public static List <IO2Finding> mapJoinPoints_HashTagsOn_Sources(List <IO2Finding> o2findings) { var results = new List <IO2Finding>(); foreach (O2Finding o2Finding in o2findings) { var hashTagName = JoinOnAttributes.extractNameFromContext(o2Finding.SourceContext, "\"", "\""); // make this the first trace if (hashTagName != "") { //var newO2Trace = new O2Trace(hashTagName, TraceType.O2JoinSource); var copyOfO2Finding = (O2Finding)OzasmtCopy.createCopy(o2Finding); var joinLocation = copyOfO2Finding.o2Traces[0].file; // insert JoinSource copyOfO2Finding.insertTrace(hashTagName, TraceType.O2JoinSource); // insert Location copyOfO2Finding.insertTrace(joinLocation, TraceType.O2JoinLocation); //newO2Trace.childTraces.AddRange(o2Finding.o2Traces); //copyOfO2Finding.o2Traces = new List<IO2Trace> { newO2Trace }; results.Add(copyOfO2Finding); } } return(results); }
public static List <IO2Finding> mapJoinPoints_HashTagsOn_Sinks(List <IO2Finding> o2findings) { var results = new List <IO2Finding>(); foreach (O2Finding o2Finding in o2findings) { var hashTagName = JoinOnAttributes.extractNameFromContext(o2Finding.SinkContext, "\"", "\""); // make this the last trace if (hashTagName != "") { var copyOfO2Finding = (O2Finding)OzasmtCopy.createCopy(o2Finding); var joinLocation = copyOfO2Finding.o2Traces[0].file; // insert JoinSink copyOfO2Finding.addTrace(copyOfO2Finding.getSink(), hashTagName, TraceType.O2JoinSink); // insert Location copyOfO2Finding.insertTrace(joinLocation, TraceType.O2JoinLocation); results.Add(copyOfO2Finding); } } return(results); }
public void calculateResults() /*ascx_StrutsMappings strutsMappingsControl, * ascx_FilteredFindings filteredFindings_TaintSources, * ascx_FilteredFindings filteredFindings_FinalSinks, * ascx_FindingsViewer findingsViewer_FinalFindings * )*/ { //const string controlTypePrefixString = "Controller Type: "; //const string viewPrefixString = "view: "; var results = new List <IO2Finding>(); // need to build 4 dictionaries PublicDI.log.debug("building 4 dictionaries with sources,sinks and Join points"); // JoinSink in taintSources var taintSourcesJoinSinks = new Dictionary <string, List <IO2Finding> >(); //foreach (O2Finding o2Finding in filteredFindings_TaintSources.getResults()) foreach (O2Finding o2Finding in findingsWith_FindingsFromTaintSources) { var joinSinks = o2Finding.JoinSinks(); if (joinSinks.Count == 1) { var joinSink = joinSinks[0]; // we currenty only support the case where there is one JoinSink if (false == taintSourcesJoinSinks.ContainsKey(joinSink)) { taintSourcesJoinSinks.Add(joinSink, new List <IO2Finding>()); } taintSourcesJoinSinks[joinSink].Add(o2Finding); } } // var taintSourcesJoinLocations var taintSourcesJoinLocations = new Dictionary <string, List <IO2Finding> >(); //foreach (O2Finding o2Finding in filteredFindings_TaintSources.getResults()) foreach (O2Finding o2Finding in findingsWith_FindingsFromTaintSources) { var joinLocations = o2Finding.getJoinLocations(); if (joinLocations.Count == 1) { var joinLocation = joinLocations[0].signature; // we currenty only support the case where there is one JoinLocation if (false == taintSourcesJoinLocations.ContainsKey(joinLocation)) { taintSourcesJoinLocations.Add(joinLocation, new List <IO2Finding>()); } taintSourcesJoinLocations[joinLocation].Add(o2Finding); } } // JoinSources in final Sinks var finalSinksTaintSources = new Dictionary <string, List <IO2Finding> >(); //foreach (O2Finding o2Finding in filteredFindings_FinalSinks.getResults()) foreach (O2Finding o2Finding in findingsWith_FindingsToFinalSinks) { var joinSources = o2Finding.JoinSources(); if (joinSources.Count == 1) { var joinSource = joinSources[0]; // we currenty only support the case where there is one JoinSource if (false == finalSinksTaintSources.ContainsKey(joinSource)) { finalSinksTaintSources.Add(joinSource, new List <IO2Finding>()); } finalSinksTaintSources[joinSource].Add(o2Finding); } } // var finalSinksJoinLocations var finalSinksJoinLocations = new Dictionary <string, List <IO2Finding> >(); //foreach (O2Finding o2Finding in filteredFindings_FinalSinks.getResults()) foreach (O2Finding o2Finding in findingsWith_FindingsToFinalSinks) { var joinLocations = o2Finding.getJoinLocations(); if (joinLocations.Count == 1) { var joinLocation = joinLocations[0].signature; // we currenty only support the case where there is one JoinLocation if (false == finalSinksJoinLocations.ContainsKey(joinLocation)) { finalSinksJoinLocations.Add(joinLocation, new List <IO2Finding>()); } finalSinksJoinLocations[joinLocation].Add(o2Finding); } } PublicDI.log.debug("mapping all data"); //foreach (var actionServlet in strutsMappingsControl.getStrutsMappingObject().actionServlets) foreach (var actionServlet in StrutsMappings.actionServlets) { var controllersToAdd = actionServlet.controllers.Values.Count; var controllersAdded = 0; foreach (var controler in actionServlet.controllers.Values) { if (controllersAdded++ % 10 == 0) { PublicDI.log.debug(" Added [{0}/{1}] controllers ({2} findings so far)", controllersAdded, controllersToAdd, results.Count); } foreach (var path in controler.paths) { foreach (var view in path.resolvedViews) { //"{0} - {1}", controler.type, view); // now search on the Join Locations foreach (var taintSourcesJoinLocation in taintSourcesJoinLocations) { foreach (var finalSinksJoinLocation in finalSinksJoinLocations) { var filteredController = controler.type ?? ""; var filteredView = JoinPointFilter(view); //.Replace("\\", ".").Replace('/', '.'); var filteredTaintSource = JoinPointFilter(taintSourcesJoinLocation.Key); //.Replace('\\', '.').Replace('/', '.'); var filteredFinalSink = JoinPointFilter(finalSinksJoinLocation.Key); //.Replace('\\', '.').Replace('/', '.'); ; if (filteredTaintSource.Contains(filteredController) && filteredFinalSink.Contains(filteredView)) { foreach (O2Finding taintSourceFinding in taintSourcesJoinLocation.Value) { foreach (O2Finding finalSinkFinding in finalSinksJoinLocation.Value) { if (taintSourceFinding.JoinSinks().Count == 1 && finalSinkFinding.JoinSources().Count == 1) { if (taintSourceFinding.JoinSinks()[0] == finalSinkFinding.JoinSources()[0]) { // if we have a match , create the finding var o2Finding = new O2Finding { vulnType = "Struts.Finding : " + controler.type, vulnName = controler.type ?? "" }; var o2RootTrace = (O2Trace) o2Finding.addTrace("Struts Mapping", TraceType.Root_Call); var controllerTrace = o2RootTrace.addTrace("Controller: " + controler.type, TraceType.O2JoinSink); if (controler.formBean != null) { var beanTrace = (O2Trace) o2RootTrace.addTrace( "Form Bean : " +, TraceType.O2Info); beanTrace.addTrace("has validation mapping" + controler.formBean.hasValidationMapping); // only add the field that matches the current join var currentJoinPoint = JoinOnAttributes.extractNameFromContext(taintSourceFinding.SourceContext, "\"", "\""); foreach (var field in controler.formBean.fields) { if (field.Key == currentJoinPoint) { var joinPoint = (O2Trace)beanTrace.addTrace(; joinPoint.addTrace("hasValidationMapping: " + field.Value.hasValidationMapping); joinPoint.addTrace_IfNotEmpty("depends: ", field.Value.depends); joinPoint.addTrace_IfNotEmpty("initial", field.Value.initial); joinPoint.addTrace_IfNotEmpty("type", field.Value.type); foreach (var validator in field.Value.validators) { joinPoint.addTrace( string.Format("validator: {0}={1}", validator.Key, validator.Value)); } } } //var formBeanTrace = o2RootTrace.addTrace( "Form Bean: " + controler.formBean.type ?? "",TraceType.O2Info); } controllerTrace.childTraces.AddRange(taintSourceFinding.o2Traces); var pathsTrace = (O2Trace)o2RootTrace.addTrace("paths:", TraceType.O2Info); var pathTrace = (O2Trace)pathsTrace.addTrace("url: " + path.path); pathTrace.addTrace("controller: " + controler.type + " <- "); var viewTrace = pathTrace.addTrace("view: " + filteredView, TraceType.O2JoinSink); viewTrace.childTraces.AddRange(finalSinkFinding.o2Traces); results.Add(o2Finding); } } } } /* o2Finding.addTraces(new[] * { * filteredController, filteredView, filteredTaintSource, * filteredFinalSink * });*/ } //" {0} = {1}", filteredController, filteredTaintSource); //" {0} = {1}", filteredView, filteredFinalSink); } } } } } } findingsWith_Results = results; PublicDI.log.debug("mapping complete"); //findingsViewer_FinalFindings.loadO2Findings(results, true); }