public static void Run()
            // ExStart:SupportForCMYKAndYCCKColorModesInJPEGLossless
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string       dataDir    = RunExamples.GetDataDir_JPEG();
            MemoryStream jpegStream = new MemoryStream();

                // Save to JPEG Lossless CMYK
                using (JpegImage image = (JpegImage)Image.Load("056.jpg"))
                    JpegOptions options = new JpegOptions();
                    options.ColorType       = JpegCompressionColorMode.Cmyk;
                    options.CompressionType = JpegCompressionMode.Lossless;

                    // The default profiles will be used.
                    options.RgbColorProfile  = null;
                    options.CmykColorProfile = null;

                    image.Save(jpegStream, options);

                // Load from JPEG Lossless CMYK
                jpegStream.Position = 0;
                using (JpegImage image = (JpegImage)Image.Load(jpegStream))
                    image.Save("056_cmyk.png", new PngOptions());
コード例 #2
ファイル: TiffProcessor.cs プロジェクト: Nazgaul/Spitball
        public async Task ProcessFilesAsync(IEnumerable <int> previewDelta, Func <Stream, string, Task> pagePreviewCallback, CancellationToken token)
            var jpgCreateOptions = new JpegOptions();

            var diff = Enumerable.Range(0, _image.Frames.Length);

            diff = diff.Except(previewDelta);

            var t = new List <Task>();

            foreach (var item in diff)
                if (token.IsCancellationRequested)
                _image.ActiveFrame = _image.Frames[item];// tiffFrame;
                var pixels = _image.LoadPixels(_image.Bounds);
                //bmpCreateOptions as FileCreateSource saved
                var ms = new MemoryStream();
                jpgCreateOptions.Source = new StreamSource(ms);
                using (var jpgImage =
                           (JpegImage)Image.Create(jpgCreateOptions, _image.Width, _image.Height))
                    jpgImage.SavePixels(_image.Bounds, pixels);

                var task = pagePreviewCallback(ms, $"{item}.jpg").ContinueWith(_ => ms.Dispose(), token);
            await Task.WhenAll(t);
コード例 #3
        public static void Run()
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string MyDir          = RunExamples.GetDataDir_DXFDrawings();
            string sourceFilePath = MyDir + "for_layers_test.dwf";

            using (Aspose.CAD.Image image = Aspose.CAD.Image.Load(sourceFilePath))
                //  Create an instance of CadRasterizationOptions and set its various properties
                Aspose.CAD.ImageOptions.CadRasterizationOptions rasterizationOptions = new Aspose.CAD.ImageOptions.CadRasterizationOptions();
                rasterizationOptions.PageWidth  = 1600;
                rasterizationOptions.PageHeight = 1600;

                // Add desired layers
                rasterizationOptions.Layers = new string[] { "LayerA" };

                rasterizationOptions.CenterDrawing = true;

                JpegOptions jpegOptions = new JpegOptions();
                jpegOptions.VectorRasterizationOptions = rasterizationOptions;

                MyDir = MyDir + "for_layers_test.jpg";
                // Export the DXF to JPG
                image.Save(MyDir, jpegOptions);
コード例 #4
        public static void Run()
            // ExStart:SupportForJPEG-LSFormat
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir               = RunExamples.GetDataDir_JPEG();
            string sourceJpegFileName    = @"c:\\lena24b.jls";
            string outputPngFileName     = @"c:\\\lena24b.png";
            string outputPngRectFileName = @"c:\\\lena24b_rect.png";

            // Decoding
            using (JpegImage jpegImage = (JpegImage)Image.Load(sourceJpegFileName))
                JpegOptions jpegOptions = jpegImage.JpegOptions;

                // You can read new options:
                System.Console.WriteLine("Compression type:           {0}", jpegOptions.CompressionType);
                System.Console.WriteLine("Allowed lossy error (NEAR): {0}", jpegOptions.JpegLsAllowedLossyError);
                System.Console.WriteLine("Interleaved mode (ILV):     {0}", jpegOptions.JpegLsInterleaveMode);
                System.Console.WriteLine("Horizontal sampling:        {0}", ArrayToString(jpegOptions.HorizontalSampling));
                System.Console.WriteLine("Vertical sampling:          {0}", ArrayToString(jpegOptions.VerticalSampling));

                // Save the original JPEG-LS image to PNG.
                jpegImage.Save(outputPngFileName, new PngOptions());

                // Save the bottom-right quarter of the original JPEG-LS to PNG
                Rectangle quarter = new Rectangle(jpegImage.Width / 2, jpegImage.Height / 2, jpegImage.Width / 2, jpegImage.Height / 2);
                jpegImage.Save(outputPngRectFileName, new PngOptions(), quarter);
コード例 #5
        public static void Run()
            Console.WriteLine("Running example CombineImages");
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_DrawingAndFormattingImages();

            // Create an instance of JpegOptions and set its various properties
            JpegOptions imageOptions = new JpegOptions();

            // Create an instance of FileCreateSource and assign it to Source property
            imageOptions.Source = new FileCreateSource(dataDir + "Two_images_result_out.bmp", false);

            // Create an instance of Image and define canvas size
            using (var image = Image.Create(imageOptions, 600, 600))
                // Create and initialize an instance of Graphics, Clear the image surface with white color and Draw Image
                var graphics = new Graphics(image);
                graphics.DrawImage(Image.Load(dataDir + "sample_1.bmp"), 0, 0, 600, 300);
                graphics.DrawImage(Image.Load(dataDir + "File1.bmp"), 0, 300, 600, 300);

            Console.WriteLine("Finished example CombineImages");
コード例 #6
        public static void Run()
            // ExStart:SupportForJPEGBITS
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_JPEG();
            int    bpp     = 2; // Set 2 bits per sample to see the difference in size and quality

            // The origin PNG with 8 bits per sample
            string originPngFileName = System.IO.Path.Combine(dataDir, "lena_16g_lin.png");

            // The output JPEG-LS with 2 bits per sample.
            string outputJpegFileName = "lena24b " + bpp + "-bit Gold.jls";

            using (PngImage pngImage = (PngImage)Image.Load(originPngFileName))
                JpegOptions jpegOptions = new JpegOptions();
                jpegOptions.BitsPerChannel  = (byte)bpp;
                jpegOptions.CompressionType = JpegCompressionMode.JpegLs;
                pngImage.Save(outputJpegFileName, jpegOptions);

            // The output PNG is produced from JPEG-LS to check image visually.
            string outputPngFileName = "lena24b " + bpp + "-bit Gold.png";

            using (JpegImage jpegImage = (JpegImage)Image.Load(outputJpegFileName))
                jpegImage.Save(outputPngFileName, new PngOptions());
コード例 #7
        public static void Run()
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_AI();

            string[] sourcesFiles = new string[]

            for (int i = 0; i < sourcesFiles.Length; i++)
                string name           = sourcesFiles[i];
                string sourceFileName = dataDir + name + ".ai";
                string outFileName    = dataDir + name + ".jpg";

                using (AiImage image = (AiImage)Image.Load(sourceFileName))
                    ImageOptionsBase options = new JpegOptions()
                        Quality = 85
                    image.Save(outFileName, options);

コード例 #8
        public static void Run()
            // ExStart:MergePSDlayers
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir        = RunExamples.GetDataDir_PSD();
            string sourceFileName = dataDir + "samplePsd.psd";

            // Load an existing PSD file as image
            using (Image image = Image.Load(sourceFileName))
                // Convert the loaded image to PSDImage
                var psdImage = (PsdImage)image;

                // create a JPG file stream
                using (Stream stream = File.Create(sourceFileName.Replace("psd", "jpg")))
                    // Create JPEG option class object
                    var jpgOptions = new JpegOptions();

                    // Set the source property to jpg file stream.
                    jpgOptions.Source = new StreamSource(stream);

                    // call the Save the method of PSDImage class to merge the layers and save it as jpg image.
                    psdImage.Save(stream, jpgOptions);
            // ExEnd:MergePSDlayers
コード例 #9
        public static void Run()
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string MyDir          = RunExamples.GetDataDir_ConvertingCAD();
            string sourceFilePath = MyDir + "conic_pyramid.dxf";
            var    outPath        = Path.Combine(MyDir, "FreePointOfView_out.jpg");

            using (CadImage cadImage = (CadImage)Image.Load(sourceFilePath))
                JpegOptions options = new JpegOptions
                    VectorRasterizationOptions = new CadRasterizationOptions
                        PageWidth = 1500, PageHeight = 1500

                float xAngle = 10; //Angle of rotation along the X axis
                float yAngle = 30; //Angle of rotation along the Y axis
                float zAngle = 40; //Angle of rotation along the Z axis
                ((CadRasterizationOptions)(options.VectorRasterizationOptions)).ObserverPoint = new ObserverPoint(xAngle, yAngle, zAngle);

                cadImage.Save(outPath, options);

            Console.WriteLine("\n3D images exported successfully to JPEG.\nFile saved at " + outPath);
コード例 #10
        public static void Run()
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_PSD();

            // Load PSD image.
            using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(dataDir + "PsdImage.psd"))
                JpegOptions options = new JpegOptions();

                // Set 2 bits per sample to see the difference in size and quality
                byte bpp = 2;

                //Just replace one line given below in examples to use YCCK instead of CMYK
                //options.ColorType = JpegCompressionColorMode.Cmyk;
                options.ColorType       = JpegCompressionColorMode.Cmyk;
                options.CompressionType = JpegCompressionMode.JpegLs;
                options.BitsPerChannel  = bpp;

                // The default profiles will be used.
                options.RgbColorProfile  = null;
                options.CmykColorProfile = null;

                image.Save(dataDir + "2_7BitsJPEG_output.jpg", options);

コード例 #11
        public override byte[] Decode(Bytes.Buffer data, PdfDirectObject parameters, IDictionary <PdfName, PdfDirectObject> header)
            var imageParams      = header;
            var dictHeight       = ((IPdfNumber)(header[PdfName.Height] ?? header[PdfName.H])).IntValue;
            var dictWidth        = ((IPdfNumber)(header[PdfName.Width] ?? header[PdfName.W])).IntValue;
            var bitsPerComponent = ((IPdfNumber)imageParams[PdfName.BitsPerComponent])?.IntValue ?? 8;
            var flag             = imageParams[PdfName.ImageMask] as PdfBoolean;
            var jpegOptions      = new JpegOptions(decodeTransform: null, colorTransform: null);

            // Checking if values need to be transformed before conversion.
            var decodeObj = imageParams[PdfName.Decode] ?? imageParams[PdfName.D];
            var decodeArr = decodeObj?.Resolve() as PdfArray;

            if (false && decodeArr != null)
                var decode          = decodeArr.Select(p => ((IPdfNumber)p).IntValue).ToArray();
                var decodeArrLength = decodeArr.Count;
                var transform       = new int[decodeArr.Count];
                var transformNeeded = false;
                var maxValue        = (1 << bitsPerComponent) - 1;
                for (var i = 0; i < decodeArrLength; i += 2)
                    transform[i]     = ((decode[i + 1] - decode[i]) * 256) | 0;
                    transform[i + 1] = (decode[i] * maxValue) | 0;
                    if (transform[i] != 256 || transform[i + 1] != 0)
                        transformNeeded = true;
                if (transformNeeded)
                    jpegOptions.DecodeTransform = transform;
            // Fetching the 'ColorTransform' entry, if it exists.
            if (parameters is PdfDictionary paramDict)
                var colorTransform = paramDict[PdfName.ColorTransform];
                if (colorTransform is IPdfNumber number)
                    jpegOptions.ColorTransform = number.IntValue;
            var jpegImage = new JpegImage(jpegOptions);

            var buffer = jpegImage.GetData(width: dictWidth, height: dictHeight, forceRGB: false, isSourcePDF: true);

コード例 #12
        public static void Run()
            string                  MyDir          = RunExamples.GetDataDir_ConvertingCAD();
            string                  sourceFilePath = MyDir + "themepark.plt";
            Image                   image          = Image.Load((sourceFilePath));
            ImageOptionsBase        imageOptions   = new JpegOptions();
            CadRasterizationOptions options        = new CadRasterizationOptions
                PageHeight = 500,
                PageWidth  = 1000,

            imageOptions.VectorRasterizationOptions = options;
            image.Save((MyDir + "themepark.jpg"), imageOptions);
コード例 #13
        public static void Run()
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string MyDir          = RunExamples.GetDataDir_DWFDrawings();
            string sourceFilePath = MyDir + "blocks_and_tables.dwf";
            string extension      = Path.GetExtension(sourceFilePath);

            using (DwfImage image = (DwfImage)Aspose.CAD.Image.Load(sourceFilePath))
                foreach (var page in image.Pages)
                    var layout = page.Name;
                    System.Console.WriteLine("Layout= " + layout);
                    using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(MyDir + "layout_" + layout + ".jpg", FileMode.Create))
                        JpegOptions             jpegOptions = new JpegOptions();
                        CadRasterizationOptions options     = new CadRasterizationOptions();
                        options.Layouts = new string[] { layout };

                        double sizeExtX = page.MaxPoint.X - page.MinPoint.X;
                        double sizeExtY = page.MaxPoint.Y - page.MinPoint.Y;

                        if (page.UnitType == UnitType.Inch)
                            options.PageHeight = CommonHelper.INtoPixels(sizeExtY, CommonHelper.DPI);
                            options.PageWidth  = CommonHelper.INtoPixels(sizeExtX, CommonHelper.DPI);
                        else if (page.UnitType == UnitType.Millimeter)
                            options.PageHeight = CommonHelper.MMtoPixels(sizeExtY, CommonHelper.DPI);
                            options.PageWidth  = CommonHelper.MMtoPixels(sizeExtX, CommonHelper.DPI);
                            options.PageHeight = (float)sizeExtY;
                            options.PageWidth  = (float)sizeExtX;

                        //options.CenterDrawing = true;
                        jpegOptions.VectorRasterizationOptions = options;

                        image.Save(fs, jpegOptions);
コード例 #14
        public static void Run()
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_PSD();

            // Load a PSD file as an image and cast it into PsdImage
            using (PsdImage psdImage = (PsdImage)Image.Load(dataDir + "layers.psd"))
                // Create JPEG option class object, Set its properties and save image
                var jpgOptions = new JpegOptions();
                psdImage.Save(dataDir + "MergePSDlayers_output.jpg", jpgOptions);

コード例 #15
        public static void Run()
            // ExStart:SupportForCMYKAndYCCKColorModesInJPEGLosslessUsingRGBProfile
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string       dataDir           = RunExamples.GetDataDir_JPEG();
            MemoryStream jpegStream        = new MemoryStream();
            FileStream   rgbProfileStream  = new FileStream("eciRGB_v2.icc", FileMode.Open);
            FileStream   cmykProfileStream = new FileStream("ISOcoated_v2_FullGamut4.icc", FileMode.Open);

            Sources.StreamSource rgbColorProfile  = new Sources.StreamSource(rgbProfileStream);
            Sources.StreamSource cmykColorProfile = new Sources.StreamSource(cmykProfileStream);

                // Save to JPEG Lossless CMYK
                using (JpegImage image = (JpegImage)Image.Load("056.jpg"))
                    JpegOptions options = new JpegOptions();
                    options.ColorType       = JpegCompressionColorMode.Cmyk;
                    options.CompressionType = JpegCompressionMode.Lossless;

                    // The custom profiles will be used.
                    options.RgbColorProfile  = rgbColorProfile;
                    options.CmykColorProfile = cmykColorProfile;

                    image.Save(jpegStream, options);

                // Load from JPEG Lossless CMYK
                jpegStream.Position        = 0;
                rgbProfileStream.Position  = 0;
                cmykProfileStream.Position = 0;
                using (JpegImage image = (JpegImage)Image.Load(jpegStream))
                    image.RgbColorProfile  = rgbColorProfile;
                    image.CmykColorProfile = cmykColorProfile;
                    image.Save("056_cmyk_custom_profiles.png", new PngOptions());
            // ExEnd:SupportForCMYKAndYCCKColorModesInJPEGLosslessUsingRGBProfile
コード例 #16
 public static void Run()
     // The path to the documents directory.
     string MyDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_DXFDrawings();
     string sourceFilePath = MyDir + "conic_pyramid.dxf";
   using (CadImage image = (CadImage)Image.Load(fileName);
         ImageOptionsBase options = new JpegOptions();
         options.VectorRasterizationOptions = new CadRasterizationOptions() {PdfProductLocation = "C:\PDF" /*path to pdf product and licence*/ };
         options.VectorRasterizationOptions.PageHeight = 1000;
         options.VectorRasterizationOptions.PageWidth = 1000;
         image.Save(outPath, options);
コード例 #17
        public static void Run()
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_JPEG();

            using (var original = Image.Load(dataDir + "ColorGif.gif"))
                var jpegOptions = new JpegOptions()
                    ColorType       = JpegCompressionColorMode.Grayscale,
                    CompressionType = JpegCompressionMode.Progressive,
                original.Save("D:/temp/result.jpg", jpegOptions);
コード例 #18
        public static void Run()
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_PSD();

            // Load PSD image.
            using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(dataDir + "PsdImage.psd"))
                JpegOptions options = new JpegOptions();
                options.ColorType       = JpegCompressionColorMode.Grayscale;
                options.CompressionType = JpegCompressionMode.Progressive;

                image.Save(dataDir + "ColorTypeAndCompressionType_output.jpg", options);

コード例 #19
        public static void Run()
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_PSD();


            String srcPath  = dataDir + @"sample.psd";
            string destName = dataDir + @"export";

            // Load an existing PSD image as Image
            using (Image image = Image.Load(srcPath))
                // Create an instance of PngOptions class
                PngOptions pngOptions = new PngOptions();

                // Create an instance of BmpOptions class
                BmpOptions bmpOptions = new BmpOptions();

                // Create an instance of TiffOptions class
                TiffOptions tiffOptions = new TiffOptions(FileFormats.Tiff.Enums.TiffExpectedFormat.Default);

                // Create an instance of GifOptions class
                GifOptions gifOptions = new GifOptions();

                // Create an instance of JpegOptions class
                JpegOptions jpegOptions = new JpegOptions();

                // Create an instance of Jpeg2000Options class
                Jpeg2000Options jpeg2000Options = new Jpeg2000Options();

                // Call the save method, provide output path and export options to convert PSD file to various raster file formats.
                image.Save(destName + ".png", pngOptions);
                image.Save(destName + ".bmp", bmpOptions);
                image.Save(destName + ".tiff", tiffOptions);
                image.Save(destName + ".gif", gifOptions);
                image.Save(destName + ".jpeg", jpegOptions);
                image.Save(destName + ".jp2", jpeg2000Options);

コード例 #20
        public static void Run()
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_PSD();


            // Load PSD image.
            using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(dataDir + "PsdImage.psd"))
                JpegOptions options = new JpegOptions();
                //Just replace one line given below in examples to use YCCK instead of CMYK
                //options.ColorType = JpegCompressionColorMode.Cmyk;
                options.ColorType       = JpegCompressionColorMode.Cmyk;
                options.CompressionType = JpegCompressionMode.JpegLs;

                // The default profiles will be used.
                options.RgbColorProfile  = null;
                options.CmykColorProfile = null;

                image.Save(dataDir + "output.jpg", options);

            // Load PSD image.
            using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(dataDir + "PsdImage.psd"))
                JpegOptions options = new JpegOptions();
                //Just replace one line given below in examples to use YCCK instead of CMYK
                //options.ColorType = JpegCompressionColorMode.Cmyk;
                options.ColorType       = JpegCompressionColorMode.Cmyk;
                options.CompressionType = JpegCompressionMode.Lossless;

                // The default profiles will be used.
                options.RgbColorProfile  = null;
                options.CmykColorProfile = null;

                image.Save(dataDir + "output2.jpg", options);

コード例 #21
        public static void Run()
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string MyDir          = RunExamples.GetDataDir_PLTDrawings();
            string sourceFilePath = MyDir + "50states.plt";

            using (Image cadImage = Image.Load(sourceFilePath))
                ImageOptionsBase        imageOptions = new JpegOptions();
                CadRasterizationOptions options      = new CadRasterizationOptions
                    PageHeight = 500,
                    PageWidth  = 1000,
                imageOptions.VectorRasterizationOptions = options;
                cadImage.Save(MyDir + "50states.jpg", imageOptions);
コード例 #22
        public static void Run()

            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_ModifyingAndConvertingImages();

            using (var image = Image.Load(dataDir + "aspose-logo.jpg"));

            JpegCompressionColorMode[] colorTypes = new JpegCompressionColorMode[]

            string[] sourceFileNames = new string[]

            JpegOptions options = new JpegOptions();

            options.BitsPerChannel = 12;

            for (int i = 0; i < colorTypes.Length; ++i)
                options.ColorType = colorTypes[i];
                string fileName = colorTypes[i] + " 12-bit.jpg";
                using (Image image = Image.Load(sourceFileNames[i]))
                    image.Save(fileName, options);
コード例 #23
        public static void Run()
            Console.WriteLine("Running example ConvertImageWithGrayscale");

            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_ModifyingAndConvertingImages();

            JpegCompressionColorMode[] colorTypes = new JpegCompressionColorMode[]

            string[] sourceFileNames = new string[]

            JpegOptions options = new JpegOptions();

            options.BitsPerChannel = 12;

            for (int i = 0; i < colorTypes.Length; ++i)
                options.ColorType = colorTypes[i];
                string fileName = colorTypes[i] + " 12-bit.jpg";
                using (Image image = Image.Load(dataDir + sourceFileNames[i]))
                    image.Save(dataDir + fileName, options);

            Console.WriteLine("Finished example ConvertImageWithGrayscale");
コード例 #24
        /// ConvertCadToImages method to convert cad to images
        public Response ConvertCadToImages(string fileName, string folderName, string outputType)
            if (outputType.Equals("bmp") || outputType.Equals("jpg") || outputType.Equals("png") || outputType.Equals("gif") || outputType.Equals("svg"))
                ImageOptionsBase imageOptionsBase = new BmpOptions();

                if (outputType.Equals("jpg"))
                    imageOptionsBase = new JpegOptions();
                else if (outputType.Equals("png"))
                    imageOptionsBase = new PngOptions();
                else if (outputType.Equals("gif"))
                    imageOptionsBase = new GifOptions();
                else if (outputType.Equals("svg"))
                    imageOptionsBase = new SvgOptions();
                return(ProcessTask(fileName, folderName, "." + outputType, false, false, delegate(string inFilePath, string outPath, string zipOutFolder)
                    using (Aspose.CAD.Image image = Aspose.CAD.Image.Load(inFilePath))
                        image.Save(outPath, imageOptionsBase);

            return(new Response
                FileName = null,
                Status = "Output type not found",
                StatusCode = 500
コード例 #25
        /// ConvertPSDToImageFiles method to convert psd to image
        public Response ConvertPSDToImageFiles(string fileName, string folderName, string outputType)
            if (outputType.Equals("bmp") || outputType.Equals("jpg") || outputType.Equals("png"))
                ImageOptionsBase optionsBase = new BmpOptions();

                if (outputType.Equals("jpg"))
                    optionsBase = new JpegOptions();
                else if (outputType.Equals("png"))
                    optionsBase = new PngOptions();
                else if (outputType.Equals("gif"))
                    optionsBase = new GifOptions();

                return(ProcessTask(fileName, folderName, "." + outputType, true, false, delegate(string inFilePath, string outPath, string zipOutFolder)
                    string fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(inFilePath).ToLower();

                    using (Image image = Image.Load(inFilePath))
                        image.Save(outPath, optionsBase);

            return(new Response
                FileName = null,
                Status = "Output type not found",
                StatusCode = 500
コード例 #26
        public static void Run()
            // ExStart:SupportForJPEG-LSWithCMYK
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string       dataDir      = RunExamples.GetDataDir_JPEG();
            MemoryStream jpegLsStream = new MemoryStream();

                // Save to CMYK JPEG-LS
                using (JpegImage image = (JpegImage)Image.Load("056.jpg"))
                    JpegOptions options = new JpegOptions();
                    //Just replace one line given below in examples to use YCCK instead of CMYK
                    //options.ColorType = JpegCompressionColorMode.Cmyk;
                    options.ColorType       = JpegCompressionColorMode.Cmyk;
                    options.CompressionType = JpegCompressionMode.JpegLs;

                    // The default profiles will be used.
                    options.RgbColorProfile  = null;
                    options.CmykColorProfile = null;

                    image.Save(jpegLsStream, options);

                // Load from CMYK JPEG-LS
                jpegLsStream.Position = 0;
                using (JpegImage image = (JpegImage)Image.Load(jpegLsStream))
                    image.Save("056_cmyk.png", new PngOptions());
コード例 #27
        public static void Run()
            // ExStart:MergePSDlayers
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_PSD();
            string sourceFileName = dataDir + "PsdImage.psd";

            // Load an existing PSD file as image
            using (Image image = Image.Load(sourceFileName))
                // Convert the loaded image to PSDImage
                var psdImage = (PsdImage)image;

                // Create a JPG file stream
                using (Stream stream = File.Create(sourceFileName.Replace("psd", "jpg")))
                    // Create JPEG option class object, Set the source property to jpg file stream and save image
                    var jpgOptions = new JpegOptions();
                    jpgOptions.Source = new StreamSource(stream);
                    psdImage.Save(stream, jpgOptions);
            // ExEnd:MergePSDlayers
コード例 #28
        public static void Run()
            // ExStart:CombineImages
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_DrawingAndFormattingImages();

            // Create an instance of JpegOptions and set its various properties
            JpegOptions imageOptions = new JpegOptions();

            // Create an instance of FileCreateSource and assign it to Source property
            imageOptions.Source = new FileCreateSource(dataDir + "Two_images_result_out.bmp", false);

            // Create an instance of Image and define canvas size
            using (var image = Image.Create(imageOptions, 600, 600))
                // Create and initialize an instance of Graphics, Clear the image surface with white color and Draw Image
                var graphics = new Graphics(image);
                graphics.DrawImage(Image.Load(dataDir + "sample_1.bmp"), 0, 0, 600, 300);
                graphics.DrawImage(Image.Load(dataDir + "File1.bmp"), 0, 300, 600, 300);
            // ExEnd:CombineImages
コード例 #29
        public static void Run()
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string MyDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_ConvertingCAD();

            string[] sourceFilePaths = new[]
                MyDir + "conic_pyramid.dxf",
                MyDir + "Bottom_plate.dwg"

            foreach (var sourceFilePath in sourceFilePaths)
                string extension = Path.GetExtension(sourceFilePath);
                using (CadImage cadImage = (CadImage)Aspose.CAD.Image.Load(sourceFilePath))
                    List <string> layouts = GetNotEmptyLayouts(cadImage, extension);
                    const double  Epsilon = 0.00001;
                    foreach (string layout in layouts)
                        System.Console.WriteLine("Layout= " + layout);
                        using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(MyDir + "layout_" + extension + "_" + layout + ".jpg", FileMode.Create))
                            JpegOptions             jpegOptions = new JpegOptions();
                            CadRasterizationOptions options     = new CadRasterizationOptions();
                            options.Layouts = new string[] { layout };

                            CadLayout l = cadImage.Layouts[layout];

                            if ((Math.Abs(l.MaxExtents.Y) < Epsilon && Math.Abs(l.MaxExtents.X) < Epsilon) ||
                                (Math.Abs(l.MaxExtents.Y + 1E+20) < Epsilon ||
                                 Math.Abs(l.MaxExtents.X + 1E+20) < Epsilon) ||
                                (Math.Abs(l.MinExtents.Y - 1E+20) < Epsilon ||
                                 Math.Abs(l.MinExtents.X - 1E+20) < Epsilon))
                                // do nothing, we can automatically detect size
                                // we can not rely on PlotPaperUnits here too because it is PlotInInches by default
                                double sizeExtX = l.MaxExtents.X - l.MinExtents.X;
                                double sizeExtY = l.MaxExtents.Y - l.MinExtents.Y;

                                if (l.PlotPaperUnits == CadPlotPaperUnits.PlotInInches)
                                    options.PageHeight = CommonHelper.INtoPixels(sizeExtY, CommonHelper.DPI);
                                    options.PageWidth  = CommonHelper.INtoPixels(sizeExtX, CommonHelper.DPI);
                                    if (l.PlotPaperUnits == CadPlotPaperUnits.PlotInMillimeters)
                                        options.PageHeight = CommonHelper.MMtoPixels(sizeExtY, CommonHelper.DPI);
                                        options.PageWidth  = CommonHelper.MMtoPixels(sizeExtX, CommonHelper.DPI);
                                        options.PageHeight = (float)sizeExtY;
                                        options.PageWidth  = (float)sizeExtX;

                            options.CenterDrawing = true;
                            jpegOptions.VectorRasterizationOptions = options;

                            cadImage.Save(fs, jpegOptions);
        public static void Run()
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_ModifyingAndConvertingImages();


            // Create a new Image.
            using (PsdImage image = new PsdImage(500, 500))
                // Fill image data.
                int   count   = image.Width * image.Height;
                int[] pixels  = new int[count];
                int   r       = 0;
                int   g       = 0;
                int   b       = 0;
                int   channel = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    if (channel % 3 == 0)
                        if (r == 256)
                            r = 0;
                    else if (channel % 3 == 1)
                        if (g == 256)
                            g = 0;
                        if (b == 256)
                            b = 0;

                    pixels[i] = Color.FromArgb(r, g, b).ToArgb();

                // Save the newly created pixels.
                image.SaveArgb32Pixels(image.Bounds, pixels);

                // Save the newly created image.
                image.Save(dataDir + "Default.jpg", new JpegOptions());

                // Update color profile.
                StreamSource rgbprofile  = new StreamSource(File.OpenRead(dataDir + "eciRGB_v2.icc"));
                StreamSource cmykprofile = new StreamSource(File.OpenRead(dataDir + "ISOcoated_v2_FullGamut4.icc"));
                image.RgbColorProfile  = rgbprofile;
                image.CmykColorProfile = cmykprofile;

                // Save the resultant image with new YCCK profiles. You will notice differences in color values if compare the images.
                JpegOptions options = new JpegOptions();
                options.ColorType = JpegCompressionColorMode.Cmyk;
                image.Save(dataDir + "Cmyk_Default_profiles.jpg", options);

コード例 #31
        /// ConvertImageFormat method to convert image to different image formats
        public Response ConvertImageFormat(string fileName, string folderName, string outputType)
            if (outputType.Equals("gif") || outputType.Equals("bmp") || outputType.Equals("jpg") || outputType.Equals("png") ||
                outputType.Equals("psd") || outputType.Equals("emf") || outputType.Equals("svg") || outputType.Equals("wmf"))
                ImageOptionsBase optionsBase = new BmpOptions();

                if (outputType.Equals("jpg"))
                    optionsBase = new JpegOptions();
                else if (outputType.Equals("png"))
                    optionsBase = new PngOptions();
                else if (outputType.Equals("gif"))
                    optionsBase = new GifOptions();
                else if (outputType.Equals("psd"))
                    optionsBase = new PsdOptions();
                else if (outputType.Equals("emf"))
                    optionsBase = new EmfOptions();
                else if (outputType.Equals("svg"))
                    optionsBase = new SvgOptions();
                else if (outputType.Equals("wmf"))
                    optionsBase = new WmfOptions();
                return(ProcessTask(fileName, folderName, "." + outputType, true, true, delegate(string inFilePath, string outPath, string zipOutFolder)
                    string fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(inFilePath).ToLower();
                    if ((fileExtension == ".tif") || (fileExtension == ".tiff"))
                        string outfileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName) + "_{0}";
                        using (TiffImage multiImage = (TiffImage)Image.Load(inFilePath))
                            if (multiImage.Frames.Length > 1)
                                int frameCounter = 0;
                                // Iterate over the TiffFrames in TiffImage
                                foreach (TiffFrame tiffFrame in multiImage.Frames)
                                    multiImage.ActiveFrame = tiffFrame;
                                    // Load Pixels of TiffFrame into an array of Colors
                                    Color[] pixels = multiImage.LoadPixels(tiffFrame.Bounds);
                                    // Create an instance of JpegOptions

                                    // Set the Source of JpegOptions as FileCreateSource by specifying the location where output will be saved
                                    // Last boolean parameter denotes isTemporal
                                    outPath = zipOutFolder + "/" + outfileName;

                                    optionsBase.Source = new FileCreateSource(string.Format(outPath, frameCounter + 1) + "." + outputType, false);
                                    // Create a new RasterImage of Jpeg type
                                    using (var jpgImage = (RasterImage)Image.Create(optionsBase, tiffFrame.Width, tiffFrame.Height))
                                        // Save the JpegImage with pixels from TiffFrame
                                        jpgImage.SavePixels(tiffFrame.Bounds, pixels);
                                        // Resize the Jpeg Image
                                        jpgImage.Resize(100, 100, ResizeType.NearestNeighbourResample);
                                        // Save the results on disk
                                multiImage.Save(outPath, optionsBase);

                        using (Image image = Image.Load(inFilePath))
                            image.Save(outPath, optionsBase);

            return(new Response
                FileName = null,
                Status = "Output type not found",
                StatusCode = 500