コード例 #1
        internal static void Register()                             // A method for registering all keybinds. Must be called during PreLoad.
                Keybinds.Test,                                      // Each keybind to register.

            KeybindRegistry.Update += (_) =>                        // Add an action to run every frame (when accepting input).
                if (Keybinds.Test.Action?.WasRepeated ?? false)     // `Keybind.Action` is nullable, because it isn't present before PreLoad. To be safe, use `?.` instead of `!.` or `.` in `KeybindRegistry.Update` handlers.
                {                                                   // You don't need to worry about `Keybind.Action` being null in the keybind's own events, as those will only be called if it's non-null.
                    Console.Log("Test repeated!");
コード例 #2
        public override void Load()
            if (Keybinds.Test.Action !.IsPressed)                   // `Keybind.Action` will be null until after PreLoad. If you're not sure, use `?.` instead of `!.` to be safe.
            {                                                       // This code will never actually run, because I don't think the game starts listening for keybinds until after mods are loaded.
                Console.Log("Hello World from KeybindLib!");

            KeybindRegistry.RegisterKeyAction(                      // Add an action to run when a `PlayerAction` is activated. For `PlayerAction`s that don't have a corresponding `Keybind`, like vanilla ones.
                SRInput.Actions.jump,                               // You can only access `SRInput.Actions.jump` after the PreLoad step, therefore you can only call `KeybindRegistry.RegisterKeyAction` after the PreLoad step.
                (player) =>                                         // They `KeyAction` to run.
                Console.Log("Thanks for jumping!");
                keyReleased: true                                   // Make it activate when the key is released instead of pressed.

            // ...