private IEnumerator JUICEIT(JuicePouch jp) { juicin = true; poolParticles.Play(); fillAudio.pitch = 0.6f; fillAudio.Play(); while (juicin && jp.getCurrentJuiceAmount() > 0) { fillAudio.pitch += 0.006f; jp.RemoveJuice(juiceFillRate * Time.deltaTime); addToPool(juiceFillRate * pouchToPoolConversionRate * Time.deltaTime); yield return(null); } poolParticles.Stop(); fillAudio.Stop(); juicin = false; }
private void Awake() { fillAudio = GameObject.Find("FillAudio").GetComponent <AudioSource>(); poolParticles.Stop(); juicePouch = FindObjectOfType <JuicePouch>(); handlePoolHeight(); if (endOfGameScreenText == null) { Debug.LogError("Need to hook up end of game screen"); } if (endOfGameScreenTextBacker == null) { Debug.LogError("Need to hook up end of game screen"); } if (endOfGameScreenAnimator == null) { Debug.LogError("Need to hook up end of game screen animator"); } }