コード例 #1
        public void Update()
            bool bKeyUpdate = false;
            int  i;

            bKeyUpdate = keyRows == null ? true : keyRows.Length != Rows;
            if (!bKeyUpdate)
                bKeyUpdate = keyRows[0].Length != Columns;

            if (bKeyUpdate)
                keyRows = new KeyRow[Rows];
                for (i = 0; i < Rows; i++)
                    keyRows[i]             = new KeyRow();
                    keyRows[i].stringArray = new string[Columns];
            // To Do: Add a method for getting screenspace size between keys
            // Use our two test keys to determine our overall size.
            if (TestKey != null && TestKeyTwo != null && Veil.Instance != null && Veil.Instance.HeadTransform != null)
                Vector3 headPos   = Veil.Instance.HeadTransform.position;
                Vector3 keyOneVec = TestKey.transform.position - headPos;
                Vector3 keyTwoVec = TestKeyTwo.transform.position - headPos;

                float keyAngle = Vector3.Angle(keyOneVec, keyTwoVec);

                if (DebugText != null)
                    DebugText.text = "KeyAngle: " + keyAngle;
コード例 #2
    protected override void OnStart()

        // Setup the keys - load YAML asset
        var loader = new StringReader(layout.ToString());
        var yaml   = new YamlStream();


        var mapping = (YamlMappingNode)yaml.Documents[0].RootNode;
        var rows    = (YamlSequenceNode)mapping.Children[new YamlScalarNode("rows")];

        foreach (YamlMappingNode row in rows)
            var savedRow = new KeyRow();
            var keys     = (YamlSequenceNode)row.Children[new YamlScalarNode("keys")];
            foreach (YamlMappingNode key in keys)
                var savedKey = new PhysicsKey();
                savedKey.normal  = ((YamlScalarNode)key.Children[new YamlScalarNode("std")]).Value;
                savedKey.shifted = ((YamlScalarNode)key.Children[new YamlScalarNode("shift")]).Value;
                savedKey.width   = float.Parse(((YamlScalarNode)key.Children[new YamlScalarNode("width")]).Value);
                //Debug.LogFormat("{0} {1} w:{2}", savedKey.normal, savedKey.shifted, savedKey.width);



        // Build the keyboard
        keyContainer = new GameObject("KeyContainer");
        keyContainer.transform.SetParent(this.transform, false);
        keyContainer.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0.0f, 180.0f, 0.0f);

        float size = keySize / 100;
        float gap  = keyGap / 100;

        float xLim = 0.0f;
        float yLim = 0.0f;

        float y = 0.0f;

        foreach (var row in this.keyRows)
            float x = 0.0f;
            foreach (var key in row.keys)
                // Instantiate key
                GameObject newKey = Instantiate(keyPrefab);
                newKey.transform.SetParent(keyContainer.transform, false);
                var pos = new Vector3();
                pos.x = x + size * key.width * 0.5f;
                pos.y = y;
                newKey.transform.localPosition = pos;

                // Scale
                newKey.transform.localScale = new Vector3(size, size, size);

                // Set the Visible label string and the width
                var dim = newKey.GetComponentInChildren <RectTransform>().sizeDelta;
                dim.x *= key.width;
                newKey.GetComponentInChildren <RectTransform>().sizeDelta = dim;
                newKey.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = labelKey(false, key);

                // Save key properties
                key.x   = x;
                key.y   = y;
                key.dim = new Vector2(size * key.width, size);
                key.obj = newKey;

                x += size * key.width + gap;
            if (x > xLim)
                xLim = x;
            yLim = y;
            y   -= size + gap;

        // Place key container to center keyboard
        keyContainer.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(xLim / 2 + gap, -yLim / 2 - gap);

        // Resize background panel
        if (panel)
            var scale = panel.transform.localScale;
            panel.transform.localScale = new Vector3(xLim + 2 * gap, -y + 2 * gap, scale.z);