value = KorraModelHelper.GetChance(new string[] { "I really look gorgeous!",
                                                                     "I look <prosody rate=\"-40%\">awe</prosody><prosody volume=\"loud\">some</prosody>.", }, lastILookGood);

            lastILookGood = value;
            if (KorraModelHelper.GetChance(3))
                value = "I think " + value;

コード例 #10
        public string ExpressBotGoodMood()
            //TODO: currently does not use probabilstic variable to encode the inAGoodMood

            string response = "";

            response = KorraModelHelper.GetChance(new string[] {
                "I am doing OK.",
                "I am in a good mood today."
            }, lastBotGoodMood);

            lastBotGoodMood = response;

コード例 #11
        public static string AddJokeAnnouncement(string originalText)
            string text = "";

            string start = "<prosody pitch=\"+0%\">";
            string pause = "<break time=\"800ms\"/>"; //maybe it should not be fixed
            string end   = "</prosody>";

            text = KorraModelHelper.GetChance(new string[] {
                start + "Joke time. " + pause + originalText + end,
                start + "I would like to tell you a joke. " + pause + originalText + end,
                start + originalText + pause + " OK, that was a joke." + end,

コード例 #12
        public string VideoPlaybackError()
            string value = KorraModelHelper.GetChance(new string[] { "Sorry. Music playback did not work.", "Oops. There was a problem with music playback.", }, lastMusicFailure);

            lastMusicFailure = value;
            if (KorraModelHelper.GetChance(3))
                if (KorraModelHelper.GetChance(2))
                    value += " I know it is a ridiculous question, but ";
                value += " Are you sure you are connected to the internet? ";
                if (KorraModelHelper.GetChance(2))
                    value += " Please, play some Youtube videos to verify that.";
コード例 #13
        //Avoid last one used? YES
        private string AddSongAnnouncement(string originalText, bool oneSongAlreadyPlanned)
            string text = "";

            if (oneSongAlreadyPlanned || StatesShared.OneSongAlreadyPlayed)
                string value = KorraModelHelper.GetChance(new string[] { "I have a new song for you: ", "Another song: ", "You are going to like this tune: ", "Listen to this song: ", "I am going to play some music: " }, lastSongAnnouncementUsed);
                lastSongAnnouncementUsed = value;
                text += (value + originalText) + ".";
                text += KorraModelHelper.GetChance(new string[] { "I have a nice song for you: ", "Listen to this song: ", "I am going to play some music: " });
                text += originalText + ".";

                text += " Please note that pressing " + ((FlagsShared.IsMobile) ? "Back button" : "Escape") + " at anytime will stop playback.";

コード例 #14
ファイル: JoiModel.cs プロジェクト: toncho11/KorraAI
        public void InteractionsUpdate(TimeSpan timeSinceStart, int interactionsDoneSinceStart, ref Queue <CommItem> interactions)
            if (!isInitialized)
                SharedHelper.LogError("Not initialized."); return;

            //Evaluate triggers that represent 'Surprise' for example
            //These triggers evaluate a model and add a new interaction
            foreach (var trigger in ModelTriggers)
                int oldExecuteCount = trigger.TriggeredCount;

                if (trigger is IModelEvaluateTrigger &&
                        (trigger.IsOneTimeTrigger && trigger.TriggeredCount == 0)
                    CommItem?newInteraction = ((IModelEvaluateTrigger)trigger).Process(this);

                    if (newInteraction != null)
                        if (interactions.Peek().Name != newInteraction.Value.Name)
                            KorraModelHelper.InsertFirstInteractionList(ref interactions, newInteraction.Value);

                            //TODO: this custom code should be moved to another place
                            if (trigger is VideoGameSurpriseTrigger)
                                FlagsShared.RequestSurpriseExpression = true;

                            SharedHelper.Log("Trigger executed: '" + trigger.ToString() + "'");
コード例 #15
        public string SayGoodBye()
            string text = "OK, ";

            string Username = factsManager.GetValueByName("UserName");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Username))
                Username = KorraModelHelper.FirstCharToUpper(Username);

            text += KorraModelHelper.GetChance(new string[] { (KorraModelHelper.GetChance(3)) ? "bye" : "goodbye", "See you soon", "Have a good day" });

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Username))
                text += " " + Username;
            text += ".";

コード例 #16
        public string MovieSuggestions()
            string text = KorraModelHelper.GetChance(new string[] { "I will have some suggestions for you later today.", "Later I can recommend you a few good ones." });

コード例 #17
        public Queue <CommItem> ProcessItems(Queue <CommItem> input, ItemManager[] managers)
            PureFacts pfManager = (PureFacts)managers.SingleOrDefault(x => x is PureFacts);

            if (pfManager == null)
                SharedHelper.LogError("No Pure Fact Manager in SpeechAdaptationEN."); return(null);

            List <CommItem> list = input.ToList();

            if (!FlagsShared.InitialGreetingPerformed)
                list.Insert(0, new CommItem {
                    TextToSay = phrases.SayHello(), IsGreeting = true
                FlagsShared.InitialGreetingPerformed = true;

            string username = pfManager.GetValueByName("UserName");

            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                //add joke announcement
                //if (list[i].Action == Actions.MakeSuggestion && list[i].Suggestion == Suggestions.TellJoke)
                //    CommItem item = list[i];
                //    item.TextToSay = AddJokeAnnouncement(item.TextToSay);
                //    list[i] = item;

                //add song announcement
                if (list[i].Category == ActionsEnum.MakeSuggestion && list[i].SubCategory == SuggestionsEnum.ListenToSong)
                    CommItem item = list[i];
                    item.TextToSay = AddSongAnnouncement(item.TextToSay, OneSongAlreadyPlanned);
                    list[i]        = item;

                    OneSongAlreadyPlanned = true;

                // add user name for the interaction
                if (list[i].Category == ActionsEnum.AskUncertanFactQuestion ||
                    list[i].SubCategory == ActionsEnum.AskPureFactQuestionAboutUser ||
                    list[i].Category == ActionsEnum.ChangeVisualAppearance ||
                    (list[i].Category == ActionsEnum.MakeSuggestion && list[i].SubCategory != "" && list[i].SubCategory != SuggestionsEnum.TellJoke)
                    CommItem item = list[i];
                    item.TextToSay = AddCallByName(item.TextToSay, username);
                    list[i]        = item;

            DisablePlayMusicAftertInitialGreeting(ref list, managers);

            KorraModelHelper.CoupleTwoInteractionsTogether(ref list, "UserName", "BotName");

            KorraModelHelper.CoupleTwoInteractionsTogether(ref list, "UserLikesVideoGames", "UserThinksVideoGameIsGoodPresent");

            return(new Queue <CommItem>(list));
コード例 #18
ファイル: JoiModel.cs プロジェクト: toncho11/KorraAI
        public bool AdjustProbVariablesDuringPlanning(int bufferedInteractionsCount)
            bool regenerate = false;

            //1. About bot
            //exclude this action because there are no items for it
            if (ProbVariables.Bot.PrSharePureFactInfoAboutBot[(int)PV.Current].Value != 0 && KorraModelHelper.GetItemsLeftForSubCategory(ActionsEnum.SharePureFactInfoAboutBot, ItemProviders) == 0)
                //adjust pure facts probabilities: disable AboutBot and boost AboutUser

                ProbVariables.Bot.PrSharePureFactInfoAboutBot[(int)PV.Current] = Prob(0);
                SharedHelper.LogWarning("Disabled all pure facts about bot, because there were no items.");

                //we re-inforce AboutUser so that it is stronger than Suggestion action
                if (ProbVariables.Bot.PrAskPureFactQuestionAboutUser[(int)PV.Current].Value > 0)
                    ProbVariables.Bot.PrAskPureFactQuestionAboutUser[(int)PV.Current] = ProbVariables.Bot.PrAskPureFactQuestionAboutUser[(int)PV.Increased];

                regenerate = true;

            //2. About User
            //exclude this action because there are no items for it
            if (ProbVariables.Bot.PrAskPureFactQuestionAboutUser[(int)PV.Current].Value != 0 && KorraModelHelper.GetItemsLeftForSubCategory(ActionsEnum.AskPureFactQuestionAboutUser, ItemProviders) == 0)
                //adjust pure facts probabilities: disable AboutUser and boost AboutBot

                ProbVariables.Bot.PrAskPureFactQuestionAboutUser[(int)PV.Current] = Prob(0);
                SharedHelper.Log("Disabled all pure facts about user, because there were no items.");

                //we re-inforce AboutBot so that it is stronger than Suggestion action
                if (ProbVariables.Bot.PrSharePureFactInfoAboutBot[(int)PV.Current].Value > 0)
                    ProbVariables.Bot.PrSharePureFactInfoAboutBot[(int)PV.Current] = ProbVariables.Bot.PrSharePureFactInfoAboutBot[(int)PV.Increased];

                regenerate = true;

            //3. Suggestions
            //if there are no Pure or Uncertain facts left then we boost suggestions
            bool noFactsLeft = (ProbVariables.Bot.PrAskPureFactQuestionAboutUser[(int)PV.Current].Value == 0 && ProbVariables.Bot.PrSharePureFactInfoAboutBot[(int)PV.Current].Value == 0);

            if (noFactsLeft && ProbVariables.Bot.PrMakeSuggestion[(int)PV.Current] != ProbVariables.Bot.PrMakeSuggestion[(int)PV.Default])
                ProbVariables.Bot.PrMakeSuggestion[(int)PV.Current] = ProbVariables.Bot.PrMakeSuggestion[(int)PV.Default];
                SharedHelper.Log("All pure facts used. PrMakeSuggestion changed to: " + ProbVariables.Bot.PrMakeSuggestion[(int)PV.Current]);

            //Keep suggestions decreased if there are more pure facts
            if (!noFactsLeft && ProbVariables.Bot.PrMakeSuggestion[(int)PV.Current] != ProbVariables.Bot.PrMakeSuggestion[(int)PV.Descreased])
                SharedHelper.Log("PrMakeSuggestion changed decreased.");
                ProbVariables.Bot.PrMakeSuggestion[(int)PV.Current] = ProbVariables.Bot.PrMakeSuggestion[(int)PV.Descreased];

コード例 #19
ファイル: JoiModel.cs プロジェクト: toncho11/KorraAI
        /// <summary>
        /// Configures when facial expressions are used
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item"></param>
        public void SetFacialExpression(CommItem item)
            #region Get Fact Manager
            PureFacts pfManager = (PureFacts)ItemProviders.SingleOrDefault(x => x is PureFacts);
            if (pfManager == null)
                SharedHelper.LogError("No manager in Facts Manager in SetFacialExpression for model " + this.Name);

            //PureFacts and Jokes will facial expression set at this stage or by Dynamic Function
            //it updates the facial expression, if it is empty

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.FacialExpression))
            else //here in most cases we default to smile
                if (item.IsReactionToUser) //default to smile on reaction
                //Handle PureFacts AboutBot
                if (item.IsPureFact && !item.IsJokePureFact)
                    PureFact fact = (PureFact)pfManager.GetByName(item.Name);

                    if (fact != null && fact.Type == PureFactType.AboutBot)
                if (item.Category == ActionsEnum.ChangeVisualAppearance)
                if (item.Category == ActionsEnum.ConvinceBuyStatement)
                if (item.Category == ActionsEnum.ExpressMentalState)
                //Hnadle Jokes (Normal or PureFacts)
                if (item.SubCategory == SuggestionsEnum.TellJoke && !item.IsJokePureFact)
                    if (!item.IsJokePureFact) //Normal joke
                        Joke joke = JokesProvider.GetJokeByName(item.Name);

                        if (joke != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(joke.FaceExpression)) //check for custom facial expression
                            KorraModelHelper.SetFacialExpressionFlag(FaceExp.SmileAfterTalking); //default to smile
                    else //PureFact joke that had no facial expression set
                        KorraModelHelper.SetFacialExpressionFlag(FaceExp.SmileAfterTalking); //default to smile
                if (item.SubCategory == SuggestionsEnum.ListenToSong ||
                    item.SubCategory == SuggestionsEnum.DoSport ||
                    item.SubCategory == SuggestionsEnum.WatchMovie ||
                    item.SubCategory == SuggestionsEnum.GoOut)