void OnGUI() { gui.Label(10, 10, 500, 50, (current == APP_US ? "US:" : "JP:") + current.AppID); if (gui.Button(10, 55, 245, 100, "Switch APP to US")) { this.current = APP_US; KiiInitializeBehaviour.Instance.SwitchApp(this.current.AppID, this.current.AppKey, this.current.Site); this.message = string.Format("Switch APP to {0} : {1}\n", this.current.Site, this.current.AppID); } if (gui.Button(265, 55, 245, 100, "Switch APP to JP")) { this.current = APP_JP; KiiInitializeBehaviour.Instance.SwitchApp(this.current.AppID, this.current.AppKey, this.current.Site); this.message = string.Format("Switch APP to {0} : {1}\n", this.current.Site, this.current.AppID); } if (gui.Button(10, 160, 160, 100, "Create Random User")) { this.message = ""; string username = "******" + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString(); KiiUser user = KiiUser.BuilderWithName(username).Build(); user.Register("pa$$sword", (KiiUser u, Exception e1) => { if (e1 == null) { this.message = "SUCCESS:\nuser="******"Failed to register user", e1); } }); } if (gui.Button(180, 160, 160, 100, "Facebook Login")) { this.message = ""; var connector = this.gameObject.AddComponent <KiiSocialNetworkConnector> (); connector.LogIn(Provider.FACEBOOK, (KiiUser user, Provider provider, Exception exception) => { if (exception == null) { this.message = "SUCCESS:\nuser="******"Failed to login with social connector", exception); } // Destroy connector if required. Destroy(connector); }); } if (gui.Button(350, 160, 160, 100, "Show user info")) { this.message = ""; KiiUser u = KiiUser.CurrentUser; if (u == null) { this.message = "User is not logged in :P"; return; } this.message = "*** User tokens ***\n"; this.message += GetDictionaryContents(u.GetAccessTokenDictionary()); this.message += "\n*** Social tokens ***\n"; this.message += GetDictionaryContents(u.GetSocialAccessTokenDictionary()); } if (gui.Button(10, 265, 160, 100, "Create 5-Object\n(1 Object/sec)")) { this.message = ""; KiiUser u = KiiUser.CurrentUser; if (u == null) { this.message = "User is not logged in :P"; return; } StartCoroutine(CreateNewObjects(5)); } if (gui.Button(10, 370, 160, 100, string.Format("Create topic\n({0})", topicname))) { this.message = ""; KiiUser u = KiiUser.CurrentUser; if (u == null) { this.message = "User is not logged in :P"; return; } KiiTopic topic = u.Topic(topicname); topic.Save((KiiTopic retTopic, Exception retException) => { if (retException == null) { this.message = "SUCCESS:\ntopic=" + retTopic.Uri.ToString(); } else { this.ShowException("Failed to create topic", retException); } }); } if (gui.Button(180, 370, 160, 100, "Subscribe topic")) { this.message = ""; KiiUser u = KiiUser.CurrentUser; if (u == null) { this.message = "User is not logged in :P"; return; } KiiTopic topic = u.Topic(topicname); u.PushSubscription.Subscribe(topic, (KiiSubscribable retSub, Exception retException) => { if (retException == null) { this.message = "SUCCESS:\nsubscribed topic=" + ((KiiTopic)retSub).Uri.ToString(); } else { this.ShowException("Failed to subscribe topic", retException); } }); } if (gui.Button(350, 370, 160, 100, "Check topic existence")) { this.message = ""; KiiUser u = KiiUser.CurrentUser; if (u == null) { this.message = "User is not logged in :P"; return; } KiiTopic topic = u.Topic(topicname); try { bool retExists = topic.Exists(); this.message = "SUCCESS:\ntopic existence=" + retExists; } catch (Exception e) { this.ShowException("Failed to check topic existence", e); } } if (gui.Button(10, 480, 160, 100, "Install Push")) { this.message = ""; KiiUser u = KiiUser.CurrentUser; if (u == null) { this.message = "User is not logged in :P"; return; } #if UNITY_IPHONE bool development = true; KiiPushInstallation.DeviceType deviceType = KiiPushInstallation.DeviceType.IOS; #elif UNITY_ANDROID bool development = true; KiiPushInstallation.DeviceType deviceType = KiiPushInstallation.DeviceType.ANDROID; #else this.message = "Push feature does not support on this platform :P"; return; #endif this.kiiPushPlugin.RegisterPush((string pushToken, Exception e0) => { if (e0 != null) { this.ShowException("Failed to register push : " + this.kiiPushPlugin.SenderID, e0); return; } this.message = "Push token : " + pushToken; KiiUser.PushInstallation(development).Install(pushToken, deviceType, (Exception e1) => { if (e1 != null) { this.ShowException("Failed to install push", e1); } else { this.message += "SUCCESS:\ninstall push=" + pushToken; SavePushInformation(deviceType, pushToken); } }); }); } if (gui.Button(180, 480, 160, 100, "Uninstall Push")) { this.message = ""; KiiUser u = KiiUser.CurrentUser; if (u == null) { this.message = "User is not logged in :P"; return; } #if UNITY_IPHONE bool development = true; KiiPushInstallation.DeviceType deviceType = KiiPushInstallation.DeviceType.IOS; #elif UNITY_ANDROID bool development = true; KiiPushInstallation.DeviceType deviceType = KiiPushInstallation.DeviceType.ANDROID; #else this.message = "Push feature does not support on this platform :P"; return; #endif string pushToken = LoadPushInformation(deviceType); KiiUser.PushInstallation(development).Uninstall(pushToken, deviceType, (Exception e0) => { if (e0 != null) { this.ShowException("Failed to uninstall push", e0); return; } this.kiiPushPlugin.UnregisterPush((Exception e1) => { if (e1 != null) { this.ShowException("Failed to unregister push", e1); } else { this.message = "SUCCESS:\nuninstall push=" + pushToken; ClearPushInformation(deviceType); } }); }); } if (gui.Button(350, 480, 160, 100, "Send Push")) { this.message = ""; KiiUser u = KiiUser.CurrentUser; if (u == null) { this.message = "User is not logged in :P"; return; } KiiTopic topic = u.Topic(topicname); // Build a push message. KiiPushMessageData data = new KiiPushMessageData() .Put("message", "Hi, switch app :)"); KiiPushMessage message = KiiPushMessage.BuildWith(data).SendAppID(true).Build(); // Send the push message. topic.SendMessage(message, (KiiPushMessage retMessage, Exception retException) => { if (retException == null) { this.message = "SUCCESS:\nsend message=" + retMessage.ToString(); } else { this.ShowException("Failed to send message", retException); } }); } int messageHeight = 590; gui.Label(10, messageHeight, 500, screenHeight - messageHeight, this.message); }
void OnGUI() { ScalableGUI gui = new ScalableGUI(); if (pushScreen == true && apnsScreen == false && gcmScreen == false) { if (gui.Button(0, 10, 160, 50, "<< Back to main")) { pushScreen = false; } gui.Label(5, 70, 310, 30, "Push settings screen", 18); if (gui.Toggle(0, 100, 160, 50, pushSetting.SendAppID, "SendAppID")) { pushSetting.SendAppID = !pushSetting.SendAppID; } if (gui.Toggle(160, 100, 160, 50, pushSetting.SendObjectScope, "SendObjectScope")) { pushSetting.SendObjectScope = !pushSetting.SendObjectScope; } if (gui.Toggle(0, 150, 160, 50, pushSetting.SendOrigin, "SendOrigin")) { pushSetting.SendOrigin = !pushSetting.SendOrigin; } if (gui.Toggle(160, 150, 160, 50, pushSetting.SendSender, "SendSender")) { pushSetting.SendSender = !pushSetting.SendSender; } if (gui.Toggle(0, 200, 160, 50, pushSetting.SendTopicId, "SendTopicId")) { pushSetting.SendTopicId = !pushSetting.SendTopicId; } if (gui.Toggle(160, 200, 160, 50, pushSetting.SendWhen, "SendWhen")) { pushSetting.SendWhen = !pushSetting.SendWhen; } if (gui.Toggle(0, 250, 160, 50, pushSetting.SendToProduction, "SendToProduction")) { pushSetting.SendToProduction = !pushSetting.SendToProduction; } if (gui.Toggle(160, 250, 160, 50, pushSetting.SendToDevelopment, "SendToDevelopment")) { pushSetting.SendToDevelopment = !pushSetting.SendToDevelopment; } } else if (pushScreen == false && apnsScreen == true && gcmScreen == false) { if (gui.Button(0, 10, 160, 50, "<< Back to main")) { apnsScreen = false; } gui.Label(5, 70, 310, 30, "APNs settings screen", 18); if (gui.Toggle(0, 100, 160, 50, (apnsSetting.ContentAvailable == 1) ? true : false, "content-available")) { if (apnsSetting.ContentAvailable == 0) { apnsSetting.ContentAvailable = 1; } else { apnsSetting.ContentAvailable = 0; } } gui.Label(5, 160, 310, 20, "APNs alert body", 10); apnsSetting.AlertBody = gui.TextField(0, 190, 320, 50, apnsSetting.AlertBody); } else if (pushScreen == false && apnsScreen == false && gcmScreen == true) { if (gui.Button(0, 10, 160, 50, "<< Back to main")) { gcmScreen = false; } gui.Label(5, 70, 310, 30, "GCM settings screen", 18); } else { gui.Label(5, 5, 310, 20, "Push2User scene"); if (gui.Button(200, 5, 120, 35, "-> Push2App")) { this.kiiPushPlugin.OnPushMessageReceived -= this.receivedCallback; Application.LoadLevel("push2app"); } this.payload = gui.TextField(0, 45, 320, 50, this.payload); if (gui.Button(0, 100, 160, 40, "Send Message")) { sendMessage(); } if (gui.Button(160, 100, 160, 40, "Clear Log")) { this.message = "--- Logs will show here ---"; } if (gui.Button(0, 140, 160, 40, "Register Push")) { Invoke("registerPush", 0); } if (gui.Button(160, 140, 160, 40, "Unregister Push")) { this.kiiPushPlugin.UnregisterPush((Exception e) => { if (e != null) { Debug.Log("#####" + e.Message); Debug.Log("#####" + e.StackTrace); this.ShowException("#####Unregister push is failed!!", e); return; } this.message = "#####Unregister push is successful!!"; }); } if (gui.Button(0, 180, 160, 40, "Subscribe topic")) { KiiUser user = KiiUser.CurrentUser; KiiTopic topic = user.Topic(TOPIC_NAME); KiiPushSubscription subscription = user.PushSubscription; subscription.Subscribe(topic, (KiiSubscribable target, Exception e) => { if (e != null) { Debug.Log("#####" + e.Message); Debug.Log("#####" + e.StackTrace); this.ShowException("#####Subscribe is failed!!", e); return; } this.message = "#####Subscribe is successful!!"; }); } if (gui.Button(160, 180, 160, 40, "Unsubscribe topic")) { KiiUser user = KiiUser.CurrentUser; KiiTopic topic = user.Topic(TOPIC_NAME); KiiPushSubscription subscription = user.PushSubscription; subscription.Unsubscribe(topic, (KiiSubscribable target, Exception e) => { if (e != null) { Debug.Log("#####" + e.Message); Debug.Log("#####" + e.StackTrace); this.ShowException("#####Unsubscribe is failed!!", e); return; } this.message = "#####Unsubscribe is successful!!"; }); } if (gui.Button(0, 220, 160, 40, "Check subscription")) { KiiUser user = KiiUser.CurrentUser; KiiTopic topic = user.Topic(TOPIC_NAME); KiiPushSubscription subscription = user.PushSubscription; subscription.IsSubscribed(topic, (KiiSubscribable target, bool isSubscribed, Exception e) => { if (e != null) { Debug.Log("#####" + e.Message); Debug.Log("#####" + e.StackTrace); this.ShowException("#####Check subscription is failed!!", e); return; } this.message = "#####Subscription status : " + isSubscribed; }); } if (gui.Button(160, 220, 160, 40, "Push settings >>")) { pushScreen = true; } if (gui.Toggle(0, 260, 160, 40, apnsSetting.Enable, "Enable APNs")) { apnsSetting.Enable = !apnsSetting.Enable; } GUI.enabled = apnsSetting.Enable; if (gui.Button(160, 260, 160, 40, "APNs settings >>")) { apnsScreen = true; } GUI.enabled = true; if (gui.Toggle(0, 300, 160, 40, gcmSetting.Enable, "Enable GCM")) { gcmSetting.Enable = !gcmSetting.Enable; } GUI.enabled = gcmSetting.Enable; if (gui.Button(160, 300, 160, 40, "GCM settings >>")) { gcmScreen = true; } GUI.enabled = true; gui.TextArea(5, 350, 310, 130, this.message, 10); } }