protected override void Create() { // 初始化下單物件,Contracts.UserSpecified 可指定規模,OrderExit.FromAll 可一次全平 BUY = OrderCreator.MarketNextBar(new SOrderParameters(Contracts.UserSpecified, EOrderAction.Buy, OrderExit.FromAll)); SELL = OrderCreator.MarketNextBar(new SOrderParameters(Contracts.UserSpecified, EOrderAction.SellShort, OrderExit.FromAll)); BUY_C = OrderCreator.MarketThisBar(new SOrderParameters(Contracts.Default, EOrderAction.Sell, OrderExit.FromAll)); SELL_C = OrderCreator.MarketThisBar(new SOrderParameters(Contracts.Default, EOrderAction.BuyToCover, OrderExit.FromAll)); __cKD = new KD(this); }
/// <summary> /// Facebook score api callback to load the 30 first facebook friends by score. /// After that is made the Firebase load to get KD values by player. /// </summary> /// <param name="result">callback result.</param> void ScoreAndKDCallback(IResult result) { _facebookPlayers = new List <Player> (); if (result.ResultDictionary.ContainsKey("data")) { IDictionary <string, object> data = result.ResultDictionary; List <object> listObj = (List <object>)data ["data"]; if (_reference == null) { FirebaseApp.DefaultInstance.SetEditorDatabaseUrl(UtilBehaviour.FIREBASE_REALTIME_DATABASE_PATH); _reference = FirebaseDatabase.DefaultInstance.RootReference; } _reference.Child(UtilBehaviour.ROOT).Child(_localPlayer._id).Child(UtilBehaviour.GROUP).GetValueAsync().ContinueWith(task => { if (task.IsFaulted) { _facebookPlayersObserver.OnError(); } else if (task.IsCompleted) { DataSnapshot snapshot = task.Result; foreach (object obj in listObj) { var entry = (Dictionary <string, object>)obj; var user = (Dictionary <string, object>)entry ["user"]; string id = user ["id"].ToString(); string name = user ["name"].ToString(); int highscore = Int32.Parse(entry ["score"].ToString()); int k = 0, d = 0; if (snapshot.Child(id).Value != null) { k = Int32.Parse(snapshot.Child(id).Child("K").Value.ToString()); d = Int32.Parse(snapshot.Child(id).Child("D").Value.ToString()); } KD kd = null; if (_localPlayer._id != id) { kd = new KD(k, d); } Player friendPlayer = new Player(id, name, highscore, kd); _facebookPlayers.Add(friendPlayer); } _facebookPlayersObserver.OnNotify(); } }); } }
/// <summary> /// Save on Firebase database the new KD. Two request are made to save values by player who was destroyed. /// KD values are key-value below a ID player. That ID is the same use on Facebook Api, so the player need to be logged. /// ID Player (local player) /// - KD /// - ID player (player who destroyed local player) /// - K : value /// - D : value /// /// </summary> /// <param name="id">Player id</param> public void SaveNewKD(string id) { if (!FB.IsLoggedIn) { return; } if (_reference == null) { FirebaseApp.DefaultInstance.SetEditorDatabaseUrl(UtilBehaviour.FIREBASE_REALTIME_DATABASE_PATH); _reference = FirebaseDatabase.DefaultInstance.RootReference; } //Load KD values by foe id _reference.Child(UtilBehaviour.ROOT).Child(_localPlayer._id).Child(UtilBehaviour.GROUP).Child(id).GetValueAsync().ContinueWith(task => { if (task.IsFaulted) { } else if (task.IsCompleted) { DataSnapshot snapshot = task.Result; if (snapshot.Value != null) { int k = Int32.Parse(snapshot.Child("K").Value.ToString()); int d = Int32.Parse(snapshot.Child("D").Value.ToString()); k += 1; //Save new KD to player who destroyed the local player KD playerKill = new KD(k, d); string json = JsonUtility.ToJson(playerKill); _reference.Child(UtilBehaviour.ROOT).Child(_localPlayer._id).Child(UtilBehaviour.GROUP).Child(id).SetRawJsonValueAsync(json); //Save new KD to local player KD playerDead = new KD(d, k); string json2 = JsonUtility.ToJson(playerDead); _reference.Child(UtilBehaviour.ROOT).Child(id).Child(UtilBehaviour.GROUP).Child(_localPlayer._id).SetRawJsonValueAsync(json2); } else { //First interaction between two player KD initialKill = new KD(1, 0); string json = JsonUtility.ToJson(initialKill); _reference.Child(UtilBehaviour.ROOT).Child(_localPlayer._id).Child(UtilBehaviour.GROUP).Child(id).SetRawJsonValueAsync(json); KD initialDead = new KD(0, 1); string json2 = JsonUtility.ToJson(initialDead); _reference.Child(UtilBehaviour.ROOT).Child(id).Child(UtilBehaviour.GROUP).Child(_localPlayer._id).SetRawJsonValueAsync(json2); } } }); }
/// <summary> /// Sets the scoreboard cell values. /// </summary> /// <param name="position">Player position.</param> /// <param name="image">Facebook picture.</param> /// <param name="name">Players name.</param> /// <param name="kd">Players Kd.</param> /// <param name="highScore">Players High score.</param> public void SetValues(int position, Sprite image, string name, KD kd, int highScore) { transform.localScale =; _positionText.text = position.ToString("00"); _pictureImage.sprite = image; _nameText.text = name; if (kd != null) { _kText.text = kd._k.ToString(); _dText.text = kd._d.ToString(); } _highScoreText.text = highScore.ToString(); }
void ComboBox1SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { // wczytanie listy wejść do wyboru KD kd = comboBox1.SelectedItem as KD; comboBox2.Items.Clear(); comboBox2.Enabled = kd != null; if (kd != null) { int en = kd.Device.KeysCount / 2; for (int i = 0; i < en; i++) { bool jest = false; for (int j = 0; j < _configuration.Encoders.Length; j++) { if (_configuration.Encoders[j].KeysDevice == kd.Device) { if (_configuration.Encoders[j] == _encoder) { continue; } if (_configuration.Encoders[j].Index == i) { jest = true; break; } } } if (!jest) { comboBox2.Items.Add(new EI() { Index = i }); } } } }
protected override void Create() { // 初始化下單物件,Contracts.UserSpecified 可指定規模,OrderExit.FromAll 可一次全平 多單 = OrderCreator.MarketThisBar(new SOrderParameters(Contracts.UserSpecified, EOrderAction.Buy)); 空單 = OrderCreator.MarketThisBar(new SOrderParameters(Contracts.UserSpecified, EOrderAction.SellShort)); 多沖 = OrderCreator.MarketThisBar(new SOrderParameters(Contracts.Default, EOrderAction.Sell, OrderExit.FromAll)); 空沖 = OrderCreator.MarketThisBar(new SOrderParameters(Contracts.Default, EOrderAction.BuyToCover, OrderExit.FromAll)); __cService = OrderCreator as AbstractOrderService; __cTimer = new Timer(1); __cTimer.AutoReset = false; __cTimer.Elapsed += Timer_onElapsed; //__cTimer.Start(); //bbb = BarsOfData(2); cBuilder.AppendLine("[F000]"); __cKDSum = new VariableSeries<double>(this); __cMACD = new MACD(this); __cMACD.FastPeriod = 5; __cMACD.SlowPeriod = 10; __cMACD.MACDPeriod = 10; __cKD = new KD(this); __cKD.Length = 5; }
public Player(string id, string name, int highscore, KD kd) : this(id, name) { _highScore = highscore; _kd = kd; }
internal void Spawn() { KD kd = new KD(); Log.Info("Spawning a GeoCache"); // Set additional info for landed if (kd.landed) { Vector3d pos = kd.body.GetWorldSurfacePosition(kd.latitude, kd.longitude, kd.altitude); kd.orbit = new Orbit(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, kd.body); kd.orbit.UpdateFromStateVectors(pos, kd.body.getRFrmVel(pos), kd.body, Planetarium.GetUniversalTime()); } else { // Update the reference body in the orbit kd.orbit.referenceBody = kd.body; } uint flightId = ShipConstruction.GetUniqueFlightID(HighLogic.CurrentGame.flightState); kd.craftPart = PartLoader.getPartInfoByName("geocache"); // Create part nodes ConfigNode[] partNodes = new ConfigNode[1]; partNodes[0] = ProtoVessel.CreatePartNode(, flightId, null); // Create additional nodes ConfigNode[] additionalNodes = new ConfigNode[0]; // Create the config node representation of the ProtoVessel ConfigNode protoVesselNode = ProtoVessel.CreateVesselNode(VesselName, VesselType.Probe, kd.orbit, 0, partNodes); // Additional seetings for a landed vessel if (kd.landed) { bool splashed = kd.altitude < 0.001 && kd.body.ocean; // Add a bit of height for landed if (!splashed) { kd.altitude += 40.2; Log.Info("Adding 40.2 to altitude"); } //Guid vesselId =; // Figure out the appropriate rotation Vector3d norm = kd.body.GetRelSurfaceNVector(kd.latitude, kd.longitude); double terrainHeight = 0.0; if (kd.body.pqsController != null) { terrainHeight = kd.body.pqsController.GetSurfaceHeight(norm) - kd.body.pqsController.radius; } // Create the config node representation of the ProtoVessel protoVesselNode.SetValue("sit", (splashed ? Vessel.Situations.SPLASHED : Vessel.Situations.LANDED).ToString()); protoVesselNode.SetValue("landed", (!splashed).ToString()); protoVesselNode.SetValue("splashed", splashed.ToString()); protoVesselNode.SetValue("lat", kd.latitude); protoVesselNode.SetValue("lon", kd.longitude); protoVesselNode.SetValue("alt", kd.altitude); protoVesselNode.SetValue("landedAt",; float lowest = float.MaxValue; foreach (Collider collider in kd.craftPart.partPrefab.GetComponentsInChildren <Collider>()) { if (collider.gameObject.layer != 21 && collider.enabled) { lowest = Mathf.Min(lowest, collider.bounds.min.y); } } if (Mathf.Approximately(lowest, float.MaxValue)) { lowest = 0; } float hgt = kd.craftPart.partPrefab.localRoot.attPos0.y - lowest; hgt += 10; protoVesselNode.SetValue("hgt", hgt); // Set the normal vector relative to the surface Quaternion normal = Quaternion.LookRotation(new Vector3((float)norm.x, (float)norm.y, (float)norm.z)); Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.identity; rotation = rotation * Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, Vector3.back); Vector3 nrm = (rotation * Vector3.forward); protoVesselNode.SetValue("prst", false.ToString()); protoVesselNode.SetValue("nrm", nrm.x + "," + nrm.y + "," + nrm.z); } ProtoVessel protoVessel = HighLogic.CurrentGame.AddVessel(protoVesselNode); //protoVessel.Load(HighLogic.CurrentGame.flightState); protoVessel.vesselName = VesselName; vessel = protoVessel.vesselRef; if (vessel != null) { //var mode = OrbitDriver.UpdateMode.UPDATE; //vessel.orbitDriver.SetOrbitMode(mode); vessel.Load(); launchPoint = vessel.GetWorldPos3D(); // Offset the position by 10m in y and z to have it created away from the current vessel launchPoint.y += 10; launchPoint.z += 10; StartCoroutine("SpawnCoRoutine"); } }
public override string ToString() { return($"{Name.PadRight(8, ' ')}{Rating.ToString("0.00").PadLeft(6, ' ')}{RWS.ToString("0.00").PadLeft(7, ' ')}{KD.ToString("0.00").PadLeft(6, ' ')}{ADR.ToString("0.0").PadLeft(7, ' ')}"); }