コード例 #1
ファイル: ShisyaScene.cs プロジェクト: pratikxman/Sengoku2d
    public void randomMyKahouView(GameObject slot)
        //Money or Item 0:money, 1:item
        int moneyOrItem = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 2);

        if (moneyOrItem == 0)
            int requriedMoney = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1000, 5000);
            slot.GetComponent <ShisyaSelect> ().moneyNo = requriedMoney;
            Kahou         kahou     = new Kahou();
            List <string> kahouCdId = new List <string> ();
            kahouCdId = kahou.getMyRandomKahouCdId();
            if (kahouCdId.Count != 0)
                slot.GetComponent <ShisyaSelect>().itemCd     = kahouCdId[0];
                slot.GetComponent <ShisyaSelect>().itemId     = kahouCdId[1];
                slot.GetComponent <ShisyaSelect>().itemDataCd = kahouCdId[2];
                int requriedMoney = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1000, 5000);
                slot.GetComponent <ShisyaSelect> ().moneyNo = requriedMoney;
コード例 #2
    public void getWinItem()
        Message msg = new Message();

        AttackNaiseiView script     = new AttackNaiseiView();
        HPCounter        hpScript   = new HPCounter();
        Item             itemScript = new Item();
        string           itemGrp    = getRandomItemGrp();
        string           itemTyp    = "";
        int    itemId   = 0;
        int    itemQty  = 1;
        string itemName = "";
        string MsgText  = "";

        if (itemGrp == "item")
            itemTyp = script.getRandomItemTyp(itemGrp);

            if (itemTyp == "tech")
                itemId = script.getItemRank(30, 10);
                if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                    MsgText = "You got " + itemScript.getItemName(itemTyp + itemId.ToString()) + ".";
                    MsgText = itemScript.getItemName(itemTyp + itemId.ToString()) + "を手に入れましたぞ。";
            else if (itemTyp == "Tama")
                itemId = script.getItemRank(10, 1);
                if (itemId == 3)
                    itemQty = 100;
                else if (itemId == 2)
                    itemQty = 20;
                else if (itemId == 1)
                    itemQty = 5;
                if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                    MsgText = "You got " + itemQty.ToString() + " stone.";
                    MsgText = "武将珠を" + itemQty.ToString() + "個手に入れましたぞ。";
                itemId = script.getItemRank(10, 1);
                if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                    MsgText = "You got " + itemScript.getItemName(itemTyp + itemId.ToString()) + ".";
                    MsgText = itemScript.getItemName(itemTyp + itemId.ToString()) + "を手に入れましたぞ。";
        else if (itemGrp == "kahou")
            itemTyp = script.getRandomItemTyp(itemGrp);
            Kahou  kahou     = new Kahou();
            string kahouRank = getKahouRank();
            itemId   = kahou.getRamdomKahouId(itemTyp, kahouRank);
            itemName = kahou.getKahouName(itemTyp, itemId);
            if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                MsgText = "You got treasure, " + itemName + ".";
                MsgText = "家宝、" + itemName + "を手に入れましたぞ。";
            hpScript.addKahou(itemTyp, itemId);
        else if (itemGrp == "money")
            itemQty = UnityEngine.Random.Range(100, 500);
            if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                MsgText = "You got money " + itemQty.ToString() + ".";
                MsgText = "金" + itemQty.ToString() + "を手に入れましたぞ。";

            int currentMoney = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("money");
            int newMoney     = currentMoney + itemQty;
            if (newMoney < 0)
                newMoney = int.MaxValue;
            PlayerPrefs.SetInt("money", newMoney);
            GameObject.Find("MoneyValue").GetComponent <Text>().text = newMoney.ToString();
            if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                MsgText = "No items";
                MsgText = "戦利品はありませんでした。";

        registerItemQty(itemGrp, itemTyp, itemId, itemQty);
コード例 #3
ファイル: SyouninMenu.cs プロジェクト: pratikxman/Sengoku2d
    public void OnClick()
        AudioSource[] audioSources = GameObject.Find("SEController").GetComponents <AudioSource> ();

        GameObject board           = GameObject.Find("SyouninBoard").gameObject;
        Message    msg             = new Message();
        GameObject actionValue     = GameObject.Find("ActionValue").gameObject;
        int        actionRemainQty = int.Parse(actionValue.GetComponent <Text> ().text);

        char[] delimiterChars = { ',' };

        if (actionRemainQty <= 0)
            audioSources [4].Play();

            CloseLayer CloseLayerScript = GameObject.Find("CloseSyoukaijyo").GetComponent <CloseLayer>();

            if (name == "Kahou")
                audioSources [0].Play();

                string     path = "Prefabs/Syounin/MenuKahou";
                GameObject menu = Instantiate(Resources.Load(path)) as GameObject;
                menu.transform.localScale    = new Vector2(1, 1);
                menu.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(0, -150);
                menu.transform.FindChild("Close").GetComponent <CloseMenu> ().obj = menu;
                menu.name = "MenuKahou";

                //Product Show
                string        kahouCdString = CloseLayerScript.kahouCdString;
                List <string> kahouCdList   = new List <string> ();
                kahouCdList = new List <string> (kahouCdString.Split(delimiterChars));

                string        kahouIdString = CloseLayerScript.kahouIdString;
                List <string> kahouIdList   = new List <string> ();
                kahouIdList = new List <string> (kahouIdString.Split(delimiterChars));

                GameObject content = menu.transform.FindChild("ScrollView").transform.FindChild("Content").gameObject;
                GameObject money   = menu.transform.FindChild("MoneyValue").gameObject;
                GameObject btn     = menu.transform.FindChild("DoKahouButton").gameObject;

                KahouStatusGet kahouSts = new KahouStatusGet();

                for (int i = 0; i < kahouCdList.Count; i++)
                    string kahouCd   = kahouCdList[i];
                    int    kahouId   = int.Parse(kahouIdList[i]);
                    string kahouCdId = kahouCd + kahouId;

                    string     kahouPath = "Prefabs/Item/Kahou/" + kahouCdId;
                    int        tmp       = i + 1;
                    string     slotName  = "item" + tmp.ToString();
                    GameObject itemSlot  = content.transform.FindChild(slotName).gameObject;
                    itemSlot.GetComponent <SyouninProductSelect>().Content = content;

                    List <string> kahouStsList = new List <string> ();
                    kahouStsList = kahouSts.getKahouInfo(kahouCd, kahouId);
                    itemSlot.GetComponent <SyouninProductSelect>().kahouName        = kahouStsList[0];
                    itemSlot.GetComponent <SyouninProductSelect>().kahouEffectLabel = kahouStsList[2];
                    itemSlot.GetComponent <SyouninProductSelect>().kahouEffectValue = kahouStsList[3];
                    float price      = float.Parse(kahouStsList[5]);
                    float discount   = CloseLayerScript.discount;
                    float finalPrice = price * discount;
                    itemSlot.GetComponent <SyouninProductSelect>().price    = Mathf.CeilToInt(finalPrice);
                    itemSlot.GetComponent <SyouninProductSelect>().Money    = money;
                    itemSlot.GetComponent <SyouninProductSelect>().Btn      = btn;
                    itemSlot.GetComponent <SyouninProductSelect>().menuName = name;

                    itemSlot.GetComponent <SyouninProductSelect>().kahouCd = kahouCd;
                    itemSlot.GetComponent <SyouninProductSelect>().kahouId = kahouId;

                    //kahou icon
                    GameObject kahouObj = Instantiate(Resources.Load(kahouPath)) as GameObject;
                    kahouObj.transform.localScale            = new Vector2(1, 1);
                    kahouObj.GetComponent <Button>().enabled = false;

                    RectTransform rect = kahouObj.transform.FindChild("Rank").GetComponent <RectTransform>();
                    rect.anchoredPosition3D = new Vector3(20, -30, 0);
                    kahouObj.transform.FindChild("Rank").localScale = new Vector3(0.3f, 0.3f, 0);

                content.transform.FindChild("item1").GetComponent <SyouninProductSelect>().OnClick();
            else if (name == "Busshi")
                audioSources [0].Play();

                string     path = "Prefabs/Syounin/MenuBusshi";
                GameObject menu = Instantiate(Resources.Load(path)) as GameObject;
                menu.transform.localScale    = new Vector2(1, 1);
                menu.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(0, -150);
                menu.transform.FindChild("Close").GetComponent <CloseMenu> ().obj = menu;
                menu.name = "MenuBusshi";

                GameObject content = menu.transform.FindChild("ScrollView").transform.FindChild("Content").gameObject;

                //Prepared Value
                string        busshiQtyString = CloseLayerScript.busshiQtyString;
                List <string> busshiQtyList   = new List <string> ();
                busshiQtyList = new List <string> (busshiQtyString.Split(delimiterChars));

                string        busshiRankString = CloseLayerScript.busshiRankString;
                List <string> busshiRankList   = new List <string> ();
                busshiRankList = new List <string> (busshiRankString.Split(delimiterChars));

                Item  item     = new Item();
                float discount = CloseLayerScript.discount;

                string     YRpath = "Prefabs/Item/Cyouhei/CyouheiYR";
                GameObject YRObj  = Instantiate(Resources.Load(YRpath)) as GameObject;
                GameObject item1  = content.transform.FindChild("item1").gameObject;
                YRObj.transform.localScale            = new Vector2(1, 1);
                YRObj.GetComponent <Button>().enabled = false;
                YRObj.transform.FindChild("Qty").GetComponent <Text>().text = busshiQtyList[0];
                YRObj.name = "CyouheiYR";
                RectTransform trn1 = YRObj.transform.FindChild("Qty").GetComponent <RectTransform>();
                trn1.anchoredPosition3D = new Vector3(-30, -40, 0);
                colorByRankChanger(YRObj, busshiRankList[0]);

                string itemCdYR     = YRObj.name + busshiRankList[0];
                float  unitPriceYR  = (float)item.getUnitPrice(itemCdYR);
                float  finalPriceYR = unitPriceYR * discount;
                item1.GetComponent <SyouninProductSelect>().price     = Mathf.CeilToInt(finalPriceYR);
                item1.GetComponent <SyouninProductSelect>().busshiQty = int.Parse(busshiQtyList[0]);
                item1.GetComponent <SyouninProductSelect>().menuName  = name;
                item1.GetComponent <SyouninProductSelect>().busshiCd  = itemCdYR;

                string     KBpath = "Prefabs/Item/Cyouhei/CyouheiKB";
                GameObject KBObj  = Instantiate(Resources.Load(KBpath)) as GameObject;
                GameObject item2  = content.transform.FindChild("item2").gameObject;
                KBObj.transform.localScale            = new Vector2(1, 1);
                KBObj.GetComponent <Button>().enabled = false;
                KBObj.transform.FindChild("Qty").GetComponent <Text>().text = busshiQtyList[1];
                KBObj.name = "CyouheiKB";
                RectTransform trn2 = KBObj.transform.FindChild("Qty").GetComponent <RectTransform>();
                trn2.anchoredPosition3D = new Vector3(-30, -40, 0);
                colorByRankChanger(KBObj, busshiRankList[1]);

                string itemCdKB     = KBObj.name + busshiRankList[1];
                float  unitPriceKB  = (float)item.getUnitPrice(itemCdKB);
                float  finalPriceKB = unitPriceKB * discount;
                item2.GetComponent <SyouninProductSelect>().price     = Mathf.CeilToInt(finalPriceKB);
                item2.GetComponent <SyouninProductSelect>().busshiQty = int.Parse(busshiQtyList[1]);
                item2.GetComponent <SyouninProductSelect>().menuName  = name;
                item2.GetComponent <SyouninProductSelect>().busshiCd  = itemCdKB;

                string     TPpath = "Prefabs/Item/Cyouhei/CyouheiTP";
                GameObject TPObj  = Instantiate(Resources.Load(TPpath)) as GameObject;
                GameObject item3  = content.transform.FindChild("item3").gameObject;
                TPObj.transform.localScale            = new Vector2(1, 1);
                TPObj.GetComponent <Button>().enabled = false;
                TPObj.transform.FindChild("Qty").GetComponent <Text>().text = busshiQtyList[2];
                TPObj.name = "CyouheiTP";
                RectTransform trn3 = TPObj.transform.FindChild("Qty").GetComponent <RectTransform>();
                trn3.anchoredPosition3D = new Vector3(-30, -40, 0);
                colorByRankChanger(TPObj, busshiRankList[2]);

                string itemCdTP     = TPObj.name + busshiRankList[2];
                float  unitPriceTP  = (float)item.getUnitPrice(itemCdTP);
                float  finalPriceTP = unitPriceTP * discount;
                item3.GetComponent <SyouninProductSelect>().price     = Mathf.CeilToInt(finalPriceTP);
                item3.GetComponent <SyouninProductSelect>().busshiQty = int.Parse(busshiQtyList[2]);
                item3.GetComponent <SyouninProductSelect>().menuName  = name;
                item3.GetComponent <SyouninProductSelect>().busshiCd  = itemCdTP;

                string     YMath = "Prefabs/Item/Cyouhei/CyouheiYM";
                GameObject YMObj = Instantiate(Resources.Load(YMath)) as GameObject;
                GameObject item4 = content.transform.FindChild("item4").gameObject;
                YMObj.transform.localScale            = new Vector2(1, 1);
                YMObj.GetComponent <Button>().enabled = false;
                YMObj.transform.FindChild("Qty").GetComponent <Text>().text = busshiQtyList[3];
                YMObj.name = "CyouheiYM";
                RectTransform trn4 = YMObj.transform.FindChild("Qty").GetComponent <RectTransform>();
                trn4.anchoredPosition3D = new Vector3(-30, -40, 0);
                colorByRankChanger(YMObj, busshiRankList[3]);

                string itemCdYM     = YMObj.name + busshiRankList[3];
                float  unitPriceYM  = (float)item.getUnitPrice(itemCdYM);
                float  finalPriceYM = unitPriceYM * discount;
                item4.GetComponent <SyouninProductSelect>().price     = Mathf.CeilToInt(finalPriceYM);
                item4.GetComponent <SyouninProductSelect>().busshiQty = int.Parse(busshiQtyList[3]);
                item4.GetComponent <SyouninProductSelect>().menuName  = name;
                item4.GetComponent <SyouninProductSelect>().busshiCd  = itemCdYM;

                string     SNBpath = "Prefabs/Item/Shinobi/Shinobi";
                GameObject SNBObj  = Instantiate(Resources.Load(SNBpath)) as GameObject;
                GameObject item5   = content.transform.FindChild("item5").gameObject;
                SNBObj.transform.localScale            = new Vector2(1, 1);
                SNBObj.GetComponent <Button>().enabled = false;
                SNBObj.transform.FindChild("Qty").GetComponent <Text>().text = busshiQtyList[4];
                SNBObj.name = "Shinobi";
                RectTransform trn5 = SNBObj.transform.FindChild("Qty").GetComponent <RectTransform>();
                trn5.anchoredPosition3D = new Vector3(-30, -40, 0);
                RectTransform trnContent = SNBObj.transform.FindChild("Shinobi").GetComponent <RectTransform>();
                trnContent.sizeDelta = new Vector3(95, 120, 0);
                colorByRankChanger(SNBObj, busshiRankList[4]);

                string itemCdSNB     = SNBObj.name + busshiRankList[4];
                float  unitPriceSNB  = (float)item.getUnitPrice(itemCdSNB);
                float  finalPriceSNB = unitPriceSNB * discount;
                item5.GetComponent <SyouninProductSelect>().price     = Mathf.CeilToInt(finalPriceSNB);
                item5.GetComponent <SyouninProductSelect>().busshiQty = int.Parse(busshiQtyList[4]);
                item5.GetComponent <SyouninProductSelect>().menuName  = name;
                item5.GetComponent <SyouninProductSelect>().busshiCd  = itemCdSNB;

                item1.GetComponent <SyouninProductSelect>().OnClick();

            else if (name == "Yasen")
                audioSources [0].Play();

                string     path = "Prefabs/Syounin/MenuYasen";
                GameObject menu = Instantiate(Resources.Load(path)) as GameObject;
                menu.transform.localScale    = new Vector2(1, 1);
                menu.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(0, -150);
                menu.transform.FindChild("Close").GetComponent <CloseMenu> ().obj = menu;
                menu.name = "MenuYasen";

                int yasenAmt = CloseLayerScript.yasenAmt;
                menu.transform.FindChild("MoneyValue").GetComponent <Text>().text = yasenAmt.ToString();
                GameObject btn = menu.transform.FindChild("DoYasenButton").gameObject;
                btn.GetComponent <DoSyouninMenu>().price = yasenAmt;

            else if (name == "Youjinbou")
                audioSources [0].Play();

                string     path = "Prefabs/Syounin/MenuRounin";
                GameObject menu = Instantiate(Resources.Load(path)) as GameObject;
                menu.transform.localScale    = new Vector2(1, 1);
                menu.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(0, -150);
                menu.transform.FindChild("Close").GetComponent <CloseMenu> ().obj = menu;
                menu.name = "MenuRounin";

                float      discount    = CloseLayerScript.discount;
                int        rdmKengouId = CloseLayerScript.rdmKengouId;
                GameObject btn         = menu.transform.FindChild("DoRouninButton").gameObject;

                string     kengouPath = "Prefabs/Item/kengou";
                GameObject kengou     = Instantiate(Resources.Load(kengouPath)) as GameObject;
                kengou.transform.localScale            = new Vector2(1.0f, 1.25f);
                kengou.GetComponent <Button>().enabled = false;

                RectTransform kengouRect = kengou.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
                kengouRect.anchoredPosition3D = new Vector3(-200, -30, 0);

                GameObject    rank           = kengou.transform.FindChild("Rank").gameObject;
                RectTransform kengouRankRect = rank.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
                kengouRankRect.anchoredPosition3D = new Vector3(-50, 20, 0);
                rank.transform.localScale         = new Vector2(0.09f, 0.09f);

                Item   item       = new Item();
                string itemCd     = "kengou" + rdmKengouId;
                string kengouName = item.getItemName(itemCd);
                string exp        = item.getExplanation(itemCd);
                float  unitPrice  = (float)item.getUnitPrice(itemCd);
                rank.GetComponent <Text>().text = kengouName;

                float finalPrice = unitPrice * discount;
                btn.GetComponent <DoSyouninMenu>().price    = Mathf.CeilToInt(finalPrice);
                btn.GetComponent <DoSyouninMenu>().kengouId = rdmKengouId;

                GameObject info = menu.transform.FindChild("Info").gameObject;
                info.transform.FindChild("Name").GetComponent <Text>().text        = kengouName;
                info.transform.FindChild("EffectLabel").GetComponent <Text>().text = exp;
                menu.transform.FindChild("MoneyValue").GetComponent <Text>().text  = Mathf.CeilToInt(finalPrice).ToString();
            else if (name == "Cyakai")
                //check cyadougu
                List <string> kahouList       = new List <string>();
                int           daimyoBusyoId   = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("myDaimyoBusyo");
                int           myDaimyoId      = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("myDaimyo");
                BusyoInfoGet  busyoInfo       = new BusyoInfoGet();
                string        daimyoBusyoName = busyoInfo.getName(daimyoBusyoId);

                string tmp         = "kahou" + daimyoBusyoId;
                string kahouString = PlayerPrefs.GetString(tmp);
                kahouList = new List <string>(kahouString.Split(delimiterChars));
                if (kahouList [4] == "0" && kahouList [5] == "0")
                    audioSources [4].Play();
                    string text = "";
                    if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                        text = "Lord " + daimyoBusyoName + " don't have any teaware.";
                        text = daimyoBusyoName + "様は\n茶器をお持ちでないようですな。";
                    audioSources [0].Play();
                    string     path = "Prefabs/Syounin/MenuCyakai";
                    GameObject menu = Instantiate(Resources.Load(path)) as GameObject;
                    menu.transform.localScale    = new Vector2(1, 1);
                    menu.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(0, -150);
                    menu.transform.FindChild("Close").GetComponent <CloseMenu> ().obj = menu;
                    menu.name = "MenuCyakai";
                    GameObject btn = menu.transform.FindChild("DoCyakaiButton").gameObject;

                    //Cyadougu History
                    string        cyakaiDouguHst     = PlayerPrefs.GetString("cyakaiDouguHst");
                    List <string> cyakaiDouguHstlist = new List <string> ();
                    if (cyakaiDouguHst != "" && cyakaiDouguHst != null)
                        if (cyakaiDouguHst.Contains(","))
                            cyakaiDouguHstlist = new List <string> (cyakaiDouguHst.Split(delimiterChars));

                    //Change Kahou Icon
                    bool doneCyadouguFlg1 = false;
                    bool doneCyadouguFlg2 = false;

                    int   targetKuniQty = 0;
                    Kahou kahou         = new Kahou();
                    if (kahouList [4] != "0")
                        string kahouId1 = kahouList [4];

                        string     cyadouguId   = "cyadougu" + kahouId1;
                        string     cyadouguPath = "Prefabs/Item/Kahou/" + cyadouguId;
                        GameObject cya          = Instantiate(Resources.Load(cyadouguPath)) as GameObject;
                        cya.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.3f, 0.38f, 0);
                        RectTransform transform = cya.GetComponent <RectTransform> ();
                        transform.anchoredPosition3D         = new Vector3(-180, -60, 0);
                        cya.GetComponent <Button> ().enabled = false;

                        if (cyakaiDouguHstlist.Contains(kahouId1))
                            doneCyadouguFlg1 = true;

                        string kahouRank = kahou.getKahouRank("cyadougu", int.Parse(kahouId1));
                        if (doneCyadouguFlg1)
                            targetKuniQty = targetKuniQty + 1;
                            if (kahouRank == "S")
                                targetKuniQty = targetKuniQty + 5;
                            else if (kahouRank == "A")
                                targetKuniQty = targetKuniQty + 3;
                            else if (kahouRank == "B")
                                targetKuniQty = targetKuniQty + 2;
                            else if (kahouRank == "C")
                                targetKuniQty = targetKuniQty + 1;
                        //Not Exist
                        string     cyadouguPath = "Prefabs/Item/Kahou/NoCyadougu";
                        GameObject cya          = Instantiate(Resources.Load(cyadouguPath)) as GameObject;
                        cya.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.3f, 0.38f, 0);
                        RectTransform transform = cya.GetComponent <RectTransform> ();
                        transform.anchoredPosition3D         = new Vector3(-180, -60, 0);
                        cya.GetComponent <Button> ().enabled = false;

                    if (kahouList [5] != "0")
                        string kahouId2 = kahouList [5];

                        string     cyadouguId   = "cyadougu" + kahouId2;
                        string     cyadouguPath = "Prefabs/Item/Kahou/" + cyadouguId;
                        GameObject cya          = Instantiate(Resources.Load(cyadouguPath)) as GameObject;
                        cya.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.3f, 0.38f, 0);
                        RectTransform transform = cya.GetComponent <RectTransform> ();
                        transform.anchoredPosition3D         = new Vector3(-130, -60, 0);
                        cya.GetComponent <Button> ().enabled = false;

                        if (cyakaiDouguHstlist.Contains(kahouId2))
                            doneCyadouguFlg2 = true;

                        string kahouRank = kahou.getKahouRank("cyadougu", int.Parse(kahouId2));
                        if (doneCyadouguFlg2)
                            targetKuniQty = targetKuniQty + 1;
                            if (kahouRank == "S")
                                targetKuniQty = targetKuniQty + 5;
                            else if (kahouRank == "A")
                                targetKuniQty = targetKuniQty + 3;
                            else if (kahouRank == "B")
                                targetKuniQty = targetKuniQty + 2;
                            else if (kahouRank == "C")
                                targetKuniQty = targetKuniQty + 1;
                        //Not Exist
                        string     cyadouguPath = "Prefabs/Item/Kahou/NoCyadougu";
                        GameObject cya          = Instantiate(Resources.Load(cyadouguPath)) as GameObject;
                        cya.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.3f, 0.38f, 0);
                        RectTransform transform = cya.GetComponent <RectTransform> ();
                        transform.anchoredPosition3D         = new Vector3(-130, -60, 0);
                        cya.GetComponent <Button> ().enabled = false;

                    //Change Kuni Qty
                    if (targetKuniQty < 1)
                        targetKuniQty = 1;

                    menu.transform.FindChild("Tabibito").transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().text = " X " + targetKuniQty.ToString();

                    //Set Button Value
                    btn.GetComponent <DoSyouninMenu>().price              = 10000;
                    btn.GetComponent <DoSyouninMenu>().targetKuniQty      = targetKuniQty;
                    btn.GetComponent <DoSyouninMenu>().cyakaiDouguHstlist = cyakaiDouguHstlist;
                    string serihu = "";
                    if (!doneCyadouguFlg1 && !doneCyadouguFlg2)
                        btn.GetComponent <DoSyouninMenu> ().doneCyadouguFlg = false;
                        serihu = msg.getMessage(48);
                        btn.GetComponent <DoSyouninMenu> ().doneCyadouguFlg = true;
                        serihu = msg.getMessage(49);
            else if (name == "Gijyutsu")
                audioSources [0].Play();

                string     path = "Prefabs/Syounin/MenuTech";
                GameObject menu = Instantiate(Resources.Load(path)) as GameObject;
                menu.transform.localScale    = new Vector2(1, 1);
                menu.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(0, -150);
                menu.transform.FindChild("Close").GetComponent <CloseMenu> ().obj = menu;
                menu.name = "MenuTech";
                GameObject btn = menu.transform.FindChild("DoTechButton").gameObject;

                int techId = CloseLayerScript.techId;

                string spritePath = "";
                if (techId == 1)
                    spritePath = "Prefabs/Item/Tech/Sprite/tp";
                else if (techId == 2)
                    spritePath = "Prefabs/Item/Tech/Sprite/kb";
                else if (techId == 3)
                    spritePath = "Prefabs/Item/Tech/Sprite/snb";
                GameObject techImage = menu.transform.FindChild("Tech").gameObject;
                techImage.GetComponent <Image> ().sprite =
                    Resources.Load(spritePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;

                //Detail Info
                Item   item      = new Item();
                string itemCd    = "tech" + techId;
                string techName  = item.getItemName(itemCd);
                string exp       = item.getExplanation(itemCd);
                float  unitPrice = (float)item.getUnitPrice(itemCd);
                float  discount  = CloseLayerScript.discount;

                float finalPrice = unitPrice * discount;
                btn.GetComponent <DoSyouninMenu>().price  = Mathf.CeilToInt(finalPrice);
                btn.GetComponent <DoSyouninMenu>().techId = techId;

                GameObject info = menu.transform.FindChild("Info").gameObject;
                info.transform.FindChild("Name").GetComponent <Text>().text        = techName;
                info.transform.FindChild("EffectLabel").GetComponent <Text>().text = exp;
                menu.transform.FindChild("MoneyValue").GetComponent <Text>().text  = Mathf.CeilToInt(finalPrice).ToString();
コード例 #4
ファイル: DoSyouninMenu.cs プロジェクト: zeimoter/sengoku2d
	public void OnClick(){

		if (name == "DoKahouButton") {

			reduceActionQty ();

			int money = PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("money");
			int paiedMoney = int.Parse (Money.GetComponent<Text> ().text);
			Message msg = new Message ();
			Kahou kahou = new Kahou ();

			if (paiedMoney <= money) {

				//reduce money
				int calc = money - paiedMoney;
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("money", calc);
				PlayerPrefs.Flush ();
				GameObject.Find ("MoneyValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = calc.ToString ();

				if (kahouCd == "bugu") {
					kahou.registerBugu (kahouId);
				} else if (kahouCd == "gusoku") {
					kahou.registerGusoku (kahouId);
				} else if (kahouCd == "kabuto") {
					kahou.registerKabuto (kahouId);
				} else if (kahouCd == "meiba") {
					kahou.registerMeiba (kahouId);
				} else if (kahouCd == "cyadougu") {
					kahou.registerCyadougu (kahouId);
				} else if (kahouCd == "chishikisyo") {
					kahou.registerChishikisyo (kahouId);
				} else if (kahouCd == "heihousyo") {
					kahou.registerHeihousyo (kahouId);					

				msg.makeMessage ("御屋形様、家宝を手に入れましたぞ。");

				GameObject.Find ("MenuKahou").transform.FindChild ("Close").GetComponent<CloseMenu> ().OnClick ();

				Color enableImageColor = new Color (35f / 255f, 35f / 255f, 35f / 255f, 155f / 255f);
				Color enableTextColor = new Color (125f / 255f, 125f / 255f, 125f / 255f, 255f / 255f);

				GameObject btn = GameObject.Find ("SyouninBoard").transform.FindChild ("Kahou").gameObject;
				btn.GetComponent<Button> ().enabled = false;
				btn.GetComponent<Image> ().color = enableImageColor;
				btn.transform.FindChild ("Text").GetComponent<Text> ().color = enableTextColor;

			} else {
				msg.makeMessage ("御屋形様、金が不足しておりますぞ。");

		} else if (name == "DoBusshiButton") {
			reduceActionQty ();

			int money = PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("money");
			int paiedMoney = int.Parse (Money.GetComponent<Text> ().text);
			Message msg = new Message ();

			if (paiedMoney <= money) {
				//reduce money
				int calc = money - paiedMoney;
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("money", calc);
				PlayerPrefs.Flush ();
				GameObject.Find ("MoneyValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = calc.ToString ();
				char[] delimiterChars = {','};

				if (busshiCd.Contains ("Cyouhei") == true) {
					if (busshiCd.Contains ("YR") == true) {
						string cyouheiYRString = PlayerPrefs.GetString ("cyouheiYR");

						string[] cyouheiYR_list = cyouheiYRString.Split (delimiterChars);
						string newCyouheiYRString = "";
						if (busshiCd == "CyouheiYR1") {
							int newQty = 0;
							newQty = int.Parse (cyouheiYR_list [0]) + busshiQty;
							newCyouheiYRString = newQty.ToString () + "," + cyouheiYR_list [1] + "," + cyouheiYR_list [2];
						} else if (busshiCd == "CyouheiYR2") {
							int newQty = 0;
							newQty = int.Parse (cyouheiYR_list [1]) + busshiQty;
							newCyouheiYRString = cyouheiYR_list [0] + "," + newQty.ToString () + "," + cyouheiYR_list [2];
						} else if (busshiCd == "CyouheiYR3") {
							int newQty = 0;
							newQty = int.Parse (cyouheiYR_list [2]) + busshiQty;
							newCyouheiYRString = cyouheiYR_list [0] + "," + cyouheiYR_list [1] + "," + newQty.ToString ();
						PlayerPrefs.SetString ("cyouheiYR", newCyouheiYRString);
					} else if (busshiCd.Contains ("KB") == true) {
						string cyouheiKBString = PlayerPrefs.GetString ("cyouheiKB");
						string[] cyouheiKB_list = cyouheiKBString.Split (delimiterChars);
						string newCyouheiKBString = "";
						if (busshiCd == "CyouheiKB1") {
							int newQty = 0;
							newQty = int.Parse (cyouheiKB_list [0]) + busshiQty;
							newCyouheiKBString = newQty.ToString () + "," + cyouheiKB_list [1] + "," + cyouheiKB_list [2];
						} else if (busshiCd == "CyouheiKB2") {
							int newQty = 0;
							newQty = int.Parse (cyouheiKB_list [1]) + busshiQty;
							newCyouheiKBString = cyouheiKB_list [0] + "," + newQty.ToString () + "," + cyouheiKB_list [2];
						} else if (busshiCd == "CyouheiKB3") {
							int newQty = 0;
							newQty = int.Parse (cyouheiKB_list [2]) + busshiQty;
							newCyouheiKBString = cyouheiKB_list [0] + "," + cyouheiKB_list [1] + "," + newQty.ToString ();
						PlayerPrefs.SetString ("cyouheiKB", newCyouheiKBString);
					} else if (busshiCd.Contains ("TP") == true) {
						string cyouheiTPString = PlayerPrefs.GetString ("cyouheiTP");
						string[] cyouheiTP_list = cyouheiTPString.Split (delimiterChars);
						string newCyouheiTPString = "";
						if (busshiCd == "CyouheiTP1") {
							int newQty = 0;
							newQty = int.Parse (cyouheiTP_list [0]) + busshiQty;
							newCyouheiTPString = newQty.ToString () + "," + cyouheiTP_list [1] + "," + cyouheiTP_list [2];
						} else if (busshiCd == "CyouheiTP2") {
							int newQty = 0;
							newQty = int.Parse (cyouheiTP_list [1]) + busshiQty;
							newCyouheiTPString = cyouheiTP_list [0] + "," + newQty.ToString () + "," + cyouheiTP_list [2];
						} else if (busshiCd == "CyouheiTP3") {
							int newQty = 0;
							newQty = int.Parse (cyouheiTP_list [2]) + busshiQty;
							newCyouheiTPString = cyouheiTP_list [0] + "," + cyouheiTP_list [1] + "," + newQty.ToString ();
						PlayerPrefs.SetString ("cyouheiTP", newCyouheiTPString);
					} else if (busshiCd.Contains ("YM") == true) {
						string cyouheiYMString = PlayerPrefs.GetString ("cyouheiYM");
						string[] cyouheiYM_list = cyouheiYMString.Split (delimiterChars);
						string newCyouheiYMString = "";
						if (busshiCd == "CyouheiYM1") {
							int newQty = 0;
							newQty = int.Parse (cyouheiYM_list [0]) + busshiQty;
							newCyouheiYMString = newQty.ToString () + "," + cyouheiYM_list [1] + "," + cyouheiYM_list [2];
						} else if (busshiCd == "CyouheiYM2") {
							int newQty = 0;
							newQty = int.Parse (cyouheiYM_list [1]) + busshiQty;
							newCyouheiYMString = cyouheiYM_list [0] + "," + newQty.ToString () + "," + cyouheiYM_list [2];
						} else if (busshiCd == "CyouheiYM3") {
							int newQty = 0;
							newQty = int.Parse (cyouheiYM_list [2]) + busshiQty;
							newCyouheiYMString = cyouheiYM_list [0] + "," + cyouheiYM_list [1] + "," + newQty.ToString ();
						PlayerPrefs.SetString ("cyouheiYM", newCyouheiYMString);

				} else if (busshiCd.Contains ("Shinobi") == true) {
					if (busshiCd == "Shinobi1") {
						int newQty = 0;
						int shinobiQty = PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("shinobiGe");
						newQty = shinobiQty + busshiQty;
						PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("shinobiGe", newQty);
					} else if (busshiCd == "Shinobi2") {
						int newQty = 0;
						int shinobiQty = PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("shinobiCyu");
						newQty = shinobiQty + busshiQty;
						PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("shinobiCyu", newQty);
					} else if (busshiCd == "Shinobi3") {
						int newQty = 0;
						int shinobiQty = PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("shinobiJyo");
						newQty = shinobiQty + busshiQty;
						PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("shinobiJyo", newQty);
				PlayerPrefs.Flush ();

				msg.makeMessage ("御屋形様、物資を手に入れましたぞ。");
				GameObject.Find ("MenuBusshi").transform.FindChild ("Close").GetComponent<CloseMenu> ().OnClick ();
				Color enableImageColor = new Color (35f / 255f, 35f / 255f, 35f / 255f, 155f / 255f);
				Color enableTextColor = new Color (125f / 255f, 125f / 255f, 125f / 255f, 255f / 255f);
				GameObject btn = GameObject.Find ("SyouninBoard").transform.FindChild ("Busshi").gameObject;
				btn.GetComponent<Button> ().enabled = false;
				btn.GetComponent<Image> ().color = enableImageColor;
				btn.transform.FindChild ("Text").GetComponent<Text> ().color = enableTextColor;
			} else {
				msg.makeMessage ("御屋形様、金が不足しておりますぞ。");

		} else if (name == "DoRouninButton") {
			reduceActionQty ();

			int money = PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("money");
			Message msg = new Message ();
			if (price <= money) {

				//reduce money
				int calc = money - price;
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("money", calc);
				PlayerPrefs.Flush ();
				GameObject.Find ("MoneyValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = calc.ToString ();

				string kengouString = PlayerPrefs.GetString ("kengouItem");
				List<string> kengouList = new List<string> ();
				char[] delimiterChars = {','};
				kengouList = new List<string> (kengouString.Split (delimiterChars));

				int qty = int.Parse (kengouList [kengouId - 1]);
				int newQty = qty + 1;
				kengouList [kengouId - 1] = newQty.ToString ();
				string newKengouString = "";
				for (int i=0; i<kengouList.Count; i++) {				
					if (i == 0) {
						newKengouString = kengouList [i];
					} else {
						newKengouString = newKengouString + "," + kengouList [i];
				PlayerPrefs.SetString ("kengouItem", newKengouString);
				PlayerPrefs.Flush ();

				msg.makeMessage ("御屋形様、浪人中の剣豪を登用しましたぞ。");
				GameObject.Find ("MenuRounin").transform.FindChild ("Close").GetComponent<CloseMenu> ().OnClick ();
				Color enableImageColor = new Color (35f / 255f, 35f / 255f, 35f / 255f, 155f / 255f);
				Color enableTextColor = new Color (125f / 255f, 125f / 255f, 125f / 255f, 255f / 255f);
				GameObject btn = GameObject.Find ("SyouninBoard").transform.FindChild ("Youjinbou").gameObject;
				btn.GetComponent<Button> ().enabled = false;
				btn.GetComponent<Image> ().color = enableImageColor;
				btn.transform.FindChild ("Text").GetComponent<Text> ().color = enableTextColor;
			} else {
				msg.makeMessage ("御屋形様、金が不足しておりますぞ。");

		} else if (name == "DoYasenButton") {

			reduceActionQty ();

			Message msg = new Message ();

			float percent = Random.value;
			percent = percent * 100;
			if (percent > 10) {

				int money = PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("money");
				int newMoney = money + price;
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("money", newMoney);
				PlayerPrefs.Flush ();
				GameObject.Find ("MoneyValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = newMoney.ToString ();

				string yasenTxt = price + "貫の矢銭を供出させましたぞ。";
				msg.makeMessage (yasenTxt);

			} else {
				msg.makeMessage ("なんと町衆共が矢銭を断わりましたぞ。");

			GameObject.Find ("MenuYasen").transform.FindChild ("Close").GetComponent<CloseMenu> ().OnClick ();
			Color enableImageColor = new Color (35f / 255f, 35f / 255f, 35f / 255f, 155f / 255f);
			Color enableTextColor = new Color (125f / 255f, 125f / 255f, 125f / 255f, 255f / 255f);
			GameObject btn = GameObject.Find ("SyouninBoard").transform.FindChild ("Yasen").gameObject;
			btn.GetComponent<Button> ().enabled = false;
			btn.GetComponent<Image> ().color = enableImageColor;
			btn.transform.FindChild ("Text").GetComponent<Text> ().color = enableTextColor;

		} else if (name == "DoTechButton") {

			reduceActionQty ();
			int money = PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("money");
			Message msg = new Message ();

			if (price <= money) {

				//reduce money
				int calc = money - price;
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("money", calc);
				GameObject.Find ("MoneyValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = calc.ToString ();

				//add tech item
				string txt = "";
				if(techId == 1){
					int qty = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("transferTP",0);
					int newQty = qty + 1;
					txt = "御屋形様、鉄砲鋳造技術を導入しましたぞ。\n内政にて鍛冶屋を建造しましょう。";

				}else if(techId == 2){
					int qty = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("transferKB",0);
					int newQty = qty + 1;
					txt = "御屋形様、馬育成技術を導入しましたぞ。\n内政にて厩建造しましょう。";

				}else if(techId == 3){
					int qty = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("transferSNB",0);
					int newQty = qty  + 1;
					txt = "御屋形様、忍育成技術を導入しましたぞ。\n内政にて施設建造しましょう。";

				PlayerPrefs.Flush ();

				msg.makeMessage (txt);

				Color enableImageColor = new Color (35f / 255f, 35f / 255f, 35f / 255f, 155f / 255f);
				Color enableTextColor = new Color (125f / 255f, 125f / 255f, 125f / 255f, 255f / 255f);
				GameObject btn = GameObject.Find ("SyouninBoard").transform.FindChild ("Gijyutsu").gameObject;
				btn.GetComponent<Button> ().enabled = false;
				btn.GetComponent<Image> ().color = enableImageColor;
				btn.transform.FindChild ("Text").GetComponent<Text> ().color = enableTextColor;

				msg.makeMessage ("御屋形様、金が不足しておりますぞ。");

			GameObject.Find ("MenuTech").transform.FindChild ("Close").GetComponent<CloseMenu> ().OnClick ();


コード例 #5
    void Update()
        //get jinkei
        if (userId != "" && !isJinkeiMapFetched)
            PvPDataStore.GetEnemyJinkei(userId, pvpStageId);
            isJinkeiMapFetched = true;

        //get busyo data
        if (pvpStageId == 1)
            if (PvPDataStore.PvP1BusyoList != null && PvPDataStore.PvP1BusyoList.Count != 0 && !isBusyoStatusFetched)
                isBusyoStatusFetched = true;
        else if (pvpStageId == 2 && userId != "")
            if (PvPDataStore.PvP2BusyoList != null && PvPDataStore.PvP2BusyoList.Count != 0 && !isBusyoStatusFetched)
                isBusyoStatusFetched = true;
        else if (pvpStageId == 3 && userId != "")
            if (PvPDataStore.PvP3BusyoList != null && PvPDataStore.PvP3BusyoList.Count != 0 && !isBusyoStatusFetched)
                isBusyoStatusFetched = true;

        //register temp lose tran
        if (userId != "" && isJinkeiMapFetched && isBusyoStatusFetched && clickedFlg && !PvPDataStore.PvPAtkNoFlg && !updatePvPAtkFlg)
            updatePvPAtkFlg = true;
            PvPController   = GameObject.Find("GameScene").GetComponent <PvPController>();
            PvPDataStore.UpdatePvPAtkNo(PvPController.myUserId, int.Parse(PvPController.todayNCMB));
            PvPDataStore.enemyUserId   = userId;
            PvPDataStore.enemyUserName = enemyUserName;
            PvPDataStore.myUserName    = PvPController.myUserName;
            PvPDataStore.getPt         = getPt;
            PvPDataStore.todayNCMB     = int.Parse(PvPDataStore.PvPTimer.todayNCMB);

        //register temp lose tran
        if (userId != "" && isJinkeiMapFetched && isBusyoStatusFetched && clickedFlg && PvPDataStore.PvPAtkNoFlg && updatePvPAtkFlg && !PvPDataStore.donePlusUpdatePtFlg && !updateLosePtFlg)
            updateLosePtFlg = true;
            PvPDataStore.UpdatePvPPt(userId, true, getPt);

        if (userId != "" && isJinkeiMapFetched && isBusyoStatusFetched && clickedFlg && PvPDataStore.PvPAtkNoFlg && updatePvPAtkFlg && PvPDataStore.donePlusUpdatePtFlg && updateLosePtFlg && !PvPDataStore.doneMinusUpdatePtFlg && !updateWinPtFlg)
            updateWinPtFlg = true;
            PvPDataStore.UpdatePvPPt(PvPController.myUserId, false, getPt);

        //scene change
        if (userId != "" && isJinkeiMapFetched && isBusyoStatusFetched && clickedFlg && PvPDataStore.PvPAtkNoFlg && updatePvPAtkFlg && PvPDataStore.donePlusUpdatePtFlg && PvPDataStore.doneMinusUpdatePtFlg && updateLosePtFlg && updateWinPtFlg && !sceneChangeFlg)
            int newHyourou = nowHyourou - 5;
            PlayerPrefs.SetInt("hyourou", newHyourou);
            PlayerPrefs.SetBool("pvpFlg", true);

            //money and exp calculation
            int minExp = getPvPMinExp(PvPController.per);
            int maxExp = getPvPMaxExp(PvPController.per);
            int exp    = UnityEngine.Random.Range(minExp, maxExp + 1);

            int minMoney = minExp * 2;
            int maxMoney = maxExp * 3;
            int money    = UnityEngine.Random.Range(minMoney, maxMoney + 1);

            string itemGrp = getPvPRandomItemGrp();
            string itemTyp = "";
            int    itemId  = 0;
            int    itemQty = 1;

            AttackNaiseiView AttackNaiseiView = new AttackNaiseiView();
            if (itemGrp == "item")
                itemTyp = AttackNaiseiView.getRandomItemTyp(itemGrp);
                if (itemTyp == "tech")
                    itemId = AttackNaiseiView.getItemRank(66, 33);
                else if (itemTyp == "Tama")
                    itemId = AttackNaiseiView.getItemRank(20, 5);
                    if (itemId == 3)
                        itemQty = 100;
                    else if (itemId == 2)
                        itemQty = 50;
                    else if (itemId == 1)
                        itemQty = 10;
                    itemId = AttackNaiseiView.getItemRank(20, 5);
            else if (itemGrp == "kahou")
                itemTyp = AttackNaiseiView.getRandomItemTyp(itemGrp);
                Kahou  kahou     = new Kahou();
                string kahouRank = AttackNaiseiView.getKahouRank();
                itemId = kahou.getRamdomKahouId(itemTyp, kahouRank);
            PlayerPrefs.SetInt("activeStageMoney", money);
            PlayerPrefs.SetInt("activeStageExp", exp);
            PlayerPrefs.SetString("activeItemGrp", itemGrp);
            PlayerPrefs.SetString("activeItemType", itemTyp);
            PlayerPrefs.SetInt("activeItemId", itemId);
            PlayerPrefs.SetInt("activeItemQty", itemQty);


            sceneChangeFlg = true;
コード例 #6
	public void OnClick(){

		string Text = "";
		Kahou kahou = new Kahou ();

		if (!isNanbansenFlg) {
			Text = "贈り物を受け取りました。";

			if (itemCd == "money") {
				int nowMoney = PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("money");
				nowMoney = nowMoney + itemQty;
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("money", nowMoney);

				Text nowMoneyLabelText = GameObject.Find ("MoneyValue").GetComponent<Text> ();
				int nowMoneyLabel = int.Parse (nowMoneyLabelText.text) + itemQty;
				nowMoneyLabelText.text = nowMoneyLabel.ToString ();

			} else if (itemCd == "hyourou") {

				int maxHyourou = PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("hyourouMax");
				int nowHyourou = PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("hyourou");
				nowHyourou = nowHyourou + itemQty;

				if (maxHyourou <= nowHyourou) {
					nowHyourou = maxHyourou;
					PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("hyourou", nowHyourou);

					Text = "兵糧はこれ以上受け取れませんぞ。";

					Text nowHyourouLabelText = GameObject.Find ("HyourouCurrentValue").GetComponent<Text> ();
					nowHyourouLabelText.text = nowHyourou.ToString ();

				} else {

					PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("hyourou", nowHyourou);

					Text nowHyourouLabelText = GameObject.Find ("HyourouCurrentValue").GetComponent<Text> ();
					nowHyourouLabelText.text = nowHyourou.ToString ();

			} else if (itemCd == "kengou") {

				string kengouString = PlayerPrefs.GetString ("kengouItem");
				List<string> kengouList = new List<string> ();
				char[] delimiterChars = {','};
				kengouList = new List<string> (kengouString.Split (delimiterChars));

				string qty = kengouList [itemId - 1];
				int newQty = int.Parse (qty) + itemQty;
				kengouList [itemId - 1] = newQty.ToString ();

				string newKengouString = "";
				for (int i=0; i<kengouList.Count; i++) {

					if (i == 0) {
						newKengouString = kengouList [i];
					} else {
						newKengouString = newKengouString + "," + kengouList [i];

				PlayerPrefs.SetString ("kengouItem", newKengouString);

			} else if (itemCd == "gokui") {
				string gokuiString = PlayerPrefs.GetString ("gokuiItem");
				List<string> gokuiList = new List<string> ();
				char[] delimiterChars = {','};
				gokuiList = new List<string> (gokuiString.Split (delimiterChars));
				string qty = gokuiList [itemId - 1];
				int newQty = int.Parse (qty) + itemQty;
				gokuiList [itemId - 1] = newQty.ToString ();
				string newGokuiString = "";
				for (int i=0; i<gokuiList.Count; i++) {
					if (i == 0) {
						newGokuiString = gokuiList [i];
					} else {
						newGokuiString = newGokuiString + "," + gokuiList [i];
				PlayerPrefs.SetString ("gokuiItem", newGokuiString);
			} else if (itemCd == "CyouheiTP") {


			} else if (itemCd.Contains ("nanban")) {

			} else if (itemCd == "bugu") {
				kahou.registerBugu (itemId);
			} else if (itemCd == "gusoku") {
				kahou.registerGusoku (itemId);
			} else if (itemCd == "kabuto") {
				kahou.registerKabuto (itemId);
			} else if (itemCd == "meiba") {
				kahou.registerMeiba (itemId);
			} else if (itemCd == "cyadougu") {
				kahou.registerCyadougu (itemId);
			} else if (itemCd == "chishikisyo") {
				kahou.registerChishikisyo (itemId);
			} else if(itemCd == "heihousyo"){
				kahou.registerHeihousyo (itemId);

			}else if(itemCd == "cyoutei"||itemCd == "koueki"){
				registerKouekiOrCyoutei(itemCd, itemId);

			PlayerPrefs.Flush ();

			//Delete Tap Button
			Destroy (popButton);
		} else {

				//Money Handling
				int money = PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("money");
				money = money - paiedMoney;
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("money",money);
				GameObject.Find("MoneyValue").GetComponent<Text>().text = money.ToString();
				//Fadeout & Button false
				shipObj.GetComponent<FadeoutImage>().enabled = true;
				shipObj.GetComponent<Button>().enabled = false;

				//nanbansen flg change
				GameObject.Find("NaiseiController").GetComponent<NaiseiController>().isNanbansenFlg = false;

				//Register Item
				}else if(itemCd.Contains("nanban")){
				} else if (itemCd == "bugu") {
					kahou.registerBugu (itemId);
				} else if (itemCd == "gusoku") {
					kahou.registerGusoku (itemId);
				} else if (itemCd == "kabuto") {
					kahou.registerKabuto (itemId);
				} else if (itemCd == "meiba") {
					kahou.registerMeiba (itemId);
				} else if (itemCd == "cyadougu") {
					kahou.registerCyadougu (itemId);
				} else if (itemCd == "chishikisyo") {
					kahou.registerChishikisyo (itemId);

				Text = "有リ難ウゴゼマス。\tマタオ願イシマス。";
				Text = "金ガ足リナイヨウデスヨ。\tマタオ願イシマス。";

		Message msg = new Message(); 

		GameObject.Find ("close").GetComponent<CloseBoard> ().onClick ();

コード例 #7
	public void makeNanbansen(){

		string shipPath = "Prefabs/Naisei/ship";
		GameObject ship = Instantiate(Resources.Load (shipPath)) as GameObject;
		GameObject tabibitoView = GameObject.Find ("TabibitoView").gameObject;
		ship.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (1, 1);

		RectTransform ship_transform = ship.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
		ship_transform.anchoredPosition3D = new Vector3(570,180,0);

		Item item = new Item ();
		Nanbansen nanbansen = ship.GetComponent<Nanbansen> ();

		//Get TP Item
		string itemTPCd = "";
		int itemTPId = 0;
		int itemTPQty = 0;
		float itemTPPrice = 0;

		float tpPercent = UnityEngine.Random.value;
		tpPercent = tpPercent * 100;

		if (tpPercent <= 30) {
			itemTPCd = "CyouheiTP3";
			itemTPId = 3;
		} else if(30 < tpPercent && tpPercent <= 60){
			itemTPCd = "CyouheiTP2";
			itemTPId = 2;

		}else if(60 < tpPercent){
			itemTPCd = "CyouheiTP1";
			itemTPId = 1;


		itemTPQty = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1,6); //1-5 Qty
		itemTPPrice = randomPriceChange(itemTPCd, itemTPQty);
		nanbansen.itemTPCd = itemTPCd;
		nanbansen.itemTPId = itemTPId;
		nanbansen.itemTPQty = itemTPQty;
		nanbansen.itemTPPrice = itemTPPrice;
		nanbansen.itemTPExp = item.getExplanation (itemTPCd);

		//Get Saku Item
		string itemSakuCd = "";
		int itemSakuQty = 1;
		float itemSakuPrice = 0;
		int itemSakuId = 0;

		float sakuPercent = UnityEngine.Random.value;
		sakuPercent = sakuPercent * 100;
		if (sakuPercent <= 30) {
			itemSakuCd = "nanban1";
			itemSakuId = 1;
		} else if(30 < sakuPercent && sakuPercent <= 60){
			itemSakuCd = "nanban2";
			itemSakuId = 2;
		}else if(60 < sakuPercent){
			itemSakuCd = "nanban3";
			itemSakuId = 3;
		itemSakuPrice = randomPriceChange(itemSakuCd, itemSakuQty);
		nanbansen.itemSakuCd = itemSakuCd;
		nanbansen.itemSakuId = itemSakuId;
		nanbansen.itemSakuPrice = itemSakuPrice;
		nanbansen.itemSakuExp = item.getExplanation (itemSakuCd);

		//Get Kahou Item
		string itemKahouCd = "";
		int itemKahouQty = 1;
		float itemKahouPrice = 0;
		float kahouPercent = UnityEngine.Random.value;
		kahouPercent = kahouPercent * 100;
		string kahouRank = "";

		if (kahouPercent <= 10) {
			kahouRank = "S";
		} else if(10 < kahouPercent && kahouPercent <= 30){
			kahouRank = "A";
		}else if(30 < kahouPercent  && kahouPercent <= 60){
			kahouRank = "B";
		}else if(60 < kahouPercent){
			kahouRank = "C";
		Kahou kahou = new Kahou ();
		List<string> kahouRandom = new List<string> (){"bugu","kabuto","gusoku","meiba","cyadougu","chishikisyo","heihousyo"};
		int rdm = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0,7);
		itemKahouCd = kahouRandom[rdm];
		int itemKahouId = kahou.getRamdomKahouId(itemKahouCd, kahouRank);

		List<string> kahouInfo = new List<string> (); 
		KahouStatusGet kahouSts = new KahouStatusGet (); 
		kahouInfo = kahouSts.getKahouInfo(itemKahouCd, itemKahouId);

		float priceChange = UnityEngine.Random.Range (1, 51);
		int updown = UnityEngine.Random.Range (0,2); //0:Up, 1:Down

		float kahouPrice = 0;
		float kahouUnitPrice = float.Parse (kahouInfo [5]);
		float diff = kahouUnitPrice * priceChange/100;
			kahouPrice = kahouUnitPrice + diff;
			kahouPrice = kahouUnitPrice - diff;

		nanbansen.itemKahouCd = itemKahouCd;
		nanbansen.itemKahouId = itemKahouId;
		nanbansen.itemKahouPrice = kahouPrice;
		nanbansen.itemKahouExp = kahouInfo [1];

コード例 #8
ファイル: SyouninPop.cs プロジェクト: pratikxman/Sengoku2d
    public void OnClick()
        AudioSource[] audioSources = GameObject.Find("SEController").GetComponents <AudioSource> ();
        Message       msg          = new Message();

        if (name != "PassButton")
            //Syoukaijyo Confirm Pop
            audioSources [0].Play();

            string     pathOfBack = "Prefabs/Cyoutei/TouchBackLayer";
            GameObject back       = Instantiate(Resources.Load(pathOfBack)) as GameObject;
            back.transform.parent        = GameObject.Find("Panel").transform;
            back.transform.localScale    = new Vector2(1, 1);
            back.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(0, 0);

            //Cyoutei Pop
            string     pathOfPop = "Prefabs/Syounin/SelectSyoukaijyoBoard";
            GameObject pop       = Instantiate(Resources.Load(pathOfPop)) as GameObject;
            pop.transform.parent        = GameObject.Find("Panel").transform;
            pop.transform.localScale    = new Vector2(1, 1);
            pop.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(0, 0);
            pop.name = "SelectSyoukaijyoBoard";
            back.GetComponent <CloseLayer> ().closeTargetObj  = pop;
            back.GetComponent <CloseLayer> ().closeTargetBack = back;
            pop.transform.FindChild("CloseBtn").GetComponent <CloseLayer> ().closeTargetObj  = pop;
            pop.transform.FindChild("CloseBtn").GetComponent <CloseLayer> ().closeTargetBack = back;

            //Check Syoukaijyo
            string nowQty = PlayerPrefs.GetString("koueki");
            //string nowQty = "0,0,0";
            List <string> nowQtyList     = new List <string> ();
            char[]        delimiterChars = { ',' };
            nowQtyList = new List <string> (nowQty.Split(delimiterChars));

            GameObject scrollView = pop.transform.FindChild("ScrollView").gameObject;
            GameObject content    = scrollView.transform.FindChild("Content").gameObject;
            bool       notZeroflg = false;
            if (nowQtyList [2] == "0")
                notZeroflg = true;
                content.transform.FindChild("Jyo").transform.FindChild("syounin").transform.FindChild("Qty").GetComponent <Text> ().text = nowQtyList [2];
                content.transform.FindChild("Jyo").GetComponent <SyoukaijyoSelect> ().OnClick();

            if (nowQtyList [1] == "0")
                notZeroflg = true;
                content.transform.FindChild("Cyu").transform.FindChild("syounin").transform.FindChild("Qty").GetComponent <Text> ().text = nowQtyList [1];
                content.transform.FindChild("Cyu").GetComponent <SyoukaijyoSelect> ().OnClick();

            if (nowQtyList [0] == "0")
                notZeroflg = true;
                content.transform.FindChild("Ge").transform.FindChild("syounin").transform.FindChild("Qty").GetComponent <Text> ().text = nowQtyList [0];
                content.transform.FindChild("Ge").GetComponent <SyoukaijyoSelect> ().OnClick();

            if (!notZeroflg)
                scrollView.transform.FindChild("NoSyoukaijyo").GetComponent <Text> ().enabled             = true;
                pop.transform.FindChild("Serihu").transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text> ().text = msg.getMessage(41);

            pop.transform.FindChild("PassButton").GetComponent <SyouninPop> ().SelectSyoukaijyoBoard = pop;
            pop.transform.FindChild("PassButton").GetComponent <SyouninPop> ().myDaimyoFlg           = myDaimyoFlg;
            pop.transform.FindChild("PassButton").GetComponent <SyouninPop> ().occupiedDaimyoName    = occupiedDaimyoName;
            pop.transform.FindChild("PassButton").GetComponent <SyouninPop> ().yukoudo = yukoudo;

            //Icon Change
            if (sakaiFlg)
                string imagePath = "Prefabs/Syounin/Sprite/syounin2";
                pop.transform.FindChild("Syounin").GetComponent <Image> ().sprite =
                    Resources.Load(imagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;
                if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                    pop.transform.FindChild("SyouninName").GetComponent <Text>().text = "Rikyu Sen";
                    pop.transform.FindChild("SyouninName").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "千利休";
                if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                    pop.transform.FindChild("SyouninName").GetComponent <Text>().text = "Sotan Kamiya";
            //Cyoutei Main Pop

            int hyourou = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("hyourou");
            if (hyourou >= 5)
                int newHyourou = hyourou - 5;
                PlayerPrefs.SetInt("hyourou", newHyourou);
                GameObject.Find("HyourouCurrentValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = newHyourou.ToString();

                //Check Yukoudo
                int ratio = 100 - yukoudo;
                if (myDaimyoFlg)
                    ratio = 0;
                float percent = Random.value;
                percent = percent * 100;

                if (percent > ratio)
                    //Stop Timer
                    CyouteiPop cyouteiPop = new CyouteiPop();
                    GameObject.Find("GameController").GetComponent <MainStageController>().eventStopFlg = true;

                    audioSources [3].Play();
                    SelectSyoukaijyoBoard.transform.FindChild("CloseBtn").GetComponent <CloseLayer> ().OnClick();

                    string     pathOfBack = "Prefabs/Cyoutei/CyouteiBack";
                    GameObject back       = Instantiate(Resources.Load(pathOfBack)) as GameObject;
                    back.transform.parent        = GameObject.Find("Panel").transform;
                    back.transform.localScale    = new Vector2(1, 1);
                    back.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(0, 0);

                    string     pathOfPop = "Prefabs/Syounin/SyouninBoard";
                    GameObject pop       = Instantiate(Resources.Load(pathOfPop)) as GameObject;
                    pop.transform.parent        = GameObject.Find("Panel").transform;
                    pop.transform.localScale    = new Vector2(1, 1);
                    pop.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(0, 0);
                    pop.name = "SyouninBoard";

                    CloseLayer CloseLayerScript = pop.transform.FindChild("CloseSyoukaijyo").GetComponent <CloseLayer> ();
                    CloseLayerScript.closeTargetBack   = back;
                    CloseLayerScript.closeTargetObj    = pop;
                    CloseLayerScript.syoukaijyoRank    = syoukaijyoRank;
                    CloseLayerScript.occupiedFlg       = myDaimyoFlg;
                    CloseLayerScript.syouninCyouteiFlg = true;

                    int yukouAddValue    = 0;
                    int yukouReducePoint = Random.Range(2, 10);

                    int stopBattleRatio       = 0;
                    int stopBattleReducePoint = Random.Range(2, 10);

                    int kanniRatio       = 0;
                    int kanniReducePoint = Random.Range(20, 100);
                    int syoukaijyoRankId = 0;

                    //Change Menu by syoukaijyo rank
                    GameObject action = pop.transform.FindChild("Action").gameObject;

                    if (syoukaijyoRank == "Ge")
                        if (!myDaimyoFlg)
                            List <string> btnNameList = new List <string> ()
                                "Yasen", "Youjinbou", "Cyakai", "Gijyutsu"
                            enableButton(pop, btnNameList);
                            List <string> btnNameList = new List <string> ()
                                "Youjinbou", "Cyakai", "Gijyutsu"
                            enableButton(pop, btnNameList);
                        yukouAddValue    = Random.Range(1, 3);
                        stopBattleRatio  = Random.Range(10, 30);
                        kanniRatio       = Random.Range(20, 60);
                        syoukaijyoRankId = 1;
                        action.transform.FindChild("ActionValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text    = "1";
                        action.transform.FindChild("ActionMaxValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "1";
                    else if (syoukaijyoRank == "Cyu")
                        if (!myDaimyoFlg)
                            List <string> btnNameList = new List <string> ()
                                "Yasen", "Gijyutsu"
                            enableButton(pop, btnNameList);
                            List <string> btnNameList = new List <string> ()
                            enableButton(pop, btnNameList);
                        yukouAddValue    = Random.Range(3, 8);
                        stopBattleRatio  = Random.Range(30, 80);
                        kanniRatio       = Random.Range(40, 80);
                        syoukaijyoRankId = 2;
                        action.transform.FindChild("ActionValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text    = "2";
                        action.transform.FindChild("ActionMaxValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "2";
                    else if (syoukaijyoRank == "Jyo")
                        if (!myDaimyoFlg)
                            List <string> btnNameList = new List <string> ()
                                "Yasen", "Gijyutsu"
                            enableButton(pop, btnNameList);
                        yukouAddValue    = Random.Range(8, 15);
                        stopBattleRatio  = 100;
                        kanniRatio       = Random.Range(60, 100);
                        syoukaijyoRankId = 3;
                        action.transform.FindChild("ActionValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text    = "3";
                        action.transform.FindChild("ActionMaxValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "3";

                    //reduce cyoutei syoukaijyo
                    DoSell script = new DoSell();
                    script.deleteKouekiOrCyoutei(syoukaijyoRankId, "koueki", 1);

                    //TargetKahou Preparation
                    Kahou  kahou         = new Kahou();
                    string kahouCdString = "";
                    string kahouIdString = "";
                    for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++)
                        List <string> kahouRandom = new List <string> ()
                        int    rdm       = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 7);
                        string kahouType = kahouRandom [rdm];

                        string kahouRank = getItemRank(syoukaijyoRankId);
                        int    kahouId   = kahou.getRamdomKahouId(kahouType, kahouRank);
                        //string targetKahou = kahouType + kahouId.ToString();

                        if (kahouCdString != null && kahouCdString != "")
                            kahouCdString = kahouCdString + "," + kahouType;
                            kahouIdString = kahouIdString + "," + kahouId.ToString();
                            kahouCdString = kahouType;
                            kahouIdString = kahouId.ToString();
                    CloseLayerScript.kahouCdString = kahouCdString;
                    CloseLayerScript.kahouIdString = kahouIdString;

                    //TargetBusshi Preparation
                    string busshiQtyString  = "";                    //Qty of busshi
                    string busshiRankString = "";                    //Rank of busshi
                    for (int l = 1; l < 6; l++)
                        int rdmQty = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 10);
                        int rdmRnk = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 4);

                        if (busshiQtyString != null && busshiQtyString != "")
                            busshiQtyString  = busshiQtyString + "," + rdmQty.ToString();
                            busshiRankString = busshiRankString + "," + rdmRnk.ToString();
                            busshiQtyString  = rdmQty.ToString();
                            busshiRankString = rdmRnk.ToString();
                    CloseLayerScript.busshiQtyString  = busshiQtyString;
                    CloseLayerScript.busshiRankString = busshiRankString;

                    int rdmKengouId = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 10);
                    CloseLayerScript.rdmKengouId = rdmKengouId;

                    int yasenAmt = 0;
                    if (syoukaijyoRankId == 1)
                        yasenAmt = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1000, 3000);
                    else if (syoukaijyoRankId == 2)
                        yasenAmt = UnityEngine.Random.Range(2000, 5000);
                    else if (syoukaijyoRankId == 3)
                        yasenAmt = UnityEngine.Random.Range(3000, 10000);
                    CloseLayerScript.yasenAmt = yasenAmt;

                    int techId = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 4);
                    CloseLayerScript.techId = techId;

                    //Discount Percent
                    float discount = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.5f, 0.9f);
                    CloseLayerScript.discount = discount;

                    Daimyo daimyo   = new Daimyo();
                    int    myDaimyo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("myDaimyo");

                    string daimyoName = daimyo.getName(myDaimyo);
                    string serihu     = "";
                    if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                        serihu = "Oh, lord " + daimyoName + ".\nCan I help you?";
                        serihu = "これは" + daimyoName + "様。\n私共めに何用で御座いましょうか。";

                    pop.transform.FindChild("Serihu").transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text> ().text = serihu;

                    PlayerPrefs.SetBool("questSpecialFlg4", true);

                    MainStageController mainStage = new MainStageController();
                    audioSources [4].Play();

                    if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                        msg.makeMessage("My lord " + occupiedDaimyoName + " disturbed our business.");
                        msg.makeMessage("御屋形様、" + occupiedDaimyoName + "めに\n取引を邪魔されました。");
                audioSources [4].Play();
                //msg.makeMessage (msg.getMessage(7));
コード例 #9
ファイル: SyouninPop.cs プロジェクト: zeimoter/sengoku2d
	public void OnClick(){
		if (name != "PassButton") {
			//Syoukaijyo Confirm Pop
			string pathOfBack = "Prefabs/Cyoutei/TouchBackLayer";
			GameObject back = Instantiate (Resources.Load (pathOfBack)) as GameObject;
			back.transform.parent = GameObject.Find ("Panel").transform;
			back.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (1, 1);
			back.transform.localPosition = new Vector2 (0, 0);
			//Cyoutei Pop
			string pathOfPop = "Prefabs/Syounin/SelectSyoukaijyoBoard";
			GameObject pop = Instantiate (Resources.Load (pathOfPop)) as GameObject;
			pop.transform.parent = GameObject.Find ("Panel").transform;
			pop.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (1, 1);
			pop.transform.localPosition = new Vector2 (0, 0);
			pop.name = "SelectSyoukaijyoBoard";
			back.GetComponent<CloseLayer> ().closeTargetObj = pop;
			back.GetComponent<CloseLayer> ().closeTargetBack = back;
			pop.transform.FindChild ("CloseBtn").GetComponent<CloseLayer> ().closeTargetObj = pop;
			pop.transform.FindChild ("CloseBtn").GetComponent<CloseLayer> ().closeTargetBack = back;
			//Check Syoukaijyo
			string nowQty = PlayerPrefs.GetString ("koueki");
			//string nowQty = "0,0,0";
			List<string> nowQtyList = new List<string> ();
			char[] delimiterChars = {','};
			nowQtyList = new List<string> (nowQty.Split (delimiterChars));
			GameObject scrollView = pop.transform.FindChild ("ScrollView").gameObject;
			GameObject content = scrollView.transform.FindChild ("Content").gameObject;
			bool notZeroflg = false;
			if (nowQtyList [2] == "0") {
				content.transform.FindChild ("Jyo").gameObject.SetActive (false);
			} else {
				notZeroflg = true;
				content.transform.FindChild ("Jyo").transform.FindChild ("syounin").transform.FindChild ("Qty").GetComponent<Text> ().text = nowQtyList [2];
				content.transform.FindChild ("Jyo").GetComponent<SyoukaijyoSelect>().OnClick();
			if (nowQtyList [1] == "0") {
				content.transform.FindChild ("Cyu").gameObject.SetActive (false);
			} else {
				notZeroflg = true;
				content.transform.FindChild ("Cyu").transform.FindChild ("syounin").transform.FindChild ("Qty").GetComponent<Text> ().text = nowQtyList [1];
				content.transform.FindChild ("Cyu").GetComponent<SyoukaijyoSelect>().OnClick();
			if (nowQtyList [0] == "0") {
				content.transform.FindChild ("Ge").gameObject.SetActive (false);
			} else {
				notZeroflg = true;
				content.transform.FindChild ("Ge").transform.FindChild ("syounin").transform.FindChild ("Qty").GetComponent<Text> ().text = nowQtyList [0];
				content.transform.FindChild ("Ge").GetComponent<SyoukaijyoSelect>().OnClick();
			if (!notZeroflg) {
				scrollView.transform.FindChild ("NoSyoukaijyo").GetComponent<Text> ().enabled = true;
				pop.transform.FindChild ("Serihu").transform.FindChild ("Text").GetComponent<Text> ().text = "商人からの紹介状が無いと商売の紹介は出来ませんな。";
				pop.transform.FindChild ("PassButton").gameObject.SetActive (false);
			pop.transform.FindChild("PassButton").GetComponent<SyouninPop>().SelectSyoukaijyoBoard = pop;
			pop.transform.FindChild("PassButton").GetComponent<SyouninPop>().myDaimyoFlg = myDaimyoFlg;
			pop.transform.FindChild("PassButton").GetComponent<SyouninPop>().occupiedDaimyoName = occupiedDaimyoName;
			pop.transform.FindChild("PassButton").GetComponent<SyouninPop>().yukoudo = yukoudo;

			//Icon Change
				string imagePath = "Prefabs/Syounin/Sprite/syounin2";
				pop.transform.FindChild("Syounin").GetComponent<Image> ().sprite = 
					Resources.Load (imagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;
				pop.transform.FindChild("SyouninName").GetComponent<Text>().text = "千利休";


		} else {
			//Cyoutei Main Pop
			int hyourou = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("hyourou");
			int newHyourou = hyourou - 5;
			GameObject.Find("HyourouCurrentValue").GetComponent<Text>().text = newHyourou.ToString();
			//Check Yukoudo
			int ratio = 100 - yukoudo;
				ratio = 0;
			float percent = Random.value;
			percent = percent * 100;
			if(percent > ratio){
				string pathOfBack = "Prefabs/Cyoutei/CyouteiBack";
				GameObject back = Instantiate (Resources.Load (pathOfBack)) as GameObject;
				back.transform.parent = GameObject.Find ("Panel").transform;
				back.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (1, 1);
				back.transform.localPosition = new Vector2 (0, 0);
				string pathOfPop = "Prefabs/Syounin/SyouninBoard";
				GameObject pop = Instantiate (Resources.Load (pathOfPop)) as GameObject;
				pop.transform.parent = GameObject.Find ("Panel").transform;
				pop.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (1, 1);
				pop.transform.localPosition = new Vector2 (0, 0);
				pop.name = "SyouninBoard";
				CloseLayer CloseLayerScript =  pop.transform.FindChild("CloseSyoukaijyo").GetComponent<CloseLayer>();
				CloseLayerScript.closeTargetBack = back;
				CloseLayerScript.closeTargetObj = pop;
				CloseLayerScript.syoukaijyoRank = syoukaijyoRank;
				CloseLayerScript.occupiedFlg = myDaimyoFlg;
				int yukouAddValue = 0;
				int yukouReducePoint = Random.Range(2, 10);
				int stopBattleRatio = 0;
				int stopBattleReducePoint = Random.Range(2, 10);
				int kanniRatio = 0;
				int kanniReducePoint = Random.Range(20, 100);
				int syoukaijyoRankId = 0;
				//Change Menu by syoukaijyo rank
				GameObject action = pop.transform.FindChild("Action").gameObject;

				if(syoukaijyoRank == "Ge"){
						List<string> btnNameList = new List<string> (){"Yasen","Youjinbou","Cyakai","Gijyutsu"};
						List<string> btnNameList = new List<string> (){"Youjinbou","Cyakai","Gijyutsu"};
					yukouAddValue = Random.Range(1, 3);
					stopBattleRatio = Random.Range(10, 30);
					kanniRatio = Random.Range(20, 60);
					syoukaijyoRankId = 1;
					action.transform.FindChild("ActionValue").GetComponent<Text>().text = "1";
					action.transform.FindChild("ActionMaxValue").GetComponent<Text>().text = "1";

				}else if(syoukaijyoRank == "Cyu"){
						List<string> btnNameList = new List<string> (){"Yasen","Gijyutsu"};
						List<string> btnNameList = new List<string> (){"Gijyutsu"};
					yukouAddValue = Random.Range(3, 8);
					stopBattleRatio = Random.Range(30, 80);
					kanniRatio = Random.Range(40, 80);
					syoukaijyoRankId = 2;
					action.transform.FindChild("ActionValue").GetComponent<Text>().text = "2";
					action.transform.FindChild("ActionMaxValue").GetComponent<Text>().text = "2";

				}else if(syoukaijyoRank == "Jyo"){
						List<string> btnNameList = new List<string> (){"Yasen","Gijyutsu"};
					yukouAddValue = Random.Range(8, 15);
					stopBattleRatio = 100;
					kanniRatio = Random.Range(60, 100);
					syoukaijyoRankId = 3;
					action.transform.FindChild("ActionValue").GetComponent<Text>().text = "3";
					action.transform.FindChild("ActionMaxValue").GetComponent<Text>().text = "3";


				//TargetKahou Preparation
				Kahou kahou = new Kahou();
				string kahouCdString = "";
				string kahouIdString = "";
				for(int i=1; i<4; i++){
					List<string> kahouRandom = new List<string> (){"bugu","kabuto","gusoku","meiba","cyadougu","chishikisyo","heihousyo"};
					int rdm = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0,7);
					string kahouType = kahouRandom[rdm];

					string kahouRank = getItemRank(syoukaijyoRankId);
					int kahouId = kahou.getRamdomKahouId(kahouType, kahouRank);
					//string targetKahou = kahouType + kahouId.ToString();

					if(kahouCdString != null && kahouCdString !=""){
						kahouCdString = kahouCdString + "," + kahouType;
						kahouIdString = kahouIdString + "," + kahouId.ToString();
						kahouCdString = kahouType;
						kahouIdString = kahouId.ToString();
				CloseLayerScript.kahouCdString = kahouCdString;
				CloseLayerScript.kahouIdString = kahouIdString;

				//TargetBusshi Preparation
				string busshiQtyString = ""; //Qty of busshi
				string busshiRankString = ""; //Rank of busshi
				for(int l=1; l<6; l++){
					int rdmQty = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1,10);
					int rdmRnk = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1,4);

					if(busshiQtyString != null && busshiQtyString !=""){
						busshiQtyString = busshiQtyString + "," + rdmQty.ToString();
						busshiRankString = busshiRankString + "," + rdmRnk.ToString();
						busshiQtyString = rdmQty.ToString();
						busshiRankString = rdmRnk.ToString();

				CloseLayerScript.busshiQtyString = busshiQtyString;
				CloseLayerScript.busshiRankString = busshiRankString;

				int rdmKengouId = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1,10);
				CloseLayerScript.rdmKengouId = rdmKengouId;

				int yasenAmt = 0;
					yasenAmt = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1000,3000);
				}else if(syoukaijyoRankId==2){
					yasenAmt = UnityEngine.Random.Range(2000,5000);
				}else if(syoukaijyoRankId==3){
					yasenAmt = UnityEngine.Random.Range(3000,10000);
				CloseLayerScript.yasenAmt = yasenAmt;

				int techId = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1,4);
				CloseLayerScript.techId = techId;

				//Discount Percent
				float discount = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.5f,0.9f);
				CloseLayerScript.discount = discount;

				Daimyo daimyo = new Daimyo();
				int myDaimyo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("myDaimyo");
				string daimyoName = daimyo.getName(myDaimyo);
				string serihu = "これは" + daimyoName + "様。\t私共めに何用で御座いましょうか。" ;
				pop.transform.FindChild("Serihu").transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent<Text>().text = serihu;

				Message msg = new Message();
コード例 #10
ファイル: StaffRoll.cs プロジェクト: pratikxman/Sengoku2d
    public void OnClick()
        /*Receive Item*/
        AudioSource[] audioSources = GameObject.Find("SEController").GetComponents <AudioSource> ();
        audioSources [3].Play();

        string        gameClearDaimyo     = PlayerPrefs.GetString("gameClearDaimyo");
        bool          hardFlg             = PlayerPrefs.GetBool("hardFlg");
        List <string> gameClearDaimyoList = new List <string> ();

        char[] delimiterChars = { ',' };
        if (gameClearDaimyo != null && gameClearDaimyo != "")
            if (gameClearDaimyo.Contains(","))
                gameClearDaimyoList = new List <string> (gameClearDaimyo.Split(delimiterChars));
        int myDaimyo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("myDaimyo");

        if (!gameClearDaimyoList.Contains(myDaimyo.ToString()))
            if (gameClearDaimyo != null && gameClearDaimyo != "")
                gameClearDaimyo = gameClearDaimyo + "," + myDaimyo.ToString();
                gameClearDaimyo = myDaimyo.ToString();
            PlayerPrefs.SetString("gameClearDaimyo", gameClearDaimyo);

        //Hard mode
        if (hardFlg)
            string        gameClearDaimyoHard     = PlayerPrefs.GetString("gameClearDaimyoHard");
            List <string> gameClearDaimyoHardList = new List <string>();
            if (gameClearDaimyoHard != null && gameClearDaimyoHard != "")
                if (gameClearDaimyoHard.Contains(","))
                    gameClearDaimyoHardList = new List <string>(gameClearDaimyoHard.Split(delimiterChars));
            if (!gameClearDaimyoHardList.Contains(myDaimyo.ToString()))
                if (gameClearDaimyoHard != null && gameClearDaimyoHard != "")
                    gameClearDaimyoHard = gameClearDaimyoHard + "," + myDaimyo.ToString();
                    gameClearDaimyoHard = myDaimyo.ToString();
                PlayerPrefs.SetString("gameClearDaimyoHard", gameClearDaimyoHard);

        PlayerPrefs.SetBool("gameClearItemGetFlg", true);

        Kahou kahou = new Kahou();

        if (kahouCd == "bugu")
        else if (kahouCd == "gusoku")
        else if (kahouCd == "kabuto")
        else if (kahouCd == "meiba")
        else if (kahouCd == "cyadougu")
        else if (kahouCd == "chishikisyo")
        else if (kahouCd == "heihousyo")

        int busyoDama    = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("busyoDama");
        int newBusyoDama = busyoDama + 1000;

        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("busyoDama", newBusyoDama);

        //Get Daimyo Busyo
        Daimyo daimyoScript  = new Daimyo();
        int    daimyoId      = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("myDaimyo");
        int    daimyoBusyoId = daimyoScript.getDaimyoBusyoId(daimyoId);

        string        zukanBusyoHst     = PlayerPrefs.GetString("zukanBusyoHst");
        List <string> zukanBusyoHstList = new List <string>();

        if (zukanBusyoHst != null && zukanBusyoHst != "")
            if (zukanBusyoHst.Contains(","))
                zukanBusyoHstList = new List <string>(zukanBusyoHst.Split(delimiterChars));
        if (!zukanBusyoHstList.Contains(daimyoBusyoId.ToString()))
            if (zukanBusyoHst != null && zukanBusyoHst != "")
                zukanBusyoHst = zukanBusyoHst + "," + daimyoBusyoId.ToString();
                zukanBusyoHst = daimyoBusyoId.ToString();
            PlayerPrefs.SetString("zukanBusyoHst", zukanBusyoHst);

        if (daimyoScript.daimyoBusyoCheck(daimyoBusyoId))
            string        gacyaDaimyoHst     = PlayerPrefs.GetString("gacyaDaimyoHst");
            List <string> gacyaDaimyoHstList = new List <string>();
            if (gacyaDaimyoHst != null && gacyaDaimyoHst != "")
                if (gacyaDaimyoHst.Contains(","))
                    gacyaDaimyoHstList = new List <string>(gacyaDaimyoHst.Split(delimiterChars));
            if (!gacyaDaimyoHstList.Contains(daimyoBusyoId.ToString()))
                if (gacyaDaimyoHst != null && gacyaDaimyoHst != "")
                    gacyaDaimyoHst = gacyaDaimyoHst + "," + daimyoBusyoId.ToString();
                    gacyaDaimyoHst = daimyoBusyoId.ToString();
                PlayerPrefs.SetString("gacyaDaimyoHst", gacyaDaimyoHst);


        //Hide Back
        GameObject kunimap      = GameObject.Find("KuniMap").gameObject;
        GameObject kuniIconView = GameObject.Find("KuniIconView").gameObject;


コード例 #11
    void Start()
        DataReward DataReward = GameObject.Find("DataStore").GetComponent <DataReward>();
        GameObject content    = GameObject.Find("Content").gameObject;

        for (int i = 0; i < DataReward.itemTitleList.Count; i++)
            string objectId = DataReward.objectIdList[i];
            string title    = DataReward.itemTitleList[i];
            string grp      = DataReward.itemGrpList[i];
            string rank     = DataReward.itemRankList[i];
            int    qty      = DataReward.itemQtyList[i];

            string     slotPath = "Prefabs/PvP/RewardSlot";
            GameObject slot     = Instantiate(Resources.Load(slotPath)) as GameObject;
            slot.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1, 1);

            slot.transform.FindChild("title").GetComponent <Text>().text = title;

            //hide other image
            GameObject    imageContent  = slot.transform.FindChild("ScrollView").transform.FindChild("Viewport").transform.FindChild("Content").gameObject;
            RewardReceive RewardReceive = slot.transform.FindChild("button").GetComponent <RewardReceive>();

            foreach (Transform obj in imageContent.transform)
                if (obj.name != grp)
                    slot.transform.FindChild("circle").transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().text  = grp;
                    slot.transform.FindChild("circle").transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().color = new Color(255f / 255f, 255f / 255f, 255f / 255f, 255f / 255f);
                    if (grp == "money")
                        obj.transform.FindChild("qty").GetComponent <Text>().text = qty.ToString();
                    else if (grp == "stone")
                        obj.transform.FindChild("qty").GetComponent <Text>().text = qty.ToString();
                    else if (grp == "busyo")
                        obj.transform.FindChild("rank").GetComponent <Text>().text = rank;
                        BusyoInfoGet BusyoInfoGet = new BusyoInfoGet();
                        int          busyoId      = BusyoInfoGet.getRandomBusyoId(rank);
                        RewardReceive.busyoId = busyoId;
                    else if (grp == "kaho")
                        obj.transform.FindChild("qty").GetComponent <Text>().text  = "x " + qty.ToString();
                        obj.transform.FindChild("rank").GetComponent <Text>().text = rank;

                        //kahouType bugu,kabuto,gusoku,meiba,cyadougu,heihousyo,chishikisyo
                        for (int j = 0; j < qty; j++)
                            List <string> kahouuTypeList = new List <string>()
                                "bugu", "kabuto", "gusoku", "meiba", "cyadougu", "heihousyo", "chishikisyo"
                            int    rdmId   = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, kahouuTypeList.Count);
                            string kahoTyp = kahouuTypeList[rdmId];

                            Kahou Kahou  = new Kahou();
                            int   kahoId = Kahou.getRamdomKahouId(kahoTyp, rank);
                            RewardReceive.kahoNameList.Add(Kahou.getKahouName(kahoTyp, kahoId));
                    else if (grp == "syokaijyo")
                        string rankTmp = "";
                        if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                            if (rank == "S")
                                rankTmp = "High";
                            else if (rank == "A")
                                rankTmp = "Mid";
                            else if (rank == "B")
                                rankTmp = "Low";
                            if (rank == "S")
                                rankTmp = "上";
                            else if (rank == "A")
                                rankTmp = "中";
                            else if (rank == "B")
                                rankTmp = "下";
                        obj.transform.FindChild("qty").GetComponent <Text>().text  = "x " + qty.ToString();
                        obj.transform.FindChild("rank").GetComponent <Text>().text = rankTmp;

            //Set Value
            RewardReceive.slot     = slot;
            RewardReceive.objectId = objectId;
            RewardReceive.grp      = grp;
            RewardReceive.qty      = qty;
            RewardReceive.rank     = rank;
コード例 #12
ファイル: ShisyaSelect.cs プロジェクト: pratikxman/Sengoku2d
    public void OnClick()
        AudioSource[] audioSources = GameObject.Find("SEController").GetComponents <AudioSource> ();

        Color Select   = new Color(76f / 255f, 50f / 255f, 18f / 255f, 80f / 255f);
        Color unSelect = new Color(255f / 255f, 255f / 255f, 255f / 255f, 100f / 255f);

        foreach (Transform obj in Content.transform)
            obj.GetComponent <Image>().color = unSelect;
        GetComponent <Image> ().color = Select;

        baseObj = GameObject.Find("Base").gameObject;
        baseObj.transform.FindChild("Title").GetComponent <Text> ().text = title;
        baseObj.transform.FindChild("Mask").transform.FindChild("Image").GetComponent <Image> ().sprite = transform.FindChild("Image").GetComponent <Image> ().sprite;
        baseObj.transform.FindChild("Comment").transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text> ().text  = serihu;
        baseObj.transform.FindChild("Name").GetComponent <Text> ().text = shisyaName;


        //Request to purchase item
        if (shisyaId == 5 || shisyaId == 19)
            Kahou  kahou     = new Kahou();
            string rank      = kahou.getKahouRank(itemCd, int.Parse(itemId));
            string kahouPath = "";
            if (rank == "C")
                kahouPath = "Prefabs/Kahou/" + itemCd + "C";
                kahouPath = "Prefabs/Kahou/" + itemCd + itemId;
            RequestBuyItem.GetComponent <Image>().sprite =
                Resources.Load(kahouPath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;
            //string kahouMsg = kahou.getRamdomKahou

            KahouStatusGet kahouSts      = new KahouStatusGet();
            List <string>  kahouInfoList = new List <string>();
            kahouInfoList = kahouSts.getKahouInfo(itemCd, int.Parse(itemId));
            string effect = kahouInfoList[0] + "\n" + kahouInfoList[2] + " +" + kahouInfoList[3] + kahouInfoList[4];
            RequestBuyItem.GetComponent <PopItem>().text = effect;

        //Yes/No Button
        if (shisyaId != 6)
            Color      OKbtnColor = new Color(255f / 255f, 255f / 255f, 255f / 255f, 255f / 255f);
            Color      OKtxtColor = new Color(190f / 255f, 190f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 255f / 255f);
            GameObject ysBtn      = GameObject.Find("YesButton").gameObject;
            ysBtn.GetComponent <Button> ().enabled = true;
            ysBtn.GetComponent <Image> ().color    = OKbtnColor;
            ysBtn.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text> ().color = OKtxtColor;

            GameObject noBtn = GameObject.Find("NoButton").gameObject;
            noBtn.GetComponent <Button> ().enabled = true;
            noBtn.GetComponent <Image> ().color    = OKbtnColor;
            noBtn.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text> ().color = OKtxtColor;

            ysBtn.GetComponent <DoShisya> ().slot = gameObject;
            noBtn.GetComponent <DoShisya> ().slot = gameObject;
            //Doumei Haki
            //disable button
            Color      OKbtnColor = new Color(255f / 255f, 255f / 255f, 255f / 255f, 255f / 255f);
            Color      OKtxtColor = new Color(190f / 255f, 190f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 255f / 255f);
            Color      NGColor    = new Color(118f / 255f, 118f / 255f, 45f / 255f, 255f / 255f);
            GameObject ysBtn      = GameObject.Find("YesButton").gameObject;
            ysBtn.GetComponent <Button> ().enabled = true;
            ysBtn.GetComponent <Image> ().color    = OKbtnColor;
            ysBtn.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text> ().color = OKtxtColor;

            GameObject noBtn = GameObject.Find("NoButton").gameObject;
            noBtn.GetComponent <Button>().enabled = false;
            noBtn.GetComponent <Image> ().color   = NGColor;
            noBtn.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text> ().color = NGColor;

            ysBtn.GetComponent <DoShisya> ().slot = gameObject;
            noBtn.GetComponent <DoShisya> ().slot = gameObject;
コード例 #13
ファイル: ShisyaSelect.cs プロジェクト: pratikxman/Sengoku2d
    public void reqruiedItemView(int shisyaId)
        Shisya shisya    = new Shisya();
        bool   selectFlg = shisya.getSelectFlg(shisyaId);

        if (!selectFlg)
            if (GameObject.Find("Required1"))
                if (GameObject.Find("Required2"))
                if (GameObject.Find("CyouteiSelectScrollView"))
                if (GameObject.Find("SyouninSelectScrollView"))
                BackMain script = GameObject.Find("Back").GetComponent <BackMain> ();

            //Item 1
            string requried1 = shisya.getYesRequried1(shisyaId);
            if (requried1 == "no")
            else if (requried1 == "random")

                if (moneyNo != 0)
                    string item1Path = "Prefabs/Common/Sprite/money";
                    baseObj.transform.FindChild("Required1").GetComponent <Image> ().sprite =
                        Resources.Load(item1Path, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;

                    baseObj.transform.FindChild("Required1").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "x " + moneyNo.ToString();
                    Kahou  kahou     = new Kahou();
                    string rank      = kahou.getKahouRank(itemCd, int.Parse(itemId));
                    string kahouPath = "";
                    if (rank == "C")
                        kahouPath = "Prefabs/Kahou/" + itemCd + "C";
                        kahouPath = "Prefabs/Kahou/" + itemCd + itemId;
                    baseObj.transform.FindChild("Required1").GetComponent <Image> ().sprite =
                        Resources.Load(kahouPath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;

                    baseObj.transform.FindChild("Required1").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "x 1";
            else if (requried1 == "randomKahou")

                string item1Path = "Prefabs/Common/Sprite/money";
                baseObj.transform.FindChild("Required1").GetComponent <Image> ().sprite =
                    Resources.Load(item1Path, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;

                baseObj.transform.FindChild("Required1").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "x " + moneyNo.ToString();
                List <string> requried1List = new List <string> ();

                char[] delimiterChars = { ':' };
                if (requried1.Contains(":"))
                    requried1List = new List <string> (requried1.Split(delimiterChars));
                string item1Path = "Prefabs/Common/Sprite/" + requried1List [0];
                baseObj.transform.FindChild("Required1").GetComponent <Image> ().sprite =
                    Resources.Load(item1Path, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;

                baseObj.transform.FindChild("Required1").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text>().text = "x " + requried1List [1];

            //Item 2
            string requried2 = shisya.getYesRequried2(shisyaId);
            if (requried2 == "no")
                List <string> requried2List  = new List <string> ();
                char[]        delimiterChars = { ':' };
                if (requried2.Contains(":"))
                    requried2List = new List <string> (requried2.Split(delimiterChars));
                string item2Path = "Prefabs/Common/Sprite/" + requried2List [0];
                baseObj.transform.FindChild("Required2").GetComponent <Image> ().sprite =
                    Resources.Load(item2Path, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;

                baseObj.transform.FindChild("Required2").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text>().text = "x " + requried2List [1];
            if (GameObject.Find("Required1"))
                if (GameObject.Find("Required2"))
            if (shisyaId == 16)
                if (GameObject.Find("CyouteiSelectScrollView"))
                    GameObject viewObj = GameObject.Find("CyouteiSelectScrollView").gameObject;
                    viewObj.transform.FindChild("CyouteiContent").transform.FindChild("Ge").GetComponent <ShisyaSyoukaijyoSelect> ().Start();
                    viewObj.transform.FindChild("CyouteiContent").transform.FindChild("Ge").GetComponent <ShisyaSyoukaijyoSelect> ().OnClick();
                    CyouteiSelectScrollView.transform.FindChild("CyouteiContent").transform.FindChild("Ge").GetComponent <ShisyaSyoukaijyoSelect> ().Start();
                    CyouteiSelectScrollView.transform.FindChild("CyouteiContent").transform.FindChild("Ge").GetComponent <ShisyaSyoukaijyoSelect> ().OnClick();
                if (GameObject.Find("SyouninSelectScrollView"))
            else if (shisyaId == 18)
                if (GameObject.Find("CyouteiSelectScrollView"))
                if (GameObject.Find("SyouninSelectScrollView"))
                    GameObject viewObj = GameObject.Find("SyouninSelectScrollView").gameObject;
                    viewObj.transform.FindChild("SyouninContent").transform.FindChild("Ge").GetComponent <ShisyaSyoukaijyoSelect> ().Start();
                    viewObj.transform.FindChild("SyouninContent").transform.FindChild("Ge").GetComponent <ShisyaSyoukaijyoSelect> ().OnClick();
                    SyouninSelectScrollView.transform.FindChild("SyouninContent").transform.FindChild("Ge").GetComponent <ShisyaSyoukaijyoSelect> ().Start();
                    SyouninSelectScrollView.transform.FindChild("SyouninContent").transform.FindChild("Ge").GetComponent <ShisyaSyoukaijyoSelect> ().OnClick();
            else if (shisyaId == 19)
コード例 #14
    //Asset Manager
    //public AssetBundleManager assetBundleManager;
    //public Image image;

    //public IEnumerator Start() {
    //assetBundleManager = GameObject.Find("AssetManager").GetComponent<AssetBundleManager>();
    //    yield return StartCoroutine(assetBundleManager.LoadAssetBundleCoroutine());

    public void OnClick()
        cyouhouSnbRankId = transform.parent.gameObject.transform.FindChild("close").GetComponent <CloseBoard>().cyouhouSnbRankId;

        sound = GameObject.Find("SEController").GetComponent <AudioSource> ();

        /*Common Process*/
        string     pathOfBoard = "Prefabs/Map/Popup";
        GameObject board       = Instantiate(Resources.Load(pathOfBoard)) as GameObject;

        board.transform.parent        = GameObject.Find("Map").transform;
        board.transform.localScale    = new Vector2(1, 0.8f);
        board.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(0, 0);
        board.name = "AttackStagePopup";
        Daimyo daimyo = new Daimyo();

        char[] delimiterChars = { ',' };

        if (Application.loadedLevelName == "tutorialMain")

        /*Indivisual Process by Kuni*/
        string     pathOfKuniMap = "Prefabs/Map/stage/kuniMap";
        GameObject kuniMap       = Instantiate(Resources.Load(pathOfKuniMap)) as GameObject;

        board.transform.FindChild("kuniName").GetComponent <Text> ().text = kuniName;

        string kuniImagePath   = "Prefabs/Map/stage/MapSprite/stage" + kuniId.ToString();
        string assetBundlePath = "stage" + kuniId.ToString();

        kuniMap.GetComponent <Image> ().sprite =
            Resources.Load(kuniImagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;
        //assetBundleManager.GetSpriteFromAssetBundle(assetBundlePath); //Asset

        GameObject boardObj = board.transform.FindChild("board").gameObject;

        kuniMap.transform.localScale    = new Vector2(9, 6);
        kuniMap.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(-145, 4, 0);
        kuniMap.name = "kuniMap" + kuniId;

        //Clear Stage Setting
        string clearedStage       = "kuni" + kuniId;
        string clearedStageString = "";

        if (Application.loadedLevelName != "tutorialMain")
            clearedStageString = PlayerPrefs.GetString(clearedStage);
            clearedStageString = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10";
        List <string> clearedStageList = new List <string> ();

        if (clearedStageString != null && clearedStageString != "")
            clearedStageList = new List <string> (clearedStageString.Split(delimiterChars));

        //Data adjustment
        if (!clearFlg && clearedStageList.Count == 10)
            clearedStageList   = new List <string>();
            clearedStageString = "";

        //Default Value
        Entity_stage_mst stageMst = Resources.Load("Data/stage_mst") as Entity_stage_mst;
        int    startline          = 10 * kuniId - 10;
        string stagePath          = "Prefabs/Map/stage/stage";
        string clearedPath        = "Prefabs/Map/cleared";

        int   stageId       = 1;
        bool  clearedFlg    = false;
        int   mySenryoku    = daimyo.getSenryoku(myDaimyoId);
        int   enemySenryoku = daimyo.getSenryoku(daimyoId);
        float senryokuRatio = (float)enemySenryoku / (float)mySenryoku;

        for (int i = startline; i < startline + 10; i++)
            GameObject stage = Instantiate(Resources.Load(stagePath)) as GameObject;
            stage.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1, 1);
            stage.name = "stage" + stageId.ToString();

            //Cleared Check
            if (clearedStageList.Contains(stageId.ToString()) == true)
                GameObject cleared = Instantiate(Resources.Load(clearedPath)) as GameObject;
                stage.GetComponent <ShowStageDtl> ().clearedFlg = true;
                cleared.transform.localScale    = new Vector2(3, 5);
                cleared.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(0, 0);
                clearedFlg   = true;
                cleared.name = "cleared";

            //Get Stage Info
            string stageName = "";
            int    locationX = stageMst.param [i].LocationX;
            int    locationY = stageMst.param [i].LocationY;
            int    powerType = stageMst.param [i].powerTyp;
            if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                stageName = stageMst.param[i].stageNameEng;
                stageName = stageMst.param[i].stageName;
            RectTransform stageTransform = stage.GetComponent <RectTransform> ();
            stageTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector3(locationX, locationY, 0);

            //money and exp calculation
            int minExp = getMinExp(powerType, senryokuRatio);
            int maxExp = getMaxExp(powerType, senryokuRatio);
            int exp    = UnityEngine.Random.Range(minExp, maxExp + 1);

            int minMoney = minExp * 2;
            int maxMoney = maxExp * 3;
            int money    = UnityEngine.Random.Range(minMoney, maxMoney + 1);

            string itemGrp = getRandomItemGrp();
            string itemTyp = "";
            int    itemId  = 0;
            int    itemQty = 1;

            if (itemGrp == "item")
                itemTyp = getRandomItemTyp(itemGrp);
                if (itemTyp == "tech")
                    itemId = getItemRank(66, 33);
                else if (itemTyp == "Tama")
                    itemId = getItemRank(20, 5);
                    if (itemId == 3)
                        itemQty = 100;
                    else if (itemId == 2)
                        itemQty = 20;
                    else if (itemId == 1)
                        itemQty = 5;
                    itemId = getItemRank(20, 5);
            else if (itemGrp == "kahou")
                itemTyp = getRandomItemTyp(itemGrp);
                Kahou  kahou     = new Kahou();
                string kahouRank = getKahouRank();
                itemId = kahou.getRamdomKahouId(itemTyp, kahouRank);

            stage.GetComponent <ShowStageDtl> ().kuniId    = kuniId;
            stage.GetComponent <ShowStageDtl> ().stageId   = stageId;
            stage.GetComponent <ShowStageDtl> ().stageName = stageName;
            stage.GetComponent <ShowStageDtl> ().exp       = exp;
            stage.GetComponent <ShowStageDtl> ().showExp   = minExp + " - " + maxExp;
            stage.GetComponent <ShowStageDtl> ().money     = money;
            stage.GetComponent <ShowStageDtl> ().showMoney = minMoney + " - " + maxMoney;
            stage.GetComponent <ShowStageDtl> ().itemGrp   = itemGrp;
            stage.GetComponent <ShowStageDtl> ().itemTyp   = itemTyp;
            stage.GetComponent <ShowStageDtl> ().itemId    = itemId.ToString();
            stage.GetComponent <ShowStageDtl> ().itemQty   = itemQty;
            stage.GetComponent <ShowStageDtl> ().powerType = powerType;

            if (powerType == 2)
                string imagePath = "Prefabs/Naisei/Shiro/Sprite/shiro_m";
                stage.transform.FindChild("shiroImage").GetComponent <SpriteRenderer> ().sprite =
                    Resources.Load(imagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;
            else if (powerType == 3)
                string imagePath = "Prefabs/Naisei/Shiro/Sprite/shiro_l";
                stage.transform.FindChild("shiroImage").GetComponent <SpriteRenderer> ().sprite =
                    Resources.Load(imagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;

            stageId = stageId + 1;

        //Line Setting
        Entity_stageLink_mst stageLinkMst = Resources.Load("Data/stageLink_mst") as Entity_stageLink_mst;
        List <string>        myStageLink  = new List <string> ();

        for (int i = 0; i < stageLinkMst.param.Count; i++)
            int tempKuniId = stageLinkMst.param[i].kuniId;
            if (tempKuniId == kuniId)
        List <string> myOriginalStageLink = new List <string>(myStageLink);

        //Reduce Linkcut kousaku
        string        tempLinkuct = "linkcut" + kuniId;
        string        linkcut     = PlayerPrefs.GetString(tempLinkuct);
        List <string> linkcutList = new List <string> ();

        if (linkcut != null && linkcut != "")
            if (linkcut.Contains(","))
                linkcutList = new List <string> (linkcut.Split(delimiterChars));


        char[] delimiterChars2 = { '-' };
        string linkPath        = "Prefabs/Map/stage/link";

        for (int j = 0; j < myStageLink.Count; j++)
            List <string> linkList   = new List <string> (myStageLink[j].Split(delimiterChars2));
            string        stage1Name = linkList[0];
            string        stage2Name = linkList[1];

            //if(!clearedStageList.Contains(stage1Name) && !clearedStageList.Contains(stage2Name)){

            string        temp1      = "stage" + stage1Name;
            GameObject    stage1     = kuniMap.transform.FindChild(temp1).gameObject;
            RectTransform rectStage1 = stage1.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
            Vector3       vect1      = new Vector3(rectStage1.anchoredPosition.x, rectStage1.anchoredPosition.y, 0);

            string        temp2      = "stage" + stage2Name;
            GameObject    stage2     = kuniMap.transform.FindChild(temp2).gameObject;
            RectTransform rectStage2 = stage2.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
            Vector3       vect2      = new Vector3(rectStage2.anchoredPosition.x, rectStage2.anchoredPosition.y, 0);

            GameObject link = Instantiate(Resources.Load(linkPath)) as GameObject;
            link.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1, 1);
            RectTransform linkRectTransform = link.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
            linkRectTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            link.GetComponent <LineRenderer>().SetPosition(0, vect1);
            link.GetComponent <LineRenderer>().SetPosition(1, vect2);

            if (!clearedStageList.Contains(stage1Name) && !clearedStageList.Contains(stage2Name))
                //Line No
                stage1.GetComponent <ShowStageDtl>().linkNo = stage1.GetComponent <ShowStageDtl>().linkNo + 1;
                stage2.GetComponent <ShowStageDtl>().linkNo = stage2.GetComponent <ShowStageDtl>().linkNo + 1;

            link.name = "link" + stage1Name + "-" + stage2Name;

        //Battle Initial Setting
        StartKassen sk = GameObject.Find("BattleButton").GetComponent <StartKassen> ();

        sk.activeBusyoQty = activeBusyoQty;
        sk.activeBusyoLv  = activeBusyoLv;
        sk.activeButaiQty = activeButaiQty;
        sk.activeButaiLv  = activeButaiLv;
        sk.activeDaimyoId = daimyoId;
        sk.doumeiFlg      = doumeiFlg;

        /*Naisei Button*/
        string        seiryoku     = PlayerPrefs.GetString("seiryoku");
        List <string> seiryokuList = new List <string>();

        seiryokuList = new List <string>(seiryoku.Split(delimiterChars));

        //Only for all clear
        if (clearFlg)
            string     naiseiPath = "Prefabs/Map/NaiseiButton";
            GameObject naiseiBtn  = Instantiate(Resources.Load(naiseiPath)) as GameObject;
            naiseiBtn.GetComponent <StartNaisei> ().activeKuniId   = kuniId;
            naiseiBtn.GetComponent <StartNaisei> ().activeKuniName = kuniName;
            naiseiBtn.GetComponent <StartNaisei> ().clearedFlg     = clearedFlg;
            naiseiBtn.transform.localScale    = new Vector2(0.4f, 0.4f);
            naiseiBtn.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(-490, -300);
            if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                boardObj.transform.FindChild("stageDtl").transform.FindChild("BattleButton").transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "Training";
                boardObj.transform.FindChild("stageDtl").transform.FindChild("BattleButton").transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().text = "訓練";
            GameObject firstStage = GameObject.Find("stage1");
            firstStage.GetComponent <ShowStageDtl>().OnClick();

            if (Application.loadedLevelName == "tutorialMain")
                GameObject battleBtnObj = boardObj.transform.FindChild("stageDtl").transform.FindChild("BattleButton").gameObject;
                battleBtnObj.GetComponent <Button>().interactable = false;
                battleBtnObj.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text>().color = new Color(220f / 255f, 190f / 255f, 40f / 255f, 100f / 255f);

                TutorialController tutorialScript = new TutorialController();
                Vector2            vect           = new Vector2(0, 100);
                GameObject         animObj        = tutorialScript.SetPointer(naiseiBtn, vect);
                animObj.transform.localScale = new Vector2(300, 300);
            //enemy attack

            GameObject        closeObj   = boardObj.transform.FindChild("close").gameObject;
            EnemyEventHandler enemyEvent = board.transform.FindChild("board").GetComponent <EnemyEventHandler>();
            enemyEvent.doEnemyEvent(kuniMap, closeObj, kuniId, daimyoId, activeBusyoQty, activeBusyoLv, activeButaiQty, activeButaiLv);

            //open shiro
            List <int> closeStageIdList = new List <int> {
                1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

            //compare linkKuni with mySeiryoku
            List <int> linkKuniList   = new List <int>();
            List <int> linkMyKuniList = new List <int>();

            KuniInfo kuniScript = new KuniInfo();
            linkKuniList = kuniScript.getMappingKuni(kuniId);
            for (int i = 0; i < linkKuniList.Count; i++)
                int linkKuniId = linkKuniList[i];
                if (seiryokuList[linkKuniId - 1] == myDaimyoId.ToString())

            //open initial stage
            for (int j = 0; j < linkMyKuniList.Count; j++)
                int    srcKuniId = linkMyKuniList[j];
                string linkStage = kuniScript.getLinkStage(srcKuniId, kuniId);
                linkStage = linkStage.Replace("stage", "");
                List <int> linkStageList = new List <int>(Array.ConvertAll(linkStage.Split(','),
                                                                           new Converter <string, int>((s) => { return(Convert.ToInt32(s)); })));

            //open cleared kuni & linked stage
            List <int> clearedStageIntList = clearedStageList.ConvertAll(x => int.Parse(x));
            for (int l = 0; l < clearedStageIntList.Count; l++)
                int srcStageId = clearedStageIntList[l];

                for (int m = 0; m < myOriginalStageLink.Count; m++)
                    List <string> linkList = new List <string>(myOriginalStageLink[m].Split(delimiterChars2));
                    int           stage1Id = int.Parse(linkList[0]);
                    int           stage2Id = int.Parse(linkList[1]);
                    if (srcStageId == stage1Id)
                        if (!getStageGunzeiExistFlg(stage1Id, stage2Id))
                    else if (srcStageId == stage2Id)
                        if (!getStageGunzeiExistFlg(stage2Id, stage1Id))

            Color closeColor = new Color(60f / 255f, 60f / 255f, 60f / 255f, 255f / 255f); //Black
            for (int k = 0; k < closeStageIdList.Count; k++)
                int        closeStageId  = closeStageIdList[k];
                string     stageName     = "stage" + closeStageId.ToString();
                GameObject closeStageObj = kuniMap.transform.FindChild(stageName).gameObject;
                closeStageObj.GetComponent <Button>().enabled = false;
                closeStageObj.transform.FindChild("shiroImage").GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = closeColor;

            //Initial Setting
            int initStageId = 1;
            for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
                if (!closeStageIdList.Contains(i))
                    initStageId = i;

            string     initStageName = "stage" + initStageId.ToString();
            GameObject firstStage    = GameObject.Find(initStageName);
            firstStage.GetComponent <ShowStageDtl>().OnClick();

        if (!clearFlg)
            string     pathOfScroll = "Prefabs/Map/kousaku/BusyoSelectScroll";
            GameObject scroll       = Instantiate(Resources.Load(pathOfScroll)) as GameObject;
            scroll.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1, 1);
            RectTransform rectScroll = scroll.GetComponent <RectTransform> ();
            rectScroll.anchoredPosition3D = new Vector3(410, 0, 0);
            rectScroll.sizeDelta          = new Vector2(300, 750);
            scroll.name = "BusyoSelectScroll";

            KousakuConfirm kousakuScript = GameObject.Find("LinkCutButton").GetComponent <KousakuConfirm> ();
            kousakuScript.cyouhouSnbRankId = cyouhouSnbRankId;
            kousakuScript.scrollObj        = scroll;

            KousakuConfirm kousakuScript2 = GameObject.Find("CyouryakuButton").GetComponent <KousakuConfirm> ();
            kousakuScript2.cyouhouSnbRankId = cyouhouSnbRankId;
            kousakuScript2.scrollObj        = scroll;
            GameObject LinkCutButton = GameObject.Find("LinkCutButton").gameObject;
            LinkCutButton.GetComponent <Button> ().interactable = false;
            LinkCutButton.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text> ().color = new Color(220f / 255f, 190f / 255f, 40f / 255f, 100f / 255f);

            GameObject CyouryakuButton = GameObject.Find("CyouryakuButton").gameObject;
            CyouryakuButton.GetComponent <Button> ().interactable = false;
            CyouryakuButton.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text> ().color = new Color(220f / 255f, 190f / 255f, 40f / 255f, 100f / 255f);

        /*Kassen Event Controller Start*/
        KassenEvent kEvent = new KassenEvent();

        kEvent.MakeEvent(clearFlg, kuniId, kuniMap, daimyoId);

        viewKuniLink(board, kuniMap, seiryokuList);

        /*Kassen Event Controller End*/
コード例 #15
    public void OnClick()
        AudioSource[] audioSources = GameObject.Find("SEController").GetComponents <AudioSource> ();

        Color enableImageColor = new Color(35f / 255f, 35f / 255f, 35f / 255f, 155f / 255f);
        Color enableTextColor  = new Color(125f / 255f, 125f / 255f, 125f / 255f, 255f / 255f);

        if (name == "DoKahouButton")

            int     money      = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("money");
            int     paiedMoney = int.Parse(Money.GetComponent <Text> ().text);
            Message msg        = new Message();
            Kahou   kahou      = new Kahou();

            if (paiedMoney <= money)
                audioSources [3].Play();

                //reduce money
                int calc = money - paiedMoney;
                PlayerPrefs.SetInt("money", calc);
                GameObject.Find("MoneyValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = calc.ToString();

                if (kahouCd == "bugu")
                else if (kahouCd == "gusoku")
                else if (kahouCd == "kabuto")
                else if (kahouCd == "meiba")
                else if (kahouCd == "cyadougu")
                else if (kahouCd == "chishikisyo")
                else if (kahouCd == "heihousyo")


                GameObject.Find("MenuKahou").transform.FindChild("Close").GetComponent <CloseMenu> ().OnClick();

                GameObject btn = GameObject.Find("SyouninBoard").transform.FindChild("Kahou").gameObject;
                btn.GetComponent <Button> ().enabled = false;
                btn.GetComponent <Image> ().color    = enableImageColor;
                btn.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text> ().color = enableTextColor;
                audioSources [4].Play();
        else if (name == "DoBusshiButton")

            int     money      = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("money");
            int     paiedMoney = int.Parse(Money.GetComponent <Text> ().text);
            Message msg        = new Message();

            if (paiedMoney <= money)
                audioSources [3].Play();

                //reduce money
                int calc = money - paiedMoney;
                PlayerPrefs.SetInt("money", calc);
                GameObject.Find("MoneyValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = calc.ToString();
                char[] delimiterChars = { ',' };

                if (busshiCd.Contains("Cyouhei") == true)
                    if (busshiCd.Contains("YR") == true)
                        string cyouheiYRString = PlayerPrefs.GetString("cyouheiYR");

                        string[] cyouheiYR_list     = cyouheiYRString.Split(delimiterChars);
                        string   newCyouheiYRString = "";

                        if (busshiCd == "CyouheiYR1")
                            int newQty = 0;
                            newQty             = int.Parse(cyouheiYR_list [0]) + busshiQty;
                            newCyouheiYRString = newQty.ToString() + "," + cyouheiYR_list [1] + "," + cyouheiYR_list [2];
                        else if (busshiCd == "CyouheiYR2")
                            int newQty = 0;
                            newQty             = int.Parse(cyouheiYR_list [1]) + busshiQty;
                            newCyouheiYRString = cyouheiYR_list [0] + "," + newQty.ToString() + "," + cyouheiYR_list [2];
                        else if (busshiCd == "CyouheiYR3")
                            int newQty = 0;
                            newQty             = int.Parse(cyouheiYR_list [2]) + busshiQty;
                            newCyouheiYRString = cyouheiYR_list [0] + "," + cyouheiYR_list [1] + "," + newQty.ToString();
                        PlayerPrefs.SetString("cyouheiYR", newCyouheiYRString);
                    else if (busshiCd.Contains("KB") == true)
                        string   cyouheiKBString    = PlayerPrefs.GetString("cyouheiKB");
                        string[] cyouheiKB_list     = cyouheiKBString.Split(delimiterChars);
                        string   newCyouheiKBString = "";

                        if (busshiCd == "CyouheiKB1")
                            int newQty = 0;
                            newQty             = int.Parse(cyouheiKB_list [0]) + busshiQty;
                            newCyouheiKBString = newQty.ToString() + "," + cyouheiKB_list [1] + "," + cyouheiKB_list [2];
                        else if (busshiCd == "CyouheiKB2")
                            int newQty = 0;
                            newQty             = int.Parse(cyouheiKB_list [1]) + busshiQty;
                            newCyouheiKBString = cyouheiKB_list [0] + "," + newQty.ToString() + "," + cyouheiKB_list [2];
                        else if (busshiCd == "CyouheiKB3")
                            int newQty = 0;
                            newQty             = int.Parse(cyouheiKB_list [2]) + busshiQty;
                            newCyouheiKBString = cyouheiKB_list [0] + "," + cyouheiKB_list [1] + "," + newQty.ToString();
                        PlayerPrefs.SetString("cyouheiKB", newCyouheiKBString);
                    else if (busshiCd.Contains("TP") == true)
                        string   cyouheiTPString    = PlayerPrefs.GetString("cyouheiTP");
                        string[] cyouheiTP_list     = cyouheiTPString.Split(delimiterChars);
                        string   newCyouheiTPString = "";

                        if (busshiCd == "CyouheiTP1")
                            int newQty = 0;
                            newQty             = int.Parse(cyouheiTP_list [0]) + busshiQty;
                            newCyouheiTPString = newQty.ToString() + "," + cyouheiTP_list [1] + "," + cyouheiTP_list [2];
                        else if (busshiCd == "CyouheiTP2")
                            int newQty = 0;
                            newQty             = int.Parse(cyouheiTP_list [1]) + busshiQty;
                            newCyouheiTPString = cyouheiTP_list [0] + "," + newQty.ToString() + "," + cyouheiTP_list [2];
                        else if (busshiCd == "CyouheiTP3")
                            int newQty = 0;
                            newQty             = int.Parse(cyouheiTP_list [2]) + busshiQty;
                            newCyouheiTPString = cyouheiTP_list [0] + "," + cyouheiTP_list [1] + "," + newQty.ToString();
                        PlayerPrefs.SetString("cyouheiTP", newCyouheiTPString);
                    else if (busshiCd.Contains("YM") == true)
                        string   cyouheiYMString    = PlayerPrefs.GetString("cyouheiYM");
                        string[] cyouheiYM_list     = cyouheiYMString.Split(delimiterChars);
                        string   newCyouheiYMString = "";

                        if (busshiCd == "CyouheiYM1")
                            int newQty = 0;
                            newQty             = int.Parse(cyouheiYM_list [0]) + busshiQty;
                            newCyouheiYMString = newQty.ToString() + "," + cyouheiYM_list [1] + "," + cyouheiYM_list [2];
                        else if (busshiCd == "CyouheiYM2")
                            int newQty = 0;
                            newQty             = int.Parse(cyouheiYM_list [1]) + busshiQty;
                            newCyouheiYMString = cyouheiYM_list [0] + "," + newQty.ToString() + "," + cyouheiYM_list [2];
                        else if (busshiCd == "CyouheiYM3")
                            int newQty = 0;
                            newQty             = int.Parse(cyouheiYM_list [2]) + busshiQty;
                            newCyouheiYMString = cyouheiYM_list [0] + "," + cyouheiYM_list [1] + "," + newQty.ToString();
                        PlayerPrefs.SetString("cyouheiYM", newCyouheiYMString);
                else if (busshiCd.Contains("Shinobi") == true)
                    if (busshiCd == "Shinobi1")
                        int newQty     = 0;
                        int shinobiQty = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("shinobiGe");
                        newQty = shinobiQty + busshiQty;
                        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("shinobiGe", newQty);
                    else if (busshiCd == "Shinobi2")
                        int newQty     = 0;
                        int shinobiQty = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("shinobiCyu");
                        newQty = shinobiQty + busshiQty;
                        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("shinobiCyu", newQty);
                    else if (busshiCd == "Shinobi3")
                        int newQty     = 0;
                        int shinobiQty = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("shinobiJyo");
                        newQty = shinobiQty + busshiQty;
                        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("shinobiJyo", newQty);


                GameObject.Find("MenuBusshi").transform.FindChild("Close").GetComponent <CloseMenu> ().OnClick();

                GameObject btn = GameObject.Find("SyouninBoard").transform.FindChild("Busshi").gameObject;
                btn.GetComponent <Button> ().enabled = false;
                btn.GetComponent <Image> ().color    = enableImageColor;
                btn.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text> ().color = enableTextColor;
                audioSources [4].Play();
        else if (name == "DoRouninButton")

            int     money = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("money");
            Message msg   = new Message();

            if (price <= money)
                audioSources [3].Play();

                //reduce money
                int calc = money - price;
                PlayerPrefs.SetInt("money", calc);
                GameObject.Find("MoneyValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = calc.ToString();

                string        kengouString   = PlayerPrefs.GetString("kengouItem");
                List <string> kengouList     = new List <string> ();
                char[]        delimiterChars = { ',' };
                kengouList = new List <string> (kengouString.Split(delimiterChars));

                int qty    = int.Parse(kengouList [kengouId - 1]);
                int newQty = qty + 1;
                kengouList [kengouId - 1] = newQty.ToString();

                string newKengouString = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < kengouList.Count; i++)
                    if (i == 0)
                        newKengouString = kengouList [i];
                        newKengouString = newKengouString + "," + kengouList [i];

                PlayerPrefs.SetString("kengouItem", newKengouString);


                GameObject.Find("MenuRounin").transform.FindChild("Close").GetComponent <CloseMenu> ().OnClick();

                GameObject btn = GameObject.Find("SyouninBoard").transform.FindChild("Youjinbou").gameObject;
                btn.GetComponent <Button> ().enabled = false;
                btn.GetComponent <Image> ().color    = enableImageColor;
                btn.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text> ().color = enableTextColor;
                audioSources [4].Play();
        else if (name == "DoYasenButton")

            Message msg = new Message();

            float percent = Random.value;
            percent = percent * 100;
            if (percent > 10)
                audioSources [3].Play();
                int money    = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("money");
                int newMoney = money + price;
                if (newMoney < 0)
                    newMoney = int.MaxValue;
                PlayerPrefs.SetInt("money", newMoney);
                GameObject.Find("MoneyValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = newMoney.ToString();
                string yasenTxt = "";
                if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                    yasenTxt = "We levied money " + price + " on merchants.";
                    yasenTxt = price + "貫の矢銭を供出させましたぞ。";
                audioSources [4].Play();

            GameObject.Find("MenuYasen").transform.FindChild("Close").GetComponent <CloseMenu> ().OnClick();

            GameObject btn = GameObject.Find("SyouninBoard").transform.FindChild("Yasen").gameObject;
            btn.GetComponent <Button> ().enabled = false;
            btn.GetComponent <Image> ().color    = enableImageColor;
            btn.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text> ().color = enableTextColor;
        else if (name == "DoTechButton")

            int     money = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("money");
            Message msg   = new Message();

            if (price <= money)
                audioSources [3].Play();

                //reduce money
                int calc = money - price;
                PlayerPrefs.SetInt("money", calc);
                GameObject.Find("MoneyValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = calc.ToString();

                //add tech item
                string txt = "";
                if (techId == 1)
                    int qty    = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("transferTP", 0);
                    int newQty = qty + 1;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("transferTP", newQty);
                    txt = msg.getMessage(96);
                else if (techId == 2)
                    int qty    = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("transferKB", 0);
                    int newQty = qty + 1;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("transferKB", newQty);
                    txt = msg.getMessage(97);
                else if (techId == 3)
                    int qty    = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("transferSNB", 0);
                    int newQty = qty + 1;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("transferSNB", newQty);
                    txt = msg.getMessage(98);


                GameObject btn = GameObject.Find("SyouninBoard").transform.FindChild("Gijyutsu").gameObject;
                btn.GetComponent <Button> ().enabled = false;
                btn.GetComponent <Image> ().color    = enableImageColor;
                btn.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text> ().color = enableTextColor;
                audioSources [4].Play();

            GameObject.Find("MenuTech").transform.FindChild("Close").GetComponent <CloseMenu> ().OnClick();
        else if (name == "DoCyakaiButton")

            int     money = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("money");
            Message msg   = new Message();

            if (price <= money)
                audioSources [3].Play();
                //reduce money
                int calc = money - price;
                PlayerPrefs.SetInt("money", calc);
                GameObject.Find("MoneyValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = calc.ToString();

                int meiseiQty = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("meisei");
                meiseiQty = meiseiQty + targetKuniQty;
                PlayerPrefs.SetInt("meisei", meiseiQty);

                string newcyakaiDouguHst = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < cyakaiDouguHstlist.Count; i++)
                    if (i == 0)
                        newcyakaiDouguHst = cyakaiDouguHstlist[i];
                        newcyakaiDouguHst = newcyakaiDouguHst + "," + cyakaiDouguHstlist[i];
                PlayerPrefs.SetString("cyakaiDouguHst", newcyakaiDouguHst);

                string finalTxt = "";
                if (!doneCyadouguFlg)
                    if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                        finalTxt = "It was good tea party.\n You got " + targetKuniQty + " reputation item. \n Traveller will visit your country.";
                        finalTxt = "茶会は大盛況でした。\n名声を" + targetKuniQty + "個取得しました。\n旅人が来訪いたしますぞ。";
                    if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                        finalTxt = "You have already shown your tea item so it didn't get lively. \n You got " + targetKuniQty + " reputation item.";
                        finalTxt = "以前お披露目した茶道具を使用したせいか、盛り上がりは今ひとつでしたな。\n名声を" + targetKuniQty + "個取得しました。";


                GameObject btn = GameObject.Find("SyouninBoard").transform.FindChild("Cyakai").gameObject;
                btn.GetComponent <Button> ().enabled = false;
                btn.GetComponent <Image> ().color    = enableImageColor;
                btn.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent <Text> ().color = enableTextColor;
                audioSources [4].Play();

            GameObject.Find("MenuCyakai").transform.FindChild("Close").GetComponent <CloseMenu> ().OnClick();
コード例 #16
ファイル: StaffRoll.cs プロジェクト: zeimoter/sengoku2d
	public void OnClick(){
		/*Receive Item*/
		string gameClearDaimyo = PlayerPrefs.GetString ("gameClearDaimyo");
		List<string> gameClearDaimyoList = new List<string> ();
		char[] delimiterChars = {','};
		if (gameClearDaimyo != null && gameClearDaimyo != "") {
			if (gameClearDaimyo.Contains (",")) {
				gameClearDaimyoList = new List<string> (gameClearDaimyo.Split (delimiterChars));
		int myDaimyo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("myDaimyo");
		if (!gameClearDaimyoList.Contains (myDaimyo.ToString ())) {
			if (gameClearDaimyo != null && gameClearDaimyo != "") {
				gameClearDaimyo = gameClearDaimyo + "," + myDaimyo.ToString ();
			} else {
				gameClearDaimyo = myDaimyo.ToString ();
			PlayerPrefs.SetString ("gameClearDaimyo", gameClearDaimyo);
		PlayerPrefs.SetBool ("gameClearItemGetFlg",true);

		PlayerPrefs.DeleteKey ("gameClearKahouCd");
		PlayerPrefs.DeleteKey ("gameClearKahouId");
		Kahou kahou = new Kahou ();
		if (kahouCd == "bugu") {
			kahou.registerBugu (int.Parse(kahouId));
		} else if (kahouCd == "gusoku") {
			kahou.registerGusoku (int.Parse(kahouId));
		} else if (kahouCd == "kabuto") {
			kahou.registerKabuto (int.Parse(kahouId));
		} else if (kahouCd == "meiba") {
			kahou.registerMeiba (int.Parse(kahouId));
		} else if (kahouCd == "cyadougu") {
			kahou.registerCyadougu (int.Parse(kahouId));
		} else if (kahouCd == "chishikisyo") {
			kahou.registerChishikisyo (int.Parse(kahouId));

		int busyoDama = PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("busyoDama");
		int newBusyoDama = busyoDama + 1000;
		PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("busyoDama", newBusyoDama);
		PlayerPrefs.Flush ();

		//Hide Back
		Destroy (backObj.gameObject);
		Destroy (popObj.gameObject);
		Destroy (particleObj.gameObject);
		GameObject kunimap = GameObject.Find("KuniMap").gameObject;
		GameObject kuniIconView = GameObject.Find("KuniIconView").gameObject;
		Destroy (kunimap.gameObject);
		Destroy (kuniIconView.gameObject);

		FinMaker (panel);

コード例 #17
ファイル: HPCounter.cs プロジェクト: zeimoter/sengoku2d
	public void addKahou(string kahouType, int kahouId){
		string kahouTypeTemp = "";
		Kahou kahou = new Kahou ();

			kahou.registerBugu (kahouId);
		}else if(kahouType=="kabuto"){
			kahou.registerKabuto (kahouId);
		}else if(kahouType=="gusoku"){
			kahou.registerGusoku (kahouId);
		}else if(kahouType=="meiba"){
			kahou.registerMeiba (kahouId);
		}else if(kahouType=="cyadougu"){
			kahou.registerCyadougu (kahouId);
		}else if(kahouType=="heihousyo"){
			kahou.registerHeihousyo (kahouId);
		}else if(kahouType=="chishikisyo"){
			kahou.registerChishikisyo (kahouId);

コード例 #18
	public void OnClick(){
		if (audioNaisei != null) {
			audioNaisei.PlayOneShot (touch); 

		/*Common Process*/
		string pathOfBoard = "Prefabs/Map/Popup";
		GameObject board = Instantiate (Resources.Load (pathOfBoard)) as GameObject;
		board.transform.parent = GameObject.Find ("Map").transform;
		board.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (1, 0.8f);
		board.transform.localPosition = new Vector2 (0, 0);
		Daimyo daimyo = new Daimyo();

		/*Indivisual Process by Kuni*/
		string pathOfKuniMap = "Prefabs/Map/stage/kuniMap";
		GameObject kuniMap = Instantiate (Resources.Load (pathOfKuniMap)) as GameObject;
		board.transform.FindChild ("kuniName").GetComponent<Text> ().text = kuniName;

		string kuniImagePath = "Prefabs/Map/stage/MapSprite/" + kuniId.ToString ();
		kuniMap.GetComponent<Image> ().sprite = 
			Resources.Load (kuniImagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;

		kuniMap.transform.parent = GameObject.Find ("board").transform;
		kuniMap.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (9, 6);
		kuniMap.transform.localPosition = new Vector3 (-145, 4, 0);
		kuniMap.name = "kuniMap" + kuniId;
		//Clear Stage Setting
		string clearedStage = "kuni" + kuniId;
		string clearedStageString = PlayerPrefs.GetString (clearedStage);
		List<string> clearedStageList = new List<string> ();
		if (clearedStageString != null && clearedStageString != "") {
			char[] delimiterChars = {','};
			clearedStageList = new List<string> (clearedStageString.Split (delimiterChars));
		//Default Value
		Entity_stage_mst stageMst = Resources.Load ("Data/stage_mst") as Entity_stage_mst;
		int startline = 10 * kuniId - 10; 
		string stagePath = "Prefabs/Map/stage/stage";
		string clearedPath = "Prefabs/Map/cleared";

		int stageId = 1;
		bool clearedFlg = false;
		int mySenryoku = daimyo.getSenryoku(myDaimyoId);
		int enemySenryoku = daimyo.getSenryoku(daimyoId);
		float senryokuRatio = (float)enemySenryoku / (float)mySenryoku;

		for (int i=startline; i<startline+10; i++) {
			GameObject stage = Instantiate (Resources.Load (stagePath)) as GameObject;
			stage.transform.SetParent (kuniMap.transform);
			stage.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (1, 1);
			stage.name = "stage" + stageId.ToString ();
			//Cleared Check
			if (clearedStageList.Contains (stageId.ToString ()) == true) {
				GameObject cleared = Instantiate (Resources.Load (clearedPath)) as GameObject;
				cleared.transform.SetParent (stage.transform);
				cleared.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (3, 5);
				cleared.transform.localPosition = new Vector2 (0, 0);
				clearedFlg = true;
			//Get Stage Info
			string stageName = stageMst.param [i].stageName;
			int locationX = stageMst.param [i].LocationX;
			int locationY = stageMst.param [i].LocationY;
			int powerType = stageMst.param [i].powerTyp;

			RectTransform stageTransform = stage.GetComponent<RectTransform> ();
			stageTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector3 (locationX, locationY, 0);

			//money and exp calculation
			int minExp = getMinExp(powerType,senryokuRatio);
			int maxExp = getMaxExp(powerType,senryokuRatio);
			int exp = UnityEngine.Random.Range (minExp, maxExp + 1);

			int minMoney = minExp * 3;
			int maxMoney = maxExp * 5;
			int money = UnityEngine.Random.Range (minMoney, maxMoney + 1);

			string itemGrp = getRandomItemGrp ();
			string itemTyp = "";
			int itemId = 0;
			int itemQty = 1;

			if (itemGrp == "item") {
				itemTyp = getRandomItemTyp(itemGrp);
				if (itemTyp == "tech") {
					itemId = getItemRank (66, 33);
				} else if (itemTyp == "Tama") {
					itemId = getItemRank (20, 5);
					if (itemId == 3) {
						itemQty = 100;
					} else if (itemId == 2) {
						itemQty = 20;
					} else if (itemId == 1) {
						itemQty = 5;
				} else {
					itemId = getItemRank (20, 5);

			} else if (itemGrp == "kahou") {
				itemTyp = getRandomItemTyp(itemGrp);
				Kahou kahou = new Kahou ();
				string kahouRank = getKahouRank ();
				itemId = kahou.getRamdomKahouId (itemTyp, kahouRank);

			stage.GetComponent<ShowStageDtl> ().kuniId = kuniId;
			stage.GetComponent<ShowStageDtl> ().stageId = stageId;
			stage.GetComponent<ShowStageDtl> ().stageName = stageName;
			stage.GetComponent<ShowStageDtl> ().exp = exp;
			stage.GetComponent<ShowStageDtl> ().showExp = minExp + " - " + maxExp;
			stage.GetComponent<ShowStageDtl> ().money = money;
			stage.GetComponent<ShowStageDtl> ().showMoney = minMoney + " - " + maxMoney;
			stage.GetComponent<ShowStageDtl> ().itemGrp = itemGrp;
			stage.GetComponent<ShowStageDtl> ().itemTyp = itemTyp;
			stage.GetComponent<ShowStageDtl> ().itemId = itemId.ToString ();
			stage.GetComponent<ShowStageDtl> ().itemQty = itemQty;
			stage.GetComponent<ShowStageDtl> ().powerType = powerType;

				string imagePath = "Prefabs/Map/Stage/shiroIcon_m";
				stage.transform.FindChild("shiroImage").GetComponent<SpriteRenderer> ().sprite = 
					Resources.Load (imagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;
			}else if(powerType==3){
				string imagePath = "Prefabs/Map/Stage/shiroIcon_l";
				stage.transform.FindChild("shiroImage").GetComponent<SpriteRenderer> ().sprite = 
					Resources.Load (imagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;

			stageId = stageId + 1;

		//Line Setting
		Entity_stageLink_mst stageLinkMst = Resources.Load ("Data/stageLink_mst") as Entity_stageLink_mst;
		List<string> myStageLink = new List<string> ();
		for (int i=0; i<stageLinkMst.param.Count; i++) {
			int tempKuniId = stageLinkMst.param[i].kuniId;
			if(tempKuniId ==kuniId){
		char[] delimiterChars2 = {'-'};
		string linkPath = "Prefabs/Map/stage/link";
		for (int j=0; j<myStageLink.Count; j++) {

			List<string> linkList = new List<string> (myStageLink[j].Split (delimiterChars2));
			string stage1Name = linkList[0];
			string stage2Name = linkList[1];

			if(!clearedStageList.Contains(stage1Name) && !clearedStageList.Contains(stage2Name)){

				string temp1 = "stage" + stage1Name;
				GameObject stage1 = kuniMap.transform.FindChild(temp1).gameObject;
				RectTransform rectStage1 = stage1.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
				Vector3 vect1 = new Vector3(rectStage1.anchoredPosition.x,rectStage1.anchoredPosition.y,0);

				string temp2 = "stage" + stage2Name;
				GameObject stage2 = kuniMap.transform.FindChild(temp2).gameObject;
				RectTransform rectStage2 = stage2.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
				Vector3 vect2 = new Vector3(rectStage2.anchoredPosition.x,rectStage2.anchoredPosition.y,0);

				GameObject link = Instantiate (Resources.Load (linkPath)) as GameObject;
				link.transform.SetParent (kuniMap.transform);
				link.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (1, 1);
				RectTransform linkRectTransform =link.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
				linkRectTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector3 (0, 0, 0);

				//Line No
				stage1.GetComponent<ShowStageDtl>().linkNo = stage1.GetComponent<ShowStageDtl>().linkNo + 1;
				stage2.GetComponent<ShowStageDtl>().linkNo = stage2.GetComponent<ShowStageDtl>().linkNo + 1;

				link.name = "link" + stage1Name+ "-" + stage2Name;

		//Battle Initial Setting
		StartKassen sk = GameObject.Find ("BattleButton").GetComponent<StartKassen> ();
		sk.activeBusyoQty = activeBusyoQty;
		sk.activeBusyoLv = activeBusyoLv;
		sk.activeButaiQty = activeButaiQty;
		sk.activeButaiLv = activeButaiLv;
		sk.activeDaimyoId = daimyoId;
		sk.doumeiFlg = doumeiFlg;

		/*Naisei Button*/
		string naiseiPath = "Prefabs/Map/NaiseiButton";
		GameObject naiseiBtn = Instantiate (Resources.Load (naiseiPath)) as GameObject;
		naiseiBtn.transform.parent = GameObject.Find ("Popup(Clone)").transform;
		naiseiBtn.GetComponent<StartNaisei> ().activeKuniId = kuniId;
		naiseiBtn.GetComponent<StartNaisei> ().activeKuniName = kuniName;
		naiseiBtn.GetComponent<StartNaisei> ().clearedFlg = clearedFlg;
		naiseiBtn.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (0.4f, 0.4f);
		naiseiBtn.transform.localPosition = new Vector2 (-490, -300);
		//Initial Setting
		GameObject firstStage = GameObject.Find ("stage1");
		firstStage.GetComponent<ShowStageDtl> ().OnClick ();

コード例 #19
	public void makeTabibitoInstance(string targetTyp){

		//Rank Check
		float rankPercent = UnityEngine.Random.value;
		rankPercent = rankPercent * 100;
		string targetRank = "";

		//For test
		if (rankPercent <= 100) {
			targetRank = "S";

		if (rankPercent <= 1) {
			targetRank = "S";
		} else if (1 < rankPercent && rankPercent <= 10) {
			targetRank = "A";

		}else if (10 < rankPercent && rankPercent <= 45) {
			targetRank = "B";

		}else if (45 < rankPercent) {
			targetRank = "C";


		//Extract Target Type & Target Rank
		Entity_tabibito_mst tabibitoMst = Resources.Load ("Data/tabibito_mst") as Entity_tabibito_mst;
		List<int> idList = new List<int> ();
		for (int i=0; i<tabibitoMst.param.Count; i++) {
			string tempTyp = tabibitoMst.param[i].Typ;
			string tempRank = tabibitoMst.param[i].Rank;

			if(tempTyp == targetTyp && tempRank == targetRank){

		//Random Extract
		int rdmId = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0,idList.Count);
		int targetTabibitoId = idList[rdmId];

		//Select Start Point
		List<string> startPointList = new List<string> (){"goalA","goalB","goalC","goalD","goalE","goalF","goalG","goalH","goalI","goalJ","goalK","goalL","goalM","goalN"};
		int rdmId2 = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0,startPointList.Count);
		string startPoint = startPointList[rdmId2];

		GameObject tabibitoView = GameObject.Find ("TabibitoView").gameObject;
		GameObject startPointObj = tabibitoView.transform.FindChild(startPoint).gameObject;

		int grpId = 0;
		string tabibitoPath = "";
		if (targetTyp == "common") {
			tabibitoPath = "Prefabs/Naisei/Tabibito/" + targetTabibitoId;
		} else if (targetTyp == "boubi") {
			tabibitoPath = "Prefabs/Naisei/Tabibito/kengou";
		} else if (targetTyp == "nanban") {
			tabibitoPath = "Prefabs/Naisei/Tabibito/nanban";
		} else if (targetTyp == "bunka") {
			grpId = tabibitoMst.param [targetTabibitoId - 1].GrpID;
			tabibitoPath = "Prefabs/Naisei/Tabibito/bunka" + grpId;
		} else if (targetTyp == "bukkyo") {
			tabibitoPath = "Prefabs/Naisei/Tabibito/bukkyo";
		GameObject prefab = Instantiate(Resources.Load (tabibitoPath)) as GameObject;

		prefab.GetComponent<TabibitoMove> ().destPoint = startPointObj.GetComponent<TabibitoKiller> ().OppositObj;
		prefab.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(startPointObj.transform.localPosition.x, startPointObj.transform.localPosition.y, 0);

		//Add Notice Button
		string ntcBtnPath = "Prefabs/Naisei/Tabibito/NoticeBtn";
		GameObject btn = Instantiate(Resources.Load (ntcBtnPath)) as GameObject;
		btn.transform.localPosition = new Vector2 (60, 60);

		if (targetTyp != "nanban" && (targetTyp != "bunka" || grpId != 3)) {
			btn.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (25, 25);
			if (startPoint == "goalA" || startPoint == "goalB" || startPoint == "goalC" || startPoint == "goalD" || startPoint == "goalI" || startPoint == "goalJ" || startPoint == "goalK") {
				prefab.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (0.7f, 0.7f);
			} else {
				prefab.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (-0.7f, 0.7f);
		} else {
			btn.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (20, 20);
			if (startPoint == "goalA" || startPoint == "goalB" || startPoint == "goalC" || startPoint == "goalD" || startPoint == "goalI" || startPoint == "goalJ" || startPoint == "goalK") {
				prefab.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (0.9f, 0.9f);
			} else {
				prefab.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (-0.9f, 0.9f);

		btn.GetComponent<TabibitoNoticeBtn> ().targetGrp= tabibitoMst.param [targetTabibitoId - 1].Grp;
		btn.GetComponent<TabibitoNoticeBtn> ().targetGrpId= grpId;
		btn.GetComponent<TabibitoNoticeBtn> ().targetName = tabibitoMst.param [targetTabibitoId - 1].Name;
		btn.GetComponent<TabibitoNoticeBtn> ().targetExp = tabibitoMst.param [targetTabibitoId - 1].Exp;
		string rank = tabibitoMst.param [targetTabibitoId - 1].Rank;
		btn.GetComponent<TabibitoNoticeBtn> ().targetRank = rank;

		string itemCd = tabibitoMst.param [targetTabibitoId - 1].ItemMst;
		int itemId = tabibitoMst.param [targetTabibitoId - 1].ItemMstId;

		if (itemId == 0) {
			//Random Get Kahou Item
			Kahou kahou = new Kahou();
			string kahouRank = "";
			float kahouPercent = UnityEngine.Random.value;
			kahouPercent = kahouPercent * 100;

					kahouRank = "S";
					kahouRank = "A";
			}else if(rank=="A"){
					kahouRank = "A";
					kahouRank = "B";
			}else if(rank=="B"){
					kahouRank = "B";
					kahouRank = "C";

			itemId = kahou.getRamdomKahouId(itemCd, kahouRank);


		btn.GetComponent<TabibitoNoticeBtn> ().itemCd = itemCd;
		btn.GetComponent<TabibitoNoticeBtn> ().itemId = itemId;
		btn.GetComponent<TabibitoNoticeBtn> ().itemQty = tabibitoMst.param [targetTabibitoId - 1].ItemQty;

コード例 #20
    public void receiveKaho()
        Message msgScript = new Message();
        Kahou   kahou     = new Kahou();
        string  kahouMsg  = "";

        for (int i = 0; i < kahoTypList.Count; i++)
            string kahoTyp  = kahoTypList[i];
            int    kahoId   = kahoIdList[i];
            string kahoName = kahoNameList[i];

            if (kahoTyp == "bugu")
            else if (kahoTyp == "gusoku")
            else if (kahoTyp == "kabuto")
            else if (kahoTyp == "meiba")
            else if (kahoTyp == "cyadougu")
            else if (kahoTyp == "chishikisyo")
            else if (kahoTyp == "heihousyo")

            if (kahouMsg == "")
                kahouMsg = kahoName;
                kahouMsg = kahouMsg + "," + kahoName;

        string msg = "";

        if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
            msg = "You got " + kahouMsg + ".";
            msg = kahouMsg + "を受領しましたぞ。良い物を手に入れられましたな。";
コード例 #21
ファイル: DoBouryaku.cs プロジェクト: pratikxman/Sengoku2d
    public void OnClick()
        Message    msg            = new Message();
        Gaikou     gaikou         = new Gaikou();
        DoGaikou   yukouChange    = new DoGaikou();
        int        nowHyourou     = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("hyourou");
        CloseBoard closeScript    = GameObject.Find("close").GetComponent <CloseBoard> ();
        int        daimyoBusyoAtk = closeScript.daimyoBusyoAtk;
        int        daimyoBusyoDfc = closeScript.daimyoBusyoDfc;
        int        daimyoId       = closeScript.daimyoId;
        int        kuniId         = closeScript.kuniId;

        AudioSource[] audioSources = GameObject.Find("SEController").GetComponents <AudioSource> ();

        if (nowHyourou >= 5)
            int TrackBouryakuNo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("TrackBouryakuNo", 0);
            TrackBouryakuNo = TrackBouryakuNo + 1;
            PlayerPrefs.SetInt("TrackBouryakuNo", TrackBouryakuNo);

            if (name == "DoGihouBtn")
                //Reduce Hyourou

                //Reduce Shinobi
                //Ge 5-15%, Cyu 15-30%, Jyo 30-50%
                int randomPercent = 0;
                int newQty        = itemQty - 1;

                if (itemRank == "Ge")
                    randomPercent = UnityEngine.Random.Range(5, 15);
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("shinobiGe", newQty);
                else if (itemRank == "Cyu")
                    randomPercent = UnityEngine.Random.Range(15, 30);
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("shinobiCyu", newQty);
                else if (itemRank == "Jyo")
                    randomPercent = UnityEngine.Random.Range(30, 50);
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("shinobiJyo", newQty);

                float ratio   = (float)randomPercent;
                float percent = Random.value;
                percent = percent * 100;

                if (percent <= ratio)
                    audioSources [3].Play();

                    int TrackBouryakuSuccessNo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("TrackBouryakuSuccessNo", 0);
                    TrackBouryakuSuccessNo = TrackBouryakuSuccessNo + 1;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("TrackBouryakuSuccessNo", TrackBouryakuSuccessNo);

                    //Delete Gunzei

                    //Delete Key
                    string gunzeiKey = Gunzei.name;

                    //Delete Key History
                    char[]        delimiterChars = { ',' };
                    string        keyHistory     = PlayerPrefs.GetString("keyHistory");
                    List <string> keyHistoryList = new List <string>();
                    if (keyHistory != null && keyHistory != "")
                        if (keyHistory.Contains(","))
                            keyHistoryList = new List <string> (keyHistory.Split(delimiterChars));
                    string newKeyHistory = "";
                    for (int i = 0; i < keyHistoryList.Count; i++)
                        if (i == 0)
                            newKeyHistory = keyHistoryList[i];
                            newKeyHistory = newKeyHistory + "," + keyHistoryList[i];
                    PlayerPrefs.SetString("keyHistory", newKeyHistory);

                    PlayerPrefs.SetBool("questDailyFlg33", true);

                    //Extension Mark Handling
                    MainStageController main = new MainStageController();

                    int TrackGihouHei = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("TrackGihouHei", 0);
                    int hei           = Gunzei.GetComponent <Gunzei> ().myHei;
                    TrackGihouHei = TrackGihouHei + hei;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("TrackGihouHei", TrackGihouHei);

                    string daimyoName = Gunzei.GetComponent <Gunzei>().srcDaimyoName;
                    string OKtext     = "";
                    if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                        OKtext = "My lord, misreport was successful. \n" + daimyoName + " army withdrawn.";
                        OKtext = "御屋形様、偽報に成功しましたぞ。\n" + daimyoName + "の軍勢が退却します。";
                    audioSources [4].Play();

                    int nowYukoudo    = gaikou.getMyGaikou(daimyoId);
                    int newYukoudo    = gaikou.downMyGaikou(daimyoId, nowYukoudo, maxReduceValue);
                    int reduceYukoudo = nowYukoudo - newYukoudo;
                    GameObject.Find("YukouValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = newYukoudo.ToString();

                    string NGtext = "";
                    if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                        NGtext = "My lord, I'm sorry. failed misreport. \n Friendship decreased " + reduceYukoudo + " point";
                        NGtext = "申し訳御座りませぬ。偽報に失敗しましたぞ。\n友好度が" + reduceYukoudo + "下がりますぞ。";


                    yukouChange.downYukouOnIcon(daimyoId, newYukoudo);

                GameObject.Find("return").GetComponent <MenuReturn> ().OnClick();
            else if (name == "DoRyugenBtn")
                //Reduce Hyourou

                //Ge 10-20%, Cyu 20-40%, Jyo 40-70%
                float randomPercent = 0;
                int   newQty        = itemQty - 1;

                if (itemRank == "Ge")
                    float tempRandomPercent = (200 - daimyoBusyoDfc) / 4;
                    float tempValue         = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.5f, 1.5f);
                    randomPercent = tempRandomPercent * tempValue;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("shinobiGe", newQty);
                else if (itemRank == "Cyu")
                    float tempRandomPercent = (200 - daimyoBusyoDfc) / 2;
                    float tempValue         = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.8f, 1.2f);
                    randomPercent = tempRandomPercent * tempValue;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("shinobiCyu", newQty);
                else if (itemRank == "Jyo")
                    float tempRandomPercent = (200 - daimyoBusyoDfc);
                    float tempValue         = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.9f, 1.1f);
                    randomPercent = tempRandomPercent * tempValue;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("shinobiJyo", newQty);

                float percent = Random.value;
                percent = percent * 100;

                if (percent <= randomPercent)
                    audioSources [3].Play();

                    int TrackBouryakuSuccessNo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("TrackBouryakuSuccessNo", 0);
                    TrackBouryakuSuccessNo = TrackBouryakuSuccessNo + 1;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("TrackBouryakuSuccessNo", TrackBouryakuSuccessNo);

                    int TrackRyugenNo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("TrackRyugenNo", 0);
                    TrackRyugenNo = TrackRyugenNo + 1;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("TrackRyugenNo", TrackRyugenNo);

                    //Daimyo Id
                    int srcDaimyoId = GameObject.Find("close").GetComponent <CloseBoard> ().daimyoId;

                    //Seiryoku List
                    string        seiryoku       = PlayerPrefs.GetString("seiryoku");
                    List <string> seiryokuList   = new List <string> ();
                    char[]        delimiterChars = { ',' };
                    seiryokuList = new List <string> (seiryoku.Split(delimiterChars));

                    //src daimyo kuni list
                    List <string> srcDaimyoKuniList = new List <string> ();
                    for (int i = 0; i < seiryokuList.Count; i++)
                        string tempDaimyoId = seiryokuList[i];

                        if (tempDaimyoId == srcDaimyoId.ToString())
                            int temp = i + 1;

                    //src daimyo open kuni list
                    KuniInfo   kuni         = new KuniInfo();
                    List <int> openKuniList = new List <int>();
                    for (int j = 0; j < srcDaimyoKuniList.Count; j++)

                    //Target Daimyo (exculde this src daimyo & mydaimyo)
                    int        myDaimyo      = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("myDaimyo");
                    List <int> dstDaimyoList = new List <int>();

                    for (int k = 0; k < openKuniList.Count; k++)
                        int temp         = openKuniList[k] - 1;
                        int tempDaimyoId = int.Parse(seiryokuList[temp]);
                        if (tempDaimyoId != myDaimyo && tempDaimyoId != srcDaimyoId)
                            if (!dstDaimyoList.Contains(tempDaimyoId))

                    //Reduce Yukoudo
                    MainEventHandler main       = new MainEventHandler();
                    Daimyo           daimyo     = new Daimyo();
                    string           ryugenText = "";
                    for (int l = 0; l < dstDaimyoList.Count; l++)
                        int    dstDaimyoId   = dstDaimyoList[l];
                        string dstDaimyoName = daimyo.getName(dstDaimyoId);
                        int    reduceYukoudo = main.DownYukouValueWithOther(srcDaimyoId, dstDaimyoId);
                        reduceYukoudo = reduceYukoudo / 2;
                        if (reduceYukoudo == 0)
                            reduceYukoudo = 1;

                        if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                            ryugenText = ryugenText + dstDaimyoName + " friendship decreased " + reduceYukoudo + " point \n";
                            ryugenText = ryugenText + dstDaimyoName + "との友好度が" + reduceYukoudo + "下がりました。\n";

                    PlayerPrefs.SetBool("questDailyFlg31", true);

                    //Extension Mark Handling
                    MainStageController mainStage = new MainStageController();

                    string OKtext = "";
                    if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                        OKtext = "My lord, bad rumor was successful. \n" + ryugenText;
                        OKtext = "御屋形様、流言に成功しましたぞ。\n " + ryugenText;
                    audioSources [4].Play();

                    int nowYukoudo    = gaikou.getMyGaikou(daimyoId);
                    int newYukoudo    = gaikou.downMyGaikou(daimyoId, nowYukoudo, maxReduceValue);
                    int reduceYukoudo = nowYukoudo - newYukoudo;
                    GameObject.Find("YukouValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = newYukoudo.ToString();

                    string NGtext = "";
                    if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                        NGtext = "My lord, I'm sorry. failed misreport. \n Friendship decreased " + reduceYukoudo + " point";
                        NGtext = "申し訳御座りませぬ。流言に失敗しましたぞ。\n友好度が" + reduceYukoudo + "下がりますぞ。";

                    yukouChange.downYukouOnIcon(daimyoId, newYukoudo);


                GameObject.Find("return").GetComponent <MenuReturn> ().OnClick();
            else if (name == "DoGoudatsuBtn")

                //Ge 10-20%, Cyu 20-40%, Jyo 40-70%
                float randomPercent = 0;
                int   newQty        = itemQty - 1;

                if (itemRank == "Ge")
                    float tempRandomPercent = (200 - daimyoBusyoDfc) / 4;
                    float tempValue         = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.5f, 1.5f);
                    randomPercent = tempRandomPercent * tempValue;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("shinobiGe", newQty);
                else if (itemRank == "Cyu")
                    float tempRandomPercent = (200 - daimyoBusyoDfc) / 2;
                    float tempValue         = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.8f, 1.2f);
                    randomPercent = tempRandomPercent * tempValue;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("shinobiCyu", newQty);
                else if (itemRank == "Jyo")
                    float tempRandomPercent = (200 - daimyoBusyoDfc);
                    float tempValue         = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.9f, 1.1f);
                    randomPercent = tempRandomPercent * tempValue;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("shinobiJyo", newQty);

                float percent = Random.value;
                percent = percent * 100;

                if (percent <= randomPercent)
                    audioSources [3].Play();

                    int TrackBouryakuSuccessNo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("TrackBouryakuSuccessNo", 0);
                    TrackBouryakuSuccessNo = TrackBouryakuSuccessNo + 1;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("TrackBouryakuSuccessNo", TrackBouryakuSuccessNo);

                    int kuniQty  = GameObject.Find("close").GetComponent <CloseBoard>().kuniQty;
                    int getMoney = 0;
                    //Money or Item 0:money, 1:item
                    int moneyOrItem = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 2);
                    //Kahou or Shizai 0:kahou, 1:shizai
                    int    kahouOrShizai = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 2);
                    string kahouName     = "";
                    string shigenName    = "";
                    int    addQty        = 0;
                    int    kahouRank     = 0;              //kahouRank S,A,B,C=1,2,3,4
                    //shigen Type
                    int shigenType = 0;                    //KB,YR,TP,YM=1,2,3,4

                    if (moneyOrItem == 0)
                        int temGetMoney = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1000, 1501);
                        getMoney = temGetMoney * kuniQty;
                        int nowMoney = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("money");
                        nowMoney = nowMoney + getMoney;
                        if (nowMoney < 0)
                            nowMoney = int.MaxValue;
                        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("money", nowMoney);
                        //Kahou or Shizai 0:kahou, 1:shizai
                        kahouOrShizai = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 2);
                        if (kahouOrShizai == 0)
                            Kahou kahou = new Kahou();
                            ////Bugu, Gusoku, Kabuto, Meiba, Heihousyo, Cyadougu, Chishikisyo(1,2,3,4,5,6)
                            int kahouType = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 7);

                            float khPercent = Random.value;
                            khPercent = khPercent * 100;
                            if (5 <= kuniQty)
                                //(S,A,B  5,35,60%)
                                if (khPercent <= 5)
                                    kahouRank = 1;
                                    kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
                                else if (5 < khPercent && khPercent <= 41)
                                    kahouRank = 2;
                                    kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
                                else if (41 < khPercent)
                                    kahouRank = 3;
                                    kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
                            else if (3 <= kuniQty && kuniQty < 5)
                                //(S,A,B,C : 1,15,25,59%)
                                if (khPercent <= 1)
                                    kahouRank = 1;
                                    kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
                                else if (1 < khPercent && khPercent <= 16)
                                    kahouRank = 2;
                                    kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
                                else if (16 < khPercent && khPercent <= 41)
                                    kahouRank = 3;
                                    kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
                                else if (41 < khPercent)
                                    kahouRank = 4;
                                    kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
                            else if (kuniQty < 3)
                                //(A,B,C : 5, 35, 60%)
                                if (khPercent <= 5)
                                    kahouRank = 2;
                                    kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
                                else if (5 < khPercent && khPercent <= 41)
                                    kahouRank = 3;
                                    kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
                                else if (41 < khPercent)
                                    kahouRank = 3;
                                    kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
                            shigenType = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 5);
                            float sgPercent = Random.value;
                            sgPercent = sgPercent * 100;
                            addQty    = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 6);
                            Item item       = new Item();
                            int  shigenRank = 0;                           //下、中、上=1,2,3

                            if (5 <= kuniQty)
                                //(上,中,下  40,40, 20%)
                                if (sgPercent <= 40)
                                    shigenRank = 3;
                                else if (40 < sgPercent && sgPercent <= 81)
                                    shigenRank = 2;
                                else if (81 < sgPercent)
                                    shigenRank = 1;
                                shigenName = item.getRandomShigen(shigenType, shigenRank, addQty);
                            else if (3 <= kuniQty && kuniQty < 5)
                                //(上,中,下  20,50,30%)
                                if (sgPercent <= 20)
                                    shigenRank = 3;
                                else if (20 < sgPercent && sgPercent <= 51)
                                    shigenRank = 2;
                                else if (51 < sgPercent)
                                    shigenRank = 1;
                                shigenName = item.getRandomShigen(shigenType, shigenRank, addQty);
                            else if (kuniQty < 3)
                                //(上,中,下  5,25,70%)
                                if (sgPercent <= 5)
                                    shigenRank = 3;
                                else if (5 < sgPercent && sgPercent <= 26)
                                    shigenRank = 2;
                                else if (26 < sgPercent)
                                    shigenRank = 1;
                                shigenName = item.getRandomShigen(shigenType, shigenRank, addQty);

                    PlayerPrefs.SetBool("questDailyFlg32", true);

                    MainStageController mainStage = new MainStageController();

                    string OKtext = "";
                    if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                        OKtext = "My lord, successed to rob.\n";
                        OKtext = "御屋形様、強奪に成功しましたぞ。\n";

                    string addText = "";
                    if (moneyOrItem == 0)
                        if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                            addText = "got " + getMoney + " money.";
                            addText = "金を" + getMoney + "奪って参りました。";
                        if (kahouOrShizai == 0)

                            if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                                addText = " got treasure " + kahouName + ".";
                                addText = "家宝、" + kahouName + "を奪って参りました。";

                            if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                                addText = " got " + addQty + " " + shigenName + ".";
                                addText = shigenName + "を" + addQty + "個奪って参りました。";

                    OKtext = OKtext + addText;
                    audioSources [4].Play();

                    int nowYukoudo    = gaikou.getMyGaikou(daimyoId);
                    int newYukoudo    = gaikou.downMyGaikou(daimyoId, nowYukoudo, maxReduceValue);
                    int reduceYukoudo = nowYukoudo - newYukoudo;
                    GameObject.Find("YukouValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = newYukoudo.ToString();

                    string NGtext = "";
                    if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                        NGtext = "My lord, I'm sorry. failed to rob. \n Friendship decreased " + reduceYukoudo + " point";
                        NGtext = "申し訳御座りませぬ。強奪に失敗しましたぞ。\n友好度が" + reduceYukoudo + "下がりますぞ。";

                    yukouChange.downYukouOnIcon(daimyoId, newYukoudo);


                GameObject.Find("return").GetComponent <MenuReturn> ().OnClick();
            else if (name == "DoCyouhouBtn")

                //Set Value & REduce Qty
                float missPercent = 0;
                int   newQty      = itemQty - 1;
                int   snbValue    = 0;

                if (itemRank == "Ge")
                    missPercent = 30;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("shinobiGe", newQty);
                    snbValue = 1;
                else if (itemRank == "Cyu")
                    missPercent = 15;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("shinobiCyu", newQty);
                    snbValue = 2;
                else if (itemRank == "Jyo")
                    missPercent = 5;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("shinobiJyo", newQty);
                    snbValue = 3;

                //Random Check
                float percent = Random.value;
                percent = percent * 100;

                if (percent >= missPercent)
                    audioSources [3].Play();

                    int TrackBouryakuSuccessNo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("TrackBouryakuSuccessNo", 0);
                    TrackBouryakuSuccessNo = TrackBouryakuSuccessNo + 1;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("TrackBouryakuSuccessNo", TrackBouryakuSuccessNo);

                    int TrackCyouhouNo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("TrackCyouhouNo", 0);
                    TrackCyouhouNo = TrackCyouhouNo + 1;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("TrackCyouhouNo", TrackCyouhouNo);

                    string        cyouhouHist     = PlayerPrefs.GetString("cyouhou");
                    char[]        delimiterChars  = { ',' };
                    List <string> cyouhouHistList = new List <string> ();
                    if (cyouhouHist != null && cyouhouHist != "")
                        if (cyouhouHist.Contains(","))
                            cyouhouHistList = new List <string> (cyouhouHist.Split(delimiterChars));

                    //Add new kuni
                    if (!cyouhouHistList.Contains(kuniId.ToString()))

                    string newCyouhouHist = "";
                    for (int i = 0; i < cyouhouHistList.Count; i++)
                        string tmpCyouhouKuniId = cyouhouHistList [i];

                        if (i == 0)
                            newCyouhouHist = tmpCyouhouKuniId;
                            newCyouhouHist = newCyouhouHist + "," + tmpCyouhouKuniId;

                    PlayerPrefs.SetString("cyouhou", newCyouhouHist);

                    string cyouhouKuni = "cyouhou" + kuniId.ToString();
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt(cyouhouKuni, snbValue);

                    bool cyouhouFlg = closeScript.cyouhouFlg;

                    if (cyouhouFlg)
                        //Change Icon
                        GameObject shinobi = GameObject.Find("shinobi").gameObject;

                        if (snbValue == 1)
                            Color lowColor = new Color(0f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 219f / 255f, 255f / 255f);
                            shinobi.GetComponent <Image> ().color = lowColor;
                            shinobi.transform.FindChild("ShinobiRank").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "下";
                        else if (snbValue == 2)
                            Color midColor = new Color(94f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 255f / 255f);
                            shinobi.GetComponent <Image> ().color = midColor;
                            shinobi.transform.FindChild("ShinobiRank").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "中";
                        else if (snbValue == 3)
                            Color highColor = new Color(84f / 255f, 103f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 255f / 255f);
                            shinobi.GetComponent <Image> ().color = highColor;
                            shinobi.transform.FindChild("ShinobiRank").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "上";
                        GameObject smallBoardObj = GameObject.Find("smallBoard(Clone)").gameObject;

                        //new Icon
                        string     shinobiItemPath = "Prefabs/Item/Shinobi/Shinobi";
                        GameObject shinobi         = Instantiate(Resources.Load(shinobiItemPath)) as GameObject;
                        shinobi.transform.localScale = new Vector2(0.25f, 0.31f);
                        shinobi.name = "shinobi";
                        RectTransform snbTransform = shinobi.GetComponent <RectTransform> ();
                        snbTransform.anchoredPosition            = new Vector3(-251, 250, 0);
                        shinobi.GetComponent <Button> ().enabled = false;

                        if (snbValue == 1)
                            Color lowColor = new Color(0f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 219f / 255f, 255f / 255f);
                            shinobi.GetComponent <Image>().color = lowColor;
                            shinobi.transform.FindChild("ShinobiRank").GetComponent <Text>().text = "下";
                        else if (snbValue == 2)
                            Color midColor = new Color(94f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 255f / 255f);
                            shinobi.GetComponent <Image>().color = midColor;
                            shinobi.transform.FindChild("ShinobiRank").GetComponent <Text>().text = "中";
                        else if (snbValue == 3)
                            Color highColor = new Color(84f / 255f, 103f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 255f / 255f);
                            shinobi.GetComponent <Image>().color = highColor;
                            shinobi.transform.FindChild("ShinobiRank").GetComponent <Text>().text = "上";

                        //Set Flg
                        closeScript.cyouhouFlg       = true;
                        closeScript.cyouhouSnbRankId = snbValue;

                    GameObject kuniIconView = GameObject.Find("KuniIconView").gameObject;
                    kuniIconView.transform.FindChild(kuniId.ToString()).GetComponent <SendParam> ().cyouhouSnbRankId = snbValue;

                    KuniInfo kuni     = new KuniInfo();
                    string   kuniName = kuni.getKuniName(kuniId);
                    PlayerPrefs.SetBool("questDailyFlg30", true);

                    MainStageController mainStage = new MainStageController();

                    string OKtext = "";
                    if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                        OKtext = "Ninja hided in " + kuniName + " well. \n Please check spy report.";
                        OKtext = "忍が上手く" + kuniName + "に潜伏しましたぞ。\n諜報内容をご確認下され。";
                    audioSources [4].Play();

                    int nowYukoudo    = gaikou.getMyGaikou(daimyoId);
                    int newYukoudo    = gaikou.downMyGaikou(daimyoId, nowYukoudo, maxReduceValue);
                    int reduceYukoudo = nowYukoudo - newYukoudo;
                    GameObject.Find("YukouValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = newYukoudo.ToString();
                    string NGtext = "";
                    if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                        NGtext = "Ninja was caught. \n Friendship decreased " + reduceYukoudo + " point";
                        NGtext = "忍が捕まってしまったようです。\n友好度が" + reduceYukoudo + "下がりますぞ。";


                    yukouChange.downYukouOnIcon(daimyoId, newYukoudo);


                GameObject.Find("return").GetComponent <MenuReturn> ().OnClick();
            audioSources [4].Play();
            //msg.makeMessage (msg.getMessage(7));
コード例 #22
ファイル: DoGaikou.cs プロジェクト: pratikxman/Sengoku2d
    // Use this for initialization
    public void OnClick()
        Message    msg         = new Message();
        Gaikou     gaikou      = new Gaikou();
        CloseBoard closeScript = GameObject.Find("close").GetComponent <CloseBoard> ();

        daimyoId = closeScript.daimyoId;

        if (hyourouOKflg)
            if (moneyOKflg)
                int TrackGaikouNo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("TrackGaikouNo", 0);
                TrackGaikouNo = TrackGaikouNo + 1;
                PlayerPrefs.SetInt("TrackGaikouNo", TrackGaikouNo);

                if (name == "DoMitsugiBtn")
                    string tempGaikou = "gaikou" + daimyoId;
                    int    nowYukoudo = 0;
                    if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(tempGaikou))
                        nowYukoudo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(tempGaikou);
                        nowYukoudo = 50;

                    float percent = UnityEngine.Random.value;
                    percent = percent * 100;
                    float tmpYukoudo = (float)nowYukoudo;
                    if (tmpYukoudo < 5)
                        tmpYukoudo = 5;

                    if (percent <= tmpYukoudo * 2)

                        bool doumeiFlg = closeScript.doumeiFlg;

                        //Add Yukoudo
                        // AddYukoudo = (Money/200)*chiryaku/500
                        int addYukoudo = (paiedMoney / 200) + (busyoChiryaku / 100);
                        if (addYukoudo <= 0)
                            addYukoudo = 1;

                        if (doumeiFlg)
                            addYukoudo = addYukoudo * 2;

                        int newYukoudo = nowYukoudo + addYukoudo;
                        if (newYukoudo > 100)
                            newYukoudo = 100;
                        PlayerPrefs.SetInt(tempGaikou, newYukoudo);
                        GameObject.Find("YukouValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = newYukoudo.ToString();

                        //Change new yukoudo
                        closeScript.yukoudo = newYukoudo;

                        string OKtext = "";
                        if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                            OKtext = "Gave money " + paiedMoney + " to " + daimyoName + ".\n Friendship increased " + addYukoudo + " point";
                            OKtext = daimyoName + "に金" + paiedMoney + "の貢物をしました。\n友好度が" + addYukoudo + "上がりますぞ。";
                        PlayerPrefs.SetBool("questDailyFlg28", true);


                        //Extension Mark Handling
                        MainStageController main = new MainStageController();

                        upYukouOnIcon(daimyoId, newYukoudo);
                        paiedMoney = 0;

                        string NGtext = "";
                        if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                            NGtext = daimyoName + " declined our money.\n He doesn't want to build a good relationship with us";
                            NGtext = daimyoName + "に貢物を体よく断られ申した。\n当家と関係を修復する気はないようですな。";
                    GameObject.Find("return").GetComponent <MenuReturn> ().OnClick();
                else if (name == "DoDoumeiBtn")

                    float percent = Random.value;
                    percent = percent * 100;

                    if (percent <= doumeiRatio)
                        //Doumei Success
                        audioSources [3].Play();

                        int TrackDoumeiNo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("TrackDoumeiNo", 0);
                        TrackDoumeiNo = TrackDoumeiNo + 1;
                        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("TrackDoumeiNo", TrackDoumeiNo);


                        string doumei = PlayerPrefs.GetString("doumei");
                        if (doumei == null || doumei == "")
                            doumei = daimyoId.ToString();
                            doumei = doumei + "," + daimyoId.ToString();

                        int    myDaimyo      = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("myDaimyo");
                        string cpuDoumeiTemp = "doumei" + daimyoId.ToString();
                        string cpuDoumei     = PlayerPrefs.GetString(cpuDoumeiTemp);
                        if (cpuDoumei != null & cpuDoumei != "")
                            cpuDoumei = cpuDoumei + "," + myDaimyo.ToString();
                            cpuDoumei = myDaimyo.ToString();
                        PlayerPrefs.SetString(cpuDoumeiTemp, cpuDoumei);
                        PlayerPrefs.SetString("doumei", doumei);

                        //Change Target Flg & Kuni Icon Color
                        string        seiryoku       = PlayerPrefs.GetString("seiryoku");
                        char[]        delimiterChars = { ',' };
                        List <string> seiryokuList   = new List <string> ();
                        seiryokuList = new List <string> (seiryoku.Split(delimiterChars));
                        GameObject KuniIconView = GameObject.Find("KuniIconView").gameObject;

                        Color doumeiColor = new Color(100f / 255f, 130f / 255f, 255f / 255f, 255f / 255f);                          //Blue
                        for (int i = 0; i < seiryokuList.Count; i++)
                            int tempDaimyoId = int.Parse(seiryokuList [i]);

                            if (tempDaimyoId == daimyoId)
                                int        kuniId   = i + 1;
                                GameObject kuniIcon = KuniIconView.transform.FindChild(kuniId.ToString()).gameObject;
                                kuniIcon.GetComponent <Image> ().color         = doumeiColor;
                                kuniIcon.GetComponent <SendParam> ().doumeiFlg = true;

                        PlayerPrefs.SetBool("questSpecialFlg2", true);
                        //Extension Mark Handling
                        MainStageController main = new MainStageController();

                        string OKtext = "";
                        if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                            OKtext = "Congratulations.\n" + "We concluded an alliance with" + daimyoName + ".\n" + "we got some of strategic options.";
                            OKtext = "教悦至極にございます。" + daimyoName + "と同盟を結びましたぞ。\n" + "戦略の幅が広がりますな。";

                        //If Gunzei Exist
                        foreach (GameObject obs in  GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Gunzei"))
                            int srcDaimyoId = obs.GetComponent <Gunzei>().srcDaimyoId;
                            int dstDaimyoId = obs.GetComponent <Gunzei>().dstDaimyoId;
                            if (srcDaimyoId == daimyoId && dstDaimyoId == myDaimyo)
                                Gunzei gunzeiScript = new Gunzei();

                        //Doumie Failed
                        audioSources [4].Play();

                        int maxReduceValue = 3;
                        int nowYukoudo     = gaikou.getMyGaikou(daimyoId);
                        int newYukoudo     = gaikou.downMyGaikou(daimyoId, nowYukoudo, maxReduceValue);
                        int reduceYukoudo  = nowYukoudo - newYukoudo;
                        closeScript.yukoudo = newYukoudo;

                        GameObject.Find("YukouValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = newYukoudo.ToString();
                        string NGtext = "";
                        if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                            NGtext = daimyoName + " declined our proposal. \n" + "Friendship decreased " + reduceYukoudo + " point";
                            NGtext = daimyoName + "に体よく断られ申した。\n友好度が" + reduceYukoudo + "下がりますぞ。";

                        downYukouOnIcon(daimyoId, newYukoudo);

                        GameObject.Find("return").GetComponent <MenuReturn> ().OnClick();

                else if (name == "DoKyoutouBtn")

                    //Kyoutou Check
                    float percent = Random.value;
                    percent = percent * 100;
                    if (percent <= kyoutouRatio)
                        audioSources [3].Play();


                        string           playerKyoutouList = PlayerPrefs.GetString("playerKyoutouList", "");
                        MainEventHandler kyoutou           = new MainEventHandler();
                        if (playerKyoutouList == null || playerKyoutouList == "")
                            playerKyoutouList = targetKuniId + "-" + kyoutou.getEngunSts(daimyoId.ToString());
                            playerKyoutouList = playerKyoutouList + ":" + +targetKuniId + "-" + kyoutou.getEngunSts(daimyoId.ToString());
                        PlayerPrefs.SetString("playerKyoutouList", playerKyoutouList);

                        string OKtext = "";
                        if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                            OKtext = "Good. " + daimyoName + "will support our party in " + kuniName + " attack";
                            OKtext = daimyoName + "殿が" + kuniName + "攻めに\n加勢してくれますぞ。百人力ですな。";
                        audioSources [4].Play();

                        //Doumie Failed
                        int maxReduceValue = 3;
                        int nowYukoudo     = gaikou.getMyGaikou(daimyoId);
                        int newYukoudo     = gaikou.downMyGaikou(daimyoId, nowYukoudo, maxReduceValue);
                        int reduceYukoudo  = nowYukoudo - newYukoudo;
                        GameObject.Find("YukouValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = newYukoudo.ToString();
                        closeScript.yukoudo = newYukoudo;

                        string NGtext = "";
                        if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                            NGtext = daimyoName + " declined our proposal. \n" + "Friendship decreased " + reduceYukoudo + " point";
                            NGtext = daimyoName + "に体よく断られ申した。\n友好度が" + reduceYukoudo + "下がりますぞ。";

                        downYukouOnIcon(daimyoId, newYukoudo);


                    GameObject.Find("return").GetComponent <MenuReturn> ().OnClick();
                else if (name == "DoDoukatsuBtn")

                    float percent = Random.value;
                    percent = percent * 100;

                    if (percent <= doukatsuRatio)
                        audioSources [3].Play();

                        int kuniQty  = closeScript.kuniQty;
                        int getMoney = 0;
                        //Money or Item 0:money, 1:item
                        int moneyOrItem = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 2);
                        //Kahou or Shizai 0:kahou, 1:shizai
                        int    kahouOrShizai = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 2);
                        string kahouName     = "";
                        string shigenName    = "";
                        int    addQty        = 0;
                        int    kahouRank     = 0;                  //kahouRank S,A,B,C=1,2,3,4
                        //shigen Type
                        int shigenType = 0;                        //KB,YR,TP,YM=1,2,3,4

                        if (moneyOrItem == 0)
                            int temGetMoney = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1000, 1501);
                            getMoney = temGetMoney * kuniQty;
                            int nowMoney = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("money");
                            nowMoney = nowMoney + getMoney;
                            if (nowMoney < 0)
                                nowMoney = int.MaxValue;
                            PlayerPrefs.SetInt("money", nowMoney);
                            //Kahou or Shizai 0:kahou, 1:shizai
                            kahouOrShizai = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 2);
                            if (kahouOrShizai == 0)
                                Kahou kahou = new Kahou();
                                ////Bugu, Gusoku, Kabuto, Meiba, Heihousyo, Cyadougu, Chishikisyo(1,2,3,4,5,6)
                                int kahouType = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 7);

                                float khPercent = Random.value;
                                khPercent = khPercent * 100;
                                if (5 <= kuniQty)
                                    if (khPercent <= 1)
                                        kahouRank = 1;
                                        kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
                                    else if (1 < khPercent && khPercent <= 30)
                                        kahouRank = 2;
                                        kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
                                    else if (30 < khPercent)
                                        kahouRank = 3;
                                        kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
                                else if (3 <= kuniQty && kuniQty < 5)
                                    if (khPercent <= 0.5f)
                                        kahouRank = 1;
                                        kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
                                    else if (0.5f < khPercent && khPercent <= 10)
                                        kahouRank = 2;
                                        kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
                                    else if (10 < khPercent && khPercent <= 40)
                                        kahouRank = 3;
                                        kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
                                    else if (40 < khPercent)
                                        kahouRank = 4;
                                        kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
                                else if (kuniQty < 3)
                                    //(A,B,C : 5, 35, 60%)
                                    if (khPercent <= 3)
                                        kahouRank = 2;
                                        kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
                                    else if (3 < khPercent && khPercent <= 31)
                                        kahouRank = 3;
                                        kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
                                    else if (31 < khPercent)
                                        kahouRank = 3;
                                        kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
                                shigenType = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 5);
                                float sgPercent = Random.value;
                                sgPercent = sgPercent * 100;
                                addQty    = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 6);
                                Item item       = new Item();
                                int  shigenRank = 0;                               //下、中、上=1,2,3

                                if (5 <= kuniQty)
                                    //(上,中,下  40,40, 20%)
                                    if (sgPercent <= 40)
                                        shigenRank = 3;
                                    else if (40 < sgPercent && sgPercent <= 81)
                                        shigenRank = 2;
                                    else if (81 < sgPercent)
                                        shigenRank = 1;
                                    shigenName = item.getRandomShigen(shigenType, shigenRank, addQty);
                                else if (3 <= kuniQty && kuniQty < 5)
                                    //(上,中,下  20,50,30%)
                                    if (sgPercent <= 20)
                                        shigenRank = 3;
                                    else if (20 < sgPercent && sgPercent <= 51)
                                        shigenRank = 2;
                                    else if (51 < sgPercent)
                                        shigenRank = 1;
                                    shigenName = item.getRandomShigen(shigenType, shigenRank, addQty);
                                else if (kuniQty < 3)
                                    //(上,中,下  5,25,70%)
                                    if (sgPercent <= 5)
                                        shigenRank = 3;
                                    else if (5 < sgPercent && sgPercent <= 26)
                                        shigenRank = 2;
                                    else if (26 < sgPercent)
                                        shigenRank = 1;
                                    shigenName = item.getRandomShigen(shigenType, shigenRank, addQty);

                        PlayerPrefs.SetBool("questDailyFlg29", true);
                        //Extension Mark Handling
                        MainStageController main = new MainStageController();
                        string OKtext = "";
                        if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                            OKtext = "My lord, successed to threat " + daimyoName;
                            OKtext = "御屋形様、恫喝に成功しましたぞ。\n" + daimyoName + "が";
                        string addText = "";
                        if (moneyOrItem == 0)
                            if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                                addText = " gave money " + getMoney + "to us.\n";
                                addText = "金" + getMoney + "を送って参りました。\n";
                            if (kahouOrShizai == 0)
                                if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                                    addText = " gave treasure " + kahouName + "to us.\n";
                                    addText = "家宝、" + kahouName + "を送って参りました。\n";
                                if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                                    addText = " gave " + addQty + " " + shigenName + " to us.\n";
                                    addText = shigenName + "を" + addQty + "個送って参りました。\n";

                        int maxReduceValue = 5;
                        int nowYukoudo     = gaikou.getMyGaikou(daimyoId);
                        int newYukoudo     = gaikou.downMyGaikou(daimyoId, nowYukoudo, maxReduceValue);
                        int reduceYukoudo  = nowYukoudo - newYukoudo;
                        GameObject.Find("YukouValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = newYukoudo.ToString();
                        closeScript.yukoudo = newYukoudo;
                        string reducceText = "";
                        if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                            reducceText = "Friendship decreased " + reduceYukoudo + " point";
                            reducceText = "友好度が" + reduceYukoudo + "下がりますぞ。";

                        OKtext = OKtext + addText + reducceText;

                        downYukouOnIcon(daimyoId, newYukoudo);
                        audioSources [4].Play();

                        int maxReduceValue = 10;
                        int nowYukoudo     = gaikou.getMyGaikou(daimyoId);
                        int newYukoudo     = gaikou.downMyGaikou(daimyoId, nowYukoudo, maxReduceValue);
                        int reduceYukoudo  = nowYukoudo - newYukoudo;
                        GameObject.Find("YukouValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = newYukoudo.ToString();
                        closeScript.yukoudo = newYukoudo;

                        string NGtext = "";
                        if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                            NGtext = daimyoName + " declined our proposal. \n" + "Friendship decreased " + reduceYukoudo + " point";
                            NGtext = daimyoName + "に体よく断られ申した。\n友好度が" + reduceYukoudo + "下がりますぞ。";

                        downYukouOnIcon(daimyoId, newYukoudo);


                    GameObject.Find("return").GetComponent <MenuReturn> ().OnClick();
                else if (name == "DoSyuppeiBtn")

                    //Syuppei Check
                    float percent = Random.value;
                    percent = percent * 100;
                    if (percent <= kyoutouRatio)
                        audioSources [3].Play();

                        int TrackSyuppeiNo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("TrackSyuppeiNo", 0);
                        TrackSyuppeiNo = TrackSyuppeiNo + 1;
                        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("TrackSyuppeiNo", TrackSyuppeiNo);


                        string     path   = "Prefabs/Map/Gunzei";
                        GameObject Gunzei = Instantiate(Resources.Load(path)) as GameObject;
                        Gunzei.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1, 1);

                        KuniInfo kuni      = new KuniInfo();
                        int      srcX      = kuni.getKuniLocationX(srcKuniId);
                        int      srcY      = kuni.getKuniLocationY(srcKuniId);
                        int      dstX      = kuni.getKuniLocationX(targetKuniId);
                        int      dstY      = kuni.getKuniLocationY(targetKuniId);
                        string   direction = "";
                        Gunzei   gunzei    = new Gunzei();

                        if (srcX < dstX)
                            Gunzei.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1, 1);
                            direction = "right";
                            Gunzei.transform.localScale = new Vector2(-1, 1);
                            direction = "left";
                            Gunzei.GetComponent <Gunzei> ().leftFlg = true;

                        int           aveX            = (srcX + dstX) / 2;
                        int           aveY            = (srcY + dstY) / 2;
                        RectTransform GunzeiTransform = Gunzei.GetComponent <RectTransform> ();
                        GunzeiTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector3(aveX, aveY, 0);

                        string key = srcKuniId.ToString() + "-" + targetKuniId.ToString();
                        Gunzei.GetComponent <Gunzei> ().key           = key;
                        Gunzei.GetComponent <Gunzei> ().srcKuni       = srcKuniId;
                        Gunzei.GetComponent <Gunzei> ().srcDaimyoId   = srcDaimyoId;
                        Gunzei.GetComponent <Gunzei> ().srcDaimyoName = srcDaimyoName;
                        Gunzei.GetComponent <Gunzei> ().dstKuni       = targetKuniId;
                        Gunzei.GetComponent <Gunzei> ().dstDaimyoId   = targetDaimyoId;
                        Gunzei.GetComponent <Gunzei> ().dstDaimyoName = targetDaimyoName;
                        int myHei = gunzei.heiryokuCalc(srcKuniId);

                        //random myHei from -50%-myHeis
                        List <float> randomPercent = new List <float> {
                            0.8f, 0.9f, 1.0f
                        int   rmd = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, randomPercent.Count);
                        float per = randomPercent [rmd];
                        myHei = Mathf.CeilToInt(myHei * per);

                        Gunzei.GetComponent <Gunzei> ().myHei = myHei;
                        Gunzei.name = key;

                        //Engun from Doumei
                        Doumei        doumei           = new Doumei();
                        List <string> doumeiDaimyoList = doumei.doumeiExistCheck(targetDaimyoId, srcDaimyoId.ToString());
                        bool          dstEngunFlg      = false;
                        string        dstEngunDaimyoId = "";             //2:3:5
                        string        dstEngunHei      = "";
                        string        dstEngunSts      = "";             //BusyoId-BusyoLv-ButaiQty-ButaiLv:
                        int           totalEngunHei    = 0;

                        string        seiryoku       = PlayerPrefs.GetString("seiryoku");
                        char[]        delimiterChars = { ',' };
                        List <string> seiryokuList   = new List <string>();
                        seiryokuList = new List <string> (seiryoku.Split(delimiterChars));

                        //Trace Check
                        List <string> okDaimyoList = new List <string> ();
                        List <string> checkList    = new List <string> ();
                        okDaimyoList = doumei.traceNeighborDaimyo(targetKuniId, targetDaimyoId, doumeiDaimyoList, seiryokuList, checkList, okDaimyoList);

                        if (okDaimyoList.Count != 0)
                            //Doumei & Neghbor Daimyo Exist

                            for (int k = 0; k < okDaimyoList.Count; k++)
                                string engunDaimyo = okDaimyoList[k];
                                int    yukoudo     = gaikou.getExistGaikouValue(int.Parse(engunDaimyo), targetDaimyoId);

                                //engun check
                                MainEventHandler mainEvent = new MainEventHandler();
                                dstEngunFlg = mainEvent.CheckByProbability(yukoudo);

                                if (dstEngunFlg)
                                    //Engun OK
                                    dstEngunFlg = true;
                                    if (dstEngunDaimyoId != null && dstEngunDaimyoId != "")
                                        dstEngunDaimyoId = dstEngunDaimyoId + ":" + engunDaimyo;
                                        string tempEngunSts = engunDaimyo + "-" + mainEvent.getEngunSts(engunDaimyo);
                                        int    tempEngunHei = mainEvent.getEngunHei(tempEngunSts);
                                        dstEngunHei   = dstEngunHei + ":" + tempEngunHei.ToString();
                                        totalEngunHei = totalEngunHei + tempEngunHei;
                                        dstEngunSts   = dstEngunSts + ":" + tempEngunSts;
                                        dstEngunDaimyoId = engunDaimyo;
                                        string tempEngunSts = engunDaimyo + "-" + mainEvent.getEngunSts(engunDaimyo);
                                        int    tempEngunHei = mainEvent.getEngunHei(tempEngunSts);
                                        dstEngunHei   = tempEngunHei.ToString();
                                        totalEngunHei = tempEngunHei;
                                        dstEngunSts   = tempEngunSts;
                            Gunzei.GetComponent <Gunzei> ().dstEngunFlg      = dstEngunFlg;
                            Gunzei.GetComponent <Gunzei> ().dstEngunDaimyoId = dstEngunDaimyoId;
                            Gunzei.GetComponent <Gunzei> ().dstEngunHei      = dstEngunHei;
                            Gunzei.GetComponent <Gunzei> ().dstEngunSts      = dstEngunSts;

                        //Set Value
                        //CreateTime,srcDaimyoId,dstDaimyoId,srcDaimyoName,dstDaimyoName, srcHei,locationX,locationY,left or right, engunFlg, engunDaimyoId(A:B:C), dstEngunHei(1000:2000:3000), dstEngunSts
                        string keyValue   = "";
                        string createTime = System.DateTime.Now.ToString();
                        keyValue = createTime + "," + srcDaimyoId + "," + targetDaimyoId + "," + srcDaimyoName + "," + targetDaimyoName + "," + myHei + "," + aveX + "," + aveY + "," + direction + "," + dstEngunFlg + "," + dstEngunDaimyoId + "," + dstEngunHei + "," + dstEngunSts;
                        PlayerPrefs.SetString(key, keyValue);
                        string keyHistory = PlayerPrefs.GetString("keyHistory");
                        if (keyHistory == null || keyHistory == "")
                            keyHistory = key;
                            keyHistory = keyHistory + "," + key;
                        PlayerPrefs.SetString("keyHistory", keyHistory);

                        string OKtext = "";
                        if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                            OKtext = "Lord " + daimyoName + " is sending " + myHei + " soldiers to " + kuniName;
                            OKtext = daimyoName + "殿が" + kuniName + "攻めのため、\n" + myHei + "人の兵を起こしましたぞ。";

                        string AddText = "";
                        if (totalEngunHei != 0)
                            if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                                AddText = targetDaimyoName + " has a support army " + totalEngunHei + " soldiers";
                                AddText = targetDaimyoName + "に" + totalEngunHei + "の援軍がいるようです。";

                            OKtext = OKtext + "\n" + AddText;
                        audioSources [4].Play();

                        int maxReduceValue = 3;
                        int nowYukoudo     = gaikou.getMyGaikou(daimyoId);
                        int newYukoudo     = gaikou.downMyGaikou(daimyoId, nowYukoudo, maxReduceValue);
                        int reduceYukoudo  = nowYukoudo - newYukoudo;
                        GameObject.Find("YukouValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = newYukoudo.ToString();
                        closeScript.yukoudo = newYukoudo;

                        string NGtext = "";
                        if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                            NGtext = daimyoName + " declined our proposal. \n" + "Friendship decreased " + reduceYukoudo + " point";
                            NGtext = daimyoName + "に体よく断られ申した。\n友好度が" + reduceYukoudo + "下がりますぞ。";

                        downYukouOnIcon(daimyoId, newYukoudo);


                    GameObject.Find("return").GetComponent <MenuReturn> ().OnClick();
                audioSources [4].Play();

                string NGtext = msg.getMessage(6);
            audioSources [4].Play();

            //string NGtext = msg.getMessage(7);
            //msg.makeMessage (NGtext);
コード例 #23
ファイル: ShisyaScene.cs プロジェクト: pratikxman/Sengoku2d
    public void randomSalesKahouView(GameObject slot)
        int requriedMoney = 0;

        Kahou kahou = new Kahou();

        List <string> kahouTypeList = new List <string> {
            "bugu", "kabuto", "gusoku", "meiba", "cyadougu", "heihousyo", "chishikisyo"
        int    rdmTyp    = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, kahouTypeList.Count);
        string kahouType = kahouTypeList [rdmTyp];

        float rankPercent = UnityEngine.Random.value;

        rankPercent = rankPercent * 100;
        string kahouRank = "";

        if (rankPercent <= 5)
            kahouRank = "S";
        else if (5 < rankPercent && rankPercent <= 20)
            kahouRank = "A";
        else if (20 < rankPercent && rankPercent <= 50)
            kahouRank = "B";
        else if (50 < rankPercent)
            kahouRank = "C";

        int            kahouId       = kahou.getRamdomKahouId(kahouType, kahouRank);
        KahouStatusGet kahouSts      = new KahouStatusGet();
        List <string>  kahouInfoList = new List <string> ();

        kahouInfoList = kahouSts.getKahouInfo(kahouType, kahouId);
        requriedMoney = int.Parse(kahouInfoList [5]);

        List <float> discountList = new List <float> {
            1.5f, 1.4f, 1.3f, 1.2f, 1.1f, 1.0f, 0.9f, 0.8f, 0.7f, 0.6f, 0.5f
        int   rdmDisc         = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, discountList.Count);
        float discountPercent = discountList [rdmDisc];

        requriedMoney = Mathf.CeilToInt((float)requriedMoney * discountPercent);

        slot.GetComponent <ShisyaSelect>().itemCd    = kahouType;
        slot.GetComponent <ShisyaSelect> ().itemId   = kahouId.ToString();
        slot.GetComponent <ShisyaSelect> ().itemName = kahouInfoList [0];
        slot.GetComponent <ShisyaSelect> ().moneyNo  = requriedMoney;
コード例 #24
    void Start()

        bool gameOverFlg = PlayerPrefs.GetBool("gameOverFlg");

        if (gameOverFlg)
            AudioSource[] seSources = GameObject.Find("SEController").GetComponents <AudioSource>();

            /*Game Over*/


            GameObject panel = GameObject.Find("Panel").gameObject;

            string     backPath = "Prefabs/clearOrGameOver/Back";
            GameObject backObj  = Instantiate(Resources.Load(backPath)) as GameObject;
            backObj.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1, 1);

            string     popPath = "Prefabs/clearOrGameOver/KakejikuMetsubouPop";
            GameObject popObj  = Instantiate(Resources.Load(popPath)) as GameObject;
            popObj.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1, 1);

            //Change Name
            string exp = "";// popObj.transform.FindChild("ExpValue").GetComponent<Text>().text;
            if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                exp = myDaimyoName + " clan was downfallen. He fell in battle and there is no one remember his name now.";
                exp = myDaimyoName + "の一族は滅亡した。武運尽きた" + myDaimyoName + "は、戦場の露と消え、今や彼の者を覚えるものは無い。";
            popObj.transform.FindChild("ExpValue").GetComponent <Text>().text = exp;

            //Change Yaer & Season
            string     yearSeason     = PlayerPrefs.GetString("yearSeason");
            char[]     delimiterChars = { ',' };
            string[]   yearSeasonList = yearSeason.Split(delimiterChars);
            int        nowYear        = int.Parse(yearSeasonList [0]);
            int        nowSeason      = int.Parse(yearSeasonList [1]);
            GameObject yearSeasonObj  = popObj.transform.FindChild("YearValue").gameObject;
            yearSeasonObj.GetComponent <Text>().text = nowYear.ToString();
            if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                if (nowSeason == 1)
                    yearSeasonObj.transform.FindChild("SeasonValue").GetComponent <Text>().text = "Spring";
                else if (nowSeason == 2)
                    yearSeasonObj.transform.FindChild("SeasonValue").GetComponent <Text>().text = "Summer";
                else if (nowSeason == 3)
                    yearSeasonObj.transform.FindChild("SeasonValue").GetComponent <Text>().text = "Autumn";
                else if (nowSeason == 4)
                    yearSeasonObj.transform.FindChild("SeasonValue").GetComponent <Text>().text = "Winter";
                if (nowSeason == 1)
                    yearSeasonObj.transform.FindChild("SeasonValue").GetComponent <Text>().text = "春";
                else if (nowSeason == 2)
                    yearSeasonObj.transform.FindChild("SeasonValue").GetComponent <Text>().text = "夏";
                else if (nowSeason == 3)
                    yearSeasonObj.transform.FindChild("SeasonValue").GetComponent <Text>().text = "秋";
                else if (nowSeason == 4)
                    yearSeasonObj.transform.FindChild("SeasonValue").GetComponent <Text>().text = "冬";
            GameObject button = GameObject.Find("Button").gameObject;
            button.GetComponent <ShowDaimyoSelect>().fin         = popObj;
            button.GetComponent <ShowDaimyoSelect>().panel       = panel;
            button.GetComponent <ShowDaimyoSelect>().gameOverFlg = true;
            //Audio Change
            AudioSource[] bgmSources = GameObject.Find("BGMController").GetComponents <AudioSource> ();
            bgmSources [0].Stop();
            bgmSources [1].Play();

            bool       gameClearItemGetFlg = PlayerPrefs.GetBool("gameClearItemGetFlg");
            GameObject panel = GameObject.Find("Panel").gameObject;

            if (!gameClearItemGetFlg)
                //Never Got Item


                bool gameClearFlg = true;                //PlayerPrefs.GetBool ("gameClearFlg");
                if (gameClearFlg)
                    /*Game Clear*/
                    string     backPath = "Prefabs/clearOrGameOver/Back";
                    GameObject backObj  = Instantiate(Resources.Load(backPath)) as GameObject;
                    backObj.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1, 1);

                    string     popPath = "Prefabs/clearOrGameOver/KakejikuPop";
                    GameObject popObj  = Instantiate(Resources.Load(popPath)) as GameObject;
                    popObj.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1, 1);

                    string     particlePath = "Prefabs/clearOrGameOver/particle";
                    GameObject particleObj  = Instantiate(Resources.Load(particlePath)) as GameObject;
                    particleObj.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(0, 300);

                    GameObject button = GameObject.Find("Button").gameObject;
                    button.GetComponent <StaffRoll>().backObj     = backObj;
                    button.GetComponent <StaffRoll>().popObj      = popObj;
                    button.GetComponent <StaffRoll>().particleObj = particleObj;
                    button.GetComponent <StaffRoll>().panel       = panel;

                    //Change Name
                    string exp = "";
                    if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                        exp = "Finally " + myDaimyoName + " achieved the unification of the whole country. He will be able to create the time of peace as ruler.";
                        exp = "遂に" + myDaimyoName + "は、天下統一を果たした。これより天下人として、泰平の世を創っていくこととなる。";
                    popObj.transform.FindChild("ExpValue").GetComponent <Text>().text = exp;

                    //Change Yaer & Season
                    string     yearSeason     = PlayerPrefs.GetString("yearSeason");
                    char[]     delimiterChars = { ',' };
                    string[]   yearSeasonList = yearSeason.Split(delimiterChars);
                    int        nowYear        = int.Parse(yearSeasonList [0]);
                    int        nowSeason      = int.Parse(yearSeasonList [1]);
                    GameObject yearSeasonObj  = popObj.transform.FindChild("YearValue").gameObject;
                    yearSeasonObj.GetComponent <Text>().text = nowYear.ToString();
                    if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                        if (nowSeason == 1)
                            yearSeasonObj.transform.FindChild("SeasonValue").GetComponent <Text>().text = "Spring";
                        else if (nowSeason == 2)
                            yearSeasonObj.transform.FindChild("SeasonValue").GetComponent <Text>().text = "Summer";
                        else if (nowSeason == 3)
                            yearSeasonObj.transform.FindChild("SeasonValue").GetComponent <Text>().text = "Autumn";
                        else if (nowSeason == 4)
                            yearSeasonObj.transform.FindChild("SeasonValue").GetComponent <Text>().text = "Winter";
                        if (nowSeason == 1)
                            yearSeasonObj.transform.FindChild("SeasonValue").GetComponent <Text>().text = "春";
                        else if (nowSeason == 2)
                            yearSeasonObj.transform.FindChild("SeasonValue").GetComponent <Text>().text = "夏";
                        else if (nowSeason == 3)
                            yearSeasonObj.transform.FindChild("SeasonValue").GetComponent <Text>().text = "秋";
                        else if (nowSeason == 4)
                            yearSeasonObj.transform.FindChild("SeasonValue").GetComponent <Text>().text = "冬";

                    //Change Kamon
                    string imagePath = "Prefabs/Kamon/" + myDaimyo.ToString();
                    popObj.transform.FindChild("Kamon").GetComponent <Image>().sprite =
                        Resources.Load(imagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;

                    /*Show Item*/
                    //1st Item - Tenkahubu
                    string     itm1Path = "Prefabs/Item/Tenkahubu/tenkahubu";
                    GameObject item1Obj = Instantiate(Resources.Load(itm1Path)) as GameObject;
                    GameObject item1    = GameObject.Find("item1").gameObject;
                    item1Obj.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1.0f, 1.1f);

                    GameObject myKamon   = item1Obj.transform.FindChild("kamon").gameObject;
                    string     kamonPath = "Prefabs/Kamon/MyDaimyoKamon/" + myDaimyo.ToString();
                    myKamon.GetComponent <Image> ().sprite =
                        Resources.Load(kamonPath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;

                    //2nd Item - S Rank Item
                    string kahouCdId = "";
                    string kahouCd   = "";
                    string kahouId   = "";

                    if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey("gameClearKahouCd"))
                        kahouCd   = PlayerPrefs.GetString("gameClearKahouCd");
                        kahouId   = PlayerPrefs.GetString("gameClearKahouId");
                        kahouCdId = kahouCd + kahouId;
                        Kahou         kahou       = new Kahou();
                        List <string> kahouRandom = new List <string> ()
                            "bugu", "kabuto", "gusoku", "meiba", "cyadougu", "chishikisyo", "heihousyo"
                        int rdm = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 7);
                        kahouCd   = kahouRandom[rdm];
                        kahouId   = kahou.getRamdomKahouId(kahouCd, "S").ToString();
                        kahouCdId = kahouCd + kahouId.ToString();
                        PlayerPrefs.SetString("gameClearKahouCd", kahouCd);
                        PlayerPrefs.SetString("gameClearKahouId", kahouId);

                    string     itm2Path = "Prefabs/Item/Kahou/" + kahouCdId;
                    GameObject item2Obj = Instantiate(Resources.Load(itm2Path)) as GameObject;
                    GameObject item2    = GameObject.Find("item2").gameObject;
                    item2Obj.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1.0f, 1.1f);
                    RectTransform rectRank = item2Obj.transform.FindChild("Rank").GetComponent <RectTransform>();
                    rectRank.anchoredPosition3D = new Vector3(30, -30, 0);
                    item2Obj.GetComponent <Button>().enabled = false;

                    StaffRoll btn = GameObject.Find("Button").GetComponent <StaffRoll>();
                    btn.kahouCd = kahouCd;
                    btn.kahouId = kahouId;

                    //3rd Item - BusyoDama
                    string     itm3Path = "Prefabs/Item/busyoDama";
                    GameObject item3Obj = Instantiate(Resources.Load(itm3Path)) as GameObject;
                    GameObject item3    = GameObject.Find("item3").gameObject;
                    item3Obj.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1.0f, 1.1f);
                //Already got item
                GameObject kunimap      = GameObject.Find("KuniMap").gameObject;
                GameObject kuniIconView = GameObject.Find("KuniIconView").gameObject;

                StaffRoll roll = new StaffRoll();
コード例 #25
ファイル: DoBouryaku.cs プロジェクト: zeimoter/sengoku2d
	public void OnClick(){
		Message msg = new Message();
		Gaikou gaikou = new Gaikou ();
		int nowHyourou = PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("hyourou");
		CloseBoard closeScript = GameObject.Find ("close").GetComponent<CloseBoard> ();
		int daimyoBusyoAtk = closeScript.daimyoBusyoAtk;
		int daimyoBusyoDfc = closeScript.daimyoBusyoDfc;
		int daimyoId = closeScript.daimyoId;
		int kuniId = closeScript.kuniId;

		if(nowHyourou >= 5){
			if (name == "DoGihouBtn") {

				//Reduce Hyourou
				reduceHyourou ();

				//Reduce Shinobi
				//Ge 5-15%, Cyu 15-30%, Jyo 30-50%
				int randomPercent = 0;
				int newQty = itemQty - 1;

				if(itemRank == "Ge"){
					randomPercent = UnityEngine.Random.Range(5,15);
					PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("shinobiGe",newQty);
				}else if(itemRank == "Cyu"){
					randomPercent = UnityEngine.Random.Range(15,30);
					PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("shinobiCyu",newQty);

				}else if(itemRank == "Jyo"){
					randomPercent = UnityEngine.Random.Range(30,50);
					PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("shinobiJyo",newQty);

				float ratio = (float)randomPercent;
				float percent = Random.value;
				percent = percent * 100;

				if(percent <= ratio){
					//Delete Gunzei

					//Delete Key
					string gunzeiKey = Gunzei.name;

					//Delete Key History
					char[] delimiterChars = {','};
					string keyHistory = PlayerPrefs.GetString ("keyHistory");
					List<string> keyHistoryList = new List<string>();
					if (keyHistory != null && keyHistory != "") {
							keyHistoryList = new List<string> (keyHistory.Split (delimiterChars));
					string newKeyHistory = "";
					for(int i=0; i<keyHistoryList.Count; i++){
							newKeyHistory = keyHistoryList[i];
							newKeyHistory = newKeyHistory + "," + keyHistoryList[i];

					string daimyoName = Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei>().srcDaimyoName;
					string OKtext = "御屋形様、偽報に成功しましたぞ。\t " + daimyoName + "の軍勢が退却します。";
					msg.makeMessage (OKtext);

					int nowYukoudo = gaikou.getMyGaikou(daimyoId);
					int newYukoudo = gaikou.downMyGaikou(daimyoId,nowYukoudo,maxReduceValue);
					int reduceYukoudo = nowYukoudo - newYukoudo;
					GameObject.Find ("YukouValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = newYukoudo.ToString ();

					string NGtext = "申し訳御座りませぬ。偽報に失敗しましたぞ。\t友好度が" + reduceYukoudo +  "下がりますぞ。";
					msg.makeMessage (NGtext);


				GameObject.Find ("return").GetComponent<MenuReturn> ().OnClick ();

			}else if(name == "DoRyugenBtn"){
				//Reduce Hyourou
				reduceHyourou ();

				//Ge 10-20%, Cyu 20-40%, Jyo 40-70%
				float randomPercent = 0;
				int newQty = itemQty - 1;
				if(itemRank == "Ge"){
					float tempRandomPercent = (150 - daimyoBusyoDfc)/4;
					float tempValue = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.5f,1.5f);
					randomPercent = tempRandomPercent * tempValue;
					PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("shinobiGe",newQty);

				}else if(itemRank == "Cyu"){
					float tempRandomPercent = (150 - daimyoBusyoDfc)/2;
					float tempValue = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.8f,1.2f);
					randomPercent = tempRandomPercent * tempValue;
					PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("shinobiCyu",newQty);

				}else if(itemRank == "Jyo"){
					float tempRandomPercent = (150 - daimyoBusyoDfc);
					float tempValue = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.9f,1.1f);
					randomPercent = tempRandomPercent * tempValue;
					PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("shinobiJyo",newQty);


				float percent = Random.value;
				percent = percent * 100;

				if(percent <= randomPercent){
					//Daimyo Id
					int srcDaimyoId = GameObject.Find ("close").GetComponent<CloseBoard> ().daimyoId;

					//Seiryoku List
					string seiryoku = PlayerPrefs.GetString ("seiryoku");
					List<string> seiryokuList = new List<string> ();
					char[] delimiterChars = {','};
					seiryokuList = new List<string> (seiryoku.Split (delimiterChars));

					//src daimyo kuni list
					List<string> srcDaimyoKuniList = new List<string> ();
					for(int i=0; i<seiryokuList.Count;i++){
						string tempDaimyoId = seiryokuList[i];

						if(tempDaimyoId == srcDaimyoId.ToString()){
							int temp = i + 1;

					//src daimyo open kuni list
					KuniInfo kuni = new KuniInfo();
					List<int> openKuniList = new List<int>();
					for(int j=0; j<srcDaimyoKuniList.Count; j++){

					//Target Daimyo (exculde this src daimyo & mydaimyo)
					int myDaimyo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("myDaimyo");
					List<int> dstDaimyoList = new List<int>();

					for(int k=0; k<openKuniList.Count;k++){
						int temp = openKuniList[k] - 1;
						int tempDaimyoId = int.Parse(seiryokuList[temp]);
						if(tempDaimyoId != myDaimyo && tempDaimyoId != srcDaimyoId){

					//Reduce Yukoudo
					MainEventHandler main = new MainEventHandler();
					Daimyo daimyo = new Daimyo();
					string ryugenText = "";
					for(int l=0; l<dstDaimyoList.Count;l++){
						int dstDaimyoId = dstDaimyoList[l];
						string dstDaimyoName = daimyo.getName(dstDaimyoId);
						int reduceYukoudo = main.DownYukouValueWithOther(srcDaimyoId,dstDaimyoId);
						reduceYukoudo = reduceYukoudo/2;
						ryugenText = ryugenText + dstDaimyoName + "との友好度が" + reduceYukoudo + "下がりました。\t";

					string OKtext = "御屋形様、流言に成功しましたぞ。\t " + ryugenText;
					msg.makeMessage (OKtext);

					int nowYukoudo = gaikou.getMyGaikou(daimyoId);
					int newYukoudo = gaikou.downMyGaikou(daimyoId,nowYukoudo,maxReduceValue);
					int reduceYukoudo = nowYukoudo - newYukoudo;
					GameObject.Find ("YukouValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = newYukoudo.ToString ();

					string NGtext = "申し訳御座りませぬ。流言に失敗しましたぞ。\t友好度が" + reduceYukoudo +  "下がりますぞ。";
					msg.makeMessage (NGtext);


				GameObject.Find ("return").GetComponent<MenuReturn> ().OnClick ();

			}else if(name == "DoGoudatsuBtn"){
				reduceHyourou ();
				//Ge 10-20%, Cyu 20-40%, Jyo 40-70%
				float randomPercent = 0;
				int newQty = itemQty - 1;
				if(itemRank == "Ge"){
					float tempRandomPercent = (150 - daimyoBusyoDfc)/4;
					float tempValue = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.5f,1.5f);
					randomPercent = tempRandomPercent * tempValue;
					PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("shinobiGe",newQty);
				}else if(itemRank == "Cyu"){
					float tempRandomPercent = (150 - daimyoBusyoDfc)/2;
					float tempValue = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.8f,1.2f);
					randomPercent = tempRandomPercent * tempValue;
					PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("shinobiCyu",newQty);
				}else if(itemRank == "Jyo"){
					float tempRandomPercent = (150 - daimyoBusyoDfc);
					float tempValue = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.9f,1.1f);
					randomPercent = tempRandomPercent * tempValue;
					PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("shinobiJyo",newQty);
				float percent = Random.value;
				percent = percent * 100;

				if(percent <= randomPercent){
					int kuniQty = GameObject.Find("close").GetComponent<CloseBoard>().kuniQty; 
					int getMoney =0;
					//Money or Item 0:money, 1:item
					int moneyOrItem = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0,2);
					//Kahou or Shizai 0:kahou, 1:shizai 
					int kahouOrShizai = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0,2);
					string kahouName = "";
					string shigenName = "";
					int addQty =0;
					int kahouRank = 0; //kahouRank S,A,B,C=1,2,3,4
					//shigen Type
					int shigenType = 0; //KB,YR,TP,YM=1,2,3,4

						int temGetMoney = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1000,1501);
						getMoney = temGetMoney * kuniQty;
						int nowMoney = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("money");
						nowMoney = nowMoney + getMoney;

						//Kahou or Shizai 0:kahou, 1:shizai 
						kahouOrShizai = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0,2);
							Kahou kahou = new Kahou();
							////Bugu, Gusoku, Kabuto, Meiba, Heihousyo, Cyadougu, Chishikisyo(1,2,3,4,5,6)
							int kahouType = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1,7);

							float khPercent = Random.value;
							khPercent = khPercent * 100;
								//(S,A,B  5,35,60%)
									kahouRank = 1;
									kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
								}else if(5<khPercent && khPercent <=41){
									kahouRank = 2;
									kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
								}else if(41<khPercent){
									kahouRank = 3;
									kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);

							}else if(3<=kuniQty && kuniQty<5){
								//(S,A,B,C : 1,15,25,59%)
									kahouRank = 1;
									kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
								}else if(1<khPercent && khPercent <=16){
									kahouRank = 2;
									kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
								}else if(16<khPercent && khPercent <= 41){
									kahouRank = 3;
									kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
								}else if(41<khPercent){
									kahouRank = 4;
									kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);

							}else if(kuniQty<3){
								//(A,B,C : 5, 35, 60%)
									kahouRank = 2;
									kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
								}else if(5<khPercent && khPercent <=41){
									kahouRank = 3;
									kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
								}else if(41<khPercent){
									kahouRank = 3;
									kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);



							shigenType = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1,5);
							float sgPercent = Random.value;
							sgPercent = sgPercent * 100;
							addQty = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1,6);
							Item item = new Item();
							int shigenRank = 0;//下、中、上=1,2,3

								//(上,中,下  40,40, 20%)
									shigenRank = 3;
								}else if(40<sgPercent && sgPercent <=81){
									shigenRank = 2;
								}else if(81<sgPercent){
									shigenRank = 1;
								shigenName = item.getRandomShigen(shigenType,shigenRank,addQty);

							}else if(3<=kuniQty && kuniQty<5){
								//(上,中,下  20,50,30%)
									shigenRank = 3;
								}else if(20<sgPercent && sgPercent <=51){
									shigenRank = 2;
								}else if(51<sgPercent){
									shigenRank = 1;
								shigenName = item.getRandomShigen(shigenType,shigenRank,addQty);

							}else if(kuniQty<3){
								//(上,中,下  5,25,70%)
									shigenRank = 3;
								}else if(5<sgPercent && sgPercent <=26){
									shigenRank = 2;
								}else if(26<sgPercent){
									shigenRank = 1;
								shigenName = item.getRandomShigen(shigenType,shigenRank,addQty);

					string OKtext = "御屋形様、強奪に成功しましたぞ。\t ";
					string addText = "";
						addText = "金を" + getMoney + "奪って参りました。";
							addText = "家宝、" + kahouName + "を奪って参りました。";
							addText = shigenName + "を" + addQty + "個奪って参りました。";

					OKtext = OKtext + addText;
					msg.makeMessage (OKtext);

					int nowYukoudo = gaikou.getMyGaikou(daimyoId);
					int newYukoudo = gaikou.downMyGaikou(daimyoId,nowYukoudo,maxReduceValue);
					int reduceYukoudo = nowYukoudo - newYukoudo;
					GameObject.Find ("YukouValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = newYukoudo.ToString ();

					string NGtext = "申し訳御座りませぬ。強奪に失敗しましたぞ。\t友好度が" + reduceYukoudo +  "下がりますぞ。";
					msg.makeMessage (NGtext);

				GameObject.Find ("return").GetComponent<MenuReturn> ().OnClick ();
			}else if(name == "DoCyouhouBtn"){

				reduceHyourou ();

				//Set Value & REduce Qty
				float missPercent = 0;
				int newQty = itemQty - 1;
				int snbValue = 0;

				if(itemRank == "Ge"){
					missPercent = 30;
					PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("shinobiGe",newQty);
					snbValue = 1;

				}else if(itemRank == "Cyu"){
					missPercent = 15;
					PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("shinobiCyu",newQty);
					snbValue = 2;

				}else if(itemRank == "Jyo"){
					missPercent = 5;
					PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("shinobiJyo",newQty);
					snbValue = 3;


				//Random Check
				float percent = Random.value;
				percent = percent * 100;
				if (percent >= missPercent) {

					string cyouhouHist = PlayerPrefs.GetString("cyouhou");
					char[] delimiterChars = {','};
					List<string> cyouhouHistList = new List<string> ();
					if (cyouhouHist != null && cyouhouHist != "") {
						if (cyouhouHist.Contains (",")) {
							cyouhouHistList = new List<string> (cyouhouHist.Split (delimiterChars));
						} else {
							cyouhouHistList.Add (cyouhouHist);			

					//Add new kuni
					if (!cyouhouHistList.Contains (kuniId.ToString())) {
						cyouhouHistList.Add (kuniId.ToString());

					string newCyouhouHist = "";
					for(int i=0;i<cyouhouHistList.Count;i++){
						string tmpCyouhouKuniId = cyouhouHistList [i];

						if (i == 0) {
							newCyouhouHist = tmpCyouhouKuniId;
						} else {
							newCyouhouHist = newCyouhouHist + "," + tmpCyouhouKuniId;


					string cyouhouKuni = "cyouhou" + kuniId.ToString ();

					bool cyouhouFlg = closeScript.cyouhouFlg;
					if (cyouhouFlg) {
						//Change Icon
						GameObject shinobi = GameObject.Find("shinobi").gameObject;

						if (snbValue == 1) {
							Color lowColor = new Color (0f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 219f / 255f, 255f / 255f);
							shinobi.GetComponent<Image>().color = lowColor;
							shinobi.transform.FindChild("ShinobiRank").GetComponent<Text>().text = "下";
						} else if (snbValue == 2) {
							Color midColor = new Color (94f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 255f / 255f);
							shinobi.GetComponent<Image>().color = midColor;
							shinobi.transform.FindChild("ShinobiRank").GetComponent<Text>().text = "中";
						} else if (snbValue == 3) {
							Color highColor = new Color (84f / 255f, 103f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 255f / 255f);
							shinobi.GetComponent<Image>().color = highColor;
							shinobi.transform.FindChild("ShinobiRank").GetComponent<Text>().text = "上";

						GameObject kuniIconView = GameObject.Find ("KuniIconView").gameObject;
						kuniIconView.transform.FindChild(kuniId.ToString()).GetComponent<SendParam>().cyouhouSnbRankId = snbValue;

					KuniInfo kuni = new KuniInfo();
					string kuniName = kuni.getKuniName (kuniId);
					string OKtext = "忍が上手く"+kuniName+"に潜伏しましたぞ。\n諜報内容をご確認下され。";
					msg.makeMessage (OKtext);

				} else {
					int nowYukoudo = gaikou.getMyGaikou(daimyoId);
					int newYukoudo = gaikou.downMyGaikou(daimyoId,nowYukoudo,maxReduceValue);
					int reduceYukoudo = nowYukoudo - newYukoudo;
					GameObject.Find ("YukouValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = newYukoudo.ToString ();

					string NGtext = "忍が捕まってしまったようです。\t友好度が" + reduceYukoudo +  "下がりますぞ。";
					msg.makeMessage (NGtext);


				GameObject.Find ("return").GetComponent<MenuReturn> ().OnClick ();

		} else {

			string NGtext = "御屋形様、兵糧が不足しておりますぞ。";
			msg.makeMessage (NGtext);


コード例 #26
    public void OnClick()
        AudioSource[] audioSources = GameObject.Find("SEController").GetComponents <AudioSource> ();
        string        Text         = "";
        Kahou         kahou        = new Kahou();
        Message       msg          = new Message();

        if (!isNanbansenFlg)
            Text = msg.getMessage(122);

            if (itemCd == "money")
                int nowMoney = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("money");
                nowMoney = nowMoney + itemQty;
                if (nowMoney < 0)
                    nowMoney = int.MaxValue;
                PlayerPrefs.SetInt("money", nowMoney);

                Text nowMoneyLabelText = GameObject.Find("MoneyValue").GetComponent <Text> ();
                int  nowMoneyLabel     = int.Parse(nowMoneyLabelText.text) + itemQty;
                nowMoneyLabelText.text = nowMoneyLabel.ToString();
            else if (itemCd == "hyourou")

                int maxHyourou = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("hyourouMax");
                int nowHyourou = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("hyourou");
                nowHyourou = nowHyourou + itemQty;

                if (maxHyourou <= nowHyourou)
                    nowHyourou = maxHyourou;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("hyourou", nowHyourou);

                    Text = msg.getMessage(123);

                    Text nowHyourouLabelText = GameObject.Find("HyourouCurrentValue").GetComponent <Text> ();
                    nowHyourouLabelText.text = nowHyourou.ToString();
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("hyourou", nowHyourou);

                    Text nowHyourouLabelText = GameObject.Find("HyourouCurrentValue").GetComponent <Text> ();
                    nowHyourouLabelText.text = nowHyourou.ToString();
            else if (itemCd == "kengou")
                string        kengouString   = PlayerPrefs.GetString("kengouItem");
                List <string> kengouList     = new List <string> ();
                char[]        delimiterChars = { ',' };
                kengouList = new List <string> (kengouString.Split(delimiterChars));

                string qty    = kengouList [itemId - 1];
                int    newQty = int.Parse(qty) + itemQty;
                kengouList [itemId - 1] = newQty.ToString();

                string newKengouString = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < kengouList.Count; i++)
                    if (i == 0)
                        newKengouString = kengouList [i];
                        newKengouString = newKengouString + "," + kengouList [i];

                PlayerPrefs.SetString("kengouItem", newKengouString);
            else if (itemCd == "gokui")
                string        gokuiString    = PlayerPrefs.GetString("gokuiItem");
                List <string> gokuiList      = new List <string> ();
                char[]        delimiterChars = { ',' };
                gokuiList = new List <string> (gokuiString.Split(delimiterChars));

                string qty    = gokuiList [itemId - 1];
                int    newQty = int.Parse(qty) + itemQty;
                gokuiList [itemId - 1] = newQty.ToString();

                string newGokuiString = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < gokuiList.Count; i++)
                    if (i == 0)
                        newGokuiString = gokuiList [i];
                        newGokuiString = newGokuiString + "," + gokuiList [i];

                PlayerPrefs.SetString("gokuiItem", newGokuiString);
            else if (itemCd == "CyouheiTP")
            else if (itemCd.Contains("nanban"))
            else if (itemCd == "bugu")
            else if (itemCd == "gusoku")
            else if (itemCd == "kabuto")
            else if (itemCd == "meiba")
            else if (itemCd == "cyadougu")
            else if (itemCd == "chishikisyo")
            else if (itemCd == "heihousyo")
            else if (itemCd == "cyoutei" || itemCd == "koueki")
                registerKouekiOrCyoutei(itemCd, itemId);

            PlayerPrefs.SetBool("questDailyFlg21", true);

            //Delete Tap Button
            if (moneyCheckFlg)
                //Money Handling
                int money = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("money");
                money = money - paiedMoney;
                PlayerPrefs.SetInt("money", money);
                GameObject.Find("MoneyValue").GetComponent <Text>().text = money.ToString();

                //Fadeout & Button false
                shipObj.GetComponent <FadeoutImage>().enabled = true;
                shipObj.GetComponent <Button>().enabled       = false;

                //nanbansen flg change
                GameObject.Find("NaiseiController").GetComponent <NaiseiController>().isNanbansenFlg = false;

                //Register Item
                if (itemCd.Contains("CyouheiTP"))
                else if (itemCd.Contains("nanban"))
                else if (itemCd == "bugu")
                else if (itemCd == "gusoku")
                else if (itemCd == "kabuto")
                else if (itemCd == "meiba")
                else if (itemCd == "cyadougu")
                else if (itemCd == "chishikisyo")
                else if (itemCd == "heihousyo")

                Text = msg.getMessage(124);
                audioSources [4].Play();
                Text = msg.getMessage(125);


        GameObject.Find("close").GetComponent <CloseBoard> ().onClick();
コード例 #27
ファイル: DoGaikou.cs プロジェクト: zeimoter/sengoku2d
	// Use this for initialization
	public void OnClick () {

		Message msg = new Message();
		Gaikou gaikou = new Gaikou ();
		CloseBoard closeScript = GameObject.Find ("close").GetComponent<CloseBoard> ();
		daimyoId = closeScript.daimyoId;

		if (hyourouOKflg) {
			if (moneyOKflg) {
				if (name == "DoMitsugiBtn") {
					reduceMoneyHyourou ();

					bool doumeiFlg = closeScript.doumeiFlg;

					//Add Yukoudo
					// AddYukoudo = (Money/200)*chiryaku/100
					int addYukoudo = (paiedMoney / 200) * busyoChiryaku / 500;
					if (addYukoudo <= 0) {
						addYukoudo = 1;

						addYukoudo = addYukoudo * 2;

					string tempGaikou = "gaikou" + daimyoId;
					int nowYukoudo = 0;
					if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey (tempGaikou)) {
						nowYukoudo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt (tempGaikou);
					} else {
						nowYukoudo = 50;
					int newYukoudo = nowYukoudo + addYukoudo;
					if (newYukoudo > 100) {
						newYukoudo = 100;
					PlayerPrefs.SetInt (tempGaikou, newYukoudo);
					GameObject.Find ("YukouValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = newYukoudo.ToString (); 

					//Change new yukoudo
					closeScript.yukoudo = newYukoudo;

					GameObject.Find ("return").GetComponent<MenuReturn> ().OnClick ();

					string OKtext = daimyoName + "に金" + paiedMoney + "の貢物をしました。\n友好度が" + addYukoudo + "上がりますぞ。";
					msg.makeMessage (OKtext);

					PlayerPrefs.Flush ();

				} else if (name == "DoDoumeiBtn") {
					reduceMoneyHyourou ();

					float percent = Random.value;
					percent = percent * 100;
					if(percent <= doumeiRatio){
						//Doumei Success
						string doumei = PlayerPrefs.GetString("doumei");
						if(doumei == null || doumei == ""){
							doumei = daimyoId.ToString();
							doumei = doumei + "," + daimyoId.ToString();

						int myDaimyo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("myDaimyo");
						string cpuDoumeiTemp = "doumei" + daimyoId.ToString();
						string cpuDoumei = PlayerPrefs.GetString(cpuDoumeiTemp);
						if(cpuDoumei != null & cpuDoumei !=""){
							cpuDoumei = cpuDoumei + "," + myDaimyo.ToString();
							cpuDoumei = myDaimyo.ToString();

						//Change Target Flg & Kuni Icon Color
						string seiryoku = PlayerPrefs.GetString ("seiryoku");
						char[] delimiterChars = {','};
						List<string> seiryokuList = new List<string> ();
						seiryokuList = new List<string> (seiryoku.Split (delimiterChars));
						GameObject KuniIconView = GameObject.Find ("KuniIconView").gameObject;

						Color doumeiColor = new Color (100f / 255f, 130f / 255f, 255f / 255f, 255f / 255f); //Blue
						for(int i=0;i<seiryokuList.Count;i++){
							int tempDaimyoId = int.Parse (seiryokuList [i]);

							if(tempDaimyoId == daimyoId){
								int kuniId = i + 1;
								GameObject kuniIcon = KuniIconView.transform.FindChild(kuniId.ToString()).gameObject;
								kuniIcon.GetComponent<Image>().color = doumeiColor;
								kuniIcon.GetComponent<SendParam>().doumeiFlg = true;

						string OKtext = "御目出度う存じまする。\n" + daimyoName + "殿と同盟致しました。\n戦略の幅が拡がりますな。";
						msg.makeMessage (OKtext);


						//Doumie Failed
						int maxReduceValue = 3;
						int nowYukoudo = gaikou.getMyGaikou(daimyoId);
						int newYukoudo = gaikou.downMyGaikou(daimyoId,nowYukoudo,maxReduceValue);
						int reduceYukoudo = nowYukoudo - newYukoudo;
						closeScript.yukoudo = newYukoudo;

						GameObject.Find ("YukouValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = newYukoudo.ToString (); 
						string NGtext = daimyoName + "に体よく断られ申した。\n友好度が" + reduceYukoudo + "下がりますぞ。";
						msg.makeMessage (NGtext);

						GameObject.Find ("return").GetComponent<MenuReturn> ().OnClick ();

					PlayerPrefs.Flush ();

				} else if (name == "DoKyoutouBtn") {

					reduceMoneyHyourou ();

					//Kyoutou Check
					float percent = Random.value;
					percent = percent * 100;
					if(percent <= kyoutouRatio){

						string playerKyoutouList = PlayerPrefs.GetString("playerKyoutouList","");
						MainEventHandler kyoutou = new MainEventHandler();
						if(playerKyoutouList==null || playerKyoutouList == ""){
							playerKyoutouList = targetKuniId+ "-" + kyoutou.getEngunSts(daimyoId.ToString());
							playerKyoutouList = playerKyoutouList + ":" +  targetKuniId+ "-" + kyoutou.getEngunSts(daimyoId.ToString());
						Debug.Log (playerKyoutouList);

						string OKtext = daimyoName + "殿が" + kuniName + "攻めに加勢してくれますぞ。\n百人力ですな。";
						msg.makeMessage (OKtext);


						//Doumie Failed
						int maxReduceValue = 3;
						int nowYukoudo = gaikou.getMyGaikou(daimyoId);
						int newYukoudo = gaikou.downMyGaikou(daimyoId,nowYukoudo,maxReduceValue);
						int reduceYukoudo = nowYukoudo - newYukoudo;
						GameObject.Find ("YukouValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = newYukoudo.ToString (); 	
						closeScript.yukoudo = newYukoudo;

						string NGtext = daimyoName + "に体よく断られ申した。\n友好度が" + reduceYukoudo + "下がりますぞ。";
						msg.makeMessage (NGtext);


					PlayerPrefs.Flush ();
					GameObject.Find ("return").GetComponent<MenuReturn> ().OnClick ();

				}else if (name == "DoDoukatsuBtn") {

					reduceMoneyHyourou ();

					float percent = Random.value;
					percent = percent * 100;
					if(percent <= doukatsuRatio){
						int kuniQty = closeScript.kuniQty; 
						int getMoney =0;
						//Money or Item 0:money, 1:item
						int moneyOrItem = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0,2);
						//Kahou or Shizai 0:kahou, 1:shizai 
						int kahouOrShizai = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0,2);
						string kahouName = "";
						string shigenName = "";
						int addQty =0;
						int kahouRank = 0; //kahouRank S,A,B,C=1,2,3,4
						//shigen Type
						int shigenType = 0; //KB,YR,TP,YM=1,2,3,4
							int temGetMoney = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1000,1501);
							getMoney = temGetMoney * kuniQty;
							int nowMoney = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("money");
							nowMoney = nowMoney + getMoney;
							//Kahou or Shizai 0:kahou, 1:shizai 
							kahouOrShizai = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0,2);
								Kahou kahou = new Kahou();
								////Bugu, Gusoku, Kabuto, Meiba, Heihousyo, Cyadougu, Chishikisyo(1,2,3,4,5,6)
								int kahouType = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1,7);
								float khPercent = Random.value;
								khPercent = khPercent * 100;
									//(S,A,B  5,35,60%)
										kahouRank = 1;
										kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
									}else if(5<khPercent && khPercent <=41){
										kahouRank = 2;
										kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
									}else if(41<khPercent){
										kahouRank = 3;
										kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
								}else if(3<=kuniQty && kuniQty<5){
									//(S,A,B,C : 1,15,25,59%)
										kahouRank = 1;
										kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
									}else if(1<khPercent && khPercent <=16){
										kahouRank = 2;
										kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
									}else if(16<khPercent && khPercent <= 41){
										kahouRank = 3;
										kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
									}else if(41<khPercent){
										kahouRank = 4;
										kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
								}else if(kuniQty<3){
									//(A,B,C : 5, 35, 60%)
										kahouRank = 2;
										kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
									}else if(5<khPercent && khPercent <=41){
										kahouRank = 3;
										kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
									}else if(41<khPercent){
										kahouRank = 3;
										kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);

								shigenType = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1,5);
								float sgPercent = Random.value;
								sgPercent = sgPercent * 100;
								addQty = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1,6);
								Item item = new Item();
								int shigenRank = 0;//下、中、上=1,2,3
									//(上,中,下  40,40, 20%)
										shigenRank = 3;
									}else if(40<sgPercent && sgPercent <=81){
										shigenRank = 2;
									}else if(81<sgPercent){
										shigenRank = 1;
									shigenName = item.getRandomShigen(shigenType,shigenRank,addQty);
								}else if(3<=kuniQty && kuniQty<5){
									//(上,中,下  20,50,30%)
										shigenRank = 3;
									}else if(20<sgPercent && sgPercent <=51){
										shigenRank = 2;
									}else if(51<sgPercent){
										shigenRank = 1;
									shigenName = item.getRandomShigen(shigenType,shigenRank,addQty);
								}else if(kuniQty<3){
									//(上,中,下  5,25,70%)
										shigenRank = 3;
									}else if(5<sgPercent && sgPercent <=26){
										shigenRank = 2;
									}else if(26<sgPercent){
										shigenRank = 1;
									shigenName = item.getRandomShigen(shigenType,shigenRank,addQty);
						string OKtext = "御屋形様、恫喝に成功しましたぞ。\n"+daimyoName + "が";
						string addText = "";
							addText = "金" + getMoney + "を送って参りました。\n";
								addText = "家宝、" + kahouName + "を送って参りました。\n";
								addText = shigenName + "を" + addQty + "個送って参りました。\n";

						int maxReduceValue = 5;
						int nowYukoudo = gaikou.getMyGaikou(daimyoId);
						int newYukoudo = gaikou.downMyGaikou(daimyoId,nowYukoudo,maxReduceValue);
						int reduceYukoudo = nowYukoudo - newYukoudo;
						GameObject.Find ("YukouValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = newYukoudo.ToString ();
						closeScript.yukoudo = newYukoudo;

						string reducceText = "友好度が" + reduceYukoudo + "下がりますぞ。";

						OKtext = OKtext + addText + reducceText;
						msg.makeMessage (OKtext);
						int maxReduceValue = 10;
						int nowYukoudo = gaikou.getMyGaikou(daimyoId);
						int newYukoudo = gaikou.downMyGaikou(daimyoId,nowYukoudo,maxReduceValue);
						int reduceYukoudo = nowYukoudo - newYukoudo;
						GameObject.Find ("YukouValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = newYukoudo.ToString ();
						closeScript.yukoudo = newYukoudo;

						string NGtext = daimyoName + "に体よく断られ申した。\n友好度が" + reduceYukoudo +  "下がりますぞ。";
						msg.makeMessage (NGtext);
					GameObject.Find ("return").GetComponent<MenuReturn> ().OnClick ();


			} else {
				string NGtext = "御屋形様、金が不足しておりますぞ。";
				msg.makeMessage (NGtext);
		} else {
			string NGtext = "御屋形様、兵糧が不足しておりますぞ。";
			msg.makeMessage (NGtext);
コード例 #28
ファイル: clearOrGameOver.cs プロジェクト: zeimoter/sengoku2d
	void Start () {

		Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets ();

		bool gameOverFlg = PlayerPrefs.GetBool("gameOverFlg");
		if (gameOverFlg) {
			/*Game Over*/

			GameObject panel = GameObject.Find("Panel").gameObject;

			string backPath = "Prefabs/clearOrGameOver/Back";
			GameObject backObj = Instantiate(Resources.Load (backPath)) as GameObject;
			backObj.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1,1);	
			string popPath = "Prefabs/clearOrGameOver/KakejikuMetsubouPop";
			GameObject popObj = Instantiate(Resources.Load (popPath)) as GameObject;
			popObj.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1,1);	

			//Change Name
			string exp = popObj.transform.FindChild("ExpValue").GetComponent<Text>().text;
			string newExp = exp.Replace("A",myDaimyoName);
			popObj.transform.FindChild("ExpValue").GetComponent<Text>().text = newExp;

			GameObject button = GameObject.Find("Button").gameObject;
			button.GetComponent<ShowDaimyoSelect>().fin = popObj;
			button.GetComponent<ShowDaimyoSelect>().panel = panel;
			button.GetComponent<ShowDaimyoSelect>().gameOverFlg = true;

		} else {
			bool gameClearItemGetFlg = PlayerPrefs.GetBool ("gameClearItemGetFlg");		
			GameObject panel = GameObject.Find("Panel").gameObject;

				//Never Got Item


				bool gameClearFlg = PlayerPrefs.GetBool ("gameClearFlg");		
				if (gameClearFlg) {
					/*Game Clear*/
					string backPath = "Prefabs/clearOrGameOver/Back";
					GameObject backObj = Instantiate(Resources.Load (backPath)) as GameObject;
					backObj.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1,1);	

					string popPath = "Prefabs/clearOrGameOver/KakejikuPop";
					GameObject popObj = Instantiate(Resources.Load (popPath)) as GameObject;
					popObj.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1,1);	

					string particlePath = "Prefabs/clearOrGameOver/particle";
					GameObject particleObj = Instantiate(Resources.Load (particlePath)) as GameObject;
					particleObj.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(0,300);	
					GameObject button = GameObject.Find("Button").gameObject;
					button.GetComponent<StaffRoll>().backObj = backObj;
					button.GetComponent<StaffRoll>().popObj = popObj;
					button.GetComponent<StaffRoll>().particleObj = particleObj;
					button.GetComponent<StaffRoll>().panel = panel;

					//Change Name
					string exp = popObj.transform.FindChild("ExpValue").GetComponent<Text>().text;
					string newExp = exp.Replace("A",myDaimyoName);
					popObj.transform.FindChild("ExpValue").GetComponent<Text>().text = newExp;

					/*Show Item*/
					//1st Item - Tenkahubu
					string itm1Path = "Prefabs/Item/Tenkahubu/tenkahubu";
					GameObject item1Obj = Instantiate(Resources.Load (itm1Path)) as GameObject;
					GameObject item1 = GameObject.Find("item1").gameObject;
					item1Obj.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1.0f,1.1f);	

					GameObject myKamon = item1Obj.transform.FindChild("kamon").gameObject;
					string imagePath = "Prefabs/Kamon/MyDaimyoKamon/" + myDaimyo.ToString ();
					myKamon.GetComponent<Image> ().sprite = 
						Resources.Load (imagePath, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;

					//2nd Item - S Rank Item
					string kahouCdId = "";
					string kahouCd = "";
					string kahouId = "";

						kahouCd = PlayerPrefs.GetString("gameClearKahouCd");
						kahouId = PlayerPrefs.GetString("gameClearKahouId");
						kahouCdId = kahouCd + kahouId;
						Kahou kahou = new Kahou();
						List<string> kahouRandom = new List<string> (){"bugu","kabuto","gusoku","meiba","cyadougu","chishikisyo","heihousyo"};
						int rdm = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0,7);
						kahouCd = kahouRandom[rdm];
						kahouId = kahou.getRamdomKahouId(kahouCd, "S").ToString();
						kahouCdId = kahouCd + kahouId.ToString();

					string itm2Path = "Prefabs/Item/Kahou/" + kahouCdId;
					GameObject item2Obj = Instantiate(Resources.Load (itm2Path)) as GameObject;
					GameObject item2 = GameObject.Find("item2").gameObject;
					item2Obj.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1.0f,1.1f);	
					RectTransform rectRank = item2Obj.transform.FindChild("Rank").GetComponent<RectTransform>();
					rectRank.anchoredPosition3D = new Vector3(30,-30,0);
					item2Obj.GetComponent<Button>().enabled = false;

					StaffRoll btn = GameObject.Find("Button").GetComponent<StaffRoll>();
					btn.kahouCd = kahouCd;
					btn.kahouId = kahouId;

					//3rd Item - BusyoDama
					string itm3Path = "Prefabs/Item/busyoDama";
					GameObject item3Obj = Instantiate(Resources.Load (itm3Path)) as GameObject;
					GameObject item3 = GameObject.Find("item3").gameObject;
					item3Obj.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1.0f,1.1f);	

				//Already got item
				GameObject kunimap = GameObject.Find("KuniMap").gameObject;
				GameObject kuniIconView = GameObject.Find("KuniIconView").gameObject;
				Destroy (kunimap.gameObject);
				Destroy (kuniIconView.gameObject);

				StaffRoll roll = new StaffRoll();