コード例 #1
 public async ValueTask HandleJoinedGuild(object sender, JoinedGuildEventArgs e)
     foreach (var service in JoinedGuildServices)
         await ExecuteAsync((service, e) => service.OnJoinedGuild(e), service, e).ConfigureAwait(false);
コード例 #2
ファイル: EspeonBot.Events.cs プロジェクト: k-boyle/Espeon
        private async Task OnGuildJoined(JoinedGuildEventArgs args)
            var guild = args.Guild;

            this._logger.LogInformation("Joined {guild} with {members} members", guild.Name, guild.MemberCount);
            using var scope         = this.CreateScope();
            await using var context = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <EspeonDbContext>();
            await PersistGuildAsync(guild, context);
コード例 #3
        private async Task OnJoinAsync(JoinedGuildEventArgs args)
            _logger.Debug(LogSource.Volte, "Joined a guild.");
            if (Config.BlacklistedOwners.Contains(args.Guild.Owner.Id))
                             $"Left guild \"{args.Guild.Name}\" owned by blacklisted owner {args.Guild.Owner}.");
                await args.Guild.LeaveAsync();


            var embed = new EmbedBuilder()
                        .WithTitle("Hey there!")
                        .WithDescription("Thanks for inviting me! Here's some basic instructions on how to set me up.")
                        .AddField("Set your admin role", "$adminrole {roleName}", true)
                        .AddField("Set your moderator role", "$modrole {roleName}", true)
                        .AddField("Permissions", new StringBuilder()
                                  .AppendLine("It is recommended to give me admin permission, to avoid any permission errors that may happen.")
                                  .AppendLine("You *can* get away with just send messages, ban members, kick members, and the like if you don't want to give me admin.")
                        .AddField("Support Server", "[Join my support Discord here](https://discord.gg/H8bcFr2)");

                          "Attempting to send the guild owner the introduction message.");
                await embed.SendToAsync(args.Guild.Owner);

                              "Sent the guild owner the introduction message.");
            catch (HttpException ex) when(ex.HttpCode is HttpStatusCode.Forbidden)
                var c = args.Guild.TextChannels.OrderByDescending(x => x.Position).FirstOrDefault();

                              "Could not DM the guild owner; sending to the upper-most channel instead.");
                if (c != null)
                    await embed.SendToAsync(c);

            if (!Config.GuildLogging.EnsureValidConfiguration(_client, out var channel))
                _logger.Error(LogSource.Volte, "Invalid guild_logging.guild_id/guild_logging.channel_id configuration. Check your IDs and try again.");

            var all   = args.Guild.Users;
            var users = all.Where(u => !u.IsBot).ToList();
            var bots  = all.Where(u => u.IsBot).ToList();

            var e = new EmbedBuilder()
                    .WithTitle("Joined Guild")
                    .AddField("Name", args.Guild.Name, true)
                    .AddField("ID", args.Guild.Id, true)
                    .AddField("Users", users.Count(), true)
                    .AddField("Bots", bots.Count(), true);

            if (bots.Count() > users.Count())
                await channel.SendMessageAsync(
                    $"{_client.GetOwner().Mention}: Joined a guild with more bots than users.", false,
                await e.WithSuccessColor().SendToAsync(channel);
コード例 #4
 protected internal virtual ValueTask OnJoinedGuild(JoinedGuildEventArgs e)
 => default;