コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the Job XML data
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="directory"></param>
        /// <param name="scanType"></param>
        /// <returns>Job xml data</returns>
        public static JobXmlData GetJobXmlFileInfo(string directory, DirectoryScanType scanType)
            JobXmlData jobScanXmlData = new JobXmlData();
            string     baseDirectory  = (scanType == DirectoryScanType.INPUT_BUFFER) ? IniData.InputDir : IniData.ProcessingDir;
            string     job            = directory.Replace(baseDirectory, "").Remove(0, 1);

            jobScanXmlData.Job             = job;
            jobScanXmlData.JobDirectory    = directory;
            jobScanXmlData.JobSerialNumber = job.Substring(0, job.IndexOf("_"));
            int start = job.IndexOf("_") + 1;

            jobScanXmlData.TimeStamp = job.Substring(start, job.Length - start);

            // Wait until the Xml file shows up
            bool xmlFileFound = false;

                string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(directory, "*.xml");
                if (files.Length > 0)
                    jobScanXmlData.XmlFileName = Path.GetFileName(files[0]);
                    xmlFileFound = true;

            }while (xmlFileFound == false);

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to start new jobs from the Input Buffer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="directory"></param>
        public void StartInputJob(string directory)
            // Get data found in Job xml file
            JobXmlData jobXmlData = StaticClass.GetJobXmlFileInfo(directory, DirectoryScanType.INPUT_BUFFER);

            if (jobXmlData == null)
                StaticClass.Logger.LogError("InputJobsScanThread GetJobXmlData failed");

            // Display job xml data found
            StaticClass.Log("Input Job                      : " + jobXmlData.Job);
            StaticClass.Log("Input Job Directory            : " + jobXmlData.JobDirectory);
            StaticClass.Log("Input Job Serial Number        : " + jobXmlData.JobSerialNumber);
            StaticClass.Log("Input Job Time Stamp           : " + jobXmlData.TimeStamp);
            StaticClass.Log("Input Job Xml File             : " + jobXmlData.XmlFileName);

            StaticClass.Log(string.Format("Started Input Job {0} executing Slot {1} at {2:HH:mm:ss.fff}",
                                          jobXmlData.Job, StaticClass.NumberOfJobsExecuting + 1, DateTime.Now));

            // Create a thread to run the job, and then start the thread
            JobRunThread jobRunThread = new JobRunThread(jobXmlData, DirectoryScanType.INPUT_BUFFER);

            if (jobRunThread == null)
                StaticClass.Logger.LogError("InputJobsScanThread jobRunThread failed to instantiate");
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the Job XML data
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="directory"></param>
        /// <param name="scanType"></param>
        /// <returns>Job Xml data</returns>
        public static JobXmlData GetJobXmlFileInfo(string directory, DirectoryScanType scanType)
            JobXmlData jobScanXmlData = new JobXmlData();
            string     baseDirectory  = (scanType == DirectoryScanType.INPUT_BUFFER) ? IniData.InputDir : IniData.ProcessingDir;
            string     job            = directory.Replace(baseDirectory, "").Remove(0, 1);

            jobScanXmlData.Job             = job;
            jobScanXmlData.JobDirectory    = directory;
            jobScanXmlData.JobSerialNumber = job.Substring(0, job.IndexOf("_"));
            int start = job.IndexOf("_") + 1;

            jobScanXmlData.TimeStamp = job.Substring(start, job.Length - start);

            Log(string.Format("Job {0} waiting for it's Job xml file at {1:HH:mm:ss.fff}", job, DateTime.Now));

            // Wait until Job xml file is present to continue partial job
            bool xmlFileFound = false;

                string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(directory, "*.xml");
                if (files.Length > 0)
                    jobScanXmlData.XmlFileName = Path.GetFileName(files[0]);
                    Log(string.Format("Job {0} found it's Job xml file {1} at {2:HH:mm:ss.fff}",
                                      job, jobScanXmlData.XmlFileName, DateTime.Now));
                    xmlFileFound = true;

            }while (xmlFileFound == false);

コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Check if a Job directory is complete
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="directory"></param>
        /// <returns>Job Files Complete or not</returns>
        public static bool CheckIfJobFilesComplete(string directory)
            // Check if the Job Xml file exists
            string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(directory, "*.xml");
            if (files.Length > 0)
                JobXmlData jobXmlData     = GetJobXmlFileInfo(directory, DirectoryScanType.INPUT_BUFFER);
                string     jobXmlFileName = jobXmlData.JobDirectory + @"\" + jobXmlData.XmlFileName;
                if (CheckFileReady(jobXmlFileName))
                    // Read Job xml file and get the top node
                    XmlDocument jobXmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
                    XmlElement root    = jobXmlDoc.DocumentElement;
                    string     TopNode = root.LocalName;

                    // Get nodes for the number of files and names of files to transfer from Job .xml file
                    XmlNode ConsumedNode        = jobXmlDoc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("/" + TopNode + "/FileConfiguration/Consumed");
                    int     numberOfFilesNeeded = Convert.ToInt32(ConsumedNode.InnerText);

                    // Get the current number of files
                    DirectoryInfo InputJobInfo = new DirectoryInfo(directory);
                    if (InputJobInfo == null)
                        Logger.LogError("InputJobInfo failed to instantiate");
                    int numberOfFilesFound = InputJobInfo.GetFiles().Length;

                    // Return Job file start set complete or not
                    return(numberOfFilesNeeded == numberOfFilesFound);

コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Run Input Buffer Scan
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="jobDirectory"></param>
        public void RunInputBufferPartialJob(string jobDirectory)
            JobXmlData jobXmlData = StaticClass.GetJobXmlFileInfo(jobDirectory, DirectoryScanType.INPUT_BUFFER);

            if (jobXmlData.XmlFileName != string.Empty)
                // Now start the new job
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Start a Processing directory job
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="directory"></param>
        public void StartProcessingJob(string directory)
            // Delete the data.xml file in the Processing directory if found
            string dataXmlFile = directory + @"\" + "data.xml";

            if (File.Exists(dataXmlFile))

            // Get data found in job Xml file
            JobXmlData jobXmlData = StaticClass.GetJobXmlFileInfo(directory, DirectoryScanType.PROCESSING_BUFFER);

            if (jobXmlData == null)
                StaticClass.Logger.LogError("ProcessingJobsScanThread GetJobXmlData failed");

            // Display job xml Data found
            StaticClass.Log("Processing Job                 : " + jobXmlData.Job);
            StaticClass.Log("Processing Job Directory       : " + jobXmlData.JobDirectory);
            StaticClass.Log("Processing Job Serial Number   : " + jobXmlData.JobSerialNumber);
            StaticClass.Log("Processing Job Time Stamp      : " + jobXmlData.TimeStamp);
            StaticClass.Log("Processing Job Xml File        : " + jobXmlData.XmlFileName);

            StaticClass.Log(string.Format("Starting Processing directory Job {0} Executing Slot {1} at {2:HH:mm:ss.fff}",
                                          jobXmlData.Job, StaticClass.NumberOfJobsExecuting + 1, DateTime.Now));

            // Create a thread to run the job, and then start the thread
            JobRunThread jobRunThread = new JobRunThread(jobXmlData, DirectoryScanType.PROCESSING_BUFFER);

            if (jobRunThread == null)
                StaticClass.Logger.LogError("ProcessingJobsScanThread jobRunThread failed to instantiate");
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Check for new Input Buffer jobs
        /// </summary>
        public void RunInputJobsFound()
            if (StaticClass.NumberOfJobsExecuting < StaticClass.IniData.ExecutionLimit)
                if (StaticClass.GetTotalNumberOfJobs() > 0)
                    string job = StaticClass.GetJobFromList(StaticClass.CurrentJobIndex);
                    if (job != string.Empty)
                        StaticClass.Log(string.Format("Input Job handler got Job {0} from list index {1} at {2:HH:mm:ss.fff}",
                                                      job, StaticClass.CurrentJobIndex, DateTime.Now));

                        // Check for complete jobs and run them first
                        string jobDirectory = StaticClass.IniData.InputDir + @"\" + job;
                        if (StaticClass.CheckIfJobFilesComplete(jobDirectory) == true)
                            StaticClass.Log(string.Format("Starting Input Job {0} index {1} at {2:HH:mm:ss.fff}",
                                                          jobDirectory, StaticClass.CurrentJobIndex, DateTime.Now));

                            // Start the new completely ready Job

                            // Delete the job from the list and display the new list
                        else // Partial Job handling
                            // Skip Partial Job if there are more in the list
                            int lastIndex = StaticClass.GetLastIndex();
                            if (StaticClass.CurrentJobIndex < lastIndex)
                                StaticClass.Log(string.Format("Input Job scanner skipping Job {0} index {1} as not ready at {2:HH:mm:ss.fff}",
                                                              job, StaticClass.CurrentJobIndex, DateTime.Now));

                            else // Run last job in list
                                // Wait for the job xml file
                                JobXmlData jobXmlData = StaticClass.GetJobXmlFileInfo(jobDirectory, DirectoryScanType.INPUT_BUFFER);
                                if (jobXmlData.XmlFileName != string.Empty)
                                    StaticClass.Log(string.Format("Starting Partial Input Job {0} index {1} at {2:HH:mm:ss.fff}",
                                                                  jobDirectory, StaticClass.CurrentJobIndex, DateTime.Now));

                                    // Start the new partial job

                                    // Delete the job from the list

                                // If there is a skipped partial job, start it next by setting index to previous one
                                int previousJobIndex = StaticClass.GetPreviousIndex();
                                if ((previousJobIndex > 0) && (StaticClass.CurrentJobIndex > previousJobIndex))
                                    StaticClass.CurrentJobIndex = previousJobIndex;
                    if (CurrentJobIndex != StaticClass.CurrentJobIndex)
                        StaticClass.Log(string.Format("Input Jobs Scanner Resetting Current Job Index from {0} to {1} at {2:HH:mm:ss.fff}",
                                                      StaticClass.CurrentJobIndex, 1, DateTime.Now));
                        CurrentJobIndex = StaticClass.CurrentJobIndex = 1;
コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the data from the Job xml file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="jobXmlData"></param>
        /// <param name="monitorData"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public StatusMonitorData GetJobXmlData(JobXmlData jobXmlData, StatusMonitorData monitorData)
            // Wait for Job xml file to be ready
            string jobXmlFileName = jobXmlData.JobDirectory + @"\" + jobXmlData.XmlFileName;

            if (StaticClass.CheckFileReady(jobXmlFileName))
                // Read Job xml file and get the top node
                XmlDocument jobXmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

                XmlElement root    = jobXmlDoc.DocumentElement;
                string     TopNode = root.LocalName;

                // Get nodes for the number of files and names of files to transfer from Job .xml file
                XmlNode UnitNumberdNode = jobXmlDoc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("/" + TopNode + "/listitem/value");
                XmlNode ConsumedNode    = jobXmlDoc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("/" + TopNode + "/FileConfiguration/Consumed");
                XmlNode ProducedNode    = jobXmlDoc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("/" + TopNode + "/FileConfiguration/Produced");
                XmlNode TransferedNode  = jobXmlDoc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("/" + TopNode + "/FileConfiguration/Transfered");
                XmlNode ModelerNode     = jobXmlDoc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("/" + TopNode + "/FileConfiguration/Modeler");

                // Assign then increment port number for this Job
                monitorData.JobPortNumber = StaticClass.IniData.StartPort + StaticClass.JobPortIndex++;

                // Get the modeler and number of files to transfer
                int NumFilesToTransfer = 0;
                monitorData.UnitNumber       = UnitNumberdNode.InnerText;
                monitorData.Modeler          = ModelerNode.InnerText;
                monitorData.NumFilesConsumed = Convert.ToInt32(ConsumedNode.InnerText);
                monitorData.NumFilesProduced = Convert.ToInt32(ProducedNode.InnerText);
                if (TransferedNode != null)
                    NumFilesToTransfer = Convert.ToInt32(TransferedNode.InnerText);
                monitorData.NumFilesToTransfer = NumFilesToTransfer;

                // Get the modeler and number of files to transfer
                StaticClass.Log($"Unit Number                    : {monitorData.UnitNumber}");
                StaticClass.Log($"Modeler                        : {monitorData.Modeler}");
                StaticClass.Log($"Num Files Consumed             : {monitorData.NumFilesConsumed}");
                StaticClass.Log($"Num Files Produced             : {monitorData.NumFilesProduced}");
                StaticClass.Log($"Num Files To Transfer          : {monitorData.NumFilesToTransfer}");
                StaticClass.Log($"Job Port Number                : {monitorData.JobPortNumber}");

                // Create the Transfered file list from the Xml file entries
                monitorData.TransferedFileList = new List <string>(NumFilesToTransfer);
                for (int i = 1; i < NumFilesToTransfer + 1; i++)
                    string  transferFileNodeName = ("/" + TopNode + "/FileConfiguration/Transfered" + i.ToString());
                    XmlNode TransferedFileXml    = jobXmlDoc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode(transferFileNodeName);
                    StaticClass.Log(string.Format("Transfer File{0}                 : {1}", i, TransferedFileXml.InnerText));
                StaticClass.Logger.LogError("File {0} is not available at {1:HH:mm:ss.fff}\n", jobXmlFileName, DateTime.Now);

コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Run a job from Input or Processing Buffers
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dirScanType"></param>
        /// <param name="jobXmlData"></param>
        public void RunJob(JobXmlData jobXmlData, DirectoryScanType dirScanType)
            // Increment number of Jobs executing in only one place!

            // Create the Job Run common strings
            string job                       = jobXmlData.Job;
            string xmlJobDirectory           = jobXmlData.JobDirectory;
            string processingBufferDirectory = StaticClass.IniData.ProcessingDir;
            string processingBufferJobDir    = processingBufferDirectory + @"\" + job;

            // Set the job start time
            StaticClass.JobStartTime[job] = DateTime.Now;

            // Create new status monitor data and fill it in with the job xml data
            StatusMonitorData monitorData = new StatusMonitorData
                Job             = job,
                JobDirectory    = xmlJobDirectory,
                StartTime       = DateTime.Now,
                JobSerialNumber = jobXmlData.JobSerialNumber,
                TimeStamp       = jobXmlData.TimeStamp,
                XmlFileName     = jobXmlData.XmlFileName

            // Add initial entry to status list
            StaticClass.StatusDataEntry(job, JobStatus.JOB_STARTED, JobType.TIME_RECEIVED);

            // Get the Job xml data
            monitorData = GetJobXmlData(jobXmlData, monitorData);

            // If this job comes from the Input directory, run the Input job check and start job
            if (dirScanType == DirectoryScanType.INPUT_BUFFER)
                RunInputBufferScan(processingBufferJobDir, job, monitorData);

            // If the shutdown flag is set, exit method
            if (StaticClass.ShutDownPauseCheck("Run Job") == true)

            // Add entry to status list
            StaticClass.StatusDataEntry(job, JobStatus.EXECUTING, JobType.TIME_START);

            StaticClass.Log(string.Format("Starting Job {0} with Modeler {1} on Port {2} with {3} CPU's at {4:HH:mm:ss.fff}",
                                          job, monitorData.Modeler, monitorData.JobPortNumber, StaticClass.IniData.CPUCores, DateTime.Now));

            // Execute Modeler using the command line generator
            string executable       = StaticClass.IniData.ModelerRootDir + @"\" + monitorData.Modeler + @"\" + monitorData.Modeler + ".exe";
            string processingBuffer = processingBufferJobDir;
            int    port             = monitorData.JobPortNumber;
            int    cpuCores         = StaticClass.IniData.CPUCores;
            CommandLineGenerator cmdLineGenerator = new CommandLineGenerator(
                executable, processingBuffer, port, cpuCores);

            if (cmdLineGenerator == null)
                StaticClass.Logger.LogError("JobRunThread cmdLineGenerator failed to instantiate");
            Process modelerProcess = cmdLineGenerator.ExecuteCommand(job);

            // Register with the Processing File Watcher class and start its thread
            ProcessingFileWatcherThread processingFileWatcher = new ProcessingFileWatcherThread(processingBufferJobDir, monitorData);

            if (processingFileWatcher == null)
                StaticClass.Logger.LogError("JobRunThread ProcessingFileWatch failed to instantiate");

            // Start the TCP/IP Communications thread before checking for Processing job files
            TcpIpListenThread tcpIpThread = new TcpIpListenThread(monitorData);

            if (tcpIpThread == null)
                StaticClass.Logger.LogError("ProcessingFileWatcherThread tcpIpThread failed to instantiate");

            // Add entry to status list
            StaticClass.StatusDataEntry(job, JobStatus.MONITORING_PROCESSING, JobType.TIME_START);

            // Wait 45 seconds for Modeler to get started before reading it's information

            // Display the Modeler Process information
            DisplayProcessInfo(job, modelerProcess);

            // Wait for the Processing job scan complete or shut down
                if (StaticClass.ShutDownPauseCheck("Run Job") == true)

            }while ((StaticClass.ProcessingJobScanComplete[job] == false) && (StaticClass.JobShutdownFlag[job] == false));

            // Wait to make sure the data.xml is done being handled

            if (StaticClass.JobShutdownFlag[job] == false)
                // Wait for the data.xml file to contain a result
                string dataXmlFileName = processingBufferJobDir + @"\" + "data.xml";
                if (OverallResultEntryCheck(dataXmlFileName) == true)
                    StaticClass.Log(string.Format("Overall Results check confirmed for Job {0} at {1:HH:mm:ss.fff}",
                                                  job, DateTime.Now));
                    StaticClass.Log(string.Format("Overall Results check failed for Job {0} at {1:HH:mm:ss.fff}",
                                                  job, DateTime.Now));

            // Make sure Modeler Process is stopped
            if (StaticClass.ProcessHandles[job].HasExited == false)
                StaticClass.Log(string.Format("Shutting down Modeler Executable for Job {0} at {1:HH:mm:ss.fff}",
                                              job, DateTime.Now));


                // Wait for Process to end

            // Run the Job Complete handler
            RunJobFileProcessing(job, monitorData);

            // Add entry to status list
            StaticClass.StatusDataEntry(job, JobStatus.COMPLETE, JobType.TIME_COMPLETE);

            // Show Job Complete message
            TimeSpan timeSpan = DateTime.Now - StaticClass.JobStartTime[job];

            StaticClass.Log(string.Format("Job {0} Complete taking {1:hh\\:mm\\:ss}. Decrementing Job count to {2} at {3:HH:mm:ss.fff}",
                                          job, timeSpan, StaticClass.NumberOfJobsExecuting - 1, DateTime.Now));

            // Decrement the number of Jobs executing in one place!
コード例 #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Job Run Thread constructor obtains the state information
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dirScanType"></param>
 /// <param name="jobXmlData"></param>
 public JobRunThread(JobXmlData jobXmlData, DirectoryScanType dirScanType)
     DirScanType   = dirScanType;
     JobRunXmlData = jobXmlData;