private void ButtonSinglePressed() { // If the module contains the word The List<string> theModules = Bomb.GetSolvableModuleNames() .FindAll(module => module.ToLower().Contains(" the ") || module.ToLower().StartsWith("the ")); // If the module starts with a vowel List<string> vowelModules = Bomb.GetSolvableModuleNames() .FindAll(module => "aeiou".IndexOf(module.ToLower()[0]) >= 0); // If the module contains "P" or "R" List<string> prContainsModules = Bomb.GetSolvableModuleNames() .FindAll(module => module.ContainsIgnoreCase("p") || module.ContainsIgnoreCase("r")); theModules = RemoveIgnoredModules(theModules); vowelModules = RemoveIgnoredModules(vowelModules); prContainsModules = RemoveIgnoredModules(prContainsModules); foreach (string module in Bomb.GetSolvedModuleNames()) { theModules.Remove(module); vowelModules.Remove(module); prContainsModules.Remove(module); } bool theModulePassed = theModules.Count <= 0; bool singleAuthorsPassed = vowelModules.Count <= 0; bool beforeModulePassed = prContainsModules.Count <= 0; if (theModulePassed && singleAuthorsPassed && beforeModulePassed) { Module.HandlePass(); } else { Module.HandleStrike(); } }
void KeepPress() { if (correctOffer == offerCount || !isActivated) // This means module is passed { return; } if (deck[lowestCardInDeck].value < offer.value) { PrintDebug("Wrong! Deck card #" + (lowestCardInDeck + 1) + " had lower value than the offer."); Module.HandleStrike(); } else { PrintDebug("Keeping your cards was the correct decision!"); correctOffer++; } if (correctOffer == offerCount) { //TURNOFF INTERACTIONS // SHOW CARDBACK Module.HandlePass(); ShowCardBacks(); return; } currentOffer++; ResetOffer(); CalculateLowestCardInDeck(); //PrintOutDeck(); UpdateCardVisuals(); }
protected bool HandlePressN() { KMAudio.HandlePlayGameSoundAtTransform(KMSoundOverride.SoundEffect.ButtonPress, transform); North.AddInteractionPunch(0.5f); if (SOLVED) { if (CurrentP.Contains("N")) { { BombModule.HandlePass(); SOLVED = false; DebugLog("The module has been defused."); } } else { if (CurrentP.Contains("U")) { BombModule.HandleStrike(); } else { CurY--; DebugLog("X = {0}, Y = {1}", CurX + 1, CurY + 1); } } } return(false); }
private void PressButton(Func <Direction, Direction> turn) { if (_solved) { return; } GetComponent <KMAudio>().PlayGameSoundAtTransform(KMSoundOverride.SoundEffect.ButtonPress, transform); GetComponent <KMSelectable>().AddInteractionPunch(); // Turn _direction = turn(_direction); // Check if you can move forward if (!_direction.IsWallForward(_location)) { // If so, move forward _location = _direction.MoveForward(_location); } else { // Else, give a strike Debug.LogFormat("[3D Tunnels #{0}] There’s a wall in front of you at location {1}, orientation {2}. Strike!", _moduleId, _symbolNames[_location], _direction); Module.HandleStrike(); } UpdateDisplay(); }
void HandlePress(int button) { Audio.PlaySoundAtTransform("tick", this.transform); switch (button) { case -1: RotateFlavours(-1); LeftButton.AddInteractionPunch(); break; case 1: RotateFlavours(1); RightButton.AddInteractionPunch(); break; case 0: Submit(); SellButton.AddInteractionPunch(); break; default: BombModule.HandleStrike(); break; } }
void PressNumberButton(KMSelectable button) { button.AddInteractionPunch(.5f); audio.PlayGameSoundAtTransform(KMSoundOverride.SoundEffect.ButtonPress, button.transform); if (moduleSolved || thermometerAnimating || stage2) { return; } var ix = Array.IndexOf(numberButtons, button); Debug.LogFormat("[Devilish Eggs #{0}] You pressed the button with the label {1}.", moduleId, numberButtonLabels[ix]); if (numberButtonLabels[ix] != stage1Solution[enteringStage]) { Debug.LogFormat("[Devilish Eggs #{0}] That was incorrect. Strike!", moduleId); module.HandleStrike(); } else { StartCoroutine(TemperatureChange(temperatures[enteringStage])); Debug.LogFormat("[Devilish Eggs #{0}] That was correct. The temperature went to the position of {1}, which has the label {2}.", moduleId, (temperatures[enteringStage] + 1) * 5, (temperatureLabels[temperatures[enteringStage]] + 1) * 5); stage1LEDs[enteringStage].material = ledGreen; enteringStage++; } if (enteringStage == 8) { StageTwo(); } }
private IEnumerator Watch() { yield return(null); if (TwitchPlaysActive) { Debug.LogFormat("[SUSadmin #{0}] Reflectors are disabled because TP is active", moduleId); yield break; } int modulesCount = transform.parent.childCount; IEnumerable <KMBombModule> modules = Enumerable.Range(0, modulesCount).Select(i => transform.parent.GetChild(i).GetComponent <KMBombModule>()).Where(m => m != null); reflectors = new HashSet <SusadminReflector>(modules.Select(m => SusadminReflector.CreateReflector(m)).Where(m => m != null)); while (!solved) { HashSet <SusadminReflector> reflectorsWithStrike = new HashSet <SusadminReflector>(reflectors.Where(r => r.ShouldStrike())); int expectedExternalStrikesCount = reflectorsWithStrike.Count(); foreach (SusadminReflector r in reflectorsWithStrike) { reflectors.Remove(r); } for (int i = externalStrikesCount; i < expectedExternalStrikesCount; i++) { Debug.LogFormat("[SUSadmin #{0}] Strike from external action", moduleId); Module.HandleStrike(); } externalStrikesCount = expectedExternalStrikesCount; if (reflectors.Count == 0 && watchingCoroutine != null) { StopCoroutine(watchingCoroutine); } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(WATCH_INTERVAL)); } }
/// <summary> /// On pressing SUBMIT. /// </summary> /// <param name="btn">Just for sound support</param> private void PressSubmit(int btn) { if (currentIndex == 0 && submission[0] == "" && !solutionExists) // No solutions is correct answer, mosule solved { Debug.LogFormat("[Diophantine Equations #{0}]: Player pressed SUBMIT, implying there are no solutions.", moduleId); Debug.LogFormat("[Diophantine Equations #{0}]: It worked, module solved!", moduleId); StartCoroutine(AnimateScreenPass()); solved = true; Module.HandlePass(); Audio.PlaySoundAtTransform("solve", Buttons[btn].transform); } else if (currentIndex == 0 && submission[0] == "" && solutionExists) // No solutions is wrong answer, module striked { Debug.LogFormat("[Diophantine Equations #{0}]: Player pressed SUBMIT, implying there are no solutions.", moduleId); Debug.LogFormat("[Diophantine Equations #{0}]: That didn't work well, strike!", moduleId); StartCoroutine(AnimateScreenStrike()); Module.HandleStrike(); Audio.PlaySoundAtTransform("strike", Buttons[btn].transform); } else if (submission[currentIndex] != "") // Submitting an answer { if (int.Parse(submission[currentIndex]) == answer[currentIndex]) // Answer is correct { Debug.LogFormat("[Diophantine Equations #{0}]: Player's submission for {1} is {2}. That was correct!", moduleId, VarNames[currentIndex], submission[currentIndex]); // Iterating index currentIndex++; if (currentIndex < 4) // Displaying next submission prompt { ScreenText.text = VarNames[currentIndex] + " = " + submission[currentIndex]; } else // All answers were correct, module solved { Debug.LogFormat("[Diophantine Equations #{0}]: All answers were correct, module solved!", moduleId); StartCoroutine(AnimateScreenPass()); solved = true; Module.HandlePass(); Audio.PlaySoundAtTransform("solve", Buttons[btn].transform); } } else // Answer is incorrect, submission reset { Debug.LogFormat("[Diophantine Equations #{0}]: Player's submission for {1} is {2}. The correct answer is {3}. Strike! Submission reset.", moduleId, VarNames[currentIndex], submission[currentIndex], answer[currentIndex]); StartCoroutine(AnimateScreenStrike()); Module.HandleStrike(); Audio.PlaySoundAtTransform("strike", Buttons[btn].transform); submission = new string[4] { "", "", "", "" }; currentIndex = 0; } } }
IEnumerator SyncLights(Light light) { syncPause = true; ApplyToSpeed(light, l => l.StopFlashing()); List <Action <float> > animations = new List <Action <float> >(); var lightsToSync = Lights.Where(l => l.speed == SelectedLight.speed).OrderBy(l => l.syncIndex).Concat(Lights.OrderBy(l => l.syncIndex).Where(l => l.speed == light.speed)).ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < lightsToSync.Length - 1; i++) { animations.Add(SyncAnimation(lightsToSync[i], lightsToSync[i + 1])); } ApplyToSpeed(SelectedLight, l => l.selection.SetActive(false)); float animStart = Time.time; float alpha = 0; while (alpha < 1) { alpha = Math.Min(Time.time - animStart, 1); foreach (Action <float> animation in animations) { animation(alpha); } yield return(null); } bool valid = ValidateSync(SelectedLight, light); Log("{0} synced {1} while {2} and {3} while {4}.", valid ? "Successfully" : "Incorrectly", SelectedLight.speed, SelectedLight.State ? "on" : "off", light.speed, light.State ? "on" : "off"); if (valid) { int startingIndex = Lights.Count(l => l.speed == SelectedLight.speed) + 1; ApplyToSpeed(light, l => { l.StopFlashing(); l.StartFlashing(); l.syncIndex = startingIndex++; }); ApplyToSpeed(SelectedLight, l => { l.randomDelay = light.randomDelay; l.speed = light.speed; l.StartFlashing(); }); } else { Module.HandleStrike(); ApplyToSpeed(light, l => l.StartFlashing()); ApplyToSpeed(SelectedLight, l => l.StartFlashing()); } SelectedLight = null; syncPause = false; }
private void checkEvents() { while (_events.Count >= 2 && _events[0] == "tick" && _events[1] == "tick") { _events.RemoveAt(0); } var input = _eventsPerDigit.IndexOf(list => list.SequenceEqual(_events)); if (input != -1) { process(input); } else if (_events.Count(e => e == "up") >= _events.Count(e => e == "down")) { var validPrefix = _eventsPerDigit.IndexOf(list => list.Take(_events.Count).SequenceEqual(_events)); if (validPrefix == -1) { Debug.LogFormat(@"[Black Hole #{0}] You entered {1}, which is not a valid digit.", _moduleId, _events.JoinString(", ")); Module.HandleStrike(); _events.Clear(); _events.Add("tick"); } } }
void onSubmit() { if (!moduleSolved) { submit.AddInteractionPunch(); audio.PlayGameSoundAtTransform(KMSoundOverride.SoundEffect.ButtonPress, transform); if ((int)(bomb.GetTime() % 10) == submitTime) { bool flag = true; for (int aa = 0; aa < 3; aa++) { if (DialPosAns[aa] != DialPos[aa]) { flag = false; break; } if (!(DialColAns[aa].Equals(dialColorNames[aa]))) { flag = false; break; } } if (flag) { audio.PlaySoundAtTransform(sounds[1].name, transform); Debug.LogFormat("[Colorful Dials {0}] Module solved. Everybody boogie!", moduleId); mainScreen[0].color = Color.white; mainScreen[1].color = Color.white; mainScreen[2].color = Color.white; mainScreen[0].text = "W"; mainScreen[1].text = "I"; mainScreen[2].text = "N"; for (int aa = 0; aa < 3; aa++) { while (DialPos[aa] != 0) { DialPos[aa] = (DialPos[aa] + 1) % 10; dials[aa].transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, 36f); } dialColors[aa].material = colors[8]; dialScreens[aa].text = ""; } moduleSolved = true; module.HandlePass(); } else { audio.PlaySoundAtTransform(sounds[0].name, transform); module.HandleStrike(); Debug.LogFormat("[Colorful Dials {0}] Strike! You tried to submit {1} {2} {3} at {4} seconds", moduleId, dialColorNames[0][0] + "" + DialPos[0], dialColorNames[1][0] + "" + DialPos[1], dialColorNames[2][0] + "" + DialPos[2], (int)(bomb.GetTime() % 10)); } } else { audio.PlaySoundAtTransform(sounds[0].name, transform); module.HandleStrike(); Debug.LogFormat("[Colorful Dials {0}] Strike! You tried to submit {1} {2} {3} at {4} seconds", moduleId, dialColorNames[0][0] + "" + DialPos[0], dialColorNames[1][0] + "" + DialPos[1], dialColorNames[2][0] + "" + DialPos[2], (int)(bomb.GetTime() % 10)); } } }
private void submitBtnUp() { if (_submitLongPressCoroutine != null) { StopCoroutine(_submitLongPressCoroutine); _submitLongPressCoroutine = null; } if (_submitLongPress) { return; } if (_currentPortions.SequenceEqual(_correctPortions)) { Debug.LogFormat(@"[Lion’s Share #{0}] Module solved.", _moduleId); Module.HandlePass(); Year.text = ""; _isSolved = true; _selectedLion = -1; updatePie(); Audio.PlaySoundAtTransform("Roar" + Rnd.Range(1, 5), transform); } else { Debug.LogFormat(@"[Lion’s Share #{0}] Incorrect solution submitted ({1}).", _moduleId, _lionNames.Select((l, ix) => string.Format(@"{0}={1}%", l, _currentPortions[ix])).JoinString(", ")); Module.HandleStrike(); } }
private KMSelectable.OnInteractHandler stage2Select(KMSelectable button, House house) { return(delegate { if (_isSolved) { return false; } button.AddInteractionPunch(); Audio.PlayGameSoundAtTransform(KMSoundOverride.SoundEffect.ButtonPress, button.transform); var maxScore = _points.Max(kvp => kvp.Value); if (_points[house] == maxScore) { Debug.LogFormat(@"[Hogwarts #{0}] Pressed {1}. Module solved.", _moduleId, house); Module.HandlePass(); Audio.PlaySoundAtTransform(house + " wins", transform); _isSolved = true; } else { Debug.LogFormat(@"[Hogwarts #{0}] Pressed {1}. Strike.", _moduleId, house); Module.HandleStrike(); } return false; }); }
void Submit() { if (tseriesSubs >= pewdiepieSubs) { if (numbers[0] == 0 && numbers[1] == 0 && numbers[2] == 0 && numbers[3] == 0 && numbers[4] == 0) { StartCoroutine(Solve()); } else { taps = 0; Module.HandleStrike(); } } else { int gap = (pewdiepieSubs - tseriesSubs) % 100000; if (numbers[4] == gap % 10 && numbers[3] == gap / 10 % 10 && numbers[2] == gap / 100 % 10 && numbers[1] == gap / 1000 % 10 && numbers[0] == gap / 10000) { StartCoroutine(Solve()); } else { taps = 0; Module.HandleStrike(); } } }
void FixedUpdate() { if (!_modSolved) { if (_bomb.GetSolvedModuleNames().Count != _curSolved) { _curSolved = _bomb.GetSolvedModuleNames().Count(); if (_immediately) { _module.HandleStrike(); Debug.LogFormat("[Burnout #{0}]: Struck due to the module wanting to be solved immediately.", _modID); return; } if (_halfBomb) { if (_curSolved >= _halfModules) { _halfComplete = true; } } if (_fullBomb) { if (_curSolved == _ignoredTotal) { _fullComplete = true; } } } } }
void ProcessInput(bool pressedEven) { if (totalOverall % 2 == 0 == !isRedText == pressedEven) { correctPresses++; if (correctPresses >= requiredPresses) { LogModule(string.Format("Enough correct presses have been made to disarm the module.")); StopCoroutine(countDownCoroutine); mAudio.PlayGameSoundAtTransform(KMSoundOverride.SoundEffect.CorrectChime, transform); modSelf.HandlePass(); interactable = false; StartCoroutine(HandleSolveAnim()); } else { StartCoroutine(HandleFlickerChangeAnim()); interactable = false; if (TwitchPlaysActive) { timeLeft = 30; } } } else { LogModule(string.Format("Strike! The {0} button was pressed for the display {1} in {3} (press no. {2})", pressedEven ? "even" : "odd", displayNo, correctPresses + 1, isRedText ? "red" : "green")); LogModule(string.Format("For reference, all digits shown before this strike were {0}", allDigits.Join(", "))); modSelf.HandleStrike(); ResetModule(); LogModule("Tap the display to restart the module."); } }
private KMSelectable.OnInteractHandler GetFiteButtonPressHandler(int btn) { return(delegate { Audio.PlayGameSoundAtTransform(KMSoundOverride.SoundEffect.ButtonPress, fitebuttons[btn].transform); switch (btn) { case 0: StageTwoDisplayInt = StageTwoDisplayInt - 1; if (StageTwoDisplayInt < 0) { StageTwoDisplayInt = StageTwoDisplayInt + 5; } break; case 1: StageTwoDisplayInt = (StageTwoDisplayInt + 1) % 5; break; case 2: if (_AttackStrategies[StageTwoDisplayInt].publicName != "Hide") { if (_AttackStrategies[StageTwoDisplayInt].condition) { LogMessage("Correct strategy selected, advancing to stage three"); HandleStageThree(); } else { Module.HandleStrike(); Audio.PlaySoundAtTransform("StrikeEffect", transform); Starter(); } } else { if (_AttackStrategies[StageTwoDisplayInt].condition) { LogMessage("You hid from the enemy, assigning new enemy."); generateNewOk(); HandleStageTwo(); } else { LogMessage("Wrong strategy selected, you were ko'd, Strike given, returning to stage 0"); Module.HandleStrike(); Audio.PlaySoundAtTransform("StrikeEffect", transform); Starter(); } } break; default: break; } ; Stage2AttacStrategy.text = _AttackStrategies[StageTwoDisplayInt].publicName; return false; }); }
private void SubmitPressed(int buttonNum) { if (randomSequenceTop.Count() == 0) { DebugLog(" haven't generated a sequence yet!"); module.HandleStrike(); StopPlaying(); GenerateColor(); UpdateText(); return; } if (currentState[0].ToString() == randomSequenceTop[amountCorrect] && currentState[1].ToString() == randomSequenceBottom[amountCorrect]) { amountCorrect++; UpdateText(); StartCoroutine(PlayCorrectSound()); DebugLog("You submitted [{0} {1}]. That's correct!", currentState[0], currentState[1]); } else { module.HandleStrike(); StopPlaying(); GenerateColor(); UpdateText(); amountCorrect = 0; DebugLog("You submitted [{0} {1}]. Thats wrong...", currentState[0], currentState[1]); } if (amountCorrect == GoalNumber) { StartCoroutine(ModuleSolve()); } }
private void SetRowHandler(Transform obj, int row) { var sel = obj.GetComponent <KMSelectable>(); _rows[row] = obj.GetComponent <TextMesh>(); sel.OnInteract = delegate { sel.AddInteractionPunch(.25f); if (_safeLocations == null || _isSolved || Enumerable.Range(0, 5).All(c => _revealed[c][row])) { return(false); } if (Enumerable.Range(0, 5).Any(c => !_revealed[c][row] && _solution[c][row] == true)) { var col = Enumerable.Range(0, 5).First(c => !_revealed[c][row] && _solution[c][row] == true); Debug.LogFormat("[Battleship #{2}] Used Water on Row {1}, but there is an unrevealed ship piece at {0}{1}.", (char)('A' + col), (char)('1' + row), _moduleId); Module.HandleStrike(); } else { for (int col = 0; col < 5; col++) { _revealed[col][row] = true; } UpdateRevealedGraphics(); Audio.PlaySoundAtTransform("Splash" + Rnd.Range(1, 9), MainSelectable.transform); } CheckSolved(); return(false); }; }
bool OnDotPress() { if (!activated) { BombModule.HandleStrike(); return(false); } if (solved) { Audio.PlaySoundAtTransform("dot", transform); } else if (correctResponseMorse[currentResponseIndex] == 0) { Audio.PlaySoundAtTransform("dot", transform); currentResponseIndex++; if (currentResponseIndex >= correctResponseMorse.Length) { DebugLog("Correct response entered, module defused."); SolveModule(); } } else { DebugLog("Entered dot(.) as symbol #" + (currentResponseIndex + 1) + ", correct symbol is dash(-). Strike."); currentResponseIndex = 0; BombModule.HandleStrike(); } return(false); }
private void OnPinInteract(int pinIndex) { _audio.PlaySoundAtTransform(, transform); if (_previouslySelectedConnections.Count >= RequiredInputCount) { return; } TangramGridConnectionPoint contactPoint = _tangram.Grid.ExternalConnections[pinIndex]; if (_selectedConnection.PointA == null) { OnInteractInputContactPoint(contactPoint); } else if (_selectedConnection.PointB == null) { OnInteractOutputContactPoint(contactPoint); } else { _bombModule.LogFormat("Trying to select contact point {0}, but module is busy trying to overload the circuit. Strike.", _tangram.GetExternalConnectionIndex(contactPoint) + 1); _bombModule.HandleStrike(); } }
private bool HandleKey(string[] modulesBefore, string[] modulesAfter, FieldInfo keyTurned, FieldInfo otherKeyTurned, FieldInfo beforeKeyField, MethodInfo onKeyTurn) { if (!GetValue(_activatedField) || GetValue(keyTurned)) { return(false); } KMBombInfo bombInfo = BombComponent.GetComponent <KMBombInfo>(); KMBombModule bombModule = BombComponent.GetComponent <KMBombModule>(); if ( && modulesAfter.Any(x => bombInfo.GetSolvedModuleNames().Count(x.Equals) != bombInfo.GetSolvableModuleNames().Count(x.Equals))) { bombModule.HandleStrike(); return(false); } beforeKeyField.SetValue(null, ? new string[0] : modulesBefore); onKeyTurn.Invoke(BombComponent.GetComponent(_componentType), null); if (GetValue(keyTurned)) { //Check to see if any forbidden modules for this key were solved. if ( && bombInfo.GetSolvedModuleNames().Any(modulesBefore.Contains)) { bombModule.HandleStrike(); //If so, Award a strike for it. } if (GetValue(otherKeyTurned)) { int modules = bombInfo.GetSolvedModuleNames().Count(x => RightAfterA.Contains(x) || LeftAfterA.Contains(x)); TwitchPlaySettings.AddRewardBonus(2 * modules); IRCConnection.SendMessage("Reward increased by {0} for defusing module !{1} ({2}).", modules * 2, Code, bombModule.ModuleDisplayName); } } return(false); }
void HandleScreenPressLabeled(int idx) { if (idx < 0 || idx >= 4) { return; } if (!currentButtonPressOrder.Contains(idx)) { currentButtonPressOrder.Add(idx); displayedMeshes[idx].text = (currentButtonPressOrder.IndexOf(idx) + 1).ToString(); } if (currentButtonPressOrder.Count >= correctButtonPressOrder.Count) { QuickLog(string.Format("Attempting to submit the screen presses in this order from top to bottom: {0}", currentButtonPressOrder.Select(a => (4 - a).ToString()).Join())); if (currentButtonPressOrder.SequenceEqual(correctButtonPressOrder)) { QuickLog(string.Format("That seems right. Module disarmed.")); mAudio.PlayGameSoundAtTransform(KMSoundOverride.SoundEffect.CorrectChime, transform); modSolved = true; modSelf.HandlePass(); StartCoroutine(HandleDisarmAnim()); interactable = false; } else { QuickLog(string.Format("That doesn't seems right. Strike incurred.")); modSelf.HandleStrike(); StartCoroutine(HandleStrikeAnimLabeled()); } } }
void OnPress(int buttonID) { Audio.PlayGameSoundAtTransform(KMSoundOverride.SoundEffect.ButtonPress, buttons[buttonID].transform); buttons[buttonID].AddInteractionPunch(); if (!isActivated) { Debug.LogFormat("[MonsplodeFight #{0}] Pressed button before module has been activated!", _moduleId); return; } Debug.LogFormat("[MonsplodeFight #{0}] Opponent: {1}, using Move {2}: {3}", _moduleId, CD.names[crID], buttonID, MD.names[moveIDs[buttonID]].Replace('\n', ' ')); if (MD.specials[moveIDs[buttonID]] == "BOOM" && CD.specials[crID] != "DOC") { while (!exploded) { Module.HandleStrike(); strikesToExplosion++; } //BOOM! Debug.LogFormat("[MonsplodeFight #{0}] Pressed BOOM!", _moduleId); } float mxdmg = -100; List <int> winners = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { //buttons [i].GetComponentInChildren<TextMesh>().text=MD.names[moveIDs[i]]; float dmg = CalcDmg(moveIDs[i], crID, i); if (CD.specials[crID] == "LOWEST") { Debug.LogFormat("[MonsplodeFight #{0}] Negate the calculated number for Cutie Pie calculation.", _moduleId); dmg = -dmg; } if (dmg > mxdmg) { mxdmg = dmg; winners.Clear(); winners.Add(i); } else if (dmg == mxdmg) { winners.Add(i); } Debug.LogFormat("[MonsplodeFight #{0}] Move name({1}): {2} | Calculated damage: {3}", _moduleId, i, MD.names[moveIDs[i]].Replace('\n', ' '), dmg); } if (winners.Contains(buttonID)) { GetComponent <KMAudio>().PlayGameSoundAtTransform(KMSoundOverride.SoundEffect.CorrectChime, buttons[buttonID].transform); Correct(); } else { Wrong(); } }
private bool HolePress() { if (_isSolved) { return(false); } if (_info.UnlinkedModules.Contains(this)) { var cont = Instantiate(ContainerTemplate); cont.transform.parent = SwirlContainer.parent; cont.transform.localScale = new Vector3(_planetSize, _planetSize, _planetSize); cont.gameObject.SetActive(true); var tm = Instantiate(TextTemplate); tm.text = _info.SolutionCode[_info.DigitsEntered].ToString(); tm.color = _colors[_digitsEntered]; tm.transform.parent = cont.transform; tm.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); tm.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; tm.transform.localScale = new Vector3(.07f / _planetSize, .125f / _planetSize, .125f / _planetSize); tm.gameObject.SetActive(true); cont.transform.parent = Selectable.transform; cont.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f); cont.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0f, 0f, Rnd.Range(0f, 360f)); Debug.LogFormat("[White Hole #{0}] Obtained a number: {1}", _moduleId, _info.SolutionCode[_info.DigitsEntered]); _info.LastDigitEntered = this; StartCoroutine(NumberOut(cont, false)); _info.DigitsEntered++; _digitsEntered++; if (_digitsEntered >= _digitsExpected) { Debug.LogFormat("[White Hole #{0}] Module solved!", _moduleId); _isSolved = true; Module.HandlePass(); } } else { if (_digitsEntered + 1 > _digitsExpected) { Debug.LogFormat("[White Hole {0}] Module solved! Inputs now disabled.", _moduleId); _isSolved = true; Module.HandlePass(); } else { Debug.LogFormat("[White Hole {0}] I struck, as not enough directions have been entered.", _moduleId); if (!_SuppressStrikes) { Module.HandleStrike(); } } } return(false); }
void ButtonPress(int Press) { Audio.PlaySoundAtTransform(SFX[0].name, transform); Buttons[Press].GetComponent <KMSelectable>().AddInteractionPunch(0.2f); if (!ModuleSolved && Interactable) { if (Press == 0 && !Maze[StartingPoint[0]][StartingPoint[1]].Contains('N')) { StartingPoint[0]--; Debug.LogFormat("[Saimoe Maze #{0}] You moved up. Your current position is: {1}-{2}", moduleId, (StartingPoint[0] + 1).ToString(), (StartingPoint[1] + 1).ToString()); } else if (Press == 1 && !Maze[StartingPoint[0]][StartingPoint[1]].Contains('E')) { StartingPoint[1]++; Debug.LogFormat("[Saimoe Maze #{0}] You moved right. Your current position is: {1}-{2}", moduleId, (StartingPoint[0] + 1).ToString(), (StartingPoint[1] + 1).ToString()); } else if (Press == 2 && !Maze[StartingPoint[0]][StartingPoint[1]].Contains('S')) { StartingPoint[0]++; Debug.LogFormat("[Saimoe Maze #{0}] You moved down. Your current position is: {1}-{2}", moduleId, (StartingPoint[0] + 1).ToString(), (StartingPoint[1] + 1).ToString()); } else if (Press == 3 && !Maze[StartingPoint[0]][StartingPoint[1]].Contains('W')) { StartingPoint[1]--; Debug.LogFormat("[Saimoe Maze #{0}] You moved left. Your current position is: {1}-{2}", moduleId, (StartingPoint[0] + 1).ToString(), (StartingPoint[1] + 1).ToString()); } else { Module.HandleStrike(); switch (Press) { case 0: Debug.LogFormat("[Saimoe Maze #{0}] You tried to move up. Your were unable to do that. Module striked.", moduleId); break; case 1: Debug.LogFormat("[Saimoe Maze #{0}] You tried to move right. Your were unable to do that. Module striked.", moduleId); break; case 2: Debug.LogFormat("[Saimoe Maze #{0}] You tried to move down. Your were unable to do that. Module striked.", moduleId); break; case 3: Debug.LogFormat("[Saimoe Maze #{0}] You tried to move left. Your were unable to do that. Module striked.", moduleId); break; default: break; } } } }
private void OnSubmitButtonPressed() { if (solved || !activated) { return; } Unselect(); Debug.LogFormat("[Starmap Reconstruction #{0}] Submit pressed", moduleId); Starmap map = new Starmap(stars.Length); foreach (StarComponent star in stars) { int expectedAdjacentsCount = StarmapReconstructionData.GetAdjacentStarsCount(star.Race, star.Regime, BombInfo); int actualAdjacentsCount = star.connectedStars.Count; if (expectedAdjacentsCount != actualAdjacentsCount) { Debug.LogFormat("[Starmap Reconstruction #{0}] STRIKE: Star {1} has {2} connected stars. Expected: {3}", moduleId, star.Name, actualAdjacentsCount, expectedAdjacentsCount); Module.HandleStrike(); return; } foreach (StarComponent other in star.connectedStars) { map.Add(star.Id, other.Id); } } Debug.LogFormat("[Starmap Reconstruction #{0}] Submitted map: {1}", moduleId, map.ToShortString()); foreach (StarComponent star in stars) { KeyValuePair <string, int>?requiredDistance = StarmapReconstructionData.GetRequiredDistanceFrom(star.Name); if (requiredDistance == null) { continue; } string to = requiredDistance.Value.Key; int expectedDistance = requiredDistance.Value.Value; int otherIndex = stars.IndexOf(s => s.Name == to); if (otherIndex < 0) { continue; } StarComponent other = stars[otherIndex]; int actualDistance = map.GetDistance(star.Id, other.Id); if (expectedDistance != actualDistance) { Debug.LogFormat("[Starmap Reconstruction #{0}] STRIKE: Distance from {1} to {2} is {3}. Expected: {4}", moduleId, star.Name, other.Name, actualDistance, expectedDistance); Module.HandleStrike(); return; } } Debug.LogFormat("[Starmap Reconstruction #{0}] Module solved", moduleId); solved = true; Audio.PlayGameSoundAtTransform(KMSoundOverride.SoundEffect.CorrectChime, transform); Module.HandlePass(); }
private bool OnCellInteract(PaintingCell cell) { if (!_activeColor.HasValue) { _bombModule.LogFormat("Tried to paint {0} with no palette color!",; return(true); } if (!cell.FinalColorOption.HasValue) { if (_activeColor != cell.ColorOption) { cell.ColorOption = _activeColor.Value; cell.FinalColorOption = cell.ColorOption; _bombModule.LogFormat("Painting {0} with {1}.",, _activeColor.Value); } else { _bombModule.LogFormat("Tried to paint {0}, but that cell is already complete.",; _bombModule.HandleStrike(); } if (IsAllSolved()) { _bombModule.Log("All cells are now at a final color."); _bombModule.HandlePass(); } return(true); } if (cell.ColorOption == cell.FinalColorOption) { _bombModule.LogFormat("Tried to paint {0}, but that cell is already complete.",; _bombModule.HandleStrike(); return(true); } if (_activeColor.Value != cell.FinalColorOption) { _bombModule.LogFormat("Tried to paint {0} with {1}, but that's not the correct final color; expected {2}.",, _activeColor.Value, cell.FinalColorOption); _bombModule.HandleStrike(); return(true); } _bombModule.LogFormat("Painting {0} with {1}.",, _activeColor.Value); cell.ColorOption = _activeColor.Value; if (IsAllSolved()) { _bombModule.Log("All cells are now at their final color."); _bombModule.HandlePass(); } return(true); }
private KMSelectable.OnInteractHandler Round1Strike(int btnIx, int hierIx) { return(delegate { EgyptianHieroglyphButtons[btnIx].AddInteractionPunch(1f); Debug.LogFormat(@"[Only Connect #{0}] {1} was the wrong Egyptian hieroglyph. Strike.", _moduleId, _hieroglyphs[hierIx]); Module.HandleStrike(); return false; }); }
void ButtonPress() { if (!Solved) { if (FreeInteract) { FreeInteract = false; } else { if (Stage == 0) { if (((int)Bomb.GetTime() % 60) % 10 == Bomb.GetSolvedModuleNames().Count() % 10) { Debug.LogFormat("[Tell Me Why #{0}] The button was held when the last digit of the bomb's timer was {1} while the bomb had {2} solved module(s), which was correct. Onto the first stage!", _moduleID, ((int)Bomb.GetTime() % 60) % 10, Bomb.GetSolvedModuleNames().Count()); Stage++; GenSequence(); } else { Debug.LogFormat("[Tell Me Why #{0}] The button was held when the last digit of the bomb's timer was {1} while the bomb had {2} solved module(s), which was incorrect. Strike!", _moduleID, ((int)Bomb.GetTime() % 60) % 10, Bomb.GetSolvedModuleNames().Count()); Module.HandleStrike(); Audio.PlaySoundAtTransform("buzzer", Button.transform); FreeInteract = true; } } else { if (!Solved) { if (DigitalRoot(Sequence.Sum() + EdgeworkModifier) % 5 == CurrentNum) { Debug.LogFormat("[Tell Me Why #{0}] The button was held when the number in position {1} in the sequence was displayed, which was correct.", _moduleID, CurrentNum + 1); Stage++; GenSequence(); } else { if (CurrentNum == 5) { Debug.LogFormat("[Tell Me Why #{0}] The button was held when the display was empty, which was (obviously) incorrect. Strike!", _moduleID, CurrentNum + 1); } else { Debug.LogFormat("[Tell Me Why #{0}] The button was held when the number in position {1} in the sequence was displayed, which was incorrect. Strike!", _moduleID, CurrentNum + 1); } Module.HandleStrike(); Audio.PlaySoundAtTransform("buzzer", Button.transform); FreeInteract = true; } } } } } }