コード例 #1
        private void OpenMenu_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Create an instance of the open file dialog box.
            OpenFileDialog openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog();

            // Set filter options and filter index.
            openFileDialog.Filter      = "Google Earth (.kml .kmz)|*.kml;*.kmz";
            openFileDialog.FilterIndex = 1;

            openFileDialog.Multiselect = true;

            // Call the ShowDialog method to show the dialog box.
            bool?userClickedOK = openFileDialog.ShowDialog();

            // Process input if the user clicked OK.
            if (userClickedOK == true)
                KmlFile kmlFile = KmlFileHelper.OpenFile(openFileDialog.FileName);
                String fileName = ((kmlFile.Root as Kml).Feature as Document).Name;
                this.Title          = fileName;
                this.kmlFile        = kmlFile;
                kmlTreeView.kmlFile = kmlFile;
                this.fileName       = openFileDialog.FileName;
コード例 #2
        private void SaveAsMenu_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Create an instance of the open file dialog box.
            SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog();

            // Set filter options and filter index.
            saveFileDialog.Filter      = "Google Earth (.kml .kmz)|*.kml;*.kmz";
            saveFileDialog.FilterIndex = 1;

            // Call the ShowDialog method to show the dialog box.
            bool?userClickedOK = saveFileDialog.ShowDialog();

            // Process input if the user clicked OK.
            if (userClickedOK == true)
                KmlFileHelper.SaveFile(kmlFile, saveFileDialog.FileName);
                fileName = saveFileDialog.FileName;
コード例 #3
 private void SaveMenu_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     KmlFileHelper.SaveFile(kmlFile, fileName);
コード例 #4
        TreeViewItem ProcessPlacemark(Placemark placemark)
            string     name = placemark.Name;
            StackPanel pan  = new StackPanel();

            pan.Orientation = System.Windows.Controls.Orientation.Horizontal;

            SharpKml.Dom.Style style = KmlFileHelper.FindStyleByStyleURL(_kmlFile, placemark.StyleUrl.OriginalString);

            if (placemark.Geometry is SharpKml.Dom.Point)
                Uri uri = null;
                if (style != null && style.Icon != null && style.Icon.Icon != null && style.Icon.Icon.Href != null)
                    uri = style.Icon.Icon.Href;

                Image image = new Image();
                image.Height = 16;
                image.Source = _imagesFromUri.FindImageByUri(uri);
            else if (placemark.Geometry is LineString)
                GeometryGroup Lines = new GeometryGroup();

                Color32 styleColor = new Color32();
                if (style != null && style.Line != null && style.Line.Color != null)
                    styleColor = (Color32)style.Line.Color;

                // Line
                LineGeometry line = new LineGeometry();
                line.StartPoint = new System.Windows.Point(0, 5);
                line.EndPoint   = new System.Windows.Point(10, 5);
                GeometryDrawing MyGeometryDrawing = new GeometryDrawing();
                MyGeometryDrawing.Geometry = Lines;
                MyGeometryDrawing.Brush    = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(styleColor.Alpha, styleColor.Red, styleColor.Green, styleColor.Blue));
                MyGeometryDrawing.Pen      = new Pen(MyGeometryDrawing.Brush, 1);
                DrawingImage drawingImage = new DrawingImage(MyGeometryDrawing);
                Image image = new Image();
                image.Height = 16;
                image.Width  = 16;
                image.Source = drawingImage;

            TextBlock textBlock = new TextBlock();

            textBlock.Text   = name;
            textBlock.Margin = new System.Windows.Thickness(4, 0, 0, 0);

            KMLFeatureTreeViewItem item = new KMLFeatureTreeViewItem()
                Header  = pan,
                Feature = placemark
