コード例 #1
    public void StartFade(int frame)
        this.prevX        = this.target.localPosition.x;
        this.prevY        = this.target.localPosition.y;
        this.prevScaleX   = this.target.localScale.x / this.initScaleX;
        this.prevScaleY   = this.target.localScale.y / this.initScaleX;
        this.prevRotation = this.target.eulerAngles.z;
        this.prevR        = this.color.r;
        this.prevG        = this.color.g;
        this.prevB        = this.color.b;
        this.prevA        = this.color.a;

        Keyframe2D begin = this.keyframes[0];
        Keyframe2D end   = null;

        for (int i = 0; i < this.keyframes.Length; i++)
            Keyframe2D k = this.keyframes[i];
            if (k.frame <= frame)
                begin = k;
            if (k.frame > frame && end == null)
                end = k;

        float p;

        if (end == null)
            end = begin;
            p   = 1;
            p = ((float)frame - (float)begin.frame) / ((float)end.frame - (float)begin.frame);

        this.fadeX = begin.x + (p * (end.x - begin.x));
        this.fadeY = begin.y + (p * (end.y - begin.y));

        this.fadeScaleX = begin.scaleX + (p * (end.scaleX - begin.scaleX));
        this.fadeScaleY = begin.scaleY + (p * (end.scaleY - begin.scaleY));

        // find shortest rotation direction, could be more optimized
        float r1 = begin.rotation;
        float r2 = end.rotation;

        while (r1 < 0f)
            r1 += 360f;
        while (r2 < 0f)
            r2 += 360f;

        float r3 = r2 - 360f;

        if (Mathf.Abs(r2 - r1) > Mathf.Abs(r3 - r1))
            r2 = r3;
        r3 = r2 + 360f;
        if (Mathf.Abs(r2 - r1) > Mathf.Abs(r3 - r1))
            r2 = r3;

        this.fadeRotation = r1 + (p * (r2 - r1));

        this.fadeR = begin.r + (p * (end.r - begin.r));
        this.fadeG = begin.g + (p * (end.g - begin.g));
        this.fadeB = begin.b + (p * (end.b - begin.b));
        this.fadeA = begin.a + (p * (end.a - begin.a));
コード例 #2
    public void Update(float frame)
        Keyframe2D begin = null;
        Keyframe2D end   = null;

        for (int i = 0; i < this.keyframes.Length; i++)
            Keyframe2D k = this.keyframes[i];
            if (k.frame <= frame)
                begin = k;
            if (k.frame > frame && end == null)
                end = k;

        float p;

        if (end == null)
            end = begin;
            p   = 1;
            p = (frame - begin.frame) / (end.frame - begin.frame);

        float x = begin.x + (p * (end.x - begin.x));
        float y = begin.y + (p * (end.y - begin.y));

        this.target.localPosition = new Vector3(x, y, this.target.localPosition.z);

        x = begin.scaleX + (p * (end.scaleX - begin.scaleX));
        y = begin.scaleY + (p * (end.scaleY - begin.scaleY));
        this.target.localScale = new Vector3(x * this.initScaleX, y * this.initScaleY, this.target.localScale.z);

        // find shortest rotation direction, could be more optimized
        float r1 = begin.rotation;
        float r2 = end.rotation;

        while (r1 < 0f)
            r1 += 360f;
        while (r2 < 0f)
            r2 += 360f;

        float r3 = r2 - 360f;

        if (Mathf.Abs(r2 - r1) > Mathf.Abs(r3 - r1))
            r2 = r3;
        r3 = r2 + 360f;
        if (Mathf.Abs(r2 - r1) > Mathf.Abs(r3 - r1))
            r2 = r3;

        this.target.eulerAngles = new Vector3(this.target.eulerAngles.x, this.target.eulerAngles.y, r1 + (p * (r2 - r1)));

        if (mesh != null && (this.color.r != end.r || this.color.g != end.g || this.color.b != end.b || this.color.a != end.a))
            this.color = new Color(
                begin.r + (p * (end.r - begin.r)),
                begin.g + (p * (end.g - begin.g)),
                begin.b + (p * (end.b - begin.b)),
                begin.a + (p * (end.a - begin.a))
            this.colors[0] = this.colors[1] = this.colors[2] = this.colors[3] = this.color;
            mesh.colors    = this.colors;
コード例 #3
 public void AddKeyframe(Keyframe2D keyframe)
     this.keyframes[count] = keyframe;