public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { //todo:加入跨域允许语句 context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST"); context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "x-requested-with,content-type"); context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; JsonBaseObject jbo = new JsonBaseObject(); string resultStr = string.Empty; try { string menberid = context.Request["menberid"]; string detail = context.Request["detail"]; string memo = context.Request["memo"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(detail) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(menberid)) { jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "用户ID或反馈明细不能为空"; jbo.success = false; } else { WG_FeebackEntity fe = new WG_FeebackEntity(); fe.PromoterID = int.Parse(menberid); fe.Detail = detail; fe.Memo = memo; fe.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; if (DataProvider.GetInstance().AddWG_Feeback(fe) > 0) { jbo.code = 0; = null; jbo.message = "成功"; jbo.success = true; } else { jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "提交反馈信息出错"; jbo.success = false; } } } catch (Exception ex) { //失败 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "接口调用过程中出现其他错误"; jbo.success = false; } resultStr = JsonSerializer<JsonBaseObject>(jbo); context.Response.Write(resultStr); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST"); context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "x-requested-with,content-type"); context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; JsonBaseObject jbo = new JsonBaseObject(); string result = string.Empty; try { //string menberID = context.Request["menberid"]; //string teamName = context.Request["teamname"]; string PageIndex = "1"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request["PageIndex"])) PageIndex = context.Request["PageIndex"]; int recordCount = -1; int pageCount = -1; string whereStr = " 1=1 "; // 查找条件:如typeid=1 and promoterid=1 and undertakerid=1 IList<WG_CommunityNewsEntity> NewsList = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetWG_CommunityNewsList(20, int.Parse(PageIndex), " WHERE " + whereStr, " CreateDate Desc ", out recordCount, out pageCount); //如果所有数据分页后的总页数比请求的页数小,则返回空。 if (int.Parse(PageIndex) > pageCount) NewsList.Clear(); if (NewsList != null && NewsList.Count > 0) { jbo.code = 0; = NewsList; jbo.success = true; jbo.message = "成功获取社区动态列表列表。"; } else { //不存在 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.success = false; jbo.message = "没有任何数据"; } } catch (Exception ex) { //失败 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "接口调用过程中出现其他错误"; jbo.success = false; } result = JsonSerializer<JsonBaseObject>(jbo); context.Response.Write(result); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST"); context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "x-requested-with,content-type"); context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; JsonBaseObject jbo = new JsonBaseObject(); string result = string.Empty; try { string parentDistrictName = context.Request["ParentName"]; List<RegionView> resultRegion = new List<RegionView>(); IList<WG_RegionEntity> regionList; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentDistrictName)) { //获取所有身份,parentid=0,0表示全国,父节点为0的所有身份 regionList = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetWG_RegionList(" ParentID= 0"); } else { //获取指定地区 regionList = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetWG_RegionList(" [name] = '" + parentDistrictName + "'"); } //获取子地区 foreach (WG_RegionEntity item in regionList) { RegionView rv = new RegionView(); rv.Label = item.Name; rv.Childrens = GetChilds(item.ID); resultRegion.Add(rv); } //获取子地区 jbo.code = 0; = resultRegion; jbo.message = "获取区域成功"; jbo.success = false; } catch (Exception ex) { //失败 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "接口调用过程中出现其他错误"; jbo.success = false; } result = JsonSerializer<JsonBaseObject>(jbo); context.Response.Write(result); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST"); context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "x-requested-with,content-type"); context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; string GroupID = context.Request["GroupID"]; JsonBaseObject jbo = new JsonBaseObject(); string result = string.Empty; try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(GroupID)) { string whereStr = " IsEnable=0 AND GroupID=" + GroupID; IList<GlobalPictureEntity> pictureList = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetGlobalPictureList(5,whereStr, " DisplayIndex ASC"); if (pictureList != null && pictureList.Count > 0) { //数据 jbo.code = 0; = pictureList; jbo.message = "成功。"; jbo.success = true; } else { //没有任何数据 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "没有任何数据。"; jbo.success = false; } } else { //没有任何数据 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "必须指定分组ID以获取图片列表。"; jbo.success = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "接口调用过程中出现异常。"; jbo.success = false; } result = JsonSerializer<JsonBaseObject>(jbo); context.Response.Write(result); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST"); context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "x-requested-with,content-type"); context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; JsonBaseObject jbo = new JsonBaseObject(); string result = string.Empty; try { IList<WG_ServiceIntentionEntity> serviceList = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetWG_ServiceIntentionList("1=1"); var parentIdDataSource = from parentIdTabels in serviceList where parentIdTabels.ParentID == 0 select parentIdTabels; List<ServiceIntentionView> sivList = new List<ServiceIntentionView>(); foreach (WG_ServiceIntentionEntity item in parentIdDataSource) { ServiceIntentionView siv = new ServiceIntentionView(); siv.label = item.Content; var childDataSource = from childTabels in serviceList where childTabels.ParentID == item.ID select childTabels; List<ServiceIntentionView> sivListChild = new List<ServiceIntentionView>(); foreach (WG_ServiceIntentionEntity item2 in childDataSource) { ServiceIntentionView sivChild = new ServiceIntentionView(); sivChild.label = item2.Content; sivListChild.Add(sivChild); } siv.childrens = sivListChild; sivList.Add(siv); } jbo.code = 0; = sivList; jbo.success = true; jbo.message = "成功获取服务意愿列表。"; } catch (Exception ex) { //失败 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "接口调用过程中出现其他错误"; jbo.success = false; } result = JsonSerializer<JsonBaseObject>(jbo); context.Response.Write(result); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { //todo:加入跨域允许语句 context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST"); context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "x-requested-with,content-type"); context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; JsonBaseObject jbo = new JsonBaseObject(); string resultStr = string.Empty; try { string jsonData= "[{\"appversion\":\"{#version#}\",\"appurl\":\"{#url#}\"}]"; string appversion = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CurrentAppVirson"].ToString(); string appurl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CurrentAppDownLoadURL"].ToString(); if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(appversion) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(appurl)) { jsonData = jsonData.Replace("{#version#}", appversion).Replace("{#url#}", appurl); jbo.code = 0; = jsonData; jbo.message = "成功"; jbo.success = true; } else { jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "没有相关版本信息"; jbo.success = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { //没有任何数据 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "接口调用过程中出现其他错误:" + ex; jbo.success = false; } resultStr = JsonSerializer<JsonBaseObject>(jbo); context.Response.Write(resultStr); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { JsonBaseObject jbo = new JsonBaseObject(); string result = string.Empty; try { if (context.Request.Files.Count > 0) { HttpPostedFile f = context.Request.Files[0]; //string path = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UserLogo"].ToString() + f.FileName; f.SaveAs(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UserLogo"].ToString()+f.FileName); //失败 jbo.code = 0; = null; jbo.message = "文件上传成功"; jbo.success = true; } else { //失败 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "没有任何文件"; jbo.success = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { //失败 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "接口调用过程中出现其他错误"; jbo.success = false; } result = JsonSerializer<JsonBaseObject>(jbo); context.Response.Write(result); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; //todo:加入跨域允许语句 context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST"); context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "x-requested-with,content-type"); JsonBaseObject jbo = new JsonBaseObject(); string resultStr = string.Empty; try { string menberid = context.Request["menberid"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(menberid)) { jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "用户ID不能为空"; jbo.success = false; } else { WG_MenberEntity me = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetWG_MenberEntity(int.Parse(menberid)); if (me != null) { string psw = context.Request["psw"]; if (psw != null) me.Psw = psw; string avatar_url = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["HostUrl"].ToString() + "imgs//" + context.Request["avatar_url"]; //context.Request["avatar_url"]; if (avatar_url != null) me.PhotoUrl = avatar_url; string nickname = context.Request["nickname"]; if (nickname != null) me.NickName = nickname; string sex = context.Request["sex"]; if (sex != null) me.Sex = sex; string birthday = context.Request["birthday"]; if (birthday != null) me.Birthday = birthday; string phoneNumber = context.Request["phoneNumber"]; if (phoneNumber != null) me.Phone = phoneNumber; string email = context.Request["email"]; if (email != null) me.Email = email; string QQnumber = context.Request["QQnumber"]; if (QQnumber != null) me.QQ = QQnumber; string country = context.Request["country"]; if (country != null) me.Country = country; string province = context.Request["province"]; if (province != null) me.Province = province; string city = context.Request["city"]; if (city != null) me.City = city; string district = context.Request["district"]; if (district != null) me.District = district; string town = context.Request["town"]; if (town != null) me.Town = town; string community = context.Request["community"]; if (community != null) me.Community = community; string personalid = context.Request["identity"]; if (personalid != null) me.PersonalID = personalid; string address = context.Request["address"]; if (address != null) me.Address = address; string weixinNumber = context.Request["weixinNumber"]; if (weixinNumber != null) me.WeChat = weixinNumber; string education = context.Request["education"]; if (education != null) me.Education = education; string profession = context.Request["profession"]; if (profession != null) me.Major = profession; string speciality = context.Request["speciality"]; if (speciality != null) me.SpecialSkill = speciality; string intention = context.Request["intention"]; if (intention != null) me.ServiceIntention = intention; string intentionTime = context.Request["intentionTime"]; if (intentionTime != null) me.ServiceTimeInterval = intentionTime; string flag = context.Request["flag"]; if (flag != null) { if (int.Parse(flag) > me.Flag) { me.Flag = int.Parse(flag); me.Status = 1;//越级升级需要重新审核 } } if (DataProvider.GetInstance().UpdateWG_Menber(me)) { jbo.code = 0; = null; jbo.message = "成功"; jbo.success = true; } else { jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "更新用户数据失败"; jbo.success = false; } } else { //用户不存在 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "用户不存在"; jbo.success = false; } } } catch (Exception ex) { //失败 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "接口调用过程中出现其他错误"; jbo.success = false; } resultStr = JsonSerializer<JsonBaseObject>(jbo); context.Response.Write(resultStr); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST"); context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "x-requested-with,content-type"); context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; JsonBaseObject jbo = new JsonBaseObject(); string result = string.Empty; try { string username = context.Request["username"]; string psw = context.Request["psw"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(username) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(psw)) { jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "账号或密码不能为空!"; jbo.success = false; result = JsonSerializer<JsonBaseObject>(jbo); context.Response.Write(result); } string whereStr = " Name ='" + username + "'"; IList<WG_MenberEntity> userList = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetWG_MenberList(whereStr); if (userList.Count > 0) { jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "该用户已存在!"; jbo.success = false; } else { try { string sex = context.Request["sex"]; //设置默认 string avatar_url = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["HostUrl"].ToString()+"imgs/" + context.Request["avatar_url"]; //sex == "男" ? "" : "";//context.Request["avatar_url"]; string nickname = context.Request["nickname"]; string birthday = context.Request["birthday"]; string phoneNumber = context.Request["phoneNumber"]; string email = context.Request["email"]; string QQnumber = context.Request["QQnumber"]; string country = context.Request["country"]; string province = context.Request["province"]; string city = context.Request["city"]; string district = context.Request["district"]; string town = context.Request["town"]; string community = context.Request["community"]; string personalid = context.Request["identity"]; string address = context.Request["address"]; string weixinNumber = context.Request["weixinNumber"]; string education = context.Request["education"]; string profession = context.Request["profession"]; string speciality = context.Request["speciality"]; string intention = context.Request["intention"]; string intentionTime = context.Request["intentionTime"]; string flag = context.Request["flag"]; WG_MenberEntity menber = new WG_MenberEntity(); menber.Name = username; menber.NickName = nickname; menber.Psw = psw; menber.Sex = sex; menber.PhotoUrl = avatar_url; menber.Birthday = birthday; menber.Phone = phoneNumber; menber.Email = email; menber.QQ = QQnumber; menber.Country = country; menber.Province = province; menber.City = city; menber.District = district; menber.Town = town; menber.Community = community; menber.PersonalID = personalid; menber.Address = address; menber.WeChat = weixinNumber; menber.Education = education; menber.Major = profession; menber.SpecialSkill = speciality; menber.ServiceIntention = intention; menber.ServiceTimeInterval = intentionTime; //0为游客,1位求助者,2为志愿者。求助者和自愿者才需要审核 if (int.Parse(flag) > 0) menber.Status = 1;//状态:0正常,1待审核,2状态异常 else { menber.Status = 0; } menber.Flag = int.Parse(flag); menber.Scores = 100;//初始积分100 menber.ServiceHours = 0;///初始服务时长为0 menber.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; menber.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now; //新增用户 int mID = DataProvider.GetInstance().AddWG_Menber(menber); //新增得分明细表 WG_ScoreEntity se = new WG_ScoreEntity(); se.MenberID = mID; se.Scores = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DefaultScore"].ToString()); se.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; se.Title = "新用户注册获得" + se.Scores + "积分"; DataProvider.GetInstance().AddWG_Score(se); //看看是否心中其他表 #region 通知用户主程成功,等待审核 add by frde 20160130 NoticeEntity ne = new NoticeEntity(); ne.FromUserID = 0; ne.ToUserID = mID.ToString(); ne.Title = "注册成功"; ne.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; ne.NoticeContent = "您的账号注册成功,请等待审核认证。"; //给用户一条消息 DataProvider.GetInstance().AddNotice(ne); #endregion //返回数据 menber.ID = mID; jbo.code = 0; = menber; jbo.message = "注册成功!"; jbo.success = true; } catch (Exception ex) { jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "注册过程中发生异常!"; jbo.success = false; } } } catch (Exception ex) { //失败 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "接口调用过程中出现其他错误"; jbo.success = false; } #region 返回json result = JsonSerializer<JsonBaseObject>(jbo); context.Response.Write(result); #endregion }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { //todo:加入跨域允许语句 context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST"); context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "x-requested-with,content-type"); context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; JsonBaseObject jbo = new JsonBaseObject(); string resultStr = string.Empty; try { string menberid = context.Request["menberid"]; string PageIndex = "1"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request["PageIndex"])) PageIndex = context.Request["PageIndex"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(menberid)) { jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "用户ID不能为空"; jbo.success = false; } else { //toUser=0说明是系统群发的消息 string whereStr = " toUserID= " + menberid + " OR toUserID=0"; //IList<NoticeEntity> noticeList = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetNoticeList(whereStr); int recordCount = -1; int pageCount = -1; // 查找条件:如typeid=1 and promoterid=1 and undertakerid=1 IList<NoticeEntity> noticeList = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetNoticeList(20, int.Parse(PageIndex), " WHERE " + whereStr, " CreateDate Desc ", out recordCount, out pageCount); //获取未读信息的数量 string sqlStr = @" select count(*)from dbo.Notice where AlreadyRead = 0 and ( " + whereStr + " )"; DataSet ds = DbHelperSQL.Query(sqlStr); int count = 0; if (ds.Tables.Count > 0) { string countstr = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString(); int.TryParse(countstr, out count); } //如果所有数据分页后的总页数比请求的页数小,则返回空。 if (int.Parse(PageIndex) > pageCount) noticeList.Clear(); if (noticeList != null && noticeList.Count > 0) { jbo.code = 0; = noticeList; jbo.message = count.ToString(); ; jbo.success = true; } else { jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "数据为空"; jbo.success = false; } } } catch (Exception ex) { //没有任何数据 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "接口调用过程中出现其他错误:" + ex; jbo.success = false; } resultStr = JsonSerializer<JsonBaseObject>(jbo); context.Response.Write(resultStr); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST"); context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "x-requested-with,content-type"); context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; JsonBaseObject jbo = new JsonBaseObject(); string result = string.Empty; try { //排名分为全国、全省、全市、全区、本小区 string country = context.Request["country"];//全国 string province = context.Request["province"];//广东 string city = context.Request["city"];//广州 string district = context.Request["district"];//天河 string community = context.Request["community"];//羊城花园 string whereStr = " 1=1 "; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(country)) whereStr += " AND Country='" + country + "' "; else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(province)) whereStr += " AND Province='" + province + "' "; else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(city)) whereStr += " AND City='" + city + "'"; else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(district)) whereStr += " AND District='" + district + "' "; else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(community)) whereStr += " AND Community='" + community + "' "; else whereStr += ""; string PageIndex = "1"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request["PageIndex"])) PageIndex = context.Request["PageIndex"]; //IList<WG_OnGoingGiftsEntity> OnGoingGiftList = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetWG_OnGoingGiftsList(whereStr); int recordCount = -1; int pageCount = -1; // 查找条件:如typeid=1 and promoterid=1 and undertakerid=1 IList<WG_MenberEntity> menberList = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetWG_MenberList(20, int.Parse(PageIndex), " WHERE " + whereStr, " ServiceHours Desc ", out recordCount, out pageCount); //如果所有数据分页后的总页数比请求的页数小,则返回空。 if (int.Parse(PageIndex) > pageCount) menberList.Clear(); //SqlParameter[] parameters ={ // new SqlParameter("@Country",SqlDbType.NVarChar,64), // new SqlParameter("@Province",SqlDbType.NVarChar,64), // new SqlParameter("@City",SqlDbType.NVarChar,64), // new SqlParameter("@District",SqlDbType.NVarChar,64), // new SqlParameter("@Community",SqlDbType.NVarChar,64) // }; //parameters[0].Value = country; //parameters[1].Value = province; //parameters[2].Value = city; //parameters[3].Value = district; //parameters[4].Value = community; //DataSet ds = DbHelperSQL.RunProcedure("[dbo].[up_MenberRanking]", parameters); if (menberList != null && menberList.Count > 0) { IList<MenberRankingView> list = new List<MenberRankingView>(); // 组装 for (int i = 0; i < menberList.Count; i++) { MenberRankingView mrv = new MenberRankingView(); mrv.ID = menberList[i].ID; mrv.Name = menberList[i].Name; mrv.NickName = menberList[i].NickName; mrv.ServiceHours = menberList[i].ServiceHours.ToString(); mrv.Rank = i + 1; mrv.CreateDate = menberList[i].CreateDate.ToString(); list.Add(mrv); } //数据 jbo.code = 0; = list; jbo.message = "成功。"; jbo.success = true; } else { //没有任何数据 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "没有找到任何数据。"; jbo.success = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { //没有任何数据 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "接口调用过程中出现其他错误。"; jbo.success = false; } result = JsonSerializer<JsonBaseObject>(jbo); context.Response.Write(result); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST"); context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "x-requested-with,content-type"); context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; JsonBaseObject jbo = new JsonBaseObject(); WG_MenberEntityView menberView = new WG_MenberEntityView(); string result = ""; try { string userName = context.Request["username"]; string psw = context.Request["psw"]; //登录 string userWhere = " Name ='" + userName + "' AND Psw='" + psw + "' "; IList<WG_MenberEntity> userList = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetWG_MenberList(userWhere); if (userList == null || userList.Count <= 0) { jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "用户不存在或密码错误!"; jbo.success = false; } else { string whereStr = " UserID=" + userList[0].ID; List<PrivilegeViewEntity> peList = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetPrivilegeViewList(whereStr).ToList<PrivilegeViewEntity>(); menberView.Menber = userList[0]; menberView.Privilege = peList; if (userList[0].Status == 0) { jbo.code = 0; = menberView; jbo.message = "成功!"; jbo.success = true; } else if (userList[0].Status == 1) { //待审核 jbo.code = 0; = menberView; jbo.message = "成功!但目前还在审核状态,可能影响部分功能"; jbo.success = true; } else { jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "账号有异常,请联系管理员"; jbo.success = false; } } } catch (Exception ex) { jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "接口调用过程中出现异常。"; jbo.success = false; } result = JsonSerializer<JsonBaseObject>(jbo); context.Response.Write(result); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { // todo: [KnownType(typeof(List<WG_ActivitiesEntity>))] //todo:加入跨域允许语句 context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST"); context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "x-requested-with,content-type"); context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; JsonBaseObject jbo = new JsonBaseObject(); string result = string.Empty; try { string ID = context.Request["ID"]; int count = 20; string countStr = context.Request["Count"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(countStr)) int.TryParse(countStr, out count); //获取活动列表,所有活动和我的活动 string menberID = context.Request["menberID"]; string promoterID = context.Request["promoterID"]; string PageIndex = "1"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request["PageIndex"])) PageIndex = context.Request["PageIndex"]; string whereStr = " 1 = 1 "; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(menberID) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(promoterID)) { //所有活动 //IList<WG_ActivitiesEntity> ae = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetWG_ActivitiesList(" 1=1 "); //如果传了ID,就只有一条 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ID)) { whereStr = " ID=" + ID; } int recordCount = -1; int pageCount = -1; // 查找条件:如typeid=1 and promoterid=1 and undertakerid=1 IList<WG_ActivitiesEntity> ae = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetWG_ActivitiesList(count, int.Parse(PageIndex), " WHERE " + whereStr, " CreateDate Desc ", out recordCount, out pageCount); //如果所有数据分页后的总页数比请求的页数小,则返回空。 if (int.Parse(PageIndex) > pageCount) ae.Clear(); if (ae != null && ae.Count > 0) { jbo.code = 0; = ae; jbo.message = "成功"; jbo.success = true; } else { //没有任何数据 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "活动列表为空"; jbo.success = false; } } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(menberID)) { //我的活动 whereStr = " menberID = " + menberID; //IList<WG_OnGoingActivitiesEntity> ogae = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetWG_OnGoingActivitiesList(whereStr); int recordCount = -1; int pageCount = -1; // 查找条件:如typeid=1 and promoterid=1 and undertakerid=1 IList<WG_OnGoingActivitiesEntity> ogae = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetWG_OnGoingActivitiesList(count, int.Parse(PageIndex), " WHERE " + whereStr, " CreateDate Desc ", out recordCount, out pageCount); //如果所有数据分页后的总页数比请求的页数小,则返回空。 if (int.Parse(PageIndex) > pageCount) ogae.Clear(); if (null != ogae && ogae.Count > 0) { IList<WG_ActivitiesEntity> aeList = new List<WG_ActivitiesEntity>(); foreach (WG_OnGoingActivitiesEntity item in ogae) { WG_ActivitiesEntity ae = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetWG_ActivitiesEntity(item.ActivityID); if (null != ae) { aeList.Add(ae); } } jbo.code = 0; = aeList; jbo.message = "成功获取我的活动"; jbo.success = true; } else { //没有任何数据 //没有任何数据 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "您还未参加任何活动"; jbo.success = false; } } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(promoterID)) { //我发布的活动 whereStr = " promoterid = " + promoterID; //IList<WG_OnGoingActivitiesEntity> ogae = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetWG_OnGoingActivitiesList(whereStr); int recordCount = -1; int pageCount = -1; // 查找条件:如typeid=1 and promoterid=1 and undertakerid=1 IList<WG_ActivitiesEntity> aeList = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetWG_ActivitiesList(count, int.Parse(PageIndex), " WHERE " + whereStr, " CreateDate Desc ", out recordCount, out pageCount); //如果所有数据分页后的总页数比请求的页数小,则返回空。 if (int.Parse(PageIndex) > pageCount) aeList.Clear(); if (aeList != null && aeList.Count > 0) { jbo.code = 0; = aeList; jbo.message = "成功获取我的活动"; jbo.success = true; } else { jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "你还没有发布任何活动"; jbo.success = false; } } else { } } } catch (Exception ex) { //失败 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "接口调用过程中出现其他错误"; jbo.success = false; } result = JsonSerializer<JsonBaseObject>(jbo); context.Response.Write(result); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST"); context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "x-requested-with,content-type"); context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; JsonBaseObject jbo = new JsonBaseObject(); string result = string.Empty; try { string title = context.Request["title"]; string type = context.Request["type"]; string promoterID = context.Request["promoterID"]; string linkman = context.Request["linkman"]; string linkphone = context.Request["linkphone"]; string beginTime = context.Request["beginTime"]; string region = context.Request["region"]; string serviceIntention = context.Request["serviceIntention"]; string duration = context.Request["duration"]; string detail = context.Request["detail"]; string status = context.Request["status"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(title) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(linkphone) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(promoterID)) { WG_HelpRequestEntity currEntity = new WG_HelpRequestEntity(); currEntity.Title = title; currEntity.Type = int.Parse(type);//1为求助,2为帮助 currEntity.PromoterID = int.Parse(promoterID);//提交人的ID currEntity.LinkMan = linkman; currEntity.LinkPhone = linkphone; currEntity.BeginTime = Convert.ToDateTime(beginTime); currEntity.Region = region; currEntity.ServiceIntention = serviceIntention; currEntity.Duration = int.Parse(duration); currEntity.Detail = detail; currEntity.Status = 0;// int.Parse(status);//0待匹配,1已匹配,2,已完成。 //注册,所以不用制定undertakerID currEntity.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; currEntity.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now; int addResult = DataProvider.GetInstance().AddWG_HelpRequest(currEntity); if (addResult < 0) { //失败 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "新增过程中失败"; jbo.success = false; } else { //成功 jbo.code = 0; = null; jbo.message = "成功"; jbo.success = true; } } else { //最基本必须有标题和联系人电话,否则失败 //失败 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "标题或联系电话必须不能为空。"; jbo.success = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "接口调用过程中出现异常。"; jbo.success = false; } #region 返回json result = JsonSerializer<JsonBaseObject>(jbo); context.Response.Write(result); #endregion }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; // todo: [KnownType(typeof(List<WG_ActivitiesEntity>))] //todo:加入跨域允许语句 context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST"); context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "x-requested-with,content-type"); JsonBaseObject jbo = new JsonBaseObject(); string resultStr = string.Empty; try { string menberID = context.Request["menberID"]; string activityID = context.Request["activityID"]; string opc = context.Request["opc"];//1参加活动,2退出活动,3完成活动(发起人权利),4撤销活动,5.获取活动参与者列表,6发布活动 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(menberID) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(activityID) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(opc)) { //参数空 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "用户ID/活动ID/状态都不能为空"; jbo.success = false; } else { //当前活动,ae.Status,0等待报名...,1活动正在进行(禁止报名),2,活动已结束 WG_ActivitiesEntity ae = new WG_ActivitiesEntity(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(activityID)) ae = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetWG_ActivitiesEntity(int.Parse(activityID)); if (opc == "6") { //发布活动,需要权限 string title = context.Request["title"]; string promoterid = context.Request["promoterid"]; string linkman = context.Request["linkman"]; string linkphone = context.Request["linkphone"]; string linkaddress = context.Request["linkaddress"]; string activitytype = context.Request["activitytype"]; string region = context.Request["region"]; string begintime = context.Request["begintime"]; string needmenbercount = context.Request["needmenbercount"]; string detail = context.Request["detail"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(title) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(linkman) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(linkphone)) { WG_ActivitiesEntity aee = new WG_ActivitiesEntity(); aee.Title = title; aee.PromoterID = int.Parse(menberID); aee.LinkMan = linkman; aee.LinkPhone = linkphone; aee.Address = linkaddress; aee.ActivityType = activitytype; aee.Region = region; aee.NeedMenberCount = int.Parse(needmenbercount); aee.Detail = detail; aee.BeginTime = Convert.ToDateTime(begintime); aee.Status = 0;//正在报名中 aee.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; aee.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now; DataProvider.GetInstance().AddWG_Activities(aee); //成功 jbo.code = 0; = null; jbo.message = "创建活动成功"; jbo.success = false; } else { //信息不够,不能创建 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "标题,联系人、联系电话不能为空"; jbo.success = false; } } else if (null == ae) { //活动不存在 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "活动不存在"; jbo.success = false; } else if (opc == "5") { #region 获取活动参与者列表 string whereStr = " activityID=" + activityID; IList<WG_OnGoingActivitiesEntity> ogaeList = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetWG_OnGoingActivitiesList(whereStr); IList<WG_MenberEntity> meList = new List<WG_MenberEntity>(); if (ogaeList != null && ogaeList.Count > 0) { foreach (WG_OnGoingActivitiesEntity item in ogaeList) { WG_MenberEntity me = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetWG_MenberEntity(item.MenberID); meList.Add(me); } } jbo.code = 0; = meList; jbo.message = "成功获取活动参与者列表"; jbo.success = true; #endregion } else if (ae.Status == 2) { //活动已经结束 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "活动已经结束"; jbo.success = false; } else if (ae.Status == 1 && opc != "3") { //活动已经开始 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "活动已经开始了"; jbo.success = false; } else if (ae.Status == 0 && opc == "4" && ae.PromoterID == int.Parse(menberID)) { //只有在等待报名的活动才可以撤销,已经开始或者已经结束的都不可以撤销 //1.删除这个活动 DataProvider.GetInstance().DeleteWG_Activities(int.Parse(activityID)); //2.删除报名列表 string whereStr = " 1=1 AND activityID=" + activityID; IList<WG_OnGoingActivitiesEntity> ogae = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetWG_OnGoingActivitiesList(whereStr); if (ogae != null && ogae.Count > 0) { foreach (WG_OnGoingActivitiesEntity item in ogae) { DataProvider.GetInstance().DeleteWG_OnGoingActivities(item.ID); } } //活动已经开始 jbo.code = 0; = null; jbo.message = "撤销活动成功"; jbo.success = true; } else { //判断是否已经参加 string whereStr = " status= 0 " + " AND menberID= " + menberID + " AND activityID= " + activityID; IList<WG_OnGoingActivitiesEntity> ogaeList = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetWG_OnGoingActivitiesList(whereStr); if ("1" == opc) { #region 1参加活动 if (null != ogaeList && ogaeList.Count > 0) { //已经参加 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "您已参加了活动,无需重复"; jbo.success = false; } else { //判断参加活动的人数是否已经满了 string sql = " select * from dbo.WG_OnGoingActivities where ActivityID=" + activityID + " and Status=0 "; DataSet ds = DbHelperSQL.Query(sql); if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count >= ae.NeedMenberCount) { //人已经满了 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "活动人数已满"; jbo.success = false; } else { //在WG_OnGoingActivitiesEntity新增一条记录 WG_OnGoingActivitiesEntity ogae = new WG_OnGoingActivitiesEntity(); ogae.ActivityID = int.Parse(activityID); ogae.MenberID = int.Parse(menberID); ogae.Status = 0; ogae.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; DataProvider.GetInstance().AddWG_OnGoingActivities(ogae); if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count + 1 == ae.NeedMenberCount) { //人满了 ae.Status = 1;//活动被激活 DataProvider.GetInstance().UpdateWG_Activities(ae); } AddNoticeToWG("您发布的活动有新成员参加", "您发布的活动:[ "+ae.Title+" ] 有新成员加入,请知悉。", ae.PromoterID.ToString(),2,ae.ID); jbo.code = 0; = null; jbo.message = "成功参加活动"; jbo.success = true; } } #endregion } else if ("2" == opc) { //2只能是退出活动,如果是激活活动,是不能人工的,需要自动人数到了触发活动 #region 退出活动 if (null != ogaeList && ogaeList.Count > 0) { foreach (WG_OnGoingActivitiesEntity item in ogaeList) { DataProvider.GetInstance().DeleteWG_OnGoingActivities(item.ID); AddNoticeToWG("有成员退出了您发布的活动", "您发布的活动:[ " + ae.Title + " ] 有成员退出,请知悉。", ae.PromoterID.ToString(), 2, ae.ID); } jbo.code = 0; = null; jbo.message = "成功退出活动"; jbo.success = true; } else { //活动不存在 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "你并未参加活动"; jbo.success = false; } #endregion } else if ("3" == opc) { //3活动完成,发起人有权限 ae.Status = 2; DataProvider.GetInstance().UpdateWG_Activities(ae); jbo.code = 0; = null; jbo.message = "完成活动成功"; jbo.success = true; } else { //非法操作 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "非法操作"; jbo.success = false; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { //失败 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "接口调用过程中出现其他错误"; jbo.success = false; } resultStr = JsonSerializer<JsonBaseObject>(jbo); context.Response.Write(resultStr); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST"); context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "x-requested-with,content-type"); context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; JsonBaseObject jbo = new JsonBaseObject(); string result = string.Empty; try { string OldPsw = context.Request["oldPsw"];//旧用户密码MD5值 string NewPsw = context.Request["newPsw"];//新用户密码MD5值 string UserIDStr = context.Request["menberID"];//用户ID int userID = -1; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(OldPsw) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(NewPsw) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserIDStr) && int.TryParse(UserIDStr, out userID)) { //1.判断用户是否存在 WG_MenberEntity curMenber = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetWG_MenberEntity(userID); if (curMenber == null) { jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.success = false; jbo.message = "用户不存在."; } else { IList<WG_MenberEntity> menberList = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetWG_MenberList(" ID=" + userID + " AND Psw='" + OldPsw + "'"); if (menberList == null || menberList.Count <= 0) { jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.success = false; jbo.message = "旧密码有误."; } else { curMenber.Psw = NewPsw; if (DataProvider.GetInstance().UpdateWG_Menber(curMenber)) { jbo.code = 0; = null; jbo.success = true; jbo.message = "成功."; } else { jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.success = false; jbo.message = "数据更新是出错."; } } } } else { jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.success = false; jbo.message = "参数有误."; } } catch (Exception ex) { //失败 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "接口调用过程中出现其他错误"; jbo.success = false; } result = JsonSerializer<JsonBaseObject>(jbo); context.Response.Write(result); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST"); context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "x-requested-with,content-type"); context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; JsonBaseObject jbo = new JsonBaseObject(); string result = string.Empty; try { string MenberID = context.Request["MenberID"];//用户ID string ID = context.Request["ID"]; string PageIndex = "1"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request["PageIndex"])) PageIndex = context.Request["PageIndex"]; string whereStr = " 1=1 "; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MenberID)) { //MenberID不为空,则说明是获取用户已经申请领取的礼物列表 whereStr += " AND MenberID=" + MenberID; whereStr += " ";//加多一个空格,避免sql的语法问题 //IList<WG_OnGoingGiftsEntity> OnGoingGiftList = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetWG_OnGoingGiftsList(whereStr); int recordCount = -1; int pageCount = -1; //如果传了ID,就只有一条 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ID)) { whereStr = " Status=0 AND ID=" + ID; } // 查找条件:如typeid=1 and promoterid=1 and undertakerid=1 IList<WG_OnGoingGiftsEntity> OnGoingGiftList = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetWG_OnGoingGiftsList(20, int.Parse(PageIndex), " WHERE " + whereStr, " CreateDate Desc ", out recordCount, out pageCount); //如果所有数据分页后的总页数比请求的页数小,则返回空。 if (int.Parse(PageIndex) > pageCount) OnGoingGiftList.Clear(); if (OnGoingGiftList != null && OnGoingGiftList.Count > 0) { List<OnGoingGiftsView> oggvList = new List<OnGoingGiftsView>(); foreach (WG_OnGoingGiftsEntity item in OnGoingGiftList) { WG_GiftsEntity Gift = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetWG_GiftsEntity(item.GiftID); if (Gift != null) { OnGoingGiftsView oggv = new OnGoingGiftsView(); oggv.ValidateCode = item.Code; oggv.GiftEntity = Gift; oggv.Status = item.Status; oggvList.Add(oggv); } } jbo.code = 0; = oggvList; jbo.success = true; jbo.message = "成功获取您的礼物列表。"; } else { //不存在 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.success = false; jbo.message = "你还没有领取任何礼物。"; } } else { //否则为获取全部礼品列表 //IList<WG_GiftsEntity> giftList = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetWG_GiftsList(" Status=0 "); int recordCount = -1; int pageCount = -1; // 查找条件:如typeid=1 and promoterid=1 and undertakerid=1 //如果传了ID,就只有一条 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ID)) { whereStr = " Status=0 AND ID=" + ID; } IList<WG_GiftsEntity> giftList = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetWG_GiftsList(20, int.Parse(PageIndex), " WHERE " + whereStr, " CreateDate Desc ", out recordCount, out pageCount); //如果所有数据分页后的总页数比请求的页数小,则返回空。 if (int.Parse(PageIndex) > pageCount) giftList.Clear(); if (giftList != null && giftList.Count > 0) { jbo.code = 0; = giftList; jbo.success = true; jbo.message = "成功获取所有礼物列表。"; } else { jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.success = false; jbo.message = "礼物列表为空。"; } } } catch (Exception ex) { //失败 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "接口调用过程中出现其他错误"; jbo.success = false; } result = JsonSerializer<JsonBaseObject>(jbo); context.Response.Write(result); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST"); context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "x-requested-with,content-type"); context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; JsonBaseObject jbo = new JsonBaseObject(); string result = string.Empty; try { string ID = context.Request["ID"]; string region = context.Request["Region"]; int count = 20; string countStr = context.Request["Count"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(countStr)) int.TryParse(countStr, out count); string menberID = context.Request["menberID"];//求助者ID string Type = context.Request["Type"];//1求助,2帮助 string serviceIntention = context.Request["ServiceIntention"]; string PageIndex = "1"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request["PageIndex"])) PageIndex = context.Request["PageIndex"]; string whereStr = " 1 = 1 "; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(region)) whereStr += " AND Region Like '%" + region + "%'"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(serviceIntention)) { //加入服务意愿查询 whereStr += " AND ServiceIntention Like '%" + serviceIntention + "%'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(menberID)) { if (Type == "1") { whereStr += " AND ((Type=1 AND PromoterID=" + menberID + ") OR (Type=2 AND UnderTakerID=" + menberID + "))"; } else if (Type == "2") { whereStr += " AND ((Type=2 AND PromoterID=" + menberID + ") OR (Type=1 AND UnderTakerID=" + menberID + "))"; } } else { //不传用用户ID时,选择指定类型即可 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Type)) whereStr += "AND Type= " + Type; } whereStr += " ";//加多一个空格,避免sql的语法问题 //如果传了ID,就只有一条 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ID)) { whereStr = " ID=" + ID; } int recordCount = -1; int pageCount = -1; // 查找条件:如typeid=1 and promoterid=1 and undertakerid=1 IList<WG_HelpRequestEntity> _HelpRequest = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetWG_HelpRequestList(count, int.Parse(PageIndex), " WHERE " + whereStr, " CreateDate Desc ", out recordCount, out pageCount); //如果所有数据分页后的总页数比请求的页数小,则返回空。 if (int.Parse(PageIndex) > pageCount) _HelpRequest.Clear(); IList<RequestView> requestList = new List<RequestView>(); foreach (WG_HelpRequestEntity item in _HelpRequest) { RequestView rv = new RequestView(); rv.ID = item.ID; rv.HelpRequest = item; requestList.Add(rv); } if (requestList.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < requestList.Count; i++) { WG_MenberEntity author = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetWG_MenberEntity(requestList[i].HelpRequest.PromoterID); if (null != author) { requestList[i].Author = author; } WG_MenberEntity underTaker = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetWG_MenberEntity(requestList[i].HelpRequest.UnderTakerID); if (null != underTaker) { requestList[i].Helper = underTaker; } } //没有任何数据 jbo.code = 0; = requestList; jbo.message = "成功。"; jbo.success = true; } else { //没有任何数据 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "没有找到任何数据。"; jbo.success = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { //没有任何数据 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "接口调用过程中出现其他错误。"; jbo.success = false; } result = JsonSerializer<JsonBaseObject>(jbo); context.Response.Write(result); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; // todo: [KnownType(typeof(List<WG_ActivitiesEntity>))] //todo:加入跨域允许语句 context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST"); context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "x-requested-with,content-type"); JsonBaseObject jbo = new JsonBaseObject(); string resultStr = string.Empty; try { string IDstr = context.Request["ID"]; int ID = -1; int.TryParse(IDstr, out ID); if (ID < 0) { //参数空 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "ID不合法"; jbo.success = false; } else { //当前活动,ae.Status,0等待报名...,1活动正在进行(禁止报名),2,活动已结束 NoticeEntity ne = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetNoticeEntity(ID); if (ne != null) { try { ne.AlreadyRead = 1;//已读 DataProvider.GetInstance().UpdateNotice(ne); //成功 jbo.code = 0; = null; jbo.message = "更新消息状态成功"; jbo.success = true; } catch (Exception ex) { //失败 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "更新消息状态失败"; jbo.success = false; } } else { //失败 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "找不到指定id的消息内容"; jbo.success = false; } } } catch (Exception ex) { //失败 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "接口调用过程中出现其他错误"; jbo.success = false; } resultStr = JsonSerializer<JsonBaseObject>(jbo); context.Response.Write(resultStr); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST"); context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "x-requested-with,content-type"); context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; JsonBaseObject jbo = new JsonBaseObject(); string result = string.Empty; try {//giftid,userid,validatecode string giftID = context.Request["giftID"]; string menberID = context.Request["menberID"]; string giftCount = context.Request["giftCount"]; string status = context.Request["status"];//0已兑换,1已领取 int count = 0; int.TryParse(giftCount, out count); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(giftID) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(menberID) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(giftCount)) { //失败 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "礼物或领取人不存在,或兑换礼物的个数不能小于等于0"; jbo.success = false; } else { WG_GiftsEntity ge = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetWG_GiftsEntity(int.Parse(giftID)); WG_MenberEntity me = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetWG_MenberEntity(int.Parse(menberID)); if (null != ge && null != me && me.Scores >= ge.NeedScores * count && ge.Count >= count) { //1.在ongoinggift表中新增一条记录 WG_OnGoingGiftsEntity ogge = new WG_OnGoingGiftsEntity(); //领取码=年月日时分秒+id后四位(不够四位前补零) string timespan = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss"); string idSub = string.Empty; if (me.ID.ToString().Length < 4) idSub = me.ID.ToString().PadLeft(4, '0'); else { idSub = me.ID.ToString().Substring(me.ID.ToString().Length - 4, 4); } ogge.Code = idSub + timespan; ogge.MenberID = int.Parse(menberID); ogge.GiftID = int.Parse(giftID); ogge.Status = int.Parse(status); ogge.Count = count; ogge.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; int addresult = DataProvider.GetInstance().AddWG_OnGoingGifts(ogge); if (addresult >= 0) { //2.扣除兑换者的积分 me.Scores = me.Scores - ge.NeedScores * count; if (!DataProvider.GetInstance().UpdateWG_Menber(me)) { //失败 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "扣除兑换者积分异常"; jbo.success = false; } else { //3.礼物表中的数量减去相应的数量 ge.Count = ge.Count - count; if (!DataProvider.GetInstance().UpdateWG_Gifts(ge)) { //失败 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "减去礼物剩余数量异常"; jbo.success = false; } else { //成功 jbo.code = 0; = null; jbo.message = "成功"; jbo.success = true; } } } else { //失败 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "加入领取队列出错"; jbo.success = false; } } else { //失败 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "礼物不存在或积分不够"; jbo.success = false; } } } catch (Exception ex) { //失败 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "接口调用过程中出现其他错误"; jbo.success = false; } #region 返回json result = JsonSerializer<JsonBaseObject>(jbo); context.Response.Write(result); #endregion }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { //1.承接 //2.完成操作 context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST"); context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "x-requested-with,content-type"); context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; JsonBaseObject jbo = new JsonBaseObject(); string resultStr = string.Empty; try { string helpRequestStr = context.Request["helpRequestID"];//请求单号 string underTakerStr = context.Request["underTakerID"]; //接单者ID string status = context.Request["status"]; //动作状态 int helpRequestID = int.Parse(helpRequestStr); int underTakerID = int.Parse(underTakerStr); WG_HelpRequestEntity currEntity = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetWG_HelpRequestEntity(helpRequestID); WG_MenberEntity underTaker = new WG_MenberEntity(); WG_MenberEntity Requestor = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetWG_MenberEntity(currEntity.PromoterID); if (currEntity != null) { if (currEntity.Status > 1) { //非法操作 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "单子已完成"; jbo.success = false; resultStr = JsonSerializer<JsonBaseObject>(jbo); context.Response.Write(resultStr); } else { if (currEntity.Status == 0 && status == "1") { #region 接单===配对 //承接 currEntity.Status = 1; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(underTakerStr)) currEntity.UnderTakerID = underTakerID; currEntity.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now; //统一更新单子 bool result = DataProvider.GetInstance().UpdateWG_HelpRequest(currEntity); if (result) { //接单成功 jbo.code = 0; = null; jbo.message = "接单成功。"; jbo.success = true; } else { //接单失败 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "接单失败。"; jbo.success = false; } #region 通知接单人 NoticeEntity ne = new NoticeEntity(); ne.Title = "您的求助/帮助已被承接"; ne.ToUserID = currEntity.PromoterID.ToString();//通知发帖人 ne.NoticeType = 1;//1求助帮助,2.活动类型,3.礼物类型 ne.LinkId = currEntity.ID; ne.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; ne.NoticeContent = "您的承接的求助单[ " + currEntity.Title + " ]已被承接。"; try { DataProvider.GetInstance().AddNotice(ne); } catch (Exception ex) { } #endregion #region respone resultStr = JsonSerializer<JsonBaseObject>(jbo); context.Response.Write(resultStr); #endregion #endregion } else if (currEntity.Status == 1 && status == "2") { #region 完成订单 currEntity.Status = 2; currEntity.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now; //完成 underTaker = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetWG_MenberEntity(currEntity.UnderTakerID); //2.更新承接人服务时常 if (currEntity.Type == 1 && underTaker != null) { underTaker.ServiceHours += currEntity.Duration; underTaker.Scores += currEntity.Duration * 60; //积分明细 } else if (currEntity.Type == 2 && Requestor != null) { Requestor.ServiceHours += currEntity.Duration; Requestor.Scores += currEntity.Duration * 60; } else { //接单人不存在 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "接单人不存在"; jbo.success = false; #region respone resultStr = JsonSerializer<JsonBaseObject>(jbo); context.Response.Write(resultStr); #endregion } //统一更新单子 bool result = DataProvider.GetInstance().UpdateWG_HelpRequest(currEntity); if (!result) { #region 更新订单出错 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "更新订单出错"; jbo.success = false; #region respone resultStr = JsonSerializer<JsonBaseObject>(jbo); context.Response.Write(resultStr); #endregion #endregion } //3.承接者数据更新 bool utakerResult = false; if (currEntity.Type == 1) utakerResult = DataProvider.GetInstance().UpdateWG_Menber(underTaker); else if (currEntity.Type == 2) utakerResult = DataProvider.GetInstance().UpdateWG_Menber(Requestor); if (!result) { #region 更新接单人信息出错 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "更新接单人信息出错"; jbo.success = false; #region respone resultStr = JsonSerializer<JsonBaseObject>(jbo); context.Response.Write(resultStr); #endregion #endregion } else { #region 通知接单人 //1. NoticeEntity ne = new NoticeEntity(); ne.Title = "您承接的单被发起人标记为完成状态"; ne.ToUserID = underTaker.ID.ToString(); ne.NoticeType = 1;//1求助帮助,2.活动类型,3.礼物类型 ne.LinkId = currEntity.ID; ne.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; ne.NoticeContent = "您的承接的求助单[ " + currEntity.Title + " ]已被发起人完成,您已获得:" + currEntity.Duration + "的积分和服务时常累积。感谢您的爱心奉献与付出。"; try { DataProvider.GetInstance().AddNotice(ne); } catch (Exception ex) { } #endregion #region 完成订单成功 //接单成功 jbo.code = 0; = null; jbo.message = "完成订单成功。"; jbo.success = true; #endregion #region respone resultStr = JsonSerializer<JsonBaseObject>(jbo); context.Response.Write(resultStr); #endregion } #endregion } else if (currEntity.Status == 1 && status == "3") { #region 失约重发 20160110 #region 通知接单人 //1. string noticeMsg = ""; NoticeEntity ne = new NoticeEntity(); ne.Title = "您承接的单被发起人标记为失约并重新发布了"; ne.ToUserID = currEntity.UnderTakerID.ToString(); ne.NoticeType = 1;//1求助帮助,2.活动类型,3.礼物类型 ne.LinkId = currEntity.ID; ne.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; ne.NoticeContent = "您的承接的求助单[ " + currEntity.Title + " ]已被发起人重新发出,您此次失约了,请注意与发帖人沟通好。"; try { DataProvider.GetInstance().AddNotice(ne); } catch (Exception ex) { noticeMsg = ex.ToString(); } #endregion try { //1.修改订单的状态,从已配对(1)改回原来的待配对(0) currEntity.Status = 0; //2.清空承接人信息 currEntity.UnderTakerID = -1;//表示没有人承接 currEntity.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now; DataProvider.GetInstance().UpdateWG_HelpRequest(currEntity); //接单成功 jbo.code = 0; = null; jbo.message = "失约重发成功。" + noticeMsg; jbo.success = true; } catch (Exception) { jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "失约重发失败。"; jbo.success = false; throw; } #region respone resultStr = JsonSerializer<JsonBaseObject>(jbo); context.Response.Write(resultStr); #endregion #endregion } else { } } } else { //失败 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "所更新的记录不存在。"; jbo.success = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { //失败 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "接口调用过程中出现其他错误"; jbo.success = false; } }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST"); context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "x-requested-with,content-type"); context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; JsonBaseObject jbo = new JsonBaseObject(); string result = string.Empty; try { string opc = context.Request["opc"];//1为加入团队,2为退出团队,3解散团队,4获取团队成员,5.创建团队 string menberid = context.Request["menberid"]; string teamid = context.Request["teamid"]; string PageIndex = "1"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request["PageIndex"])) PageIndex = context.Request["PageIndex"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(menberid) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(teamid) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(opc)) { //失败 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "参数:用户ID,团队ID和操作代码都不能为空"; jbo.success = false; } else { string whereStr = " 1=1 "; if ("1".Equals(opc.Trim())) { #region 加入团队 whereStr += " and menberid=" + menberid + " AND teamid=" + teamid; IList<WG_OnGoingTeamEntity> ogteList = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetWG_OnGoingTeamList(whereStr); if (ogteList != null && ogteList.Count > 0) { jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.success = false; jbo.message = "你已经加入了团队,无需重复加入"; } else { //加入团队 WG_OnGoingTeamEntity ogte = new WG_OnGoingTeamEntity(); ogte.MenberID = int.Parse(menberid); ogte.TeamID = int.Parse(teamid); ogte.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; DataProvider.GetInstance().AddWG_OnGoingTeam(ogte); #region 通知创建团队的那个人 add by frde 20160130 WG_TeamEntity te = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetWG_TeamEntity(ogte.TeamID); if(te!= null) { AddNoticeToWG("新队员加入信息", "您好,ID为: "+ menberid.ToString()+" 的用户加入了您创建的团队:[ "+te.Name+" ]", te.CaptainID.ToString()); } #endregion jbo.code = 0; = null; jbo.success = true; jbo.message = "成功加入团队"; } #endregion } else if ("2".Equals(opc.Trim())) { #region 退出团队 whereStr += " and menberid=" + menberid + " AND teamid=" + teamid; IList<WG_OnGoingTeamEntity> ogteList = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetWG_OnGoingTeamList(whereStr); if (ogteList != null && ogteList.Count > 0) { foreach (WG_OnGoingTeamEntity item in ogteList) { DataProvider.GetInstance().DeleteWG_OnGoingTeam(item.ID); } #region 通知创建团队的那个人 add by frde 20160130 WG_TeamEntity te = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetWG_TeamEntity(int.Parse(teamid)); if (te != null) { AddNoticeToWG("队友退出团队信息", "您好,ID为: " + menberid.ToString() + " 的用户退出了您创建的团队:[ " + te.Name + " ]", te.CaptainID.ToString()); } #endregion //成功 jbo.code = 0; = null; jbo.success = true; jbo.message = "成功退出团队"; } else { //还未加入团队 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "你尚未加入团队"; jbo.success = false; } #endregion } else if ("3".Equals(opc)) { #region 解散团队 //1删除团队信息 DataProvider.GetInstance().DeleteWG_Team(int.Parse(teamid)); //2.删除所有已经加入团队的关系 whereStr += " And Teamid=" + teamid; IList<WG_OnGoingTeamEntity> ote = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetWG_OnGoingTeamList(whereStr); if (ote != null && ote.Count > 0) { WG_TeamEntity te = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetWG_TeamEntity(int.Parse(teamid)); foreach (WG_OnGoingTeamEntity item in ote) { DataProvider.GetInstance().DeleteWG_OnGoingTeam(item.ID); #region 通知创建团队的那个人 add by frde 20160130 if (te != null) { AddNoticeToWG("团队解散通知","你加入的团队:[ " + te.Name + " ]已 被解散,请知悉。", item.MenberID.ToString()); } #endregion } } jbo.code = 0; = null; jbo.message = "团队解散成功"; jbo.success = true; #endregion } else if ("4".Equals(opc)) { #region 获取团队成员列表 whereStr += " And Teamid=" + teamid; IList<WG_OnGoingTeamEntity> ote = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetWG_OnGoingTeamList(whereStr); IList<WG_MenberEntity> meList = new List<WG_MenberEntity>(); if (ote != null && ote.Count > 0) { foreach (WG_OnGoingTeamEntity item in ote) { WG_MenberEntity me = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetWG_MenberEntity(item.MenberID); meList.Add(me); } } jbo.code = 0; = meList; jbo.message = "获取团队成员列表成功"; jbo.success = true; #endregion } else if ("5".Equals(opc)) { //创建团队。判断权限 string name = context.Request["name"]; string captainid = context.Request["captainid"]; string linkman = context.Request["linkman"]; string linkphone = context.Request["linkphone"]; string linkaddress = context.Request["linkaddress"]; string teamaim = context.Request["teamaim"]; string serviceintention = context.Request["serviceintention"]; string region = context.Request["region"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(linkman) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(linkphone)) { WG_TeamEntity te = new WG_TeamEntity(); te.Name = name; te.CaptainID = int.Parse(menberid); te.LinkAddress = linkaddress; te.LinkMan = linkman; te.LinkPhone = linkphone; te.TeamAim = teamaim; te.ServiceIntention = serviceintention; te.Region = region; te.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; te.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now; int newTeamid = DataProvider.GetInstance().AddWG_Team(te); //创建完成,自己立马加入团队 WG_OnGoingTeamEntity ogte = new WG_OnGoingTeamEntity(); ogte.MenberID = int.Parse(menberid); ogte.TeamID = newTeamid; ogte.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; DataProvider.GetInstance().AddWG_OnGoingTeam(ogte); AddNoticeToWG("团队创建成功", "你的:[ " + te.Name + " ]团队已成功创建,请担当起团队责任。", te.CaptainID.ToString()); //创建成功 jbo.code = 0; = null; jbo.message = "团队创建成功"; jbo.success = true; } else { //缺少必要信息,不能创建 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "标题,联系方式,联系人不能为空"; jbo.success = false; } } else { #region 非法操作 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "非法操作"; jbo.success = false; #endregion } } } catch (Exception ex) { //失败 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "接口调用过程中出现其他错误"; jbo.success = false; } result = JsonSerializer<JsonBaseObject>(jbo); context.Response.Write(result); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { //todo:加入跨域允许语句 context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST"); context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "x-requested-with,content-type"); context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; JsonBaseObject jbo = new JsonBaseObject(); string result = string.Empty; try { string userName = context.Request["menberName"]; string email = context.Request["email"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(email)) { //失败 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "用户名称或邮箱地址不能为空"; jbo.success = false; } else { string whereStr = " name='" + userName + "' and Email='" + email + "'"; IList<WG_MenberEntity> menberList = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetWG_MenberList(whereStr); if (menberList == null || menberList.Count <= 0) { //账号与邮箱不匹配 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "邮箱与账号不匹配,请确认"; jbo.success = false; } else { List<string> emailTo = new List<string>() { email }; string fromAddress = DESEncrypt.Decrypt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EmailAccount"].ToString(), "WYGY_BQGZS"); string fromName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FromName"].ToString(); string subject = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Subject"].ToString(); string account = DESEncrypt.Decrypt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EmailAccount"].ToString(), "WYGY_BQGZS"); string psw = DESEncrypt.Decrypt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EmailPsw"].ToString(), "WYGY_BQGZS"); ; string TimeStr = DateTime.Now.ToString(); string keyStrBeforeDec = userName + "|" + TimeStr; string decKey = DESEncrypt.Encrypt(keyStrBeforeDec, "WYGY_BQGZS"); string body = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["GetBackUrl"].ToString() + decKey; string errorStr = ""; int count = SendEmail.SendEmailnonAnonymous(fromAddress, fromName, subject, body, emailTo, emailTo, out errorStr, account, psw); if (count > 0) { jbo.code = 0; = null; jbo.message = "邮件发送成功,请登陆邮件并根据链接重置密码"; jbo.success = true; } else { //失败 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "邮件发送失败"; jbo.success = false; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "接口调用过程中出现异常。"; jbo.success = false; } result = JsonSerializer<JsonBaseObject>(jbo); context.Response.Write(result); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST"); context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "x-requested-with,content-type"); context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; JsonBaseObject jbo = new JsonBaseObject(); string result = string.Empty; try { string menberID = context.Request["menberid"]; string teamName = context.Request["teamname"]; string PageIndex = "1"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request["PageIndex"])) PageIndex = context.Request["PageIndex"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(menberID) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(teamName)) { //失败 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "参数必须有用户ID或者团队名称"; jbo.success = false; } else { int recordCount = -1; int pageCount = -1; string whereStr = " 1=1 "; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(menberID)) { //MenberID不为空,则说明是获取用户已经加入的团队 whereStr += " AND MenberID=" + menberID; // 查找条件:如typeid=1 and promoterid=1 and undertakerid=1 IList<WG_OnGoingTeamEntity> OnGoingTeamList = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetWG_OnGoingTeamList(20, int.Parse(PageIndex), " WHERE " + whereStr, " CreateDate Desc ", out recordCount, out pageCount); //如果所有数据分页后的总页数比请求的页数小,则返回空。 if (int.Parse(PageIndex) > pageCount) OnGoingTeamList.Clear(); if (OnGoingTeamList != null && OnGoingTeamList.Count > 0) { List<WG_TeamEntity> teList = new List<WG_TeamEntity>(); foreach (WG_OnGoingTeamEntity item in OnGoingTeamList) { WG_TeamEntity team = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetWG_TeamEntity(item.TeamID); if (team != null) { teList.Add(team); } } jbo.code = 0; = teList; jbo.success = true; jbo.message = "成功获取用户所加入的团队列表。"; } else { //不存在 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.success = false; jbo.message = "你还没有加入任何团队。"; } } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(teamName)) { //teamName不为空,按团队名称模糊搜索 whereStr += " AND name like '%" + teamName + "%' "; // 查找条件:如typeid=1 and promoterid=1 and undertakerid=1 IList<WG_TeamEntity> teList = DataProvider.GetInstance().GetWG_TeamList(20, int.Parse(PageIndex), " WHERE " + whereStr, " CreateDate Desc ", out recordCount, out pageCount); //如果所有数据分页后的总页数比请求的页数小,则返回空。 if (int.Parse(PageIndex) > pageCount) teList.Clear(); if (teList != null && teList.Count > 0) { jbo.code = 0; = teList; jbo.success = true; jbo.message = "成功获取查询的团队列表。"; } else { //不存在 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.success = false; jbo.message = "查询的团队列表失败。"; } } else { } } } catch (Exception ex) { //失败 jbo.code = -1; = null; jbo.message = "接口调用过程中出现其他错误"; jbo.success = false; } result = JsonSerializer<JsonBaseObject>(jbo); context.Response.Write(result); }