static void OriginalMain() { var done = false; var sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); for (var i = 0; i < N; i++) { var jintEngine = new Jint.Engine(); jintEngine.Execute(currentScript); done = jintEngine.GetValue("done").AsBoolean(); } sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("jint: " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / N + " - " + done); done = false; sw.Restart(); for (var i = 0; i < N; i++) { var ironjsEngine = new IronJS.Hosting.CSharp.Context(); ironjsEngine.Execute(currentScript); done = ironjsEngine.GetGlobalAs<bool>("done"); } sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("ironjs: " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / N + " - " + done); done = false; sw.Restart(); for (var i = 0; i < N; i++) { using (var jsNetEngine = new Noesis.Javascript.JavascriptContext()) { jsNetEngine.Run(currentScript); done = (bool)jsNetEngine.GetParameter("done"); } } sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(" " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / N + " - " + done); done = false; sw.Restart(); for (var i = 0; i < N; i++) { var jurassicEngine = new Jurassic.ScriptEngine(); jurassicEngine.Execute(currentScript); done = jurassicEngine.GetGlobalValue<bool>("done"); } sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("jurassic: " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / N + " - " + done); done = false; sw.Restart(); for (var i = 0; i < N; i++) { using (var clearscriptV8 = new Microsoft.ClearScript.V8.V8ScriptEngine()) { clearscriptV8.Execute(currentScript); done = clearscriptV8.Script.done; } } sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("clearscriptV8: " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / N + " - " + done); done = false; sw.Restart(); using (var clearscriptV8 = new Microsoft.ClearScript.V8.V8Runtime()) { var compiled = clearscriptV8.Compile(currentScript); for (var i = 0; i < N; i++) { using (var engine = clearscriptV8.CreateScriptEngine()) { engine.Evaluate(compiled); done = engine.Script.done; } } } sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("clearscriptV8 compiled: " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / N + " - " + done); done = false; sw.Restart(); for (var i = 0; i < N; i++) { var nilcontext = new NiL.JS.Core.Context(); nilcontext.Eval(currentScript); done = (bool)nilcontext.GetVariable("done"); } sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("niljs: " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / N + " - " + done); Console.Read(); }
void RunScript(string script, bool isDevServer, ReactScript scriptObj, List <TextAsset> preload = null, Action callback = null) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(script)) { return; } Clean(); if (engine == null) { CreateEngine(); } unityContext = new UnityUGUIContext(Root, engine, Globals, scriptObj, isDevServer); CreateLocation(engine, scriptObj); List <Action> callbacks = new List <Action>() { callback }; engine.SetValue("addEventListener", new Action <string, Action>((e, f) => { if (e == "DOMContentLoaded") { callbacks.Add(f); } })); engine.SetValue("Unity", new ReactUnityAPI(engine)); engine.SetValue("RootContainer", unityContext.Host); engine.SetValue("Globals", Globals); try { if (preload != null) { preload.ForEach(x => engine.Execute(x.text)); } engine.Execute(script); callbacks.ForEach(x => x?.Invoke()); } catch (ParserException ex) { Debug.LogError($"Parser exception in line {ex.LineNumber} column {ex.Column}"); Debug.LogException(ex); } catch (Jint.Runtime.JavaScriptException ex) { Debug.LogError($"JS exception in line {ex.LineNumber} column {ex.Column}"); Debug.LogException(ex); } catch (Jint.Runtime.JintException ex) { Debug.LogException(ex); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogException(ex); } }
protected override object InnerEvaluate(string expression) { OriginalJsValue resultValue; try { resultValue = _jsEngine.Execute(expression).GetCompletionValue(); } catch (OriginalParserException e) { throw ConvertParserExceptionToJsRuntimeException(e); } catch (OriginalJsException e) { throw ConvertJavaScriptExceptionToJsRuntimeException(e); } catch (OriginalRecursionDepthOverflowException e) { throw ConvertRecursionDepthOverflowExceptionToJsRuntimeException(e); } catch (OriginalStatementsCountOverflowException e) { throw ConvertStatementsCountOverflowExceptionToJsRuntimeException(e); } catch (TimeoutException e) { throw ConvertTimeoutExceptionToJsRuntimeException(e); } object result = MapToHostType(resultValue); return(result); }
void CreatePolyfills(Jint.Engine engine) { // Load polyfills engine.Execute(Resources.Load <TextAsset>("ReactUnity/polyfills/promise").text); engine.Execute(Resources.Load <TextAsset>("ReactUnity/polyfills/base64").text); engine.Execute(Resources.Load <TextAsset>("ReactUnity/polyfills/fetch").text); }
public Task OnEventAsync(GameEvent E, Server S) { lock (ScriptEngine) { ScriptEngine.SetValue("_gameEvent", E); ScriptEngine.SetValue("_server", S); ScriptEngine.SetValue("_IW4MAdminClient", Utilities.IW4MAdminClient(S)); return(Task.FromResult(ScriptEngine.Execute("plugin.onEventAsync(_gameEvent, _server)").GetCompletionValue())); } }
/// <summary> /// 获取好友列表时计算的Hash参数 v2014.06.14更新 /// </summary> /// <param name="uin"></param> /// <param name="ptwebqq"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static string GetHash(string uin, string ptwebqq) { const string url = ""; var js = Resource.LoadResourceAsync("hash.js", url, item => item.ToString(Encoding.UTF8)).Result; object[] args = { uin, ptwebqq }; var code = string.Format("hash('{0}','{1}')", args); var engine = new Jint.Engine(); engine.Execute(js); var s = engine.Execute(code).GetCompletionValue().AsString(); return s; }
private static string RsaQQ(long uin, string password, string verifyCode) { var js = Resource.LoadLocalResource("encrypt.js", stream => stream.ToString(Encoding.UTF8)); object[] args = { password, uin, verifyCode.ToUpper(), IsMd5(password).ToString().ToLower() }; var code = string.Format("getEncryption('{0}','{1}','{2}',{3})", args); var engine = new Jint.Engine(); engine.Execute(js); var s = engine.Execute(code).GetCompletionValue().AsString(); return(s); }
void CreateLocation(Jint.Engine engine) { engine.SetValue("location", context.Location); engine.Execute(@"WebSocket = function(url) { return new WebSocket.original(Context, url); }"); engine.Execute(@"XMLHttpRequest = function() { return new XMLHttpRequest.original(Context, location.origin); }"); (engine.GetValue(@"WebSocket") as FunctionInstance) .FastSetProperty("original", new Jint.Runtime.Descriptors.PropertyDescriptor(TypeReference.CreateTypeReference(engine, typeof(WebSocketProxy)), false, false, false)); (engine.GetValue(@"XMLHttpRequest") as FunctionInstance) .FastSetProperty("original", new Jint.Runtime.Descriptors.PropertyDescriptor(TypeReference.CreateTypeReference(engine, typeof(XMLHttpRequest)), false, false, false)); engine.SetValue("document", new DocumentProxy(context, this.ExecuteScript, context.Location.origin)); }
void CreateScheduler(Jint.Engine engine) { scheduler = new UnityScheduler(); engine.SetValue("UnityScheduler", scheduler); engine.Execute("global.setTimeout = function setTimeout(fun, delay) { return UnityScheduler.setTimeout(new Callback(fun), delay); }"); engine.Execute("global.setInterval = function setInterval(fun, delay) { return UnityScheduler.setInterval(new Callback(fun), delay); }"); engine.Execute("global.setImmediate = function setImmediate(fun) { return UnityScheduler.setImmediate(new Callback(fun)); }"); engine.Execute("global.requestAnimationFrame = function requestAnimationFrame(fun) { return UnityScheduler.requestAnimationFrame(new Callback(fun)); }"); engine.SetValue("clearTimeout", new Action <int?>(scheduler.clearTimeout)); engine.SetValue("clearInterval", new Action <int?>(scheduler.clearInterval)); engine.SetValue("clearImmediate", new Action <int?>(scheduler.clearImmediate)); engine.SetValue("cancelAnimationFrame", new Action <int?>(scheduler.cancelAnimationFrame)); }
void CreateEngine() { engine = new Jint.Engine(x => { x.AllowClr( typeof(System.Convert).Assembly, #if UNITY_EDITOR typeof(UnityEditor.EditorWindow).Assembly, typeof(UnityEngine.GUILayout).Assembly, typeof(UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleLength).Assembly, #endif typeof(UnityEngine.Vector3).Assembly, typeof(UnityEngine.Component).Assembly, typeof(ReactUnityRunner).Assembly ); x.CatchClrExceptions(ex => { Debug.LogException(ex); return(true); }); }); engine.SetValue("log", new Func <object, object>((x) => { Debug.Log(x); return(x); })); engine.Execute("__dirname = '';"); engine.Execute("WeakMap = Map;"); engine.Execute("globalThis = global = window = parent = this;"); engine.Execute("setTimeout = setInterval = clearTimeout = clearInterval = null;"); engine.Execute("btoa = atob = null;"); engine.Execute("process = { env: { NODE_ENV: 'production' }, argv: [], on: () => {} };"); engine.SetValue("Engine", engine); engine.SetValue("Callback", typeof(Callback)); CreateConsole(engine); CreateLocalStorage(engine); CreateScheduler(engine, context); engine.SetValue("importType", new ClrFunctionInstance( engine, "importType", func: (thisObj, arguments) => TypeReference.CreateTypeReference(engine, ReflectionHelpers.FindType(TypeConverter.ToString(arguments.At(0)), arguments.Length > 1 ? TypeConverter.ToBoolean(arguments.At(1)) : false)))); engine.SetValue("UnityEngine", new Jint.Runtime.Interop.NamespaceReference(engine, "UnityEngine")); engine.SetValue("ReactUnity", new Jint.Runtime.Interop.NamespaceReference(engine, "ReactUnity")); engine.SetValue("Facebook", new Jint.Runtime.Interop.NamespaceReference(engine, "Facebook")); #if UNITY_EDITOR engine.SetValue("UnityEditor", new Jint.Runtime.Interop.NamespaceReference(engine, "UnityEditor")); #endif // Load polyfills engine.Execute(Resources.Load <TextAsset>("ReactUnity/polyfills/promise").text); engine.Execute(Resources.Load <TextAsset>("ReactUnity/polyfills/base64").text); engine.Execute(Resources.Load <TextAsset>("ReactUnity/polyfills/fetch").text); }
/// <summary> /// 获取好友列表时计算的Hash参数 v2014.06.14更新 /// </summary> /// <param name="uin"></param> /// <param name="ptwebqq"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static string GetHash(string uin, string ptwebqq) { const string url = ""; var js = Resource.LoadResourceAsync("hash.js", url, item => item.ToString(Encoding.UTF8)).Result; object[] args = { uin, ptwebqq }; var code = string.Format("hash('{0}','{1}')", args); var engine = new Jint.Engine(); engine.Execute(js); var s = engine.Execute(code).GetCompletionValue().AsString(); return(s); }
public void string_add() { var engine = new Jint.Engine(); // load js engine.Execute(js); var answer = engine .Execute("stradd(1,2);") .GetCompletionValue() .ToObject() .ToString(); answer.Should().Be("1 2"); }
void CreateLocation(Jint.Engine engine) { var location = new DomProxies.Location(context); engine.SetValue("location", location); #if UNITY_EDITOR || REACT_DEV_SERVER_API engine.SetValue("ctx", context); engine.SetValue("oldWebSocket", typeof(WebSocketProxy)); engine.Execute(@"WebSocket = function() { return new oldWebSocket(ctx, ...arguments); }"); engine.SetValue("oldXMLHttpRequest", typeof(XMLHttpRequest)); engine.Execute(@"XMLHttpRequest = function() { return new oldXMLHttpRequest('" + location.origin + @"'); }"); #endif engine.SetValue("document", new DocumentProxy(context, this.ExecuteScript, location.origin)); }
public static void Test() { string pacFile = @"D:\username\Downloads\PacProxyUsage_src\Proxy.pac"; System.Uri uri = new System.Uri(""); string proxy = null; Jint.Engine engine = new Jint.Engine() .SetValue("dnsResolve", new System.Func <string, string>(dnsResolve)) .SetValue("isInNet", new System.Func <string, string, string, bool>(isInNet)) .SetValue("isPlainHostName", new System.Func <string, string>(dnsResolve)) .SetValue("localHostOrDomainIs", new System.Func <string, string>(dnsResolve)) .SetValue("dnsDomainIs", new System.Func <string, string>(dnsResolve)) .SetValue("myIpAddress", new System.Func <string, string>(dnsResolve)) //.SetValue("log", new System.Action<object>(Console.WriteLine)) // .SetValue("log", new System.Action<string>(delegate (object obj) { System.Console.WriteLine(obj); })) .SetValue("getProxy", new System.Action <string>(delegate(string obj) { proxy = obj; })) ; string script = null; using (System.IO.StreamReader streamReader = new System.IO.StreamReader(pacFile)) { script = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); streamReader.Close(); } engine.Execute(script); // engine.Execute(string.Format(@"getProxy(FindProxyForURL('{0}', '{1}'));", uri.Authority, uri.Host)); System.Console.WriteLine(proxy); // engine.Execute(@" // log(dnsResolve('')); // log(isInNet('', '', '')); // log(isInNet('', '', '')); // log(isInNet('', '', '')); // log(isInNet('', '', '')); // log(isInNet('', '', '')); // "); //Console.Read(); }
public void SetScrypt(string js) { jint = new Jint.Engine(); jint.SetValue("Alignment_Mob", Alignment.Mob); jint.SetValue("Alignment_Player", Alignment.Player); jint.Execute(js); }
static void basics() { var engine = new Jint.Engine(); engine.SetValue("log", new Action <object>(Console.WriteLine)); engine.Execute("log('hello from Jint')"); engine.Execute("var foo = 'bar';"); engine.Execute("log(foo)"); engine.Execute(@" var array = [ 1, 2, 3 ]; var array2 = array.filter(function(i) { return i > 1; }); log('filtered array length: ' + array2.length); "); }
public void JintCanAccessGame() { // This is a less valid test now vs. when we were using Moonsharp/Lua. Then, // we were testing that the classes were registered correctly in the script // engine, now, we're just sort of testing that Jint works. var script = new Jint.Engine(); script.Execute(@" function fireGameEvent(events, game) { events.RoundStart_Fire(game); } "); var game = new Game(); bool fired = false; GameEvents.Instance.RoundStart += g => { fired = true; Assert.AreEqual(game, g); }; script.Invoke("fireGameEvent", GameEvents.Instance, game); Assert.IsTrue(fired); }
public void LoadFile(string fileName, bool immediateExecute) { try { _logger.LogInformation($"Loading file {fileName}..."); _filesContents.Add(fileName, File.ReadAllText(fileName)); if (immediateExecute) { _engine.Execute(_filesContents[fileName]); } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError($"Error during load file {fileName} => {ex}"); } }
public void Run_Code(FrmApp pApp, string run_codestr1) { p_Engine = new Jint.Engine(); //非静态变量 p_Engine.SetValue("s_sys", pApp.pSYS); p_Engine.SetValue("s_ui", pApp.pUI); //静态变量,只有一个 p_Engine.SetValue("s_tcp", FrmApp.pTCP); p_Engine.SetValue("s_index", FrmApp.pIndex);// new C_Index(pApp)); //其他 p_Engine.SetValue("s_math", new S_Math()); p_Engine.SetValue("s_string", new C_String()); p_Engine.SetValue("s_net", new C_Net(pApp)); p_Engine.SetValue("s_time", pApp.pTime); p_Engine.SetValue("s_xml", new C_XML()); p_Engine.SetValue("s_file", new C_File(pApp)); p_Engine.SetValue("s_au3", new C_AU3(pApp)); try { p_Engine.Execute(run_codestr1); } catch (Exception eee) { MessageBox.Show("error in script run:" + eee.Message + eee.StackTrace); } }
/// <summary> /// Executes the provided string on the Javascript engine. /// </summary> /// <param name="script">The script to execute.</param> /// <param name="safe">Whether to run the script safely.</param> /// <returns></returns> public object RunScript(string script, bool safe = true) { if (safe) { script = "(function () { return " + script + "; })()"; } try { // Run the script and get the response. object scriptResponse = _interpreter.Execute(script).GetCompletionValue(); // If it isn't empty log it. if (scriptResponse != null) { Debugger.Log(MessageType.Info, MessageSource.ScriptingEngine, "Script executed, result: " + scriptResponse); } // Return the response. return(scriptResponse); } catch (Exception ex) { // Check if timeout, and if not throw an exception. if (ex.Message != "The operation has timed out." && Context.Settings.StrictScripts) { throw ex; } Debugger.Log(MessageType.Error, MessageSource.ScriptingEngine, "Scripting error: " + ex); Debugger.Log(MessageType.Error, MessageSource.ScriptingEngine, " " + script); return(null); } }
public bool Process(FileInfo file) { Jint.Engine engine = new Jint.Engine(cfg => cfg.AllowClr( Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(TagLib.File)) )); engine.SetValue("file", file); var delegates = ProcessorExtensions.Delegates; foreach (Delegate dele in delegates) { engine.SetValue(dele.Method.Name, dele); } try { Jint.Engine proceed = engine.Execute(Script); return(proceed.GetCompletionValue().AsBoolean()); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); return(false); } }
private static void Router_Jint(Client Sender, RouteEventArgs E) { string FilePath = Path.Combine(WebDirectory, E.Request.Path.TrimStart('/')); Boolean Exists = File.Exists(FilePath); Boolean WithinDir = Path.GetFullPath(FilePath).Contains(WebDirectory); Boolean IsDir = Directory.Exists(FilePath); if (!(Exists && WithinDir && !IsDir)) { Sender.Send(Response.SendStatus(400)); return; } //Sender.Send(Response.SendFile(FilePath, false)); string JS = File.ReadAllText(E.Request.Path); Jint.Engine Engine = new Jint.Engine(cfg => cfg.AllowClr(typeof(Server).Assembly).CatchClrExceptions()); Engine.SetValue("Request", E.Request); Engine.SetValue("Response", new Response()); /* try * { * Engine.Execute(JS); * } * catch (Exception Ex) * { * Console.WriteLine("Uncaught exception! " + Ex.Message); * * Req.Client.Send(Response.SendText("500 - Internal Error").GetBytes()); * }*/ Engine.Execute(JS); }
public static object ExeConfig(Models.Code code, WebSite site) { RenderContext context = new RenderContext(); context.WebSite = site; var engine = new Jint.Engine(JintSetting.SetOption); var kcontext = new k(context); engine.SetValue("k", kcontext); var k = engine.GetValue("k"); kcontext.ReturnValues.Clear(); try { engine.Execute(code.Config); } catch (System.Exception ex) { } if (kcontext.ReturnValues.Count() > 0) { return(kcontext.ReturnValues.Last()); } return(null); }
static void classAccessExceptions() { var engine = new Jint.Engine(); var someObj = new SomeClass(21, "12"); engine.SetValue("someObj", someObj); engine.SetValue("callback", new Action <string>(s => { Console.WriteLine($"callback from js: {s}"); })); void runJs(string js) { try { engine.Execute(js); Console.WriteLine($"script <{js}> ran without issue"); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"script <{js}> threw {e.GetType()}: {e.Message}"); } } runJs("callback(someObj)"); runJs("callback(someObj.privateReadonlyString"); runJs("someObj.publicReadonlyString = 'foo'"); runJs("callback(someObj.publicReadonlyString)"); Console.WriteLine($"someObj.publicReadonlyString: {someObj.publicReadonlyString}"); }
/* you must add this inside < Project > tag in your .csproj file * <ItemGroup> * <PackageReference Include="Jint" Version="3.0.0-beta-1828"/> * </ItemGroup> */ public DartConnector(string sourcePath) { engine = new Jint.Engine(); engine.SetValue("CS_GD__Print", new Action <object>(o => GD.Print(o))); engine.SetValue("print", new Action <object>(o => GD.Print(o))); engine.SetValue("self", "this"); engine.Execute(new StreamReader(sourcePath).ReadToEnd()); }
public async Task Initialize(IManager mgr) { bool firstRun = ScriptEngine == null; // it's been loaded before so we need to call the unload event if (!firstRun) { await OnUnloadAsync(); } Manager = mgr; string script; using (var stream = new FileStream(FileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite)) { using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream, Encoding.Default)) { script = await reader.ReadToEndAsync(); } } ScriptEngine = new Jint.Engine(cfg => cfg.AllowClr(new[] { typeof(System.Net.Http.HttpClient).Assembly, typeof(EFClient).Assembly, }) .CatchClrExceptions()); ScriptEngine.Execute(script); ScriptEngine.SetValue("_localization", Utilities.CurrentLocalization); dynamic pluginObject = ScriptEngine.GetValue("plugin").ToObject(); this.Author =; this.Name =; this.Version = (float)pluginObject.version; try { if (pluginObject.isParser) { await OnLoadAsync(mgr); IEventParser eventParser = (IEventParser)ScriptEngine.GetValue("eventParser").ToObject(); IRConParser rconParser = (IRConParser)ScriptEngine.GetValue("rconParser").ToObject(); Manager.AdditionalEventParsers.Add(eventParser); Manager.AdditionalRConParsers.Add(rconParser); } } catch { } if (!firstRun) { await OnLoadAsync(mgr); } }
protected override object InnerEvaluate(string expression, string documentName) { object result; string uniqueDocumentName = _documentNameManager.GetUniqueName(documentName); lock (_executionSynchronizer) { OriginalValue resultValue; try { var parserOptions = new OriginalParserOptions { Source = uniqueDocumentName }; resultValue = _jsEngine.Execute(expression, parserOptions).GetCompletionValue(); } catch (OriginalParserException e) { throw WrapParserException(e); } catch (OriginalJavaScriptException e) { throw WrapJavaScriptException(e); } catch (OriginalRecursionDepthOverflowException e) { throw WrapRecursionDepthOverflowException(e); } catch (OriginalStatementsCountOverflowException e) { throw WrapStatementsCountOverflowException(e); } catch (TimeoutException e) { throw WrapTimeoutException(e); } result = MapToHostType(resultValue); } return(result); }
public void Import(string path) { // TODO: IO Manager string folderPath = PackageManager.GetAssetsFolder(gameMetadata); string fullPath = Path.Combine(folderPath, path); string jsCode = File.ReadAllText(fullPath); engine.Execute(jsCode); }
private static async Task Run(string url) { var baseUrl = new Uri(url); var configUrl = new Uri(baseUrl, "standalone/config.js"); var configJs = await LoadStringAsync(configUrl.ToString()); var engine = new JintEngine(); engine.Execute(configJs); var urlObj = engine.Global.GetObject("config").url; var configurationUrl = new Uri(baseUrl, urlObj.configuration); var configurationJson = await LoadStringAsync(configurationUrl.ToString()); var configuration = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ConfigurationModel>(configurationJson); string updateUrlFormat = ((string)urlObj.update).Replace("{world}", "{0}").Replace("{timestamp}", "{1}"); var update = new UpdateModel { timestamp = 0 }; while (true) { var updateUrl = new Uri(baseUrl, string.Format(updateUrlFormat, "Main", update.timestamp)); var updateJson = await LoadStringAsync(updateUrl.ToString()); update = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <UpdateModel>(updateJson); foreach (var updateData in update.updates) { switch (updateData.type) { case "tile": continue; case "playerjoin": case "playerquit": Console.WriteLine($"[{DateTime.Now:dd HH:mm:ss}] {updateData.type} {updateData.playerName}"); break; case "chat": Console.WriteLine($"[{DateTime.Now:dd HH:mm:ss}] {updateData.playerName}({updateData.source}): {updateData.message}"); break; default: Console.WriteLine($"[{DateTime.Now:dd HH:mm:ss}] {updateData.type}"); break; } } await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(configuration.updaterate)); } }
static void exceptions() { var engine = new Jint.Engine(); try { engine.Execute("not_a_function()"); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"caught expected exception: {e.Message}, {e.GetType()}"); } }
void CreateLocation(Jint.Engine engine, ReactScript script) { var location = new DomProxies.Location(script.SourceLocation, Restart); engine.SetValue("location", location); #if UNITY_EDITOR engine.SetValue("WebSocket", typeof(WebSocketProxy)); engine.SetValue("oldXMLHttpRequest", typeof(XMLHttpRequest)); engine.Execute(@"XMLHttpRequest = function() { return new oldXMLHttpRequest('" + location.origin + @"'); }"); #endif engine.SetValue("document", new DocumentProxy(unityContext, this, location.origin)); }
static void listOperations() { var engine = new Jint.Engine(); var list = new List <SomeClass> { new SomeClass(20, "twenty"), new SomeClass(-20, "negative twenty"), new SomeClass(0, "zero") }; IList <SomeClass> ilist = list; engine.SetValue("log", new Action <object>(Console.WriteLine)); engine.SetValue("rng", new kaiGameUtil.RNG(2111)); engine.SetValue("list", list); engine.SetValue("ilist", ilist); engine.Execute(@" log('testing random list operations:'); log(typeof(list)); log(list[0].publicNum); let count = list.Count; let newArray = []; for (let i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (list[i].publicNum >= 0) { newArray.push(list[i]); } } log('filtered: ' + newArray.length); function rngArray(a) { return a[ rng.Next(0, a.length - 1) ].publicNum; } for (let i = 0; i < 20; ++i) log('more rng: ' + rng.Next(0, 3)); "); engine.SetValue("listArray", list.ToArray()); engine.Execute(@" log('testing using list as array'); log('listArray.length: ' + listArray.length); listArray = listArray.filter(function(i) { return i.publicNum >= 0 }); log('filtered length: ' + listArray.length); "); }
/// <summary> /// Tries to return a webclient with the neccessary cookies installed to do requests for a cloudflare protected website. /// </summary> /// <param name="url">The page which is behind cloudflare's anti-dDoS protection</param> /// <returns>A WebClient object or null on failure</returns> public static WebClientEx CreateBypassedWebClient(string url) { var JSEngine = new Jint.Engine(); //Use this JavaScript engine to compute the result. //Download the original page var uri = new Uri(url); HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url); req.UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:40.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/40.0"; //Try to make the usual request first. If this fails with a 503, the page is behind cloudflare. try { var res = req.GetResponse(); string html = ""; using (var reader = new StreamReader(res.GetResponseStream())) html = reader.ReadToEnd(); return new WebClientEx(); } catch (WebException ex) //We usually get this because of a 503 service not available. { string html = ""; using (var reader = new StreamReader(ex.Response.GetResponseStream())) html = reader.ReadToEnd(); //If we get on the landing page, Cloudflare gives us a User-ID token with the cookie. We need to save that and use it in the next request. var cookie_container = new CookieContainer(); //using a custom function because ex.Response.Cookies returns an empty set ALTHOUGH cookies were sent back. var initial_cookies = GetAllCookiesFromHeader(ex.Response.Headers["Set-Cookie"], uri.Host); foreach (Cookie init_cookie in initial_cookies) cookie_container.Add(init_cookie); /* solve the actual challenge with a bunch of RegEx's. Copy-Pasted from the python scrapper version.*/ var challenge = Regex.Match(html, "name=\"jschl_vc\" value=\"(\\w+)\"").Groups[1].Value; var challenge_pass = Regex.Match(html, "name=\"pass\" value=\"(.+?)\"").Groups[1].Value; var builder = Regex.Match(html, @"setTimeout\(function\(\){\s+(var t,r,a,f.+?\r?\n[\s\S]+?a\.value =.+?)\r?\n").Groups[1].Value; builder = Regex.Replace(builder, @"a\.value =(.+?) \+ .+?;", "$1"); builder = Regex.Replace(builder, @"\s{3,}[a-z](?: = |\.).+", ""); //Format the javascript.. builder = Regex.Replace(builder, @"[\n\\']", ""); //Execute it. long solved = long.Parse(JSEngine.Execute(builder).GetCompletionValue().ToObject().ToString()); solved += uri.Host.Length; //add the length of the domain to it. Console.WriteLine("***** SOLVED CHALLENGE ******: " + solved); Thread.Sleep(3000); //This sleeping IS requiered or cloudflare will not give you the token!! //Retreive the cookies. Prepare the URL for cookie exfiltration. string cookie_url = string.Format("{0}://{1}/cdn-cgi/l/chk_jschl", uri.Scheme, uri.Host); var uri_builder = new UriBuilder(cookie_url); var query = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(uri_builder.Query); //Add our answers to the GET query query["jschl_vc"] = challenge; query["jschl_answer"] = solved.ToString(); query["pass"] = challenge_pass; uri_builder.Query = query.ToString(); //Create the actual request to get the security clearance cookie HttpWebRequest cookie_req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(uri_builder.Uri); cookie_req.AllowAutoRedirect = false; cookie_req.CookieContainer = cookie_container; cookie_req.Referer = url; cookie_req.UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:40.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/40.0"; //We assume that this request goes through well, so no try-catch var cookie_resp = (HttpWebResponse)cookie_req.GetResponse(); //The response *should* contain the security clearance cookie! if (cookie_resp.Cookies.Count != 0) //first check if the HttpWebResponse has picked up the cookie. foreach (Cookie cookie in cookie_resp.Cookies) cookie_container.Add(cookie); else //otherwise, use the custom function again { //the cookie we *hopefully* received here is the cloudflare security clearance token. if (cookie_resp.Headers["Set-Cookie"] != null) { var cookies_parsed = GetAllCookiesFromHeader(cookie_resp.Headers["Set-Cookie"], uri.Host); foreach (Cookie cookie in cookies_parsed) cookie_container.Add(cookie); } else { //No security clearence? something went wrong.. return null. //Console.WriteLine("MASSIVE ERROR: COULDN'T GET CLOUDFLARE CLEARANCE!"); return null; } } //Create a custom webclient with the two cookies we already acquired. WebClientEx modedWebClient = new WebClientEx(cookie_container); modedWebClient.Headers.Add("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:40.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/40.0"); modedWebClient.Headers.Add("Referer", url); return modedWebClient; } }
private static void ExecuteWithJint(Test test) { Execute("jint", test, () => { var jintEngine = new Jint.Engine(); jintEngine.Execute(test.Content); }); }
private static string RsaQQ(long uin, string password, string verifyCode) { var js = Resource.LoadLocalResource("encrypt.js", stream => stream.ToString(Encoding.UTF8)); object[] args = { password, uin, verifyCode.ToUpper(), IsMd5(password).ToString().ToLower() }; var code = string.Format("getEncryption('{0}','{1}','{2}',{3})", args); var engine = new Jint.Engine(); engine.Execute(js); var s = engine.Execute(code).GetCompletionValue().AsString(); return s; }