public void WriterStreamPropertiesTests() { Uri baseUri = new Uri("", UriKind.Absolute); Uri relativeReadLinkUri = new Uri("readlink", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute); Uri relativeEditLinkUri = new Uri("editlink", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute); Uri absoluteReadLinkUri = new Uri(baseUri, relativeReadLinkUri.OriginalString); Uri absoluteEditLinkUri = new Uri(baseUri, relativeEditLinkUri.OriginalString); string contentType = "application/binary"; string etag = "\"myetagvalue\""; string streamPropertyName = "stream1"; var namedStreamProperties = new[] { // with only read link new ODataProperty { Name = streamPropertyName, Value = new ODataStreamReferenceValue { ReadLink = relativeReadLinkUri } }, new ODataProperty { Name = streamPropertyName, Value = new ODataStreamReferenceValue { ReadLink = relativeReadLinkUri, ContentType = contentType } }, new ODataProperty { Name = streamPropertyName, Value = new ODataStreamReferenceValue { ReadLink = absoluteReadLinkUri } }, new ODataProperty { Name = streamPropertyName, Value = new ODataStreamReferenceValue { ReadLink = absoluteReadLinkUri, ContentType = contentType } }, // with only edit link new ODataProperty { Name = streamPropertyName, Value = new ODataStreamReferenceValue { EditLink = relativeEditLinkUri } }, new ODataProperty { Name = streamPropertyName, Value = new ODataStreamReferenceValue { EditLink = relativeEditLinkUri, ContentType = contentType } }, new ODataProperty { Name = streamPropertyName, Value = new ODataStreamReferenceValue { EditLink = relativeEditLinkUri, ContentType = contentType, ETag = etag } }, new ODataProperty { Name = streamPropertyName, Value = new ODataStreamReferenceValue { EditLink = absoluteEditLinkUri } }, new ODataProperty { Name = streamPropertyName, Value = new ODataStreamReferenceValue { EditLink = absoluteEditLinkUri, ContentType = contentType } }, new ODataProperty { Name = streamPropertyName, Value = new ODataStreamReferenceValue { EditLink = absoluteEditLinkUri, ContentType = contentType, ETag = etag } }, // with both edit and read link new ODataProperty { Name = streamPropertyName, Value = new ODataStreamReferenceValue { ReadLink = relativeReadLinkUri, EditLink = relativeEditLinkUri } }, new ODataProperty { Name = streamPropertyName, Value = new ODataStreamReferenceValue { ReadLink = relativeReadLinkUri, EditLink = relativeEditLinkUri, ContentType = contentType } }, new ODataProperty { Name = streamPropertyName, Value = new ODataStreamReferenceValue { ReadLink = relativeReadLinkUri, EditLink = relativeEditLinkUri, ContentType = contentType, ETag = etag } }, new ODataProperty { Name = streamPropertyName, Value = new ODataStreamReferenceValue { ReadLink = absoluteReadLinkUri, EditLink = relativeEditLinkUri } }, new ODataProperty { Name = streamPropertyName, Value = new ODataStreamReferenceValue { ReadLink = absoluteReadLinkUri, EditLink = relativeEditLinkUri, ContentType = contentType } }, new ODataProperty { Name = streamPropertyName, Value = new ODataStreamReferenceValue { ReadLink = absoluteReadLinkUri, EditLink = relativeEditLinkUri, ContentType = contentType, ETag = etag } }, }; var testCases = namedStreamProperties.Select(property => { var propertyName = property.Name; var streamReferenceValue = (ODataStreamReferenceValue)property.Value; return(new StreamPropertyTestCase { NamedStreamProperty = property, GetExpectedAtomPayload = (testConfiguration) => { return (streamReferenceValue.ReadLink == null ? string.Empty : ( "<link rel=\"" + property.Name + "\" " + (streamReferenceValue.ContentType == null ? string.Empty : "type=\"" + streamReferenceValue.ContentType + "\" ") + "title=\"" + property.Name + "\" " + "href=\"" + (((ODataStreamReferenceValue)property.Value).ReadLink.IsAbsoluteUri ? absoluteReadLinkUri.OriginalString : relativeReadLinkUri.OriginalString) + "\" " + "xmlns=\"" + TestAtomConstants.AtomNamespace + "\" />")) + (streamReferenceValue.EditLink == null ? string.Empty : ( "<link rel=\"" + property.Name + "\" " + (streamReferenceValue.ContentType == null ? string.Empty : "type=\"" + streamReferenceValue.ContentType + "\" ") + "title=\"" + property.Name + "\" " + "href=\"" + (((ODataStreamReferenceValue)property.Value).EditLink.IsAbsoluteUri ? absoluteEditLinkUri.OriginalString : relativeEditLinkUri.OriginalString) + "\" " + (streamReferenceValue.ETag == null ? string.Empty : "m:etag=\"" + streamReferenceValue.ETag.Replace("\"", """) + "\" xmlns:m=\"" + TestAtomConstants.ODataMetadataNamespace + "\" ") + "xmlns=\"" + TestAtomConstants.AtomNamespace + "\" />")); }, GetExpectedJsonLightPayload = (testConfiguration) => { return JsonLightWriterUtils.CombineProperties( (streamReferenceValue.EditLink == null ? string.Empty : ("\"" + JsonLightUtils.GetPropertyAnnotationName(propertyName, JsonLightConstants.ODataMediaEditLinkAnnotationName) + "\":\"" + absoluteEditLinkUri.OriginalString + "\"")), (streamReferenceValue.ReadLink == null ? string.Empty : ("\"" + JsonLightUtils.GetPropertyAnnotationName(propertyName, JsonLightConstants.ODataMediaReadLinkAnnotationName) + "\":\"" + absoluteReadLinkUri.OriginalString + "\"")), (streamReferenceValue.ContentType == null ? string.Empty : ("\"" + JsonLightUtils.GetPropertyAnnotationName(propertyName, JsonLightConstants.ODataMediaContentTypeAnnotationName) + "\":\"" + streamReferenceValue.ContentType + "\"")), (streamReferenceValue.ETag == null ? string.Empty : ("\"" + JsonLightUtils.GetPropertyAnnotationName(propertyName, JsonLightConstants.ODataMediaETagAnnotationName) + "\":\"" + streamReferenceValue.ETag.Replace("\"", "\\\"") + "\""))); }, }); }); var testDescriptors = testCases.SelectMany(testCase => { EdmModel model = new EdmModel(); EdmEntityType edmEntityType = new EdmEntityType("TestModel", "StreamPropertyEntityType"); EdmStructuralProperty edmStructuralProperty = edmEntityType.AddStructuralProperty("Id", EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.Int32, false); edmEntityType.AddKeys(new IEdmStructuralProperty[] { edmStructuralProperty }); model.AddElement(edmEntityType); EdmEntityContainer edmEntityContainer = new EdmEntityContainer("TestModel", "DefaultContainer"); model.AddElement(edmEntityContainer); EdmEntitySet edmEntitySet = new EdmEntitySet(edmEntityContainer, "StreamPropertyEntitySet", edmEntityType); edmEntityContainer.AddElement(edmEntitySet); ODataEntry entry = new ODataEntry() { Id = ObjectModelUtils.DefaultEntryId, ReadLink = ObjectModelUtils.DefaultEntryReadLink, TypeName = edmEntityType.FullName() }; var streamReference = (ODataStreamReferenceValue)testCase.NamedStreamProperty.Value; bool needBaseUri = (streamReference.ReadLink != null && !streamReference.ReadLink.IsAbsoluteUri) || (streamReference.EditLink != null && !streamReference.EditLink.IsAbsoluteUri); entry.Properties = new ODataProperty[] { testCase.NamedStreamProperty }; var resultDescriptor = new PayloadWriterTestDescriptor <ODataItem>( this.Settings, entry, (testConfiguration) => { if (testConfiguration.Format == ODataFormat.Atom) { return(new AtomWriterTestExpectedResults(this.Settings.ExpectedResultSettings) { Xml = "<NamedStream>" + testCase.GetExpectedAtomPayload(testConfiguration) + "</NamedStream>", FragmentExtractor = result => result, }); } else if (testConfiguration.Format == ODataFormat.Json) { return(new JsonWriterTestExpectedResults(this.Settings.ExpectedResultSettings) { Json = string.Join( "$(NL)", "{", testCase.GetExpectedJsonLightPayload(testConfiguration), "}"), FragmentExtractor = result => result.RemoveAllAnnotations(true), }); } else { throw new NotSupportedException("Unsupported ODataFormat found: " + testConfiguration.Format.ToString()); } }) { Model = model, PayloadEdmElementContainer = edmEntityContainer, PayloadEdmElementType = edmEntityType, }; var resultTestCases = new List <StreamPropertyTestDescriptor>(); if (needBaseUri) { resultTestCases.Add(new StreamPropertyTestDescriptor { BaseUri = baseUri, TestDescriptor = resultDescriptor }); } else { resultTestCases.Add(new StreamPropertyTestDescriptor { BaseUri = null, TestDescriptor = resultDescriptor }); resultTestCases.Add(new StreamPropertyTestDescriptor { BaseUri = baseUri, TestDescriptor = resultDescriptor }); resultTestCases.Add(new StreamPropertyTestDescriptor { BaseUri = new Uri("http://mybaseuri/", UriKind.Absolute), TestDescriptor = resultDescriptor }); } return(resultTestCases); }); var testDescriptorBaseUriPairSet = testDescriptors.SelectMany(descriptor => WriterPayloads.NamedStreamPayloads(descriptor.TestDescriptor).Select(namedStreamPayload => new Tuple <PayloadWriterTestDescriptor <ODataItem>, Uri>(namedStreamPayload, descriptor.BaseUri))); this.CombinatorialEngineProvider.RunCombinations( testDescriptorBaseUriPairSet, this.WriterTestConfigurationProvider.ExplicitFormatConfigurationsWithIndent, (testDescriptorBaseUriPair, testConfiguration) => { var testDescriptor = testDescriptorBaseUriPair.Item1; if (testDescriptor.IsGeneratedPayload && testConfiguration.Format == ODataFormat.Json) { return; } ODataMessageWriterSettings settings = testConfiguration.MessageWriterSettings.Clone(); settings.PayloadBaseUri = testDescriptorBaseUriPair.Item2; settings.SetServiceDocumentUri(ServiceDocumentUri); WriterTestConfiguration config = new WriterTestConfiguration(testConfiguration.Format, settings, testConfiguration.IsRequest, testConfiguration.Synchronous); if (testConfiguration.IsRequest) { ODataEntry payloadEntry = (ODataEntry)testDescriptor.PayloadItems[0]; ODataProperty firstStreamProperty = payloadEntry.Properties.Where(p => p.Value is ODataStreamReferenceValue).FirstOrDefault(); this.Assert.IsNotNull(firstStreamProperty, "firstStreamProperty != null"); testDescriptor = new PayloadWriterTestDescriptor <ODataItem>(testDescriptor) { ExpectedResultCallback = tc => new WriterTestExpectedResults(this.Settings.ExpectedResultSettings) { ExpectedException2 = ODataExpectedExceptions.ODataException("WriterValidationUtils_StreamPropertyInRequest", firstStreamProperty.Name) } }; } TestWriterUtils.WriteAndVerifyODataPayload(testDescriptor, config, this.Assert, this.Logger); }); }
private PayloadWriterTestDescriptor <ODataItem>[] CreateFeedQueryCountDescriptors() { Func <long?, ODataFeed> feedCreator = (c) => { ODataFeed feed = ObjectModelUtils.CreateDefaultFeed(); feed.Count = c; return(feed); }; long?[] counts = new long?[] { 0, 1, 2, 1000, -1 - 10, long.MaxValue, long.MinValue, null }; EdmModel model = new EdmModel(); ODataEntry entry = ObjectModelUtils.CreateDefaultEntryWithAtomMetadata("DefaultEntitySet", "DefaultEntityType", model); var container = model.FindEntityContainer("DefaultContainer"); var entitySet = container.FindEntitySet("DefaultEntitySet") as EdmEntitySet; var entityType = model.FindType("TestModel.DefaultEntityType") as EdmEntityType; var descriptors = counts.Select(count => new PayloadWriterTestDescriptor <ODataItem>(this.Settings, feedCreator(count), (testConfiguration) => { if (testConfiguration.IsRequest && count.HasValue) { return(new WriterTestExpectedResults(this.Settings.ExpectedResultSettings) { ExpectedException2 = ODataExpectedExceptions.ODataException("ODataWriterCore_QueryCountInRequest") }); } if (testConfiguration.Format == ODataFormat.Atom) { if (count.HasValue) { return(new AtomWriterTestExpectedResults(this.Settings.ExpectedResultSettings) { Xml = @"<m:count xmlns:m =""" + TestAtomConstants.ODataMetadataNamespace + @""">" + count + "</m:count>", FragmentExtractor = (result) => result.Elements(XName.Get("count", TestAtomConstants.ODataMetadataNamespace)).Single() }); } else { return(new AtomWriterTestExpectedResults(this.Settings.ExpectedResultSettings) { Xml = @"<nocount xmlns=""" + TestAtomConstants.ODataMetadataNamespace + @"""/>", FragmentExtractor = (result) => { var countElement = result.Elements(XName.Get("count", TestAtomConstants.ODataMetadataNamespace)).SingleOrDefault(); if (countElement == null) { countElement = new XElement(TestAtomConstants.ODataMetadataXNamespace + "nocount"); } return countElement; } }); } } else if (testConfiguration.Format == ODataFormat.Json) { if (count.HasValue) { return(new JsonWriterTestExpectedResults(this.Settings.ExpectedResultSettings) { Json = "$(Indent)$(Indent)\"" + JsonLightConstants.ODataPropertyAnnotationSeparator + JsonLightConstants.ODataCountAnnotationName + "\":\"" + count + "\"", FragmentExtractor = (result) => result.Object().Property(JsonLightConstants.ODataCountAnnotationName) }); } else { return(new JsonWriterTestExpectedResults(this.Settings.ExpectedResultSettings) { Json = string.Join("$(NL)", "[", string.Empty, "]"), FragmentExtractor = (result) => { return JsonLightWriterUtils.GetTopLevelFeedItemsArray(testConfiguration, result).RemoveAllAnnotations(true); } }); } } else { string formatName = testConfiguration.Format == null ? "null" : testConfiguration.Format.GetType().Name; throw new NotSupportedException("Invalid format detected: " + formatName); } }) { Model = model, PayloadEdmElementContainer = entitySet, PayloadEdmElementType = entityType, }); return(descriptors.ToArray()); }