public void ParseTermInChild() { // Arrange var doc = new JObject(new JProperty("foo", "bar"), new JProperty("child", new JObject(new JProperty("Ick", "much"), new JProperty("Ock", "wow")))); var localObject = new LocalType(); // Act var root = new VocabTerm <LocalType>(); var child = new VocabTerm <LocalChildType>("child"); child.MapProperty <string>("Ick", (s, o) => s.Ick = o); child.MapProperty <string>("Ock", (s, o) => s.Ock = o); root.MapObject <LocalChildType>(child, (s) => { var subject = s; subject.Child = new LocalChildType(); return(subject.Child); }); JsonStreamingParser.ParseStream(doc.ToMemoryStream(), localObject, root); // Assert Assert.Equal("much", localObject.Child.Ick); Assert.Equal("wow", localObject.Child.Ock); }
public void ParseTermInChild() { var x = new Vocabulary(); x.AddTermHandler("child", (s, o) => { var subject = (LocalType)s.Subject; subject.Child = new LocalChildType(); return(new Context { Subject = subject.Child }); }); x.AddTermHandler <LocalChildType, string>("Ick", (s, o) => { s.Ick = o; }); x.AddTermHandler <LocalChildType, string>("Ock", (s, o) => { s.Ock = o; }); var doc = new JObject(new JProperty("foo", "bar"), new JProperty("child", new JObject(new JProperty("Ick", "much"), new JProperty("Ock", "wow")))); var parser = new JsonStreamingParser(); var localObject = new LocalType(); JsonStreamingParser.ParseStream(doc.ToMemoryStream(), localObject, x); Assert.Equal("much", localObject.Child.Ick); Assert.Equal("wow", localObject.Child.Ock); }
public void ParseCompleteSwagger() { var vocab = OpenApiVocab.Create(); var stream = this.GetType().Assembly .GetManifestResourceStream(this.GetType(), ""); var swaggerDoc = new OpenApiDocument(); JsonStreamingParser.ParseStream(stream, swaggerDoc, vocab); Assert.Equal("2.0", swaggerDoc.Version); Assert.Equal(1, swaggerDoc.Schemes.Count); Assert.Equal("https", swaggerDoc.Schemes.First()); Assert.Equal(1, swaggerDoc.Paths.Count); Assert.Equal(swaggerDoc.Paths.Keys.First(), "/forecast/{apiKey}/{latitude},{longitude}"); var path = swaggerDoc.Paths.Values.First(); Assert.Equal(1, path.Operations.Count); var operation = path.Operations.Values.First(); Assert.Equal("Forecast", operation.Id); Assert.False(String.IsNullOrEmpty(swaggerDoc.Info.Description)); Assert.False(String.IsNullOrEmpty(swaggerDoc.Info.Title)); Assert.True(String.IsNullOrEmpty(swaggerDoc.Info.Version)); }
public void ParseAPIsJsonDocumentMinimal() { var stream = this.GetType().Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(this.GetType(), "apis.json"); var rootMap = new VocabTerm <ApisJson>(null); rootMap.MapProperty <string>("name", (s, o) => s.Name = o); rootMap.MapProperty <string>("url", (s, o) => s.Url = new Uri(o)); var apiMap = new VocabTerm <ApisJsonApi>("apis"); apiMap.MapProperty <string>("name", (s, o) => s.Name = o); apiMap.MapProperty <string>("description", (s, o) => s.Name = o); apiMap.MapProperty <string>("baseUrl", (s, o) => s.BaseUrl = new Uri(o)); rootMap.MapObject <ApisJsonApi>(apiMap, (s) => { if (s.Apis == null) { s.Apis = new List <ApisJsonApi>(); } var api = new ApisJsonApi(); s.Apis.Add(api); return(api); }); var apis = new ApisJson(); JsonStreamingParser.ParseStream(stream, apis, rootMap); Assert.Equal("API Evangelist", apis.Name); Assert.Equal(2, apis.Apis.Count()); }
public void ParseSwaggerPaths() { var opsTerm = new VocabTerm <Operation>(); var pathTerm = new VocabTerm <Path>(); pathTerm.MapAnyObject <Operation>(opsTerm, (s, p) => { return(s.AddOperation(p, Guid.NewGuid().ToString())); }); var pathsTerm = new VocabTerm <OpenApiDocument>("paths"); pathsTerm.MapAnyObject <Path>(pathTerm, (s, p) => { return(s.AddPath(p)); }); var rootTerm = new VocabTerm <OpenApiDocument>(); rootTerm.MapObject <OpenApiDocument>(pathsTerm, (s) => { return(s); }); var stream = this.GetType().Assembly .GetManifestResourceStream(this.GetType(), ""); var swaggerDoc = new OpenApiDocument(); JsonStreamingParser.ParseStream(stream, swaggerDoc, rootTerm); Assert.Equal(1, swaggerDoc.Paths.Count); Assert.Equal(1, swaggerDoc.Paths.First().Value.Operations.Count()); }
public void ParseSwaggerPaths() { var swaggerDoc = new OpenApiDocument(); swaggerDoc.AddPath("foo", p => { p.AddOperation("get", "fooget"); }); swaggerDoc.AddPath("bar", p => { p.AddOperation("get", "barget"); }); swaggerDoc.AddPath("baz", p => { p.AddOperation("get", "bazget"); p.AddOperation("put", "bazput"); }); var swaggerstring = swaggerDoc.ToString(); _Output.WriteLine(swaggerstring); var newDoc = new OpenApiDocument(); JsonStreamingParser.ParseStream(swaggerstring.ToMemoryStream(), newDoc, OpenApiVocab.Create()); }
public void ParseSimpleSwagger() { var jObject = new JObject(new JProperty("swagger", "2.0"), new JProperty("x-unknown", "blah"), new JProperty("info", new JObject( new JProperty("title", "This is the title"), new JProperty("description", "This is the description"), new JProperty("version", "1.1") )) ); var doc = new OpenApiDocument(); JsonStreamingParser.ParseStream(jObject.ToMemoryStream(), doc, OpenApiVocab.Create()); }
public void ParseTerm() { // Arrange var doc = new JObject(new JProperty("foo", "bar"), new JProperty("baz", 22)); var localObject = new LocalType(); // Act var rootMap = new VocabTerm <LocalType>(); rootMap.MapProperty <string>("foo", (s, o) => s.Foo = o); rootMap.MapProperty <int>("baz", (s, o) => s.Baz = o); JsonStreamingParser.ParseStream(doc.ToMemoryStream(), localObject, rootMap); // Assert Assert.Equal("bar", localObject.Foo); Assert.Equal(22, localObject.Baz); }
public void ParseProblemDocument() { var stream = this.GetType().Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(""); Func <string, Uri> typeProducer = (o) => new Uri(o); var vocab = new VocabTerm <ProblemDocument>(); vocab.MapProperty <string>("type", (s, o) => { s.ProblemType = typeProducer(o); }); vocab.MapProperty <string>("title", (s, o) => { s.Title = o; }); vocab.MapProperty <string>("detail", (s, o) => { s.Detail = o; }); vocab.MapProperty <string>("instance", (s, o) => { s.ProblemInstance = new Uri(o, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute); }); var problem = new Tavis.ProblemDocument(); JsonStreamingParser.ParseStream(stream, problem, vocab); Assert.Equal("", problem.ProblemType.OriginalString); Assert.Equal("You do not have enough credit.", problem.Title); }
public void ParseTerm() { var x = new Vocabulary(); x.AddTermHandler <LocalType, string>("foo", (s, o) => { s.Foo = o; }); x.AddTermHandler <LocalType, int>("baz", (s, o) => { s.Baz = o; }); var doc = new JObject(new JProperty("foo", "bar"), new JProperty("baz", 22)); var parser = new JsonStreamingParser(); var localObject = new LocalType(); JsonStreamingParser.ParseStream(doc.ToMemoryStream(), localObject, x); Assert.Equal("bar", localObject.Foo); Assert.Equal(22, localObject.Baz); }
// [Fact] public void ParseVeryLargeSwaggerPaths() { var opsTerm = new VocabTerm <Operation>(); var pathTerm = new VocabTerm <Path>(); pathTerm.MapAnyObject <Operation>(opsTerm, (s, p) => { return(s.AddOperation(p, Guid.NewGuid().ToString())); }); var pathsTerm = new VocabTerm <OpenApiDocument>("paths"); pathsTerm.MapAnyObject <Path>(pathTerm, (s, p) => { return(s.AddPath(p)); }); var rootTerm = new VocabTerm <OpenApiDocument>(); rootTerm.MapObject <OpenApiDocument>(pathsTerm, (s) => { return(s); }); var swaggerDoc = new OpenApiDocument(); var sw = new Stopwatch(); using (var stream = File.OpenRead(@"C:\Users\Darrel\Documents\Swagger\WebSites.json")) { sw.Start(); JsonStreamingParser.ParseStream(stream, swaggerDoc, rootTerm); sw.Stop(); }; _output.WriteLine(swaggerDoc.Paths.Count.ToString()); _output.WriteLine("That took : " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); }
public void ParseCompleteSwagger() { DiagnosticListener listener = new DiagnosticListener("Testing"); JsonStreamingParser.DiagSource = listener; listener.Subscribe(new ConsoleLogger(this.output)); Vocabulary vocab = OpenApiVocab.Create(); var stream = typeof(ParsingTests).Assembly .GetManifestResourceStream(typeof(ParsingTests), ""); var swaggerDoc = new OpenApiDocument(); JsonStreamingParser.ParseStream(stream, swaggerDoc, vocab); Assert.Equal("2.0", swaggerDoc.Version); Assert.Equal(1, swaggerDoc.Schemes.Count); Assert.Equal("https", swaggerDoc.Schemes.First()); Assert.True(swaggerDoc.Paths.Count > 0); Assert.False(String.IsNullOrEmpty(swaggerDoc.Info.Description)); Assert.False(String.IsNullOrEmpty(swaggerDoc.Info.Title)); Assert.True(String.IsNullOrEmpty(swaggerDoc.Info.Version)); }
public void ParseAPIsJsonDocument() { var stream = this.GetType().Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(this.GetType(), "apis.json"); var vocab = ApisJsonVocab.Create(); //new VocabTerm<ApisJson>(null); //vocab.MapProperty<string>("name", (s, o) => { s.Name = o; }); //vocab.MapProperty<string>("url", (s, o) => { s.Url = new Uri(o); }); //vocab.MapProperty<string>("image", (s, o) => { s.Image = new Uri(o); }); //vocab.MapProperty<string>("modified", (s, o) => { s.Modified = DateTime.Parse(o); }); //vocab.MapProperty<string>("created", (s, o) => { s.Created = DateTime.Parse(o); }); //vocab.MapProperty<string>("tags", (s, o) => { // if (s.Tags == null) s.Tags = new List<string>(); // s.Tags.Add(o); }); //vocab.MapProperty<string>("specificationVersion", (s, o) => { s.SpecificationVersion = o; }); //var apivocab = new VocabTerm<ApisJsonApi>("apis"); //apivocab.MapProperty<string>("name", (s, o) => { s.Name = o; }); //apivocab.MapProperty<string>("description", (s, o) => { s.Name = o; }); //apivocab.MapProperty<string>("humanUrl", (s, o) => { s.HumanUrl = new Uri(o); }); //apivocab.MapProperty<string>("baseUrl", (s, o) => { s.BaseUrl = new Uri(o); }); //apivocab.MapProperty<string>("image", (s, o) => { s.Image = new Uri(o); }); //apivocab.MapProperty<string>("tags", (s, o) => { // if (s.Tags == null) s.Tags = new List<string>(); // s.Tags.Add(o); //}); //vocab.MapObject<ApisJsonApi>(apivocab, (s) => //{ // if (s.Apis == null) // { // s.Apis = new List<ApisJsonApi>(); // } // var api = new ApisJsonApi(); // s.Apis.Add(api); // return api; //}); //var propertyTerm = new VocabTerm<ApisJsonProperty>("properties"); //propertyTerm.MapProperty<string>("url", (s, o) => { s.Url = new Uri(o);}); //propertyTerm.MapProperty<string>("type", (s, o) => { s.Type = o;}); //apivocab.MapObject<ApisJsonProperty>(propertyTerm, (s) => //{ // if (s.Properties == null) // { // s.Properties = new List<ApisJsonProperty>(); // } // var property = new ApisJsonProperty(); // s.Properties.Add(property); // return property; //}); var apis = new ApisJson(); JsonStreamingParser.ParseStream(stream, apis, vocab); Assert.Equal("API Evangelist", apis.Name); Assert.Equal(2, apis.Apis.Count()); }
public void ParseEmbeddedSwagger() { var stream = typeof(ParsingTests).Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(typeof(ParsingTests), ""); JsonStreamingParser.ParseStream(stream, new OpenApiDocument(), OpenApiVocab.Create()); }