コード例 #1
 public CustomAttributeField(KeyTypeAttribute KeyType)
     this.KeyType = KeyType;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the property map.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="propertyInfo">The proerty info.</param>
        /// <returns>The property map for this property.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Readonly and Editable attributes specified with opposing values.</exception>
        public static PropertyMap LoadPropertyMap(PropertyInfo propertyInfo)
            // if the property info is null or not mapped attribute present
            // then return null
            if (propertyInfo == null || propertyInfo.GetCustomAttribute <NotMappedAttribute>() != null)

            PropertyMap pm = new PropertyMap()
                PropertyInfo = propertyInfo

            // read custom attributes from property info
            KeyAttribute        key                 = propertyInfo.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(KeyAttribute)) as KeyAttribute;
            KeyTypeAttribute    keyType             = propertyInfo.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(KeyTypeAttribute)) as KeyTypeAttribute;
            ColumnAttribute     column              = propertyInfo.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(ColumnAttribute)) as ColumnAttribute;
            ReadOnlyAttribute   readOnly            = propertyInfo.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(ReadOnlyAttribute)) as ReadOnlyAttribute;
            EditableAttribute   editable            = propertyInfo.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(EditableAttribute)) as EditableAttribute;
            RequiredAttribute   required            = propertyInfo.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(RequiredAttribute)) as RequiredAttribute;
            DateStampAttribute  dateStamp           = propertyInfo.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(DateStampAttribute)) as DateStampAttribute;
            SoftDeleteAttribute softDeleteAttribute = propertyInfo.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(SoftDeleteAttribute)) as SoftDeleteAttribute;

            // check whether this property is an implied key
            bool impliedKey = propertyInfo.Name == "Id" || $"{propertyInfo.DeclaringType.Name}Id" == propertyInfo.Name;
            bool isKey      = impliedKey || key != null || keyType != null;

            // is this an implied or explicit key then set the key type
            if (isKey)
                // if key type not provided then imply key type
                if (keyType == null)
                    if (propertyInfo.PropertyType == typeof(int))
                        // if integer then treat as identity by default
                        pm.KeyType = KeyType.Identity;
                    else if (propertyInfo.PropertyType == typeof(Guid))
                        // if guid then treat as guid
                        pm.KeyType = KeyType.Guid;
                        // otherwise treat as assigned
                        pm.KeyType = KeyType.Assigned;
                    pm.KeyType = keyType.KeyType;

            // set remaining properties
            pm.Column        = column != null ? column.Name : propertyInfo.Name;
            pm.IsRequired    = required != null ? true : false;
            pm.IsDateStamp   = dateStamp != null ? true : false;
            pm.InsertedValue = softDeleteAttribute?.ValueOnInsert;
            pm.DeleteValue   = softDeleteAttribute?.ValueOnDelete;
            pm.IsSoftDelete  = softDeleteAttribute != null;

            // set read-only / editable
            // if property is identity, guid or sequential key then cannot be
            // editable and must be read-only
            if (pm.KeyType == KeyType.Identity || pm.KeyType == KeyType.Guid || pm.KeyType == KeyType.Sequential)
                pm.IsReadOnly = true;
                pm.IsEditable = false;
                // otherwise obey the attributes
                pm.IsReadOnly = readOnly != null ? readOnly.IsReadOnly : false;

                if (pm.IsReadOnly && editable == null)
                    pm.IsEditable = false;
                    pm.IsEditable = editable != null ? editable.AllowEdit : true;

            // if editable and readonly conflict throw an error
            if (pm.IsEditable && pm.IsReadOnly)
                throw new ArgumentException("Readonly and Editable attributes specified with opposing values");
