コード例 #1
        // SDK location: /user/pspthreadman.h:1164
        // SDK declaration: int sceKernelTrySendMsgPipe(SceUID uid, void *message, unsigned int size, int unk1, void *unk2);
        public int sceKernelTrySendMsgPipe(int uid, int message, int size, int unk1, int outSize)
            KMessagePipe handle = _kernel.GetHandle <KMessagePipe>(uid);

            if (handle == null)
                Log.WriteLine(Verbosity.Normal, Feature.Bios, "sceKernelTrySendMsgPipe: kernel pipe handle not found: {0}", uid);

            if (_memory.ReadStream(message, handle.Stream, size) != size)
                Log.WriteLine(Verbosity.Normal, Feature.Bios, "sceKernelTrySendMsgPipe: could not read enough for {0}", uid);

            if (outSize != 0)
                    uint *poutSize = (uint *)_memorySystem.Translate((uint)outSize);
                    *     poutSize = (uint)size;


            //Log.WriteLine( Verbosity.Normal, Feature.Bios, "sceKernelTrySendMsgPipe: {0} {1:X8} {2} {3:X8} {4:X8}", uid, message, size, unk1, readsize );
            //handle.Stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
コード例 #2
        // SDK location: /user/pspthreadman.h:1192
        // SDK declaration: int sceKernelReceiveMsgPipeCB(SceUID uid, void *message, unsigned int size, int unk1, void *unk2, unsigned int *timeout);
        public int sceKernelReceiveMsgPipeCB(int uid, int message, int size, int unk1, int outSize, int timeout)
            KMessagePipe handle = _kernel.GetHandle <KMessagePipe>(uid);

            if (handle == null)
                Log.WriteLine(Verbosity.Normal, Feature.Bios, "sceKernelReceiveMsgPipe: kernel pipe handle not found: {0}", uid);

            return(handle.MaybeWait(message, size, unk1, outSize, timeout, true));
コード例 #3
        public int sceKernelCreateMsgPipe( int _name, int part, int attr, int size, int opt )
            string name = _kernel.ReadString( ( uint )_name );

            KPartition partition = _kernel.Partitions[ part ];
            Debug.Assert( partition != null );
            if( partition == null )
                return -1;

            KMessagePipe handle = new KMessagePipe( _kernel, partition, name, size );
            _kernel.AddHandle( handle );

            Log.WriteLine( Verbosity.Normal, Feature.Bios, "sceKernelCreateMsgPipe: opened pipe {0} with ID {1}, for partition {2:X}", name, handle.UID, part );

            return ( int )handle.UID;
コード例 #4
        // SDK location: /user/pspthreadman.h:1123
        // SDK declaration: int sceKernelDeleteMsgPipe(SceUID uid);
        public int sceKernelDeleteMsgPipe(int uid)
            KMessagePipe pipe = _kernel.GetHandle <KMessagePipe>(uid);

            if (pipe == null)
                return(unchecked ((int)0x8002019E));

            // Can't delete if someone is waiting... need to do something?
            Debug.Assert(pipe.WaitingThreads.Count == 0);
            if (pipe.WaitingThreads.Count > 0)
                // Wake them?


コード例 #5
        // SDK location: /user/pspthreadman.h:1114
        // SDK declaration: SceUID sceKernelCreateMsgPipe(const char *name, int part, int attr, void *unk1, void *opt);
        public int sceKernelCreateMsgPipe(int _name, int part, int attr, int size, int opt)
            string name = _kernel.ReadString(( uint )_name);

            KPartition partition = _kernel.Partitions[part];

            Debug.Assert(partition != null);
            if (partition == null)

            KMessagePipe handle = new KMessagePipe(_kernel, partition, name, size);


            Log.WriteLine(Verbosity.Normal, Feature.Bios, "sceKernelCreateMsgPipe: opened pipe {0} with ID {1}, for partition {2:X}", name, handle.UID, part);

            return(( int )handle.UID);