public override void Generate(KBObject baseObject, PatternInstance instance) { if (baseObject is Transaction) { //modMain.SetGXPath(Artech.Common.Helpers.IO.PathHelper.StartupPath); pinstance = instance; Transaction transaction = (Transaction)baseObject; HPatternInstance wwInstance = new HPatternInstance(transaction.Model); settings = wwInstance.Settings; //Dictionary<string, object> propertiesg = new Dictionary<string, object>(); //propertiesg[Properties.HTMLATT.ReadOnly] = true; //settings.Grid.Rules //Dictionary<string, object> propertiesg = new Dictionary<string, object>(); //propertiesg[Properties.HTMLSFL.Rules] = Properties.HTMLSFL.Rules_Values.Rows; //System.Text.Encoding.w // string template = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(file.BlobPart.Data); // testes /* KBModel model = Artech.Architecture.UI.Framework.Services.UIServices.KB.CurrentModel; foreach (WikiFileKBObject file in WikiFileKBObject.GetAll(model)) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("File: " + file.Name); byte[] b = file.BlobPart.Data; string saida = System.Text.StringBuilder .GetString(b); System.Text.StringBuilder sb = System.Text.StringBuilder(); } */ //Antlr.StringTemplate.FileSystemTemplateLoader st = new Antlr.StringTemplate.FileSystemTemplateLoader(""); Generate(transaction, wwInstance); wwInstance.SaveTo(instance); } else if (baseObject is WebPanel) { HPatternInstance wwInstance = new HPatternInstance(instance); if (wwInstance.WebPanelRoot == null) { wwInstance.WebPanelRoot = new WebPanelRootElement(); } wwInstance.SaveTo(instance); } else { throw new PatternException(Messages.ParentMustBeTransaction); } }
public override void UpdateParentObject(KBObject parent, PatternInstance instance) { base.UpdateParentObject(parent, instance); if (!GXVersion.IsGenexusServer) { Debug.Assert(parent != null && (parent is Transaction || parent is WebPanel)); if (parent is Transaction) { Transaction transaction = (Transaction)parent; HPatternTransactionUpdater.Clear(instance, transaction); } } }
public static string ExtractRuleParm(KBObject obj) { RulesPart rulesPart = obj.Parts.Get <RulesPart>(); string aux = ""; if (rulesPart != null) { Regex myReg = new Regex("//.*", RegexOptions.None); Regex paramReg = new Regex(@"parm\(.*\)", RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace | RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); string reglas = rulesPart.Source; reglas = myReg.Replace(reglas, ""); Match match = paramReg.Match(reglas); if (match != null) { aux = match.ToString(); } else { aux = ""; } } return(aux); }
public static void SaveObjectNewParm(IOutputService output, KBObject obj, string oldParm, string newParm) { RulesPart rulPart = obj.Parts.Get <RulesPart>(); string newRules = ""; try { newParm = newParm.Replace(";", " "); newRules = rulPart.Source.Replace(oldParm, newParm); rulPart.Source = newRules; } catch (Exception e) { KBDoctorOutput.Message(e.Message); }; try { obj.Save(); } catch (Exception e) { KBDoctorOutput.Message("Error SAVING " + obj.Name + " New parm rule " + newParm + " " + e.Message); } }
private static KBObjectCollection ObjectsReferencesFromOutside(KBObject obj) { KBObjectCollection objCol = new KBObjectCollection(); string mdlName = ObjectModuleName(obj); foreach (EntityReference refer in obj.GetReferencesTo()) { KBObject objRef = KBObject.Get(obj.Model, refer.From); if (objRef != null && Functions.isRunable(objRef)) { string mdlNameRef = ObjectModuleName(objRef); if (mdlNameRef != mdlName) { if (obj is Table) { objCol.Add(obj); } } } } return(objCol); }
/// <summary> /// Cambia los objetos que tienen source o eventos. /// </summary> /// <param name="obj">Objeto a cambiar</param> /// <param name="txtfind">texto a buscar</param> /// <param name="txtreplace">texto a remplazar</param> public static bool ReplaceEvents(KBObject obj, string txtfind, string txtreplace) { bool cambio = false; if ((obj is Transaction) || (obj is WebPanel) || (obj is WorkPanel)) { EventsPart evPart = obj.Parts.Get <EventsPart>(); if (evPart != null) { string evsource = evPart.Source; string source2 = Regex.Replace(evsource, txtfind, txtreplace, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); source2 = source2.Replace(txtfind.ToLower(), txtreplace); source2 = source2.Replace(txtfind.ToUpper(), txtreplace); if (evsource != source2) { evPart.Source = source2; cambio = true; } } } return(cambio); }
public static IEnumerable <KBObject> GetGXLObjects(KBModel model, string gxlFileName) { GxlDocumentHelper gxlDocumentHelper = new GxlDocumentHelper(gxlFileName); foreach (XmlNode current in gxlDocumentHelper.GetObjects()) { KBObject kBObject = null; Guid objectGuid = gxlDocumentHelper.GetObjectGuid(current); Guid guid; string name; if (objectGuid != Guid.Empty) { kBObject = model.Objects.Get(objectGuid); } else if (gxlDocumentHelper.GetObjectTypeName(current, out guid, out name)) { if (guid != Guid.Empty) { QualifiedName qname = new QualifiedName(guid, name); model.Objects.Get(guid, qname); kBObject = ObjectHelperGet(model, guid, name); } else { kBObject = ObjectHelperGet(model, name); } } if (kBObject != null) { yield return(kBObject); } } IEnumerator <XmlNode> enumerator = null; yield break; yield break; }
public static int ReferenceWeight(KBObject obj, KBObject objRef) { int weight = 2; //2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, and 97 if (objRef is WebPanel) { weight = 1; } if ((objRef is Transaction) & (objRef.GetPropertyValue <bool>("idISBUSINESSCOMPONENT"))) { weight = 1; } if (objRef is Table) { if (obj is Transaction) { Table t = (Table)objRef; foreach (Transaction trn in t.AssociatedTransactions) { if (obj == trn) { weight = 89; //Esta tabla es generada por esa transaccion } } } else { weight = 13; } } return(weight); }
private static void ListStats(KBObject obj, StreamWriter file) { PrintSectionHeader("QUALITIY INDICATORS", file); int sourceLines = ObjectsHelper.CountSourceCodeLines(obj); file.WriteLine("LINES of Code : {0,-10}", sourceLines.ToString()); float commentPct = ObjectsHelper.SourceCodeCommentPct(obj); file.WriteLine("COMMENTS % : {0,-10}", commentPct.ToString()); int maxBlock = ObjectsHelper.MaxBlockOfCode(obj); file.WriteLine("MAX BLOCK : {0,-10}", maxBlock.ToString()); int complexityLevel = ObjectsHelper.ComplexityLevel(obj); file.WriteLine("COMPLEXITY : {0,-10}", complexityLevel.ToString()); int maxNest = ObjectsHelper.MaxNestLevel(obj); file.WriteLine("MAX NEST LEVEL: {0,-10}", maxNest.ToString()); }
public bool ExecuteRemoveVariables(CommandData data) { KBObject obj = data.Context as KBObject; if (obj == null) { return(true); } foreach (KBObjectPart p in obj.Parts) { if (p is VariablesPart) { VariablesPart vars = p as VariablesPart; foreach (var variable in vars.Variables.Where(v => !v.IsStandard)) { CommonServices.Output.AddLine(string.Format("var {0} will be deleted", variable.Name)); } break; } } return(true); }
private static List <string> MostReferencedInFolder(Table tbl) { IOutputService output = CommonServices.Output; List <string> list = new List <string>(); foreach (EntityReference refe in tbl.GetReferencesTo()) { KBObject objRef = KBObject.Get(tbl.Model, refe.From); if (objRef != null) { bool read, insert, update, delete, isBase; ReferenceTypeInfo.ReadTableInfo(refe.LinkTypeInfo, out read, out insert, out update, out delete, out isBase); string updated = (update || delete || insert) ? "UPDATED" : ""; if (objRef.Parent is Folder) { list.Add("FOLDER:" + objRef.Parent.Name + " | " + updated); } if (objRef.Parent is Module) { list.Add("MODULE:" + objRef.Parent.Name + " | " + updated); } } } output.AddLine(" "); output.AddLine("============> " + tbl.Name); list.Sort(); foreach (string s in list) { output.AddLine(s); } return(list); }
public bool ExecuteRebuildAndRun(CommandData data) { KBObject obj = data.Context as KBObject; if (obj == null) { return(true); } List <EntityKey> keys = new List <EntityKey>(); keys.Add(obj.Key); GenexusUIServices.Build.Rebuild(obj.Key); BackgroundWorker worker = new BackgroundWorker(); worker.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(worker_RunWorkerCompleted); worker.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(worker_DoWork); worker.RunWorkerAsync(obj); return(true); }
public static string MainsOf(KBObject obj, KBObjectCollection objColl, string callTree) { string mains = ""; if (!objColl.Contains(obj)) { objColl.Add(obj); if (obj.GetPropertyValue <bool>("IsMain")) { string objAppGenerator = obj.GetPropertyValueString("AppGenerator"); if (objAppGenerator.Contains("Java Win") && callTree.Contains("HMaster")) { mains = ""; } else { mains = callTree + "/" + Functions.linkObject(obj) + "(" + objAppGenerator + ")<BR> "; } } else { callTree += obj.Name + "/"; foreach (EntityReference reference in obj.GetReferencesTo()) { KBObject objRef = KBObject.Get(obj.Model, reference.From); if ((objRef != null) && (obj.Name != objRef.Name) && (reference.ReferenceType == ReferenceType.Hard) && reference.LinkType == LinkType.UsedObject /*&& (obj.TypeDescriptor.Name != "MasterPage")*/ && !objColl.Contains(objRef)) { mains += MainsOf(objRef, objColl, callTree); } } } } return(mains); }
private void DeleteObjectAndReferences(KBModel model, List <KBObject> parents) { parents.ForEach(p => parents.AddRange(model.Objects.GetAllChildren(p))); KBObject.Delete(parents); }
internal static void ObjectsToDivide() { IKBService kbserv = UIServices.KB; KBModel kbModel = UIServices.KB.CurrentModel; IOutputService output = CommonServices.Output; bool success = true; int objInRoot = 0; int objSinRoot = 0; string title = "KBDoctor - Objects to divide"; output.StartSection(title); string outputFile = Functions.CreateOutputFile(kbserv, title); KBDoctorXMLWriter writer = new KBDoctorXMLWriter(outputFile, Encoding.UTF8); writer.AddHeader(title); writer.AddTableHeader(new string[] { "Object", "Module", "Type", "Is referenced by" }); KBObjectCollection objRefCollection = new KBObjectCollection(); SelectObjectOptions selectObjectOption = new SelectObjectOptions(); selectObjectOption.MultipleSelection = false; selectObjectOption.ObjectTypes.Add(KBObjectDescriptor.Get <Module>()); Module module2 = new Module(kbModel); foreach (Module module in UIServices.SelectObjectDialog.SelectObjects(selectObjectOption)) { module2 = module; output.AddLine("Procesing " + module.Name + "...."); foreach (KBObject obj in ModuleObjects(module)) { foreach (EntityReference reference in obj.GetReferences()) { KBObject objref = KBObject.Get(obj.Model, reference.To); if (objref != null && objref.TypeDescriptor.Name != "Attribute" && objref.TypeDescriptor.Name != "MasterPage") { Module objrefModule = ((objref is Table) ? TablesHelper.TableModule(objref.Model, (Table)objref) : objref.Module); if (objrefModule != module) { if (!(objref is Domain) && !(objref is Image) && !(objref is Theme) && !(objref is ThemeClass) && !(objref is GeneratorCategory) && !(objref is KBCategory) && !(objref is SDT)) { bool contain = objRefCollection.Any(p => p.Guid == objref.Guid); if (!contain) { objRefCollection.Add(objref); } } } } } } } string listObj = ""; //Listo todos los objetos externos referenciados desde el modulo foreach (KBObject o in objRefCollection) { listObj = ""; //Armo lista de objetos de mi modulo que referencian al objeto externo foreach (EntityReference refe in o.GetReferencesTo()) { KBObject objref = KBObject.Get(o.Model, refe.From); if (objref != null) { Module objrefModule = ((objref is Table) ? TablesHelper.TableModule(objref.Model, (Table)objref) : objref.Module); if (objrefModule == module2) { listObj += " " + Functions.linkObject(objref); } } } Module oModule = ((o is Table) ? TablesHelper.TableModule(o.Model, (Table)o) : o.Module); writer.AddTableData(new string[] { Functions.linkObject(o), oModule.Name, o.TypeDescriptor.Name, listObj }); } output.AddLine(""); output.EndSection(title, success); writer.AddFooter(); writer.Close(); KBDoctorHelper.ShowKBDoctorResults(outputFile); }
bool IsObjectSelected(CommandData data, bool mustBeMain, out KBObject obj) { obj = null; if (data.Context == null) return false; obj = KBObjectSelectionHelper.TryGetOnlyOneKBObjectFrom(data.Context); if (obj != null && mustBeMain) return obj.GetPropertyValue<bool>("IsMain"); return true; }
private void ChangeDocumentation(DocumentationPart docp, KBObject obj, HPatternInstance wwInstance, HPatternSettings settings) { TemplateInternal.DocumentationSave(docp, obj, wwInstance, settings); }
private static void CleanAllRules(KBObject obj) { RulesPart rulesPart = obj.Parts.Get <RulesPart>(); rulesPart.Source = ""; }
internal XmlDocument AppendTemplateOutputInner(KBObject obj, KBObjectPart part, PatternInstanceElement element, String template) { Generator.GeneratorParameters parms = new Generator.GeneratorParameters(); DefaultProvider.PrepareTemplateParameters(parms); parms.Properties["Object"] = obj; parms.Properties["Part"] = part; parms.Properties["Instance"] = Instance; parms.Properties["Element"] = element; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Heurys.Patterns.HPattern.HPatternTransactionUpdater.AppendTemplateOutput(sb, template, parms); XmlDocument xmlDocument = new XmlDocument(); xmlDocument.LoadXml(sb.ToString()); return xmlDocument; }
internal static void CleanKBObjectVariables(KBObject kbObj, IOutputService output, ref string recomendations) { try { VariablesPart variablesPart = null; if (!kbObj.IsCurrentVersion || kbObj.Dirty) { kbObj = KBObject.Get(kbObj.Model, kbObj.Key); } List <Variable> list = new List <Variable>(); List <IEnumerable <VariableReference> > list2 = new List <IEnumerable <VariableReference> >(); List <VariableReference> list3 = new List <VariableReference>(); string text = null; foreach (KBObjectPart current in kbObj.Parts) { if (current is VariablesPart) { variablesPart = (VariablesPart)current; } else { if (current is IHasVariableReferences) { list2.Add(((IHasVariableReferences)current).GetReferencedVariables()); } } if (current is LayoutPart && ((LayoutPart)current).Layout != null) { using (IEnumerator <IReportBand> enumerator2 = ((LayoutPart)current).Layout.ReportBands.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator2.MoveNext()) { IReportBand current2 = enumerator2.Current; foreach (IReportComponent current3 in current2.Controls) { if (current3 is ReportAttribute) { VariableReference item = new VariableReference(current3.Name); list3.Add(item); } } } continue; } } if (current is WebFormPart && ((WebFormPart)current).Document != null) { text = ((WebFormPart)current).Document.OuterXml; } } if (list3.Count > 0) { list2.Add(list3); } if (variablesPart != null && !variablesPart.GetPropertyValue <bool>("IsDefault")) { foreach (Variable current4 in variablesPart.Variables) { if (!current4.IsAutoDefined && !current4.IsStandard && (Artech.Genexus.Common.Properties.ATT.Dimensions_Enum)Enum.Parse(typeof(Artech.Genexus.Common.Properties.ATT.Dimensions_Enum), current4.GetPropertyValue <string>("AttNumDim")) == Artech.Genexus.Common.Properties.ATT.Dimensions_Enum.Scalar) { bool flag = false; foreach (IEnumerable <VariableReference> current5 in list2) { foreach (VariableReference current6 in current5) { if (current6.Name.Replace("&", "").Equals(current4.Name.Replace("&", ""), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { flag = true; break; } } if (flag) { break; } } if (!flag && (text == null || !text.Contains("\"var:" + current4.Id + "\""))) { list.Add(current4); } } } if (list.Count > 0) { string text2 = ""; foreach (Variable current7 in list) { text2 = text2 + ", " + current7.Name; variablesPart.Remove(current7); } OutputMessages outputMessages = new OutputMessages(); if (kbObj.Validate(outputMessages)) { kbObj.Save(); string recommend = "Object '" + kbObj.Name + "' cleaned successfully. Variables deleted: " + text2.Substring(2); KBDoctorOutput.Message(recommend); recomendations += recommend + "<br>"; } using (IEnumerator <BaseMessage> enumerator8 = outputMessages.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator8.MoveNext()) { BaseMessage current8 = enumerator8.Current; if (current8.Level == MessageLevel.Error) { output.AddErrorLine("KBDoctor", current8.Text); } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { output.AddWarningLine("KBDoctor", "Object '" + kbObj.Name + "' was not cleaned because an error ocurred: " + ex.Message); } }
private static void ApplyRow(StringBuilder atts, RowElement row, KBObject objeto, Boolean geraBC, String sigla, HPatternSettings settings, bool overwrite) { atts.AppendLine("<tr>"); Transaction transaction = null; if (objeto is Transaction) transaction = (Transaction)objeto; foreach (ColumnElement col in row.Columns) { atts.AppendLine("<td align=\"" + col.GetAlign() + "\" colspan='" + col.ColSpan.ToString() + "' rowspan='" + col.RowSpan.ToString() + "'>"); foreach (Object obj in col.Items) { if (obj is AttributeElement) { AttributeElement att = (AttributeElement)obj; if (geraBC) { Dictionary<string, object> properties = new Dictionary<string, object>(); properties[Properties.HTMLATT.FieldSpecifier] = att.AttributeName; bool vreadonly = false; TransactionAttribute ta = null; if (transaction != null) { ta = transaction.Structure.Root.GetAttribute(att.AttributeName); if (ta == null) { vreadonly = true; } else { if (ta.IsInferred) { vreadonly = true; } } } if (att.Readonly) { vreadonly = true; } if (vreadonly) { properties[Properties.HTMLATT.ReadOnly] = true; } string themeClass = "Attribute"; if (transaction != null && ta != null) { if (ta.IsKey && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Theme.AttributeKey)) themeClass = settings.Theme.AttributeKey; } if (att.ThemeClass != String.Empty) themeClass = att.ThemeClass; if (vreadonly) { if (att.Format.ToLower() == "text") properties[Properties.HTMLATT.Format] = Properties.HTMLATT.Format_Values.Text; if (att.Format.ToLower() == "html") properties[Properties.HTMLATT.Format] = Properties.HTMLATT.Format_Values.Html; if (att.Format.ToLower() == "raw html") properties[Properties.HTMLATT.Format] = Properties.HTMLATT.Format_Values.RawHtml; if (att.Format.ToLower() == "text with meaningful spaces") properties[Properties.HTMLATT.Format] = Properties.HTMLATT.Format_Values.TextWithMeaningfulSpaces; } GetControlInfo(att, properties); atts.AppendLine(WebForm.Variable((transaction != null ? transaction.Name : "") + sigla, themeClass, null, properties)); } else { string themeClass = null; if (transaction != null) { TransactionAttribute ta = transaction.Structure.Root.GetAttribute(att.AttributeName); if (ta.IsKey && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Theme.AttributeKey)) themeClass = settings.Theme.AttributeKey; } if (att.ThemeClass != String.Empty) themeClass = att.ThemeClass; Dictionary<string, object> properties = new Dictionary<string, object>(); if (att.Readonly) { properties[Properties.HTMLATT.ReadOnly] = true; } GetControlSize(att, properties); atts.AppendLine(WebForm.Attribute(att.AttributeName, themeClass, null, properties)); } LinkBuild(atts, att, settings); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(att.MaskPicture)) { Dictionary<string, object> props = new Dictionary<string, object>(); props.Add("Picture", att.MaskPicture); props.Add("Reverse", att.Reverse); props.Add("Signed", att.Signed); props.Add("UnmaskedChars", att.UnmaskedChars); props.Add("UnmaskedValue",att.UnmaskedValue); atts.AppendLine(WebFormHelper.BeginControl("HMask2", att.AttributeName + "HMask", props)); atts.AppendLine(WebFormHelper.EndControl("HMask2")); } } if (obj is VariableElement) { VariableElement var = (VariableElement)obj; string themeClass = "Attribute"; if (var.ThemeClass != String.Empty) themeClass = var.ThemeClass; Dictionary<string, object> properties = new Dictionary<string, object>(); GetControlSize(var, properties); atts.AppendLine(WebForm.Variable(var.Name, themeClass, null, properties)); LinkBuild(atts, var, settings); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(var.MaskPicture)) { Dictionary<string, object> props = new Dictionary<string, object>(); props.Add("Picture", var.MaskPicture); props.Add("Reverse", var.Reverse); props.Add("Signed", var.Signed); props.Add("UnmaskedChars", var.UnmaskedChars); props.Add("UnmaskedValue", var.UnmaskedValue); atts.AppendLine(WebFormHelper.BeginControl("HMask2", var.Name + "HMask", props)); atts.AppendLine(WebFormHelper.EndControl("HMask2")); } } if (obj is TextElement) { TextElement text = (TextElement)obj; TemplateInternal.RenderText(text, row,atts,transaction); } if (obj is GroupElement) { GroupElement gobj = (GroupElement)obj; contaGroup++; string name = "Group"+contaGroup.ToString().Trim(); string tema = settings.Theme.Group; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(tema)) tema = "Group"; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(gobj.Class)) tema = gobj.Class; atts.AppendLine(WebForm.BeginGroup(name, tema, gobj.Caption)); atts.AppendLine(WebForm.BeginTable("Table"+name,null)); foreach (RowElement row2 in gobj.Rows) { ApplyRow(atts, row2, objeto, geraBC, sigla, settings, overwrite); } atts.AppendLine(WebForm.EndTable()); atts.AppendLine(WebForm.EndGroup()); } if (obj is UserTableElement) { WebFormPart wform = null; if (transaction != null) { wform = transaction.WebForm; } else if (objeto is WebPanel) { wform = ((WebPanel)objeto).WebForm; } AddUserTable((UserTableElement)obj, atts, wform, overwrite); } if (!geraBC) { if (obj is GridFreeStyleElement) { GridFreeStyleElement grid = obj as GridFreeStyleElement; AddGridFreeStyle(atts, grid, settings); } if (obj is GridStandardElement) { GridStandardElement grid = obj as GridStandardElement; AddGridStandard(atts, grid, settings); } } } atts.AppendLine("</td>"); } atts.AppendLine("</tr>"); }
string GetObjectPath(KBObject obj, string platform) { return Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(UIServices.KB.CurrentKB.Location, UIServices.KB.CurrentModel.Environment.TargetModel.TargetPath), "mobile"), platform), obj.QualifiedName.ToString().Replace(".","_")); }
internal int DeleteVariables(PatternInstanceElement element, KBObject obj, bool overwrite) { if (mDelVar != null) { return mDelVar.DeleteVariables(element, obj, overwrite); } return 0; }
public int DeleteVariables(PatternInstanceElement element, KBObject obj, bool overwrite) { int ret = 0; if (obj is WebPanel && (element.Type == InstanceElements.Selection || element.Type == InstanceElements.Tab) && element.SelectElements("actions/action[@multiRowSelection=\"True\"]").Count == 0) { bool canDelete = true; WebPanel webp = (WebPanel)obj; if (overwrite == false) { if (webp.Events.Source.IndexOf("&SelectedRows.") >= 0) { canDelete = false; } else if (webp.Events.Source.IndexOf("&SelectedRow.") >= 0) { canDelete = false; } } if (canDelete) { Variable var = webp.Variables.GetVariable("SelectedRows"); if (var != null) { ret = 1; webp.Variables.Remove(var); } var = null; var = webp.Variables.GetVariable("SelectedRow"); if (var != null) { ret = 1; webp.Variables.Remove(var); } } } return ret; }
internal String AppendTemplateOutputXml(KBObject obj, KBObjectPart part, PatternInstanceElement element, String template) { return AppendTemplateOutputInner(obj, part, element, template).InnerXml; }
string GetObjectPath(KBObject obj, string platform) { return(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(UIServices.KB.CurrentKB.Location, UIServices.KB.CurrentModel.Environment.TargetModel.TargetPath), "mobile"), platform), obj.QualifiedName.ToString().Replace(".", "_"))); }
private static void CleanAllProcedurePart(KBObject obj) { ProcedurePart procPart = obj.Parts.Get <ProcedurePart>(); procPart.Source = ""; }
private static void CleanVariablesBasedInAttribute(Artech.Genexus.Common.Objects.Attribute a, IOutputService output, KBObject objRef) { output.AddLine("Cleaning variables references to " + a.Name + " in " + objRef.Name); VariablesPart vp = objRef.Parts.Get <VariablesPart>(); if (vp != null) { foreach (Variable v in vp.Variables) { if (!v.IsStandard) { if ((v.AttributeBasedOn != null) && (a.Name == v.AttributeBasedOn.Name)) { output.AddLine("&" + v.Name + " based on " + a.Name); eDBType type = v.Type; int length = v.Length; bool signed = v.Signed; string desc = v.Description; int dec = v.Decimals; //Modifico la variable, para que no se base en el atributo. v.AttributeBasedOn = null; v.Type = type; v.Decimals = dec; v.Description = desc; v.Length = length; v.Signed = signed; } } } } }
public override void UpdateParentObject(KBObject parent, PatternInstance instance) { if (Messages.Debug()) { CommonServices.Output.AddLine(String.Format(">>> UpdateParentObject Begin {0}", DateTime.Now.ToString())); } base.UpdateParentObject(parent, instance); if (!GXVersion.IsGenexusServer) { Debug.Assert(parent != null && (parent is Transaction || parent is WebPanel)); if (parent is Transaction) { Transaction transaction = (Transaction)parent; HPatternTransactionUpdater.Apply(instance, transaction); HPatternSettings settings = HPatternSettings.Get(instance.Model); HPatternInstance wwInstance = HPatternInstance.Load(instance); bool gera = wwInstance.Transaction.WebBC; /* bool gera = settings.Template.DataEntryWebPanelBC; if (wwInstance.Transaction.DataEntryWebPanelBC.ToLower() == "true") gera = true; if (wwInstance.Transaction.DataEntryWebPanelBC.ToLower() == "false") gera = false; */ if (gera) { if (wwInstance.Levels[0] != null) { if (wwInstance.Levels[0].View != null) { foreach (TabElement tabe in wwInstance.Levels[0].View.Tabs) { if (tabe.Type == TabElement.TypeValue.Grid && tabe.Transaction != null && tabe.Transaction.Transaction != null) { Transaction trn = tabe.Transaction.Transaction; trn.SetPropertyValue(Properties.TRN.BusinessComponent, true); trn.Save(); } } } } } } else if (parent is WebPanel) { //CommonServices.Output.AddLine(">>> WebPanel não implementado!"); new WebPanelUpdater((WebPanel)parent, instance); } } if (Messages.Debug()) { CommonServices.Output.AddLine(String.Format(">>> UpdateParentObject End {0}", DateTime.Now.ToString())); } }
private static void CleanAllEvents(KBObject obj) { EventsPart evPart = obj.Parts.Get <EventsPart>(); evPart.Source = ""; }
// public static void CleanKBObjectVariables(KBObject obj, IOutputService output) { CleanKB.CleanKBObjectVariables(obj, output); }
private static void CleanAllConditions(KBObject obj) { ConditionsPart cndPart = obj.Parts.Get <ConditionsPart>(); cndPart.Source = ""; }
private static void ProcesoNavigation(string xmlstring, IOutputService output, TextWriter writer2, KBObject obj) { //Create the XmlDocument. XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(xmlstring); string ObjName = ""; string EventName = ""; string LevelType = ""; string LevelRow = ""; string TableNames = ""; string AttNames = ""; using (XmlReader reader = new XmlTextReader(new System.IO.StringReader(xmlstring))) { while (reader.Read()) { // string inner = reader.ReadInnerXml(); switch (reader.Name) { case "ObjName": if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { reader.Read(); if (ObjName == "") { ObjName = reader.Value; } } break; case "EventName": //<EventName>Sbfhoras.Load</EventName> if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { reader.Read(); EventName = reader.Value; } //reader.Read(); //EventName = reader.Value; break; case "LevelType": //<LevelType>For First</LevelType> if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { //IMPRIMO EL LEVEL ANTERIOR // if (LevelType!="") // output.AddLine(String.Format("OBJECT= {0} EVENTNAME= {1} ROW= {2} LEVELTYPE= {3} TABLES= {4} ATTRIBUTES= {5} ", ObjName, EventName, LevelRow, LevelType, TableNames, AttNames)); reader.Read(); LevelType = reader.Value; //VACIO TABLAS Y ATRIBUTOS PUES CAMBIO DE LEVEL TableNames = ""; AttNames = ""; } break; case "LevelBeginRow": //<LevelBeginRow>31</LevelBeginRow> if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { reader.Read(); LevelRow = reader.Value; } break; case "NavigationTree": while (reader.Read() && !(reader.Name == "NavigationTree" && reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement)) { switch (reader.Name) { case "TableName": if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { reader.Read(); TableNames += reader.Value + " "; } break; case "AttriName": if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { reader.Read(); AttNames += reader.Value + " "; } break; } } if (LevelType != "") { string aux = LevelType + "," + TableNames + " , " + AttNames; string hash; using (System.Security.Cryptography.MD5 md5 = System.Security.Cryptography.MD5.Create()) { hash = BitConverter.ToString(md5.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(aux)) ).Replace("-", String.Empty); } //Cuento Cantidad de tablas. hash = TableNames.Count(Char.IsWhiteSpace).ToString("D2") + hash; // output.AddLine(String.Format("{0} , {1} , {2} , {3} , {4}, {5} ", ObjName, EventName, LevelRow, LevelType, TableNames, AttNames)); // writer.AddTableData(new string[] { hash, Functions.linkObject(obj), EventName, LevelRow, LevelType, TableNames, AttNames }); writer2.WriteLine(LevelType + "," + TableNames + "," + AttNames + "," + Functions.linkObject(obj) + "," + EventName + "," + LevelRow.PadLeft(10, ' ')); LevelType = ""; LevelRow = ""; TableNames = ""; AttNames = ""; } break; default: break; } } } }
public static bool isRunable(KBObject obj) { return(obj is Transaction | obj is WorkPanel | obj is WebPanel | obj is DataProvider | obj is DataSelector | obj is Procedure | obj is Menubar); }
public static void DocumentationSave(DocumentationPart docp, KBObject obj, HPatternInstance wwInstance, HPatternSettings settings) { bool atualiza = false; if (docp.Page == null) { atualiza = true; } else { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(docp.Page.EditableContent)) { atualiza = true; } } if (atualiza) { docp.Page = new WikiPage(wwInstance.Model, obj.Name, TemplateInternal.DocumentationFactory(obj.Name, obj.Description, wwInstance, settings)); } }
public static void AttUpdated() { IKBService kbserv = UIServices.KB; string title = "KBDoctor - Where update this attribute? :"; string outputFile = Functions.CreateOutputFile(kbserv, title); IOutputService output = CommonServices.Output; output.StartSection(title); AskAttributeandTable at = new AskAttributeandTable(); DialogResult dr = new DialogResult(); dr = at.ShowDialog(); if (dr == DialogResult.OK) { string tblName = at.tblName; string attName = at.attName; List <string> Objlist = new List <string>(); KBDoctorXMLWriter writer = new KBDoctorXMLWriter(outputFile, Encoding.UTF8); writer.AddHeader(title + attName + " in table " + tblName); writer.AddTableHeader(new string[] { "Object", "Description", "Type", "Navigation File" }); int IndFiles = 0; // IKBService kbserv = UIServices.KB; string directoryArg = KBDoctorHelper.SpcDirectory(kbserv); string fileWildcard = @"*.xml"; var searchSubDirsArg = System.IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories; string[] xFiles = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(directoryArg, fileWildcard, searchSubDirsArg); foreach (string x in xFiles) { // output.AddLine(x); IndFiles += 1; if (IndFiles % 100 == 0) { output.AddLine(" Procesing " + IndFiles.ToString() + " navigation files."); } string filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(x); if (!Objlist.Contains(filename)) { Objlist.Add(filename); if (!Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(x).StartsWith("Gx0")) { string xmlstring = AddXMLHeader(x); if (ObjectUpdateTable(xmlstring, tblName, attName)) { KBObject obj = ExtractObject(xmlstring); if (obj == null) { writer.AddTableData(new string[] { "Can't find object", "", "", x }); } else if (KBDoctorCore.Sources.Utility.isGenerated(obj) || obj.GetPropertyValue <bool>("idISBUSINESSCOMPONENT")) { writer.AddTableData(new string[] { Functions.linkObject(obj), obj.Description, obj.TypeDescriptor.Name, x }); } } } } } writer.AddFooter(); writer.Close(); KBDoctorHelper.ShowKBDoctorResults(outputFile); bool success = true; output.EndSection(title, success); } }
internal static void ListTableInModules() { IKBService kbserv = UIServices.KB; KBModel model = kbserv.CurrentModel.GetDesignModel(); string title = "KBDoctor - List tables in modules"; IOutputService output = CommonServices.Output; output.StartSection(title); string outputFile = Functions.CreateOutputFile(kbserv, title); KBDoctorXMLWriter writer = new KBDoctorXMLWriter(outputFile, Encoding.UTF8); writer.AddHeader(title); writer.AddTableHeader(new string[] { "Name", "Description", "Visibility", "Best", "Best Module", "Modules", "Transaction", "Trn(NoGenerate)", "Referenced Modules", "Referenced" }); SelectObjectOptions selectObjectOption = new SelectObjectOptions(); selectObjectOption.MultipleSelection = true; selectObjectOption.ObjectTypes.Add(KBObjectDescriptor.Get <Module>()); foreach (KBObject module in UIServices.SelectObjectDialog.SelectObjects(selectObjectOption)) { foreach (Table t in Table.GetAll(module.Model)) { if (TablesHelper.TableModule(module.Model, t) == module) { string objNameLink = Functions.linkObject(t); output.AddLine("Processing... " + t.Name); int countAttr = 0; int countKeyAttr = 0; int widthKey = 0; int width = 0; int widthVariable = 0; int widthFixed = 0; ObjectVisibility objVisibility = TableVisibility(t); KBObject trnBest = GenexusBLServices.Tables.GetBestAssociatedTransaction(model, t.Key); Module mdlTrnBest = trnBest.Module; string trnGen = ""; string trnNoGen = ""; List <string> mdlList = new List <string>(); foreach (Transaction trn in t.AssociatedTransactions) { string trnstr = Functions.linkObject(trn) + "(" + ((trn.IsPublic) ? "Public" : "Private") + ") <br/> "; if (trn.GetPropertyValue <bool>(Properties.TRN.GenerateObject)) { trnGen += trnstr; } else { trnNoGen += trnstr; } if (!mdlList.Contains(trn.Module.Name)) { mdlList.Add(trn.Module.Name); } } IList <KBObject> objList = (from r in model.GetReferencesTo(t.Key, LinkType.UsedObject) where r.ReferenceType == ReferenceType.WeakExternal // las referencias a tablas que agrega el especificador son de este tipo //where ReferenceTypeInfo.HasUpdateAccess(r.LinkTypeInfo) select model.Objects.Get(r.From)).ToList(); IList <KBObject> objList2 = objList.Where(r => r.Module != mdlTrnBest).ToList(); string objListQNames = null; objList2.ToList().ForEach(v => objListQNames += " " + Functions.linkObject(v)); List <string> mdlReferencedList = new List <string>(); foreach (KBObject o in objList) { if (!mdlReferencedList.Contains(o.Module.Name)) { mdlReferencedList.Add(o.Module.Name); } } string mdlListstr = String.Join(" ", mdlList.ToArray()); string mdlReferencedListstr = String.Join(" ", mdlReferencedList.ToArray()); writer.AddTableData(new string[] { objNameLink, t.Description, objVisibility.ToString(), trnBest.QualifiedName.ToString(), mdlTrnBest.Name, mdlListstr, trnGen, trnNoGen, mdlReferencedListstr, objListQNames }); } } } writer.AddFooter(); writer.Close(); KBDoctorHelper.ShowKBDoctorResults(outputFile); bool success = true; output.EndSection(title, success); }
public static string linkObject(KBObject obj) { return("<a href=\"gx://?Command=fa2c542d-cd46-4df2-9317-bd5899a536eb;OpenObject&name=" + obj.Guid.ToString() + "\">" + obj.Name + "</a>"); }
bool IsOkToShow(KBObject obj, string generator) { if (obj == null) return false; if (obj.Type != ObjClass.SDPanel && obj.Type != ObjClass.Dashboard) return false; GxEnvironment environment = UIServices.KB.WorkingEnvironment.TargetModel.GetAs<GxModel>().Environments.FirstOrDefault(env => env.Generator == (int)GeneratorType.SmartDevices); return environment != null && environment.Properties.GetPropertyValue<bool>(generator); }
private static void CleanSDT(Artech.Genexus.Common.Objects.Attribute a, IOutputService output, KBObject objRef) { if (objRef is SDT) { output.AddLine("Cleaning SDT references to " + a.Name + " in " + objRef.Name); SDTStructurePart sdtstruct = objRef.Parts.Get <SDTStructurePart>(); foreach (IStructureItem structItem in sdtstruct.Root.Items) { SDTItem sdtItem = (SDTItem)structItem; if (sdtItem.BasedOn.Key == a.Key) { output.AddLine("..." + sdtItem.Name + " based on " + a.Name); eDBType type = sdtItem.Type; int length = sdtItem.Length; bool signed = sdtItem.Signed; string desc = sdtItem.Description; int dec = sdtItem.Decimals; //Modifico la variable, para que no se base en el atributo. sdtItem.AttributeBasedOn = null; sdtItem.Type = type; sdtItem.Decimals = dec; sdtItem.Description = desc; sdtItem.Length = length; sdtItem.Signed = signed; } } } }
private static void GenerateKBObjectEdgesTxt(string name, string fileName) { IKBService kbserv = UIServices.KB; KBModel model = kbserv.CurrentModel; Graph g = new Graph(); Module rootModule = kbserv.CurrentModel.GetDesignModel().RootModule; IOutputService output = CommonServices.Output; StringCollection aristas = new StringCollection(); output.AddLine("Generating " + name); Dictionary <string, Tuple <int, string> > dictionary = new Dictionary <string, Tuple <int, string> >(); Dictionary <int, int> initialpartition = new Dictionary <int, int>(); // Dictionary<string, Tuple<int,string>> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, Tuple<int,string>>(); Dictionary <string, int> NameToId = new Dictionary <string, int>(); Dictionary <string, string> NameToModule = new Dictionary <string, string>(); Dictionary <int, string> IdToName = new Dictionary <int, string>(); Dictionary <int, string> IdToModule = new Dictionary <int, string>(); Dictionary <int, EntityKey> IdToKey = new Dictionary <int, EntityKey>(); int objId = 0; foreach (KBObject obj in model.Objects.GetAll()) { if (Functions.hasModule(obj) || (obj is Module)) { string objName = NombreNodo(obj); string modulename = ModulesHelper.ObjectModuleName(obj); try { objId += 1; NameToId.Add(objName, objId); NameToModule.Add(objName, modulename); IdToName.Add(objId, objName); IdToModule.Add(objId, modulename); IdToKey.Add(objId, obj.Key); } catch (Exception e) {// output.AddWarningLine("Can't add : " + objName + " Exception: " + e.Message + " " + e.InnerException); }; } } foreach (KBObject obj in model.Objects.GetAll()) { string objName = ""; if (Functions.hasModule(obj) || (obj is Module)) //((Functions.isRunable(obj) && ObjectsHelper.isGenerated(obj)) || (obj is Table)) { /* * objName = NombreNodo(obj); * string modulename = ModulesHelper.ObjectModuleName(obj); * * try * { * objId += 1; * NameToId.Add(objName, objId); * NameToModule.Add(objName, modulename); * IdToName.Add(objId, objName); * IdToModule.Add(objId, modulename); * IdToKey.Add(objId, obj.Key); * } * catch (Exception e) { //output.AddWarningLine("Can't add : " + objName); * }; */ //Tomo las referencias que no sean tablas. foreach (EntityReference r in obj.GetReferencesTo()) { KBObject objRef = KBObject.Get(obj.Model, r.From); if ((objRef != null) && (Functions.isRunable(objRef)) || (objRef is Table)) { string objRefName = NombreNodo(objRef); if (objName != objRefName) { int weight = ReferenceWeight(objRef, obj); String edge = objRefName + " " + objName; if (!aristas.Contains(edge)) { aristas.Add(edge); GraboArista(g, NameToId, objRefName, objName, weight); } } } } } } ; foreach (int node in g.Nodes) { string moduleName = IdToModule[node]; int moduleId = NameToId[moduleName]; initialpartition.Add(node, moduleId); } output.AddLine("Before automatic modularization. TurboMQ = " + TurboMQ(g, initialpartition).ToString()); //Empiezo modularizacion Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); // stopwatch.Restart(); Dictionary <int, int> partition = Community.BestPartition(g); output.AddLine("BestPartition: " + stopwatch.Elapsed); var communities = new Dictionary <int, List <int> >(); foreach (var kvp in partition) { List <int> nodeset; if (!communities.TryGetValue(kvp.Value, out nodeset)) { nodeset = communities[kvp.Value] = new List <int>(); } nodeset.Add(kvp.Key); // output.AddLine(kvp.Key.ToString() +" "+kvp.Value); } output.AddLine(communities.Count + " modules found"); Dictionary <string, int> modu = new Dictionary <string, int>(); int counter = 0; foreach (var kvp in communities) { output.AddLine(String.Format("module {0}: {1} objects", counter, kvp.Value.Count)); foreach (var objid in kvp.Value) { var objname = IdToName[objid]; int cantidad = 0; // output.AddLine("Module :" + counter.ToString() + " " + objname); string pareja = IdToModule[objid] + " " + counter.ToString(); if (modu.ContainsKey(pareja)) { modu[pareja] = modu[pareja] + 1; } else { modu.Add(pareja, 1); } } var sortedDict = from entry in modu orderby entry.Value descending select entry; //Cantidad de modulo nuevo y modulo viejo. foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> entry in sortedDict) { // output.AddLine(entry.Key + " " + entry.Value.ToString()); Module m = new Module(model); m.Name = entry.Key.Replace(" ", "_") + string.Format("_{0:yyyy_MM_dd_hh_mm_ss}", DateTime.Now); output.AddLine(m.Name); m.Module = kbserv.CurrentModel.GetDesignModel().RootModule; m.Save(); foreach (var objid in kvp.Value) { KBObject objToChange = KBObject.Get(model, IdToKey[objid]); if (objToChange != null) { if (objToChange is Table) { try { KBObject trnBest = GenexusBLServices.Tables.GetBestAssociatedTransaction(model, objToChange.Key); trnBest.Module = m; trnBest.Save(); } catch (Exception e) { output.AddErrorLine(objToChange.Name + e.Message); } } else { try { objToChange.Module = m; objToChange.Save(); } catch (Exception e) { output.AddErrorLine(objToChange.Name + e.Message); } } } } break; } counter++; modu.Clear(); } }
// public static void CleanKBObject(KBObject obj, IOutputService output) { CleanKB.CleanObject(obj, output); }
private static void GenerateKBModuleGraph(string name, string fileName) { IKBService kbserv = UIServices.KB; KBModel model = kbserv.CurrentModel; StreamWriter scriptFile = new StreamWriter(fileName); IOutputService output = CommonServices.Output; StringCollection aristas = new StringCollection(); output.AddLine("Generating " + name); scriptFile.WriteLine("<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>"); scriptFile.WriteLine("<gexf xmlns='' xmlns:viz='' "); scriptFile.WriteLine(" xmlns:xsi='' xsi:schemaLocation='' version = '1.2' > "); scriptFile.WriteLine(" <graph mode = 'static' defaultedgetype = 'directed' > "); scriptFile.WriteLine("<attributes class='node'> <attribute id='0' title = 'module' type = 'string' /> </attributes >"); scriptFile.WriteLine(" <nodes>"); foreach (Module mdl in Module.GetAll(model)) { string modulename = mdl.Name; scriptFile.WriteLine(" <node id='" + mdl.Name + "' label='" + mdl.Description + "' >"); scriptFile.WriteLine(" <attvalues> <attvalue for='0' value = '" + mdl.Name + "' /> </attvalues>"); scriptFile.WriteLine(" </node>"); foreach (KBObject obj in mdl.GetAllMembers()) { if (obj is Procedure || obj is Table) { foreach (EntityReference r in obj.GetReferences()) { KBObject objRef = KBObject.Get(obj.Model, r.To); if ((objRef != null) && (Functions.isRunable(objRef) || objRef is Table) && modulename != ModulesHelper.ObjectModuleName(objRef)) { String edge = " <edge id='XXXX' source='" + modulename + "' target='" + ModulesHelper.ObjectModuleName(objRef) + "' /> "; if (!aristas.Contains(edge)) { aristas.Add(edge); } } } } } } scriptFile.WriteLine(" </nodes>"); //Grabo las aristas scriptFile.WriteLine(" <edges>"); int i = 0; foreach (String s in aristas) { string s2 = s.Replace("XXXX", i.ToString()); scriptFile.WriteLine(" " + s2); i += 1; } ; scriptFile.WriteLine(" </edges>"); scriptFile.WriteLine(" </graph>"); scriptFile.WriteLine("</gexf>"); scriptFile.Close(); }