private void GetCarValues(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool success = false; Auto newAuto = new Auto(); if (newAuto.Id == 0) { ID_Label.Text = "ID: Not saved"; } else { // newAuto.Id =; } //Price Type Check success = decimal.TryParse(hinta.Text, out decimal autonHinta); if (success) { newAuto.Hinta = autonHinta; } else { MessageBox.Show("Price can only be numbers"); } //Mileage Type Check success = int.TryParse(mittarilukema.Text, out int setMittari); if (success) { newAuto.Mittarilukema = setMittari; } else { MessageBox.Show("Mileage can only be numbers"); } //Engine Capacity Type Check success = decimal.TryParse(tilavuus.Text, out decimal MoTilavuus); if (success) { newAuto.Moottorin_tilavuus = MoTilavuus; } else { MessageBox.Show("Engine capacity can only be numbers"); } Console.WriteLine(paivamaara_Picker); Merkki_cBox.ValueMember = "ID"; try { newAuto.AutonMerkkiID = (Merkki_cBox.SelectedItem as AutonMerkki).Id; newAuto.AutonMalliID = (Malli_cBox.SelectedItem as AutonMalli).Id; newAuto.PolttoaineID = (fuel_cBox.SelectedItem as Polttoaine).Id; newAuto.VaritID = (color_cBox.SelectedItem as Varit).Id; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Choose all values from the boxes"); Console.WriteLine(ex); } //FIX DATE FORMATTING newAuto.Rekisteri_paivamaara = paivamaara_Picker.Value.Date; registerHandler.saveAuto(newAuto); }